Ik ben Van Camp Alfons, en gebruik soms ook wel de schuilnaam fonne - ennof - fons - alfons - fonsvc - alfie en ook alfonsvc.
Ik ben een man en woon in Antwerpen (België) en mijn beroep is gepensioneerde politieman.
Ik ben geboren op 29/12/1935 en ben nu dus 89 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: voetbal - genealogie - zwemmen - tennis en geschiedenis en foto's over Antwerpen.
Deel 43 N : wetens -en bezienswaardigheden over -en in ANTWERPEN : standbeelden en beelden Nachtegalenpark - Park Den Brandt - Begraafplaats Schoonselhof en Linkeroever
over -en in ANTWERPEN
"Standbeelden en beelden in het Nachtegalenpark -¨Park Den Brandt
Begraafplaats Schoonselhof en Linkeroever"
Dit deel moet het einde zijn van onze zoektocht naar de standbeelden en beelden in Antwerpen. In ons vorig deel 43 M waren we in de omgeving van het Middelheim, zodat we ons nu begeven in het Nachtegalenpark. Waar we via de Gerard Legrellelaan het park betreden langs café "De Dikke Mee". Teneinde van de dreef komen we aan een grasveld met vijver waarop het beeld
Wist U dat ... ?
- dit een beschermd monument is bij een definitief besluit van 17.12.2002, besluit dat op 22.1.2013 verscheen in het Belgisch Staatsblad.
- dit ter ere werd gemaakt voor de helden bij de slag aan de Ijzer (17-23 okt. 1914) en de gevechten bij Lonbardzijde (4.11.1914).
- er een film "Patria" bestaat, die gaat over de eerste wereldoorlog.
- we volledigheidshalve ook het 17de - 27ste regiment en de 7de vestigingsregiment van WO I vermelden.
- het monument naar een ontwerp is van Antoon De Mol (1891-1962) en Edward Verreycken (1893-1967).
- de dame bovenaan het monument de dame "Patria" met 2 lauwerskransen wordt genoemd.
We verlaten deze omgeving via de bruggetje, wandelen voorbij de speeltuinen en de "melkerij" zodat we aan de voetbalvelden komen, waar vooraan het beeld
Wist U dat ... ?
- Nicolaas Cuperus geboren werd te Antwerpen in 1842 en overleed op 1928
- hij van Friese afkomst was en in feite "de Kuyper" heette.
- dit monument naar een ontwerp is van F. Van den Heede, met medewerking van H. Pick.
- het oorspronkelijk op het Sint-Jansvliet stond aan de kant van de Hoogstraat.
- het ingewijd werd op 16 augustus 1930, 2 jaar na de dood van Cuperus.
- het sinds 1949 in het Nachtegalenpark staat, waar het opnieuw onthuld werd op 15 mei.
- er op de achterkant in het Nederlands en het Frans enkele belangrijke turndata zijn uit zijn leven zijn vermeld zoals "Koninklijke Belgische Turnbond 1865 - Internationale Turnbond 1881 - De turnvaktaal 1885".
- hij de man was die de Sinjoren leerde turnen.
Via de grote dreef die loopt in de richting van de Beukenlaan, die we oversteken, komen we aan de ingang van het park Den Brandt. Vooraan het kasteel het prachtig beeldhouwwerk van de
Wist U dat ... ?
- de groep bestaat uit drie slanke, vrolijke meisjes met modieuze kapsels en eigentijdse op het lichaam gemoduleerde jurken met een breed rondwaaierende brede zoom onder de knieeën.
- het beeld van de beeldhouwer Walter Schott (°Ilsenburg/Hars 1861 - Berlijn 1938) is, en zou afkomstig zijn uit de wereldtentoonstelling van 1910 te Brussel, waar het voor het Duits paviljoen prijkte.
- er op de rand staat : Walter Schott fec(it) en Aktien Gesellschaft Gladenbeck / Berlin-Friedrichshagen. (Fecit betekent vervaardigde).
- deze plaats de favoriete plaats is als decor voor huwelijksreportages.
Mits een mooie wandeling te maken, komen we helemaal achteraan in het park aan het beeld
dat we samen bezochten met ons goede Amerikaanse vriend Wally en de Japanse Yuto, die ons terugvonden via Facebook.
Verder zijn er in deze parken geen standbeelden of beelden te ontdekken, zodat wij nu onze stappen richten richting begraafplaats Schoonselhof.
Hier zijn eveneens prachtige beelden te bekijken, maar we hebben deze reeds besproken in ons deel 29 dd. 12.7.2015. Door gewoon naar de linkerkolom van dit blog te gaan en in het archief de datum juli 2015 kunt U onmiddellijk kennis maken met deze beelden.
Het is er een oase van rust, zodat het een ideale plaats is om even te onthaasten.
Gezien we naar het einde gaan van onze zoektocht naar al die standbeelden en beelden in Antwerpen, mogen we zeker niet vergeten even ons aandacht te vestigen op de Linkeroever, waar op het Frederik van Eedenplein het beeld
Wist U dat ... ?
- dit een werk is van Idel Ianchelevi, uit 1974.
- het opschrift "Perennis perdurat poeta" , hiermee hulde brengt aan de creatieve mens.
