Zeventien zijn en meteen je nieuwe knappe klasgenote, Marleen, kunnen aan de haak slaan, er bestaan erger dingen! Vooral wanneer de jongedame in kwestie niet alleen knap en zelfzeker, maar ook snugger en humoristisch blijkt te zijn. Dat overkomt Eddy in deze roman. Een boek dat je al van de eerste bladzijden terug voert naar je eigen puberteit, toen nog niets vast stond en dromen bijgevolg tot in de hemel reikten.
Eddy is het haantje de voorste in de klas. Hij leeft van moment tot moment. Studeren is bij hem totaal ondergeschikt aan zijn zoektocht naar nieuwe ervaringen. Als hij verliefd wordt op Marleen, beseft hij binnen de kortste tijd dat zij hem dieper raakt dan hij tegenover zichzelf meteen wil toegeven. Al even rap wordt het hem duidelijk dat hij zijn gedrag moet aanpassen als hij haar niet meteen terug kwijt wil geraken. Dus haalt hij zijn voeten van de tafel en wikt en weegt hij voortaan zijn woorden.
Even lijkt alles te klikken. Maar dan blijkt dat de twee totaal verschillende verwachtingen hebben en begint de lange, vaak verrassende, maar ookmoeilijke weg naar volwassenheid.
Prijsvergelijking Online Boeken Kopen: Omdat Ik Vlaming Ben - Marleen - Sarah en de Liefde -
‘Omdat Ik Vlaming Ben' - Eddy Adriaens
‘Omdat ik Vlaming ben’ is een sociale aanklacht, weliswaar met humor verzacht. Het is een politiek manifest, geschreven met een gevoel van mededogen en in de wetenschap dat de ‘vijand’ in elk van ons loert. Maar het is vooral het ontroerende verhaal van Florine, die liefde, respect en identiteit zocht tijdens de helse jaren van de tweede wereldoorlog en lang daarna.
Vijf jaar duurde de oorlog, maar 75 jaar later heeft de collaboratie van destijds nog altijd de kracht om gemeenschappen en politieke partijen te verdelen. Waarom collaboreerden zo vele, overwegend zeer jonge, Vlamingen destijds met de vijand?
'Omdat ik Vlaming ben' vertelt ons aan de hand van het leven van Florine De Pauw uit het kleine dorpje Kerksken (Haaltert) hoe het was om in de jaren dertig van de vorige eeuw op te groeien als Vlaming in België.
'Omdat Ik Vlaming Ben' is verkrijgbaar bij meerdere uitgevers
(Prijzen te vermeerderen eventuele verzendingskosten afhankelijk van het verkooppunt)
"Marleen" is het verhaal van de apenjaren van Eddy: drie vreemde jaren die beginnen op die eerste schooldag in 1970, als hij verliefd wordt op een nieuwe klasgenote: Marleen. Een verhaal vol ups and downs, doodlopende straatjes en onverwachte wendingen. Een verhaal zoals het leven zelf, dat je meeneemt op een tocht door je eigen herinneringen. Een verhaal dat je niet meer wil neerleggen voor het helemaal uitgelezen is en dat je achterlaat met een glimlach en een warm gevoel. Niet omwille van het happy end, maar omdat je onderweg jezelf hebt herkend.
'Marleen' is uitgegeven bij onder meer Lulu
(Prijzen te vermeerderen eventuele verzendingskosten afhankelijk van het verkooppunt)
Sarah beschrijft in deze verhalenbundel haar ervaringen met haar boyfriends. Zij vertelt ons hoe daten niet alleen zorgt voor romantische belevenissen en momenten van intens geluk, maar ook voor de nodige kopzorgen, twijfels, ontgoochelingen, verdriet en zelfs angst.
Sarah is een levenslustig tienermeisje dat geniet van haar jeugd en gebruik maakt van de toenemende vrijheid om op ontdekking te gaan in het leven. Centraal staat haar kennismaking met "de liefde". Al vlug leert zij dat relaties niet alleen goed zijn voor romantische momenten maar ook zorgen voor de nodige kopzorgen, twijfels, ontgoochelingen, verdriet en zelfs angst.
"Sarah en de Liefde" is een aanrader voor alle al wat oudere tieners en nostalgische volwassen zielen. In de verhalen komen onderwerpen aan bod als: jeugdverliefdheid, vakantieliefde, internetrelaties, daten met klasgenoten, tienerzwangerschap, maar ook de risico's van misbruik, ontvoering en verkrachting.
'Sarah En De Liefde' is uitgegeven bij onder meer Lulu
(Prijzen te vermeerderen eventuele verzendingskosten afhankelijk van het verkooppunt)
Met trots presenteer ik mijn nieuw boek "Omdat Ik Vlaming Ben".
Het boek schetst aan de hand van de levensloop van Florine De Pauw geboren in 1921 in het kleine dorpje Kerksken (Haaltert), het gevoel van achterstelling dat in de periode rond het uitbreken van de tweede wereldoorlog leefde bij vele Vlamingen.
Haar generatie had de de verhalen gehoord, en de gevolgen gezien, van de manier waarop Vlaamse soldaten aan het IJzerfront vernederd en zelfs onnodig opgeofferd werden door ééntalig Frans sprekende officieren. De manier waarop het Belgisch Establishment en de Katholieke Kerk met Priester Daens had afgerekend, droegen zij vers in hun geheugen. Bovendien stelden zij vast dat er voor een Vlaming nog altijd geen mogelijkheid bestond om in de eigen taal te studeren en ervoeren zij aan den lijve hoe de Vlamingen in België behandeld werden als tweederangsburgers
Bij het uitbreken van de oorlog, werden deze gevoelens alleen maar versterkt doordat wie actief was in de Vlaamse Beweging automatisch als collaborateur bestempeld werd. Niet altijd ten onrechte, want velen droomden nog altijd van een hereniging van Vlaanderen met Nederland en zagen België enkel als een onderdrukkende staatsstructuur. Het waren vooral de meest kwetsbaren, de jongeren, bij wie idealen en de drang tot overleven de ogen deed sluiten voor de mogelijke gevolgen, die na de oorlog zouden terechtstaan als collaborateurs.
De levensloop van Florine De Pauw leent er zich bij uitstek toe kennis te nemen met wat het was om destijds als Vlaming geboren te worden, hoe dit gegeven de denkbeelden van de mensen vormde, en wat daar de gevolgen konden van zijn.
‘Omdat ik Vlaming ben’ is een sociale aanklacht, weliswaar met humor verzacht. Het is een politiek manifest, geschreven met een gevoel van mededogen en in de wetenschap dat de ‘vijand’ in elk van ons loert. Maar het is vooral het ontroerende verhaal van Florine, die liefde, respect en identiteit zocht tijdens de helse jaren van de tweede wereldoorlog en lang daarna.
Op het moment ben ik nog bezig met de laatste puntjes, maar de voorbereidingen schieten goed op. Wil je alvast jouw exemplaar van "Omdat Ik Vlaming Ben" reserveren, of wens je bericht te ontvangen wanneer het boek in de handel verkrijgbaar is, stuur dan een email naar adriaens.eddy@telenet.be en ik verwittig je zodra het boek klaar is.
Over mezelf:
Ik werd geboren op 21.09.1953 in het Oost-Vlaamse Aalst en groeide er samen met mijn zes broers en zussen op in de wijk Terjoden. Na mijn studies aan de Handelsschool te Aalst werkte ik 14 jaar bij lokale KMO's als korrespondent, directie-assistent en hoofd verkoopadministratie. Sinds 1986 werk ik bij Belfius Bank. Ik ben getrouwd met Arlette Scheerlinck, vader van een dochter, Tamara en woon in Nederhasselt - Ninove.
