
dit is de stilte

van een nieuw begin

waarin liefde schrijft

rijpend tarwe

wordt straks brood

waarvan we samen eten

na het vinden

van een nieuwe morgen

verbannen we de aarzeling

Indi, een gelukkig katje op 3 pootjes
Oosh, de levensgenieter

Thomas, net geen 20 geworden....

Mijn requiem top-10:

Gabriel Fauré
Ein deutsches Requiem 
Johannes Brahms
Requiem for a friend 
Zbigniew Preisner
Messe de requiem 
Joao Domingos Bomtempo
Déploration sur la mort d'Ockeghem 
Josquin Desprez
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Cadman requiem 
Gavin Bryars
Peter Benoit
Mikis Theodorakis
Giuseppe Verdi


tijden hardlopen
15.09.06 start van s2r
25.02.07 midwinter run 
  kiewit 10km 1.03'
10.06.07 m. mooiste
  maastricht 5km 28'37
12.10.08 dwars door

hasselt 15km 1u48

Op mijn nachtkastje

Roberto Assagioli

De mens en zijn symbolen
Carl Jung

Een beknopte geschiedenis van alles
Ken Wilber

Op zoek naar Shambhala
Edwin Bernbaum

Psychosynthese en eeuwige wijsheid
Ben Bos

Vipassana mediatatie
William Hart

Een geschiedenis van God
Karen Armstrong

Zeven wegen naar het zelf
Piero Ferrucci

Meister Eckhart
Meester van het niet-wetende weten
Marcel Braekers

Het mysterie van de hersenstam
Tjeu van den Berk

Je bent het zelf
Ben Bos

Will Parfitt

Wegen naar het paradijs
Thomas Merton

Waarop wachten wij
Notker Wolf

Ik ben de poort
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh

Laat heb ik je liefgehad
Boris Todoroff

Levenswijsheid met een glimlach
Lin Yutang

Mythen en bewustzijn
Joseph Campbell

Het pad is het doel
Chögyam Trungpa

Maria Magdalena
Guido Kindt

Gij zult zijn als goden
Erich Fromm

En naast mijn nachtkastje:

Jonathan Livingston
Richard Bach

De alchemist
   Paulo Coelho

Zonder grenzen
   Ken Wilber

Het onbeschreven blad
   Steven Pinker

De schepping
   Franco Ferrucci

De kabbalist
   Geert Kimpen

Het numineuze
   Tjeu van den Berk

avonturen van eenzaamheid
   Freddy Derwahl

Zen, hier, nu
   Ruud van der Ham

Geheim India
   Paul Brunton

Zen therapie
   Davir Brazier

Vrede aanraken
   Thich Nhat Hanh

De schaduw van de wind
   Carlos Ruiz Zafón

inwijding in het symbolisch bewustzijn

   Tjeu van den Berk

De eenvoud van Zijn
   Ken Wilber

Ontmoeting met je schaduw
   Conny Zweig

   Indra Torsten Preiss

Boek van levenskunst
   Anselm Grün

Het onzegbare en
het onuitsprekelijke

   Ronald Commers

Over de wil
   Roberto Assagioli

Het directe pad
   Andrew Harvey

Wijsheid uit een leeg hoofd
   Jacob Liberman

Spirituele renaissance
   Victor Bulthuis

Vrouwelijke mystici
   Anne Bancroft

Oneindig dichtbij
   Matthieu Ricard &
   Trinh Xuan Thuan

Heel je leven
   Piero Ferrucci

Sprekende stilte
   Han van den Boogaard

Variations sauvages
   Hélène Grimaud

Oscar et la dame rose

   Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt

Hoe heb ik je lief
   Piet Weisfelt

Be as you are
   David Godman

Filosoferen over emoties
   Miriam van Reyen

   Philip Renard

Boeddhistische geesteshouding
    Alan Wallace

De ge-heel-de mens
    Raf Mertens

The eternal Pilgrim
   Ripley Webb


Tau Teh Tsjing

Et toi mon coeur
pourquoi bats-tu?

   Jean d'Ormesson

Zinvol toeval
   Frank Joseph

Het boeddhisme
   Edward Conze

Is God dood?
   Ulrich Libbrecht

   Joseph Jaworski

Een ongewoon gesprek met God
   Neale Donald Walsch

Vita Pauli

Vipassana meditatie
   William Hart

Over levenskunst
   Joep Dohmen

De profeet
    Khalil Gibran

en naast het bed

Michael Palin

De Transardense route
Francoise Lempereur

Running with the mind of meditation
Sakyong Mipham

Dakini's warm breath
feminine principle in tibetan buddhism
Judith Simmer-Brown


The rough Guide to Nepal

Insight Guide Nepal

Fietsparadijs Limburg

view and practice ngondro
Mipham Rinpoche

Natural liberation
Padmas teachings on the 6 bardos
Gyatrul Rinpoche

Rebel Boeddha
op weg naar vrijheid
Dzogchen ponlop

Touching enlightenment
finding realization in the body
Regi Ray

the transformation of desire
Lama Yeshe

Secret of the varja world
tantric buddhism in tibet
Reginald A. Ray

The perfect buddha
Jeff Greenwald

Bevrijd je demonen
Tsultrim Allione

Full catastrophe living
Jon Kabat-Zinn

Wanneer de ijzeren arend vliegt
Ayya Khema

Lady of the lotus-born
Gyalwa Changchub

The wise heart
Jack Kornfield

Meester over je eigen leven
Sakyong Mipham

Stil de tijd
Joke Hermsen
Zoeken in blog

een verkenning
inspirerende, spirituele gedichten om rustig tegen de nacht aan te leunen...
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Albert Einstein
I have no special talent, I am only passionately curious

15-06-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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there is a stairway to heaven - and she has a name......

click the link


13-06-2013 om 20:14 geschreven door jovo

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quand elle est au creux de mon lit,
elle prend toute la place,

et nous passons de longues nuits,
tous les deux face à  face

je ne sais vraiment pas jusqu' où
ira cette complice,

faudra-t-il que j' y prenne goùt
ou que je  réagisse?

