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    Symptoms Of Cancer
    Symptoms Of Cancer
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Breast Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

    Breast cancer may also happen in guys, despite the fact that it rarely does. Experts predict 178,000 women and 2,000 men will develop breast cancer within the United States. There are many numerous types of breast cancer. First is Ductal carcinoma begins in the cells lining the ducts that bring milk to the nipple and accounts for extra than 75% of breast cancers. Second is Lobular carcinoma begins in the milk-secreting glands from the breast but is otherwise fairly similar in its behavior to ductal carcinoma. Other varieties of breast cancer can arise from the skin, fat treatment for ovarian cancer, connective tissues, and also other cells present within the breast. Some ladies have what is generally known as HER2-positive breast cancer. HER2, short for human epidermal growth factor receptor-2, may be a gene that helps control cell growth Breast Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Remedy , division, and repair. When cells have too several copies of this gene, cell growth speeds up.

    Causes of Breast Cancer

    Simply being a woman is the main risk for breast cancer. Although males may also get the illness, it can be about 100 times a lot more well-known in girls than in guys. The opportunity of getting breast cancer goes up as a woman gets older. Nearly 8 out of ten breast cancers are located in girls age 50 the symptoms of ovarian cancer or older. About 5% to 10% of breast cancers are linked to changes (mutations) in certain genes Breast Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy . Probably the most standard gene changes stages of cancer are those in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Breast cancer threat is higher amongst girls whose close blood relatives have this illness. The relatives is usually from either the mother's or father's side in the household. Woman with cancer in one breast has a higher likelihood of finding a new cancer inside the other breast or in another portion in the similar breast. This is distinct from the first cancer coming back Countless experts now believe that the main reason for this can be given that they have faster growing tumors. Asian Breast Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Remedy , Hispanic, and American Indian girls have a lower danger of receiving breast cancer. Certain types of abnormal biopsy results is usually linked to a slightly greater threat of breast cancer.Women who have had radiation remedy for the chest location (as remedy for a further cancer) earlier in life have a greatly increased risk of breast cancer

    Some pregnant women were given the drug DES (diethylstilbestrol) since it was thought to lower their probabilities of losing the baby. Recent studies have shown that these women (and their daughters who were exposed to DES even though in the uterus), have a slightly elevated danger of receiving breast cancer. Use of alcohol is clearly linked to a slightly elevated danger of getting breast cancer. Girls who have 1 drink a day have an incredibly small elevated threat. Those who have two to 5 drinks daily have about 1½ times the danger of girls who drink no alcohol. The American Cancer Society suggests limiting the amount you drink.Being overweight is linked to a greater risk of breast cancer, in particular for women immediately after change of life and if the weight gain took spot through adulthood. Also, the danger seems to be greater if the additional fat is in the waist region. Breast-feeding and pregnancy: Some studies have shown that breast-feeding slightly lowers breast cancer risk, in particular if the breast-feeding lasts 1½ to two years. This could be simply because breast-feeding lowers a woman's total number of menstrual periods, as does pregnancy ovarian cancer stages. Women who began having periods early (prior to 12 years of age) or who went by way of the change of life (menopause) immediately after the age of 55 have a slightly elevated danger of breast cancer.

    Symptoms of Breast Cancer



    3.Breast Pain.


    5.Nipple Discharge.

    6.Inverted Nipple.

    Treatment of Breast Cancer

    1.Hormonal therapy (with tamoxifen).




    24-02-2012 om 05:07 geschreven door jamescwifb

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Foods that Support Prevent Cancer
    Stages of Cancer

    What is Cancer?

    All living items are comprised of a variety of cells, including kidney cells, brain cells and skin cells. Cancer develops when a certain cell mutates, then begins to develop and divide. Eventually, these cells form a mass referred to as a malignant tumor, which often starts to invade surrounding tissue and organs.

    Super Foods

    It is thought that as much as one particular third of cancer related deaths could be diet related. Many with the foods we eat nowadays can in fact be harmful for the cells in our bodies, particularly 'fast food', which often contains high rates of saturated fat.

