Kinship of Pat Joris Ruben VAN CAMP Name Relationship with Pat VAN CAMP Civil Canon (CERNIELS), SERNEELS, Maria Theresia 5th great-grandmother VII 7 (KYSERS), KEYSERS, Catharina 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 (LAUWEREYS), LAUREYS, Jean Gommarus 5th great-grandfather VII 7 (LAUWERIJS), LAUREYS, Joanna Elisabeth 4th great-grandmother VI 6 (SERNEELS), CERNIELS, Joannes 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 (VER)BEE(C)K, Joannes Franciscus 5th great-grandfather VII 7 (VER)BEE(C)K, Sophia 4th great-grandmother VI 6 AERTGEERTS, Catgarina 8th great-grandmother X 10 ALI, Abd El-Naser Helmi Mohamed Ex-husband of the mother ALI, Laura Half sister II 1 ANDRIES, Anna Maria 7th great-grandmother IX 9 BAELENS, Maria Catharina Wife of the half 5th great-granduncle BAETENS, Gommar Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt BAETENS, Maria Catharina (ook : BATEN/BAETEN) 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 BAETENS, Pierre 7th great-grandfather IX 9 BEECKMANS, Anna 7th great-grandmother IX 9 BERNAERTS, Joanna Catharina Wife of the 3rd great-granduncle BOGAERTS Wife of the 1st cousin 5 times removed BOGAERTS, Franciscus Husband of the 2nd cousin 5 times removed BOGAERTS, Gummarus Husband of the 5th great-grandaunt BOGAERTS, Joannes Franciscus 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 BOGAERTS, Maria Elisabeth 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 BOGAERTS, Pierre 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 BREMS, Albert Husband of the great-grandmother BRESSELEERS, August Joannes Ludovicus Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt BRESSELEERS, Carolus Ludovicus 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 BRESSELEERS, Diane Elisa Camilla 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 BRESSELEERS, Emma Maria Constantia 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 BRESSELEERS, Freddy Louis Gustaaf 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 BRESSELEERS, Gerrit Elsa Hendrik 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 BRESSELEERS, Gustaaf Maria Louisa 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 BRESSELEERS, Henri 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 BRESSELEERS, Ingrid Maria Hendrika 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 BRESSELEERS, Julienne Charlotte Marie 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 BRESSELEERS, Sabina Joanna Freddie 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 BROSENS, Anna Maria 5th great-grandmother VII 7 BUDTS, Joanna Maria Wife of the 4th great-granduncle BUSSCHODTS, Joannes Baptista Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt BUSSCHOTS, Joannes Antonius Husband of the 3rd great-grandaunt BUSSCHOTS, Lodewijk 1st cousin 4 times removed VIII 6 CAMPERS, Mia Wife of the 1st cousin once removed CARNAS, Magdalena Margareta Jozef Ex-wife of the 1st cousin once removed CEUNIS, Arne 4th cousin X 5 CEUNIS, Bruno Jozef Germain 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 CEUNIS, Eric Paul Alfons 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 CEUNIS, Heron Adolf Ex-husband of the 2nd cousin twice removed CEUNIS, Robbe 4th cousin X 5 CLAES, Joanna Wife of the 7th great-grandfather DE BACKER, Barbara 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 DE BACKER, Catharina 6th great-grandaunt X 9 DE BACKER, Cornelius 7th great-grandfather IX 9 DE BACKER, Cornelius 6th great-granduncle X 9 DE BACKER, Elisabeth 6th great-grandaunt X 9 DE BACKER, Gummarus Pancratius 6th great-granduncle X 9 DE BACKER, Joanna Catharina 6th great-grandaunt X 9 DE BACKER, Joannes 6th great-grandaunt X 9 DE BACKER, Petrus Franciscus 6th great-granduncle X 9 DE BELDER, Jean 7th great-grandfather IX 9 DE BELDER, Joanna Maria 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 DE BRUYN, Catharina 5th great-grandmother VII 7 DE BRUYN, Gerardus 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 DE CUYPER, Maria Theresia Wife of the 1st cousin 6 times removed DE GROOF, Anna Catharina 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 DE GROOF, Elisabeth Catharina 5th great-grandmother VII 7 DE GROOF, Franciscus Michael 7th great-grandfather IX 9 DE GROOF, Joannes Franciscus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 