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  • A very happy Valentine's Day
  • Westlife star Mark Feehily has revealed that Boyzone singer Stephen Gately's bravery in coming out as gay helped him find the courage to do the same years later.
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    westlife forever

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. westlife 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006

    What are you talking about?
    WHEN Westlife singer Nicky Byrne
    went down on one knee and asked his
    beautiful girlfriend
    Georgina Ahern to marry him
    his eyes filled with tears.

    For his grandad - the one person with whom
    he had shared the secret
    that he would propose on Christmas Day 
    did not live to see the spectacular
    diamond ring slipped on her finger.

    "It was a day of very mixed emotions,"
    Nicky recalls.
    "It was magical but bittersweet.
    Grandad would have so loved
    to see me getting married." 
    Nicky, 24, reveals how he had confided in
    grandad Bernard McGarry - and tells how
    his beloved grandparent
    had carried his secret
    engagement plan to the grave.

    He says: "When Georgina and
    I bought our dream house in Malahide
    just outside Dublin,
    I just knew it was
    the perfect place to ask her to marry me.

    "I wanted the timing to be really special and
    I knew we would be inviting both our families
    there for Christmas.
    The house was going to look like something
    out of a fairytale
    and I knew that was when I would ask her.

    "But grandad was quite poorly and
    I was worried he might not make it to Christmas.
    So one day in September,
    when it was just me and him in the room,
    I told him what I was going to do.

    "He was thrilled.
    He squeezed my hand and congratulated me.
    The following month grandad died and
    I was so pleased I had shared my plan with him.

    "He didn't tell a soul,
    not even my nana who
    he had been married to for more than 50 years.
    When I told her he had known she said: 'Really?
    He never told me'."

    Nicky and Georgina -
    the 24-year-old daughter of
    Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern
    - have been together for eight years
    but are yet to set a date for their wedding.
    And there are no plans
    for a double wedding with bandmate
    Shane Filan and his business
    graduate fiancee Gillian Walsh.

    Incredibly, Shane also proposed on Christmas Day.

    He says:
    "The most nerve wracking part
    was asking Gillian's dad for permission.
    I think it's something every
    fella gets worried about."

    The couple, both 23, have been dating
    for three years and say
    they hope to walk down the aisle
    in the next 18 months.
    But the band has an
    incredibly punishing year ahead.

    Their new single
    Tonight is released on March 3 and they begin
    a gruelling world tour in April.
    Heartthrob Shane says:
    "The fans have been wonderful about
    the engagement.

    "There might be a few who are unhappy but
    I think most realise we are normal lads
    who have personal lives.
    If we're happy, hopefully
    they will be happy for us too."

    The Westlife weddings
    will leave just two bachelors in the band
    Mark Feehily and Kian Egan.

    Bryan McFadden
    broke a million hearts in January
    last year when he married former Atomic Kitten
    Kerry Katona.

    The couple,
    who have a 16-month-old daughter,
    Molly, are expecting their second
    child next month.

    And it's not just the 22-year-old who is eagerly
    awaiting the new arrival - the rest of
    the band are just as excited.

    Unashamedly soppy over the imminent birth,
    they admit babies make them broody.
    Kian, 22, says: "When Bryan and Kerry had Molly
    you could see the real meaning
    of what it's all about.

    "It made us realise we get stressed about
    silly little things.
    Molly makes us look at the other side of life that
    we haven't had a chance to experience yet
    and it
    makes us realise that having love in your life
    is so important.

    "Of course Molly will grow up with nice things
    around her.
    But without the love of her family,
    the nice things aren't important.

    "In us, she has four uncles who adore her.
    Life is about happiness,
    not wealth, not even success but happiness.
    Molly has brought that back to us."

    Bryan says angel-faced Molly
    worships her famous uncles
    but thinks they are all her dads.

    With a broad grin, Bryan says:
    "When Molly sees a picture of me in a magazine,
    she points to it and says 'Daddy,' and we all go 'Ah'.

    "But then she'll point to Mark and say 'Daddy'
    and then Kian and say
    'Daddy' and on she goes right
    through the band.

