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Get Orgonited ! Moeder Aarde geeft ALLES wat we nodig hebben !
Vagabonds of orgone - drifting through South Africa with a boot full of orgonite !
Vagabonds of orgone - drifting through South Africa with a boot full of orgonite
Dear Leny,
It's about time for an update on our gifting activities. After 2016 had been a year of ambitious long distance gifting in Russia and Hong Kong, this year our focus was much close to home. South Africa had experienced drought conditions in many parts of the country, most prominently in the Free State. So in January we decided to to an excursion covering some of these areas to push back the drought.
We put together a route avoiding the big roads and cities we had already done previously.
Katharina had joined us from Berlin.
Let me take you on a picture journey:
Gifting the roads less travelled: Orgonites deployed so far in 2016
Camping out on permaculture farm near Rosendal, Free State
Church in Excelsior (cellphone mast nearby)
Bridge over the Caledon River (plop, plop!)
Cellphone Tower near Wepener gifted
Kika gifting cellphone tower near Hobhouse
Well earned rest in Graaff Reinet
Church in Pearston - some gifts were hidden nearby
Another tower near Pearston gifted
Tower in school terrain (fry 'em supple brains while they're still young!) gifted
The clouds are moving in - Orgonite effects in Somerset East
Hiltop tower near Adelaide
Not always can the gifting be done without leaving the main roads
Mountainous forest in Hoggsback
The team enjoying an outride near Hoggsback
Hike in Hoggsback forest
Waterfall Hoggsback
Grahamstown revisited
Been there done that: Masonic lodge in Grahamstown gifted again
Finally at the coast: Friederike at the beach in PE
Elephants in Addo
Nasty HAARP tower near Addo Elephant park - look at the sky!
Chemtrails near Addo: You can see the electromagnetic field effects (HAARP) but also the orgone effects as the clouds are starting to become fluffy
Strong field effects visible
Psychotronic hell: The Sky above PE is not "lekker"
Locomotive in Klipplaat
Why don't we do it in the road: These guys take their time!
Karoo - scape near Aberdeen
Surprising water worlds in the Karoo
Cactus garden
My future restaurant: attracted by the wonderful slowness of small town life, I bought this place in order to turn in into a restaurant
A strange place: The owl house at Nieuw Bethesda
Rolling home: on the way back to Johannesburg
And yes, the rain did come! Immediately after start of our gifting (as if the intention was travelling ahead) Graaff Reinet in the Karoo experienced 48 millimetres in one big downpour, the first rain there after 9 months or more. Generally in the Karoo and the Free State, things are looking much better now.
See you soon at Orgonise Africa
PS: the 20% special is still on. For this and other specials please visit our specials page!
Only for e few days: receive 20% discount on all orgonite and zapper orders and 5% on all wavegenome orders. No special Coupon Code needed, the discount is being deducted at checkout. Offer valid until 27 August midnight GMT+2
New: All European orders (and other international ones upon request) are now shipped via DHL from Germany. That eliminates all customs hassles for our customers in the EU. All shipping is free for orders over 80 British Pounds or the equivalent in other currencies.
We would like to tell more people about our work and what we have to offer: Please click here to invite your friends to a journey of discovery with Orgonise Africa.
We are sure that your like minded friends and acquaintances will appreciate this information. And we have a little bonus surprise in stock for you when your friends subscribe to the newsletter...
Wednesday, 14 June 2017 17:26:40 Africa/Johannesburg
I have deliberately not influenced this selection.
70% of what you see there is not really orgonite, even if it looks very pretty. Orgonite is not "crystals and coils decoratively suspended in clear or coloured resin".
The basis of all orgonite is the matrix of aluminium shavings (or other metals, but aluminium works best) in resin. Even without the tiniest bit of quartz crystal this is a powerful energy converter and the basis of everything else. The acceleration and revitalisation of stagnant ether (DOR) happens in the border zone between the aluminium shavings and the resin. The more such layers can be had in a given space, the stronger will be the revitalising energy effect. That's why aluminium works so well: Because it comes in thin "tinsel-like" shavings, forming a multilayered matrix with many border zones. BTW: A lot of people are out there spreading negative rumours about the use of aluminium. But what are their credentials? I have not seen any of these people do any major gifting efforts. What we are doing is massively field tested by thousands of people with an overwhelming body of evidence speaking in it's favour.
Let us go into the history of this movement a bit:
Orgonite was invented by Karl Welz who originally never used any gemstones or crystals. He built (and still builds) powerful radionics machines with his original orgonite. My first contact with orgonite was through him, perhaps in 2001. On his website he was suggesting an experiment. One had to print out a symbol that he was remotely energising in one of his orgonite driven radionics generators. Then he suggested to hold one's hand over that symbol. And yes, I coud feel a characteristic warmth and tingling, a feeling that I was going to get to know quite well when working with orgonite. (Hold the hollow palm of your hand over any cloud buster and you will feel it)
Don Croft was the next person to make a very significant contribution, perhaps the most significant one ever:
Don was the one who took Karl Welz's invention and combined it with Dr. Wilhelm Reich's Cloudbuster idea. That lead to the first orgonite cloud buster: One of Don Croft's first CBs: You notice, it was never meant to be pretty!
Don selflessly promoted his discovery as he realised how powerful this was in disabling all the the nasty mind control technologies. Don wisely never attempted to commercialise any of his inventions apart from the orgonite zapper. That way he could never be accused of being commercially motivated in promoting this. He has done an enormous service to humankind. Soon other field applications were developed, aided by Don's clairvoyant wife Carol. The first 2 additions were the orgonite cone dubbed by Don the "Holy Handgrenade" after a Monty Python movie and later the towerbuster. The latter was found sufficient to convert a cellphone tower from death ray transmitter to a positive energy generator. The earth pipe was the last addition to the basic arsenal of environmental gifting. These 4 simple tools, if used in vast numbers on all cellphone towers and secret military installations could end all wars, all droughts and turn this planet into the paradise it always wanted to be.
That's how simple it is!
In the meantime a movement - or as Don would prefer to call it - a network of dedicated gifters had adopted this simple but effective technology. This was centered around certain forums and now around ethericwarriors.com All this environmental gifting work was achieved with simple, if not crude, basic aluminium orgonite with some quartz crystals as per Don's basic recipies.
Crude but effective: That's why we call them "Dirty Harry"
In parallel, orgonite experimenters started to add other ingredients to orgonite. The first ones to do so were the Hootens and that's why orgonite spiked with gemstones was originally called "Hootenized" orgonite.
It became obvious that the addition of semi precious stones could add another healing dimension to the basic energy conversion orgonite brought about. However, the debate since then has never stopped how far this should go.
The way we see it is that personal healing orgonite can greatly benefit from "vibrational additives" such as gemstones, precious metals and herbal medicines. However, we must not forget to first produce a strong underlying carrier wave that will amplify the much more subtle vibrations of those additions. Many present day orgonite artists, while well intentioned, get carried away by their beautiful creations of crystals artfully coiled and suspended in clear resin, with not a flake of aluminium or any other metal in sight. Some of these creations look stunning and I do not doubt that their creators are energetically sensitive human beings and that these crystals - when brought into harmonic relations to each other - have healing effects.