DE GROOF, Maria 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 DE GROOF, Petrus 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 DE KEIRSMAEKER, Linda Maria Achilles Ex-wife of the 1st cousin once removed DE LAET, Anna Catharina Wife of the 5th great-granduncle DE LAET, Guido Eduard Jozefa 4th cousin X 5 DE LAET, Maria 7th great-grandmother IX 9 DE LAET, Raymond Amedé Philemon Husband of the 3rd cousin once removed DE MESSEMAEKER, Jan Jozef Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt DE PRETER, Jean 7th great-grandfather IX 9 DE RIDDER, Andreas 7th great-grandfather IX 9 DE RIDDER, Augustinus 4th great-grandfather VI 6 DE RIDDER, Augustinus Josephus 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 DE RIDDER, Carolus 2nd great-granduncle VI 5 DE RIDDER, Constantinus Augustinus 2nd great-granduncle VI 5 DE RIDDER, Elisa Josepha Antonia 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 DE RIDDER, Elisabetha 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 DE RIDDER, Elizabeth 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 DE RIDDER, Franciscus 6th great-granduncle X 9 DE RIDDER, Guielmus 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 DE RIDDER, Gummarus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 DE RIDDER, Jacobus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 DE RIDDER, Jacobus Alphonsus 3rd great-grandfather V 5 DE RIDDER, Jean Baptiste 5th great-grandfather VII 7 DE RIDDER, Joanna Ludovica 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 DE RIDDER, Joanna Maria 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 DE RIDDER, Joannes Baptista 6th great-granduncle X 9 DE RIDDER, Joannes Franciscus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 DE RIDDER, Joannes Guielmus 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 DE RIDDER, Joannes Guielmus 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 DE RIDDER, Josephus Antonius 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 DE RIDDER, Julia Joanna 2nd great-grandmother IV 4 DE RIDDER, Magdalena 6th great-grandaunt X 9 DE RIDDER, Maria Alphonsina 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 DE RIDDER, Maria Amelia Joanna 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 DE RIDDER, Maria Catharina 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 DE RIDDER, Maria Elisabetha 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 DE RIDDER, Mathildis Ludovica 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 DE RIDDER, Melania Maria 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 DE RIDDER, Michael 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 DE RIDDER, Petrus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 DE RIDDER, Petrus 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 DE RIDDER, Petrus 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 DE RIDDER, Theresia 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 DE SCHUTTER, Catharina 7th great-grandmother IX 9 DE SMET, Anna Catharina Leon Wife of the granduncle DE VOS, Joannes Franciscus Husband of the 1st cousin 6 times removed DE VRIES, Adolf Willem Husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed DE VRIES, Willy 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 DE WEERDT, Corneel Husband of the 5th great-grandaunt DE WEERDT, Jeanne 7th great-grandmother IX 9 DE WIT, Ludovicus Guillelmus Husband of the 3rd cousin 4 times removed den BROECK, VAN, Angelina Carolina Francisca 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 DEN BROECK, VAN, Bernardus 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 DEN BROECK, VAN, Francis Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt DEN BROECK, VAN, Gummarus Alphonsus 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 den BROECK, VAN, Joannes Baptista Husband of the 5th great-grandaunt DEN BROECK, VAN, Julia Paulina 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 DEN EYNDE, VAN, Joanna Maria Wife of the 3rd great-granduncle den EYNDE, VAN, Michael 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 den EYNDE, VAN, Petrus Franciscus Husband of the 5th great-grandaunt DEPEUTER, Franciscus Norbertus Husband of the 5th great-grandaunt DEVLEESCHOUWER, Jan Eduard Emiel Husband of the 3rd cousin once removed DIERICK, Germaine Agnes Elisabeth Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed DIRICKX, Isabella Wife of the 1st cousin 4 times removed DOCKX, Patricia Paula Augusta Ex-wife of the 1st cousin once removed DOM, Elisabeth 8th great-grandmother X 10 DRIESSEN, Mike Jeanine Dirk 2nd cousin VI 3 DRIESSEN, Patrick Josephina Theo Husband of the 1st cousin once removed DRIESSENS, Alice Pauline Françoise Partner of the 2nd great-grandfather DROSSART, Maria Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed EVERS, Adolphe Alphonse 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 EVERS, Alfons Adolf Husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed EVERS, Ghislain 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 EVERS, Marie Mathilde 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 EYNATTEN, Irène Clemence Josephine Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed FRANS, Joannes Franciscus Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt GAST, Adèle Maria Mauritius 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 GAST, Franciscus Benedictus Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt GAST, Michel 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 GIELIS, Jeanne 7th great-grandmother IX 9 GILLé, Anna Catharina Wife of the 5th great-granduncle GILLES, Rosette Edgard Coleta Ex-wife of the 1st cousin once removed GOELEN), VAN CAMP (°, Maria Catherine 3rd cousin 4 times removed XII 8 GOELEN, Joanna Catharina Wife of the 2nd cousin 5 times removed GOETSCHALCKX, Adriaen 5th great-grandfather VII 7 GOETSCHALCKX, Franciscus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 GOETSCHALCKX, Gerardus 4th great-grandfather VI 6 GOETSCHALCKX, Jean Leonardus (zie ook "more") 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 GOETSCHALKS, Adriana 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 GOETSCHALLICKX, Jacobus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 GOETSCHALLICKX, Petrus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 GOOS, Agnes Great-grandmother III 3 GROFFEN, Lien Catharina Wife of the 1st cousin once removed GUNS, Joanna Catharina Wife of the 2nd cousin 5 times removed HELLEMANS, Adriani 8th great-grandfather X 10 HELLEMANS, Catharina 7th great-grandmother IX 9 HELSEN, Marie Louise Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed HENDRICKX, Jeanne 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 HEUVELMANS, Anna Catharina 5th great-grandmother VII 7 HEUVELMANS, Augustinus Jef 5th great-granduncle IX 8 HEUVELMANS, Frans 5th great-granduncle IX 8 HEUVELMANS, Jan Baptist 5th great-granduncle IX 8 HEUVELMANS, Joanna Maria 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 HEUVELMANS, Maria Francisca 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 HEUVELMANS, Michael Paulus 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 HOREMANS, Elisa Jan Baptist Grandmother II 2 HOREMANS, Lodewijk Great-grandfather III 3 JACOBS, Bertha Maria Joanna Wife of the 2nd cousin twice removed JACOBS, Danny Lisette Lucien 1st cousin once removed V 3 JACOBS, Lucien Odile Maurice 1st cousin once removed V 3 JACOBS, Maurice François Husband of the grandaunt JACOBS, Mitch Julia Kamiel 2nd cousin VI 3 JACOBS, Patrick Jeanine Alfons 1st cousin once removed V 3 JACOBS, Paul Madeleine August 1st cousin once removed V 3 JACOBS, Viki Maurice Alice 2nd cousin VI 3 JACOBS, Vince Danny Marja 2nd cousin VI 3 JUGTERS, Maria Theresia Wife of the 5th great-granduncle KENNIS, Antonius Husband of the 5th great-grandaunt KENNIS, Franck Petrus Josephus 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 KEUPENS, Maria Catharina Wife of the 4th great-granduncle KEURREMANS, Elisabeth Philippine Wife of the 5th great-granduncle KEURREMANS, Magdalena Wife of the 5th great-granduncle KINS, Petronella 5th great-grandmother VII 7 KONINCKX, Catharina Wife of the 4th great-grandfather LACAILLE, Michele Jeanne Wife of the 2nd cousin twice removed LAUREYS, Anna Maria 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 LAUREYS, Cornelius 5th great-granduncle IX 8 LAUREYS, Elisabeth 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 LAUREYS, Gommarus 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 LAUREYS, Jan Baptiste 5th great-granduncle IX 8 LAUREYS, Joanna 