    "People often say to me
    it must be hard trying
    to juggle being a pop star
    with family life but it can be just
    as hard no matter what job you do.

    "One of my best friends
    is about to get married.
    He works nine to five and has a child
    but I get to see more of Kerry and Molly
    than he does of his family."

    Watching Bryan with his family
    or seeing his engaged bandmates
    with their sweethearts heightens
    the loneliness Mark confesses to feeling.

    Millionaire Mark admits
    he can never be sure
    if a girl likes him or what he represents.
    "It's difficult to find someone
    who is genuine and who wants
    to be in a real relationship
    with me rather than because
    I'm part of Westlife," he says.

    His long eyelashes
    sweep down from his blue eyes and
    he looks crestfallen.
    Mark, 21, says: "There are a lot
    of vultures out there who
    would pounce on you
    because of Westlife.

    "If we go to a club in London,
    there will be a good few people in
    there who will have heard of Westlife.

    "While you have
    to accept that and live with it
    because you are in a successful band,
    it's difficult to deal with the fact
    that people only ever see you as Westlife.

    "We are all willing to sacrifice
    certain things for the band but
    it is difficult when it comes to relationships.
    There's a lot of people
    who pretend to be something
    they're not and sometimes
    it's not easy to tell who's real and who's not.

    "I have never had so many good looking
    girls coming up to me to talk but
    when I see what Bryan,
    Shane and Nicky have,
    I want to find someone special too.

    "I'm at the point now where
    I believe I'll have to wait for a while."

    P IN-UP Kian,
    who recently parted from Scandinavian
    dancer Jessica Forsman, agrees it
    can be tough looking for the right woman.

    "It's a Catch-22 situation,"
    he says. "When we go out
    it has to be somewhere which
    can facilitate us.

    "It sounds a bit fancy
    but we have to go into the VIP section.
    I actually despise them because
    I want to meet real people but
    it's difficult because of
    the whole security thing."

    Westlife have notched up
    a record-breaking 11 consecutive
    number one songs,
    including Flying Without Wings,
    and topped the charts with their latest album,
    Unbreakable, The Greatest Hits Volume One.
    But they are worried about sustaining
    their amazing level of success.

    Kian says: "When we started off
    we never expected any of
    the success we have at
    the minute and
    never expected to get as far as we have got.

    "It's always scary when you see new bands
    coming out and
    you see music
    changing and people liking
    different types of music."

    The Irish boys
    three from Sligo
    and two from Dublin 
    marvel at their fan base,
    which ranges from toddlers to
    a great gran in her 90s.

    And the lads adore seeing the
    "mums in leather trousers".
    It is these older fans who help make
    the band's tours a sell-out.

    Mark says: "I love to look into a crowd
    and see a bunch of
    mums in leather trousers
    dancing away and going crazy.

    "Every band is marketed - we are too -
    but it gives you a feeling that
    we have got a wider appeal."

    Kian adds: "When we first came
    out you would see three women
    with four kids but now they leave
    the kids at home and come
    by themselves and that's very cool."

    They would love to sing with
    Bryan Adams or
    Celine Dion but what about pop
    diva Britney Spears?
    "Nah," says Bryan. "She can't sing."

    Bryan says with a grin:
    "The lifestyle in which we grew
    up is so different to
    the lifestyle we have in Westlife
    that it wouldn't be difficult
    to fall into the trap of becoming a big
    international popstar persona
    and end up hanging around with people
    like Britney.
    But we work hard to keep
    our feet on the ground."

    The boys hope that
    when the time comes for the band to bow out,
    each Westlife member will still
    care enough about
    the others to take part in a reunion.

    Kian says: "We know
    this isn't going to last for ever
    but I would wish in 20 or
    30 years time we will be able to get back
    together and sing one of our hits.

    "Robbie Williams
    would never touch Take That again
    and Ronan Keating would never
    touch Boyzone again.

    "But we have got such a good relationship
    that I'm sure we would
    still get together
    when this eventually comes to an end."