But it is not orgonite!
For example, in a classical HHG the crystals are fully embedded in the orgonite matrix and not exposed for showy effects.
While everybody is of course free to experiment with whatever they like, I needed to clarify this because I see that the massive proliferation of new-agey gemstone displays, often adorned with occult symbols reflecting the various spiritual persuasions of the creators or their intended audiences are shifting the perception of how orgonite should look like. Suddenly "normal"orgonite looks somewhat drab and less attractive to the interested newcomer and people think of it as less powerful or missing something. This is a dangerous trend as it shifts people away from the main purpose of the whole orgonite movement, namely to mass enable humans to produce a simple and effective remedy to the mind control, weather manipulation and chemical geoengineering warfare perpetrated against us by an increasingly desperate-to-cling-to-power-and-control "elite".
The personal healing effects are only the second thought, although for many newcomers to this orgone world they are the window of entry.
Heal the world to heal yourself!
We are building our orgonite always with a solid core of real orgonite. This does not prevent us from making it look nice and adding all the ingredients we have found over time to be effective. Based on our 15 years of global gifting experience, we know that it works that way and we can prove it.
Orgonite analyse : natuurlijk organisch of plastic
Orgonite: Het verhaal
Orgonite analyse : Dokter Wilhelm Reich, de officiele wetenschapper bewees het bestaan van orgone energie, de basis van orgonite.
Orgonite analyse. De geschiedenis van orgonite is een beetje anders dan wat je wordt verteld op duizenden sites die in de afgelopen jaren zijn opgezet om zo veel mogelijk verkeerde informatie te geven over het onderwerp wereldwijd.
Dat de assistent van Reich, Karl Hans Welz werkte met synthetische kunststoffen (zoals epoxyharsen en polyester zijn) is een van de leugens van de nieuwe wereldorde, vergeet niet dat ze Dr. Wilhelm Reich gedood hebben in een cel voor Dr. Wilhelm Reich zijn positieve bevindingen voor de mensheid, maar ook omdat die multinationals dachten de bevindingen van Dr. Wilhelm Reich in de toekomst te kunnen gebruiken in hun voordeel (cloudbusters).
Orgonite analyse : De gevangenispas van dokter Wilhelm Reich, gearresteerd voor een overtreding van het transport van materiaal zonder het benodigde document voor het transport.
In een oud manuscript in het Duits, staat dat in plaats van synthetische kunststoffen hij gebruik maakte van 3/4 bijenwas, en 1/4 carnaubawas. Maar waar het manuscript is gebleven weet ik niet.
Het is informatie die ik had gekregen nadat ik al geprobeerd had om organische materialen in plaats van synthetische plastic harsen te gebruiken.
Echter, voordat ik begin met de lijst van de redenen op te noemen voor het gebruik van het één of het ander en een objectief standpunt te krijgen stel ik voor om deze korte video over het leven en werk van Wilhelm Reich te bekijken waar bijzondere aandacht wordt besteed aan de manier waarop hij de zogenaamde orgone kamers bouwde.
Orgonite, orgone, organit, organite, orgonit, Orgon, als je dit zoekt op google kun je kiezen uit duizenden pagina’s die allemaal hetzelfde zeggen, zonder foto’s of getuigenissen en natuurlijk verwijzen zij naar objecten van kunststof. In 2011 kon je bijna alleen mijn notities vinden op internet, maar de plastic industrie kwam al snel met een invasie van chinese plastic objecten.
Orgonite analyse : Ik spreek hier over bijenwas die ik momenteel gebruik, maar je kunt ook andere natuurlijke plantaardige wassen en harsen geproduceerd door bomen gebruiken.
1) Organische bijenwas schept de juiste mix met anorganische materialen zoals metalen voor de versterking en het terugkaatsen van de orgonische energie, zoals is gebeurd in de orgone kamers van Dr. Wilhelm Reich.
2) Bijenwas is een product dat gebruikt wordt in de natuurgeneeskunde en zelfs in de farmacologie.
3) De bijenwas is veel goedkoper dan kunststoffen en synthetische harsen zoals polyester epoxy.
4) Het maken van orgonite met bijenwas is fijn, omdat het niet gevaarlijk is, niet giftig.
5) Het maken van orgonite met bijenwas helpt de imkers waardoor de bijen blijven voortbestaan.
6) De orgonite in bijenwas zijn totaal niet giftig voor het milieu bij het zogenoemde “gifting”.
7) Na drie jaar van werk vragen honderden mensen op de lange termijn de resultaten van bijzondere foto’s en metingen gemaakt door radio elektronica en blijft was de beste keuze.
8) Waarom was ook nog beter is, is omdat er op geen enkele manier schade aan de stenen en kristallen komt of liever gezegd de was houdt ze beter.
Orgonite analyse : Een werkende orgonite moet gemaakt zijn van een mix van organische en inorganische materialen. Ik gebruik bijenwas, metalen en een rijke hoeveelheid aan mineralen en kristallen.
WAAROM GEEN Orgonite kunsthars epoxy en polyester
Orgonite analyse :
1) Omdat het internet ermee vol staat in het Italiaans als in elke andere taal, forums vol met mensen die klagen dat het niet werkt.
2) Omdat het synthetische materialen zijn en kunststoffen die niet bestaan in de natuur en die we hebben gecreëerd voor het isoleren van energie, niet om het te versterken of terug te kaatsen.
3) Omdat Dr. Wilhelm Reich deze nooit gebruikt heeft.
4) Omdat epoxyharsen synthetische schadelijke stoffen bevatten en gevaarlijk zijn om mee te werken. Het produceert giftige dampen en men moet een gasmasker en handschoenen gebruiken.
5) Omdat het het milieu vervuilt bij het zogenaamde “gifting”.
6) Omdat het duur is en geld oplevert voor de olie-industrie die de kunststof produceert.
7) Omdat zich achter de honderden sites die synthetische orgonite verkopen plastic fabrieken bevinden (in 90 procent gevallen).
8) Omdat de kristallen voor altijd verloren gaan, ‘verdronken’ in een stevige kunststof waar je ze nooit meer uit kunt halen
Om even terug te keren naar de geschiedenis van orgonite, moet u weten dat in het jaar 2005 de nieuwe wereldorde ( multinationals en bedrijven) meerdere sites creërden in meerdere talen, waar mensen die geïnteresseerd zijn in orgonite wordt verteld om het te doen met synthetisch (of kunststof) materialen. Italië is het grootste probleem geworden over de productie van orgonite, want mijn actie begon rond het voorjaar van 2009. Hoe meer de interesse in orgone en orgonite stijgt, hoe meer sites er plastic orgonite verkopen en deze sites groeien als paddestoelen. Bij de laatste check die ik deed zag ik dat er meer dan 293.000 sites zijn met hun zoekmachine optimalisatie op de woorden orgone en orgonite. Behalve mijn sites promoten alle andere sites orgonite gemaakt van plastic en kunststoffen om iets te doen gerelateerd aan de energie. Ik denk dat dit er genoeg over zegt.
