I am now 89 years old, also. How the years fly by. I still drive my car, night and day, in these mountains of North Carolina, write a column for the newspaper, go up and down stairs, read without glasses, do not need a hearing aid, and still have all my teeth. My father, Jules Lievrouw, died at age 79 with all his teeth in his head, too.
Dad always has a sense of humor. When he was in the hospital, the nurse brought him a glass of water and told him to put his teeth in it. He said: "Lady, that would be a tough job!" = because he still had all his teeth. A funny story about that: My dad never went to a dentist in all his life - and used to crack nuts and open beer bottle caps with his teeth. So, he did not practice good dental health.
I have one son, two grandchildren and four great grandchildren. The grandchildren live in the state of Maryland which is about 700 miles away from where I live in North Carolina.
so far, we have been very lucky. There has been a lot of wild weather in the United States, but we have not had any. I certainly am grateful for that. We may get some soon, as the weather station is predicting thunderstorms for almost every day next week. I hate that - because the thunder really booms around here in the mountains, although so far we have had only one wind storm in 7 years.