Eerder publiceerde ik "Marleen", het dagboek van mijn apenjaren in de Handelsschool te Aalst, en "Sarah en de Liefde", een verhalenbundel over de ervaringen van een tienermeisje, geschreven samen met mijn zus Marlies Adriaens en gepubliceerd onder het pseudoniem Nele Smit.
Regelmatig stel ik - hoofdzakelijk Engelstalige - themaboeken samen. Deze handelen vooral over aspecten van coaching, counseling en communicatie en worden gepubliceerd op http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/Jaimelavie.
If you have ever wanted to host your own murder mystery party game but you did not know where to start, then this book is the perfect guide for you!
Whether your guests are old friends or new acquaintances, a murder mystery provides drama and intrigue, encourages participation and helps guests bond through a common goal: to solve the mystery.
I present to you a step by step guide for writing, planning, organizing, playing and hosting the perfect professional quality murder mystery party of your dreams.
All the ideas and inspiration you could possibly ever need to throw are included in this guide.
x creating the plot x guest invitations x casting of characters
x Timeline: Checklist from the first idea to the thank you message
x host guide with instructions, invitation, confirmation,
reminder, guest list, costume suggestions, name tags,
general background, ground plan, character profile,
public and confidential clues, goals, additional plots,
Numerous studies also indicate that it is the most effective form of job training. Yet, On-the-job training also represents a significant investment considering that roughly 30 percent of a new worker's time is spent in on-the-job training during the first 90 days of employment, that productivity of experienced workers assigned to train new workers may decrease during the training period, and that new workers may make expensive mistakes.
Both companies and workers therefore profit largely from the presence of simple, but complete trainee and trainer guides that allow for executing OJT in a structured way.
How to perform on-the-job training, has the information, techniques and tips that will allow you to implement a professional OJT training program.The book also includes all the tools, documents and checklists necessary for setting up a qualitative and efficient skills training program for OJT coaches.
What Is Mental Imagery And How Does It Work? Mental imagery, also called visualization or mental rehearsal, is an experience that resembles a perceptual experience, but which occurs in the absence of the appropriate stimuli for the relevant perception.
Mental images have the power to change your life. The mental images that you often visualize affect your life, whether you are aware of this or not.
If you visualize negative situations, difficulties and problem, and continue doing so, your moods will gradually become negative, you will alienate people, you will close your eyes to opportunities, and your self-esteem will go down. How can you achieve success if you are so negative?
On the other hand, successful people attract success, because they constantly imagine and expect success
What Can Mental Imagery Do To Enhance Your Life? Mental images are like a movie or still pictures that you see in your mind. If you watch them again and again your subconscious mind will ultimately accept them as you reality.
Through Mental Imagery you can affect your thinking, behaviour and world. If you visualize what you really and truly desire and how you will achieve these goals; if you replace self limiting thoughts by inspiring and motivating thoughts; negative habits by positive habits; prepare yourself mentally for challenging and difficult situations and picture yourself as the happy, healthy and successful person you want to be, you will improve your skills and become more happy and successful in your life!
How To Use Mental Imagery
Practice Daily.
Use short visualizations during your daily activities and longer visualizations while relaxing and prior to meeting specific challenges.
Use visualization boards as a computer wallpaper, sleeping room decoration or at places where they will regularly remind you of what is important to you.
Use Different Techniques of Mental Imagery for Different Purposes
Mental Imagery is an excellent way to
Manifest your Dreams and Desires
Reduce Stress
Create a Mental Safe Place
Define Priorities and Strategies
Get Rid of Stumble Blocks
Eliminate Negative Behaviour
Perfectionalize your Skills
Improve Problem Solving and Decision Making
Clear your Mind from Emotional Clutter
Find Balance
Let Go and Break Free
Some Of The Things You Can Do With Mental Imagery
1. Manifest your Dreams and Desires
Dreams do come true, but first you have to dream them, Right?
If you aim at nothing you'll hit it every time.
Goals are dreams with deadlines: If you dont set priorities, if your short term goals dont serve a long term vision, if you dont select strategies, and dont take action: how will you reach your goals?
Prepare Success! Achieving your goals, being successful and being who you want to be and living the life you want, is best visualized by mentally rehearsing the positive outcomes of future actions and events and by picturing the destined future stage.
Envision yourself achieving your goals vividly to remind yourself of your objective and what you need to do to reach it. Many athletes, actors, and singers "see" and "feel" themselves performing a routine, program, or play perfectly before they actually do it.
2. Reduce Stress Reduce stress by visualizing yourself in peaceful natural scenes, by descending an imaginary staircase towards your sacred safe place, by becoming a leaf that travels the waters of a lovely creek, by pulling the plug and draining all your stress away or by imagining how you let loose on an imaginary punching bag
3. Get Rid Of Stumble Blocks
Confront and eliminate irrational believes, fears and internal conflicts and turn your stumble blocks into stepping stones
Take responsibility for your own emotions and actions:
Recognize that neither another person, nor an adverse circumstance, can ever disturb you. Only you can.
Replace must by strongly prefer
4. Eliminate Negative Behaviour
Use Covert Sensitization: Imagine engaging in some behaviour you wish to change, say, an addiction. Have this quickly followed by imagining a highly unpleasant event. Thus, the addictive behaviour becomes paired with a highly aversive event and therefore is less likely to occur in the future. Next: imagine how your life will be without the negative behaviour. 5. Perfectionalize your Skills Systematically visualize the desired correct coping behaviour and its benefits for you. This technique has seen much use in sports. Seeing yourself perform skills at a high level, the way you want to: confident, accurate, focused, is a good way to build confidence and a feeling of readiness prior to a challenging task (public presentation, important meeting, ) or competition.
6. Improve Problem Solving and Decision Making
Choose an image to focus on to help you through a troublesome period. Visualize yourself as a superwoman who can easily scale the highest skyscrapers or a marathon runner who outruns all of his competitors. Put your problems inside a carton and imagine it getting smaller and smaller until it can easily fit into your pocket. You'll discover that your problem is easier to carry inside your pocket than the heavy weight of it sitting on your shoulders. Or, you can visualize your problems magically disappearing before your eyes. There are no limitations in your visualizing. It can be magical.
When you are struggling with making a decision between two different options, try visualizing yourself involved in the two scenarios and imagine the results of your decision. This visualization exercise should help you in making the right decision.
7. Clear your Mind from Emotional Clutter
Too many thoughts and mental pictures can convolute the mind
Choose images that erase, filter, or organize your thoughts. Much like de-cluttering a closet, you can use visualization to reduce mental clutter.
There are three causes of mental clutter: Avoidance, Indecision, and Procrastination. Dont avoid them. Confront them Now!
8. Find Balance Use visualizations to help you ground and find balance. Because our energies are always in flux it is important to "check in" with our bodies routinely to adjust and centre ourselves.
If you find yourself stubbing your toes or bumping into things, you are not in balance.
If you are experiencing mental confusion or are all over the place emotionally, a centring visualization can help return you to calm and better focus.
9. Let Go and Break Free Are you having difficulty walking away from a toxic relationship? Or do you tend to dwell on the past instead of moving forward in your life? Choose images in your visualization sessions which will allow you to break free from problematic people and move past personal regrets. We cannot change the past, but we can create our futures. Begin a new way of living by visualizing it first!
10. Familiarize Mental imagery can be used effectively to familiarize yourself with the surroundings before an event, such as an interview, an important meeting, a sales conversation or negotiation, a public presentation, a competition site, a racetrack, a stage or a difficult play or routine prior to a competition ...