In de afgelopen 2 jaar zijn er ook veel sites ontstaan in de Nederlandse taal en dit aantal groeit met de dag, met nieuwe plastic orgonite sites, met een domein nl. En we kunnen verwachten dat deze sites zich vermenigvuldigen in de nabije toekomst.
Marek Sheran (Marco Matteucci)
I take the change to give to anyone an orgonic blessing.
Orgoniet: wat is het en hoe werk je ermee: Orgoniet het wordt steeds bekender, niet vreemd gezien de beschreven werking ervan. Orgoniet blijft continue in ontwikkeling. De basis van de Orgoniet ligt bij Reich, Tessla en uiteindelijk bij John Croft. Orgoniet is een krachtige energie voor afscherming van chemische vervuiling door smog, electro, vliegtuigen, gsm’s en masten (wifi ect)
Orgoniet beschermt ook tegen de negativiteit van mensen. Het beschermen tegen de negativiteit van mensen komt door de combinatie van Orgoniet en de kristallen/mineralen, metalen en hars. Deze combinatie zorgt er voor dat er continue voor wordt gezorgd dat deze energieën tussen de verschillende elementen voordurend met elkaar zijn verbonden en negativiteit afstoot.
Feiten op een rij Over Orgoniet: Het werkt continu. Helpt je de negatieve etherische energie te transformeren in positieve energie. Het zuivert de atmosfeer, ontgift het water, eindigt droogte. Het zet negatieve energie in positieve energie. Reinigt en brengt je aura en chakra's in balans. Effectief tegen electrosmog, spininversie en negatieve aardstralen. Helpt tegen slapeloosheid en chronische nachtmerries. Vermindert de schadelijke effecten van EMF en andere straling. Geeft bewustwording aan je zintuigen, helpt hen te ontwaken en te ontwikkelen Ontvormt WIFI straling. Helpt planten beter groeien, versterkt de afweer tegen ongedierte en zorgt dat planten minder water nodig hebben. Werkt tegen ongedierte Zorgt voor een prettige en inspiratievolle houding en evenwichtige en zorgt voor een gelukkige stemming. De energie wordt in balans gebracht, tevens reinigt de energie harmoniseren de Chi in en om je heen ..
Essentially all orgonite tools do the same thing: They convert stagnant negative life force or DOR (Deadly Orgone eneRgy) into positive life affirming POR (Positive Orgone eneRgy)
POR is the state of the intelligent consciousness matrix (also known as ether) where the self healing, self organising powers of life are flowing unhindered.
The best way to understand the reason of being for the specific tools that have developed in the worldwide orgonite movement is to follow the historical tree of their evolution. You will also understand that there is no right or wrong way to use orgonite.
A rough edged towerbuster like the Dirty Harry could be used like an orgone pendant if worn around the neck, only that would be ugly and heavy and you would scratch your skin.
Having a Powerwand running in one customer's room brought his cancer into remission although that's not really what I would call the main application of the PW. (that would be energy sending, manifestation, etheric protection)
Simple towerbusters have been used to bust towers (enliven the dark cloud of stagnant energy caused by the hard microwave radiation) but also to lift and free the trapped spirits in battle fields, nazi concentration camps and other places of human suffering. One guy that I gave a simple Dirty Harry and who mostly carried it around in his pocket, told me it had changed his whole life.
On the other hand you could take the most beautiful SBB, designed for personal healing, and use it to neutralise a cellphone tower if you have nothing else. It will work!
So let's start with the history. I'm not going to start with Wilhelm Reich and his pioneering research because I've written about that already .
Let's limit this to the history of orgonite devices the way we make them today:
Episode 1:
The Standard Orgonite Cloudbuster
The orgonite cloudbuster was the first orgonite tool that Don Croft actually invented, combining Dr. Wilhelm Reich's pioneering experiments from the 1940s and 50s with the new material compound "orgonite" invented by Karl Welz who used it mostly for very effective radionics machines. (demonstrating the consciousness dimension of orgonite as all these applications have to do with manifestation or intention boosting)
One of Don Croft's first orgonite CBs
Interestingly the first thing that came to Don's mind when his new device was ready, was to direct the 6 pipes of his new device at the city hall of his town which was notoriously infested with corrupt politicians. Orgonite seems to have an almost mystical quality of furthering good and discouraging evil.
What does an orgonite cloudbuster do?
Its 6" or 1800mm long copper pipes go into resonance with the atmospheric ether in a very large area around the device. Amplified by the crystals at the bottom of the pipe an exchange takes place whereby stagnant orgone (DOR) is drawn into the orgonite base and sent out again as reinvigorated Positive Orgone eneRgy. (POR)
In heavily DOR infested areas we have observed this process as a drawing in of "blackness" in the first few days (typically 24-48 hours) the sky almost looking smokey as if there had been a large fire. Then a new sparkle became visible. The living energy can actually be observed as little moving bubbles almost like champagne bubbles moving randomly.
This re-energised healthy state of the ether will now allow all kind of self healing processes to occur. A lot if this is unpredictable.
You should not be attached to a specific outcome. A cloudbuster is neither a rainmaker (although the outcome of the self healing process is most likely healthy rainfall in drought areas) nor is it strictly a chembuster.
Some of you will now be dissappointed to hear me say that but it has to be said:
Yes, in most cases, chemtrails are being dissolved rather rapidly in the positive orgone field produced by the cloudbuster. That is a result of the miraculous self healing processes enabled by the living energy. And in case you would ask: these chemtraisl are actually dissappering without their poisonous fallout ever dropping to earth as some would fear. We can only speculate what kind of alchemical process is happening there. After all, all matter is energy and can be transformed back into energy as well as vice versa.
Chemtrails in state of dissolution over the City of George, South Africa
Some sensitives are saying that it's actually conscious beings called sylphs that do the job of gobbling up the chemtrails. Believe in spirits or not, there are many processes in life that we don't understand and that mechanistic science is not able to describe. And yet we have observed them over and over again. (See my article "Orgonite Proof ")
A little remark on chemtrails:
Like so many "conspiracy" information threads out there a lot of what is being said about chemtrails is pure fear mongering.
Chemtrail spraying reached it's fearful and lethal peak in 2002 when nobody took notice of them, especially not the present day screaming busybodies..
Due to the wide proliferation of Orgonite CBs in the most affected areas such as Notth America and Western Europe the chemtrails visible today are mostly reduced to rather harmless water vapour. This is also why they will sometimes not really show any reaction to a cloudbuster. They are already quite harmless. The really bad chemtrails had a sulphuric tinge to them and caused massive respiratory illness, itching eyes, and all kinds of diseases. This is just not happening any more. From the standpoint of the secret controlling cabal, the programe has failed to deliver it's intended genocidal result.
It is important to acknowledge a victory when one is at hand.
