I guess the deer brought their little fawn for a last visit on their run through the woods and to my doorstep.
They have just started tearing down the brush and sapling trees in that wooded area. There was an enormous bang and my house shook, as enormous trees were being pulled out of the ground.
It was with great sadness that I saw them go. I have always been a nature lover and I regret to its bounty lost forever.
I know that the deer eat flowers, etc. - personally, I have only three plants: Hostas. I know that Hostas are a deer's favorite food - so I planted them for them to munch happily away. Other than that, my property has only wooded area, underbrush, enormous rhododendron and azalea bushes, and native mountain laurel and magnolias to bloom plus a huge assortment of wild flowers to bloom profusely in the spring.
We DON'T have any grass - and we don't want any! What a relief to be free of a lawn mower - nothing to feed or fertilize!Nature takes care of our wooded area, thank you. Remarkably, the undergrowth keeps down the weeds - in fact, I don't see any - just delicate ferns.
So, another view of nature's bounty is being erased. Call me a sentimentalist, if you must. But this old gal holds a soft spot in her heart for all things in natural state. Wisely, mother nature has blanketed these steep slopes with verdant woods, preventing mud slides and floods.
If I had the money, I'd buy all 4000 acres in Connestee Falls..