11. Do a Run-Through Mental Imagery can be used as a cognitive technique to plan strategies, rehearse procedures or game plans, affirm what you want to occur, or as a coping skill strategy to stay calm and composed under pressure. Athletes and performers often do a complete mental run through of the key elements of their routines. This helps them focus, eliminate some pre-performance jitters and be more comfortable. It also serves as a warm-up or mini rehearsal.
12. Build Confidence and Readiness Seeing yourself perform skills at a high level, the way you want to: confident, accurate, focused, is a good way to build confidence and a feeling of readiness prior to a challenging task (public presentation, important meeting, ) or competition.
13. Stimulate Healing and Recovery Repetitive use of positive visualization allows access to the mind-body connection. This lets the mind and body work together to foster the healing process of the body on a physical level.
Visualization puts your intention of what you want to work. The more specific the intention, the more specific the results. Remember whatever you believe is what your body will do
14. Help You To Emulate Your Role Models
An important key foundation in Neuro-linguistic Programming is modelling. To model, you emulate those who have already achieved success. You observe, analyze and then replicate the factors that contributed to the outstanding performance.
While there is no 100% guarantee that you can reap the same results, modelling helps you shorten your learning curve. You learn to avoid common mistakes and apply the essential steps and strategies that have helped your role model succeed. The idea is that it is much easier to follow a previously proven path to success.
15. Give You Access To Your Totem Power
Animal totems contain a natural power that can allow you to see and love and know more of the earth, life and especially yourself.
Animal spirit guide totems hold power and knowledge that we can use to be one with nature - all that is and will be and use the power of nature to achieve our goals. Many cultures of the past understood and used the power of animal totems.
Totems can be particularly useful in today's society where it is easy to forget the essence and true spirit of life and love in the midst of high technology.
Use your personal animal totem to awaken the natural balance with nature that you already possess. You can be healthier and happier physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually in understanding and honouring your animal totems.
16. Borrow The Mind Of A Genius Or The Powers Of Your Hero The truth is that you can be anything that you want to bebut you do have to work at it.
If you want to find out more about how you can use the magical power of mental imagery to enhance your life, visit my bookshop at :
An Introduction to Family Therapy - composed by Dean Amory
This is the presentation of the new, extended and improved version of An Introduction to Family Therapy, your reference guide containing detailed information about all important facets of family therapy: schools and methods, strategies used, structure and content of family therapy sessions, stages, basic techniques, influential people, history of family therapy,
The manual provides extended background information about history and development of marital and family therapy and describes the lives and careers of the principal pioneers and leaders in the field.
Ample attention is given to the most important contemporary models and schools of schools:
Brief Strategic Family Therapy
Brief Strategic Family Therapy for Adolescent Drug Abuse
Solution Focused Brief Therapy
Brief Psycho Therapy
Psycho-analytiuc Family Therapy
Strategic Family Therapy
Bowens Strategic Family Therapy
Salvador Minuchins Structural Family Therapy
Virginia Satirs Humanistic Family Therapy
Behavioural & Conjoint Family Therapy
Milan Systemic Family Therapy or Long Brief Therapy
Response Based Family Therapy
Contextual Family Therapy
Narrative Family Therapy
Problem Centered Systems Family Therapy
Experiential Family Therapy
Following basic Techniques used in Family Therapy are described in detail:
The structure, strategies and different stages of the Family Therapy Process are discussed.
The Systemic Family Therapy Manual that is part of this introduction, provides a detailed survey of therapy outlines, goals and checklists for initial , middle and end sessions of a systemic Family Therapy.
Appendixes include samples of appointment letter, video consent, referrer letter, post assessment letter, closing letter, session notes record form and diagnostic interview outline.
Unlike people who are trying to influence, persuade or convince others, manipulators work with unfair means to get what they want. They do not respect the personal rights of their victims. They violate the victim's integrity, work with hidden agendas and deliberately use dishonest tricks like faulty reasoning, coercion, blackmail and lying in an attempt to control the victim's actions. Manipulation is about suiting the manipulator's advantage or purpose only, often at the expense of the victim.
Yet, it is often difficult to know when you are being manipulated: manipulators do all they can to convince you that you are the one who is to benefit most from their actions and that they are acting in good faith.
It's often really difficult to recognize manipulation when it happens. After all, if we are aware that it is happening, would we allow ourselves to be manipulated?
That is where this book comes in handy: it explains the tricks manipulators use and teaches you how to best defend and protect yourself.
Influence includes being able to persuade, motivate and negotiate in order to get what you want.
Imagine just for a moment how important it is to each of us to improve our ability to influence others: to make friends and inspire them,to win other people for our standpoint or to make business contacts and reach positive agreements with them.
What if you were even only slightly more successful in this art?Just imagine the possible benefits for your personal life, your love life, your career, your social life, your personal happiness, your financial position!
You know how important it is to educate yourself, to develop a vision, to plan, and to work towards your goals with flexibility and perseverance.Yet you also know that the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor does food always come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned.
One of the main reasons why excellent people do not advance in their careers or fail in life, is because they don't realize the enormous importance of networking and communication.
Knowledge and personal capacities are not enough to be successful.You need influencing skills to make it in this life!
Since this great book about the art of influencing and persuading others, is composed of articles found in the public domain, which are freely accessible for anybody on the internet, it's only fair that you should also be able to download this book totally free of costs.
So, why not download the book and start today to take your influencing and persuading skills to the next level?
The knowledge contained in this book will allow you to be happier in your life and more successfully
* make friends and inspire them
* win other people for your standpoint
* make business contacts
* negotiate positive agreements
* advance in your career
* enhance your personal life, your love life, your social life
* enhance your personal happiness
* enhance your financial position
By getting better at influencing and persuading people, you will in short, be able to create for yourself and your loved ones the kind of life you have been dreaming of
Prijs: 9,94 (prijs geldig op 15/10/2012)
Wordt binnen 3 tot 5 werkdagen verzonden
Communiceren is hoe je in contact komt met anderen. De manier waarop je dat doet is meteen van enorm belang voor het ontwikkelen van bevredigende en succesvolle relaties.
In dit werk focust Eddy Adriaens op een aantal zeer belangrijke communicatietechnieken: contacten leggen en onderhouden, vrienden maken en houden, een gesprek starten en in gang houden, jezelf en anderen motiveren, spreken in het openbaar ... het draait allemaal rond communicatie. Goede communicatie op haar beurt vereist sterke interpersoonlijke vaardigheden. Hoe word je meer assertief? Hoe geef en ontvang je feedback? Hoe vraag je iets en hoe reageer je op een verzoek? Hoe breng je slecht nieuws? Hoe ga je om met verandering?