- het betekent : "De dichter leeft eeuwig voort"
- dit standbeeld geschonken werd door BP-Belgium en voorheen opgesteld stond aan de BP-building op de hoek van de Camille Huysmanslaan en Jan Van Rijswijcklaan, naar aanleiding van "Antwerpen, culturele hoofdstad van Europa", dd. 10.12.1993.
- op de plint achteraan vermeld staat : "Brons Vindevogel".
- het ingehuldigd werd in 1979 aan de BP-Building.
Links naast het verluchtingsgebouw richting de Schelde bevindt zich het beeld van wijlen zijne majesteit
W ist U dat ... ?
- er op dit beeld, op de kop de inscriptie : " architect /Jo Crepain / Sculptuur Wilfried Pas" te lezen valt.
- het een werk is van Wilfried Pas, die we reeds kennen uit een vorige wetens -en bezienswaardigheden met zijn standbeelden van Willem Elsschot en Gerard Walschap.
- er op de borstwering de volgende tekst werd aangebracht : "Dit monument/ ter ere van zijn majesteit Koning Boudewijn / werd ingewijd op 5.5.1999 : door hunne majesteiten : Koning Albert II,Koningin Paoloa en Koningin Fabiola / De vzw Koning Boudewijn/ voorzitter Camille Paulus / Gouverneur van de provincie Antwerpen / ondervoorzitter / Andries Kinsbergen /Minister van Staat / ondervoorzitter Leona Detiège / burgemeester van de stad Antwerpen /secretaris-penningsmeester Baron Paul Buysse".
Op het Mac Leodplein het beeld van
Wist U dat ... ?
- het 7 meter hoog is en in blauwe hardsteen is gemaakt.
- er onder de buste van G. Eekhoud zijn naam in hoogreliëf-letters vermeld staat.
- op de linkerzijde op een sokkel de naam van de ontwerper : Henry Van de Velde (1856-1927) vermeld staat.
- het beeld onthuld werd in 1953.
Verder op de hoek van de Gloriantlaan treffen we voor een appartements gebouw het standbeeld
Wist U dat ... ?
- dit één van de 4 dezelfde beelden van Wilfried Pas is, dat opgesteld staat aan de Hendriklei op 't Kiel op de Luchtbal en in de hovingen van de sociale woningen aan de Prekerstraat.
- het op L.O. werd opgesteld in 1958.
Hier eindigt ons werk over de "wetens -en bezienswaardigheden over -en in Antwerpen" dat verdeeld is over vele afleveringen, volgens wijk of omgeving.
Wij hopen dat de "Antwerpenaren" en de toeristen veel kijk -en leesplezier hebben gehad en deze beelden eens ter plaatse gaan bekijken, want het is de moeite waard.
Schiet niet op de auteur als er toch enkele moesten ontbreken, maar we hebben getracht ons een praktisch volledig overzicht te geven.
Alle foto's zijn eigendom van de auteur Alfons Van Camp, uitgezonderd enkelen, maar dan wordt hun naam vermeld.
En.... om nog eens de bronnen te vermelden :
- Wikipedia
- het werk van Antoon Van Ruyssevelt "Stadsbeelden Antwerpen".
- het boek "Antwerpse Standbeelden" van Piet Schepens.
- de beide boeken "Antwerpen door het oog van de stadsgisten" van de Koninklijke Gidsenvereniging van Antwerpen.
- de gids voor Oud-Antwerpen van George Van Cauwenbergh
- het bouwkundig erfgoed.
De auteur : Alfons Van Camp
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03-01-2025, 13:38 geschreven door Feedback
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In the pursuit of sustainable practices, the food service industry is embracing biodegradable products like disposable cornstarch forks. These eco-friendly utensils offer a perfect balance of functionality and environmental responsibility, making them a top choice for businesses looking to reduce their ecological footprint. cornstarch fork
31-12-2024, 10:19 geschreven door Feedback
PLA cutlery
In recent years, the demand for sustainable alternatives to traditional plastic products has surged, leading to the rise of biodegradable tableware like PLA cutlery
30-12-2024, 18:48 geschreven door Feedback
The dining industry is undergoing a transformation, and sustainable products are at the forefront of this change. Among these innovations, PLA cutlery is making waves for its eco-friendly properties and sustainable lifecycle. PLA cutlery china
30-12-2024, 11:55 geschreven door Feedback
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29-12-2024, 15:05 geschreven door Feedback
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29-12-2024, 10:57 geschreven door Feedback
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28-12-2024, 20:37 geschreven door Feedback
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As the demand for sustainable solutions grows, businesses are rethinking their approach to packaging. From biodegradable cutlery to compostable containers, eco-friendly options are reshaping the food service industry. biodegradable spoon wholesale
28-12-2024, 09:57 geschreven door Feedback
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At Suzhou Quanhua Biomaterial Co., Ltd., a trusted biodegradable spoon factory, we provide sustainable solutions that enable catering companies to meet environmental goals without compromising quality or functionality. biodegradable spoon factory
27-12-2024, 13:56 geschreven door Feedback
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26-12-2024, 13:11 geschreven door Feedback
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25-12-2024, 11:04 geschreven door Feedback
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24-12-2024, 19:14 geschreven door Feedback
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24-12-2024, 14:55 geschreven door Feedback
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19-12-2024, 17:58 geschreven door Feedback
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19-12-2024, 12:28 geschreven door Feedback
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19-12-2024, 06:36 geschreven door Feedback
Hillhaven Showflat
Buying a home means you are also enhancing your wealth over time. Delaying your property purchase will result in having to invest a higher amount Hillhaven Showflat
18-12-2024, 19:49 geschreven door Feedback
You get to identify with the city and its lifestyle. You feel that you have finally settled in life. Besides property prices usually appreciate over the long term. Kassia
18-12-2024, 14:43 geschreven door Feedback
The Continuum
When you are likely to live in a particular city for long, it makes sense to buy a house so that you have a feeling of belonging and permanency. The Continuum
18-12-2024, 11:25 geschreven door Feedback
Terra Hill
Instead of paying rent which is a pure expenditure, you may buy your dream home thereby building your own asset over time. Terra Hill
18-12-2024, 07:20 geschreven door Feedback
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17-12-2024, 20:36 geschreven door Feedback
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17-12-2024, 17:35 geschreven door Feedback
The Collective at One Sophia
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17-12-2024, 13:26 geschreven door Feedback