Today's busybody chemtrail activists are fighting a bogus battle that we, the international orgonite movement have started winning 10 years ago. The now classical movie "Chemtrails - Clouds of Death" by our colleague CBSwork illustrated the gloomy mood of early chemtrail fighting days. CBSwork is a pseudonym that was used by a former secret agent and illuminati insider who survived several assassination attempts when he wanted out and became an avid orgonite gifter in Los Angeles and generally Southern California, literally freeing that notorious city from it's perennial smog bowl.
(The word "smog" was invented to describe the DOR laden atmosphere of LA where a proverbial mixture of smoke and fog was reducing visiblity to very short distances most of the year.) We now understand that the "binding agent" that helps uphold such conditions is always "DOR".
So, why still take the trouble to put up a cloudbuster ?
Well, don't be fixated on chemtrails alone! The atmosphere still needs a lot of cleaning and revitalising and you will feel the uplifting effect over your whole region.
Where to put the Cloudbuster
A Cloudbuster's energy could be amplified by standing on special power spots. Most people will put it somewhere in their garden. Follow your intuition to find a spot where it feels good. Cloudbusters like to stand under a tree or amidst shrubs or bushes. They absolutely don't mind a vine climbing up on them.
They also seem to like standing on soil or even with the base half buried (a good idea order to give them some stability) It is however not necessary to ground them. we have had good results with a CB operating from a balcony so don't worry. Certainly all those voices suggesting that touching a cloudbuster could be dangerous when it is not grounded into a water body via a strong cable are not based on real experience wit orgonite cloudbusters but are simple but incorrect extrapolations of Wilhelm Reich's experiences with his non-orgonite cloudbusters. They did indeed need to transfer the orgone charge into water in order to get the energy moving because they did not have the miracle compound orgonite.
Putting up a cloudbuster in our experience does not eliminate the necessity to neutralise all cellphone towers in a wide area around the CB - piece by piece - by placing small inexpensive towerbusters next to all of them. We call this activity gifting.
In the next episode I will talk about the two other classical orgonite devices, the HHG and the Towerbuster
Why are we not making more noise about our zappers? The orgone zapper, if ever distributed on a massive scale could well revolutionise health care.
But we don’t really like to make generalised claims. We can’t and we would definitely be punished by the international health Nazis who are just waiting for a pretext to close down everything that really works. Did you realise that the use of colloidal silver has just been outlawed in many European countries? So the only thing we can say is what we know and that’s the experience of people who have used our zappers.
I’m not even very good at collecting the emails that I get from happy zapper customers, but here are some that I have recently received and 2 cases of people I know personally. I had to protect their privacy, but all the statements below are unprovoked accounts of their experiences with orgone zappers by real people.
Let them talk!
Pin Worms and Candida:
Hello Orgonise Africa! I just had to tell you about my experiences with my zapper I ordered from you. After doing a lot of research on the subject I was finally willing to have faith in the electro-treatment and got one of my very own! I now know for a FACT that this works, and I’ll tell you why. I had pin worms, which had obvious symptoms. I got rid of a lot of them through the right herbs and I saw the little dead buggers come out. Well, I obviously could not get them all because my symptoms returned. But instead of getting rid of them again the same way, I thought I’d wait for my zapper and experiment to see if it could get rid of them by zapping them. Well, after a week of side effects from the zapper including very intense “under the skin” itching all over, few accidental acid burns and increased bowel movements I have to say all pin worm symptoms have ceased. More over, I believe it has solved my Candida problem which started 2 years ago after trying the birth control pill. I went off the pill after two months because of the intense sugar cravings (it had ruined my sex drive anyway). I however never recovered and have gained 10 kilos since. A lot for a 20 year old with a pretty good metabolism. Sorry to be so personal, but just wanted to express how damaging medication can be. I am now on a diet to lose weight, and I have to say that sometimes I have to be careful I don’t eat too little! My sugar cravings have subsided, and now I only think about food when I’m actually hungry. I’ll go a whole day moving around at work and not even stop to eat! I have to put down my past sugar cravings to the parasites in my system. I mean, I used to eat a fast food meal DAILY, a whole large pizza in one sitting was do-able. So, even though my health is regained I am still addicted to using the zapper, which leads me to the orgonite. I never really believed it all that much, but it’s helped my energy work so much. I feel the energy straight away when I put it on and the feeling of euphoria it gives is addictive. I’m even beginning to see my aura which I never could before. I could not imagine a better health and spiritual device, so thankyou for providing the service, I am greatly appreciative. Kind Regards, Louise, USA
I lent a Silverado to a colleague who had fibrositis since aged 4. She is now aged 25. After wearing it day and night for four nights, her face glowed this morning, and she felt much better!” CHL, Malaysia
General health:
I find that I am generally much healthier when I wear it on a regular basis. In the past year or so, I took a break from wearing it for a while, and I have been sick much more often. Therefore, I’ve decided to continue using it on a regular basis and will continue to promote your website and fantastic products to anyone I can. RF, USA
I gave a silverado zapper to a colleague as she was “too poor” to afford one. To her astonishment, she recovered totally from all her ailments within one night of zapping! I consider this a MIRACLE! I wonder why the conventional medicine doesn’t embrace the humble zapper with both arms? This morning her face was glowing, she was bounding with energy, and she was so happy! She said she regretted not taking my advice to buy a zapper months earlier, as she looked only at the prices and not the write-ups. CHL, Malaysia
bought my first EL Silverado a few years ago. It was just an awesome mind opening experience. Since then I have purchased four more units. My children use them when they are feeling sick and within 24 hours they are symptom free. They don’t ask for medications or vitamins they ask for their Orgone Zappers. I am simply amazed by how these little miracles machines have worked. I strap two on, one on each calf. They are so powerful that when I don’t zap for a while I experience something called die off which is nothing other then my body detoxifying from the death of all the organisms that shouldn’t be inside me. For a day it is like I have the flu then I feel amazing for days. This unit serves me in so many ways. I make Colloidal Silver with it and I hook it put to my small orgone wand. These guys a miracle workers! Thanks! Michael, UK
Hello Dear ones, I bought this item about 6 months ago. I can tell you this is a one stop solution for every thing. Other than zapping, the silver ions help kill germs, neodymium magnet helps, orgone chi creates positive scalar field around body and it can also be used for radionics with your intentions. Overall 5/5. A must have in your kitty !!! enkij
Sciatic pain, headaches, allergies
Eliminates sciatic pain, headaches, tension, nervousness, allergy symptoms, and things I’m still finding out about!We feel much better, and after being exposed to toxic chemicals, I had to clean off one of the electrodes that filtered them out of my system! Great item! JR, USA
The big A
Uganda has a population of about 30 million people and 20% are now living with HIV/AIDS and need this treatment. The government chemist, Ministry of Health, Dr. Grace Nambatya Kyeyune has now included the ZAPPER for HIV treatment in Uganda, officially, on the basis of my own research, testimony and case study. The Zapper is amazingly the most important scientific discovery since the Atomic Bomb but based on laws of magnetism. In just six months of using the Zapper my viral load fell from millions per sample to an undetectable level. This is bad news for the drug cartel and good news for millions living with HIV/AIDS, worldwide. Nathan K, Uganda