    A large European study has recently shown that 'junk food' may perhaps in fact be a major lead to of cancer of the pancreas, the urinary tract and from the womb, which tends to make saturated fat particularly dangerous for women. There is certainly on the other hand, an abundance of super foods that contain cancer fighting anti-oxidants and enzymes. These foods fall into a number of categories and its best to look at their properties separately.

    Fruit and Vegetables

    • Raw carrots are rich in beta carotene and substances referred to as falcarinol and polyacethylens, which can aid to impede a wide variety of cancer including, breast, stomach, throat Foods that Help Prevent Cancer , lung, prostate, bladder and intestinal
    • Sweet potatoes are thought to have a number of cancer fighting properties such as carotenoids (beta carotene is one particular form)
    • Turnips and their leaves contain a substance known as glucose molaes, which is said to attack cancer cells
    • Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale and sprouts are rich in the anti-oxidants; lutein and zeaxanthin which are thought to be particularly affective at inhibiting breast and prostate cancer
    • Broccoli and sprouts also contain a substance called phytochemical sulforaphane, which is actually a by-product of glucoraphanin and is primarily useful at impeding bowel cancer
    • Kale is thought to retain indoles, which are nitrogen compounds and are said to prevent lesions in estrogen sensitive areas, including the ovaries Foods that Assist Prevent Cancer , mutating into cancerous cells
    • Beetroot is full of anti-oxidants that specifically attack lung cancer cells
    • Tomatoes carry vitamin C and a carotenoid called lycopene that fights oxygen molecules which are also known as 'free radicals'. Free radicals are often believed to trigger cancer cells. Lycopene is notable in its capacity to aid the fight against rectal and colon cancer, as well as prostate, breast, mouth and cancer from the pancreas Foods that Aid Prevent Cancer . Cooked and canned/pureed tomatoes are said to be particularly concentrated in lycopene
    • Soya bean products which include tofu include things like phytoestrogens and isoflavones, which when absorbed in sensible amounts (no a lot more than 4 or five ounces per day) are thought to block and support prevent cancer cells from forming and are particularly associated with lowering the risk of breast cancer. Incidences of breast cancer are significantly lower in Asian countries exactly where soy products are consumed routinely. On the other hand, caution should be exercised, as research suggests that consuming too much soy may well result in hormone imbalances which can in fact stimulate cancer cells
    • Avocados have prolific amounts of an anti-oxidant called glutathione. Glutathione attacks free radicals and stops the absorption of certain saturated fats into the intestine. Avocados contain high levels of beta-carotene and potassium, which is also really beneficial for the heart
    • Citrus fruits, for instance oranges, grapefruits, lemons and limes possess high amounts of vitamin C, folic acid and monoterpenes, which can support to eliminate carcinogens from the body and are believed to repress cancer cells
    • Papayas carry prolific amounts of vitamin C and folic acid, which are both highly effective anti-cancer components
    • Figs contain a form of benzaldehyde, which is renowned for its potential to shrink tumors
    • Grapes, particularly the red varieties, consist of resveratrol and ellagic acid which combine to block the enzymes that happen to be responsible for the growth of cancer cells. They also contain powerful anti-oxidants called bioflavonoids
    • Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries along with other berries which are red or black in color consist of a wide variety of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals stages of pancreatic cancer, and plant compounds which can be thought to become particularly beneficial against quite a few forms of cancer
    Herbs and Spices
    • Rosemary is said to have detoxifying properties and can repress the advancement of tumors. Laboratory tests have revealed that it can be principally effective against breast and skin tumors
    • Tumeric belongs towards the ginger loved ones and it really is thought to assist reduce the inflammation that is certainly connected to stomach, bowel and colon cancer
    • Root ginger has been put to use by Chinese medics for centuries and is well regarded for its lots of healing benefits. It may be made use of as a spice in savoury and sweet dishes and as a herbal tea
    • Garlic is well renowned for its blood thinning and anti-bacterial properties. It could also aid to eliminate oxidants that trigger cancer, like carcinogens and free radicals. Eating raw or cooked garlic has been found to become far even more effective than taking garlic supplements
    • Licorice root contains a chemical named glycyrrhizin which is regarded as to assist block the growth of prostate cancer cells, even though an excessive consumption of licorice can result in raised blood pressure
    • Chilli peppers are rich in a substance referred to as capsaicin that is definitely regarded to become a preventative against intestinal cancer
    • Black, green and white teas retain antioxidants which are also generally known as polyphenols. These antioxidants are considered to expressly defend against cancer cells and stop them from dividing and spreading. White and green tea is regarded as being particularly efficient against lung, colon, rectal and stomach cancer as well as cancer with the liver and pancreas
    • Red wine also contains polyphenols as well as a substance named resveratrol which has been discovered to become present in grape skin symptoms of ovarian cancer. These antioxidants are identified to counter free radicals. It truly is thought that the pinot noir grape variety contains the largest amounts of resveratrol, particularly in wines exactly where the grapes are grown in cooler, rainy climates, for instance Chile in South America. However ovarian cancer symptoms, alcohol is consumed in large amounts it may actually be a result in of cancer, so it really is best drink no alot more than a single glass of red wine per day.

