Vitiligo is very generalized skin condition due the abnormality in the auto immune system of the body. About 1 to 2% of our population is suffering from this condition. There are different type of treatment use for cure of vitiligo.Amongs them Alternative Medicine is very popular and most economic. So this post is for the relationship between vitiligo and alternative medicine.
You will hardly find a mortal who has used a prescription medicine for Vitiligo and is very happy about it, but even if it were successful and gratifying, that does not mean that there can not be other types of remedies which can be effective as well. There are a large number of people who simply would like to refrain harsh chemical substances. For the people who do not feel very comfortable with these chemical products, there are numerous remedies in various disciplines of alternative medicine. These remedies are certainly not less effective if not more. They have other advantages as well!
First of all I would like to count their gentle action. That may appear to be a disadvantage to some people because gentle action may be inferred as slow, but gradual changes in the body systems are always better tolerated and have a more lasting effect. Then the natural remedies have a far less potential of side effects. There is either no side effect at all, or if there are any, they are also slow to appear and can hence be detected at an early stage without significant discomfort or damage.
Herbal and natural remedies in general, are a far cheaper option than the prescription medicine. They are simple to prepare and you hardly ever need the highly expensive professional supervision for their use.
One may ask the very pertinent question then; why the alternative medicines are so much less in use. The answer is simple. The herbal and natural products have to be licensed by drug regulating authorities before marketing if they are to appear in the competitive market of medicine. That involves a lot of money. Humongous amounts need to be spent on pre-launch researches and the like. The industry of alternative medicine simply does not have that big money! Then there are no laws to grant patents for these products to assure the recovery of your investments. Now we come to most important question.
The answer is yes in block letter.
The most important fact about alternative medicine is its solution oriented approach contrary to the problem oriented approach of scientific medicine. Diseases result from a complex interaction of multiple derangement of body systems. The alternative medicines are generally a combination of numerous ingredients which work on different levels with different intensities and tend to solve the problem at every level. The benefit is hence more complete, more logical and more lasting. Prescription medicines on the contrary are generally based on a single ingredient, which targets only a small specific component of the abnormality. No wonder their effects are generally temporary. Herbal medicine focuses also on improving the general health and nutrition of the whole body as well as that of the organ/ component presenting the current problem. That gives it