I have three of these, two of which are the standard zapper and this one silver one, I will give one to a friend if they tell me about an ailment. I wear this often overnight, or throughout the day attached to my leg when I’m cycling or walking to and from work. It seems to work on multiple levels over the body, for me it sorts out candida fungus whiilst energizing you from the orgone and magnets. I find myself having clearer skin and brighter complexion also after wearing for 2 hours in the day, always attached to back of my right leg. For sleep I have worn on the bottom of my foot and have woken very ‘light’. I will always turn to this device for helping my body fight any problems it comes up against. Thanks Orgonise Africa. Best, Alex, USA
The Big C
Norma is a friend of ours whom we met in 2001, before we even started making zappers. She was diagnosed with a malignant cancer of the thyroid. The hospital had already scheduled her for a complete removal of the thyroid. I had then just ordered 3 of Don Croft’s orgonite enhanced Terminatorzappers and let her have one in the hope that it would help her. After 6 weeks of using the zapper she went back to the oncologist that had diagnosed her cancer. The cancer had become undetectable and the onkologist was of course perplexed. Norma B, South Africa
had breast cancer. Apart from using one of our zappers she went on a complete raw food diet. Her cancer is gone. She looks radiant and brimming with health. She and M. have a domestic worker who was diagnosed HIV+. She started using an orgone zapper given to her by Ivonne and now tests HIV-. IWS, South Africa
Nail lyme
Dear Orgonise Africa, I am using the El Silverado zapper for about 6 weeks now, and the results are amazing. I had a corn under my little toe for a few years and i couldn’s get rid of it (even after trying all the things from the drugstore). After 3 weeks of zapping it just fell out. At first i was happy, but still a bit afraid of the hole it left under ky toe. Now after 6 weeks of zapping, it is completely recovered and the hole is gone. I also zap my big toe, because i have a severe type of nail lime. Again i tried all the stuff from the drugstore for more than 2 years, but it only seemed to get worse. Untill i starting zapping my big toe. Now after 4 weeks it looks like the nail is regenerating and the nail lime is growing out. It’s Fantastic! because nail lime is very ugly.For the rest i don’t have much other problems, but in general i feel good when i am zapping. Keep up this fantastic work! SVK, Netherlands
Sports injury
I think that the ptotocol you describe to follow is excellent. My 17 year old hurt his leg muscle last week while skating. he used zapper for about two hours and had immediate relieve. LdV, South Africa
This means nothing of course
I cannot tell you that a zapper will cure this or that condition. But I can encourage you to start taking responsibility for your own health back into your very own hands. That’s what the paradigm shift is all about. I’d never hop on a pedestal and say “The orgone zapper cures all diseases”, but I’d always try one first before I’d do anything else. I personally see it as my first line of defense against illness. I wear it as a successful malaria precaution when travelling in danger areas. You should still eat a sensible diet and do a lot of other good things. The zapper alone will not solve all your problems. But an orgone zapper belongs in every household. In other words: Everybody should have one! Get your own here :
Why are we not making more noise about our zappers? The orgone zapper, if ever distributed on a massive scale could well revolutionise health care.
But we don’t really like to make generalised claims. We can’t and we would definitely be punished by the international health Nazis who are just waiting for a pretext to close down everything that really works. Did you realise that the use of colloidal silver has just been outlawed in many European countries? So the only thing we can say is what we know and that’s the experience of people who have used our zappers.
I’m not even very good at collecting the emails that I get from happy zapper customers, but here are some that I have recently received and 2 cases of people I know personally. I had to protect their privacy, but all the statements below are unprovoked accounts of their experiences with orgone zappers by real people.
Let them talk!
Pin Worms and Candida:
Hello Orgonise Africa! I just had to tell you about my experiences with my zapper I ordered from you. After doing a lot of research on the subject I was finally willing to have faith in the electro-treatment and got one of my very own! I now know for a FACT that this works, and I’ll tell you why. I had pin worms, which had obvious symptoms. I got rid of a lot of them through the right herbs and I saw the little dead buggers come out. Well, I obviously could not get them all because my symptoms returned. But instead of getting rid of them again the same way, I thought I’d wait for my zapper and experiment to see if it could get rid of them by zapping them. Well, after a week of side effects from the zapper including very intense “under the skin” itching all over, few accidental acid burns and increased bowel movements I have to say all pin worm symptoms have ceased. More over, I believe it has solved my Candida problem which started 2 years ago after trying the birth control pill. I went off the pill after two months because of the intense sugar cravings (it had ruined my sex drive anyway). I however never recovered and have gained 10 kilos since. A lot for a 20 year old with a pretty good metabolism. Sorry to be so personal, but just wanted to express how damaging medication can be. I am now on a diet to lose weight, and I have to say that sometimes I have to be careful I don’t eat too little! My sugar cravings have subsided, and now I only think about food when I’m actually hungry. I’ll go a whole day moving around at work and not even stop to eat! I have to put down my past sugar cravings to the parasites in my system. I mean, I used to eat a fast food meal DAILY, a whole large pizza in one sitting was do-able. So, even though my health is regained I am still addicted to using the zapper, which leads me to the orgonite. I never really believed it all that much, but it’s helped my energy work so much. I feel the energy straight away when I put it on and the feeling of euphoria it gives is addictive. I’m even beginning to see my aura which I never could before. I could not imagine a better health and spiritual device, so thankyou for providing the service, I am greatly appreciative. Kind Regards, Louise, USA
I lent a Silverado to a colleague who had fibrositis since aged 4. She is now aged 25. After wearing it day and night for four nights, her face glowed this morning, and she felt much better!” CHL, Malaysia
General health:
I find that I am generally much healthier when I wear it on a regular basis. In the past year or so, I took a break from wearing it for a while, and I have been sick much more often. Therefore, I’ve decided to continue using it on a regular basis and will continue to promote your website and fantastic products to anyone I can. RF, USA
I gave a silverado zapper to a colleague as she was “too poor” to afford one. To her astonishment, she recovered totally from all her ailments within one night of zapping! I consider this a MIRACLE! I wonder why the conventional medicine doesn’t embrace the humble zapper with both arms? This morning her face was glowing, she was bounding with energy, and she was so happy! She said she regretted not taking my advice to buy a zapper months earlier, as she looked only at the prices and not the write-ups. CHL, Malaysia
bought my first EL Silverado a few years ago. It was just an awesome mind opening experience. Since then I have purchased four more units. My children use them when they are feeling sick and within 24 hours they are symptom free. They don’t ask for medications or vitamins they ask for their Orgone Zappers. I am simply amazed by how these little miracles machines have worked. I strap two on, one on each calf. They are so powerful that when I don’t zap for a while I experience something called die off which is nothing other then my body detoxifying from the death of all the organisms that shouldn’t be inside me. For a day it is like I have the flu then I feel amazing for days. This unit serves me in so many ways. I make Colloidal Silver with it and I hook it put to my small orgone wand. These guys a miracle workers! Thanks! Michael, UK