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 LAUREYS, Joanna Elisabeth 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 LAUREYS, Joanna Maria 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 LAUREYS, Joannes (ook : LAURYS/LAUWIEYS/LAUWREYS 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 LAUREYS, Maria Anna 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 LAUWEREYS, Anna Catharina 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 LAUWEREYS, Jan Franciscus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 LAUWERS, Maria Elisabeth Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle LAUWIEYS, Maria Catharina 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 LEYS, Anna Elisabeth Wife of the 5th great-granduncle LEYS, Corneel Louisa Maurice 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 LEYS, Henricus Cornelius Husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed LEYS, Joris Roger 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 LEYS, Karin Simon Michel 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 LEYSEN, August Joannes 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 LEYSEN, Carolus Philomena Husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed LEYSSENS, Greta Ghislaine Martha Wife of the 3rd cousin once removed MARECHAL, Louise Juliette Sidonie Wife of the 2nd cousin twice removed MARIËN, Pieter Jan Husband of the 3rd great-grandaunt MATTHEUSUS, Catharina (ook : MATHEES/MATTHIEUS) Wife of the 6th great-grandfather MEYLEMANS, Joanna Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed MIJLEMANS, Anna Catharina Wife of the 5th great-granduncle MOEREMANS, Julia Henrica Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed MOMMENS, Bernardus Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt MOMMENS, Evarist Gommaire 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 MOMMENS, Maria Irma 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 MYNENDONCKX, Joannes Ex-husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed NAUWELAERTS, Gommar Husband of the 5th great-grandaunt NEEFS, Marie Jeanne Wife of the 2nd cousin twice removed NOENS, Yvonne Celina Wife of the 2nd cousin twice removed OPSOOM, Anna Maria 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 PEETERS Husband of the 1st cousin 5 times removed PEETERS, Elisa Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed POOTERS, Mauritius Ludovicus Joannes Husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed PRAET, Maria Augusta Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed PRETER(S), PRETERS (DE, Magdalena 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 RAEPERS, Auguste 2nd great-grandfather IV 4 RAEPERS, Maria Odilia Great-grandmother III 3 RAETS, Vera Wife of the 3rd cousin once removed REYPENS, Maria Catharina Wife of the 4th great-granduncle ROBERT, Anna Catharine 7th great-grandmother IX 9 ROELANDTS, Willem Husband of the 2nd cousin twice removed ROELS), VAN CAMP (°, Elisa Joanna Augustus 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 ROELS, Maria Dominica Florentia Wife of the 2nd great-granduncle SANDIR, Ahmet Husband of the 2nd cousin SANDIR, Ilhan 2nd cousin once removed VII 4 SANDIR, Mahra 2nd cousin once removed VII 4 SELS, Catharina 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 SERNEELS, Anna Catharina 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 SERNEELS, Bastiaen (ook : CERNIELS) 7th great-grandfather IX 9 SERNEELS, Franciscus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 SERNEELS, Joanna Elisabeth 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 SERNEELS, Joannes 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 SERNEELS, Joannes Baptiste 5th great-granduncle IX 8 SERNEELS, 't, Adrianus Cornelius 5th great-granduncle IX 8 SERNEELS, 't, Anna Catharina 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 SERNEELS, 't, Elisabeth 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 SERNEELS, 't, Franciscus Guillelmus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 SLAETS, Joanna Wife of the 5th great-granduncle SOMERS, Anna Elisabeth Wife of the 5th great-granduncle SOMERS, Anna Maria 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 SOMERS, Corneille 7th great-grandfather IX 9 SOMERS, Elisabeth 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 