je ne suis jamais seule
ma solitude

29-05-2013 om 07:22 geschreven door jovo

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 If you trust in Nature, in what is simple in Nature, in the small Things that hardly anyone sees and that can so suddenly become huge, immeasurable; if you have this love for what is humble and try very simply, as someone who serves, to win the confidence of what seems poor: then everything will become easier for you, more coherent and somehow more reconciling, not in your conscious mind perhaps, which stays behind, astonished, but in your innermost awareness, awakeness, and knowledge. You are so young, so much before all beginning, and I would like to beg you, dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer. Perhaps you do carry within you the possibility of creating and forming, as an especially blessed and pure way of living; train yourself for that but take whatever comes, with great trust, and as long as it comes out of your will, out of some need of your innermost self, then take it upon yourself, and don't hate anything. Sex is difficult; yes. But those tasks that have been entrusted to us are difficult; almost everything serious is difficult; and everything is serious. If you just recognize this and manage, out of yourself, out of your own talent and nature, out of your own experience and childhood and strength, to achieve a wholly individual relation to sex (one that is not influenced by convention and custom), then you will no longer have to be afraid of losing yourself and becoming unworthy of your dearest possession.

Bodily delight is a sensory experience, not any different from pure looking or the pure feeling with , which a beautiful fruit fills the tongue; it is a great, an infinite learning that is given to us, a knowledge of the world, the fullness and the splendor of all knowledge. And it is not our acceptance of it that is bad; what is bad is that most people misuse this learning and squander it and apply it as a stimulant on the tired places of their lives and as a distraction rather than as a way of gathering themselves for their highest moments. People have even made eating into something else: necessity on the one hand, excess on the other; have muddied the clarity of this need, and all the deep, simple needs in which life renews itself have become just as muddy. But the individual can make them clear for himself and live them clearly (not the individual who is dependent, but the solitary man). He can remember that all beauty in animals and plants is a silent, enduring form of love and yearning, and he can see the animal, as he sees plants, patiently and willingly uniting and multiplying and growing, not out of physical pleasure, not out of physical pain, but bowing to necessities that are greater than pleasure and pain, and more powerful than will and withstanding. If only human beings could more humbly receive this mystery which the world is filled with, even in its smallest Things, could bear it, endure it, more solemnly, feel how terribly heavy it is, instead of taking it lightly. If only they could be more reverent to ward their own fruitfulness, which is essentially one, whether it is manifested as mental or physical; for mental creation too arises from the physical, is of one nature with it and only like a softer, more enraptured and more eternal repetition of bodily delight. "The thought of being a creator, of engendering, of shaping" is nothing without its continuous great confirmation and embodiment in the world, nothing without the thousand-fold assent from Things and animals - and our enjoyment of it is so indescribably beautiful and rich only because it is full of inherited memories of the engendering and birthing of millions. In one creative thought a thousand forgotten nights of love come to life again and fill it with majesty and exaltation. And those who come together in the nights and are entwined in rocking delight perform a solemn task and gather sweetness, depth, and strength for the song of some future poet, who will appear in order to say ecstasies that are unsayable. And they call forth the future; and even if they have made a mistake and embrace blindly, the future comes anyway, a new human being arises, and on the foundation of the accident that seems to be accomplished here, there awakens the law by which a strong, determined seed forces its way through to the egg cell that openly advances to meet it. Don't be confused by surfaces; in the depths everything becomes law. And those who live the mystery falsely and badly (and they are very many) lose it only for themselves and nevertheless pass it on like a sealed letter, without knowing it. And don't be puzzled by how many names there are and how complex each life seems. Perhaps above them all there is a great motherhood, in the form of a communal yearning. The beauty of the girl, a being who (as you so beautifully say) "has not yet achieved anything," is motherhood that has a presentiment of itself and begins to prepare, becomes anxious, yearns. And the mother's beauty is motherhood that serves, and in the old woman there is a great remembering. And in the man too there is motherhood, it seems to me, physical and mental; his engendering is also a kind of birthing, and it is birthing when he creates out of his innermost fullness. And perhaps the sexes are more akin than people think, and the great renewal of the world will perhaps consist in one phenomenon: that man and woman, freed from all mistaken feelings and aversions, will seek each other not a opposites but as brother and sister, as neighbors, and will unite as human beings, in order to bear in common, simply, earnestly, and patiently, the heavy sex that has been laid upon them. But everything that may someday be possible for many people, the solitary man can now, already, prepare and build with his own hands, which make fewer mistakes. Therefore, dear Sir, love your solitude and try to sing out with the pain it causes you. For those who are near you are far away, you write, and this shows that the space around you is beginning to grow vast. And if what is near you is far away, then your vastness is already among the stars and is very great; be happy about your growth, in which of course you can't take anyone with you, and be gentle with those who stay behind; be confident and calm in front of them and don't torment them with your doubts and don't frighten them with your faith or joy, which they wouldn't be able to comprehend. Seek out some simple and true feeling of what you have in common with them, which doesn't necessarily have to alter when you yourself change again and again; when you see them, love life in a form that is not your own and be indulgent toward those who are growing old, who are afraid of the aloneness that you trust. Avoid providing material for the drama, that is always stretched tight between parent and children; it uses up much of the children's strength and wastes the love of the elders, which acts and warms even if it doesn't comprehend Don't ask for any advice from them and don't expect any understanding; but believe in a love that is being stored up for you like an inheritance, and have faith that in this love there is a strength and a blessing so large that you can travel as far as you wish without having to step outside it.

24-05-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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zo zou ik in het leven willen staan
vanzelfsprekend de seizoenen volgend
bloesemen als het mijn tijd is
bloeien als het warm genoeg is
mijn bladeren laten vallen in volledig vertrouwen
dat er een nieuwe bloeitijd komt
en kaal durven zijn
om me te richten op innerlijke groei

maar in plaats daarvan
probeer ik het leven
naar mijn eigen beeld te vormen
door alles weg te snijden, knippen en te zagen
wat me niet bevalt

alsof ik het natuurlijk verloop
van mijn leven kan controleren
ik probeer te bloeien

als de tijd nog niet rijp is
als mijn bladeren vallen, verzet ik me hevig
ik wil niet dat het gebeurt: niet nu, niet zo

laat mij als een boom zijn
natuurlijk en bereidwillig
de stroom van de omstandigheden volgend
zo zou ik willen leven

en sterven…..