Hello Dear ones, I bought this item about 6 months ago. I can tell you this is a one stop solution for every thing. Other than zapping, the silver ions help kill germs, neodymium magnet helps, orgone chi creates positive scalar field around body and it can also be used for radionics with your intentions. Overall 5/5. A must have in your kitty !!! enkij
Sciatic pain, headaches, allergies
Eliminates sciatic pain, headaches, tension, nervousness, allergy symptoms, and things I’m still finding out about!We feel much better, and after being exposed to toxic chemicals, I had to clean off one of the electrodes that filtered them out of my system! Great item! JR, USA
The big A
Uganda has a population of about 30 million people and 20% are now living with HIV/AIDS and need this treatment. The government chemist, Ministry of Health, Dr. Grace Nambatya Kyeyune has now included the ZAPPER for HIV treatment in Uganda, officially, on the basis of my own research, testimony and case study. The Zapper is amazingly the most important scientific discovery since the Atomic Bomb but based on laws of magnetism. In just six months of using the Zapper my viral load fell from millions per sample to an undetectable level. This is bad news for the drug cartel and good news for millions living with HIV/AIDS, worldwide. Nathan K, Uganda
I have three of these, two of which are the standard zapper and this one silver one, I will give one to a friend if they tell me about an ailment. I wear this often overnight, or throughout the day attached to my leg when I’m cycling or walking to and from work. It seems to work on multiple levels over the body, for me it sorts out candida fungus whiilst energizing you from the orgone and magnets. I find myself having clearer skin and brighter complexion also after wearing for 2 hours in the day, always attached to back of my right leg. For sleep I have worn on the bottom of my foot and have woken very ‘light’. I will always turn to this device for helping my body fight any problems it comes up against. Thanks Orgonise Africa. Best, Alex, USA
The Big C
Norma is a friend of ours whom we met in 2001, before we even started making zappers. She was diagnosed with a malignant cancer of the thyroid. The hospital had already scheduled her for a complete removal of the thyroid. I had then just ordered 3 of Don Croft’s orgonite enhanced Terminatorzappers and let her have one in the hope that it would help her. After 6 weeks of using the zapper she went back to the oncologist that had diagnosed her cancer. The cancer had become undetectable and the onkologist was of course perplexed. Norma B, South Africa
had breast cancer. Apart from using one of our zappers she went on a complete raw food diet. Her cancer is gone. She looks radiant and brimming with health. She and M. have a domestic worker who was diagnosed HIV+. She started using an orgone zapper given to her by Ivonne and now tests HIV-. IWS, South Africa
Nail lyme
Dear Orgonise Africa, I am using the El Silverado zapper for about 6 weeks now, and the results are amazing. I had a corn under my little toe for a few years and i couldn’s get rid of it (even after trying all the things from the drugstore). After 3 weeks of zapping it just fell out. At first i was happy, but still a bit afraid of the hole it left under ky toe. Now after 6 weeks of zapping, it is completely recovered and the hole is gone. I also zap my big toe, because i have a severe type of nail lime. Again i tried all the stuff from the drugstore for more than 2 years, but it only seemed to get worse. Untill i starting zapping my big toe. Now after 4 weeks it looks like the nail is regenerating and the nail lime is growing out. It’s Fantastic! because nail lime is very ugly.For the rest i don’t have much other problems, but in general i feel good when i am zapping. Keep up this fantastic work! SVK, Netherlands
Sports injury
I think that the ptotocol you describe to follow is excellent. My 17 year old hurt his leg muscle last week while skating. he used zapper for about two hours and had immediate relieve. LdV, South Africa
This means nothing of course
I cannot tell you that a zapper will cure this or that condition. But I can encourage you to start taking responsibility for your own health back into your very own hands. That’s what the paradigm shift is all about. I’d never hop on a pedestal and say “The orgone zapper cures all diseases”, but I’d always try one first before I’d do anything else. I personally see it as my first line of defense against illness. I wear it as a successful malaria precaution when travelling in danger areas. You should still eat a sensible diet and do a lot of other good things. The zapper alone will not solve all your problems. But an orgone zapper belongs in every household. In other words: Everybody should have one! Get your own here :
I wrote this article in 2010 I think, so forgive me some references that now seem dated like the one to the pre-overthrow Libya with Gaddhafi at the helm. I didn't want to start editing it because I still like it a lot. Here goes: Of course the gifting and appreciation of Orgonite and it’s effects are not tied to any political ideology or even vision. Nevertheless, I guess we all have our private thoughts about how a desirable development of our global society could look like. So let me tell you what kind of do-able and practical changes I can foresee for the next few years, say until 2020:
1. The end of Big Oil
Just imagine we need no more oil, except for the manufacturing of a few plastics.
The „free-energy“ methods of propulsion, already known for more than 100 years and secretly used by the deep military underground have become commonplace and are steadily being refined.
It is a great joy to be involved in some of those projects for harmonious, non-entropic energy generation.
The engineering departments of universities and colleges have finally become places of really exciting research and discovery. But also the countless garage-geniuses and previously suppressed inventors are coming into their full rights and finally enjoy the fruits of yearlong struggle and hardship.
2. The end of counterfeit money
The weaning off from oil expectedly went along with the end of counterfeit money, that used to be created out of nothing by a small group of banking insiders, and for which the rest of humankind who did not belong to that group had to work as quasi-slaves.
Because of all the orgonite and the corresponding lift in general consciousness, there had been a „soft landing“ though, an almost unnoticeable withering away of the parasitic money structures without a necessity to crash the whole of humankinds economic activity.
The fake money with its in-built wealth extraction mechanism in favour of a a small parasitic group was simply replaced with the freedom to exchange anything of value to the person against anything else on a strictly voluntary basis.
The question weather we should totally abscond the idea of „value against value“ in favour of just voluntary contributions of everyone towards the greater good of all was left open for the time being. Maybe it would go that way on it’s own.
For the time being, the release of productive energies was so profound that all levels of human society already experienced a tremendous improvement in their livelihoods.
With the end of the counterfeit money system the oppressive taxes that had been burdening the citizens of this planet became obsolete as well and could be replaced by very moderate levies that were totally appropriate for the services rendered by what remained of government, used to uphold a desirable degree of common infrastructure.
As a consequence all the more and more hysterical laws and illegal banking regulations that had violated personal freedoms by spying on individual’s financial movements and transactions had also become superfluous.
Everybody can now travel with whatever he deems valuable or transfer his property to wherever he likes or dispose of it at his own pleasure as long as he violates no rights of others.
3. No more wars
Wars were used in the old system to destroy excess economic capacity (apart from their occult role as mass human sacrifice) and thereby delay the collapse of the counterfeit money system.
It is clear that they are completely superfluous. The necessity to stage them falls away as soon as the “pressure is released from the system” by losing the fake money system and its destructive dynamic.
4. The restoration of our basic rights and freedoms
It became evident that the constitutions of most countries are not that bad after all. Also the present models of democracy, with some evolutionary changes, proved suitable to be filled with new life and accommodate the necessary changes once people were desiring these changes.
