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  • Brian McFadden demons and irish son
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  • Westlife are back with a brand new single so get ready to sway, and wave those lighters in the air.
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  • To mark anti-bullying week, the ISPCC are urging the people of Ireland to join the fight against bullying and child abuse by wearing the ISPCC shield.
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  • Usually it's the wives of pop stars flaunting their beach bodies as they holiday in sunny climes.
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  • A very happy Valentine's Day
  • Westlife star Mark Feehily has revealed that Boyzone singer Stephen Gately's bravery in coming out as gay helped him find the courage to do the same years later.
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    westlife forever

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    hallo welkom
    op mijn westlifeforever blog
    deze blog  is voor de westlife fans
    en iedereen die westlife wil leren kennen
    ik wens jullie veel kijk en luister plezier
    14 jaar westlife 1998-2012

    Westlife gave an unforgettable
    performance as they played their
    final homecoming concert at Dublin's Croke Park.
    Around 80,000 fans attended
    the Irish pop band's farewell show at the weekend,
    which was also screened in cinemas in Ireland,
    UK and across Europe, reported the BBC.
    The boyband -
    made up of
    Shane Filan, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Nicky Byrne
    - belted out all their hits over a set lasting
    more than two hours.
    Kian told the crowd:
    "As this is the very last Westlife concert,
    the whole idea was to be able
    to get out here and see our fans
    one last time and celebrate 14 years.
    " His bandmate Mark added:
    "For 14 years,
    Westlife fans have made
    our dreams come true.
    This show is dedicated to
    each and every one of you.
    Our fans mean so much.
    You have never stopped supporting us.
    "Thanks so much.

    You're not just our fans,
    you are our friends
    and have been with us each step of the way.
    " The group were introduced by their former manager
    Louis Walsh, who said:
    "I have never known a band like
    this in all my time in the business.
    "I didn't want them to break up yet -
    but they all wanted to go out on a high.
    announced the shock decision
    to split up last year after
    14 years together.

    mark feehily
    shane filan
    Kian Egan
    Nicky Byrne
    blijven volgen
    dat kan hier
    ook hier te volgen
    brain mcfadden

    Thank you my westlife

    love you forever xXx

    12-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 2/5 - (3 Stemmen)
    >> Reageer (1)
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. vervolg . westlife 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006

    Anyone ready to write-off Irish boyband

    Westlife as too rich,
    too old or not too bothered to keep their legions
    of fans interested and buying their
    records should think again -
    the boys are back... 

    Ever since Brian McFadden left Westlife speculation has been rife in the media on the inevitable breakup of the remaining members - but by the looks of things Nicky, Shane, Kian and Mark are going to be clocking up Number Ones for another few years yet...

    ShowBiz Ireland caught up with the boys recently as they slowly made their way through London's Standsted Airport and the hoards of screaming teenage fans with police, bodyguards and security staff trying their best to get the Irish lads to their destination.

    If there is any doubt that Westlife fans are dwindling in numbers just look at these photos - just being amongst the thousands of screaming girls gave our photographer a taste of what Beetlemania must have been like in the 60s!

    And even though Mark has come-out as gay and reportedly going to marry boyfriend Kevin McDaid and Shane has just had a baby with wife Gillian the boys look hungry again to take back the pop charts with a new album and upcoming duet with Diana Ross...

    Plus Kian Egan's new surfer look is bound to keep their female fans' hearts pounding for another few years to come!


    Shane Filan swept out to sea - May 2005

    THE Westlife star almost drowns on holiday in Miami after being swept out to sea by a freak wave. He is rescued by a lifeguard at South Beach as his pregnant wife Gillian watches in horror.

    Shane says: "I thought I was going to die. I'm lucky to be alive. It was one of those moments when your life flashes before your eyes."
    Promoting: The single You Raise Me Up

    Kian Egan chased by lion - April 2005

    FELLOW Westlifer Kian is nearly savaged by a lion while on safari in Durban, South Africa, after he leaves his tour guide's vehicle. Kian says: "It was the most terrifying few seconds of my life and I have never run so fast."
    Promoting: Tour of South Africa.
    By Caroline Hedley 19/08/2005

    WESTLIFE star Mark Feehily (second from left) opened his heart yesterday to reveal that he is gay.

    The 25-year-old pin-up said: "I want people to know the truth. I am gay and I'm very proud of who I am.

    "I'm not asking for sympathy, or to be a role model for someone else.

    "I simply felt it was the right time to tell the truth."

    Mark, who is in a relationship with singer Kevin McDaid, 21, said: "In the past I haven't felt the need to say anything about my sexuality.

    "But I want people to know I'm very comfortable with who I am."

    Mark and Kevin, who was in boy band V, met a few months ago.

    Mark said: I'm not worried about how people react because I'm happy being who I am.

    "I'm still the same person the day I was before. I'm sure Westlife fans will be pleased I'm happy. I don't think it changes anything."

    Mark said: "All the lads in Westlife have settled down and are in relationships, so why can't I be?"

    Loyal bandmates Kian Egan, 25, Shane Filan, 26, and Nicky Byrne, 26, all knew Mark was gay but have never spoken about it in public.

    It's now 5.30am and Westlife are watching the sun come up from the terrace of Westlife's £1,000-a-night Ritz Carlton beach villa in Bahrain.

    It's the penultimate night of the band's 56-date world tour and, having spent five hours necking champagne and ice, Shane is a bit worse for wear.

    In a few weeks, his wife Gillian will give birth and the 26-year-old is finding it hard to concentrate on anything but the impending arrival.

    The couple are expecting a girl and they've already named her Nicole. Nursing a grainy mobile phone picture of the scan, Shane coos: "Isn't she just beautiful? I just can't wait to be a daddy.

    "I was speaking to Brian McFadden the other day and he keeps telling me how fatherhood's the best thing ever. To experience it will be incredible."

    Just as things are in danger of becoming overly sentimental, Mark retreats to the kitchen and returns with two pints of nearly-neat vodka.

    Glugging on one, he hands me the other with an assurance that it will "get me going".

    Meanwhile the other inebriated lads debate whether to jump into their private pool, fully-clothed. It seems being in each other's company so much brings out their inner teens.

    "We've been together seven years and we're pretty much like family," says Shane.

    Kian, 25, agrees, saying: "The thing is we don't have egos among ourselves. A lot of bands have split up due to ego clashes - people getting above themselves and thinking they can do things by themselves.

    "I would hate to do this by myself. I wouldn't like travelling around the world on my own."

    Nicky, 26, chips in, "We were lucky to make it but it's even harder to stay successful - there are always new kids on the block. A lot of the new bands want to go to heaven but none of them want to die. No one wants to do that hard work."

    After seven years at the top, do they still get starstruck?

    "Kevin Spacey was pretty cool - very funny. And meeting Pope John Paul II was special," says Shane.

    Westlife have had 12 No.1 singles and played to over three million fans on four sell-out arena tours. And they're not planning to stop.

    I READ somewhere that we were going to call it a day in 18 months' time," says Shane. "That's bulls**t.

    "If our next album's successful we'll make another one. We are still selling out concerts all over the world and it's a fantastic job."

    Not that it's all work and no play. The boys boozed heavily in the early days and still like a drink or three.

    "We're not as bad now but we still go out two or three nights a week and get absolutely plastered," admits Kian. "But we have to stay in shape and we work out most days, even when we really don't feel like it."

    His face lights up when he gets a text from his girlfriend, Jodi Albert

    The ex-Hollyoaks star is ready to walk down the aisle, but he won't be tied down just yet.

    "I'm always taking the mickey out of her and saying I want five kids, so maybe the idea is settling in her brain," he laughs.

    "But as for marriage, well we've only been together two years...

    "You've got to be with someone for at least five years before you settle down. we're both young."

    Shane is wed to Gillian Walsh and Nicky is married to Irish premier's daughter Georgina Ahern.

    "That's just the way it is at the moment and I'm cool with it," he insists. "I'm building a house in Ireland and when I'm not working that takes up most of my time."


    ROBBIE Williams might need Intensive Care after being beaten to No. 1 in the midweek album chart by Westlife, who sold 65,000 copies of Face To Face.

    WESTLIFE were celebrating their 13th No 1 single last night after You Raise Me Up stormed straight to the top of the UK charts.

    The latest offering from the Irish boy band - who have sold more than 25million albums worldwide - knocked the Arctic Monkeys back into the No2 spot.
    22 dec 2010, 05:56
    Westlife wil duet met Take That

    25 oktober 2006

    AMSTERDAM - De Ierse popgroep Westlife wil een duet opnemen met Take That. De Ieren zijn blij dat de Britten weer bij elkaar zijn, net als andere groepen uit de jaren negentig zoals All Saints.

