Obviously, there is a lack of exchange of scientific
Obviously, there is a lack of exchange of scientific information between scientists, between institutions. More than 57 research institutes, abandoned research on the use of cheap and extra aluminum oxide, as They have no order from the state and funding for research. SRI justified the lack of orders for such topics, and research funding, the enterprise is focused on the western parts. More than 470 professional companies do not accept proposals for its use, although it can give new products, new consumer goods and the quality of their devices, to increase efficiency and profitability of production. Simple explanations. Existing technology and machinery - the western. His life is not reached, and the term of the contract does not allow to make changes to existing production. Here is an old and steep. And consumers will have a product, or buy in the West.You need to administration - actions to achieve the goals: setting goals, definition of responsibilities, deadlines, monitoring and implementation The state should set specific goals A tool will ROSNANO budget allocation, but no more than that, and A Chubais will travel to the West to buy from them, nanotechnology .
Nano here, where the nano - it catchword now heard from every iron. And especially evident in the posters. And what it is?The application of nanotechnology in medicine - is very promising, some doctors believe Others believe it is a beautiful fairy tale and yet another publicity stunt Clarify the situation took a full member of the Academy of quality problems, PhD, professor of Moscow State University Viktor Balabanov agroinzhenernogo In his book «Nanotechnologies Science the Future », published by« Eksmo », he explains that this is the most« Nano »and how they can use We publish an excerpt from this book.