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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Noris fittingen
    "The Noris had been founded by Karoly Engel in 1885. The first office founded in the downtown of Budapest, in the 6th district. It started like a trade shop: it sold electricity products from the Germany, for example coal brush by Conradty company (from Nürnberg). A few years later Karoly Engel set up a repairer workshop, so the number of the employees raised to 20-25 employees from 2-3. In 1906 Pal Holischer had bought the company, when he expand the scope of business. The company moved to a bigger house. On the ground floor there were the shop and the store. On the first floor employees repaired the electricity test indicator, and calibrated them. On the second floor there was the repairer workshop, where they made for example switch-panels. Along this time the company gained the agent for some west-european - especially german – countries. Noris sold their products in Hungary. Between 1920 and 1940 the company bought into eass-european companies: Belgrad, Zagrab, Bukarest, Prag. (Collective noun: Noris) By 1936 the company could make all kind of products what we could see in that decade. They privileged the training of the employees. In the II. World War the company produced military products too. In 1948 the company got into the Government's ownership. The company new name was: Factory of Electricity Products and Materials (hungarian: Elektromos Készülékek és Anyagok Gyára). In 1949 they fused another little companies. In 1950 the company new name was: Factory of Electricity Instrument (hungarian: Elektromos Készülékek és Méro´´mu´´szerek Gyára)"

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