    "Take That was een van de groepen die me inspireerden om dit te doen en All Saints was ook een extreem gave band", zegt Westlife-lid Mark Feehily in diverse Britse media. "Ik sta altijd open voor samenwerking. In het verleden hebben we duetten opgenomen met meisjes als Delta Goodrem en Diana Ross, maar dit is weer eens wat anders."

    Westlife werd in 1999 opgericht door voormalig Boyzone-zanger Ronan Keating. Inmiddels heeft de groep wereldwijd zo'n 25 miljoen albums verkocht. Met covers als 'Uptown girl', 'Mandy' en 'Against all odds' scoorden de jongens ook in Nederland hits.

    Westlife No.1 In Irish Album & DVD Charts - 9 December 2006

    The Things They Say

    "I don't care if he has had a pop at us yet or not. To be honest, I'd never heard of PAUL WELLER until last week. So there." WESTLIFE singer NICKY BYRNE slams the former THE JAM rocker at the Brit Awards last night 15FEB

    The Things They Say

    "When we started out we had girls bringing their bras and chucking them on stage - now they bring their kids. It's scary." WESTLIFE are wary of their ageing fans. 04/06/2006

    26-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. westlife 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006

    What are you talking about?
    WHEN Westlife singer Nicky Byrne
    went down on one knee and asked his
    beautiful girlfriend
    Georgina Ahern to marry him
    his eyes filled with tears.

    For his grandad - the one person with whom
    he had shared the secret
    that he would propose on Christmas Day 
    did not live to see the spectacular
    diamond ring slipped on her finger.

    "It was a day of very mixed emotions,"
    Nicky recalls.
    "It was magical but bittersweet.
    Grandad would have so loved
    to see me getting married." 
    Nicky, 24, reveals how he had confided in
    grandad Bernard McGarry - and tells how
    his beloved grandparent
    had carried his secret
    engagement plan to the grave.

    He says: "When Georgina and
    I bought our dream house in Malahide
    just outside Dublin,
    I just knew it was
    the perfect place to ask her to marry me.

    "I wanted the timing to be really special and
    I knew we would be inviting both our families
    there for Christmas.
    The house was going to look like something
    out of a fairytale
    and I knew that was when I would ask her.

    "But grandad was quite poorly and
    I was worried he might not make it to Christmas.
    So one day in September,
    when it was just me and him in the room,
    I told him what I was going to do.

    "He was thrilled.
    He squeezed my hand and congratulated me.
    The following month grandad died and
    I was so pleased I had shared my plan with him.

    "He didn't tell a soul,
    not even my nana who
    he had been married to for more than 50 years.
    When I told her he had known she said: 'Really?
    He never told me'."

    Nicky and Georgina -
    the 24-year-old daughter of
    Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern
    - have been together for eight years
    but are yet to set a date for their wedding.
    And there are no plans
    for a double wedding with bandmate
    Shane Filan and his business
    graduate fiancee Gillian Walsh.

    Incredibly, Shane also proposed on Christmas Day.

    He says:
    "The most nerve wracking part
    was asking Gillian's dad for permission.
    I think it's something every
    fella gets worried about."

    The couple, both 23, have been dating
    for three years and say
    they hope to walk down the aisle
    in the next 18 months.
    But the band has an
    incredibly punishing year ahead.

    Their new single
    Tonight is released on March 3 and they begin
    a gruelling world tour in April.
    Heartthrob Shane says:
    "The fans have been wonderful about
    the engagement.

    "There might be a few who are unhappy but
    I think most realise we are normal lads
    who have personal lives.
    If we're happy, hopefully
    they will be happy for us too."

    The Westlife weddings
    will leave just two bachelors in the band
    Mark Feehily and Kian Egan.

    Bryan McFadden
    broke a million hearts in January
    last year when he married former Atomic Kitten
    Kerry Katona.

    The couple,
    who have a 16-month-old daughter,
    Molly, are expecting their second
    child next month.

    And it's not just the 22-year-old who is eagerly
    awaiting the new arrival - the rest of
    the band are just as excited.

    Unashamedly soppy over the imminent birth,
    they admit babies make them broody.
    Kian, 22, says: "When Bryan and Kerry had Molly
    you could see the real meaning
    of what it's all about.

    "It made us realise we get stressed about
    silly little things.
    Molly makes us look at the other side of life that
    we haven't had a chance to experience yet
    and it
    makes us realise that having love in your life
    is so important.

    "Of course Molly will grow up with nice things
    around her.
    But without the love of her family,
    the nice things aren't important.

    "In us, she has four uncles who adore her.
    Life is about happiness,
    not wealth, not even success but happiness.
    Molly has brought that back to us."

    Bryan says angel-faced Molly
    worships her famous uncles
    but thinks they are all her dads.

    With a broad grin, Bryan says:
    "When Molly sees a picture of me in a magazine,
    she points to it and says 'Daddy,' and we all go 'Ah'.

    "But then she'll point to Mark and say 'Daddy'
    and then Kian and say
    'Daddy' and on she goes right
    through the band.

    "People often say to me
    it must be hard trying
    to juggle being a pop star
    with family life but it can be just
    as hard no matter what job you do.

    "One of my best friends
    is about to get married.
    He works nine to five and has a child
    but I get to see more of Kerry and Molly
    than he does of his family."

    Watching Bryan with his family
    or seeing his engaged bandmates
    with their sweethearts heightens
    the loneliness Mark confesses to feeling.

    Millionaire Mark admits
    he can never be sure
    if a girl likes him or what he represents.
    "It's difficult to find someone
    who is genuine and who wants
    to be in a real relationship
    with me rather than because
    I'm part of Westlife," he says.

    His long eyelashes
    sweep down from his blue eyes and
    he looks crestfallen.
    Mark, 21, says: "There are a lot
    of vultures out there who
    would pounce on you
    because of Westlife.

    "If we go to a club in London,
    there will be a good few people in
    there who will have heard of Westlife.

    "While you have
    to accept that and live with it
    because you are in a successful band,
    it's difficult to deal with the fact
    that people only ever see you as Westlife.

    "We are all willing to sacrifice
    certain things for the band but
    it is difficult when it comes to relationships.
    There's a lot of people
    who pretend to be something
    they're not and sometimes
    it's not easy to tell who's real and who's not.

    "I have never had so many good looking
    girls coming up to me to talk but
    when I see what Bryan,
    Shane and Nicky have,
    I want to find someone special too.

    "I'm at the point now where
    I believe I'll have to wait for a while."

    P IN-UP Kian,
    who recently parted from Scandinavian
    dancer Jessica Forsman, agrees it
    can be tough looking for the right woman.

    "It's a Catch-22 situation,"
    he says. "When we go out
    it has to be somewhere which
    can facilitate us.

    "It sounds a bit fancy
    but we have to go into the VIP section.
    I actually despise them because
    I want to meet real people but
    it's difficult because of
    the whole security thing."

    Westlife have notched up
    a record-breaking 11 consecutive
    number one songs,
    including Flying Without Wings,
    and topped the charts with their latest album,
    Unbreakable, The Greatest Hits Volume One.
    But they are worried about sustaining
    their amazing level of success.

    Kian says: "When we started off
    we never expected any of
    the success we have at
    the minute and
    never expected to get as far as we have got.

    "It's always scary when you see new bands
    coming out and
    you see music
    changing and people liking
    different types of music."

    The Irish boys
    three from Sligo
    and two from Dublin 
    marvel at their fan base,
    which ranges from toddlers to
    a great gran in her 90s.

    And the lads adore seeing the
    "mums in leather trousers".
    It is these older fans who help make
    the band's tours a sell-out.

    Mark says: "I love to look into a crowd
    and see a bunch of
    mums in leather trousers
    dancing away and going crazy.

    "Every band is marketed - we are too -
    but it gives you a feeling that
    we have got a wider appeal."

    Kian adds: "When we first came
    out you would see three women
    with four kids but now they leave
    the kids at home and come
    by themselves and that's very cool."

    They would love to sing with
    Bryan Adams or
    Celine Dion but what about pop
    diva Britney Spears?
    "Nah," says Bryan. "She can't sing."

    Bryan says with a grin:
    "The lifestyle in which we grew
    up is so different to
    the lifestyle we have in Westlife
    that it wouldn't be difficult
    to fall into the trap of becoming a big
    international popstar persona
    and end up hanging around with people
    like Britney.
    But we work hard to keep
    our feet on the ground."

    The boys hope that
    when the time comes for the band to bow out,
    each Westlife member will still
    care enough about
    the others to take part in a reunion.

    Kian says: "We know
    this isn't going to last for ever
    but I would wish in 20 or
    30 years time we will be able to get back
    together and sing one of our hits.

    "Robbie Williams
    would never touch Take That again
    and Ronan Keating would never
    touch Boyzone again.

    "But we have got such a good relationship
    that I'm sure we would
    still get together
    when this eventually comes to an end."

    Hopefully that moment is
    still some time away

    Band in floods of tears after split with Bryan
    left Westlife fans sobbing their hearts out.
    And when
    Bryan McFadden said his goodbyes
    to the rest of the band yesterday
    it was just as emotional.

    As Bryan revealed why
    he had decided to quit
    the chart-topping boyband,
    tears rolled down his cheeks.

    His wife Kerry was in floods,
    fellow Westlifer Kian Egan was also crying,
    while Shane Filan, Mark Feehily and Nicky
    Byrne clearly struggled to keep it together.

    The band, who have had 12 No 1 singles,
    told 3am about
    the painful split at the plush
    Four Seasons hotel in Dublin.

    They said losing
    Bryan was "like splitting up from a girlfriend
    after five wonderful years together"
    and revealed they had even
    considered counselling
    in an attempt to make him stay.

    Meanwhile, a visibly shaken Bryan revealed,
    "It's absolutely
    nothing to do with the other four guys.

    "It's hard juggling two lives.
    And for the past year,
    especially after my daughter
    Lilly-Sue was born,
    I haven't been able to commit
    100 per cent to my family or Westlife.
    I felt it was the right time to stand back
    and concentrate on my family."

    The father-of-two
    dropped his bombshell
    following the Meteor Awards
    in Dublin on March 2.

    "It's been weighing on
    my mind for the past six months,
    " admitted Bryan, 23.
    "After the Meteor Awards we talked things
    through and the decision was
    made in the past couple of days.

    "The group understand
    that family is very important to me.
    They know there is no point me being in
    the band if I'm not happy and
    they respect my decision."

    He insisted that it was his decision
    and he wasn't influenced by wife Kerry,
    the I'm A Celebrity... winner.

    "There's no TV or music work lined up,
    I just want to have a break
    and be with my family," said Bryan.
    "Yes, I'll be a house-husband for a bit,
    but I'm cr*p at housework."

    He claimed his departure bears
    no similarity to Robbie Williams
    quitting Take That.
    "Robbie left because
    he didn't like the other people
    in the band and they didn't like him,"
    he said.

    "I'm leaving because
    I have a wife and two children.
    I need to spend more time with them."

    The others remain optimistic
    about their future as a four-piece.

    Nicky told us, "It was such a shock.
    I said, 'Let's go to a counsellor
    so we can sort this out and get to
    the bottom of what was making Bryan unhappy'.

    "We were prepared to
    do anything to stop him leaving.
    But in the end he was adamant
    and there was nothing
    we could say or do to change him mind."

    Mark Feehily added,
    "It's better he leaves before we hit the road.
    It would have been a disaster
    if he'd pulled out halfway through the tour,
    or if his heart wasn't in it.
    Maybe that would have damaged
    our friendship and we
    didn't want that to happen."

    Westlife are now working on an album
    of duets which will feature the likes
    of Lionel Richie, Diana Ross
    and Donna Summer.

    And they say their 70-date world tour,
    which kicks off in Belfast on March 29,
    will be their "best ever".

    Shane added:
    "We have defied the odds so many times
    and we hope we will continue
    to do so for many years to come."

    So do we lads,
    He's managing new band tipped for big time
    By Andy Rudd 15/03/2004

    Westlife star Bryan McFadden has been
    secretly managing a rock band for
    the past year and plans to
    launch them on to the music scene this summer.

    Bryan, 24, talent spotted South Africangroup
    Franklin while on honeymoon in Sun City in 2002.

    He was "blown away"
    by their music and signed them up.
    But he kept the deal
    under wraps because he
    didn't want to be seen working with a rival band.

    Bryan has been bankrolling them and has
    already shelled out more
    than £300,000 on wages, travel and recording costs.

    He said: "Franklin are a brilliant
    band with a great sound which is
    why I am backing them.

    "It's a very exciting time for them at
    the moment and hopefully everything will go to plan.
    The music
    I want to do won't be in competition
    with Westlife either.

    "Franklin do rock music which is
    different to Westlife and
    my own solo stuff will be different again."

    He moved them from their
    Johannesburg home to Ireland
    early last year and hopes
    they will break into
    the Irish, UK and European music markets.

    Bryan announced last week that he was quitting boy
    band Westlife to go solo and spend
    more time with I'm A Celebrity
    winner wife Kerry and daughters
    Molly and Lily Sue.

    He told distraught fans:
    "I just feel it's the right time to concentrate on
    my family and being at home as much as I can."

    But his new career move will mirror
    singer Ronan Keating's.

    He announced in August 1999 that
    he was quitting Boyzone to go solo
    then went on to co-manage Westlife.

    Bryan has been busy writing
    and producing songs with Franklin.

    He has already showcased
    the band to family and friends
    including Westlife
    at Precious nightclub in Belfast.

    Major record companies including BMG,
    Universal and Polydor are interested
    and insiders are
    tipping Franklin for the big time.

    Singer Bryan will co-manage them with best friend
    Mark Murphy. Mark said:
    "They are definitely up there in the league
    of play and will be huge.
    They love Ireland."

    A friend of the band said:
    "They can't believe their luck.
    They are on the brink of achieving
    what they have been dreaming about for years.

    "Nobody imagined things would turn
    out how they have.
    Everyone has put a lot of hard work
    and time into the band and now
    it looks as if all that has finally paid off."

    Westlife, who were on the eve of
    an American tour when Bryan,
    quit have vowed to go on.

    They have been one of the world's
    most successful boy bands.

    They topped the charts for the past five years
    with 12 number one hits
    and sold 320 million records worldwide.

    De Ierse popformatie
    Westlife veroverde een paar
    jaar geleden met verschillende hits
    de wereld en intussen hoort Westlife
    met meer dan 30 miljoen verkochte albums
    wereldwijd bij de toppers.
    De band is ongekend populair
    en zorgt overal waar ze optreedt voor volle zalen.

    Westlife zanger Byrne Nicky
    kwam op 06.04.04 met zijn vrouw
    Georgina Aherne (dochter
    van de Ierse Minister President)
    naar de Alpha Klinik.
    Hij had kort voor een live optreden in het
    Olympisch Stadion van München
    zijn knie ernstig geblesseerd.
    In de kliniek werd een ernstige keuzing
    van de knie en een los zittende
    meniscus geconstateerd.
    De behoorlijk opgezette knie werd
    met injecties behandeld om de zanger
    de pijn toch in staat te stellen op te treden.

    Ook onder het Alpha Klinik
    personeel bevonden zich vele fans:
    en die kwamen natuurlijk naar
    het concert om de zanger en
    zijn band luidkeels toe te juichen

    Mark Feehily could lose his sight - October 2004

    MORE misery for Westlife when Mark is
    warned he could go blind due to
    the band's flashy lifestyle.

    Mark is told by docs that he runs the risk
    of permanently damaging his peepers
    after excessive exposure to
    camera bulb-popping.

    He says: "Photographers
    complain and ask why
    I sometimes wear sunglasses
    but I have no choice unless
    I want to ruin my eyesight for ever."

    Sunday October 10 2004

    THERE'S no love lost between
    Mark Feehily
    of Westlife and Kurt Cobain's widow.
    Mark was trying to enjoy a performance
    of Alicia Keyes
    at the recent World Music Awards in Las Vegas
    when Courtney Love - plus ca change
    was determined to be heard above all else.
    "Can you shut the f*** up!" Feehily bravely
    informed the psychotically-inclined Miss Love.
    Like Vincent Browne,
    it is an unconscionably long time
    since Courtney's gargoyle gob last fell shut.
    For which Feehily surely deserves an award.

    Westlife better off without Brian
    August 25 2004,

    Westlife star Nicky Byrne
    has told The Sun that
    the group is better
    off without former member
    Brian McFadden.

    "We are stronger than ever,"
    Nicky insisted. "Brian was just going through
    the motions and you cant go on like that.

    "He didnt want to be
    in Westlife and we wanted him to go.
    He now looks physically
    better and as a foursome were
    better than ever."

    Despite Nicky's comments,
    the Westlife boys are apparently
    still friends with Brian.

    Mark Feehily, another member
    of the band, added,
    "We will keep going until we are
    not having fun,
    and right now we are having a great time."

    The group are currently
    working on their next album.


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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. 1 ex westlife - brain mcfadden

    brain 12 april een ram dus ..

    de Ram
    is een energiek en geïnspireerd persoon, een initiatiefnemer die risico's niet uit de weg gaat. Omdat hij onafhankelijk is ingesteld, heeft hij de goedkeuring van anderen niet per definitie nodig. Hij verzet zich dan ook sterk als andere mensen hem denkwijzen of werkmethoden proberen op te leggen.

    Zijn temperament is groot. Hij kan snel boos worden, maar is dat nooit lang: zodra hij zijn boosheid geuit heeft, is het over. Hij is een mens die snel vergeet en vergeeft. Inherent aan een dergelijk temperament is zijn directheid en het gegeven dat hij te hard van stapel kan lopen. Hij gelooft in directheid, duidelijkheid en volstrekt eerlijk zijn.

    Hij doet de dingen die gedaan moeten worden het het liefst alleen. Werkt hij in teamverband, dan heeft hij moeite met het feit dat anderen de dingen anders of langzamer aanpakken. Hij kan op dergelijke momenten snel zijn geduld verliezen. Het gevoel dat hij gehinderd wordt door anderen is dan sterk


    Brian McFadden (Dublin, 12 april 1980) is een Ierse zanger, vooral bekend geworden als lid van Westlife.

    Brian begon zijn muziekloopbaan in een tienerbandje genaamd Cartel, maar hij werd beroemd als lid van de groep Westlife met wie hij in Engeland 7 opeenvolgende nummer-1 hits scoorde, genoeg om in het Guinness Book of Records te komen staan.

    Hij was getrouwd met Kerry Katona (van de Britse meidenband Atomic Kitten), met wie hij twee dochters heeft: Molly en Lilly Sue.

    Op 9 maart 2004 kondigde hij aan Westlife te verlaten, omdat hij te weinig tijd kon doorbrengen met zijn gezin. Al snel begon hij met het maken van een solo-single Real to me, waarmee hij meteen weer een nummer-1 hit scoorde in Engeland. Enkele maanden later verscheen zijn eerste solo-cd Irish son.

    Zijn huwelijk liep echter in deze tijd op de klippen en ze besloten te scheiden.

    Nu is hij gedumpt door zijn platenmaatschappij. Reden hiervoor zouden de dramatische verkoopcijfers van debuutalbum zijn.

    Brian's eerste solosingle, 'Real to me', was een nummer één-hit in Engeland. Poging twee om door te breken als internationale soloartiest mislukte daarentegen. Zijn tweede single 'Everybody's someone' die hij opnam met countryzangeres Leann Rimes was niet erg geliefd bij het publiek.

    Eerder al heeft McFadden geprobeerd zich weer bij de formatie Westlife te voegen, maar deze zeggen nu gewend te zijn aan het performen met 4 man.
    Brian McFadden - Real To Me
    Brian McFadden Anonymous @ Westlife's HMV signing



    Brian Mcfadden - Irish Son


    Brian McFadden - Sorry Love Daddy


    Brian McFadden-Can you tell us about the tattoo


    nog samen met westlife






    Westlife with Brian

    Brian Leaves Westlife


    Wednesday March 28th, 2007

    Brian McFadden: marriage to Kerry Katona was a showbiz sham

    Former Westlife star Brian McFadden has admitted he only married ex-wife Kerry Katona for the big party - and the money from selling the photos.

    The couple were reportedly paid a six-figure amount by a magazine for the 2002 wedding and had two daughters together before separating in 2004.

    Brian told Reveal magazine recently: ut wasnt a real wedding. We were getting married to have a big party and get loads of money for it - and to appear showbiz.

    The day my marriage ended was on the stag night [when Brian had a one-night stand with a lapdancer]. That was the time I felt this is not supposed to be. At first, I denied the lapdancer thing, but then I was taken to court for calling her a liar.

    Me and Kerry didnt even see each other on our wedding night.

    If we hadnt had kids, the marriage wouldn,t have lasted as long as it did. I was too young to understand what having kids meant. Having a child was like getting a dog.

    Kerry had previously said that Brian dumped her but Brian now claims it was a mutual decision: Kerry had taken the kids and was living with her mum. I was in New York and she phoned me and asked Don,t you love me any more? I said: Not like I did at the start. She said: Neither do I. We have to end it.

    I left it at that, then got another call [from Kerry] saying um having a press conference to say weure separating. I want to move on with my life.I felt relieved, although I felt sad for the children.

    After the press conference she phoned again and said um having nothing to do with this, you ure the one leaving me. I don,t want to break up.I said Are we getting back together? And she said No. Then it spiralled out of control. All of a sudden it was: He didn,t love me any more, and wants to break up.

    I dont talk to her now. But if I had to, I only do it for the sake of the kids.

    My private life became as artificial as my pop life in Westlife, but I couldnt see it at the time. We became a showbiz couple, and everyone was talking about us. That swept me off my feet.

    After we had the first baby, bought a house and spent time together, I woke up one morning and realised 8this is not what I want to do with my life. We dont have anything in common.

    Brian is now dating former Neighbours star Delta Goodrem while Kerry married Mark Croft in a private ceremony in Gretna Green last month.

    Brian McFadden calls ex-wife Kerry Katona an unfit mother.
    Tuesday May 23rd, 2006 at 4:09 pm by Heather

    When it came to getting custody of their children, Brian McFadden promised to drop bombshells when the case got to court but it sounds like he already started launching attacks on ex-wife Kerry Katona.

    Kerry has a different best friend practically every month and recently she seems to have a different man just as often. She,s an unfit mother, he told Star magazine.

    She lays down crazy demands about when I can visit, designed to make it impossible for me to see them.

    If we can,t sort this out and I have to do it in court it will be a miracle if a judge doesnt give the girls to me.

    Kerry is, naturally, denying his claims: um happy for Brian to see the girls but he got to understand theyre at school and have their own routines. All I want is for Brian to be reasonable but he wont.

    Kerry Katona woedend op ex-man Brian McFadden
    Kerry Katona heeft uitgehaald naar haar ex-man Brian McFadden. De oud-zangeres van Atomic Kitten zegt in The Mirror dat haar ex-man door en door slecht is.

    Kerry Katona heeft uitgehaald naar haar ex-man Brian McFadden. De voormalige zangeres van Atomic Kitten zegt in de Britse krant The Mirror dat haar ex-man door en door slecht is. Zij reageert op uitspraken die de ex-Westlifezanger volgens haar heeft gedaan.

    McFadden zou haar gezegd hebben alleen met de 26-jarige zangeres getrouwd te zijn vanwege het feestje en het geld dat de media voor de foto's van het huwelijk betaalden. Hij zou verder de komst van hun twee dochters, Molly en Lilly-Sue, hebben vergeleken met de aanschaf van een hond.

    Katona laat de krant weten dat hun kinderen uit liefde geboren zijn. "Ik kan niet geloven dat Brian zo gemeen en harteloos is", zegt ze. "Je kinderen met honden vergelijken is wel het gemeenste wat je kunt doen."

    McFadden kan zich niet veel negatieve publiciteit meer veroorloven. Eerder liet Westlife weten McFadden niet meer terug bij de band te willen, en tot overmaat van ramp werd hij door zijn platenlabel Sony BMG gedumpt.

    Katona en McFadden trouwden in 2002 in Ierland en vierden hun huwelijksreis op Mauritius. Ze kregen in 2001 hun dochter Molly en in 2003 Lilly-Sue. Het stel scheidde in 2004 na amper drie jaar huwelijk.


    Delta's true blue Brian
    June 11, 2008 12:00am

    IRISHMAN Brian McFadden wants to call Australia home. He told Confidential he would seek Australian citizenship after he married Delta Goodrem.

    The former Westlife singer told Confidential he would seek Australian citizenship after he married his fiancee, songbird Delta Goodrem.

    "Absolutely, yes," he said when asked if he would eventually become an Australian.

    "When Delta and I get married and some day we do have kids, we see Australia as the place we want to raise them. When I do get married I will apply for citizenship."

    McFadden said he would keep his European passport.

    The singer hosts Foxtel's Football Superstar show and is filling in for two weeks on the FOX FM breakfast shift.

    Yesterday, on his first day, he arrived half an hour late at 5.30am, but the group made light of it. According to FOX, he didn't sleep in; his schedule said 5.30am and not 5am.

    Goodrem is spending most of this year promoting her records overseas, and it's been tough for the couple being apart.

    "We have done everything together the last four years, and it's difficult to do all these things on our own.

    But it's something that is only short term, and hopefully in a few months we will be back together," McFadden said.

    The couple's wedding probably won't be this year.

    "We have to decide where we're going to have it. Until we've set a destination, we won't start planning at the moment. We have to think through the right time, so all our family can be there."

    McFadden is enjoying the good reception he has had from Australians.

    "I've been here since February, and I've already made so many friends and have been offered all these gigs. Maybe they like the Irish accent."

    Brian McFadden doesn't like the way his daughters speakBrian McFadden: I hate my daughters' skanky accents
    Former Westlife star doesn't like Molly and Lilly-Sue sounding like their mum Kerry Katona

    Wednesday, 7 May 2008

    Brian McFadden has revealed he hates his children's northern accents.

    The former Westlife star has 2 daughters with ex-wife Kerry Katona, 27 Molly, 6, and Lilly-Sue, 5.

    But Brian can't stand their Warrington twang.

    'It's horrible the way they speak,' he tells the Daily Star. 'They have skanky northern English accents.

    'It makes me want to scream.'

    And Irishman Brian who's engaged to 23-year-old Aussie singer Delta Goodrem doesn't mince his words when talking about his ex, either, describing her as 'a disgusting human being'.

    'Me and my family have been put through hell by her. She uses my two girls as a weapon in her childish games. She is an embarrassment to me, my family and my children.'

    Brian, 28, is currently seeking custody of his daughters.



    Brian to write autobiography?

    Brian McFadden has apparently threatened to unleash a war of words against ex-wife Kerry Katona.
    The former Westlife singer is in talks with a ghost writer about writing his first autobiography and has vowed to reveal all about his relationship with the 27-year-old mother of his children.
    The pair are currently embroiled in a custody battle over daughters Molly, six, and Lilly Sue, five, and have traded many insults in the papers.
    Brian told New! magazine he has resisted writing a tell-all book until now but said: "I am pushed into a corner really and I have taken years of personal attacks. I don't care what the public believe but all I ask is that they give me this one chance."
    The 28-year-old singer is engaged to Australian singer and former Neighbours star Delta Goodrem, 23, and hopes to win custody of his daughters.



     McFadden in his own right
    Wednesday 30 July, 2008

    HE may be better known in Australia as Delta Goodrem's fiance but Brian McFadden is a star in his own right.

    An original member of the chart-topping pop band Westlife, he left the group in 2004 to embark on a solo career.

    Now he's bringing his musical talents to Rooty Hill RSL on August 8 to help promote his debut solo album Set In Stone.

    With two hit singles already from the album Like Only a Woman Can and Twisted McFadden says the response to his music in Australia has been amazing.

    "Twisted has been getting some good airplay and everything's going better than expected," he told the Mt Druitt-St Marys Standard.

    "I'm delighted. I wasn't expecting it (the album) to get going as quickly as it has."

    With Set In Stone McFadden said he wanted to show some depth and variety.


    He said Twisted ("a pure pop song with raging power") showed a lighter side of his music.

    He said it was especially chosen from the more than 150 songs he wrote for the 10-track album because of its energy.

    McFadden's creative input is evident in every song, something he's been allowed to do only since leaving Westlife.

    "I much prefer being on my own. You're more in control of where you go and what you do," he said.

    "There are a lot of people that help me like my manager, Delta and friends. I need that network but I still work on my own."

    McFadden said his relationship with Australia was something he cherished.

    He was recently the host of FOX8's Football Superstar, which gave him a chance to explore his second love football.

    He said playing a pre-season game with Sydney FC was a highlight.

    So with a marriage to Delta sometime in the future, would the Irishman settle in Oz?

    "I don't think I could settle anywhere," he said.

    "I have kids in England (from a previous marriage) and I will always be between here and there. I've been doing that all my life."


    Brian McFadden interview
    Friday August 08, 2008

    Former Westlife singer Brian McFadden is to perform in New Zealand.

    'Twisted' video - courtesy of Universal Music
    'Like Only a Woman Can' - Universal Music
    Interview with Brian McFadden
    Our celebrity gossip blogger, Myrddin Gwynedd, caught up with former Westlife singer Brian McFadden this week for a chat about his new single and album.

    McFadden, currently in Auckland to promote his new album, Set In Stone , revealed that he plans to bring his Live & Twisted tour to New Zealand in October.

    The pop singer will play two intimate shows in Auckland and Wellington.

    Fans will get up close and personal with the Irish singer-songwriter at Wellington's Bar Bodega on Friday, October 3, and in Auckland at the Transmission Rooms on Saturday, October 4.

    McFadden last visited New Zealand in April, and recently completed a stint as co-ost on Auckland's

    Is McFadden really anti-gay?

    Published: Today

    BRIAN McFADDEN has sparked outrage by saying heterosexual men should not wear pink.
    The ex-WESTLIFE star shocked listeners on a New Zealand radio show, saying: "If you are not gay, a man should not be wearing pink.

    "Saying pink is a form of red is the same as saying homosexual is a form of male."

    Understandable, gay rights activists have accused the singer of homophobia.

    A local Auckland charity have spoken out, with Rainbow Youth co-ordinator Robert Marshall saying: "It's the sort of stuff that gets said every day in the schoolyard. A lot of young people are quite impressionable, and when they see celebrities saying stuff like that, they think it's OK to say it themselves."

    Life without Brian ... Westlife

    Meanwhile Brian revealed the moment he wanted to quit his former boyband was when they were asked to record a cover of BARRY MANILOW's Mandy.

    The Irish singer announced his departure just months later and started making plans for a solo career.

    He said: "We never got any respect as artists because we didn't write all the songs and we weren't a self-producing product. We were being controlled more like puppets than anything else."

    But despite his fizzling career, he's the last one laughing having traded in KERRY KATONA for DELTA GOODREM.

    McFadden apologises for gay remarks
    Wednesday, September 3 2008,

    Brian McFadden has apologised for causing offence by claiming that only gay men should wear pink clothing.

    The former Westlife singer said he was only having a "light-hearted conversation" on the radio when he made the comments and insisted that they were not meant to be taking seriously.

    Speaking at UNICEF's Soccer Aid event, McFadden told DS: "I made the joke when I was on a radio station in New Zealand.

    "Some woman rang in and said my husband wears pink. I was winding her up, saying, 'He must have a dark secret'. But then it got completely taken out of context.

    "It went on every bloody gay website in the world and people called me homophobic. It's ridiculous!"

    He continued: "It wasn't a big deal on the day, people were laughing. One person got offended, put it on a website and everyone jumps onboard.

    "I apologise if I upset anybody, but it was supposed to be a light-hearted conversation."

    Saturday, August 16 2008
    McFadden reveals Westlife frustration

    Brian McFadden realised that he wanted to quit Westlife when the group were asked to record a cover of Barry Manilow's 'Mandy', he has revealed.

    The Irish singer announced his departure just months later and started making plans for a successful solo career.

    "We never got any respect as artists because we didn't write all the songs and we weren't a self-producing product," McFadden explained. "We were being controlled more like puppets than anything else."

    Speaking about 'Mandy', he continued: "They were formulating how to get a No.1 record. I wanted to write my own songs and sing my own music."

    McFadden's debut solo song 'Real To Me' topped the UK singles chart in 2004. However, his album Irish Son and future single releases suffered as a result of the backlash surrounding his marriage split with Kerry Katona.

    "That has shaped my career," he admitted. "Hero to villain literally in one weekend."

    Brian has released his second album Set In Stone in Australia, where it has been a top five hit. The LP will hit shops in the UK next year.
    brain mcfadden kids
    molly & lilly 
    The new life of Brian

    5/11/2008 1:00:00 AM
    BACK in July, Irish musician Brian McFadden made an appearance on ABC1's music trivia comedy Spicks and Specks.

    It wasn't his first time on the show, but for the many Australians tuned in, his tongue-in-cheek treatment of Guns N' Roses' Patience was significant.

    The Irish boy-band superstar, who quit Westlife in 2004, flexed his sense of humour and further endeared himself to a country's people who tend not to pander to musicians who take themselves too seriously.

    "That was just a bit of fun. We had a laugh," McFadden recalled before going on to explain the welcome embrace of Australians.

    "It's been amazing. It makes you really feel at home you know, especially after the treatment I got in England with the press."

    Formed in 1998, when McFadden was 18, Westlife stormed the UK charts with 14 number-one singles - the third-highest in UK history. Only Elvis Presley and The Beatles prevented Westlife from taking the top spots.

    The UK boy bands of the era, such as Take That and Boyzone were pop-culture phenomenons. Spawned by the success of the Spice Girls, all-female groups like The Sugababes and Atomic Kitten were also created.

    The "treatment" by the UK press McFadden referred to was part of the fallout after his 2002 marriage to Atomic Kitten's Kerry Katona ended in 2004, and his decision (also in 2004) to quit Westlife.

    "To come to a new country and be so welcomed it's like a safe haven now for me Australia. It's like my safe place to go to."

    His relationship with fellow musician and former Neighbours actor Delta Goodrem started after his split from Katona, but the UK press went with different stories and the accusations flew.

    McFadden has since enjoyed an extended stay in Australia and his new album - made both in the UK and Sydney - reflected that.

    "I've spent a lot more time than I expected to spend here," he said.

    "I originally came over just to release my album here, maybe spend five or six weeks and do the album in the UK."

    With his life splashed all over the media, it's hard not to read into the emotional, sometimes bitter, lyrics of his new album Set In Stone.

    "All my songs are quite personal," McFadden answered when asked of his lyrics' autobiographical nature.

    "I can't write any other way. I write songs and whatever comes out comes from the heart. I find it hard to manipulate a song with something I'm not really feeling.

    "If I don't believe it how can anybody else believe it? I have to believe it first."

    Goodrem has songwriting credits on Set In Stone and McFadden said working together again was a pleasure. They initially collaborated on Together We Are One which they wrote, along with Guy Chambers, for the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games opening ceremony.

    "We decided we worked well and we ended up writing a couple (of songs) for my album and doing half her album and I think that's how we are going to work for the future - do a lot together.

    "Especially at the moment, being in different parts of the world all year. It gives us a chance to spend time together as well."

    Goodrem has spent most of 2008 in the US while McFadden has happily carved out a niche for himself in Australia.

    "I got here and had so much fun ... and ended up doing the football show. I just never really got a chance to leave," he laughed of the circumstances that led to him hosting Foxtel's Football Superstar.

    With the first season in the bag he said he is in talks about doing a second.

    "I didn't have any interest in doing TV presenting at the time ... and they said you get to play football everyday. And I was like `I'm in, I'm in!'," he laughed.

    The 28 year old said he is not really longing for home because Australia reminds him of Ireland.

    "The only thing that's different is the weather. The people in Australia are pretty similar to the Irish - the same kind of humour, fun-loving people."

    On Set In Stone, Goodrem's father Dennis is included on McFadden's list of thankyous and he agreed when asked if his fiancee's dad wasn't the only one he felt he had to win over when he fell for Goodrem.

    "I had a lot of things to prove when I got to Australia ... I'm doing my best to live up to her good name."

    Brian McFadden will appear at Wrest Point Entertainment Centre, Hobart, November 14; and Launceston Country Club, Launceston, November 15.

    McFadden 'dumps' Katona designer gear
    Tuesday, January 2009, 

    Brian McFadden has revealed that he gave away all of Kerry Katona's clothes to his relatives.

    The former Westlife singer admitted that he got rid of all of Katona's designer gear by giving it to members of his family.

    "I invited all my sisters' friends and all my cousins around to the house and literally opened up the wardrobe and said, 'Have what you like'," he said on his Fox FM breakfast show.

    "All my cousins, they live down in the country in Ireland so they live on farms and stuff, are all walking around small villages in Dolce & Gabbana dresses and Gucci shoes and the like.

    "She [Katona] did not know, but she knows now."

    McFadden recently denied claims that he will seek custody of his daughters
    brain mcfadden - twisted (live)
    McFadden signs up for TV role again
    Former Westlife star Brian McFadden has signed up to present a second series of the Australian reality television show 'Football Superstar'.

    According to TV Tonight, the singer will co-host the show with Lee Furlong later in the year.

    McFadden previously hosted the Fox8 programme last June.

    AdvertisementSpeaking about the show, he said: "I had an absolute blast filming the first series and am really excited to be back at the helm again."

    "We uncovered some serious talent in season one which is testament to the growing popularity of football in Australia. I can't wait to see who we discover this year."

    McFadden is set to marry his long-term girlfriend, singer Deltra Goodrem, next Christmas.
    Delta and Brian call wedding off

    May 24, 2009 12:00am

    SINGERS Delta Goodrem and Brian McFadden have put off their Christmas wedding, but have insisted their relationship isn't onthe rocks.

    McFadden told The Sunday Telegraph he was still madly in love with Goodrem, but simply too busy to walk down the aisle.

    Gallery: The many faces of Delta Goodrem

    "We were sitting down to try to organise the wedding and we were thinking, `We're never going to get this wedding organised by Christmas','' said McFadden, 29.

    Gallery: McFadden McMaddened

    "I know if we don't get married, everyone is going to say there are problems because we pushed the wedding back.

    "But we want to get married and take a nice block of time off, like three months, enjoy our families being there and have a nice honeymoon ... not get married between gigs.''

    The pair spent much of the past 18 months apart as Goodrem based herself overseas, attempting unsuccessfully to break into the competitive American market.

    Now back in Australia, Goodrem is getting ready to begin work on her fourth album.

    And McFadden is about to launch a new music project named Wall Of Sound with former Savage Garden producer Rob Connolly. He is also busy filming the second series of Foxtel's Football Superstar.

    "Since Christmas, we've only spent about one day apart, which is great,'' said the former Westlife singer. ``Hopefully the rest of the year it will be like that.

    "I know she's going to go back to America and she's about to get knee-deep into her new record, so we're planning each week as it comes.''

    The pair announced their engagement in November 2007, having met two years earlier while working together on a duet, Almost Here.

    McFadden was then married to former Atomic Kitten singer Kerry Katona, with whom he has two daughters: Molly, 7, and Lily-Sue, 6. He and Goodrem have carefully kept the details of their planned nuptials secret.

    Even close friends and family had been kept inthe dark on the wedding and invitations were expected to be sent out at the last minute to protect their privacy.

    "I've been waiting but nothing's arrived,'' said one close friend, who did not want to be named.

    "It's going to be in a magazine so they are keeping everything secret.

    "Maybe I'll just get a text a few hours before.''

    Earlier this year, Goodrem even indicated she may design her own wedding dress.
    By Melanie Finn

    Wednesday September 02 2009

    Brian McFadden helped his elder daughter celebrate her birthday after flying back home from Down Under.

    The former Westlife star flew back in the wake of ex-wife Kerry Katona's alleged meltdown.

    And the devoted dad made sure to pay a special dedication to his daughter Molly as she marked her eighth birthday.

    He sent special wishes to his elder child on his popular Twitter page, where he first revealed his plans to fly back to Ireland. "Happy birthday baby girl X," he wrote on his home page.

    Brian has been on red alert for the past week, since Kerry was snapped allegedly taking drugs at her home -- in Warrington, England -- which she shares with her hubby Mark Croft and four children.

    But the singer became so concerned for the plight for his two children, Molly and Lilly-Sue (7), that he jetted back over the weekend.

    An incriminating video of the former Atomic Kitten star emerged just after Brian's two children returned to Britain after spending a three-week holiday with their dad in Ireland.

    Just a few days later, Kerry was arrested by police after her accountant David McHugh claimed she had assaulted him during a heated meeting in his office.

    After returning to her Cheshire home, she collapsed in hysterics and threatened to slash her wrists.

    Her arrest came soon after she lost her €300,000 contract with Iceland, her last high-profile job after MTV axed her reality show.

    Now Brian is said to be gearing up for a custody battle with the troubled reality star, as he has expressed his hope of bringing his daughters back to live in Ireland.

    "He may live in Australia, but he's mad about his two girls and would do anything for them," said a source.

    "He feels like all this bad stuff is unfolding around them without being able to do anything about it, and he's sick and tired of reading about the latest saga in Kerry's troubled life.

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.2 WESTLIFE 2009
    Westlife's Feehily wants critics to lay off

    Westlife land at two with 'What About Now', narrowly missing out on a 15th UK chart-topper

    1. (1) Cheryl Cole: 'Fight For This Love'

    2. (-) Westlife: 'What About Now'(y) ;)

    3. (-) Jay Sean ft. Lil Wayne: 'Down'

    4. (2) Alexandra Burke ft. Flo Rida: 'Bad Boys'

    5. (9) Michael Bublé: 'Haven't Met You Yet'

    6. (11) Black Eyed Peas: 'Meet Me Halfway'
    7. (3) Chipmunk: 'Oopsy Daisy'

    8. (5) Whitney Houston: 'Million Dollar Bill'

    9. (4) Robbie Williams: 'Bodies'

    10. (7) Black Eyed Peas: 'I Gotta Feeling'



    Mark Feehily says he’s fed up of people criticising Westlife for doing cover songs.

    The 29-year-old vocalist said he was annoyed his group – who have had 14 number one hits and sold more than 43 million records sold worldwide - were “misunderstood”.

    The ‘Flying Without Wings’ vocalist said: “Our record company, they don’t want to take risks, so they are happier to do more covers.

    “To anyone who criticises what we do, we actually do a lot of original pop songs and a lot of our best songs, a lot of our number one singles, are actually original pop songs. “

    Although he added: “We definitely did go too far, we did too many covers. That’s something we allowed to happen and shouldn’t have.”

    Despite this, Westlife’s new single ‘What About Now’ is actually a cover of a track by Daughtry, an American rock band.

    Defending their choice, Feehily said: “It’s a cover in the way that it’s been recorded by another artist but it’s not a cover in the way ‘Mandy’ was, in that it’s been a massive hit already.”
    Westlife Nicky's father dies, aged 60
    Wednesday, November 4 2009,

    Westlife have cancelled their current promotional tour after singer Nicky Byrne's father died at the age of 60.

    The band had been in London to support their comeback single 'What About Now' but Byrne has now returned to Ireland to support his family following Nicky Snr's death from a suspected heart attack, the Daily Mail reports.

    An official statement read: "The family would like to confirm the sad news of the very sudden loss of a husband, dad and grandad today.

    "A wonderful man who will be sadly missed by everyone whose life he touched. The Byrne family would like to ask that you respect their privacy at this time."

    A spokesman for the group added: "The boys in the band's main priority is looking after Nicky at this tragic time."

    Bandmate Kian Egan, who lost his own father to cancer in July, told the Irish Independent: "It's been such a shock. Everyone feels so sad. It was just so sudden and unexpected."

    The group's founder Louis Walsh said: "Westlife are all devastated. They can't believe a second father is dead."

    New album for Westlife

    Pop's most enduring group, Westlife, have finally emerged from the studio after a year-long break to present their brand new album, 'Where We Are'.

    Spending much of 2009 hidden away in studios across Europe and the US, Westlife have been quietly creating their most exciting album to date. 'Where We Are' features work from pop's finest craftsmen, including grammy nominated Ryan Tedder (Leona Lewis, Beyonce) Steve Robson (James Morrison, Take That) Steve Booker (Duffy) Louis Biancaniello and Sam Watters (Whitney Houston, Anastacia.) and Shaznay Lewis, who co-writes a track with band member Mark Feehily.

    These stellar production teams have helped the boys create a new and contemporary sound, whilst retaining those classic Westlife soaring melodies and rousing lyrics. Featuring the already massive hit single 'What About Now' it's a collection bound to excite fans and pop enthusiasts alike.

    Perhaps best showcasing this new sound is 'Shadows', co-written by Backstreet Boy A. J. Mclean. A classic Westlife choral anthem, peppered with a futuristic military drum roll fashioned by urban-pop maestro Ryan Tedder. The song sets the benchmark for the sound which brings Westlife bang up-to-date on the eve of the new decade.

    Elsewhere 'The Difference' visits rockier terrain, while 'Another World' allows Mark Feehily's exquisite vocal to escalate to gospel territory, a moment sure to thrill live. 'I'll See You Again' laments the passing of a loved one, set to a haunting landscape of piano, synths and acoustic guitar, a moment surely relatable.

    Shane Filan of the band says "We've been experimenting with a fresh vibe on this record, working with new producers and writing songs for the album ourselves. After eleven years we see this as phase two of the Westlife story."

    Westlife's new material is the first since 2007's 'Back Home', which became the band's seventh number one album, spending two months in the Top Ten and selling over 1 million copies in the UK alone.

    No pop band can compare to Westlife's extraordinary success. During their 11 years at the top of pop's hierarchy, the band has sold over 40 million records globally. In the UK alone they have scored nine multi-platinum albums and a record breaking 14 No.1 hits (behind only Elvis and The Beatles). They have also picked up innumerable awards and appeared on hundreds of magazine covers around the world. They are the only recording artists to win the prestigious 'Record Of The Year' an incredible four times (other top awards include two BRITS and an MTV Europe Award). Westlife are also the biggest selling Arena act ever, holding the record for the most concerts held at Wembley Arena, an incredible 23.
    Where We Are

    Shane says: "We've been experimenting with a fresh vibe on this record, working with new producers and writing songs for the album ourselves. After eleven years we see this as phase two of the Westlife story."

    Westlife star Nicky Byrne lays his father to rest in emotional ceremony
    By Daily Mail Reporter
    Last updated on 07th November 2009

    Westlife star Nicky Byrne laid his father to rest today in an emotional ceremony.
    The 31-year-old's face was contorted by grief as he acted as pallbearer for his father Nicky Sr.
    Earlier the grieving star and his family had been joined by Nicky's Westlife bandmates as they sang at the service in tribute to the 60-year-old, a musician and singer on the cabaret scene.
    Grief: Westlife star Nicky Byrne (R) helps carry his father's coffin to the hearse at at Lawrences Church in Balldoyle, Dublin today

    Amongst the mourners were writer Cecelia Ahern and her boyfriend athlete David Keoghan, Irish TV chef Terry McCoy, Miriam Ahern, the former Taoiseach of Ireland Bertie Ahern, Irish singer Michael English, Boyzone singer Ronan's wife Yvonne Keating, Irish TV producer Bill Hughes, and Gaelic footballer Gary Kavanagh.

    Famous faces: X Factor judge and Westlife founder Louis Walsh joined former Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern at the service

    Nicky Sr, who had his own band called 'Nicky and the Studz', was the person who inspired a young Byrne to go into the music business and the pair used to sing karaoke together.
    The pair were partularly close and in December, Byrne threw a lavish party at a Dublin hotel for Nicky Sr 60th birthday and presented his father with a Harley-Davidson motorbike as a present.
    His sudden death earlier this week left Byrne devastated. He was in London on a promotional tour and immediately flew home to Ireland.
    United in grief: Brian McFadden's mother Mairead McFadden, Westlife member Mark Feehily and his boyfriend Kevin McDaid, Brendan McFadden

    Tuesday - November 17 - 2009

    Westlife to switch on Christmas lights

    Westlife, who will switch on the Christmas lights in Grafton Street this evening, have dedicated their new album to the fathers of Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne who died this year.

    Egan (29), who lost his father Kevin in July to cancer, said 2009 had been an extremely tough year for the band. His wife Jodi Albert also suffered a bereavement when her grandfather died.

    Byrne's father Nicky snr (60) died suddenly of a heart attack earlier this month. The death of Boyzone's Stephen Gately also affected Westlife as both bands are close.

    The album sleeve for Where We Are was due to go to the printers on the day that Byrne's father died.

    The day Nicky's father died, a girl from the record label rang me and said, 'we have enough time to put Nicky's father on the dedication if he would like that'," Egan said.

    We rang Nicky reluctantly because it was all so sudden for him. Luckily we had enough time. It would have felt wrong if the album was only dedicated to my father.

    Mr Egan, a father of seven, died in July after a year long battle with cancer. Pictures of him and Mr Byrne will be on the inside cover the album.

    We never had to deal with death ever as young adults. This year it seems that we have to deal with a lot of it. It makes you question what life is all about, his son said.

    It has been a very strange and difficult year for us. I had not been to a funeral since I was a child when I think about it. All of a sudden in the last six months we have been to four funerals, two of them being parents of Westlife

    The new album includes a song about death entitled I'll See You Again .

    The first time I heard it, it nearly broke my heart, but then as I kept listening to it, I thought that it really fits. Anybody in the world who hears this song will see that it really means something for anybody who was lost somebody. It will really touch them emotionally,Egan explained.

    Egan accepted criticisms Westlife had played it safe in the past by covering well-known songs such as Bette Midler's The Rose and Michael Bublé's Home were valid. He said the new album marks a departure from that with 11 original songs out of 12, mostly written by American songwriters.

    It features only one cover, What About Now , a song by the American group Daughtry which is the first Westlife single from the new album.

    Looking back, we had one too many well-known cover songs," Egan said. If we'd gone out there singing songs like The Rose and Home for the rest of our career, we would not enjoy it as much.

    The album also features a rare self-penned Westlife track Reach Out , co-written by band member Mark Feehily.

    We went through a phase in the early part of our career where we did want to write our own songs and we did, but they were crap in comparison with all the other great songs that we had, Egan said.

    If we wanted to write the album ourselves, we could, but we know we're not naturally gifted songwriters. We know our strength is in singing the songs and performing them on stage.
    November, 2009

    Westlife: Us against the world
    It has been a year of sorrow and loss for Westlife. Or, as Nicky Byrne puts it, 'It has been a shit year and I can't wait to see the back of it.' In their only in-depth interview this year, the four members of the band tell Barry Egan how tragedy has made brothers of them. Photography by Sarah Doyle
    Sunday November 29 2009

    May, 2003: I get to spend two ostensibly fun days and nights in London in the company of Westlife. At 3am one night, Louis Walsh and I are standing in the courtyard of the Conrad Hotel overlooking Chelsea Harbour when one Robbie Williams comes over and tries to wind up the Westlife manager. The ex-Take That singer repeatedly says to Louis: "What did you mean, man? I respect you . . ." A few months before, Louis, being Louis, had dubbed Robbie "a bad karaoke singer" in Heat magazine.