    Hopefully that moment is
    still some time away

    Band in floods of tears after split with Bryan
    left Westlife fans sobbing their hearts out.
    And when
    Bryan McFadden said his goodbyes
    to the rest of the band yesterday
    it was just as emotional.

    As Bryan revealed why
    he had decided to quit
    the chart-topping boyband,
    tears rolled down his cheeks.

    His wife Kerry was in floods,
    fellow Westlifer Kian Egan was also crying,
    while Shane Filan, Mark Feehily and Nicky
    Byrne clearly struggled to keep it together.

    The band, who have had 12 No 1 singles,
    told 3am about
    the painful split at the plush
    Four Seasons hotel in Dublin.

    They said losing
    Bryan was "like splitting up from a girlfriend
    after five wonderful years together"
    and revealed they had even
    considered counselling
    in an attempt to make him stay.

    Meanwhile, a visibly shaken Bryan revealed,
    "It's absolutely
    nothing to do with the other four guys.

    "It's hard juggling two lives.
    And for the past year,
    especially after my daughter
    Lilly-Sue was born,
    I haven't been able to commit
    100 per cent to my family or Westlife.
    I felt it was the right time to stand back
    and concentrate on my family."

    The father-of-two
    dropped his bombshell
    following the Meteor Awards
    in Dublin on March 2.

    "It's been weighing on
    my mind for the past six months,
    " admitted Bryan, 23.
    "After the Meteor Awards we talked things
    through and the decision was
    made in the past couple of days.

    "The group understand
    that family is very important to me.
    They know there is no point me being in
    the band if I'm not happy and
    they respect my decision."

    He insisted that it was his decision
    and he wasn't influenced by wife Kerry,
    the I'm A Celebrity... winner.

    "There's no TV or music work lined up,
    I just want to have a break
    and be with my family," said Bryan.
    "Yes, I'll be a house-husband for a bit,
    but I'm cr*p at housework."

    He claimed his departure bears
    no similarity to Robbie Williams
    quitting Take That.
    "Robbie left because
    he didn't like the other people
    in the band and they didn't like him,"
    he said.

    "I'm leaving because
    I have a wife and two children.
    I need to spend more time with them."

    The others remain optimistic
    about their future as a four-piece.

    Nicky told us, "It was such a shock.
    I said, 'Let's go to a counsellor
    so we can sort this out and get to
    the bottom of what was making Bryan unhappy'.

    "We were prepared to
    do anything to stop him leaving.
    But in the end he was adamant
    and there was nothing
    we could say or do to change him mind."

    Mark Feehily added,
    "It's better he leaves before we hit the road.
    It would have been a disaster
    if he'd pulled out halfway through the tour,
    or if his heart wasn't in it.
    Maybe that would have damaged
    our friendship and we
    didn't want that to happen."

    Westlife are now working on an album
    of duets which will feature the likes
    of Lionel Richie, Diana Ross
    and Donna Summer.

    And they say their 70-date world tour,
    which kicks off in Belfast on March 29,
    will be their "best ever".

    Shane added:
    "We have defied the odds so many times
    and we hope we will continue
    to do so for many years to come."

    So do we lads,
    He's managing new band tipped for big time
    By Andy Rudd 15/03/2004

    Westlife star Bryan McFadden has been
    secretly managing a rock band for
    the past year and plans to
    launch them on to the music scene this summer.

    Bryan, 24, talent spotted South Africangroup
    Franklin while on honeymoon in Sun City in 2002.

    He was "blown away"
    by their music and signed them up.
    But he kept the deal
    under wraps because he
    didn't want to be seen working with a rival band.

    Bryan has been bankrolling them and has
    already shelled out more
    than £300,000 on wages, travel and recording costs.

    He said: "Franklin are a brilliant
    band with a great sound which is
    why I am backing them.

    "It's a very exciting time for them at
    the moment and hopefully everything will go to plan.
    The music
    I want to do won't be in competition
    with Westlife either.

    "Franklin do rock music which is
    different to Westlife and
    my own solo stuff will be different again."

    He moved them from their
    Johannesburg home to Ireland
    early last year and hopes
    they will break into
    the Irish, UK and European music markets.