    There are quite a few other foods which might be thought to be to be wonderful cancer preventatives. Seaweed and sea vegetables contain fiber, proteins, beta-carotene, folic acid, as well as a fatty acid named chlorophylone.

    These forms of vegetable are said to help prevent breast cancer. Nuts and seeds are naturally high in omega-3 fatty acid, which is essential for brain function stages of lung cancer. Nuts also contain a mineral referred to as selenium and are rich in antioxidants like quercetin symptoms of ovarian cancer and campferol. Nuts and seeds are regarded as primarily effective at repelling prostate and colon cancer cells, as well as being a organic preventative against the threat of heart illness. Mushrooms have prolific amounts of potent compounds named polysaccharides. These compounds the stages of cancer are thought to build up immunity against cancer cells. Certain varieties of mushroom are perceived to become particularly efficient, these contain; reishi, shiitake and maitake, and are widely put to use stages of cancer in Japanese cuisine.

    The benefits of consuming a wholesome, balanced eating plan have become far more apparent as study into cancer as well as other fatal diseases evolve.

    A diet regime rich in vegetables, fruit and lean meat is much extra of a priority in our daily lives than it was twenty years ago and medical advice suggests that eating no less than five portions of fruit or vegetables per day can significantly lower the danger of lots of forms of cancer and heart disease, as well as preventing obesity. The threat of obesity is known as a volatile issue and for the first time in a number of years the life expectancy of our children is thought to become lower than our own, which is an extremely worrying statistic.

    We are bombarded with these frightening medical statistics on a regular basis. But probably the most sensible advice we have been given in recent years is usually to eat at the very least five portions of fruit or vegetables per day. Taking action now might well lessen our odds of producing cancer and must assist to produce numerous other health benefits for a lot of years to come.

    24-02-2012 om 05:07 geschreven door jamescwifb

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Stress and Cancer - How Inescapable Shock Causes Cancer

    Cancer is only a physical symptom of underlying emotional tension on the body and the body's cells. But how does emotional tension cause cancer inside the body? And why does emotional anxiety only trigger cancer in many people, whilst not in others?

    For the majority of people today, coping with stress and highly stressful or traumatic events or conflicts is dealt with, with relative ease. Even though those in this larger group feel the devastating effects of anxiety, stressful events, trauma, and conflicts Stress and Cancer - How Inescapable Shock Causes Cancer , which includes grief and loss - stressful events are seen as component of life's challenges, life's ups and downs, and they are for they most component anticipated and not absolutely unexpected. These people are able to move on with their lives quickly afterwards.

    Those susceptible to cancer, are highly vulnerable to life's stresses and trauma, and feel unable to cope when life throws a curve-ball their way. These people are perfectionists and live in fear of conflict, tension, trauma and loss and are deeply frightened of negative events "happening" to them. And when faced with a highly stressful or traumatic event they have not anticipated Strain and Cancer - How Inescapable Shock Causes Cancer , which inevitably happens in the course of their life final stages of cancer, react adversely and are unable to cope.

