There are many hypothesis to define the causation of vitiligo. But the real fact about vitiligo causes are not fully obvious. If we take a microscopic view of the disease or vitiligo patches in a patient skin it is clear that these colorless patches have no melanocyte or melanin in them.
Melanocytes: a special skin cells white produce skin color, the output of melanocytes are a substance called melanin. The presence of melanin is in a part of the skin is necessary for skin. And in vitiligo spot as its microscopic snapshot show there is no melanin in these spots.
What would be the causes of vitiligo but it is clear first pigmentation cells in skin are destroyed and a deficiency of skin pigment (melanin) occurs. With the passage of time this deficiency slowly increase and after some period of time there is complete loss of pigment in that part which shown as white spot of depigmentation.
Scientist are in the search of the medicine are any substance which is useful of the production of melanin and which is helpful to enhance the activity of melanocytes cells.
Hence the deep view of the vitiligo suggest that melanocytic activity is more prominent factor to be handle if you want to get rid from this skin disorder.
Today the use of herbal medicines are continuously increasing rapidly. However except earlier working, remarkable research and wisdom of some earlier Arabic herbalists there is not significant research work, we found in this ground. So in this regard what is the reason of such fast growing of herbal medicines industry in this age of technical advancement. Indeed herbal medicines have some extra ordinary qualities.
Why most of the remedies are found in the form of Oil instead of Creams? For answer of this question, I want to quote an answer by Anti-Vitiligo regarding Vitiligo Cream.
Why Herbal Medicine work for some patient and not for others?
This is due to the fact that some time because of the complex mechanisms of human body involved in disease generation are still not fully understood even to the modern scientists. We know a lot but we do not know a lot more. Then there are biological differences among individuals, races and regions which may have a bearing on the disease and its progress.
How one may suggest the effectiveness of Herbal Medicines?
Statistics about herbs or remedies are highly involved in this regard. All herbal remedies derive their testimony from the history of their success and safety in hundreds of generations over thousands of years (This is usually enough for most people because they generally chose this option only when they have had no luck with the prescription medicine). It is still virtually impossible to offer scientific explanations for the mechanism of action of any herbal remedy for any purpose. The day such mechanisms are understood with certainty, the remedy shall start being rated as a scientific product in conformity with scientific principles of modern medicine, as has happened with opium and digitalis.
Why herbs are widely used in food supplement instead of as medicines?
A gently action of herbal medicine are involve in this. It is famous as slow mode of treatment For some people this gentle action seems to be a disadvantage, because gentle action may be inferred as slow. But I think it is not a drawback of herbal medicines, because slow changes in the body systems are always better tolerated and have a more long-term effect. Then the natural remedies have a far less potential of side effects. There is either no side effect at all, or if there are any, they are also slow to appear and can hence be detected at an early stage without significant discomfort or damage.
Depigmentation is such issue which is not frequently discussed but not of the less importance. The major cause of depigmentation is damage of the skin to the sun. And more likely the open parts of the body like face, hand, arms and feet are affected by pigmentation disorder.
Depigmentation for Vitiligo
Some people suffering from pigmentation disorder like vitiligo use monobenzone like thing to remove the pigment on other parts of their skin this process also termed as bleaching of skin.
Bleaching of skin not a natural way to treat pigmentation disorder vitiligo except some special conditions when almost all the body affected by vitiligo. Monobenzone is a chemical substance which used for depigmentation of the skin. It provide the extraordinary whitening to the skin. But remember monobenzone is not a safe thing for skin other except vitiligo. Because there is more risk associated with the use of it to be affected from the skin cancer and other contagious conditions. It normally causes the dermatitis and the stretch mark in the normal skin. Although it is not happen in vitiligo patient but it often causes the dark spots on the normal skin. There is permanent sunburn you have to face due to it.
More and more people today use this as depigmentation or bleaching agent for gaining skin whitening. Behind this a social phenomena works that people normally have a craze for white skin. It works only for few days but to get your normal skin take long period of time.
Vitiligo is pigmentation disorder the treatment of vitiligo is normally take long period.
Some useful tips to prevent depigmentation:
Wear full sleeve dress when go out to prevent your skin from sun.
