Dutch people in Wallonië, les hollandais en Wallonie
It's a joy to share the beautiful things of life. As a dutch person I will make mistakes, but it's worth trying.
C'est une joie de partager des belles choses. Comme hollandaise je ferai sûrement des erreurs grammaticales, mais sans effort pas de résultat.
Visit of our grandson. La visite de notre petit-fils.
Our grandson of five is able to use the computer, look up the games and change game and level. I feel myself as a grandma a neanderthaler. But tying his shoes is for him quite difficult and asks his granddad to do that for him. Lately he has grown that much that he is able to look down on the shiny skin of his head. He touches his head with one finger and says "Hé, granddad, I see your cranium!".
Notre petit-fils de cinq ans est capable de se servir de l'ordinateur, chercher les jeux et de changer de jeu et de niveau. Moi, comme grand-mère, je me sens niaise. Mais se chausser n'est pas façile et demande bonpa de l'aider. Il est grandi beaucoup et peut regarder sur la tête chauve de grand-père. En touchant sa tête avec un doit il dit: "Hé, bonpa, je vois ton crâne!".