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    Working and purpose of Orgon !

    Working and purpose of Orgon !

    Essentially all orgonite
    tools do the same thing: They convert stagnant negative life force or DOR
    (Deadly Orgone eneRgy) into positive life affirming POR (Positive Orgone

    POR is the state of the
    intelligent consciousness matrix (also known as ether) where the self healing,
    self organising powers of life are flowing unhindered.

    The best way to understand
    the reason of being for the specific tools that have developed in the worldwide
    orgonite movement is to follow the historical tree of their evolution. You will
    also understand that there is no right or wrong way to use orgonite.

    A rough edged towerbuster
    like the Dirty Harry could be used like an orgone
    pendant if worn around the neck, only that would be ugly and heavy and you
    would scratch your skin.

    Having a Powerwand running
    in one customer's room brought his cancer into remission although that's not
    really what I would call the main application of the PW. (that would
    be energy sending, manifestation, etheric protection)

    Simple towerbusters have
    been used to bust towers (enliven the dark cloud of stagnant energy caused by
    the hard microwave radiation) but also to lift and free the trapped
    spirits in battle fields, nazi concentration camps and other places of human
    suffering. One guy that I gave a simple Dirty Harry and who mostly carried it
    around in his pocket, told me it had changed his whole life.

    On the other hand you could
    take the most beautiful SBB, designed for personal healing, and use it to
    neutralise a cellphone tower if you have nothing else. It will work!

    So let's start with the
    history. I'm not going to start with Wilhelm
    Reich and his pioneering research because I've written
    about that already .

    Let's limit this to the
    history of orgonite devices the way we make them today:

    Episode 1:

    The Standard Orgonite

    The orgonite cloudbuster was the first orgonite tool that Don
    Croft actually invented, combining Dr. Wilhelm Reich's pioneering experiments
    from the 1940s and 50s with the new material compound
    "orgonite" invented by Karl Welz who used it mostly for very
    effective radionics machines. (demonstrating the consciousness dimension of orgonite
    as all these applications have to do with manifestation or intention

    One of
    Don Croft's first orgonite CBs

    Interestingly the first
    thing that came to Don's mind when his new device was ready, was to direct the
    6 pipes of his new device at the city hall of his town which was notoriously
    infested with corrupt politicians. Orgonite seems to have an almost mystical
    quality of furthering good and discouraging evil.

    What does an
    orgonite cloudbuster do?

    Its 6" or 1800mm long
    copper pipes go into resonance with the atmospheric ether in a very large
    area around the device. Amplified by the crystals at the bottom of the
    pipe an exchange takes place whereby stagnant orgone (DOR) is drawn into the
    orgonite base and sent out again as reinvigorated Positive Orgone eneRgy. (POR)

    In heavily DOR infested
    areas we have observed this process as a drawing in of "blackness" in
    the first few days (typically 24-48 hours) the sky almost looking smokey as if
    there had been a large fire. Then a new sparkle became visible. The living
    energy can actually be observed as little moving bubbles almost like champagne
    bubbles moving randomly.

    This re-energised healthy
    state of the ether will now allow all kind of self healing processes to
    occur. A lot if this is unpredictable.

    You should not be attached
    to a specific outcome. A cloudbuster is neither a rainmaker (although the
    outcome of the self healing process is most likely healthy rainfall in drought
    areas) nor is it strictly a chembuster.

    Some of you will now be
    dissappointed to hear me say that but it has to be said:

    Yes, in most cases,
    chemtrails are being dissolved rather rapidly in the positive orgone field
    produced by the cloudbuster. That is a result of the miraculous self
    healing processes enabled by the living energy. And in case you would ask:
    these chemtraisl are actually dissappering without their poisonous fallout ever
    dropping to earth as some would fear. We can only speculate what kind of alchemical
    process is happening there. After all, all matter is energy and can be
    transformed back into energy as well as vice versa. 

    chemtrail dissolution with orgonite

    in state of dissolution over the City of George, South Africa

    Some sensitives are saying that it's actually conscious beings called sylphs
    that do the job of gobbling up the chemtrails. Believe in spirits or not, there
    are many processes in life that we don't understand and that mechanistic
    science is not able to describe. And yet we have observed them over and over
    again. (See my article "Orgonite
    Proof ")

    A little remark on

    Like so many
    "conspiracy" information threads out there a lot of what is being
    said about chemtrails is pure fear mongering. 

