Report abuse > Filing a complaint
We don’t do any censorship. SeniorenNet is a provider. We only deliver free services to visitors. We are only a middleman. SeniorenNet places only the information that users submits to their blogs.
“The notifier of any abuse needs to contact primarily the content provider”. The content provider is in this case the blogger (visitor) or organization that submitted the text on the blog. Not SeniorenNet, we are only provider.
“The responsibility of a complaint notice is at the notifier”
We realize it is sometimes frustrating and unpleasant if a visitor violates any of your rights. A simple e-mail is NOT enough to report abuse. Complaints reported in any other way than the official Notice & Takedown procedure are NOT accepted and will not have any further action from us. It is then no notification of any abuse. Please follow procedure very accurately.
Click on the link what you want to report: