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  • Mr. SIN-BAD or Sir GOOD-GRACE...???
  • BV's van 1962
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    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Het Juweel in de zee, de Smaragd van de Atlantische

    Met haar groenhellende heuveltoppen, mooier dan vrouwens rondingen...
    Met haar verlaten ruines,nodeloos pogend overeind te blijven...
    Met haar zachte zeegefilterde bries, aan heel de natuur een feƫerieke schijn gevend...
    Met haar levendig vibrerende licht,alles doordringend met een stralende gloed...

    Geen wonder dat je overbeschermend bent,
    Geen wonder dat iedereen je bezoekt,
    Geen wonder dat Angelen en Saxen al eeuwen om je strijden,

    Nu zijn de vrouwen de Angelen en de mannen de Saxen,
    Hemel en hel gaan hand in hand,
    Het moet de meest opwindendste plaats ter wereld zijn,
    Enkel GOD kan er verblijven...

    Geen wonder dat  hier de GRAAL begraven ligt, erzonder zou je een eeuwige strijdplaats zijn...!

    13-05-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door peter swyn  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Mr. SIN-BAD or Sir GOOD-GRACE...???
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    The Jewel in the sea, the Emerald of the Atlantic..

    With her green sloping hilltops,more beautiful as women's curves.
    With her lost ruines,trying to keep upright,...uselessly.
    With her soft sea-filtered air, giving all nature a fairylike shine...
    With her vibrating light, covering all in a sunlike shimmer..

    No wonder you're so protective about her.
    No wonder everybody wants to visit her.
    No wonder Angels and Saxons are fighting over her...for centuries!

    Now the Angels are women, the Saxons are men,
    Heaven and hell, walking side by side...
    It must be the Most Exciting Place on Earth,
    Only GOD Can Live There...

    No wonder the Grail is burried here, without IT she would be a warzone at anytime...!!!
    Unfortunately they did NOT dig IT up in time...and are paying a high price for their neglect...NOW!!!


    "Not by Might, not by Strength but BY his Spirit..." says the LORD

    Just as water penetrates the hardest of rocks, transforming it in the most beautiful garden,will the Love of God penetrate every stony heart of men, transforming it in the one and only True Eden,
    through Our Lord Jezus Christ...and through Our Lord Jezus Christ ALONE...

    The actual manifestation of Gods presence in the world..

    uses the Word of God to unlease the Power of God to transform us to the Image of God!

    TO PRAY IS...
    to do boldly your request and trust God to do what's best!!

    Intelligence of the hart is Wisdom...intelligence of the mind alone is devilish (because it doesn't think further than the body...)

    Lust kills life, unless Love embraces it, creation takes place...(ONLY in a marriage convenant between One man and One woman)

    God provides our needs, the devil provides in greeds...(Indian saying)

    The early bird catches the worm and will be caught by the cat...

    Money makes the world go round, but Love holds Creation togheter...

    Without the Heavenly connection you only see chaos, with Heavenly connection you see
    perfect Order...

    LONELY: What do you prefer; the company of man or the presence of God??

    Love creates Life, without Love there is only survival...of the fittest, the strongest, the maddest...etc!

    a MAN in Uniform??
    You put a monkey in a suit, you give it a gun and it thinks it's God...

    Some think they rule, but God IS in control...

    When God gives the vision, he will bring the provision...

    The reputation, recognition and richess of Christ are better than the reputation, recognition and richess of Rome...

    On the wrong foundation grows the wrong interpretation bringing forth destruction...!!

    You can fool some people some time, but you can't fool all the people all the time and you
    can NEVER fool God!!

    What you fear you will hate and what you hate you will eventually destroy!!

    The devil is always after your living flesh, the moment he gets hold of it, you have become dead meat...
    Satan is the guy who wants you to believe that you can pull yourself up by your own shoestrings!!

    It's a sin to take the Grace of God for granted...
    No blessing whitout bleeding!!

    Good maintenance is the long life of things AND women...!

    If you don't want to GIVE your heart to One man, ten may TAKE your body...
    If you don't want to GIVE your heart to One woman, ten may EAT your money...

