How it started,
February 1999 still brought us real winter days, as was the case
this year, in 2004. Because of the almost Toscany skies we were able
to make many beautiful photos. The poetic landscapes gave me the inspiration to bundle all the photos related to my garden. That was
quite a job, considering we're talking about a 35-year timespan here.
My mother, who was living in at the time, was my biggest fan.
She also loved nature very much and her amazement was much more than just admiration. She had kept the receptiveness of a child.
That made her so special, beautiful and good.
I think back with gratitude about those beautiful times and all the
good advice she gave me.
The beginning is the hardest part...
The time when our children were playing in the garden has long
passed. Slowly it shaped into an ornamental garden, still keeping the
old structures. There's trees, a shed, an old swing (in the meantime covered in plants), reminding us of the happy moments and years we spent there together. More time for gardening resulted in the fact that we developed new waterparties and borders and especially got more acquainted with taking care of roses. We started visiting open gardens,
at home and abroad. Besides the wealth of knowledge we gathered
and the beauty that touched us, we also always enjoyed the charm
and friend-liness our fellow-gardeners welcomed us with.
Through our webpage, we'd love to let you explore our garden,
very modestly, because that's what it is.