After humans had started to demand their original constitutional rights and questioned the multitude of conflicting and unconstitutional laws, administrative orders and illegal practices by governments and large corporations, they realised that they had to only insist on their rights and withdraw their support from those who tried to limit those rights for the whole „house of cards“ of the NWO to collapse and dissolve.
5. The end of „sickness on prescription“
Already for quite some time a rising number of earthlings had become increasingly distrustful of allopathic medicine after the initial euphoria in the early years of the 20th century.
In the beginning the medical-pharmaceutical cartel that used to be a central element in the control of humanity by a small group, had still managed to paint those successful alternative healers as criminals and withhold the knowledge of their successes from the general population.
But when at the beginning of the 21st century the mass-dieing of patients from „medicines“ like chemotherapy and ARVs became more and more obvious, the barrier collapsed and allopathic medicine hade to face an honest competition with alternative healing methods.
Of course the best achievements of orthodox medicine were not completely dismissed in this thorough re-evaluation and we are still enjoying a high standard in Surgery, trauma and crisis intervention, although these are less and less needed because of the reduction in violence and self destructive lifestyles.
The general opinion these days is that most chronic diseases or infections do not even occur when you eat well and live a healthy and joyful life.
6. The environment is flourishing
After energy generation had been shifted to non-entropical methods, practically all need to massively pollute the environment had fallen away.
Because of the termination of the counterfeit money system it was also not necessary to always expand mining activities in order to fill the insatiable demand of an ever inflating money bubble. Most goods were now produced from recycled or naturally grown materials.
The idea of quantitative economic growth had been replaced by a different kind of prosperity. A steady increase in the quality of life had become the natural choice in human activity. Of course a great catch-up was needed in some of the impoverished nations of the third world but great improvement is happening there as we speak.
And all this happened without any draconian eco-fascist laws and strangling restrictions, just by allowing human ingenuity to take it’s course.
The healing of the environment happened as a natural almost effortless consequence of humans’ inner healing process and their new relation to this planet and their fellow inhabitants, the plants and animals of this beautiful earth.
Generally it turned out that most systems showed a wonderful ability for self regulation, once negative or restricting factors (DOR or stagnating energy fields) had been removed.
Almost unnecessary to mention that with growing access to free information almost nobody was still interested in chemically produced foodstuffs and those industries withered away slowly.
For some „incurable addicts“ nostalgia products such as Coca Cola, potato chips, white sugar and cigarettes were however still offered in small speciality stores.
After all, nobody should be forced to be healthy or happy.
It became increasingly difficult though to motivate entrepreneurs to engage in the production of these things because they perceived it as a shrinking market and so these goods became more and more expensive.
Organic farming was accepted as the general norm, without dismissing useful and non-destructive modern technologies.
With the help of simple orgone generators that were soon to be found in almost every household, the great deserts of the world were transformed into flowering gardens.
In this effort of desert reclamation the otherwise obsolete gear of the redundant armies of this world found it’s last useful deployment as former attack helicopters were used to distribute tower busters and columns of all-terrain vehicles marched off to deploy cloud busters in the Gobi and Sahara deserts. Lybian military helicopters were used to deploy a cloud buster every 20 km in a grid to cover the Sahara.
Because of this general increase in prosperity and productivity combined with a sharp drop in environmental damage also in the former 3rd world and the massive reclamation of arable land, the alleged problem of overpopulation lost all its menacing aspects.
Also here that wonderful tendency for self regulation led to the attainment
of a population density quite pleasant and sustainable for all inhabitants of earth. Needless to say that all secret population culling programmes were stopped and the masterminds of these genocidal endeavours were brought to book.
7. The intellectual and spiritual renaissance
Of course this is the most speculative chapter of my little piece. So I shall limit it to the practical and the obvious without too much speculation about our possible future state of mind.
By removing all obstacles to free research, inquiry and discourse, science has become an exciting endeavour again, greeted with lively participation by the whole population.
There is no more feeding the masses surrogate progress a la “Popular Mechanics” but the most self evident application of former border technologies at the threshold between physics and metaphysics.
Teenagers are already learning about antigravity and devices for capturing the freely available cosmic orgone energy in the physics lessons in their (voluntary) high schools.
Artistic, musical and literary expression are reaching unprecedented heights because the necessity to keep the “masses” numb and deprived of finer perception has completely fallen away.
What this means for the spiritual development of humankind can only be glimpsed in the most general terms as nobody can foresee how we would develop under conditions of freedom.
Of course also the development of intuitive and extrasensory abilities will be encouraged and greeted with appreciation without treating it as anything excentric or even super special.
I can only say: „I’m looking forward to it“
Let us trust in the grace of self regulating intuitive guidance. (Some people call that “divine guidance”)
8. What happened to the masterminds of the NWO?
Large parts of the old elites have accepted that their neurotic quest for control is senseless and have opened themselves up to the general positive development.
A small number of hard core perpetrators who were planning and implementing great crimes until they ran out of willing underlings had to be tried and sentenced before proper and lawful courts.
All this happened without hate or vengeance with the goal of allowing even these deranged individuals to learn from their mistakes.
Of course all necessary steps were taken to prevent those mass murderers from perpetrating any new crimes.
9. Conclusion
This world can be created without violence within the next few years within the existing institutional framework.
Nobody needs to be starved or otherwise brought to death in order to make this happen.
We can start immediately, so let’s do it!
The massive neutralisation of negative energies worldwide with the simple little orgonite tools that everyone of us can make at home is the first step and has already effected great change.
If you value what is presented in this movie, please go to http://thrivemovement.com/ where you can support Thrive Movement by making a donation. You will also find more in-depth information on each of the subjects discussed in the movie, learn about Critical Mass initiatives supported by Thrive, and connect with others who are waking up and taking action.
Film Synopsis: THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream -- uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
Posted by Georg on Nov 28, 2011 in Buster's diary,
the “protophysical” (predating the physical) effects of orgonite are pretty well documented by now. “Before and After” pictures of clearing/dissappearing chemtrails, HAARP clouds and the like have been published by orgone activists all over the world and show that something is changing whenever we put orgonite out in the environment, especially near emitters of harmful radiation. Various plant growth experiments have been conducted and have shown the vitalising effects of orgonite, stimulating plant growth and strenthening plant health. Also lots of anecdotal evidence has been published about subjective effects on humans, from just generally stimulating energy levels to “miraculous” healing effects such as spontaneous cancer remissions etc.
But what about the more subtle effects on human consciousness?
Why are we regularly busting (gifting with orgonite) places of political power, places of religious indoctrination, human suffering? These places have significance not on a physical but on a spiritual or conscoíosness level.
What was the purpose of gifting Auschwitz and Treblinka and other concentration camps and places of torture and mass murder?
Why do we find it necessary to surround masonic lodges with Orgonite?
Orgone swirl in the freestate after gifting Ficksburg and surrounding areas
Interestingly, Don Croft built his first orgonite cloudbuster (yes, all the main popular orgonite tools have been pioneered by Don Croft and he should get a lot more credit for that) not in order to disperse chemtrails or end unnatural droughts, but in order to blast the consciousness of the corrupt city officials in town hall in his then town of residence.