    Bryan announced last week that he was quitting boy
    band Westlife to go solo and spend
    more time with I'm A Celebrity
    winner wife Kerry and daughters
    Molly and Lily Sue.

    He told distraught fans:
    "I just feel it's the right time to concentrate on
    my family and being at home as much as I can."

    But his new career move will mirror
    singer Ronan Keating's.

    He announced in August 1999 that
    he was quitting Boyzone to go solo
    then went on to co-manage Westlife.

    Bryan has been busy writing
    and producing songs with Franklin.

    He has already showcased
    the band to family and friends
    including Westlife
    at Precious nightclub in Belfast.

    Major record companies including BMG,
    Universal and Polydor are interested
    and insiders are
    tipping Franklin for the big time.

    Singer Bryan will co-manage them with best friend
    Mark Murphy. Mark said:
    "They are definitely up there in the league
    of play and will be huge.
    They love Ireland."

    A friend of the band said:
    "They can't believe their luck.
    They are on the brink of achieving
    what they have been dreaming about for years.

    "Nobody imagined things would turn
    out how they have.
    Everyone has put a lot of hard work
    and time into the band and now
    it looks as if all that has finally paid off."

    Westlife, who were on the eve of
    an American tour when Bryan,
    quit have vowed to go on.

    They have been one of the world's
    most successful boy bands.

    They topped the charts for the past five years
    with 12 number one hits
    and sold 320 million records worldwide.

    De Ierse popformatie
    Westlife veroverde een paar
    jaar geleden met verschillende hits
    de wereld en intussen hoort Westlife
    met meer dan 30 miljoen verkochte albums
    wereldwijd bij de toppers.
    De band is ongekend populair
    en zorgt overal waar ze optreedt voor volle zalen.

    Westlife zanger Byrne Nicky
    kwam op 06.04.04 met zijn vrouw
    Georgina Aherne (dochter
    van de Ierse Minister President)
    naar de Alpha Klinik.
    Hij had kort voor een live optreden in het
    Olympisch Stadion van München
    zijn knie ernstig geblesseerd.
    In de kliniek werd een ernstige keuzing
    van de knie en een los zittende
    meniscus geconstateerd.
    De behoorlijk opgezette knie werd
    met injecties behandeld om de zanger
    de pijn toch in staat te stellen op te treden.

    Ook onder het Alpha Klinik
    personeel bevonden zich vele fans:
    en die kwamen natuurlijk naar
    het concert om de zanger en
    zijn band luidkeels toe te juichen

    Mark Feehily could lose his sight - October 2004

    MORE misery for Westlife when Mark is
    warned he could go blind due to
    the band's flashy lifestyle.

    Mark is told by docs that he runs the risk
    of permanently damaging his peepers
    after excessive exposure to
    camera bulb-popping.

    He says: "Photographers
    complain and ask why
    I sometimes wear sunglasses
    but I have no choice unless
    I want to ruin my eyesight for ever."

    Sunday October 10 2004

    THERE'S no love lost between
    Mark Feehily
    of Westlife and Kurt Cobain's widow.
    Mark was trying to enjoy a performance
    of Alicia Keyes
    at the recent World Music Awards in Las Vegas
    when Courtney Love - plus ca change
    was determined to be heard above all else.
    "Can you shut the f*** up!" Feehily bravely
    informed the psychotically-inclined Miss Love.
    Like Vincent Browne,
    it is an unconscionably long time
    since Courtney's gargoyle gob last fell shut.
    For which Feehily surely deserves an award.

    Westlife better off without Brian
    August 25 2004,

    Westlife star Nicky Byrne
    has told The Sun that
    the group is better
    off without former member
    Brian McFadden.

    "We are stronger than ever,"
    Nicky insisted. "Brian was just going through
    the motions and you cant go on like that.

    "He didnt want to be
    in Westlife and we wanted him to go.
    He now looks physically
    better and as a foursome were
    better than ever."

    Despite Nicky's comments,
    the Westlife boys are apparently
    still friends with Brian.