    TRUE LOVE...
    is to be there for her for every little thing, coz if you're there for every little thing for her,
    she will allways be there for your "little thing"!

    To be in the Peace of God...
    To abide in the Word of God...
    To provide the need of the moment...

    Why did God tell Samson to sacrifice the lion to eat the honey?
    Unless man sacrifices and overcomes his sinfull nature, the desire of the world, the self-will, the EGO first, the Love of God, the agape love can not be manifested in his life!
    Samson repented is Peter, Peter without Christ is Samson!!!
    Samson didn't want ANYTHING of God, and the world was not enough...
    Peter didn't want anything of the world, HIS LORD was him enough...
    because he KNEW if he had HIS LORD, he had EVERYTHING...
    Why did Christ called Peter His first Disciple, because he needed Him the most and vice versa!

    Sometimes...the best action is no action at all...

    In a pub you can only find public women...

    Excuses are nails to make houses of failure!!

    Don't be just a man of Faith but be a FAITHFUL man of Faith...

    A violent man NEVER listens to raeson, coz raeson is his very enemy...
    Thats why God ALLWAYS rebukes the violent violently...

    The King and the Land are ONE!!
    The Sword of the true King cuts away anything that divides, and the Flaming Sword of the Lord unites!
    The pen IS mightier than the sword, but ACTION speaks louder than words!
    And  Arhurra (King Arthur) could pull out the sword from the stone, where all others failed, coz His Will was heavenly instead of wordly orientated...

    What did Arkan see in Arkansas?
    Nebraska or Alaska?
    South-Dakotha and West-Virginia...

    and scoffers will be scoffed at...

    THE land where one half of the population keeps the other half in secure confinement...
    THE land that especially is created, instituted for the human soul to achieve the higest materialistic effect possible...and there is nothing wrong with that as long as it is done Gods way..! Nowhere else on Earth man can pursue such materialistic effect as in the America''s God special blessing for that part of the Earth...the Far West. Just as in autumn, when the sunlight starts deminishing and the fruits of the Earth are ripe and abounding, are they richly available in the West where the Sun sets...
    But remember and beware;after ripeness there is only rotteness and decay to look forward to; the fruit of materialism alone, without God, is pure and clean madness!!!
    Only strong legs(and arms) can carry great wealth...that 's why Americans have those overdeveloped arms and legs...I guess.
    And that's why "cops 'nd robbers" is their most favourit, not to say, their only game...probably!!

    God will always protect the innocent, coz the others have alraedy their "own protection"...

    It takes the power of a nuclear bomb to convert a Jew to Christianity.
    Once the bomb has done its work, there is available the energy of a thousand suns... or Sons?

    To pursue freedom off self, through Jezus Christ, is divine...
    To live by freedom of self alone, is diabolic...

    All secrets belong to God and it is unto the King to reveal them, coz an unrepented common man will be burned...
    Secrets destroy a man's heart,sowing suspicion and distrust, undermining every good thing...

    The way out is the way in..(Jes. 43)
    the way out of suffering is to go into it without resisting!

    No man can save himself,
    only by saving others you will be saved. 
    How can you save others?
    By loving them and sharing the Word of God!
    So no one can save another unless he loves oneself.
    How can you love oneself? By forgiving oneself...first!

    being declared righteous before GOD, trough the acceptance of the shed blood of the LORD...

    When Peter died he went up and eagerly arrived at Heaven's Gate...
    Ofcourse there was no one to open the Gate for him...So Peter started bashing Heaven's Gate with all his might...Finally God Himself came down His Trone and said...
    "Since you are My Beloved Sons First Disciple, the closest to His heart, denying Him can't enter Heaven YET...only AFTER all other souls have passed..."
    That's why Peter sits at Heaven's Gate, opening Heaven or Hell (the gates of Hell will never prevail)...entering Heaven last...
    Fulfilling Christs Words :"First will be last and last will be first..."
    Only IN Christ we are all ONE...!

    What are you going to spend the money on?
    And the sinner replied:"On expensive women and good wine,ofcourse..."
    And the repented sinner answered:"On a good wife and cheap wine..."

    The faggot says: "My body is the temple of my frisky flesh..."
    The Lord says: "The body is the Temple of the Holy Ghost."

