There is no sense in having this blog if I can't help people. I really want to make a diffenrence in this world. Doesn't matter how small or big my contributions will be, I know that I have to touch other people's life's, because I am serving a living God.
Remember: God is not a pie in the skie for the day when you die...
As a believer in Jesus Christ I know that we have to have a religion that is practical.
God is practical.
If you have the blues today, get yourself a Bible and start reading brother, sister. The word of God is powerful. There is power in the word.
Jesus is alive! I talk to Him, He talks to me. Sometimes through His word, sometimes through people, sometimes through signs, dreams.
I challenge you to have a personal relationship with the one and only God.
Please let me know in my Guest Book if you believe this.
See, this is exactly how the Holy Spirit works.
I actually wanted to ask your reactions on a "remedy", and then I felt in my heart I had to share the information above.
God has a purpose and a plan for our lives. We just need to be obedient.
Maybe he spoke to you. Listen to His voice and let Him direct you. You will never regret it!!!!!!!!!!
Please let me know via the Guest Book if you have used Cayenne Pepper as a "cure" for a sore throat.
I am interested in natural cures that really work!!
Be blessed! Crafty
I have now included a picture of me kissing my first born.