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With your own home, there are no fear and anxiety that is caused by the possibility of an untimely termination of the agreement by the landlord. The LakeGarden Residences Showflat
17-12-2024, 08:17 geschreven door Feedback
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There is no place like âhomeâ where you can be truly at ease and just be yourself. Sora Condo
17-12-2024, 06:17 geschreven door Feedback
Arina East Residences Showflat
When you purchase a house, you provide your family their very own space; a home. At the end of a long day at work coupled with tiresome commute and continual stress, returning to your own nest brings alive a sense of security and comfort which is simply irreplaceable. Arina East Residences Showflat
16-12-2024, 20:08 geschreven door Feedback
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When you have a home of your own, you are in control. You do not have to deal with a landlord; be it minor repairs or a complete overhaul of your entire home, living on rent is a pain in many ways. Ardor Residence Brochure
16-12-2024, 17:43 geschreven door Feedback
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It is to do with numbers. The monetary aspect too is important as buying a home is often the biggest financial transaction Chuan Park Balance Units
16-12-2024, 14:36 geschreven door Feedback
Bagnall Haus
A home is much more than just four walls and a roof. It kindles a range of emotions and thoughts in us. To some, it is a sense of security; to some, it is about comfort and to others, it is a symbol of status and accomplishment. Bagnall Haus
16-12-2024, 06:07 geschreven door Feedback
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15-12-2024, 17:04 geschreven door Feedback
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15-12-2024, 13:22 geschreven door Feedback
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Embark on a journey towards sustainable and innovative housing with Shaanxi Feichen Building Materials Technology Co., Ltd., a company with a rich history of over a decade in the modular housing industry. 2 Story Mobile Homes
15-12-2024, 09:51 geschreven door Feedback
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Shijiazhuang Chico Mineral Products Co., LTD. is an enterprise focusing on the development, production, sales and service of mineral products. Handmade Glass Marble
15-12-2024, 08:54 geschreven door Feedback
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Shijiazhuang Chico Mineral Products Co., LTD. is an enterprise focusing on the development, production, sales and service of mineral products. Bulk Colored Sand
15-12-2024, 07:02 geschreven door Feedback
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Xinwang Zipper Products Factory is an enterprise that produces concave and convex zippers, which was established in 1999. Upholstery Zippers
14-12-2024, 20:40 geschreven door Feedback
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14-12-2024, 18:14 geschreven door Feedback
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12-12-2024, 09:13 geschreven door Feedback
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10-12-2024, 09:18 geschreven door Feedback
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08-12-2024, 13:17 geschreven door Feedback
A Life Health Group, as one of the leading private hospitals in Ankara, stands out in the health sector with its advanced technology and expert physician staff . Pursaklar
08-12-2024, 12:57 geschreven door Feedback
as one of the leading private hospitals in Ankara, stands out in the health sector with its advanced technology and expert physician staff. Our hospital, which offers a wide range of health services, aims to keep patient satisfaction at the highest level. Eryaman
08-12-2024, 10:11 geschreven door Feedback
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TSH, which stands for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, is an important hormone that regulates the functions of the thyroid gland. Produced by the pituitary gland in the brain, TSH stimulates the thyroid gland and controls the production of T3 and T4 hormones. TSH YüksekliÄi
08-12-2024, 08:07 geschreven door Feedback
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Appendicitis is an inflammation of the appendix. The appendix is ââa small finger-shaped sac located at the beginning of the large intestine. apandisit patlaması belirtileriâ
07-12-2024, 16:24 geschreven door Feedback
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Stomach cancer symptoms can vary depending on the stage and extent of spread of the cancer. Some people may have no symptoms at all, while others may struggle with symptoms. mide kanseri belirtileriâ
07-12-2024, 15:05 geschreven door Feedback
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Vertigo is a balance disorder in which a person feels as if they or their surroundings are spinning. It is characterized by dizziness, lightheadedness, imbalance, and nausea. vertigo belirtileriâ
07-12-2024, 14:24 geschreven door Feedback
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07-12-2024, 11:49 geschreven door Feedback
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07-12-2024, 08:37 geschreven door Feedback
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07-12-2024, 07:29 geschreven door Feedback
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06-12-2024, 06:08 geschreven door Feedback
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A Life Health GroupAs the Department of General Surgery, we serve you in Ankara with advanced surgical techniques, state-of-the-art equipment and our experienced expert staff. We offer diagnosis and treatment options for a wide range of conditions requiring surgical intervention. genel cerrahi neye bakar
05-12-2024, 12:51 geschreven door Feedback
A Life Health Group'nunGastroenterology Department, offers a holistic approach to your digestive system health. With our expert doctors, advanced technological equipment and patient-focused service approach, we are here to help you diagnose and treat your digestive system disorders. gastroenteroloji
05-12-2024, 09:59 geschreven door Feedback
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A Life Health Group's Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation is a specialized unit designed to help patients improve their physical health and regain their mobility. The department provides expert care and treatment to patients who have physical limitations due to various reasons. fizik tedavi
05-12-2024, 07:54 geschreven door Feedback
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A Life Health Group,is a modern health institution that aims to provide health to its patients with the most up-to-date medical approaches and high-quality service. The endocrinology and metabolism department is our unit specialized in the balance of the hormone system and the diagnosis and treatment of metabolic diseases. endokrinoloji neye bakar