    Chemtrail spraying reached
    it's fearful and lethal peak in 2002 when nobody took notice of them,
    especially not the present day screaming busybodies..

    Due to the wide
    proliferation of Orgonite CBs in the most affected areas such as Notth
    America and Western Europe the chemtrails visible today are mostly reduced to
    rather harmless water vapour. This is also why they will sometimes not really
    show any reaction to a cloudbuster. They are already quite harmless. The really
    bad chemtrails had a sulphuric tinge to them and caused massive respiratory
    illness, itching eyes, and all kinds of diseases. This is just not happening
    any more. From the standpoint of the secret controlling cabal, the programe has
    failed to deliver it's intended genocidal result.

    It is important to acknowledge a victory
    when one is at hand.  

    Today's busybody chemtrail
    activists are fighting a bogus battle that we, the international orgonite
    movement have started winning 10 years ago. The now classical movie
    "Chemtrails - Clouds of Death" by our colleague CBSwork illustrated
    the gloomy mood of early chemtrail fighting days. CBSwork is a pseudonym that
    was used by a former secret agent and illuminati insider who survived several
    assassination attempts when he wanted out and became an avid orgonite gifter in
    Los Angeles and generally Southern California, literally freeing that notorious
    city from it's perennial smog bowl.

    (The word "smog"
    was invented to describe the DOR laden atmosphere of LA where a proverbial
    mixture of smoke and fog was reducing visiblity to very short distances most of
    the year.) We now understand that the "binding agent" that helps
    uphold such conditions is always "DOR".

    So, why still take the
    trouble to put up a cloudbuster ?

    Well, don't be fixated on
    chemtrails alone! The atmosphere still needs a lot of cleaning and revitalising
    and you will feel the uplifting effect over your whole region.

    Where to put the

    A Cloudbuster's energy
    could be amplified by standing on special power spots. Most people will put it
    somewhere in their garden. Follow your intuition to find a spot where it feels
    good. Cloudbusters
    like to stand under a tree or amidst shrubs or bushes. They absolutely don't
    mind a vine climbing up on them.

    They also seem to like
    standing on soil or even with the base half buried (a good idea order to give
    them some stability) It is however not necessary to ground them. we have had
    good results with a CB operating from a balcony so don't worry. Certainly all
    those voices suggesting that touching a cloudbuster could be dangerous when it
    is not grounded into a water body via a strong cable are not based on real
    experience wit orgonite cloudbusters but are simple but incorrect
    extrapolations of Wilhelm
    Reich's experiences with his non-orgonite cloudbusters. They did indeed
    need to transfer the orgone charge into water in order to get the energy moving
    because they did not have the miracle compound orgonite.

    Putting up a cloudbuster in our experience does not eliminate the necessity to
    neutralise all cellphone towers in a wide area around the CB - piece by piece -
    by placing small inexpensive towerbusters next to all of them. We call this
    activity gifting.

    In the next episode I will
    talk about the two other classical orgonite
    devices, the HHG and
    the Towerbuster

    to be

    18-09-2014 om 12:03 geschreven door Orgonited  

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    Ik ben TAO Foundation
    Ik ben een vrouw en woon in Someren (Nederland) en mijn beroep is Medisch Entomoloog , Bioloog, Imker , Lichtwerker, Lifecoach, Kynoloog, Veterinair Homeopaat....
    Ik ben geboren op 22/05/0000 en ben nu dus 2024 jaar jong.
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    Orgonite draagt bij aan het welbevinden van Mens en Dier. De opbrengst van de Devices , Orgonite Producten, gaat rechtstreeks naar de dieren van Stichting The Animal Orphanage / TAO Foundation
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