Drink sufficient amount of water.
Use of natural remedies like lemon and glycerin instead of chemical based skin care products.
Hair loss is very common and serious situation. In this post we will discuss the use of alternative medicine for as hair loss treatment.
There are many other type of medicine which can be affective for hair loss treatment but the latest scientific medicine are also very useful treatment of hair loss.
Alternative medicine for hair loss are the first choice of the people who do not like the latest medicine due the harsh chemical substances. Normally people avoid modern chemical base medicine due to their side effects. Anyhow alternative medicine has many advantages over modern medicine specially for skin care and hair loss treatment affair. These remedies are certainly not less effective if not more.
There is gentle action associated with the alternative medicines. Many people feel this gentle action as a negative point of alternative medicine because this gentle action show the treatment as slow mod of treatment. Actually the reason behind the gentle action is that the alternative or natural medicine caught the root causes of the disease for which it has been using. And due to this reason the gradual changes in the body systems are always better for the treatment purpose and have lasting effects. Another plus point of the alternative medicine is its low side effects. These have either no side effect or if there are, they are also slow to appear and can hence be detected at an earlier stage without significant discomfort or damage.
From economical points of view herbal and natural remedies in general and specially for hair loss treatment in particular are quite suitable because these more economical as compared to the other medicine or treatments. Alternative medicine are very simple to prepare and use and not required professional level expertise or the professional supervision for them.
For skin care and hair loss treatment there are many remedies which are prepared by the herbal substance and widely use over the world. Even some big skin care and cosmetic products manufactures also claim that the use herbal and natural substances in their remedy. Although in general alternative medicine are very less in use. The answer is simple involvements of so much money for getting the license from drug regulating authorities. The alternative industry is not so rich and there is not big amount of money for the research purpose.
As I said earlier in this post that the alternative medicine have been widely and successfullyused for hair loss treatment. I think in hair mater the loss of hair increase duethe side effects of the medicine.
The scientific medicines are normally made from unique ingredient which focuses only a small specific component causing anomaly and their effects are in general not permanent.Herbal medicine tend not only to treat the organ or component presenting the problem but itfocuses also on the improving the general health and nutrition of the whole body. And this is solution oriented approaching quality is most important fact about alternative medicine contrary to the problem oriented approach of latest medicine. Diseases result from a complex interaction of multiple derangement of body system. The alternative medicines are generally mixture of numerous ingredients which work on different levels with different intensities and tend to solve the problem at every level. The benefit is hence more lasting, more complete and more logical. That gives it a clear cut advantage over other disciplines of cure.
White spots appeared on the areas exposed to the sun, hand feet, arm, face and neck etc are called vitiligo. Vitiligo is a skin condition or one say a skin disease in which melanin (pigmenting substance responsible for skin color) production disturbed.
Some time vitiligo is called pigmentation disorder in the human skin. The human skin contains special skin cells called melanocytes. Actually these cell t produce the pigment melanin which provide color of the skin. When melanocytes and mucous membranes tissues that is situated inside the mouth, nose, genital and rectal areas and the retina of the eyes are destroyed resulting the white patches of vitiligo. These white patches of skin may appear on different parts of the body. Vitiligo may also causes the turn of color of hairs into white above the area affected by vitiligo.
Vitiligo has a close relation with autoimmune system of the body, and it is not wrong if we say that vitiligo is a common anomaly of the immune system that result in white spots on in the body. Case study shows that there are currently no acceptable permanent means to halt this process and exact reason of vitiligo is unknown. When we talk about the cure of vitiligo, we deals with eliminating the white spots weather root cause is addressed or not.
Today there are dozens of different methods in used for the treatment of vitiligo but there in no exact theory regarding the causes of vitiligo. One famous theory says some toxic material produced in the body which destruct the melanocytes cells.
Sunburn is a common symptom of vitiligo.
Types of Vitiligo There are many types of vitiligo under the two main types.
1. Localized Vitiligo
Focal pattern vitiligo In focal vitiligo a single patch on face, hand or leg with no other occurrences of disease on other body parts. A light topical treatment is enough for the cure of focal pattern vitiligo and also small cosmetic surgery and tattooing are enough for such vitiligo.