05-12-2024, 05:38 geschreven door Feedback
Your skin,is an important part of your health and self-confidence.A Life Health GroupAs the Dermatology Department, we serve you in Ankara with the latest technologies and our expert staff to protect and improve your skin health. We offer diagnosis and treatment options for a wide range of dermatological problems. dermatoloji
04-12-2024, 18:59 geschreven door Feedback
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04-12-2024, 16:20 geschreven door Feedback
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04-12-2024, 10:49 geschreven door Feedback
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04-12-2024, 07:58 geschreven door Feedback
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03-12-2024, 13:34 geschreven door Feedback
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A Life Health GroupAs the Department of Pediatric Urology, we have an experienced team specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract and genital system diseases seen in infants, children and adolescents. We value the health of your children and work devotedly to provide them with the best care. çocuk üroloji
02-12-2024, 20:49 geschreven door Feedback
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02-12-2024, 18:54 geschreven door Feedback
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02-12-2024, 12:04 geschreven door Feedback
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01-12-2024, 14:38 geschreven door Feedback
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01-12-2024, 07:26 geschreven door Feedback
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30-11-2024, 15:26 geschreven door Feedback
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As A Life Health Group, we are aware of the importance of blood diseases. For this reason, we have established our Hematology Department equipped with the latest technology and expert staff. We offer you a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment service for blood diseases, and we work to protect and improve the blood health of individuals of all ages. hematoloji bölümü nedirâ
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A Life Chest Diseases Department is a health center equipped with modern medical practices, aiming to provide the highest standards in chest diseases and respiratory system disorders. We offer comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for all types of respiratory diseases and chest diseases. akciÄer doktoru ankaraâ
29-11-2024, 11:24 geschreven door Feedback
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It is a unit specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and management of infectious diseases. This unit provides comprehensive coverage of bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic infections. Infectious diseases can cause serious health problems that can affect multiple systems in the body. Therefore, it is critical to accurately diagnose diseases and develop an effective treatment plan. enfeksiyon hastalıkları hangi bölüme girerâ
29-11-2024, 06:16 geschreven door Feedback
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A Life Health Group's Gynecology and Obstetrics Department is a medical unit that specializes in protecting women's reproductive health, managing their pregnancies in a healthy way, and women's health. This department provides solutions to medical problems that women may encounter at different stages of their lives and helps them live a healthy life. ankara kadın doÄum doktorlarıâ
28-11-2024, 10:26 geschreven door Feedback
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A Life Health Group Child Health and Diseases Department provides comprehensive medical services to support children's physical, mental and emotional health and to treat their illnesses. Solution-oriented approaches are developed for the health needs of all children from newborn babies to adolescence. We are with you so that our children have a healthy future. çocuk doktoru ankaraâ
27-11-2024, 18:10 geschreven door Feedback
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27-11-2024, 11:42 geschreven door Feedback
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26-11-2024, 15:39 geschreven door Feedback
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25-11-2024, 20:59 geschreven door Feedback
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25-11-2024, 10:23 geschreven door Feedback
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24-11-2024, 10:58 geschreven door Feedback
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13-11-2024, 20:28 geschreven door Feedback
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13-11-2024, 11:56 geschreven door Feedback
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13-11-2024, 09:19 geschreven door Feedback
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11-11-2024, 17:20 geschreven door Feedback
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10-11-2024, 19:02 geschreven door Feedback
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09-11-2024, 13:43 geschreven door Feedback
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09-11-2024, 08:07 geschreven door Feedback
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07-11-2024, 06:15 geschreven door Feedback
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04-11-2024, 11:44 geschreven door Feedback
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04-11-2024, 06:04 geschreven door Feedback
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03-11-2024, 18:24 geschreven door Feedback
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02-11-2024, 09:44 geschreven door Feedback
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31-10-2024, 11:54 geschreven door Feedback
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26-10-2024, 22:31 geschreven door Feedback
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26-10-2024, 20:08 geschreven door Feedback
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By equal dedication to each customer,NBsEROL has won great trut and recognition from a wide range of customers, ranging SMEs to Canada's largest publicly-listed container planting company. Store Facilities
25-10-2024, 21:23 geschreven door Feedback
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Sinda Thermal Technology Ltd is a leading heat sink manufacturer, our factory is located in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China. Liquid Cooler
25-10-2024, 09:20 geschreven door Feedback
