Salary calculator: Check if pay is rising for your job

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If you feel a little poorer now than you did a few years ago, you may not be alone as full-time workers earn a little less in real terms than they did a year ago, despite low unemployment levels.

To find out what the average wage is for your job and to see if it has increased since 2011 use the calculator below.

You can search by typing, or explore our list of 332 different roles, as classified by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

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If you cannot see the calculator, click here, external.

Produced by Daniel Dunford, Alison Benjamin, Ransome Mpini, Evisa Terziu, Joe Reed, Luke Keast, Mark Bryson and Shilpa Saraf.


All data used on this page is compiled and made available by the ONS's Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE), external - the most recent release was 26 October, 2017. The survey doesn't include self-employed workers or bonuses. We have chosen to use data for full-time workers only.

The BBC has examined figures from 2011 to 2017, inclusive. We excluded jobs entirely if there was no figure for 2017. Other sections may be hidden for certain jobs due to missing data.

The only sheets we used are those referring to "Gross annual pay" and "Hourly pay- excluding overtime". We used hourly pay to work out the gender pay gap, external and annual pay for all other figures. We selected the median figure rather than the mean, as per ONS advice, external.

We used the CPI measure of inflation to make real-term adjustments, comparing the indices for April 2017 with April 2011 and April 2016. The survey is completed in April at the end of each financial year.