21-05-2013 om 08:25 geschreven door jovo

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Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth

find reserves of strength that will endure

as long as life lasts.

There is something infinitely healing

in the repeated refrains of nature --

the assurance that dawn comes after night,

and spring after winter.”

19-05-2013 om 15:23 geschreven door jovo

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The Vimalakirtinirdesha Sutra tells the tale of the great layman Vimalakirti who lives in a home that offers shelter to a seemingly endless parade of beings. One of the beings who has taken up residence in his home is a goddess. One day, the Buddha’s great disciple, Shariputra, comes to call on Vimalakirti and encounters the goddess. Not one to mince words, or perhaps shocked to see a female in the great Vimalakirti’s home, Shariputra asks the goddess, “Why don’t you change your female sex?”

The goddess answers, “I have been living here twelve years looking for the innate characteristics of  the female sex and haven’t been able to find any, so how can I change what I can’t find? If someone asks, ‘Why don’t you change your female sex?’ what is he really asking?”

The goddess then uses her supernatural power to change Shariputra into a likeness of herself and change herself into a likeness of Shariputra, saying, “All things are without any determinate, innate characteristics, so how can you ask, ‘Why don’t you change your female sex?’ Why don’t YOU now change your female sex?”

Shariputra, in the form of a goddess, answers, “I do not know how I changed into a female form so how can I change back to a male form?”

The goddess responds, “Shariputra, just as you are not really a woman but appear to be female in form, all women also only appear to be female in form but are not really women. That is why the Buddha said that we are not really men or women.”

Then the goddess, using her supernatural power, changed Shariputra back into his own form.

In contrast to this teaching on non-duality given by Vimalakirti’s goddess, the home I grew up in harbored a clear distinction between feminine and masculine. I stayed in the kitchen and washed the dishes with my mom while my brothers went up on the roof to make repairs with my dad. I took ballet lessons but my brother was forbidden to dance; he took piano lessons and I, being female, learned violin. My brother was expected to do something great in the world, I was expected to marry someone who did something great in the world. When my father died the family inheritance went to the favored son. This sort of traditional perspective on male and female roles permeates cultures throughout the world. It is the insistence that women wear burkas in the Middle East, it is the baby daughters left to die in China, it is the young girls married off in India, it is the single mothers who can’t make enough money to feed their hungry children in America.

Like many other westerners I came to Buddhism out of some mysterious calling and to ease deep psychic pain. Buddhism was foreign and exotic. The faces of the Buddha statues looked so calm, in contrast to the faces I saw all around me, and there were beautiful words like jasmine and divine abode and kusala. So I projected onto Buddhism everything I wanted to see in a religion. On retreat, and in the midst of daily practice, this vision sprung to life. A nameless world between thoughts where no duality existed appeared. Off the cushion, since a good portion of my psychic pain seemed to stem from being born a woman, I explored the female aspect of being a Buddhist. Much to my chagrin I discovered that in Buddhism being born a woman carried the same onus I was trying to escape.

At first I was shocked and outraged. I fought with my pen, demanding equality for female practitioners. After awhile, growing weary of the fight, I sank into what felt like a bottomless sorrow. Was Buddhism to become yet another home where the fullness of who I am was not welcome? Still, I continued to meditate and began koan inquiry. The closer I came to the vastness during meditation and inquiry the less important the distinction between “feminine” and “masculine” became. There, in the silence, was my true original nature, an unbounded nature that was neither feminine nor masculine. I was beginning to experience what I now believe the Buddha was really pointing to.

Still, there is something about feminine and masculine that needs to be observed, honored and worked with in this human realm. Ultimately there is no masculine and feminine, only the undivided, luminescent, unconditional love that is the texture of the vastness. But to get to the place of awakening to this reality we travel through a world filled with apparent dualities. Finding balance between perceived opposites seems to be one of the essential aspects of the path.

There is no duality in the ultimate vastness, in what Bankei called the “Unborn Buddha Mind.” Yet, to authentically inhabit our original non-dual nature we walk the road of kindness by respecting all apparent dualities as different but equal. Then, while on our travels if we stumble upon the home where Vimalakirti, the goddess and Shariputra reside, we can move into our true home with one foot on the Earth.

This article originally appeared on Buddhist Door International on March 15, 2013.


19-05-2013 om 10:54 geschreven door jovo

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On a long journey, we may want to keep the ultimate destination in mind,
but it is good to take one day at a time and rest along the way.

If we want to relax our grip on self, we shouldn’t try too hard.
It is better to take a gentle approach.

Whatever steps we take, even if they are small,
the most important thing is to rejoice in those small steps;
then they become powerful.

Always we should appreciate what we are able to do,
and not feel bad about what we haven’t done.

17-05-2013 om 09:38 geschreven door jovo

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17-05-2013 om 02:38 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Vulnerability is the only authentic state.
Being vulnerable means being open,
for wounding, but also for pleasure.

Being open to the wounds of life
means also being open to the bounty and beauty.
Don’t mask or deny your vulnerability:
it is your greatest asset.

Be vulnerable: quake and shake in your boots with it.
the new goodness that is coming to you,
in the form of people, situations, and things
can only come to you when you are vulnerable,
i.e. open.”

―  Barefoot Doctor's Guide to the Tao: A Spiritual Handbook for the Urban Warrior

16-05-2013 om 20:32 geschreven door jovo

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Geen tijd hebben voor bezinning,

is geen tijd hebben
om te kijken waar we heen gaan

omdat we het te druk hebben
met er te komen.

15-05-2013 om 10:09 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen           “This life is yours.  
           Take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well.

           Take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly.

Take the power to walk in the forest and be a part of nature.

Take the power to control your own life. No one else can do it for you.

Take the power to make your life happy.”