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Over 10 years experiences engineering team can offer thermal simulation, heat sink design, prototype building, and mature production line provides the capability of mass production. Cpu And Heatsink
25-10-2024, 07:36 geschreven door Feedback
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24-10-2024, 18:58 geschreven door Feedback
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24-10-2024, 15:46 geschreven door Feedback
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24-10-2024, 13:31 geschreven door Feedback
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Edible Cookie food printer is an edible ink cookie inkjet printing machine specially used for printing images and texts on the surface of cookies and other foods. edible printer for cookies
24-10-2024, 07:26 geschreven door Feedback
The Lakegarden Residences Price
If your property increases in value, perhaps through market conditions or improvements made, the gains will be yours. The Lakegarden Residences Price
23-10-2024, 12:30 geschreven door Feedback
The Lakegarden Residences Price
If your property increases in value, perhaps through market conditions or improvements made, the gains will be yours. The Lakegarden Residences Price
23-10-2024, 10:07 geschreven door Feedback
One Leonie Residences
Owning your dream home has become easier now with the availability of easy finance options. You need not wait till your 40s and 50s to accumulate money for your dream home. You can buy it in your 20s and be a proud owner of a fully paid off home by the time you turn 50 or even before. One Leonie Residences
22-10-2024, 13:19 geschreven door Feedback
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21-10-2024, 06:39 geschreven door Feedback
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20-10-2024, 18:25 geschreven door Feedback
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19-10-2024, 14:32 geschreven door Feedback
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19-10-2024, 08:00 geschreven door Feedback
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18-10-2024, 19:23 geschreven door Feedback
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In a world where finance and technology are evolving at lightning speed, platforms like Trader AI are redefining trading and investment strategies. By combining quantum computing and artificial intelligence, Trader AI offers advanced trading solutions, especially in the cryptocurrency market. trader ai avis
17-10-2024, 20:10 geschreven door Feedback
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17-10-2024, 18:20 geschreven door Feedback
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16-10-2024, 19:56 geschreven door Feedback
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16-10-2024, 17:22 geschreven door Feedback
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15-10-2024, 14:09 geschreven door Feedback
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15-10-2024, 12:17 geschreven door Feedback
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15-10-2024, 09:31 geschreven door Feedback
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With your own home, there are no fear and anxiety that is caused by the possibility of an untimely termination of the agreement by the landlord. Chuan Park Showflat
14-10-2024, 19:57 geschreven door Feedback
Chuan Park Showflat
With your own home, there are no fear and anxiety that is caused by the possibility of an untimely termination of the agreement by the landlord. Chuan Park Showflat
14-10-2024, 18:35 geschreven door Feedback
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Whether painting a childâs room their favorite color or customizing a game room in the basement, buying a home gives you the power to modify your property however you choose. Hillock Green Showflat
14-10-2024, 06:55 geschreven door Feedback
Nava Grove
Owning your home means being independent and making your own decisions. Rather than being at the mercy of someone else's goodwill and indecision, you will only be accountable to yourself. This will allow you to deal with troublesome situations more quickly. Nava Grove
13-10-2024, 15:39 geschreven door Feedback
Kassia Showflat
In addition to the financial benefits, owning your home simply gives you a sense of pride. After all, buying a property requires a lot of effort. Accomplishing this is an achievement in itself that deserves to be celebrated. Kassia Showflat
13-10-2024, 13:42 geschreven door Feedback
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From property capital growth to tax benefits and the thrill of personalisation, discover the perks that homeowners have. Tembusu Grand Showflat
12-10-2024, 15:11 geschreven door Feedback
Tembusu Grand Showflat
From property capital growth to tax benefits and the thrill of personalisation, discover the perks that homeowners have. Tembusu Grand Showflat
12-10-2024, 13:19 geschreven door Feedback
Novo Place
Buying a home may seem a daunting prospect, but there are a number of advantages to owning a home that make it worth the investment. Novo Place
11-10-2024, 18:10 geschreven door Feedback
8@BT Showflat
Perhaps your why is a larger home to raise children, have a yard, move into a better school district, or get your new home office for remote work. 8@BT Showflat
11-10-2024, 12:53 geschreven door Feedback
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10-10-2024, 19:24 geschreven door Feedback
Norwood Grand
Money paid for rent is money that youâll never see again, but paying your funds month over month and year over year lets you build equity ownership interest in your home. Norwood Grand
10-10-2024, 13:30 geschreven door Feedback
Norwood Grand
Remaining in one neighborhood for several years allows you and your family time to build long-lasting relationships within the community. It also offers children the benefit of educational and social continuity. Norwood Grand
10-10-2024, 11:51 geschreven door Feedback
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Upgrading to LED headlight bulbs is one of the best ways to enhance both the performance and appearance of your vehicle. These advanced lighting solutions provide brighter light output, greater energy efficiency, and a longer lifespan compared to traditional halogen bulbs. led headlight bulbs
09-10-2024, 11:33 geschreven door Feedback
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If youâre looking to upgrade your carâs antenna, bullet antenna are a popular option. These compact, sleek, and durable antennas provide a modern twist on the standard factory models. best bullet antenna
09-10-2024, 08:50 geschreven door Feedback
