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In Yogyakarta steunen we de buurt van Anggi, wiens huis alleen nog recht stond temidden de vernielde woningen.
Anggi schrijft ons het volgende

June 16, 2006, 8:39 pm

Dear all,

The situation in my neighbourhood is getting better. People are eager to start their new lives. They work hand in hand selecting the remains of their houses to reuse them. Somehow they still do not know how to buy the material to build a new house. At least keeping working and being active will save them from depression. The shelters are getting empty because people prefer to stay in their own tents right in front of their ruined houses.

I still distribute some supplies for instance rice, sugar, tea, medicine, sanitary napkins, toiletries, cooking oil, water and noodlea for the coming 2 weeks. After that I'd prefer to start the next step.

My Ketua RT and RW (neighbourhood leaders) have agreed to change the support into productive support such as stoves, material for houses (sand, roof, cement, ect.), which will encourage them to soon start their lives. We don't promise to support them for a whole house. It is more to stimulate them to be independent and get through the sorrow.

The public kitchens have already reduced their activities. They now serve the food only in the afternoon. Every family has to start to earn their own food. This week I will distribute the kerosene stoves so that they can start providing their own food. Thank God there are mbak Menuk and her brothers who helped me finding the stoves in Solo. There is not a single stove left in Yogya because everybody needs the same stuff.

Meanwhile I will also use the money I get from all of you to buy the school uniforms for the elementary school children. Most of them have lost their unifoms due to the severe damage and the rain. Next month they will start the new school year. They will need the uniforms.

My friends and I will start the trauma healing program for children next week. We cooperate with another organization which is concerned with children issues. We will do this program twice a week. There will be various activities such as drawing, making simple toys or sculptures, colouring, singing, drama, story telling, etc. We will do this program in 20 different places in Bantul and in my neighbourhood. There are about 100 children and babies in my neighbourhood. On this coming Sunday another friend will start the program in my neighbourhood. He and his group will play some games for children and there will also be story telling and a joker.

My house is still a shelter for my nearby neighbours since their houses are totally damaged. Most of them are above 55 years old. We make jokes on it that my house is the shelter for the elderly. Ha..ha...It supports 10 people to stay. We still sleep on the terrace, carport, in the living room, even under the table. We are still afraid to sleep in the bedrooms.

Many houses in my nearby neighbourhood are deserted. The neighbourhood looks like a dead area. Yesterday a totally damaged 2-storey house collapsed towards the river. It sounded like such a big thunder that everybody ran away from his shelter/house, afraid of another earthquake.

That is all for now. I will write again as soon as I start the recovery step.

On behalf of the people in the 3 neighbourhoods, I would like to thank mbak Menuk and her brothers and friends (Solo), RC Studio (Yogyakarta), Mary-Louise Totton (USA), Inge Widjajanti and her family, colleagues and friends (Semarang, The Netherlands and Belgium), Reny and her friends (Jakarta), mbak Vera (Bali), mbak Rio and mas Bambang Suseno (Yogya), Henk Nederhand and his friends (Utrecht- The Netherlands), mbak Putri and her colleagues of the Erasmus Language Center (Jakarta), Hans Groot (The Netherlands), Herlina Suprayitno and her family (Surabaya), Sintha and Maret (Bogor), Arie Setianingrum Pamungkas (Yogya), mbak Mimi Hudoyo (Jakarta), Pak Jaya Suprana (Jakarta).

Last week I got high fever and my nose bled due to the heat of my body. The medicine I got from pak Teguh (Inge Widjajanti's husband) really helped. This morning I got a massage on my foot (reflexology?) to heal my body. Now I am OK and ready to do my duties again.

Talk to you all soon!

Kind regards,
anggi minarni

Ik vertaal even voor wie dit graag heeft:

Anggi schrijft dat de situatie in haar buurt er op vooruit gaat. De mensen beginnen zo stilaan te werken aan wat overbleef van hun huizen. Anggi veronderstelt dat ze nog gedurende twee weken rijst, suiker, thee, medicijnen, sanitaire doekjes, verzorgingsprodukten, bakolie en noodles zal uitdelen en dat daarna de hulp zal omgebogen worden naar bouwmaterialen aanleveren. Op die manier worden de mensen gestimuleerd om alles weer zelf in handen te nemen en zo hun verdriet te verwerken. Er wordt dus geen huis gegeven maar het materiaal om het te maken.
De publieke keukens zijn al in aantal verminderd. Ze verzorgen nu nog alleen eten in de namiddag. Ieder gezin begint zo zijn eigen potje klaar te maken onder een tentzeil tegenover hun eigen kapotte huisje. Deze week zal Anggi nog kerosene vuurtjes uitdelen zodat ieder in z'n eigen maaltijden kan voorzien. Mbak Menuk en zonen hebben haar geholpen om die vuurtjes in Solo te bemachtigen want in Yogya was er geen enkel vuurtje meer te vinden.Iedereen heeft nood aan hetzelfde!!!

Ondertussen gebruikt Anggi het geld dat we gaven om schooluniformen te kopen voor alle kinderen wiens kleedjes verloren gingen of erg beschadigd werden.
Vrienden van Anggi en zijzelf starten vanaf volgende week (twee keer per week) in samenwerking met een andere organisatie een programma om kinderen hun traumata te laten verwerken. De kinderen zullen er tekenen, zingen, vertellen enz...  Dit werk wordt op een twintigtal plaatsen herhaald.

Het huis van Anggi fungeert nog steeds als schuilplaats voor de buren. De meeste onder hen zijn ouder dan 55j. Ze grappen er zelfs over dat het een ouderlingentehuis is geworden. Er verblijven 10 mensen. Ze slapen op het terras, in de garage, in de woonruimte (zelfs onder de tafel). Ze zijn nog bang om in slaapkamers te slapen.
Angii vertelt dat veel huizen uit de buurt er verlaten bij liggen; dat het er doods uitziet. Gisteren nog stortte een huis van twee verdiepingen hoog in mekaar - het viel in de richting van de rivier. De mensen schrokken erg en stoven in verschillende richtingen uiteen, bang voor nog een aardbeving.

Ze belooft ons weer te schrijven als met de 'bouw' fase aangevangen wordt. Ze dankt iedereen die meehelpt erg!! Janti doet dat ook.
                                                                 Dank allemaal , dank, dank - Linda

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