14-05-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen life is great when
you believe in something bigger than
'yourself' in this world

13-05-2013 om 12:38 geschreven door jovo

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as the first clouds of the coming storm

ride up and over the mountains, catching


and casting the gold of the late day sun,

while in the valleys arrayed to the east


deep cloud-shadows slide up and over

and around, caressing the long curves


of her hills, then fall away, smoothly

like the silk of her dress might slide


from the skin of a lover’s shoulder.

how can we not love her?


this earth. how can we not want

to lay ourselves across the soft rise


of her hills, want to lose ourselves

in the gathering shadows of her valleys,


imbed ourselves in the moist warmth

of her hollows? how can we not surrender


to the cries of her thunder, to the white

heat of her lightning, how


can we not abandon ourselves completely

to the dark and passionate embrace


of her terrible gathering storms?


© Old Bones, New Snow/  J.A. Fink   2013

12-05-2013 om 07:21 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen it's funny how everybody considers honesty a virtue

yet, no one wants to hear the truth......

11-05-2013 om 21:30 geschreven door jovo

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als iemand je opeens verlaat, blijft er een leegte in je achter.
sommige mensen geven de leegte al hun aandacht,
tot dat deze uiteindelijk hun hele leven beheerst.
anderen accepteren haar niet en negeren haar stomweg.
ze storten zich op willekeurig wat, en 
worden het slachtoffer van hun eenzaamheid.
ik niet.

 zodra een leegte in mij ontstaat,
vult ze zich met warmte en wisselende schaduwen,
tekens van troost, die me vertellen:
… dat ik met liefde heb geleefd en het leven van mij houdt …

 en de eenzaamheid wordt een vriendin.

11-05-2013 om 08:05 geschreven door jovo

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it has been found again!          what?

eternity!                             ??

it is the sea mingled with the sun....

11-05-2013 om 00:43 geschreven door jovo

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Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.c.s.lewis
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen love anything and your heart will be wrung, possibly broken

if you want to make sure of keeping it intact
you must give it to no one, not even an animal

wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries
avoid all entanglements
lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness

but in the casket -- safe, dark, airless, motionless -- it will change
it will not be broken; it will become unbreakable,
impenetrable, irredeemable

to love is to be vulnerable

10-05-2013 om 07:17 geschreven door jovo

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      O Belgique qui m'as valu ce dur loisir,
      Merci ! J'ai pu du moins réfléchir, et saisir,
      Dans le silence doux et blanc de tes cellules,
      Les raisons, qui fuyaient, comme des libellules,
      À travers les roseaux bavards d'un monde vain,
      Les raisons de mon être immortel et divin,
      Et les étiqueter, comme en un beau musée,
      Dans les cases en fin cristal de ma pensée.

09-05-2013 om 10:44 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen si vous croyez que l'aventure est dangereuse,

je vous propose la routine

elle est mortelle!

09-05-2013 om 01:44 geschreven door jovo

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Every moment has its energy;

either it will ride us,

or we can ride it.

28-04-2013 om 15:52 geschreven door jovo

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vous êtes comme mon renard -

ce n'était qu'un renard semblable à cent mille autres,

mais j'en ai fait mon ami

et il est maintenant unique au monde.

27-04-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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Openness doesn't necessarily mean that you have to make
yourself available to the other person all the time. Openness is knowing the situation -- if it's healthy and helpful to the other person to involve yourself with them or if it is more healthy not to involve yourself, if showing this kind of commitment is not healthy for the other person. It works both ways. Openness doesn't mean you have to take everything in at all; you have a right to reject or accept -- but when you reject you don't close your self; you reject the situation.

Whether you accept or reject it depends on whether it's a healthy
situation for the other person or not; it's not purely what they want.
Openness doesn't mean that you are doing purely what the other person wants. Their wantingness may not be particularly accurate....So you just work along with what's valuable there.

Chögyam Trungpa

12-03-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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in het soefisme wordt men voortdurend uitgenodigd
de dingen vanuit het antipodale standpunt te beschouwen:

onszelf niet langer zien als iemand die het pad gaat,
maar eerder dat het pad jou gaat!

15-02-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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het is het beeld in onze geest

dat ons aan onze verloren schatten bindt,

maar het is het verlies

dat dat beeld vormt

13-02-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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het eigen hart

te ontdekken is

de diepste inwijding.

12-02-2013 om 08:48 geschreven door jovo

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Si la spiritualité ne prend en considération

l'entièreté de la vie humaine, elle est inexistante

09-02-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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miljoenen galaxieën vormen enkel wat schuim op die strandloze zee.

wij zijn draaiend uit het niets voortgekomen,
sterren rondslingerend als stofdeeltjes.
de sterren maken een cirkel en in het
midden daarvan dansen we.
draaien en nog eens draaien splijt het gehecht zijn in twee.

elk atoom draait perplex rond en het is
enkel god die om zichzelf draait.

05-02-2013 om 13:52 geschreven door jovo

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But the very, very, present moment,
if we can really experience the moment without mental commentary,
just experience it – there is no ‘I’ there.
And this is why it is so difficult for us.

There is an open spacious awareness.
It doesn’t mean that we become unconscious.
On the contrary it’s when you, for a moment, you wake up. It’s like
we enter a whole completely much more vivid awareness. But because
it is something which we are not habituated to, immediately
the ego jumps in and starts commenting,
and then we’ve lost it again. —

01-02-2013 om 14:34 geschreven door jovo

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tijd die je doorbrengt in nepal is een stof die je kunt inademen.

in het westen schiet de tijd voorbij met de meedogenloze en angstwekkende doelbewustheid van een wurgende klimplant - als in een versneld afgedraaide film.

een week, twee maanden, tien jaar vliegen voorbij als geheugenverlies, als een doorlopend spervuur van werkdagen, afspraken, televisieprogrammas, deadlines, etentjes, wassen en plassen, betalingen en telefoongesprekken. 

gisteren, vandaag en morgen vallen over elkaar heen als sambo en de tijger, en vermengen zich tot een ondoorzichtige en kleverige siroop.

iets als nu bestaat niet; er is alleen een opeenvolging van laters, die hun hechtranken om de kalender slaan.  de klauwen van de klimplant.......

jeff greenwald, the perfect buddha

28-01-2013 om 08:56 geschreven door jovo

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Zie je ik hou van je

Zie je ik hou van je,
ik vin je zo lief en zo licht -
je ogen zijn zo vol licht,
ik hou van je, ik hou van je.