    They experience Inescapable Shock and remain deeply affected by the experience. They have difficulty in expressing their inner grief, their inner pain, their inner anger or resentment, and genuinely feel there is certainly no way out of the pain they the stages of cancer are feeling inside. And considering that their mind cannot fathom what has occurred, and remains in a state of disbelief or denial, these inner painful feelings are continually perpetuated, shooting up tension hormone levels, lowering melatonin and adrenaline levels, causing a slow breakdown with the emotional reflex centre the stages of cancer in the brain stages of cervical cancer, and generating the beginning of cancer progression within the body.

    When faced using a major trauma, the cancer personality feels trapped and unable stages of cancer to escape from the memory in the traumatic experience and the painful feelings from the experience. Stress hormone cortisol levels skyrocket and remain at high levels, directly suppressing the immune method, whose job it's to destroy cancer cells that exist in just about every human being. High strain levels generally means a individual cannot sleep well, and cannot produce adequate Melatonin for the duration of deep sleep. Melatonin is responsible for inhibiting cancer cell growth ovarian cancer symptoms. This indicates cancer cells are now free to multiply. Adrenaline levels also skyrocket initially, but are then drained and depleted more than time. This really is in particular bad news for the cancer personality.

    Adrenaline is responsible for transporting sugar away from cells. And when there is too much sugar in cells of the body, the body becomes acidic. This means regular body cells cannot breathe properly due to low oxygen. Cancer cells thrive inside a low oxygen state stages of cervical cancer, as demonstrated by Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg. Cancer cells also thrive on sugar to preserve them alive. Put just, too much internal stress causes a depletion of adrenalin, results in too much sugar within the body, resulting within the perfect environment for cancer cells to thrive inside the body.

    For the cancer personality, the news of being diagnosed with cancer and the fear and uncertainty of death represents a different Inescapable Shock, creating one other spike in anxiety hormone cortisol levels, as well as a further drop in melatonin and adrenalin levels. There is certainly also a further breakdown of the emotional reflex centre inside the brain that causes cells inside the corresponding organ to slowly breakdown and turn into cancerous.

    Learned helplessness is a key aspect of the cancer personality when facing a perceived inescapable shock, and is a strong developmental factor of cancer. Researcher Madelon Visintainer took three groups of rats, a single receiving mild escapable shock, yet another group receiving mild in-escapable shock, and the third no shock at all. She then implanted each and every rat with cancer cells that would usually result in 50% with the rats creating a tumour. Her outcomes were astonishing.

    Within a month, 50% from the rats not shocked at all had rejected the tumour; this was the regular ratio. As for the rats that mastered shock by pressing a bar to turn it off, 70% had rejected the tumour. But only 27% in the helpless rats, the rats that had seasoned in-escapable shock, rejected the tumour. This study demonstrates those who feel there's no way out of their shock / loss are less likely to become able to reject tumours forming inside their body, because of high levels of stress weakening the immune program. [Seligman, 1998, p.170]

    Cancer happens at the cellular level. And you will find a number of components that create strain on the body's cells, causing them to turn out to be (1) depleted of adrenaline, (two) high in sugar and (3) low in oxygen, exactly where they are more prone to mutate and become cancerous. The higher the sugar content from the cell caused by a depletion of adrenaline, and the lower the oxygen content, the higher the likelihood of usual cells mutating and becoming cancerous.

    There are a number of elements that contribute to a regular cell becoming depleted of adrenaline, high in sugar and low in oxygen. Physiological stresses involve (and aren't limited to): Poor nutrition, Chemical substances, Toxins, EMF Radiation, Parasites, Liver / Colon / Kidney illness, Lack of Exercise, etc. Psychological stresses consist of (and usually are not limited to): Inescapable Shock, Repressed Feelings, Depression, Isolation, Poor Sleep, Emotional Trauma, External Conflict, and so on.