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From live scores and match statistics to detailed analysis, Futebol Do Norte ensures you stay connected with the latest action from around the world. Whether in Series AWhether it's regional tournaments or the main European leagues, you'll find accurate data and important information on every match. live soccer scores
08-10-2024, 18:21 geschreven door Feedback
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08-10-2024, 16:31 geschreven door Feedback
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08-10-2024, 07:43 geschreven door Feedback
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07-10-2024, 17:37 geschreven door Feedback
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07-10-2024, 15:38 geschreven door Feedback
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07-10-2024, 09:25 geschreven door Feedback
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07-10-2024, 06:46 geschreven door Feedback
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Immediate Connect Platform works tirelessly 24/7 as bots trade, not humans. If the coin is at ATH(All-Time High) or down, the platform can detect it as it keeps analyzing the crypto market for you all the time, even when youâre sleeping, traveling, or having fun with your family. immediate connect uk
06-10-2024, 18:35 geschreven door Feedback
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The Immediate Connect, an automated trading platform, removes all ofthese worries from you. immediate connect uk
06-10-2024, 16:16 geschreven door Feedback
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Struggling with stubborn warts and looking for the best solutions to get rid of them? You're not alone. Warts are a common skin condition caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), and they can be frustrating to deal with. While theyâre typically harmless, finding an effective treatment to get rid of them quickly can be tricky. wart removal oil
05-10-2024, 15:51 geschreven door Feedback
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If you're tired of dealing with annoying skin tags, you're not alone. These small, harmless growths can be bothersome and unsightly. The good news? There are safe, effective, and affordable ways to remove them from the comfort of your home. remove ski tags at home
05-10-2024, 11:42 geschreven door Feedback
Vending Machine Machine
With rich experience and technical strength, Seven Cloud Technology is committed to applying advanced artificial intelligence technology to the retail field to create a convenient, fast and efficient shopping experience. Vending Machine Machine
05-10-2024, 06:44 geschreven door Feedback
Candy Floss Making Machine
Established in 2023, Guangzhou Seven Cloud Technology Co., Ltd.: In the past few years of technological accumulation, we have made significant breakthroughs and established Guangzhou Seven Cloud Technology Co., Ltd., focusing on new unmanned retail equipment for food. Candy Floss Making Machine
05-10-2024, 05:07 geschreven door Feedback
Bottom Seal
We Li Peng is one of the professional manufacturer for glass door control & curtain wall and bathroom accessories,which capable of developing and producing glass hardware accessories in China. Bottom Seal
04-10-2024, 20:57 geschreven door Feedback
Aluminum Foil Bag
In 2023, according to market demand, we added package for hygiene product into our product list to serve more customers. In Lihong, we trust that technical innovation is the core for an enterprise. Aluminum Foil Bag
04-10-2024, 16:07 geschreven door Feedback
High-Performance Servo Drive
the company relies on its powerful R&D team, international advanced current vector control technology, and years of application experience in automation control, to develop domestically leading high, medium and low-voltage frequency converters, servo controllers, special non-standard customized products. High-Performance Servo Drive
04-10-2024, 08:48 geschreven door Feedback
Electronic Drive Controller
With over ten years of experience in the building materials industry, our company adheres to the corporate philosophy of âcustomer first, teamwork, learning, efficiency, innovationâ. Electronic Drive Controller
04-10-2024, 07:20 geschreven door Feedback
Mint E-Liquid
In recent years, the domestic e-cigarette market has continuously introduced development policies, pointing out the direction for the standardized development of the industry Mint E-Liquid
03-10-2024, 19:50 geschreven door Feedback
Pull Handle
From the moment you engage with us, our dedicated team of professionals will guide you through every step of the process, ensuring a seamless experience from start to finish. Pull Handle
03-10-2024, 18:13 geschreven door Feedback
Grab Bar
Junlida metal products factory, Position the hometown of hardware-China-JinLi Town Gaoyao area guangdong province. Is a company specializing in the manufacture of glass handle and bathroom handle The producers. USES the industry's most advanced production technology, the introduction of automated production equipment, laser products Exquisite, personalized and artistic appreciation value into an organic whole. Grab Bar
03-10-2024, 15:46 geschreven door Feedback
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Erchi Furniture is the main brand promoted by Zhide Furniture Group. Since its establishment in 2006, it has emerged in the furniture market with its unique design concept, excellent quality and unremitting pursuit of innovation. Parquet Dining Table
03-10-2024, 10:23 geschreven door Feedback
Buffet Cabinet
It is difficult for you to find products of the same quality elsewhere, which also makes Erchi Furniture a symbol of quality and taste in the hearts of consumers. Buffet Cabinet
03-10-2024, 08:51 geschreven door Feedback
Geismar Rail Grinder
Additionally, we manufacture matching grinding wheels for Geismar and Robel grinding machines, as well as rail cutting wheels, meeting the diverse needs of our customers. Geismar Rail Grinder
02-10-2024, 18:11 geschreven door Feedback
Harsco Rail Europe Gmbh
Our self-developed rail grinding wheels have been widely used in models such as Harsco, Speno, and Loram, proving the outstanding performance and reliability of our products. Harsco Rail Europe Gmbh
02-10-2024, 15:46 geschreven door Feedback
Shutter Door
Guangdong Foshan Dazhen Aluminum Co.,Ltd., a leading manufacturer of high-quality aluminum profiles dedicated to exceeding customer expectations. With over three decades of experience since our establishment in 1993, we take pride in crafting durable and aesthetically pleasing aluminum Shutter Door
02-10-2024, 08:40 geschreven door Feedback
There are no restrictions if you are a complete newbie and want to start trading on this platform. the-immediateconnect.uk
01-10-2024, 15:18 geschreven door Feedback
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30-09-2024, 19:28 geschreven door Feedback