Deze bundel omvat, naast de wetten voor goede communicatie en conversatie, ook de boekdelen "Leven is Communiceren" en "Geweldloze Communicatie"
In "Leven is communiceren" vind je gedetailleerde informatie en nuttige tips om je communicatie met anderen te verbeteren en zowel privé als beroepsmatig beter te scoren. "Leven is communiceren" is zowel als downloadfile als in boekvorm ook afzonderlijk verkrijgbaar bij http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/Jaimelavie
Communiceren is hoe je in contact komt met anderen. De manier waarop je dat doet is meteen van enorm belang voor het ontwikkelen van bevredigende en succesvolle relaties. In dit werk focust Eddy Adriaens op een aantal zeer belangrijke communicatietechnieken: contacten leggen en onderhouden, vrienden maken en houden, een gesprek starten en in gang houden, jezelf en anderen motiveren, spreken in het openbaar ... het draait allemaal rond communicatie. Goede communicatie op haar beurt vereist sterke interpersoonlijke vaardigheden. Hoe word je meer assertief? Hoe geef en ontvang je feedback? Hoe vraag je iets en hoe reageer je op een verzoek? Hoe breng je slecht nieuws? Hoe ga je om met verandering? In "Leven is communiceren" vind je gedetailleerde informatie en nuttige tips om je communicatie met anderen te verbeteren en zowel privé als beroepsmatig beter te scoren. "Leven is communiceren" is zowel als downloadfile als in boekvorm verkrijgbaar bij http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/Jaimelavie
Deze praktische cursus geheugentraining wil vooral een praktische hulp zijn in het dagelijkse leven. Zij richt zich dan ook vooral op het onthouden van: 1. Leerstof 2. nieuwe dingen opslaan om te onthouden voor later 3. taken 4. voorvallen uit het verleden 5. namen
Ik heb 14 jaar in diverse kmo's gewerkt als adjunct en hoofd van de verkoopadministratie. Later werkte ik ongeveer even lang als commercieel afgevaardigde en adjunct kantoordirecteur in de... banksector. Tijdens die periode heb ik mij vaak verwonderd over de manier waarop budgetten voor marketing en publiciteit toegekend en besteed worden. Het huidig werkboekje wil voor dit domein een beknopte en praktische leidraad bieden aan iedereen die als zelfstandige of in een kmo-omgeving mee verantwoordelijkheid draagt voor de commerciële uitbouw van het bedrijf
Whether you are considering life coaching as a career or for self coaching, Dean Amory's Complete Life Coaching and Personal Coaching Course is your best guide for coaching your coachees and yourself towards maximizing your life potential and achieving a happier and more fulfilled life. This is the last in a series of three books. Part 1, Personal Coaching is about what Personal Coaching is and offers a survey of the most popular models for Coaching. Part 2, Techniques for Personal Coaching and Self Coaching introduces you to the most powerful coaching techniques in use. Part 3, Essential Knowledge for Personal Coaches, is a practical standard reference work highlighting the indispensable knowledge and skills anybody who is considering life coaching as a career or as a serious self coaching process
Welcome to this introductory page about personal coaching or life coaching which will give you access to a practical training program that will allow you to enhance your own life and the life of others.Totally free and without any other commitment on your part than your desire to advance in life, to become more happy and successful and to share the benefits of this self development with others.
When searching for information about coaching using Google, you are presented with about 275.000.000 leads.The fact that you selected this page therefore means that you are committed to learning about the best ways to improve the level of wellness of yourself and of other people.
All coaching is always also self coaching. Because, lets face it: by starting to create and live the life you want for yourself, already you will greatly influence the quality of the lives of your relationships.On the other hand, if your goal is to inspire and empower others, you will have to balance, organize and advance your own life in the first place.People do not take swimming lessons from a coach who cannot swim!
Your motivation to boost your own life, to gain insight and find solutions for yourself and overcome the problems you face in life is your best guarantee for success and will allow you to learn, develop and practice amazing new abilities and skills easily and at a pace that will surprise you.
The ultimate guide to the models, strategies, techniques and skills of personal coaching and self coaching, covering all the essentials to coaching.
Dean Amory's Coaching Guideis aninvaluable and practical standard reference work and training manual for anybody who takes life coaching
seriously, be it as a means to enhance their own life through self-coaching, or as a professional life coach.
The three books - Definitions and Models of Coaching, Coaching Techniques and Essential Knowledge for Coaches - together form a comprehensive, highly accessible and easily navigable training program and workbook that is very transferable to the every day practice and by far the most practical coaching source available at this moment for free download on the internet.
Both for professional Life Coaches and as a means of self help for any individual who has taken the decision to enhance his life, Dean Amory's Coaching Guide will soon become a trustedfriend and wise guide that you can always rely on.
The Complete Life Coaching and Personal Coaching Course consists of three books in which you will find all the information, tools and techniques that will allow you to immediately start coaching your coachees and yourself towards maximizing your life potential and achieving a happier and more fulfilled life without any cost for you immediately:
Part 1, Personal Coaching is about what Personal Coaching is and offers a survey of the most popular models for Personal Coaching (or Life Coaching) and Self Coaching.
Part 2, Techniques for Personal Coaching and Self Coachingintroduces you to the most powerful coaching techniques in use and describes the most successful questions and strategies for coaching.
Part 3,Essential Knowledge for Personal Coaches,is a practical standard reference work highlighting the knowledge and skills that are indispensable for anybody who is considering life coaching as a career or as a serious self coaching process.
Who should read this book?
You should! If you have an interest in helping yourself and others - assess their current situation - choose the best path for them and bring about positive change - discover and follow their talents, values, aspirations and ambitions - set and achieve the goals necessary to succeed in life - boost their self esteem and confidence - inspire them and unwrap their motivation - enhance their wellbeing, happiness and success in life - improve their relationships - improve their personal and communication skills - deliver the benefits of increased income, pleasure, success and respect - plan and achieve career progress
Here is why you should read this book:
THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR PERSONAL COACHING AND SELF COACHING is an outstanding, tailored approach to coaching.It explains in a comprehensive and detailed way how coaching works. It introduces you to the most important models for life coaching and describes the most successful questions, techniques and skills for coaching in detail.The book illustrates the coaching strategies with numerous examples of powerful questions and conversations and also contains samples of the most important coaching documents.
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THE COMPLETE GUIDE FOR PERSONAL COACHING AND SELF COACHING is an invaluable and practical roadmap, well written, in a language anybody can understand.Many practical examples bring the theory to life and allow you to start practicing immediately.
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Please contact me if you can help me to get the English version of my book published.
Below you will find a translated exerpt of the novel and a synopsis of the novel.
Diary of my Wonder Years
This book is dedicated to my wife Arlette Scheerlinck and daughter
Tamara and written with pleasant memories especially to: (alphabetically) Aldo,
Carla, Danny C, Danny V. L., Deborah, Liliane, Linda, Marc, Marleen, Rudy and
Translation : Bart Andriessen
the author:
am Edgard (Eddy) Adriaens, born 21.09.1953 in the Flemishcity of Aalst.I grew up with my parents and six brothers and
sisters in the suburb of Terjoden.After
my high school studies I worked for 14 years in a few SMEs in Aalst as correspondent and assistant (sales)
executive. After that I worked for 18 years as a relation manager with the bank
Bacob and, finally, after the banks merger with the Dexia Bank, as a helpdesk
operator with Dexia.
Once upon a time there was a tavern
Where we used to raise a glass or two
Remember how we laughed away the hours
And dreamed of all the great things we would do
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way
Then the busy years went rushing by us
We lost our starry notions on the way
If by chance I´d see you in the tavern
We'd smile at one another and we'd say
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
Just tonight I stood before the tavern
Nothing seemed the way it used to be
In the glass I saw a strange reflection
Was that lonely woman really me
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days
Through the door there came familiar laughter
I saw your face and heard you call my name
Oh my friend we're older but no wiser
For in our hearts the dreams are still the same
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days
If you are going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.
(Scott McKenzie)
I come from a world where
the long haired youngsters what was called long haired back then were called
Beatles, beatniks or hippies and were looked at in the street.In this world Hair filled the parents with
disgust.Hair of course being the
distinctive feature of our resistance against a generation and a system that
offered the young nothing but hypocrisy and in which the weird dreams of George
Orwell seemed to be taking a vast shape.We were progressive and leftist because imperialism and nationalism, the
law of Peace and Order, reached such an extent that it forced us to react, and
in between it all we were summoned by the school principal because our hair was
too long.