SOMERS, Jacobus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 SOMERS, Joanna Maria 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 SOMERS, Joannes Baptista 5th great-granduncle IX 8 SOMERS, Joannes Franciscus 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 SOMERS, Joannes Franciscus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 SOMERS, Maria Anna 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 SOMERS, Marie Anne 5th great-grandmother VII 7 SOMERS, Petrus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 SOMERS, Petrus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 SOMERS, Petrus Franciscus 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 SPRUYT, Henri Alphonse Simon Jean Half great-granduncle V 4 STAUT, Elisa Clara Wife of the 1st cousin 3 times removed SUETENS, Elisabeth Wife of the 1st cousin 6 times removed SUETENS, Marie Therese Wife of the 5th great-grandfather T(H)IELEMANS, Joannes 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 TEMMERMAN, Gustaaf Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt TEMMERMAN, Henricus Oscar 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 TEMMERMAN, Henricus Renatus 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 TEMMERMAN, Josephina Augusta 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 TEMMERMAN, Maria Gustaaf Paulina 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 TEMMERMAN, Paulina Josepha 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 THIELEMANS, Isabella Maria 5th great-grandmother VII 7 THIELEMANS, Maria Theresia 6th great-grandaunt X 9 TIELEMANS, Adrianus 7th great-grandfather IX 9 TIELEMANS, Egidius 8th great-grandfather X 10 TIELEMANS, Egidius 5th great-granduncle IX 8 TIELEMANS, Jan Baptist 5th great-granduncle IX 8 TIELEMANS, Jan Baptist 5th great-granduncle IX 8 TIELEMANS, Maria Anna 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 TILBORG, Michel Husband of the 2nd great-grandaunt TILEMANS, Andreas 6th great-granduncle X 9 TILEMANS, Andreas 6th great-granduncle X 9 TILEMANS, Anna Catharina 6th great-grandaunt X 9 TILEMANS, Anna Elisabeth 6th great-grandaunt X 9 TILEMANS, Anna Maria Francisca 6th great-grandaunt X 9 TILEMANS, Cornelius 6th great-granduncle X 9 TILEMANS, Isabella 6th great-grandaunt X 9 TILEMANS, Theresia 6th great-grandaunt X 9 TORFS, Egidius Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt VAN AELST, Cornelis Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt VAN ANTWERPEN, Joanna 8th great-grandmother X 10 VAN BASTELAERE, Marie Jeanne Palmyre Edgard Wife of the 2nd cousin twice removed VAN BEC(K)HOVEN, Joanna 3rd great-grandmother V 5 VAN BEC(K)HOVEN, Maria 3rd great-grandaunt VII 6 VAN BECKHOVEN, Cornelis 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 VAN BECKHOVEN, Dymphena 4th great-grandmother VI 6 VAN BECKHOVEN, Joanna Catharina 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 VAN BECKHOVEN, Joannes 5th great-grandfather VII 7 VAN BOSTRAETEN, Florentinus Husband of the 1st cousin 3 times removed VAN BOUWEL, Ilona Juliette Alfonsina Partner of the 3rd cousin once removed VAN CAMP), TEMMERMAN (°, Anna Maria 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 VAN CAMP), VAN DEN BROECK (°, Ferdinandus Frederi 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 VAN CAMP), VAN DEN BROECK (°,Franciscus 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 VAN CAMP, Adrianus 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Alfons Marie Gustaaf Grandfather II 2 VAN CAMP, Alphonsus Franciscus Philippus 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 VAN CAMP, Amber 4th cousin X 5 VAN CAMP, Anna 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VAN CAMP, Anna Catharina 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Anna Catharina 3rd great-grandaunt VII 6 VAN CAMP, Anna Catharina 1st cousin 5 times removed IX 7 VAN CAMP, Anna Catharina Celina 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 VAN CAMP, Anna Elisabeth 2nd cousin 6 times removed XII 9 VAN CAMP, Anna Maria 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VAN CAMP, Anna Maria 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Anna Maria Half 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 VAN CAMP, Anna Maria 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Anna Maria 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Anna Maria 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Anna Paulina 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 VAN CAMP, Anne Catherine 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 VAN CAMP, Antonius 2nd cousin 6 times removed XII 9 VAN CAMP, Augustinus Alphonsius Mauritius Great-grandfather III 3 VAN CAMP, Catharina Half 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VAN CAMP, Catharina 2nd cousin 6 times removed XII 9 VAN CAMP, Catharina Ludovica 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 VAN CAMP, Catharina Rosalia 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 VAN CAMP, Christiaan 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VAN CAMP, Corneille 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VAN CAMP, Cornelis 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Cornelis 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VAN CAMP, Cornelius 2nd cousin 6 times removed XII 9 VAN CAMP, Cornelius 4th great-grandfather VI 6 VAN CAMP, Cornelius Franciscus 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Danaï José Jean 2nd cousin VI 3 VAN CAMP, Danny Lucia Alfons 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 VAN CAMP, Dax 1st cousin once removed V 3 VAN CAMP, Dirk Julia Julien 1st cousin once removed V 3 VAN CAMP, Egidius 6th great-granduncle X 9 VAN CAMP, Eline 4th cousin X 5 VAN CAMP, Elisabeth Half 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VAN CAMP, Elisabeth Half 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VAN CAMP, Ferdinandus 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Francisca Irma Augusta 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 VAN CAMP, Franciscus Alphonsus 2nd great-grandfather IV 4 VAN CAMP, Franciscus Cornelius 1st cousin 5 times removed IX 7 VAN CAMP, Franciscus Florentinus 1st cousin 5 times removed IX 7 VAN CAMP, Franciscus Ludovicus 1st cousin 4 times removed VIII 6 VAN CAMP, Gummarus 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Henri Paul Robert Nicolas Granduncle IV 3 VAN CAMP, Ingrid Jean Agnes Mother I 1 VAN CAMP, Jacobus Gommarus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VAN CAMP, Jan Baptist 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VAN CAMP, Jean Celina Gustaaf Granduncle IV 3 VAN CAMP, Jean François 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VAN CAMP, Joanna Catharina 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 VAN CAMP, Joanna Catharina 3rd great-grandaunt VII 6 VAN CAMP, Joanna Elisabeth 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Joanna Elisabeth 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Joanna Ludovica 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 VAN CAMP, Joanna Maria 1st cousin 4 times removed VIII 6 VAN CAMP, Joanna Maria 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 VAN CAMP, Joanna Octavia 2nd great-grandaunt VI 5 VAN CAMP, Joanne François 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 VAN CAMP, Joannes Augustinus 2nd great-granduncle VI 5 VAN CAMP, Joannes Augustus 1st cousin 4 times removed VIII 6 VAN CAMP, Joannes Baptista 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 VAN CAMP, Joannes Baptista 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Joannes Baptista Aloysius 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Joannes Franciscus 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Joannes Franciscus Half 6th great-granduncle X 9 VAN CAMP, Joannes Franciscus 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Joannes Franciscus 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 VAN CAMP, Joannes Franciscus 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 VAN CAMP, Joannes Franciscus Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt VAN CAMP, Joëlle Jeanine Marc 2nd cousin VI 3 VAN CAMP, Julia Alfons Justina Grandaunt IV 3 VAN CAMP, Laurentius 7th great-grandfather IX 9 VAN CAMP, Levensloos Granduncle IV 3 VAN CAMP, Linda Maria Henri 1st cousin once removed V 3 VAN CAMP, Lodewijk Frans 2nd cousin 3 times removed IX 6 VAN CAMP, Loran 2nd cousin VI 3 VAN CAMP, Luc August Germaine 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 VAN CAMP, Ludovicus Cornelius 1st