The consciousness effects of orgonite are much more difficult to document or prove than the protophysical ones. The proof lies hidden in subtle observations. It will never be accepted by sceptics and that’s OK with us.
How can we know?
Intuitive or psychic perception
Direct psychic insight is one way of ascertaining the consciousness effects of orgonite. From this side we have received a lot of confirmation from many healers and clairvoyants whom we have met along our journey of the last few years, including such eminent and well known shamans as Credo Mutwa.
Here are just a few examples that come to mind without much searching. They stand for so many other – often casual – feedbacks we have received over the years:
psychics associated with the international orgonite network have found that holding a piece of orgonite, especially one of the pulsed devices such as SP-crystals or Power wands is making it easier to send and receive psychic energy. We use this extensively in the chat sessions at etheric warriors, where we use energy sending to blast the negative entities causing mayhem on this planet. Experienced healers and psychics do not need orgonite in order to perform acts of distant healing, psychic energy sending or remote viewing or sensing, but orgonite helps less experienced etheric warriors to become aware of these abailities by sensing the energy that can then be directed using visualisation.
Credo Mutwa loves Orgonite
Sensitive people who introduced orgonite in their household report deeper sleep, more vivid, often lucid dreams and less or weakened etheric attacks.
People who constantly work with orgone and are exposed to positive orgone fields start becoming more perceptive of subtle energies and more trusting in their own intuition. That is very much our own experience by the way.
My daughter Katharina and I on one of our early gifting trips encountered an abandoned cemetery with the grave of a girl that had died very young. We both fealt the heaviness and the sadness of her death. A more accurate psychic would peobably have found thet her spirit was still lingering around. After we had placed the orgonite, we felt such great relief. Both of us had to cry. (sceptics will say we were just a bit hysteric, I know…)
When I was travelling in Uganda with Don we gifted Bujagali Falls, a distinct energy spot that had been deliberately desecrated by Idi Amins murderous governement by dumping the corpses of thousands of murder victims. After we had plunged some orgonite piecesinto the rapids we saw thousands and thousands of Bats rising from under the overhanging river banks. There was no way that our presence could have physically disturbed them a the rapids are roaring so loud that none of our throws was audible. Funny enough, we all had that eerie impression that they were the trapped souls of Idi Amin’s victims now suddenly being released by the burst of positive energy.
The list could be extended endlessly and of course the impressions and sensations in the psychic realm are of a subtle nature and not made to convince sceptics.
Observation of behaviour changes
Observations of behaviour changes would potentially carry more weight with scientifically minded sceptics as they are open to statistical verification. In the absence of funding for large scale experiments with suitable oversight, they remain “anecdotal evidence” which is routinely dismissed by the scientific establishment. However we should keep in mind that a lot of good medicine and science has been based on keen observation and just such “anecdotal evidence” while “science based medicine” has managed to lower life expectancy in the USA from 74 to 68 years in the last decade. That should make one think.
After we had given it a major push by gifting the whole of Johannesburg, previously known as the murder capital of the world (not quite rightly, Bogota has a lot more murders per capita) the rates for serious violent crime, such as murder, manslaughter, robbery with aggravating circumstances dropped significantly for the first time since 1994. that was about 2003 .
The number of killing delicts for example dropped by 13%.
A very good friend with access to the political top leadership in a neighbouring country reported a “new healthy insecurity” among the decision makers after introducing orgonite into the personal space of president, head of secret service and other top military and political personnel. (A very subtle but accurate observation in my view)
People stop quarreling and become able to “just let go” in cases of unresolved conflict. They become more constructive in problem solving and tend to work together so much better. One example was a couple whom we had know for years and who had run a business together. At some stage the love relationship between Christo and Merle somewhat cooled down but there were so many things holding them together. A never ending quarreling, bickering and mutual psychic torture commenced. At some point we installed a cloudebuster and some orgonite in their garden and – lo and behold – suddenly they let go. She went to live in another city and both found new partners. I would not mention this if he had not told us that he clearly sees the sudden relaxation as a result of the positive energy introduced by the CB.
Christo and his orgonite CBOctober 2003
A friend of mine worked in an open plan office for a large IT company. The office and furniture was in drab colours and everybody seemed to slouch through their day in a very dpressed fashion. After putting a few TBs in the access flooring and more orgonite in the server room, I returned a few months later: “By concidence” the office had been refurbished in happy pastel colours and everybody (same people) had a spring in their step and a fresh sparkle in their eyes.
How is that possible?
The Muslims have a great saying: “Allahu Akbar”, which losely translates into “God is great”. What they are trying to express with this is a wonderful humility in accepting the limits of the human mind in explaining how the universe really works. Modern theoretical physics is a lot further down the road of understanding these limits than the more mundane proponents of the mechanistical worldview want to make us believe. Since Heisenberg’s “uncertainty Principle”, we know that we can either know a particles state or it’s momentum, never both. Further research seems to suggest that all perceived material phenomena are ultimately consciousness. Even the (mis)nomer “energy” for those states of the universe of potentiality seems inappropriate. From a quantum physical perspective it seems as if the observing consciousness creates “reality” by collapsing a “cloud of probability” into that which it actually perceives. Many recent authors with a background in theoretical physics have started exploring the spiritual implications of this new world view. (Don calls it the emerging paradigm, as opposed to the recedign paradigm of the mechanistic worldview)
A new paradigm emerging: Quantum consciousness
So, all explanations would be highly speculative and the vocabulary to be used in order to describe these dynamics is not yet settled or agreed upon. One can describe it in a “new agey” way or try to introduce concepts of the new physics. In any case these are only approximations, metaphors for something we intuitively perceive and where we can see the effects, but we don’t really know how it works. Maybe we have to acept our limits of understanding and gain more experience in these realms before we venture into formulating new all encompassing “unified field theories”.
In some way that which Wilhelm Reich called POR or Positive Orgone Energyis obviously creating a more positive flow on the consciousness level and not only on the physical.
Orgone pioneer Wilhelm Reich
Wilhelm Reich described the relation as follows:
DOR (Deadly Orgone Energy) = Contraction, rigididty, fear, death, striving for control
POR (Positive Orgone Energy) = pulsation, energy moving in vortices, joy, life, creative self-regulation
Of course we know that Wilhelm Reich’s pronouncements and theories are also only approximations. He was partly stuck in the materialistic world view of his time and did not say much about consciousness.
Ik ben TAO Foundation
Ik ben een vrouw en woon in Someren (Nederland) en mijn beroep is Medisch Entomoloog , Bioloog, Imker , Lichtwerker, Lifecoach, Kynoloog, Veterinair Homeopaat....
Ik ben geboren op 22/05/0000 en ben nu dus 2024 jaar jong.
Mijn hobby's zijn: Flora, Fauna, Mineralen, NATUUR .
Orgonite draagt bij aan het welbevinden van Mens en Dier.
De opbrengst van de Devices , Orgonite Producten, gaat rechtstreeks naar de dieren van Stichting The Animal Orphanage / TAO Foundation