Filming under way for new Alan Partridge series

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Filming at a rural setting with Alan PartridgeImage source, Baby Cow
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Filming for And Did Those Feet... with Alan Partridge started in the south of England last week

Filming has started on a new Alan Partridge "documentary" series.

The fictional Norwich-based DJ, portrayed by Steve Coogan, will return in And Did Those Feet... with Alan Partridge.

The six-part series, to be shown on BBC One and BBC iPlayer, will follow the broadcaster as he settles back into life in Norfolk after a year working in Saudi Arabia.

A date for the airing of the new programme is yet to be announced.

Production house Baby Cow said the show would see Alan "unpack what is missing in his life, explore why the nation is in such a funk, and find out what it might take to keep a person funk-free".

Alan Partridge said: "I'm delighted to follow the Daily Mail's exclusive coverage of filming and their gallery of paparazzi-style images with my own press release more or less confirming the details they've announced. All best, Alan."

Jon Petrie, BBC director of comedy commissioning, said: "This look into the state of the nation (and Alan's own psyche) through a unique lens - that of Alan Partridge - promises to further bolster the already iconic repertoire of the most legendary comedy character in the UK.

"This series will firmly cement Alan Partridge as a national treasure."

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The character worked as a Radio Norwich DJ in the 1997 series I'm Alan Partridge after his first failed stint as a TV presenter

The Bafta award-winning character, born in King's Lynn, Norfolk, made his debut appearance in 1991 as a sports presenter on BBC Radio 4's On the Hour.

He moved on to television with programmes including The Day Today, Knowing Me Knowing You and I'm Alan Partridge.

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