En je neus en je mond en je haar
en je ogen en je hals waar
je kraagje zit en je oor
met je haar er voor.

Zie je ik wou zo graag zijn
jou, maar het kan niet zijn,
het licht is om je, je bent
nu toch wat je eenmaal bent.

O ja, ik hou van je,
ik hou zo vrees'lijk van je,
ik wou het helemaal zeggen -
Maar ik kan het toch niet zeggen.

Herman Gorter (1864-1927)

Uit: Verzen
Uitgever: W. Versluys, Amsterdam 1890, 4e dr. 1916

16-06-2012 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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02-02-2012 om 12:10 geschreven door jovo

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because of your smile

you make life more beautiful

22-01-2012 om 08:49 geschreven door jovo

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the key is: to be here,
fully connected with the moment,
paying attention to the details of ordinary life

by taking care of ordinary things -
our pots and pans, our clothing, our teeth -
we rejoice in them

when we scrub a vegetable or brush our hair,
we are expressing appreciation:
friendship toward ourselves and
toward the living quality that is found in everything.

28-12-2011 om 15:43 geschreven door jovo

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What is necessary, after all, is only this: solitude, vast inner solitude.

To walk inside yourself and meet no one for hours - that is what you must be able to attain. To be solitary as you were when you were a child, when the grownups walked around involved with matters that seemed large and important because they looked so busy and because you didn't understand a thing about what they were doing.

And when you realize that their activities are shabby, that their vocations are petrified and no longer connected with life, why not then continue to look upon it all as a child would, as if you were looking at something unfamiliar, out of the depths of your own world, from the vastness of your own solitude, which is itself work and status and vocation?

Why should you want to give up a child's wise not-understanding in exchange for defensiveness and scorn, since not understanding is, after all, a way of being alone, whereas defensiveness and scorn are a participation in precisely what, by these means, you want to separate yourself from.

15-12-2011 om 21:49 geschreven door jovo

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There are no problems. There is nothing wrong. Everything is unfolding as it should. Everything happens in its own time.
Space and time are illusions. They really do not exist. They're stationary. Causation does not exist either. No thing has a cause, therefore no thing has an effect. Cause and effects are again products of your own mind. When the mind is quiet, karma ceases. Samscaras are non-existent. There never was a cause for anything.
But if you feel that in a previous life you did something wrong and now your paying the price, or if you think that you did something wrong in this life and you're paying the price, then you'll pay the price, because that's what you think.
There is virtually no price to pay, because nothing ever happened. If it appears to have happened to you then you have to go through the consequences of having the effect return, or karma will come back to you, because that's what you feel, that's what you believe. It's all in your feelings and your belief system.

But if you feel as if you're born at every moment, every moment becomes brand new. Where is the effect? There is no time for any effect. There is no space in which to have the effect. space and time and causation become one, the present moment.
And if you feel like that then you can look into the future, which doesn't exist, and see what's happening.
It all has to do with your mind.
As long as you feel situations you know it's your mind that's doing it.

14-12-2011 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen A Reflection on the Vidyadhara

As part of my own contemplation on basic goodness, I reflected on my father’s life. He experienced the loss of his culture, the destruction
of his home, and the knowledge that his friends and family were being tortured.

One of the most brilliant minds of his generation—the last to be fully trained in Tibet—he became a refugee in places where nobody understood who he was or what he knew. Of all people, he had the right to say, I have been given this transmission of basic goodness, and I’m beginning to doubt it. People are not good.

Instead, he showed us basic goodness and urged us to create enlightened society.

17-11-2011 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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open like the sky, you fascinate a curious mind
open like the sky, you give rise to everything
polarities can play their extremes,
   yet you remain unaltered

you are empty,
   yet contain all
you are now,
   no future

open like the sky i can dance with joy,
   yet feel alone
open like the sky, unconditionally
   you accept everything

with that confidence i walk this path.

my contemplation on absolute bodhicitta

15-08-2011 om 15:47 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen if ever the world sees a time
when women shall come together
purely and simply for the benefit of mankind,
it will be a power such as the world has never known

matthew arnold, 19th century philosopher

03-08-2011 om 19:13 geschreven door jovo

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man muss den dingen
die eigene, stille, 
ungestörte entwicklung lassen, 
die tief von innen kommt, 
und durch nichts gedrängt
oder beschleunigt werden kann;
alles ist austragen -
und dann

reifen wie der baum, der seine säfte nicht drängt
und getrost in den stürmen
des frühlings steht,
ohne angst,
dass dahinter kein sommer
kommen könnte.
er kommt doch!

aber er kommt nur zu den geduldigen,
die da sind,
als ob die ewigkeit vor ihnen läge,
so sorglos still und weit ... 

man muss geduld haben,
gegen das ungelöste im herzen,
und versuchen, die fragen selber lieb zu haben,
wie verschlossene stuben,
und wie bücher, die in einer sehr fremden sprache
geschrieben sind.

es handelt sich darum, alles zu leben.
wenn man die fragen lebt,
lebt man vielleicht allmählich,
ohne es zu merken,
eines fremden tages
in die antwort hinein.

 r.m.rilke, was mich bewegt

28-06-2011 om 20:33 geschreven door jovo

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I can give you nothing
that has not already
its origins within yourself


I can throw open no
picture gallery
but your own


I can help make
your own world visible-
that is all

22-06-2011 om 19:11 geschreven door jovo

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center of all centers, core of cores,
almond self-enclosed, and growing sweet--
all this universe, to the furthest stars
all beyond them, is your flesh, your fruit.

now you feel how nothing clings to you;
your vast shell reaches into endless space,
and there the rich, thick fluids rise and flow.
Illuminated in your infinite peace,

a billion stars go spinning through the night,
blazing high above your head.
but in you is the presence that
will be, when all the stars are dead.