cousin 5 times removed IX 7 VAN CAMP, Luwis 2nd cousin VI 3 VAN CAMP, Magdalena Sophia 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Maria 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VAN CAMP, Maria Catharina 1st cousin 6 times removed X 8 VAN CAMP, Maria Catherine 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 VAN CAMP, Maria Elisabeth 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Maria Elisabeth 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Maria Ludovica Germania 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 VAN CAMP, Maria Melania 1st cousin 5 times removed IX 7 VAN CAMP, Martinus Gommarus Half 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VAN CAMP, Melchior 5th great-grandfather VII 7 VAN CAMP, Pat Joris Ruben Self 0 VAN CAMP, Paulus 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Petronella 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VAN CAMP, Petronella 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VAN CAMP, Petronelle Francisca 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Petrus 6th great-granduncle X 9 VAN CAMP, Petrus Half 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VAN CAMP, Petrus 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Petrus Aloysius 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Petrus Franciscus 1st cousin 7 times removed XI 9 VAN CAMP, Petrus Franciscus 2nd cousin 6 times removed XII 9 VAN CAMP, Petrus Franciscus 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 VAN CAMP, Petrus Franciscus 3rd great-granduncle VII 6 VAN CAMP, Petrus Franciscus 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Petrus Gommarus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VAN CAMP, Petrus Gommarus 3rd great-grandfather V 5 VAN CAMP, Petrus Gommarus 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Petrus Gommarus 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Petrus Gommarus 1st cousin 4 times removed VIII 6 VAN CAMP, Petrus Josephus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VAN CAMP, Pierre Gommaire 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 VAN CAMP, Pierre Gommarus 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 VAN CAMP, Raymond Jozef Florent Henri 2nd cousin twice removed VIII 5 VAN CAMP, Rosalia 2nd cousin 5 times removed XI 8 VAN CAMP, Rosalia Adriana Florentina 1st cousin 3 times removed VII 5 VAN CAMP, Silke 4th cousin X 5 VAN CAMP, Victor Gommarus 1st cousin 5 times removed IX 7 VAN CAMP, Yanthe 4th cousin X 5 VAN CLEEMPUT, Juliette Pauline 3rd cousin once removed IX 5 VAN CLEEMPUT, Petrus Frans Husband of the 2nd cousin twice removed VAN der AUWERA, Joanna 7th great-grandmother IX 9 VAN der PLANCKEN, Adèle Maria Isidore Wife of the 1st cousin once removed VAN DESSEL, Joannes Gommarus Husband of the 4th great-grandaunt VAN DYCK, Catharina 7th great-grandmother IX 9 VAN HOOF, Patrick Husband of the 3rd cousin once removed VAN HOOF, Thomas Monique Joris 4th cousin X 5 VAN KAUWEN, Maria Magdalena Wife of the 5th great-granduncle VAN LOOCK, Joanna Catharina Wife of the 3rd great-granduncle VAN LOOCK, Joannes Gommarus Husband of the 1st cousin 6 times removed VAN MECHELEN, Jeanine Wife of the granduncle VAN MEROY, Joanna Elisabeth Wife of the 1st cousin 7 times removed VAN MEULEBROECK, Anne Marie Wife of the 3rd cousin once removed VAN OPPENS, Nadia Emiel Partner of the 1st cousin once removed VANDENRIJN, Melanie Christine 2nd great-grandmother IV 4 VERBEECK, Elisabeth Elisabeth Wife of the 6th great-granduncle VERBERCK(T), Jan 7th great-grandfather IX 9 VERBERCK(T), Joanna Catharina 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 VERBERCK, Anna Catharina 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VERBERCK, Joanna Catharina 6th great-granduncle X 9 VERBERCK, Michael 6th great-granduncle X 9 VERBERCK, Petrus Gommarus 6th great-granduncle X 9 VERBERCKMOES, Manuella Leona Ivo Partner of the 3rd cousin once removed VERBERCKT, Anna Catharina 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 VERBERCKT, Anna Elisabeth 4th great-grandmother VI 6 VERBERCKT, Anna Maria 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 VERBERCKT, Gommarus 6th great-granduncle X 9 VERBERCKT, Jan Franciscus 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 VERBERCKT, Jeanne