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At United Luxury, our goal is to offer you the best luxury products at the best price with top-quality service. Every item on our website is carefully inspected by our Quality Control (QC) team before being offered for sale. We specialize in luxury watches, and weâve been selling them since 2014. patek replica
30-09-2024, 12:46 geschreven door Feedback
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A quart is a unit of volume measurement commonly used in the United States and the United Kingdom to measure liquids and sometimes dry ingredients. The term âquartâ is derived from âquartus,â meaning a quarter, as a quart is traditionally one-quarter of a gallon. gallons to quarts
30-09-2024, 09:47 geschreven door Feedback
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The Manchester United vs Aston Villa clash is a match steeped in history and tradition that captures the essence of English football's rich heritage. This Manchester United vs Aston Villa analysis delves into the dynamics of their recent encounter, examining key tactical battles, individual performances and decisive moments that influenced the outcome. man united gegen aston villa
29-09-2024, 09:03 geschreven door Feedback
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Watch Live Sport. You can watch live sport on your mobile, tablet or desktop including Soccer, Tennis and Basketball. All you need is a funded account or to have placed a bet in the last 24 hours to qualify. Under Australian law, we are required to inform you that Live Streaming on bet365 is exempt from Parts 3 and 4 of the Broadcasting Services manchester united
28-09-2024, 13:37 geschreven door Feedback
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Zhongshan Qixiang Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. is a professional engaged in the research, development, sale and service of aroma diffusers, holders, humidifiers,Pet products, Hardware products and healthy home environment-related products ,each batch is tested according to the requirements of international standards testing equipment the best raw materials from global companies are used for production, products are recognized by the world and are exported to more than 25 countries worldwide more than 10 million of the end-users more than 200 distributors all over the world. Pool Auto Fill
28-09-2024, 10:48 geschreven door Feedback
Resin Bubble Remover
Zhongshan Qixiang Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. is a professional engaged in the research, development, sale and service of aroma diffusers, holders, humidifiers,Pet products, Hardware products and healthy home environment-related products ,each batch is tested according to the requirements of international standards testing equipment the best raw materials from global companies are used for production, products are recognized by the world and are exported to more than 25 countries worldwide more than 10 million of the end-users more than 200 distributors all over the world. Resin Bubble Remover
28-09-2024, 09:38 geschreven door Feedback
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27-09-2024, 17:25 geschreven door Feedback
Type 2 Charging Cable
ShenDa is expert on personal and home EV charging products, selling to man big brands and distributors with OEM and ODM service. Type 2 Charging Cable
27-09-2024, 16:07 geschreven door Feedback
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It is the first set of online track forming equipment in the world, saving more than 30% energy compared to conventional units. The corrosion resistance and mechanical performance of the product are at the most advanced level both domestically and internationally. 30Degree Bend
27-09-2024, 11:30 geschreven door Feedback
Heat Wrap POF Film
Foshan Nanhai Guangyi Plastic Film Co., Ltd. was established in 1995 and is currently located in Shishan Town, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, China, a renowned advanced manufacturing town. Heat Wrap POF Film
26-09-2024, 20:46 geschreven door Feedback
Lip Balm Tube
TRANSMO is a cosmetic packaging manufacturer with 12 years of production experience.Providing full-service solutions, custom tailored to each partners'specific packaging requirements. Lip Balm Tube
26-09-2024, 12:09 geschreven door Feedback
Auto Battery
ENSMAR is a leading manufacturer specializing in lithium energy storage solutions. Our company is dedicated to delivering high-quality products and services, backed by our ISO9001 and ISO14001 certifications, which reflect our commitment to excellence in quality management and environmental sustainability. Auto Battery
26-09-2024, 09:55 geschreven door Feedback
Curtain Wall Systems
We are Aero Aluminum operating two factories with a workforce of 682 employees. Our primary manufacturing facility spans over 40 acres, located just outside Guangdong. With over 18 years in the industry, we have experienced rapid growth in line with globalization trends. Curtain Wall Systems
24-09-2024, 18:01 geschreven door Feedback
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24-09-2024, 07:48 geschreven door Feedback
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FitForSunshine is your go-to hub for fitness, wellness, and lifestyle inspiration. Whether you're looking for outdoor workout ideas, healthy living tips, or motivation to achieve your goals, we've got you covered! Embrace a journey of personal growth, fitness challenges, and mind-body balance while staying inspired every step of the way. Stay tuned for the latest in fitness trends, exclusive wellness tips, and vibrant content that brings sunshine to your fitness routine. ???? #WellnessGoals #HealthyLiving #FitnessMotivation Wellness lifestyle
23-09-2024, 18:36 geschreven door Feedback
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SIHOKI continues to innovate in providing the best online slot playing experience for its players. In 2024, SIHOKI presents an attractive offer in the form of a free premium account and various discount promos for slot games that increase players' chances of winning big. This is one of SIHOKI's steps to maintain its reputation as one of the best and most trusted hoki slot sites in Indonesia. sihoki pg soft
23-09-2024, 13:15 geschreven door Feedback
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08-07-2024, 19:49 geschreven door Feedback
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07-07-2024, 07:41 geschreven door Feedback
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28-06-2024, 21:48 geschreven door Feedback
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26-06-2024, 16:00 geschreven door Feedback
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22-06-2024, 23:37 geschreven door Feedback