    Perfect pleasure is sinless pleasure...

    Sin never win, Faith never fail...

    To TRUST and OBEY is God's way...

    The fruit of magic is madness...!

    Nothing more troublesome than young women and old cars...!

    The one and only true challenge for man: Do it God's Way or die to perish forever...!!!
    As long as you are afraid to die, you are not ready to LIVE...!!!
    And the pupit pulls you out of the pit of poo...

    God gives the law to humble the proud, so they will come to know the need of a Savior and grace for the humble...

    Nature is the perfect body of God.
    Culture is the messed-up body of God (by man).

    Coz there are NO good people...No one is good except God!

    And NEWS comes from all four corners of the world: N..orth
    KNOWING the truth alone will never set u free, being and living it on a daily basis will...

    Even the devil, THE father of ALL lies knows the truth, before you can lie about something you have to know the truth first! the devil is THE devil because he ALWAYS at ANY TIME REJECTS the truth to replace it by his own thing!  And he does it by his own "perfect" logic(=tree of knowledge of good and...) 

    the one that can NEVER repent of ANY sin...if he would he would loose his miserable title at once...
    Only God IS TRUTH!(=tree of LIFE).
    the devil is a part of God coz God created both trees...but God can NEVER be part of the devil, since He IS truth and ONLY truth comes forth from His Mouth...NOTHING ELSE but TRUTH!!!!! 

    If you would understand one fraction of the urgency of your salvation you wouldn't sleep for one night anymore, untill the Lord comes...

    Mans only purpose in life: to know, to love and to serve God...!!
    Christianity in a nutshell: you will be long as you stay under the shadow of the Cross!!

    And Peter says: "Better outside the boat with Him, than in the boat whithout Him...!!"
    The rule of man is overrrrrr...finally we can worship the one and true God foreverrrrr!










    12-05-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door peter swyn  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.SINT-VALLENTIJN EN SINT-ELOOI
    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Op je borst speld ik de anjer van mijn liefde,
    Rond je hoofd vlecht ik de meidoorn van mijn zoen,
    Aan je lippen zet ik de aronskelk van mijn smacht,
    In je mond leg ik de cyclaam van mijn gedachten,
    Op je tong de klimroos van mijn verlangen,

    Laat ons worden bloem en blad op dezelfde stam,
    Zo zal je mij als boeket ontvangen...

    Die het oererts van deze aarde met vuur tot bruikbaar ijzer kon herwaarden,
    vlam en hamer heeft God u geschonken om voor Hem uw ziel en zijn te ontvonken.
    Riddertrouw reed gij uw levensrit.
    Gij waart aambeeld, God, de grote Smid!

    Die altijd dienstbaar waart, smeed ons geloof tot strijdbaar zwaard.
    Leer ons koen uw werk en trouw evenaren, liefde smeden, in arbeid God ontwaren.
    Hersmelt ons, lauwen, met kunstige zwier, ets in ons goedheid voor mens en dier.
    Zegen op uw jaarfeest huis en haard wakend over het vuur dat hart en ziel bewaart!

    11-05-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door peter swyn  

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.BV's van 1962
    CHRIS PEETERS                                      ELS DE TEMMERMAN
    MAGGIE DE BLOCK                                 ERIK VAN LOOY
    JEFF HOEYBERGHS                                LEEN DEMARE
    BEN CRABBE                                          PETER VAN ASBROECK
    HERWIG ILEGHEMS                                PIET HUYSENTRUYT
    FILIP DE WINTER                                     PIETER DE CREM
    LIEVEN VERSTRAETE                              DIXIE DANSERCOER
                                           PRINSES ASTRID

    Ag: 1,6                              Ni: 6,85                   0: 46%                   Na: 2,3%
    Cu: 1,7                              Me:7                       Si: 28%                  Mg: 2,3%
    Au: 2,35                             Fe: 9,7                   Al: 8%                    K: 2%
    Al: 2,65                              Sn: 11                    Fe: 5,6%                Ti: 0,6%
    Zn: 5,96                              Pb:20,6                  Ca: 4%                   H: 0,15%

    10-05-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door peter swyn  

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