I come from a world in which the Kennedys
were assassinated, just like Camilo Torres, Che Guevara and Martin Luther King.A
world in which the First Nation sacrificed a whole generation in Vietnam for
the unbridled ambition of its leaders; in which Israel and the Arab countries
fought yet another war; in which Bernadette Devlin begged for equal rights on
the Irish barricades; in which Nyerere was worshipped and in which young folk
in the cafés talked more about politics than about cars, TV or sport.At least that is, in our cafés.
I come from a world in
which a part of that youth was dressed in flared trousers and Indian cotton
shirts, preferably canary yellow, red, orange and lilac and if possible all
those colours mixed up.For a long time
however, the majority swore to the classic Sunday costume, the kind of which
even The Beatles wore during their earliest TV performances.
In due time, the
possibilities of Texas jeans as everyday wear were discovered and as schools
started to give up their resistance against this kind of dressing, the streets
were coloured in blue.Meanwhile, for
the girls and actually no less for the boys Twiggy showed the mini fashion
in the unsightly Carnaby Street.And
whilst more and more girls experimented with thread and needle, the female
teachers surveyed in certain schools with a rule on the playgrounds: skirts maximum
15 cm above the knee, you know.
In this world smoking was
still a must do, since the relation with cancer was still only a vague
hypothesis.The only argument against
smoking was better than all publicity together: it looked sloppy! James Dean
showed us just how sloppy one could look and we properly copied that.
In my world the cultural
gap between youngsters and adults was absolute.Our music was totally different, we thought, from everything our parents
knew.Everybody was occupied one way or
another with music, and we were all convinced - with justice that
exceptionally original and beautiful music was being produced.There
was Pete Seeger and Joan
Baez, Nina Simone was young, gifted and black and Bob Dylan was alongside
Mahalia Jackson, obligated
church music. Whether you preferred The Rolling Stones, Deep Purple, Pink
Floyd, Chicago or rather The Beatles or The Bee Gees, it all determined which pub you frequented and who you bumped
During the immediate
years after 68, schools were being plagued by endless waves of strikes.Then, it was the teachers, if not the pupils who were on strike.We sang We shall overcome till long after, and
the critical spirit, the urge to have a say in anything we participated in, became
stronger by the minute.
Never before had the older
generation experienced this: a crusade of children, their children who openly
discussed all the holy commandments and taboos of the world and who considered it
a task, tearing down the old values and no expense was spared.
The newspapers wrote
about the crisis the authorities faced, but we were young and we thrived on the confusion of the elderly.Those
days the established authority often was but a joke: kids were better educated,
better read and better informed.Parents, city clerks, police officers and teachers
didnt know how to react: they had no experience with our kind of attitude.Nor did they have an answer to our
questions, since our questions often enough were what they were asking
doubted the system and its streamlined theories and techniques just as much as
we did! It was merely the way in which we expressed our discontent and how we
because us being young, that filled them with
fear: this could not end right!
Meanwhile we skimmed
through The little red books.Those
basically all said the same thing: If you dont want imperialistic Neo-Nazis
to stay in control, then NOW was the time for a change and ignore their stupid
signs.You can walk on the grass.You
just have to figure out yourself what kind of world you want, then organise
yourself and make your dreams become realities. Did
not Ghandi show a quarter of a century before how to do it?
During my youth, the
impact of the Second Vatican Council still had to be digested.For a brief moment there had been great hopes
that we would finally get a Church with a human face.But when Pope John XXVIII died, most of our
illusions died with him: the religious fairytales were put back in place one by
one.The church simply asked us to forget about our
hopes and dreams and to turn the clock back to the fifties.
Instead, we became
the first generation for centuries that dropped out massively.All of a sudden you had practising and
non-practising Catholics, while the interest for other religions and
convictions reached its peak.From Hare
Krishna which was very popular in my world - to the Scientology Church, from pantheism to public atheism ...All of
a sudden, religion was a topic amongst the young.Only,
it was not the kind of religion, or the kind of debate the church and its catholic
schoolteachers wanted us to reflect on.So what?God is Great, Hallelujah!
Mortal sin! the
indoctrinated yelled, out of love and care for us.They felt a strong urge to try and save us,
because they really saw us going to hell, which, to us, made their efforts all
the more ridiculous.So the cracks in
the Church walls grew bigger and bigger.Churches went empty and there were less and less priests.Those who did try to improve the church from within
had to accept its dogmas and taboos and lived and preached according to its
rules.Thus they remained part of the
lie they were battling.More and more they got tired of being used and
abused and a growing number of priests resigned from office.
In our world the
conviction grew that Love was the only constructive element in the world and
Sin was everything that was detrimental to it.Beautiful People Melanie sang in her early
youth and John Lennon, a working class hero, discovered the woman, the nigger
of the world, and ruminated and repeated the dream of millions into the simplified one-liner success of
Imagine.Meanwhile, Woodstock and Wight amazed the world.But in
reality these were no more
than commercial lies based on the quality of its performers and on the bubble
of the massive free love parties.
When Love Story was
declared the most successful movie of a generation, we felt the wave of revolt
and renewal was running out of steam. The movie did not give us anything: maybe it was nice, but
it was also corny, deliberately dramatic, two-dimensional and over simplified,
making it typical for the mass production ideas of the consumption society in
which we risked to be drowned.The fact that
the book, the movie and the music all became such massive hits was no doubt
indicative: the ultimate proof of the pointlessness of our ideals.The Mourir daimer of this movie and others
like it, endeared my generation because it had nothing to do with napalm over Vietnam or helping Somoza in Nicaragua and because escaping reality has always been
the easiest option for the masses, but also because we were young after all and
hopelessly searching for LOVE, NOT WAR.
Siebzehn hat man noch Träume.In 1970 I
turned 17.I had never heard a bad song from
Creedence Clearwater Revival, I considered myself a melancholic romantic and a non-conformist.
I was light-hearted and lived rather chaotically.
to an occasional side income and some black magic, I was able to spent tons
every week on cigarettes and booze from whatever little I received as a weekly
allowance.Still I had to scratch to get
around. I didnt practise any
sport, didnt have any hobbies, and had no idea what to do after school.Perhaps I rode home after school, perhaps I
didnt.Perhaps I went out during the weekend,
perhaps I didnt.Perhaps I did my
homework, perhaps I didnt.Perhaps I studied but until I actually started;
I was the last one to know.I didnt
plan anything, had no ambitions, no goals.I just lived.
of my life occurred in Terjoden, a working class community bordering Aalst where I was born in 1953.A gloomy suburb without any history, quickly
constructed when a railway
station had been built in neighbouring Haaltert, alongside the provincial road
from Aalst to Geraardsbergen,.
rest of my life I spent in Aalst, a medium sized city in the heart of Flanders, where I went to school or rather was wagging school
and where I hung out in the weekends in a discotheque called The Caspuciero.Or with soccer player Vander Elst, where I
was made a member of the James Dean Friends Club, without ever having any
knowledge what this Club did, except distributing access cards and stamps for the
dance hall situated behind the pub.
the weekdays the bars in the Korte Nieuwstraat and those around the Station square brought me comfort when the
theory courses in school were on.
Aalst, is of course Carnival.There are those who think that Carnival is a
public feast taking place the days before Ash Wednesday.In reality, every day is a bit Carnival in Aalst, because every Carnival guild is always in need
of money and every ball they organised to collect funds was just as well
Aalst was also the Belfry, where the artists from the
local academy and the occasional other exhibited their works.Although the supplied exhibitions
disappointed me time and time again, I could never resist the sign saying
exhibition: the chance to see one beautiful sculpture, one beautiful
painting, was an irresistible attraction and drew me inside, into the Knights Hall,
or downstairs in the mediaeval crypt, where I usually ended up in utter
disappointment staring at - and not grasping the meaning of - three sawed broom
sticks wrapped in chicken wire with a sign in front saying Andromeda.