Segmental pattern vitiligo It is often called Lip Tip vitiligo because it is mostly limited to lips , distal parts of the fingers and toes. It is most difficult to treat segmental vitiligo. Segmental vitiligo has quasi-dermatomal pattern with one or more spots. These patches are of irregular shap and asymmetric in distribution. One or more patches are distributed within the same segment (anatomical distribution of the body) of the body.
2.Generalized Vitiligo
Acrofacial vitiligo Acrofacial vitiligo is very common distribution of the disease in this type of vitiligo the white spot are restricted to parts away from the center of the body. Affecting distal extremities and face. Some patches on face and some on other body parts, but not on all over the body. the disease effects the exposed parts of the body such as head , face , feet and hand, therefore it also causes the great emotional distress.
Vulgaris Vitiligo Due to wide spread it may take long time for treatment and normally it is not easy to treat this type of vitiligo. Also surgery may not be an option for patients of vitiligo vulgaris.In vitiligo vulgaris small patches of vitiligo are spread in a pattern like shower admixed with normal skin in segmental or acrofacial pattern. This is the most common type with bilaterally symmetrical lesions, predominantly distributed over face, neck, torso, fingers, toes, palms, soles and facial orifices.
Universal vitiligo It is also called vitiligo totalis, this type of disease cover almost all the body except some parts of the body like islands. Only choice for the treatment is permanent medical bleaching.
I am very thankful to for providing such a useful info which place for our million of population suffering from vitiligo as well as for the researchers
This is a guide line for the use of Natural substances for the treatment of different diseases. It is found that for skin disease natural remedies are more helpfull.
Although it is right that the result of Natural medicine normally taken a long period to be show. Buta strong benefit that it has no side effects.
Herbal and Natural medicines are cheaper and easily available then the prescription medicine.
First of all carefully study should be made about what ingredients are supportable for your disease. Then see in which natural substances these ingredients are found. Then finally consult some one about these natural substances are beneficial for the specific disease. If yes then you are ready to use this substances.
Here is the remedy mad by the following herbal subtances for the cure of vitiligo .
Vitiligo is very generalized skin condition due the abnormality in the auto immune system of the body. About 1 to 2% of our population is suffering from this condition. There are different type of treatment use for cure of vitiligo.Amongs them Alternative Medicine is very popular and most economic. So this post is for the relationship between vitiligo and alternative medicine.
You will hardly find a mortal who has used a prescription medicine for Vitiligo and is very happy about it, but even if it were successful and gratifying, that does not mean that there can not be other types of remedies which can be effective as well. There are a large number of people who simply would like to refrain harsh chemical substances. For the people who do not feel very comfortable with these chemical products, there are numerous remedies in various disciplines of alternative medicine. These remedies are certainly not less effective if not more. They have other advantages as well!
First of all I would like to count their gentle action. That may appear to be a disadvantage to some people because gentle action may be inferred as slow, but gradual changes in the body systems are always better tolerated and have a more lasting effect. Then the natural remedies have a far less potential of side effects. There is either no side effect at all, or if there are any, they are also slow to appear and can hence be detected at an early stage without significant discomfort or damage.
One may ask the very pertinent question then; why the alternative medicines are so much less in use. The answer is simple. The herbal and natural products have to be licensed by drug regulating authorities before marketing if they are to appear in the competitive market of medicine. That involves a lot of money. Humongous amounts need to be spent on pre-launch researches and the like. The industry of alternative medicine simply does not have that big money! Then there are no laws to grant patents for these products to assure the recovery of your investments. Now we come to most important question.
The answer is yes in block letter.
The most important fact about alternative medicine is its solution oriented approach contrary to the problem oriented approach of scientific medicine. Diseases result from a complex interaction of multiple derangement of body systems. The alternative medicines are generally a combination of numerous ingredients which work on different levels with different intensities and tend to solve the problem at every level. The benefit is hence more complete, more logical and more lasting. Prescription medicines on the contrary are generally based on a single ingredient, which targets only a small specific component of the abnormality. No wonder their effects are generally temporary.
Herbal medicine focuses also on improving the general health and nutrition of the whole body as well as that of the organ/ component presenting the current problem. That gives it