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21-06-2024, 08:27 geschreven door Feedback
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19-06-2024, 08:06 geschreven door Feedback
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18-06-2024, 13:04 geschreven door Feedback
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18-06-2024, 05:59 geschreven door Feedback
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12-06-2024, 22:38 geschreven door Feedback
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12-06-2024, 14:04 geschreven door Feedback
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11-06-2024, 16:54 geschreven door Feedback
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10-06-2024, 14:11 geschreven door Feedback
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06-06-2024, 06:41 geschreven door Feedback
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05-06-2024, 22:44 geschreven door Feedback
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04-06-2024, 22:11 geschreven door Feedback
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03-06-2024, 21:15 geschreven door Feedback
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01-06-2024, 13:13 geschreven door Feedback
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01-06-2024, 12:13 geschreven door Feedback
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31-05-2024, 15:11 geschreven door Feedback
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27-05-2024, 12:49 geschreven door Feedback
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26-05-2024, 19:44 geschreven door Feedback
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26-05-2024, 15:25 geschreven door Feedback
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10-05-2024, 21:17 geschreven door Feedback
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09-05-2024, 16:07 geschreven door Feedback
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08-05-2024, 15:49 geschreven door Feedback
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Speeding Ticket Colorado CRS § 42-4-1101 CRS. Speeding 25 to 39 miles per hour over the speed limit is a moderately serious charge. It is a Class 2 Misdemeanor Traffic Offense and a conviction for a speeding ticket may result in a scheduled fine plus court costs and surcharges, a possible jail sentence, restitution, community or useful public service, probation for one year or longer, and other possible requirements by the court. Please call +1 (303) 625-9400 for free consultation today. Speeding Tickets Colorado Lawyer
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During the Japanese occupation, several prominent people in Medan including Dr. Pirngadi and Dr. T. Mansoer created a plan for a medical college. After Indonesian independence, the government appointed Dr. Mohd. Djamil in Bukit Tinggi as chairman of the committee. After the restoration of sovereignty due to  clashes  in 1947, Governor Abdul Hakim took the initiative to encourage the people throughout North Sumatra to collect money for the establishment of a university in this area. kampus terbaik di sumut
07-05-2024, 21:14 geschreven door Feedback
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07-05-2024, 15:13 geschreven door Feedback
Careless Driving Colorado Lawyer
Careless Driving Colorado CRS § 42-4-1402 CRS. Often, Careless Driving is charged when there is a motor vehicle accident involving property damage or personal injury, with a mandatory court appearance by the driver. Please call +1 (303) 625-9400 for free consultation today. Careless Driving Colorado Lawyer
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03-05-2024, 20:47 geschreven door Feedback
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03-05-2024, 14:23 geschreven door Feedback
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02-05-2024, 21:16 geschreven door Feedback
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01-05-2024, 09:08 geschreven door Feedback
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If you're a dog owner, you might have heard about the dangers of dogs and foxtailsâbut what exactly are they, and why are they so harmful to your four-legged friend? In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the world of foxtails and provide you with the knowledge needed to protect your dog from these seemingly innocuous yet potentially perilous plants. dogs and foxtails
01-05-2024, 09:05 geschreven door Feedback
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18-02-2024, 05:30 geschreven door Feedback
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17-02-2024, 18:02 geschreven door Feedback
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17-02-2024, 12:11 geschreven door Feedback
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15-02-2024, 12:47 geschreven door Feedback
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14-02-2024, 05:29 geschreven door Feedback
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13-02-2024, 18:57 geschreven door Feedback
TraderVue was founded in 2011 by Greg Reinacker, former founder and CTO of NewsGator, who was looking for a tool to evaluate his trading history. He first made it for his own use. tradervue
12-02-2024, 15:48 geschreven door Feedback
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12-02-2024, 13:00 geschreven door Feedback
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11-02-2024, 20:13 geschreven door Feedback
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11-02-2024, 11:16 geschreven door Feedback
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10-02-2024, 05:01 geschreven door Feedback
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09-02-2024, 12:44 geschreven door Feedback
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09-02-2024, 12:38 geschreven door Feedback
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08-02-2024, 17:02 geschreven door Feedback
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05-02-2024, 10:47 geschreven door Feedback
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30-01-2024, 16:46 geschreven door Feedback
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28-01-2024, 19:52 geschreven door Feedback
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17-01-2024, 16:47 geschreven door Feedback
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30-12-2023, 14:59 geschreven door Feedback
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25-12-2023, 17:29 geschreven door Feedback
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25-12-2023, 09:21 geschreven door Feedback
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16-12-2023, 19:24 geschreven door Feedback
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