For example, the first transistors were of such magnitude that they could take your fingers, today nobody is surprised that a modern computer processor is made up of millions of transistors, manufactured on 45-nm production methods.Following the miniaturization of electronic components and electromechanical devices affected Despite the fact that the behavior of mechanical devices in the same macro-and microworld are different, the efforts of scientists and engineers led to the creation of «microelectromechanical systems» - MEMS, which are already widely used, even in the home (in the form of sensors, gyroscopes and accelerometers).
Well, an interesting compilation of facts and information
Well, an interesting compilation of facts and information on the use of nanotechnology, nanoparticles, etc. in the field of medicine ... But it's good to educate people. Much better would be, in my opinion, if this whole deal with our doctors, biologists and physiology. Moreover, not only dedicated to research, but also quickly introduced to the research findings into medical practice, helping the body cope successfully with the patient's ailment ... So the success he and the new achievements! ..The highest technology in Germany by young scientists from Russia.
Priority NPC: nanoprodukty hydrogen and substantially
Priority NPC: nanoprodukty hydrogen and substantially cheaper, are manufactured in a continuous mode at normal atmospheric pressure and T = 20-80 ° C - tons, dozens, hundreds of tons of plants for the Russian Federation.To date, production technology nanobemita purity 99998% in Russia is not represented, and all raw materials imported from abroad at high prices Technology is applicable for the production of particularly pure NANOPOWDER oxides of copper, nickel, cadmium, tungsten, tin and lead This strategic nanomaterials have a positive impact on industrial products Aluminum oxide, produced in «Alambik A» has the certificate Giredmeta, a crystal grown from the Institute of Cristallography of Shubnikov striking purity and size.
The Fund raised a few years ago with a rather unexpected circumstances, which have been privatized, local energy, "- says one of its leaders, Andreas Weber. - Gain from the sale of three billion euros, but this amount was required to pay a huge tax. And the head of the Cabinet of Ministers of the land decided that the money will be spent on the development of science, and this is according to our laws exempt from taxes. Minister criticized a lot by offering to send money to a variety of purposes, in particular, social, but he was strong - in science. Although this is a big responsibility and headache, the decision was taken.But how to divide the money pie? How to choose a worthy objective of scientists from many candidates? The founding fathers of the fund decided to invite Varangians: scientific experts, and none of them should work in the institutions of land and a third generally come from abroad The verdict of the independent jury, composed of scientists from around the world, there is no doubt and krivotolkov Money received the most worthy.
Another ancient use of nanotechnology in cosmetics has proved the fact that COLORING MATTER, the Aborigines of Australia used for drawing vivid battle raskrasok, as well as paint for the hair of ancient Greek beauties also contain nanoparticles, providing a very long and stout tingible effect.It has already met many of the open sale of so-called shungitnuyu water manufacturers to assure its unique healing properties, allegedly resulting from exposure to a natural fullerenes Tell you about a little more water The point is that in Karelia near Lake Onega many centuries, there was a source of healing, which is still near the Russian Emperor Peter I ordered to build Russia's first resort «Martsialnye water» People since ancient times used the healing properties of this water The peculiarity of the fact that such water can not keep long - a few hours, it loses its unique properties.
It has already met many of the open sale of so-called shungitnuyu water manufacturers to assure its unique healing properties, allegedly resulting from exposure to a natural fullerenes. Tell you about a little more water. The point is that in Karelia near Lake Onega many centuries, there was a source of healing, which is still near the Russian Emperor Peter I ordered to build Russia's first resort «Martsialnye water». People since ancient times used the healing properties of this water. The peculiarity of the fact that such water can not keep long - a few hours, it loses its unique properties.Carried out in Ukraine and in Karelia, the study showed that Martsialnye water is a consequence of exposure to it fullerenes in the natural minerals - zhung Scientists believe that the origin of shungita most likely resulted from the collapse of a large meteorite carbon Each fullerene molecule is able to generate and retain around a water cluster, the size of which is many times greater than its own diameter .
Negotiations are under way with the Physical-Technical
Negotiations are under way with the Physical-Technical Institute. AF Ioffe (St. Petersburg) on the joint work on new technology. The technology is able to effectively complement existing epitaxial, as will be able to provide high-quality monocrystal substrate for it. The market has long been ready for the emergence of such a product, but lack of funding delayed the development of technology, which should be about 3 years.This year the staff of REC «Nanotechnology» apply for a patent on this method.
In light of this proposal is sufficiently advantageous of Swedish scientists from the company NEMS AB, offers a simple and inexpensive method for the production of NEMS.The basis of the method - matrix arrays, printed on photoresist or plastic, formed with a simple nanolithography After the metal layer on the grating, the researchers were «Template», on the basis of which may prompt the creation of a large number of nanosensorov.
The modern view nanoidei began to acquire the 80-ie
The modern view nanoidei began to acquire the 80-ies of XX century by the works of Eric Drekslera, who also initially seen as science fiction. The term «Nanotechnology» became popular just after the famous book Drekslera «Machines creation». The American scientist has been using the term molecular nanotechnology (MST), or molecular manufacturing, to determine the differences in approaches Nora Taniguchi.In 1984, the Swiss laboratory IBM supermoschnye microscopes were invented, or so-called «nanoscopy», which allows not only to observe atoms, but also the special «nanopintsetami» change their formation in the molecules.
It is ironic to suggest that it is possible to take the mineral (stone) from the same aluminosilicate, grind it, then insist on the water and offer the consumer. Application shungitovoy water must be carried out under strict medical supervision, with a lengthy study of the possible positive and negative effects.At the Federation Council March 19, 2008 Sergei Ivanov said ambiguously that nanotechnology has mastered only mob that had already advertised various nanokremy.