21-06-2011 om 20:42 geschreven door jovo

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loskomen van gewoontepatronen

02-06-2011 om 08:15 geschreven door jovo

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je n'aurai pas duré plus que l'écume
aux lèvres de la vague sur le sable
né sous aucune étoile un soir sans lune
mon nom ne fut qu'un sanglot périssable

25-04-2011 om 21:22 geschreven door jovo

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everything will be ok in the end

if it's not ok
it's not the end

13-04-2011 om 23:39 geschreven door jovo

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ich will nichts weiter sein
als die Zeder vor deinem Haus
als ein Ast dieser Zeder
als ein Zweig dieses Astes
als ein Blatt dieses Zweiges
als ein Schatten dieses Blattes
als ein Wehen dieses Schattens
der eine Sekunde
die Schläfe dir kühlt.

klik op de foto

01-04-2011 om 01:02 geschreven door jovo

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of ik kan nu al van mezelf houden.......

22-03-2011 om 09:18 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen liefde contempleren geeft ons de weidse geest - hoe verder onze liefde zich uitbreidt, des te groter wordt ons hart.

we kunnen verliefd zijn op de hele wereld - verliefd zijn op de hele wereld is geen last - het betekent grote vreugde, het vertrouwen van de leeuw.

na het 'perky' weekend in rotterdam

21-03-2011 om 19:35 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen een gelukkig mens heeft
het kind in zich bewaard...

18-03-2011 om 16:40 geschreven door jovo

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 I wish I could remember that first day,

    first hour, first moment of your meeting me,
    if bright or dim the season, it might be
 summer or winter for aught I can say;
 so unrecorded did it slip away,
    so blind was I to see and to foresee,
    so dull to mark the budding of my tree
 that would not blossom yet for many a may

if only I could recollect it, such
    a day of days! I let it come and go
   as traceless as a thaw of bygone snow;
 it seemed to mean so little, meant so much;
 if only now I could recall that touch,
    first touch of hand in hand – did one but know!

Era gia l’ora che volge il desio. – Dante
Ricorro al tempo ch’io vi vidi prima.
– Petrarca

16-03-2011 om 19:02 geschreven door jovo

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the pain of one part of humankind
is the pain of the whole of humankind.

and the human species and
the planet earth are one body.

what happens to one part of the body
happens to the whole body.


after the disaster in japan

15-03-2011 om 21:04 geschreven door jovo

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ik oefen als een jonge vogel op de rand
van ’t nest, dat ik verlaten moet
in kleine haperende vluchten
en sper mijn snavel

na het shambhala gidsentrainingsweekend

13-03-2011 om 21:55 geschreven door jovo

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reduce speed,
avoid aggression,
fall in love.

01-03-2011 om 09:16 geschreven door jovo

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ineens. of al heel lang: altijd.

niet, het gaat hier om niet.
sommigen zeggen dat dat,
precies dat, het essentiële moment is,
het moment ‘niet’,
dat het daar om gaat.

maar dat is wat sommigen doen: praten,
altijd maar praten.
muziek in een lift.
hadden ze gelijk, ze zouden zwijgen.

28-02-2011 om 23:21 geschreven door jovo

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wat een heldere nacht, mijn lief!
we kunnen op sterren gaan vissen
die een gloed van groene schubben
achterlaten op onze hand.

wat een mooie nacht, mijn lief!
ze ruikt naar jonge maan,
ik zie ons varen op de fijne geur
met de nasmaak van munt.

25-02-2011 om 18:10 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen ik schilde een rode appel en zag het bleke
vlees zo in zichzelf gekeerd staan op een bord
dat ik het niet kon eten.

stelde me de vrouw voor
die jij boven mij verkoos en bedacht een ander
land om in te kunnen wonen...

24-02-2011 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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ik draag ze mee

zoals mijn kat haar jongen

de blauwe plekken op mijn ziel

23-02-2011 om 23:25 geschreven door jovo

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guard your tongue,
and keep all inmost thoughts and feelings
deep within your heart concealed.

there, let them in their courses rise
and set like stars in jewelled night,
unheard: admire them,
and say not a word.



22-02-2011 om 20:36 geschreven door jovo

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Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen and the day came
when the risk
to remain tight in a bud
was more painful
than the risk it took
to blossom

21-02-2011 om 18:27 geschreven door jovo

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20-02-2011 om 01:01 geschreven door jovo

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19-02-2011 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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strange how a teapot
can represent at the same time
the comforts of solitude
and the pleasures of company

17-02-2011 om 18:05 geschreven door jovo

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will the book be different

when we read it again

10 years later?

16-02-2011 om 22:32 geschreven door jovo

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i am learning how to love
i am always just beginning 
i am never an expert 
and it might as well take a lifetime

15-02-2011 om 20:30 geschreven door jovo

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my heart is afraid that it will have to suffer...

tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself - and that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search is a second’s encounter with eternity.

the alchemist

14-02-2011 om 18:57 geschreven door jovo

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don't believe everything you think

12-02-2011 om 01:17 geschreven door jovo

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many people
will walk in and
out of your life,

but only true friends
will leave footprints
in your heart

11-02-2011 om 00:06 geschreven door jovo

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how'd it break up and come apart,
so that now we're turned against each other?
each standing in the other's light.
how'd we lose that good that was given us?
let it slip away. scattered it, careless.

what's keepin' us from reaching out,
touching the glory?

09-02-2011 om 23:00 geschreven door jovo

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so don’t waste it living someone else’s life

don’t be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people’s thinking

don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice - and most important: have the courage to follow your heart and intuition
they somehow already know what you truly want to become.

everything else is secondary

08-02-2011 om 23:38 geschreven door jovo

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to be great, be whole

don’t make anything you are bigger or into nothing

be all in everything

lay as much as you are in the least thing you do.