Catherine 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 VERBERCKT, Joannes Franciscus 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 VERBERCKT, Joannes Franciscus 5th great-grandfather VII 7 VERBERCKT, Joannes Gommarus 1st cousin 5 times removed IX 7 VERBERCKT, Maria 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VERBERCKT, Petrus Franciscus 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 VERBERGHT, Joanna Maria 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VERBIST, Jaak Lodewijk Hendrik Gaston Husband of the 2nd cousin twice removed VERC(K)AMMEN, Maria Anna 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 VERCAMMEN, Anna Catharina 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VERCAMMEN, Cornelis 6th great-granduncle X 9 VERCAMMEN, Cornelius 7th great-grandfather IX 9 VERCAMMEN, Elisabeth 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VERCAMMEN, Franciscus 6th great-granduncle X 9 VERCAMMEN, Gommarus 6th great-granduncle X 9 VERCAMMEN, Jan Baptistus 6th great-granduncle X 9 VERCAMMEN, Jan Baptistus 6th great-granduncle X 9 VERCAMMEN, Joanna Maria 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VERCAMMEN, Petrus Franciscus 6th great-granduncle X 9 VERDONCK, Anna Catharina 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 VERGAUWEN, Dymphna 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 VERHOEVEN, Isabella Maria Wife of the 5th great-granduncle VERHOEVEN, Magdalena 7th great-grandmother IX 9 VERHOEVEN, Maria Wife of the 6th great-granduncle VERLINDEN, Anna 9th great-grandmother XI 11 VERMEURIËN, Anna 7th great-grandmother IX 9 VERSCHUEREN, Anna Maria Wife of the half 5th great-granduncle VIAENE, Patrick José Roger Father I 1 VIERSTRAETE, Micheline Zulma Cornelia Wife of the 2nd cousin twice removed VOET, Anna 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VOET, Anna Catharina 7th great-grandmother IX 9 VOET, Anna Maria 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VOET, Catharina 7th great-grandaunt XI 10 VOET, Francisci 9th great-grandfather XI 11 VOET, Franciscus 7th great-granduncle XI 10 VOET, Gommarus 7th great-granduncle XI 10 VOET, Guielmus 8th great-grandfather X 10 VOET, Guilielmus 7th great-granduncle XI 10 VOET, Guilielmus 7th great-granduncle XI 10 VOET, Jan 7th great-granduncle XI 10 VOET, Joanna 7th great-grandaunt XI 10 VOET, Joanna 6th great-grandmother VIII 8 VOET, Joannes Baptista 6th great-granduncle X 9 VOET, Maria Catharina 7th great-grandaunt XI 10 VOET, Martinus 7th great-granduncle XI 10 VOET, Petronella 6th great-grandaunt X 9 VOET, Petrus 7th great-granduncle XI 10 VOET, Petrus 6th great-granduncle X 9 VOET, Rumoldus 7th great-grandfather IX 9 VOORSPOELS, Anna Catharina 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 VOORSPOELS, Anna Catharina 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 VOORSPOELS, Anna Catharina 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 VOORSPOELS, Anna Catharina 3rd great-grandaunt VII 6 VOORSPOELS, Anna Elisabeth 3rd great-grandaunt VII 6 VOORSPOELS, Anna Maria 3rd great-grandmother V 5 VOORSPOELS, Cornelius 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VOORSPOELS, Cornelius 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VOORSPOELS, Cornelius 4th great-grandfather VI 6 VOORSPOELS, Elisabetha 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 VOORSPOELS, Elisabetha 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 VOORSPOELS, Gommarus 3rd great-granduncle VII 6 VOORSPOELS, Jan Baptistus 5th great-granduncle IX 8 VOORSPOELS, Joanna Catharina 3rd great-grandaunt VII 6 VOORSPOELS, Joanna Maria 4th great-grandaunt VIII 7 VOORSPOELS, Joanna Maria Josephe 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 VOORSPOELS, Joannes 6th great-grandfather VIII 8 VOORSPOELS, Joannes Baptista 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 VOORSPOELS, Joannes Baptista 3rd great-granduncle VII 6 VOORSPOELS, Joannes Franciscus 4th great-granduncle VIII 7 VOORSPOELS, Joannes Franciscus 3rd great-granduncle VII 6 VOORSPOELS, Maria Catharina 5th great-grandaunt IX 8 VOORSPOELS, Maria Philomena 3rd great-grandaunt VII 6 VOORSPOELS, Pierre François 5th great-grandfather VII 7 WYGAERTS, Joanna Wife of the 7th great-grandfather YZERMAN, Miriam Wife of the 3rd cousin once removed