Blog from Bruges
Bruges inside out
A (photo-) blog about the beautiful Belgian town Bruges
as seen through the very two eyes of an inhabitant.
Sharp, witty,  and... always admiring.
Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Sand Sculptures
Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen Tomorrow brings the start of the Sand Sculptures Event. Formerly, this was held in Zeebruges, but now, the sand artists will show their talent in the area immediately surrounding the Bruges railway station. They won't have even half the space they had in previous years. It seems that our city fathers deemed that "it is in the limitations that mastery comes to the forefront". What we gather from their site site   sound very promising, though. The theme this year is the history of Bruges, and its numerous legends, which just happen to be one of my hobbies. This photo was taken at the very beginning of the preparation phase of the site.

31-07-2006, 00:00 geschreven door Blog from Bruges
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