03-02-2011 om 22:34 geschreven door jovo

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there is no such thing as a person
there are only restrictions and limitations
the sum total of these defines the person

the person merely appears to be,
like the space within the pot appears
to have the shape and volume
and smell of the pot

01-02-2011 om 20:35 geschreven door jovo

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with six smiles on your body, you are so meek.
please protect us and inspire us,
so that your fire can consume the coward.

rotterdam  30 januari

30-01-2011 om 23:08 geschreven door jovo

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l'esprit cherche

et c'est le coeur

qui trouve

27-01-2011 om 18:27 geschreven door jovo

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the old woman I shall become

will be quite different from the

woman I am now       -

another I is beginning....

26-01-2011 om 20:55 geschreven door jovo

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sometimes it's harder to attain inner silence than outer silence
the dog stopped barking and the kids have gone to bed,
but your mind has a lot to talk about and
it knows you can't pretend you're not at home....

24-01-2011 om 23:47 geschreven door jovo

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you can lose it....

23-01-2011 om 20:22 geschreven door jovo

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to enjoy the rainbow,

first enjoy the rain......

19-01-2011 om 19:12 geschreven door jovo

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in het lezen schuilt wijsheid,

in het spreken ligt de verbinding,

in de stilte de waarheid...

17-01-2011 om 19:26 geschreven door jovo

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in the vastness of the sky
without center or edges,
the sun shines, illuminating
all things without choosing.

this is the way you should help beings.

16-01-2011 om 19:58 geschreven door jovo

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een jij en een ik
een zucht en een zoen
scharlaken tekens
van wachtende eeuwigheid.

13-01-2011 om 19:20 geschreven door jovo

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als de ijzeren arend vliegt
en de paarden op wielen gaan,
zal het tibetaanse volk verstrooid worden over de aarde
en zal de dhamma naar het land van de rode mensen gaan.

11-01-2011 om 20:19 geschreven door jovo

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     I love you
     lying here next to me...

10-01-2011 om 22:19 geschreven door jovo

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when was the last time
you sat alone with the silence,
traveling to the deepest part
of your being?

when was the last time
you said hello to your soul?

09-01-2011 om 20:23 geschreven door jovo

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follow your intuition

it's the voice of your soul.....

08-01-2011 om 11:34 geschreven door jovo

>> Reageer (0)
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niet je doelen of daden zijn primair,

maar de bewustzijnstoestand

waaruit ze voortkomen


05-01-2011 om 18:55 geschreven door jovo

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04-01-2011 om 20:33 geschreven door jovo

>> Reageer (0)
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love being what it is:

-   forgotten   -

I walk along anyway...

03-01-2011 om 12:25 geschreven door jovo

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je comprends
que le présence des autres est nécessaire
pourqu'une certaine qualité
d'intelligence et de conscience se manifeste

parfois ces autres pouvaient être
une distraction et même une fuite
pourtant je comprends aussi
que seule je ne peux rien

l'aide de l'autre est nécessaire
et ensuite être seule....
face à moi-même

02-01-2011 om 14:43 geschreven door jovo

>> Reageer (0)
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do it now and regret later...

26-12-2010 om 18:24 geschreven door jovo

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one must remain in the vastness, alert and lucid

letting one's gaze encompass the infinity of the sky

as though seated on the summit of a mountain open to all the horizons

19-12-2010 om 11:24 geschreven door jovo

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blessed is the wise man
who clearly knows the ways of all the universe
and happy likewise is the fool
who never doubts his wisdom.

but let a man not fall
between to suffer doubts of right and wrong
that rise from the workings of a mind that's his own
with just a bit of knowledge.

08-12-2010 om 00:00 geschreven door jovo

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                  there is no view

if there is attachment to things seen as real,
                  there is no authentic meditation

if there is preferring and rejecting, 
                   there is no right action

28-11-2010 om 09:36 geschreven door jovo

>> Reageer (0)
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wil je begrepen worden,
probeer dan eerst te begrijpen

16-11-2010 om 18:01 geschreven door jovo

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tussen leven, en dood.....

01-11-2010 om 13:12 geschreven door jovo

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je kunt niet voorkomen
dat de vogels van verdriet
landen op je hoofd,

maar wel
dat ze nesten maken
in je haar.

31-10-2010 om 08:34 geschreven door jovo

>> Reageer (1)
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a heart can be broken,

but it will keep beating just the same

17-10-2010 om 23:01 geschreven door jovo

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as a flower blown out by the wind
goes to rest and cannot be defined

so the wise woman freed from individuality
goes to rest and cannot be defined

gone beyond all images
gone beyond the power of words

08-10-2010 om 18:38 geschreven door jovo

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verleid me
   verken me
      bevrijd me
         verwen me
            begin me 
               bemin me  
                  en hou me vast 
bezing me 
   en streel me
      bespeel me
         bevlieg me 
            o wieg me 
               en hou me vast

02-10-2010 om 21:46 geschreven door jovo

>> Reageer (0)
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een stil



30-09-2010 om 21:08 geschreven door jovo

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ik omvat met bei mijn armen de tere ronding
van haar schouders en hals, en zijzelve
doet mij haar zachtglooiende dansende benen omhelzen
zo schrijden wij tezamen in rhythmische wiegeling

ik zie omhooggeheven haar lief gezicht
en dit hevig bijeenzijn drijft mij dicht
en dichter tot haar - en wij dansen mond aan mond
en hart aan hart en zacht gezicht aan zacht gezicht

17-09-2010 om 22:26 geschreven door jovo

>> Reageer (0)


zo alleen is liefde
zo licht geschreven 
enkel stilte
waaruit de woorden
waaruit het gedicht







le souffle du désert
  • mijn sahara trekking
  • de film van de mannen trekking
  • de trekking

  • elke stilte
    heeft zijn
    boudewijn de groot




    'Pur di sfogar il doloroso core muziek voor het hart van Frédéric Chopin Nocture nr.1 op. 9/1 in si bemol'


    though lovers be lost
    love shall not


    you may say i'm a dreamer
    but i'm not the only one....



    laat jij ook een berichtje in het gastenboek?