Aalst, finally, was also the Bon Marché, a major department store where I wandered
when all my money was gone, going endlessly through books and listening to
records in the music department.
In this life, without
wanting to, as it always goes, I met Marlene.The impact Marlene had on my emotional life was total.My life became Marlene: two pair of eyes, two
mouths, four hands, one belly. Everything else became extremely vague for me.Marlene was my love, my obsession, the mirror
of my dreams.But just as well my oracle
and the mirror of my helplessness.The
next pages are all about this strange and astonishing experience.
Chapter 1
Can you imagine anything more wretched than
having togo back to school after working a holiday job
for two months? Isnt it somewhat degrading to turn in your paycheck for a new
set of schoolbooks after feeling responsible for your job for two months?
Economically youre thrown back to being totally worthless from one day to the
next, feeling like a fish caught in a
net, waiting to get stuffed and contribute to the modern consumption society.On top of that my moped was parked in the
garage with a broken gas cable and of course I got out of bed too late to catch
the bus.No wonder I was already in a
shitty mood that Monday morning, the fourth of September, when I found myself
hitchhiking to the local trade school.Officially: The National Institute for Higher Education in Trade and
Administration. The schools name was amply sufficient to scare the living
daylights out of any self-respecting human being.Probably
based on a Russian conference about the success of the last Five-Year Plan. Not to mention the fact we would have to write
down that school litany in our notebooks these first few days.
But as soon as I found
myself within the safe walls of the school, I started feeling a whole lot
better: that traditional first day of school atmosphere with its unbelievable
bickering and fussing suited me just fine.People offer you cigarettes that often, one begins to wonder if theyre
earning commission from the tobacco companies.
Some pupils were chomping their fingernails, in
suspense of their re-examinations results.The girls commented on your clothes, the length of your hair or your tan,
or told you whos new, who isnt coming back and why.
Some women really have a nose for those kinds of
novelties and they usually get most stuff right.They smell their sources and know their
clients.Only the sieving of the less
interesting details regularly went wrong.How could it be any different with our the blokes - small talk, being an
impossible task, when its their biggest specialty? Part of the blokes were
trying one-upmanship, and when you fell in their trap, you were in for a treat with
the craziest Wild West stories about mighty holidays and countless love
adventures with girls coming straight out ofPlayboy Magazine.
I avoided the monkey troop cliques with a cheerful but
distant hello and continued in my search for someone more human.
The bright green eyes of my friend Udo received a lot
of attention from a few giggling girls, but as soon as he noticed my body odor,
he headed towards me.
Well, Pithecanthropus erectus how are you?
Apparently, his urge for knowledge had incited him into
a hunt for the history of our origin.Sometimes,
when we were both in the mood, we amused ourselves by using as many polished
words as possible.Boasting we called
it and quite funny! I thought I could get away by answering, underdeveloped
Mylodon, but decided to show off a bit myself.
You can address me as Sir Australopithecus and forget
about the erectus. Some of us do evolve.
Hmm, you do know that youre evolving backwards,
dont you? Your Australopithecus lived a long time before my Pithecanthropus!
Obviously, I had underestimated the competence of his
reading matter.
But lets not drivel on that.Have you seen Rudy yet? The chap grew a beard.And did you know Willys sister is joining
this school now?
Beards were lost on me: mine flatly refused to emerge.Willys sister didnt really interest me either.
In fact, Willy wasnt my cup of tea at all so I didnt expect any fireworks from
a sister of his.Willy was a big,
somewhat silent boy, who kept himself aloof in class and who was capable of
incredible feats like digging the garden of a teacher.But then, who cares about the shrubbery on the
face of an old acquaintance or the sister of an insignificant classmate, when all
that mattered was whos new in class.
If I didnt want to lose my gratuity completely, I had
to attend Religion classes and ran the risk of being saddled with a couple of
despicable elements in the class.While
those kids hailing from the more dynamic and progressive families tended to opt
for Ethics, the well-behaved ones, whose parents saw the Light From Above, preferred
Religion.Since I fell in that category,
I was dying to know who ended up where.
No, youre not the first one Im talking to.Any ideas about the changes in our class? I
Dont even mention it mate, Udo said. Ive been
trying for a week now not to think about our fantastic class, then you turn up and rub my nose in it.One good advice: dont put your hopes up, and
things will probably not turn out all that badly.
Thanks for bucking me up.
Meanwhile, Danny and George had noticed us and were
walking cheerfully towards us to mingle in, and then the bell rang before they
even got to us.
A few minutes later, it turned out Udo didn`t get
things that wrong. On the first row I noticed some bloke who looked like a
living fossil with a nose like a beak and ears like an elephants, frantically
writing down the tutors welcome speech. Udo had noticed him as well.
Say, is that your twin brother there?
Get some glasses for those mole eyes of yours, I
Sorry, but didnt you say I could call you
I burst out laughing.1-0 for the bastard and the kickoff wasnt even given!
But more new pupils drew my attention: on my opposite
I saw a well built female painting her name with big, angular characters on the
cover of a brand new and nicely covered notebook, using red and green, creating
a colorful artwork. And in a lost corner on the other end of the classroom, a
new guy the size of a telephone post, was chattering away with two veterans in
front of him.The more I stared, the
more I started liking him.Not bad! But
about three tables in front of me, I discovered what appeared to be the most
intriguing new comer; obviously female.Definitely
not easily classifiable, because all I saw was a piece of her dustcoat and the
back of her head with brown hair, tied up in a little bun.
Two exceptionally long hours separated us from break.Two hours, during which she didnt even
glance one single time.Not even when the teacher warned me and Udo not
interrupt his lessons again or we
could forget about picking our seats in class.Nonsense with his again: this was the first time he met us.So either he was brainwashed, or thought that
barking at us would suffice to escape the inevitable ordeal that he had coming.
Anyhow, not a living soul was
thinking of making a racket during those first delicate hours, so needless to
say I was bored to death.The bell didnt
even start ringing when I bashed the door open and stormed out to the
playground with the umpteenth cigarette in my mouth.
Marlene (Diary of my Wonder Years)
by Eddy Adriaens
On the first day of the new school year,
Eddy meets Marlene, a new class mate, and instantly falls in love with her.In no time, the two become inseparable.Eddy is euphoric about the relationship, but
feels somewhat troubled by the intensity of his own feelings.Things are no different for Marlene: shes
walking on clouds, but at the same time cautious and even suspicious because of
Eddys reputation, which her brother does not cease to remind her of.
Actually, Marlenes suspicions are not
completely without reason:.Already on
his first evening out without her, Eddy dates another girl.Shocked by his own behaviour, Eddy flees
away.Fortunately, Marlene never finds
out about the incident.Other aspects of
Eddys behaviour however do bother her: when she complains about his rude and
antisocial attitude, he realises that he is putting their relationship at risk,
and tries to fit in.Soon however, he
finds himself in yet another showdown of forces with one of the teachers.Marlene becomes afraid that she will
eventually become a victim of Eddys behaviour and asks him to keep more
distance at school.She even considers breaking
up, but cannot imagine life without him and affirms quite emotionally her
choice for him.