    In the vast majority of those with cancer, there exists both a mixture of psychological as well as physiological stresses that have contributed for the body's cells becoming depleted of adrenaline Tension and Cancer - How Inescapable Shock Causes Cancer , high in sugar and low in oxygen, causing them to mutate and come to be cancerous.

    24-02-2012 om 05:06 geschreven door jamescwifb

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Bladder Cancer And It really is Causes

    Smoking is among the most obvious threat components that can contribute to bladder cancer final stages of cancer. What's worse, by the time bladder cancer starts to appear, the patient has most likely been smoking for what may amount to decades. The ongoing deposit of carcinogens within the lungs and by way of the lungs into the blood stream has been considerable.

    Bladder cancer rates have a tendency to be higher amongst men than girls, in addition, the rates are higher amongst men within the age of 50 years old and up. Smoking males within the over 50-age group have the highest rates of bladder cancer. Also operating in an environment where certain carcinogenic chemical substances are employed seems to contribute as a threat factor.

    The most well-known symptoms of bladder cancer are blood within the urine last stages of cancer, rather frequent urination, or a pressure to urinate, only to obtain that you can't urinate. Any of these symptoms could have other causes, but certainly are worthy of a visit to a doctor. Bladder cancer the stages of cancer is one particular cancer where early detection can result inside a much less serious remedy option.

    Basically there are actually two types of bladder cancer Bladder Cancer And It is Causes , an incredibly superficial cancer on the lining in the bladder along with a deeper cancer that has penetrated well into the tissues of the bladder. The far more superficial cancer symptoms of ovarian cancer on the surface from the bladder lining can create into the deeper cancer if left untreated ovarian cancer staging. This is why stages of cancer it's necessary to respond to symptoms which include painful urination or blood in the urine and seek therapy.

    The approach to dealing with these forms of bladder cancer can vary from burning off or cauterizing a superficial cancer; to removing part, or all, with the bladder in the case of a deeply rooted cancer. In addition, chemotherapy and radiation therapy have proven useful in dealing with bladder cancer. Within the case of chemotherapy, a number of drugs are made use of. With radiation therapy Bladder Cancer And It is Causes , a radioactive dispenser will be installed within the bladder to give appropriate dosages of radiation to counter the cancer.

    Obviously if the patient wants to avoid a reoccurence of the cancer, lifestyle changes could possibly be in order. If the patient is usually a smoker, then trying to get a strategy to quit smoking would helpful. If the cancer seems to be provoked by a chemical inside the workplace, then avoiding this chemical could be a beneficial idea. Unfortunately Bladder Cancer And It's Causes , up to 30 percent of bladder cancers occur without any obvious environmental causes. Many people have suggested that chlorine within the water provide may be the culprit. A water filtration technique, some of which can be reasonable in price, would serve well here.

    Whether your interest in bladder cancer is depending on a desire to identify and comprehend a cancer threat, or if you are interested because of extra personal reasons, you will discover a few basic concepts to maintain in mind. As with any cancer, early detection is essential in terms of probabilities of survival. In addition, attempt to identify and minimize danger components. With this approach, the odds of good results are within your favor.

    24-02-2012 om 05:06 geschreven door jamescwifb

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Prostate Cancer Questions and Answers

    For many guys, prostate cancer affects the very core of how they define their own manhood. The prostate is really a key component in the sexual performance and ability of men stages of colon cancer. Prostate cancer than strikes in the particularly heart of how many men view themselves stages of ovarian cancer. In any event here are a few with the most common questions concerning prostate cancer.

    1. What really is prostate cancer?

    Prostate cancer is any abnormal and malignant growth of cells inside the tissues of the prostate gland and possibly all over and beyond the prostate.

    2. What is advanced prostate cancer?

    This is one of the stages of prostate cancer exactly where the cancerous cells have spread outside the prostate into other parts from the victim's body, causing damage along the way. There are four fundamental stages of prostate cancer.

    3 Prostate Cancer Questions and Answers . What are the stages of prostate cancer?

    Stage I of prostate cancer is when the cancer is only within the prostate region and hasn't spread outside the prostate.