    mussen roepen de dag aan - en hij komt - zo zijn wij er ook

    Warm aanbevolen

  • jeanne wesselius
  • aukje wijma
  • edith oeyen

  • Foto

    TALA, mijn geadopteerde wolf in het wolvenopvangcentrum Bilstain


    Mijn favorieten
  • shambhala
  • floreanne
  • non-dualiteit
  • wolf conservation association belgium
  • cultuurwetenschappen
  • vipassana
  • tai chi wu wei

    Vroeg of laat
    zul je je realiseren,
    net als ik,
    dat er een verschil zit
    tussen het pad kennen
    en het pad bewandelen
    Morpheus,The Matrix



    Handige sites

  • de eigenwijze tuin
  • routeplanner
  • tuinadvies
  • seniorennet
  • het weer


    stilte is het mooiste geluid

    i am, i said


    als je me niet kunt vinden
    zoek dan in het zuiden
    ik ben waarschijnlijk
    even het noorden kwijt


    voordat ik tot
    een ander kan gaan
    moet ik tot mezelf
    gekomen zijn


    als het er werkelijk op aan komt
    kunnen we onze gedachten
    met niemand delen



    stil verdriet kan
    alleen in stilte


    ieder mens zou een rivier moeten zijn
    komen zonder verlangen te blijven
    weggaan zonder heimwee


    love says
    I am everything
    wisdom says
    I am nothing
    between the two,
    my life flows
    Nisargadatta Maharaj  


    een poeder bedekt
    het vreemde verdriet in me
    dat ik liefde noem


    in tegenstelling met
    werkelijk contact
    is wie ik hier ben
    wat een ander leest


    en de mensen gaan om te bewonderen 
    de hoogten van de bergen 
    en de machtige golven van de zee 
    en de brede stromen van de rivieren 
    en de gang van de oceaan 
    en de omloop van de hemellichamen, 
    en zij verlaten zichzelf.


    eigenlijk geloof ik niets,
    en twijfel ik aan alles,
    zelfs aan u
    maar soms,
    wanneer ik denk
    dat gij waarachtig leeft,
    dan denk ik dat gij
    liefde zijt en
    en dat
    in zelfde wanhoop
    gij mij zoekt
    zoals ik


    ieder ogenblik
    van het leven
    valt er enorm veel
    over onszelf
    te ontdekken,
    als we maar even
    stil konden houden
    om het te herkennen.


    sta ik stil
    om te luisteren
    naar het leven


    toen sloot de wind zijn vleugels
    bomen stilden hun lied
    krekels gingen slapen

    rust nevelde fijn verstoven neer
    de nacht nam mij in zijn armen

    ann tronquo


    ben jij de dromer,
    dan ben ik je droom

    maar als je waken wilt,
    ben ik je wil
    die machtig en in volle
    heerlijkheid zich buigt
    als een sterrenhemel
    over het wonder
    van de tijd


    je afscheid neemt
    van je vriend,
    treur je niet;
    wat je het diepst
    in hem bemint,
    kan klaarder voor
    je zijn bij zijn
    zoals een bergbeklimmer
    de berg duidelijker
    ziet vanuit de vlakte


    je hoeft nergens heen.....
    maar als je steeds weer
    komt opdagen,
    kom je er wel!


    als de liefde
    op je deur klopt
    laat haar dan


    "Numquid nosti semitas nubium?"
    Kent gij dan de wegen van de wolken?



    not all who
    are lost

    silence is filled with the unspoken,

    with deeds not performed,

    with confessions to secret loves,

    and with wonders never expressed

    our real truth is hidden in our silence,

    yours and mine.


    Free Image Hosting at

    wees stil,
    bewaak je gevoel,
    beheers je scherpte,
    vereenvoudig je problemen
    en verzacht het licht

    wees één met het
    stof van de aarde

    dit is het oerverbond


    in de stilte
    voorbij je gedachten,
    vind je innerlijke rust

    shri mataji nirmala devi



    Laatste commentaren
  • En ook (floreanne)
        op Albert Einstein
  • Lieve midweekgroetjes van aan zee... (gita)
        op moustaki
  • AkACAMmUoyoh (vDQzJOpWcx)
        op mark boog
  • vpNFhxGfA (FapyByTyimhadD)
        op christina rossetti
  • ORJttdzQE (kMVZxNXeyRJz)
        op eleanor roosevelt
  • Foto

    wees stil en
    bewaak je gevoel,

    dan blijft je leven

    mijn dhammapad

  • juli 2004 14d-ashram ramana maharshi, tiruvannamalai
  • feb 2005 12d-vipassana - dilsen
  • 2006,2007 satsang - bilthoven, philippe renard
  • juni 2008 3d-stilteweekend - begijnhof brugge, ria weyens
  • maart 2009 3d-shambhala lvl1 - heidelberg, barbara märtens
  • april 2009 3d-shambhala lvl2 - a'dam, meino zeillemaker &dana marshal
  • mei 2009 3d-shambhala lvl3 - maastricht,
  • juni 2008 3d-stilteweekend - begijnhof brugge, ria weyens
  • juli 2009 12d-vipassana - dilsen, arthur rosenfelt
  • october 2009 3d-shambhala lvl4 - maastricht, marianne bots
  • januari 2010 3d-shambhala lvl5 - maastricht, han de wit
  • mei 2010 8d-shambhala Great Eastern Sun, Windhorse, Drala - Karme Chöling Vermont USA
  • jan 2011 3d-shambhala Meek - rotterdam, josje pollman
  • 2010-2011 2yr karuna training contemplatieve psychologie & maitri space awareness

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  • 28/03-03/04 2005
  • 28/11-04/12 -0001

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    stilte is de grondtoon van het leven


    is er


    alles is

    stilte blijft


    imagine all the people
    living life in peace

    als je nu
    in stilte
    gaat zitten,
    doe dit dan
    voor de
    allereerste keer

    shunryo suzuki

    het wonder

    om op
    de aarde
    te lopen

    lin chi

    want wie bemint,
    neemt ook de droefheid over
    die zich in ’t andere, zo
    geliefde leven genesteld heeft
    als schaduw in ’t lover

    stilte laat je
    op alle niveaus
    tot jezelf komen
    laat alles
    tot zichzelf komen























    stilte is als slaap
    zij verfrist de wijsheid

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