Eddy is taken back by the level of her
doubts.More so still when he accepts
Marlenes invitation to visit her at home, only to discover that she does not
even dare to talk about their relationship with her parents and that she is
still doubting the sincerity of his feelings.This lasting uncertainty and lack of trust, combined with the fear of
losing each other, generates a continual tension between the two youngsters,
which clouds the beautiful moments they share and sporadically erupts in real
Meanwhile, they increasingly isolate themselves:
in school they have eyes for each other only and also outside the school they invariably
spend their time alone and always at the same place.Hence, the relationship soon assumes a weighty character, and they enjoy themselves less and less.At the start of the new year, Marlene decides
to put an end to the relationship.
Initially this does not seem to form a
major problem to either one of them.But
when Marlene observes how well Eddy enjoys himself without her - and he soon finds out that the fun which
Marlene envies him for leaves him unsatisfied and lacking for content, the two
grow towards each other again.At one
moment, they make up again, but Marlene reconsiders her decision immediately.Feeling turned down, confused and
disappointed, Eddy asks Marlene to avoid all contact between each other.
When Marlene refuses to avoid each other
completely, they make an attempt to interact as usual class pals.This attempt quickly dissolves when Marlene
gradually increases the intimacy of their contacts at school.After
some time, they almost behave as if they are going together.However, when Eddy invites Marlene to be his
girlfriend again and date also outside school, she refuses
Again Eddy withdraws feeling refused and depressed.He
tries to desperately find relief in flirting with other girls, but in fact
remembers all too well how little satisfaction he got out of this on the
previous attempt.When Marlene watches
him kissing another girl, she reacts with disbelief and horror to his
behaviour, but after a couple of days tells him that shes still in love with
him.One week later however, he finds
her in close embrace with a boy and decides that this time everything between
them is effectively and definitively over.
Now, they finally succeed to keep distance
of each other.In the class, ties grow between
Eddy, Rudy and Marc.Every now and then,
by chance he and Marlene still have an occasional private conversation.At each such occasion, the air fills with
tension.At one time it even looks like
the two are going to pick up their relationship, but they are interrupted at
the crucial point, and later dont resume their conversation.
At the end of the school year, Eddy leaves
again for Oostende.He loves his vacation job at
hotel Brabant, especially because, in the evenings, he is responsible for the
bar.Although he is free each afternoon,
two weeks go by before he makes it to the beach for the first time.Initially he is just boring himself
there.After a couple of days, he gets
to know a girl at the beach.Two days
later already, she does not show up for their rendezvous.Next, he has something with a guest at the
hotel, but the girl is returning home already only a few days later.Finally, his luck turns when he meets Maryssa
during an evening walk on the dyke.Maryssa is the kind of girl he could fall in love with.But soon he learns that she is always
surrounded by friends and that it is almost impossible to spend a few moments
with her alone.After a discussion about
this, he tells Maryssa that this is not the kind of relationship he is looking
for, and walks away.
Just then Stephanie arrives at the hotel,
the prettiest and most friendly girl hes ever seen.Against his own expectations, the girl falls
in love with him and they have a wonderful time together. When Stephanie
returns to England, the two continue to write each other on a daily basis.The last days of the vacation, he spends his
afternoon on the beach with Maryssa and her friends.Meanwhile,
the Hall family and their daughter, Deborah, arrive at the hotel. But
by then the holidays are finally over and he returns home. At the start of yet another school year, Eddy is still
under the spell of Stephanie, with whom he is maintaining a daily correspondence.
Stephanie invites him to visit her as soon as possible and late September he leaves
for England.
The visit is a total failure.When he
returns home one week later, the relationship is definitely over. This unexpected
turn of events hurts him deeply. The only place where he feels ok is at school,
where he joins a couple of friends, amongst whom Marlene, who study a little
dance for the prom.
Unexpectedly Marlene asks him to go with her again ...
until the end of the school. The proposition deeply shocks Eddy.Actually he would like very much to get back
with Marlene, but does not want to enter into a pseudo-relationship with a
predetermined end date. He refuses. But the refusal hurts.
Fortunately, a few days after the incident,
he learns to know Rolf, the son of a German man, an aunt of his is about to
marry. The two amuse themselves very much during the Christmas holidays and
from that moment onwards, Rolf will come regularly to Belgium.
By the end of January, at the prom, Eddy meets Arlette and
starts dating her. Because she is not going to school in Aalst
and rarely goes out in town, his weekend-activities too shift away from Aalst.
The relationship also has its consequences in Eddy's class: Elly, a class mate,
is a neighbour and friend of Arlettes. Moreover, Elly is going with Marc, with whom Eddy
already has a pretty good contact. So,
he increasingly spends his time at school with them. He also maintains the
contact with Rudy, whom he regularly visits.On such occasions, he often sleeps over at Rudys.To his astonishment, Marlene now also asks
Rudy to go with her until the end of the school. Rudy accepts.Fortunately, the relationship between Rudy
and Marlene remains very limited and does not affect the bond between Rudy and
Eddy. When a group of American students come to visit the school and one of
them is staying with Rudy, the two even pull together with increasing
Eddy, Arlette, Marc and Elly also enlist with the new
volleyball club in Arlette's village. As Arlette is not allowed to go out every
weekend, this looks like a good way to see each other regularly on Sunday
mornings. The school year goes by quickly. When Eddy is asked for a vacation
job in Spain,
he hesitates. Arlette regrets that he will be gone during the holidays, just
when she will be more free to go out, but still supports him in his decision to
accept the job.
The summer job is a total disaster. Eddy feels exploited and
returns back home early in August, partly also because he is worried since
Arlette stopped writing after only a couple of letters. Initially it looks as
if he has no reason to worry, but when he can only see Arlette at local dances,
where their relationship must be kept secret, he insists that she stops hiding
their relationship. Arlette refuses: she enjoys the attention of the other
boys, wants to amuse herself as much as
possible and certainly does not want to do anything that could lead to a fight
with her parents, and hence to being grounded. They therefore decide to stop
seeing each other.
The rest of the vacation, he bores himself to death. He
feels depressed and even considers emigrating. In order to save some money, he accepts
the first job offered to him. By now, Rudy is the only class pall with whom he
is still keeping contact.During the
Christmas holidays, the two hitchhike to Germany,
visit Rolf and then return with Rolf to Belgium
by car. On their return in Belgium,
he takes Rolf along to the Christmas party of the volleyball club, where he
begins a relationship with the young Brenda. Bored of depending
on others for his transport, Eddy buys a second hand car. The relationship with Brenda does not last
long, however.After a couple of months,
he has to put an end to it after being informed that she is having a second
boyfriend at school.
Rudy now tries to mobilize them for a trip
to Nepal. But then he gets a call from Arlette, who has abandoned her
studies. He takes her home and keeps visiting her regularly ever since.After Arlette breaks up
with her boyfriend, the two even start going out together.But Arlette is not ready yet to commit
herself seriously. Eddy remains hopeful,
but in the meantime accepts an invitation from Deborah and leaves for two weeks
to England.
He spends a fantastic time at Deborahs, but sees no future in England for him and
returns to Belgium at the end of his vacation.
Stimulated by Rudy, he then decides to
return to school if Arlette does not change her mind at short notice. Arlette hesitates,
but when she realizes that he is determined not to visit her again unless she
commits herself to him, she chooses to go with him.
The book
Eddys wonder years are a
time where high peaks alternate with deep abysses. Some experiences inspire him
and give him wings, but there are also periods of deep self-doubt and
discouragement. At the beginning of the book Eddy is 17 years. Almost all the
people he meets are working on their fu
This workbook will teach you ten simple techniques that will allow you to create an atmosphere of appreciation and happy belonging, which will bring your date in a trance like state, in which all becomes possible.