    Stage II of prostate cancer is when the cancer is nevertheless inside the prostate, but is advancing.

    Stage III of prostate cancer is when the cancer has now spread beyond the outer layer from the prostate into nearby tissues.

    Stage IV would be the stage that all males dread. the symptoms of ovarian cancer In this stage from the cancer, it has spread to other parts of the body also referred to as metastatic prostate cancer

    4. What is metastatic prostate cancer?

    It is yet another name for advanced prostate cancer where the cancerous cells have grown outside the prostate and is increasing into other parts with the body ovarian cancer staging. Metastatic prostate cancer symptoms of ovarian cancer is extremely critical.

    5 Prostate Cancer Questions and Answers . What causes prostate cancer?

    There is no singular factor that causes prostate cancer. Heredity is suspected to play a large role in prostate cancer as will be the race the stages of cancer of the patient. Black guys are much more likely to have prostate cancer than other groups.

    6. What can I do about Prostate Cancer?

    If you have a prostate and are more than 50 years of age, you really should really consider receiving a yearly prostate exam and having a simple PSA blood test done. This information will offer a baseline for future reference.

    Remember that the earlier you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, the a lot more you need to fight this deadly illness and win.

    24-02-2012 om 05:06 geschreven door jamescwifb

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    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken dat uw activiteiten weerspiegelt. U bent bvb. actief in een bedrijf, vereniging of organisatie en maakt elke dag wel eens iets mee. Dan kan je al deze belevenissen op uw blog plaatsen. Het komt dan neer op een soort van dagboek. Dan kan u dagelijks, of eventueel meerdere keren per dag, een bericht plaatsen op uw blog om uw belevenissen te vertellen. Geef een titel op dat zeer kort uw belevenis beschrijft en typ daarna alles in wat u maar wenst in het bericht. Zo kunnen bezoekers dagelijks of meermaals per dag terugkomen naar uw blog om uw laatste belevenissen te lezen.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken uw hobby. U kan dan op regelmatige basis, bvb. dagelijks, een bericht toevoegen op uw blog over uw hobby. Dit kan gaan dat u vandaag een nieuwe postzegel bij uw verzameling heeft, een nieuwe bierkaart, een grote vis heeft gevangen, enz. Vertel erover en misschien kan je er zelfs een foto bij plaatsen. Zo kunnen anderen die ook dezelfde hobby hebben dagelijks mee lezen. Als u bvb. zeer actief bent in uw hobby, kan u dagelijks uiteraard meerdere berichtjes plaatsen, met bvb. de laatste nieuwtjes. Zo trek je veel bezoekers aan.

    Een bezoeker kan op een bericht van u een reactie plaatsen. Een bezoeker kan dus zelf géén bericht plaatsen op uw blog zelf, wel een reactie. Het verschil is dat de reactie niet komt op de beginpagina, maar enkel bij een bericht hoort. Het is dus zo dat een reactie enkel gaat over een reactie bij een bericht. Indien u bvb. een gedicht heeft geschreven, kan een reactie van een bezoeker zijn dat deze het heel mooi vond. Of bvb. indien u plaatselijk nieuws brengt, kan een reactie van een bezoeker zijn dat deze nog iets meer over de feiten weet (bvb. exacte uur van het ongeval, het juiste locatie van het evenement,...). Of bvb. indien uw blog een dagboek is, kan men reageren op het bericht van die dag, zo kan men meeleven met u, u een vraag stellen, enz. Deze functie kan u uitschakelen via "Instellingen" indien u dit niet graag heeft.

    Een bezoeker kan een bepaald bericht een waardering geven. Dit is om aan te geven of men dit bericht goed vindt of niet. Het kan bvb. gaan over een bericht, hoe goed men dat vond. Het kan ook gaan over een ander bericht, bvb. een tip, die men wel of niet bruikbaar vond. Deze functie kan u uitschakelen via "Instellingen" indien u dit niet graag heeft.

    Het SeniorenNet-team wenst u veel succes met uw gloednieuwe blog!

    Met vriendelijke groeten,

    24-02-2012 om 04:25 geschreven door

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