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    Rejoice today because God has a plan for your life!!

    16-04-2007 om 00:00 geschreven door crafty

    >> Reageer (0)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.PS
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen I made these keyrings as souviniers for the guests at my parents 40th anniversary party.

    15-04-2007 om 20:57 geschreven door crafty

    >> Reageer (0)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Update at last!
    oops:Didn't keep my commitment.  But here is my update - rather late than never.  Autumn is peeping here in South Africa. 
    Because my mother tongue is Afrikaans I understand the site's origin a little - Afrikaans was derived from Dutch.

    Therefore I was in shock when I realised this was actually a blog for the elderly. I am interested to know the age of you who reads this blog. Feel  free to reply.

    Very busy with my grade 0  and 1 kiddies. They are a busy joy.God is really doing great things in and through their small lifes. My husband is climbing the corporate ladder and is performing very well at his job.  We praise God for that!.  He and kids went to 'n big rugby match yesterday afternoon (they know by now to count me out... rugby is not one of my passions).  By the way my husband helped out with the Dendermondse rugby club when he was still a teacher...

    My mom and dad had their 40th wedding anniversary recently.  It was quite a festivity!  I ( with the help of my husband) created a slide show "surprise" for the occasion.  Was great fun and took me  54 hours to create.  Inserted pictures from their wedding day, youth, etc.; added sound effects which caused a few good laughs.

    I will include the poem that I write for my parents.  Take note - I have full copyright!! No publishing without my permission thanks.  The lucky ones that know Flemish and Dutch might understand some of it.

    God gee die rooi
    vir die robyn
    Sy son sal
    onwillekeurig deur die
    steen se glorie skyn
    en die aanslae se
    dofheid laat verdwyn
     deur die jare
    leer ons fyn kyk
    gelowig praat.
    -Skerp geslyp.
    Want dis nooit
    te laat
     om ‘n spatsel wynrooi
    te besef
    en te weet dis die Meester
    se reliëf
    wat robyne vorm
    en my en jou ‘n
    pad saam gee.
    Dis ENORM!

    15-04-2007 om 20:39 geschreven door crafty

    >> Reageer (0)

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