    Mark Feehily, another member
    of the band, added,
    "We will keep going until we are
    not having fun,
    and right now we are having a great time."

    The group are currently
    working on their next album.


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    You Raise Me Up.
    The rose.
    I Wanna Grow Old With You.
    All or nothing.
    Catch My Breath.
    All Out of love.
    Close Your Eyes.
    I Miss You.
    If I Let You Go.
    I Have A Dream.
    Every Little Thing You Do.
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    westlife de beste boyband/popband ??...
    weet niet .
    westlife de beste ooit
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    ireland - westlife land -- ben jij er geweest ?
    nog niet maaar -ik ga er zeker een keer heen
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    hoelang ben jij al een westlife fan
    10 jaar
    9 jaar
    8 jaar
    7 jaar
    6 jaar
    5 jaar
    4 jaar
    3 jaar
    2 jaar
    1 jaar
    altijd geweest en nog
    van het begin
    Bekijk resultaat


    Rondvraag / Poll
    wie van westlife heb jij ontmoet
    nog niemand
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    wat maak nicky zoooo speciaal
    de blik in zijn ogen
    zijn stem
    zijn lach
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    wat vinden jullie van..As Love Is My Witness
    echt mooi
    niet zo
    vind het niks
    hoe vaker ik hem hoor. hoe mooier ik hem vind
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    Westlife Parfum.. heb jij hem al
    nog niet
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    What About Now -- wat vind je van de song
    echt mooi
    super mooi
    echt goed
    vind het niks
    Bekijk resultaat


    Rondvraag / Poll
    shane waarom shane
    het is zijn stem
    hij is lief
    hij is zo mooi
    hij is gewoon alles
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    zie ik brain..dan denk ik aan westlife..heb jij dat ook???
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    MARK ik neem hem mee naar huis en laat hem nooit meer gaan
    KIAN ik neem hem mee naar huis en dan laat ik hem de hele dag zingen en dansen
    SHANE ik neem hem mee naar huis en sluit hem op in mijn kamer
    NICKY ik neem hem mee naar huis en ga voetballen met hem
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    kian heeft .......
    een mooie stem
    mooie ogen
    een mooie glimlach
    leuke oortjes
    een lekker lichaam
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    brain mcfadden is
    goeie zanger
    Bekijk resultaat


    Rondvraag / Poll
    wat maakt dat je mark feehily zoooo leuk vind
    zijn lach
    zijn ogen
    zijn stem
    zijn verlegenheid
    is het zijn ierse accent
    zijn mond
    het is gewoon alles samen
    zijn haar
    hoe hij danst
    hoe hij op zijn onderlip bijt
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    wat vinden jullie van de boyband medley
    gaat wel
    niks aan
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    voor wie westlife nog niet kon ? ( maar nu dus wel) wat vind je van westlife
    erg goed
    wel aardig
    mooie stemmen
    goeie popband
    ben fan geworden
    nee niks voor mij
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    ( cd where we are ) welke song vind jij het mooist/goed
    What About Now
    How To Break A Heart
    Talk Me Down
    Where We Are
    The Difference
    As Love Is My Witness
    Another World
    No More Heroes
    Sound Of A Broken Heart
    Reach Out
    I'll See You Again
    ik vind ze allemaal mooi/goed
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    safe de video is...
    echt goed
    Bekijk resultaat

    PhotobucketPhotobucket PhotobucketPhotobucket


    Rondvraag / Poll
    hoe goed ken jij westlife.wie zijn ogen zie jij ....kijk afb boven
    mark / nicky
    kian / shane
    shane / nicky
    kian / mark
    mark / shane
    nicky / kian
    shane / kian
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    wl nieuwe single ‘Lighthouse is....
    LOVE IT !!!
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    What Is The Ultimate Westlife Video?
    Swear It Again
    If I Let You Go
    Flying Without Wings
    Uptown Girl
    Queen Of My Heart
    World Of Our Own
    you Raise Me Up
    What About Now
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    Are you happy with Westlife winning the Battle of the Boy Bands?
    zeker zij hebben het verdiend
    Bekijk resultaat
























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