The present workbook lists ten indispensable and infallible stepstones for successfully applying the art of influencing people. In fact, by using only these ten ingredients, your success rate in such fields as selling, convincing and seducing will soar dramatically.
Dr Irene Matiatos says : "Some of the nicest people I know are codependent. They always smile, never refuse to do a favor. They are happy and bubbly all the time. They understand others and have the ability to make people feel good. People like them!" ... and then she and a series of other specialists in the field explain you why this attitude is in fact very destructive to relationships, what its origins are and how you can overcome it. If you value your relationship and you have the feeling that the giving - taking part is not always in balance, than this is the one work that you should read !
THE ART OF SUCCESSFUL FLIRTING AND DATING is a public domain compilation containing the elementary techniques for flirting, dating and making conversation. It is the essential guide to flirting and dating for boys and girls, revealing the secret to successful seduction and lasting passion. Learn now how to get the boy or girl you want ... and keep them.
In deze Powercursus leer je de technieken aan die gebruikt worden om ons wereldbeeld, onze opvattingen, visies en voorkeuren te wijzigen. Je verwerft inzicht in geraffineerde manieren om mensen te beïnvloeden, te verleiden, te misleiden, te overhalen en te hypnotiseren.
Familiegeschiedenis van de familie Adriaens - De Pauw uit Terjoden, aangevuld met stambomen van de 16e eeuw tot nu, van de families Adriaens, De Pauw en De Schryver afkomstig uit Denderhoutem, Oost Vlaanderen, België en met interessante teksten over de geschiedenis van onze streek.
Dit verhaal situeert zich in Aalst en begint op de eerste schooldag in 1970. Die dag wordt Eddy verliefd op een nieuwe klasgenote, Marleen. Een paar maanden later al krijgt hij de bons. Wanneer blijkt dat de beide jonge mensen elkaar niet echt kunnen loslaten, begint een moeilijke dans van aanhalen en afstand nemen. Wij volgen Eddy gedurende deze periode en de twee volgende jaren en maken mee hoe hij worstelt om voor zichzelf antwoorden te vinden op de vragen die wij ons in die levensfaze allemaal stellen: over verliefd worden, liefde, omgaan met mensen, respect, de redenen waarom we zijn zoals wij zijn, enz ...
So you walked up to her and said "Hi!" ... and now : what ? This is a book about starting up conversations and keeping them going. Contrary to what you may have been thinking, finding the perfect opening line need not be a problem at all: You can say almost anything you want as long as you do so in a friendly way. If a girl is interested in you, she won't care much about your first line. It's what comes next, that matters!
Complete course on writing Fairy Tales, compilated from information freely available on the world wide web, completed with "some salt and pepper from my own storehouse".
RichtPrijs (incl. BTW): 45 à 48 (raadpleeg Lulu of Unibook voor de geldige prijs)
Sectie: Literatuurspublicaties Categorie: Biografieën Bindwijze: Zachte kaft (Paperback) Formaat: A4 Aantal pagina's: 152 Kleur: Full Color
Korte inhoud
De geschiedenis en stambomen van de familie Adriaens - Van Herreweghe x De Pauw - De Schryver (De Schrijver) met wortels in Denderhoutem, Galmaarden, Denderhoutem en Okegem / Liedekerke. Aangevuld met een verzameling van interessante artikels met historische achtergrondinformatie.
Marleen (Dagboek van mijn apenjaren in de handelsschool in Aalst)
Het verhaal:
Die eerste schooldag ontmoet Eddy een nieuwe klasgenote: Marleen. Al vlug worden de twee onafscheidelijk.
Wanneer Marleen een paar maanden later onverwacht een einde maakt aan de relatie, begint het verhaal pas echt.
De beide jongelui ontdekken dat ze samen niet verder kunnen zoals ze bezig zijn, maar mekaar al evenmin kunnen loslaten. Krampachtig proberen ze hun evenwicht te vinden in een ogenschijnlijk absurde situatie. Achter de schermen bepalen hun dromen, wat ze verwachten van het leven, hoe ze zich gedragen. Maar evenzeer hun idealen : hoe ze zichzelf zien, hoe en wat ze willen zijn voor zichzelf en voor de anderen ...
Gedurende twee jaar volgen wij Eddy op zijn tocht naar de volwassenheid. Tijdens deze periode worstelt hij met de vragen waarmee ook elk van ons zich geconfronteerd zagen: over liefhebben, loslaten, kiezen, gelukkig worden ... Het wordt een tocht vol verrassingen, bezaaid met momenten van intens geluk maar ook met ogenblikken van diep verdriet.
"Marleen" is een boek dat wij in één keer willen uitlezen en dat ons uiteindelijk achterlaat met een glimlach en het besef dat elk van ons ergens wel een beetje Eddy of Marleen is.
De auteur:
Eddy werd geboren in 1953 in Aalst. Hij groeide er samen met zes broers en zussen op in de wijk Terjoden (Erembodegem). Na zijn middelbare studies werkte hij eerst in lokale KMO's als correspondent en adjunct-(verkoops)directeur. Daarna werkte hij als helpdesk operator en relatiebeheerder bij Bacob, thans Dexia. Hij is gehuwd en vader van één dochter.
Dit verhaal situeert zich in Aalst en begint op de eerste schooldag in 1970. Die dag wordt Eddy verliefd op een nieuwe klasgenote, Marleen. Een paar maanden later al krijgt hij de bons. Wanneer blijkt dat de beide jonge mensen elkaar niet echt kunnen loslaten, begint een moeilijke dans van aanhalen en afstand nemen. Wij volgen Eddy gedurende deze periode en de twee volgende jaren en maken mee hoe hij worstelt om voor zichzelf antwoorden te vinden op de vragen die wij ons in die levensfaze allemaal stellen: over verliefd worden, liefde, omgaan met mensen, respect, de redenen waarom we zijn zoals wij zijn, enz ...
Boekentip 1 : Marleen - Dagboek van mijn Apenjaren in de Handelsschool in Aalst
<HEAD><TITLE>Boekentip Leestip Marleen - Dagboek van mijn Apenjaren in de Handelsschool in Aalst</TITLE><META NAME="Keywords"
MARLEEN - Dagboek Van Mijn Apenjaren In de Handelsschool In Aalst
Eddy Adriaens
Korte Inhoud
Dit liefdesverhaal situeert zich in Aalst en begint op de eerste schooldag in 1970. Die dag wordt Eddy verliefd op een nieuwe klasgenote, Marleen. Een paar maanden later al krijgt hij de bons.
Of toch niet? Want als blijkt dat de beide jonge mensen elkaar niet echt kunnen loslaten, begint een moeilijke dans van aanhalen en afstand nemen.
Wij volgen Eddy gedurende deze periode en de twee volgende jaren en maken mee hoe hij worstelt om voor zichzelf antwoorden te vinden op de vragen die wij ons in die levensfaze allemaal stellen: over verliefd worden en liefde, omgaan met mensen, respect, de redenen waarom we zijn zoals wij zijn, enz ...
Het wordt een boeiende en bij momenten aangrijpende reis naar de volwassenheid.
Biografie van de auteur
Edgard Adriaens werd geboren op 21.09.1953 in Aalst. Hij groeide er samen met zijn ouders en zes broers en zussen op in de wijk Terjoden. Na zijn middelbare studies werkte hij 14 jaar in lokale KMO's. Sinds 1986 werkt hij bij Bacob, nu Dexia Bank. Hij is getrouwd met Scheerlinck Arlette. Samen met hun dochter, Tamara, wonen zij in Nederhasselt - Ninove.