    Standing to our immediate left, Kian Egan is waiting by his brand-new BMW. Then Louis, myself and Kian make our excuses and leave Mr Williams to argue with himself.

    Five hours earlier, Kian and his bandmates had been mobbed by thousands of teenage girls as they attempted to leave Wembley Arena. I wonder whether a certain insufferable glamour model was in the audience, not least because that day's newspaper featured the particularly tender headline: "Jordan -- I want to f**k Kian".

    The day before, the band are in their dressing room before the show. Outside, in the backstage area, Georgina Ahern looks utterly gorgeous in a demure, summery dress, wandering around happily as her fiance Nicky prepares to go on in front of 15,000 fans. When Westlife -- Kian and Mark and Shane and Nicky and a fella by the name of Bryan McFadden -- take the stage, each song is greeted with a veritable volcanic eruption of pubescent squeals: the choruses of Tonight and then Flying Without Wings building over soulful, multilayered, five-part harmonies are not your average boy band fare.

    "Westlife are a great, great vocal group," Louis tells me during the show. "They appeal to everybody. It's not just to kids. Mammies and daddies and twenty-somethings love them. That's why they sell so many records."

    "The one thing that Westlife have and that Boyzone and Take That didn't have -- it's not about one person," Bryan tells me after the show. "With Take That, Gary was the singer and Robbie was the joker. In Boyzone, it was Ronan and the other four. In our band, we are all singers."

    I meet Nicky and Georgina the following morning over breakfast. I ask Nicky how they met. "We met in first year when we were like 12 or 13," Nicky says fondly, "but we didn't really talk to each other then. We were a little bit shy. She was more shy than me. We started going out when we were 16."

    During the 48 hours I spend with the band, they all appear happy young people untouched by life's pain and suffering, especially Nicky Byrne who, like a young Larry Mullen in his jeans and jacket, walks around like a personification of love's young dream with Georgina.

    November, 2009: Nicky Byrne's face carries the permanent, troubled aura of someone who only two weeks ago lost his father. He is standing in the Four Seasons Hotel in Dublin's Ballsbridge. He points to the room opposite and says that his father, Nikki, often came here for Westlife album launches and after-show parties. It is still too soon to put any kind of proper perspective on losing his father but Nicky, who was always mature, says he is still in shock. And shock is probably an understatement. "I still don't believe it. Actually, it's not that I don't believe it's real, I can't believe it's real. I can't," Nicky says.

    "I hate to sound like I'm sorrowful," he adds, needlessly. "People have dealt with grief before me and people will deal with it tomorrow and the next day. But he was the youngest 60 years. He was so full of life. He had everything going for him. He was fit and healthy. He loved his job. He loved his motorcycle. He loved his gigs at the weekends. He sang. He played guitar and he could play a bit of keyboards but his main thing was vocals."

    You obviously came to music through your father?

    "I spent all my childhood watching my dad sing," he answers, immediately. "He went out gigging seven nights a week. Every night after dinner, he would get his clothes on and go out singing. You would see him going out during the summer in pale blue trousers and flowery shirts. He was a cabaret star."

    Nikki's favourite song, the song he always did without fail, was Honey (I Miss You), made famous by Bobby Goldsboro. At the funeral in St Laurence O'Toole Church in Baldoyle in early November, Nicky asked his mother, Yvonne: "Do you want me to sing Honey?"

    She said: "No way -- I couldn't hear that."

    The song Nicky did sing with Westlife at the funeral was Please Stay by The Cryin' Shames.

    "It was a song that my dad always wanted Westlife to do," he recalls. "He always thought the song would suit Westlife, and me in particular. It was one of those songs that I never did. And I did it at the funeral. I said in my eulogy, 'It is probably a bit late, Dad, but I'm doing it now for you.'"

    His father singing was Nicky's earliest childhood memory. He can remember Nikki singing at the Racecourse Inn in Baldoyle, or at the Grand Hotel in Malahide throughout his childhood.

    "There are hundreds of people, thousands probably, walking around this city whose weddings my dad sung at. He was such a likable man. He always had a smile," says Nicky, almost smiling himself.

    I ask Nicky what his oul' fella was like.

    "Oh, he had bundles of energy," he smiles, adding that the Sunday before his father died he was playing football with Nicky's godson, Zack, in the garden. "I never thought we'd only have him until he was 60. I thought we'd have him until he was at least 75 or 80. But it wasn't to be."

    There is a long pause. Then Nicky says: "My dad looked amazing in the coffin. He didn't look dead. He looked asleep. I have seen so many people over the years in coffins that had illness and they deteriorated and they looked terrible. He looked like he was asleep. I have a picture of him on my phone. I can't believe he is not just awake. But all those things help.

    "You know, I think talking about him kind of helps it," he adds, leaving the sentence hanging there.

    One of toughest parts of losing his father so suddenly was that Nicky never got a chance to say goodbye. "I was chatting to him on Saturday night, Halloween night, and he died Tuesday morning," he says. "He was out in the house on the Saturday night. We had a fancy dress for the kids and a few of the friends' kids and my dad was over and I was chatting to him. He seemed in good health and in good form."

    And then he says: "I had a bad day on Sunday. And my mam had a bad day on Sunday. It is just so strange. I mean, where do you even start to pick up the pieces? His birthday is coming up on December 14 and Christmas after that. Last month, we were talking about Christmas. He was looking forward to his Christmas gigs at the Regency Hotel on the Airport Road. It is all such a punch in the face. It is like a steam train. Every morning, I get up, I feel sick."

    Death of a loved one, I say, makes you realise what forever means: you will never see that person ever again in this world.

    "I know," Nicky says. "The finality of it all kills me. The fact that I can never see him; the fact that I can never talk or have a laugh with him or anything like that. I suppose when you realise that, that's a bad day. Other days, you still think you have all the memories and a million photographs of him. Things like that, I suppose, help. A part of you dies with them and obviously you learn to cope and you do your best, especially when you're married and you have kids. But a part of me died with him."

    His and Georgina's twins, Rocco and Jay, have been told that their grandad has gone to God. They call Nikki 'Grandad Nucan'. Ten years ago, Nicky explains, his father came in from a night out with his wife, and was plastered. When Nicky started to rib his father for being drunk, he said, "I'm not drunk at all. I could drive from all the way to Nucan and back."

    "He meant to say Lucan," Nicky explains. "From that day on, his nickname was Nucan. The boys called him that. I told them that Grandad Nucan is in heaven and he is a star. So at every night at nighttime they point up at the stars to Grandad Nucan."

    In July of this year, another member of Westlife, Kian Egan, had his father, Kevin, die after a long battle with cancer. The new Westlife album Where We Are is dedicated to both Nicky and Kian's late fathers.

    It was a very difficult time, Kian says. He and his bride, Jodi Albert, had planned to get married in Barbados in May. But his dad, he recalls, got progressively very ill, fast. "And by Christmas of last year we knew he wouldn't be here by this time next year," Kian says. "We had to try and make a final decision on whether to move the wedding or not; you know, was he going to be able to come to the wedding, etc. So that was a whole rigmarole in itself.

    "He wanted us to go ahead with the wedding. So we did. Then we came and we were on cloud nine for a week. But then we were kicked off it with my dad on his deathbed. He was dead on July 19.

    "It was a very strange year," Kian says. "But that was meant to be for me."

    Some people say that a man truly stops being a boy and only really becomes a man when his father dies, I say.

    "My dad was a teacher in his role to me as a father," Kian says. "He would teach you how to do something. That was the type of man he was. He was a quiet man but he read books on how to fix an engine."

    Kian's mother said to him recently: "Death comes in waves."

    "There has been so many deaths around us this year," Kian adds. "So I kind of hope that our wave is over and that is it."

    Boyzone singer Stephen Gately's sudden death on October 10 was another part of the dark wave that hit Ireland this year, lest we forget.

    "People tend to forget about how powerless everyone is against the reality of the inevitable," says Mark Feehily. "It definitely does bring it right to the front of your mind. Stephen was so young. Kian's dad's death was prolonged. Nicky's dad's death was so sudden. It instilled in me, in a way, that whole thing of 'Get out there and do it before it is too late. Don't leave things unsaid.'

    "Over the past year I have taken time to be able to hear myself think by taking some time away from Westlife. I took time to decide what I liked about life and what I didn't like about life. And it is quite difficult to do that in the middle of the madness. I am following my gut and believing in myself more. I stand up for what I believe. Automatically I started being happier. I wrote a song on this new Westlife album. It's called Reach Out. I've been putting my songwriting off with Westlife." His dreams, growing up in Sligo and watching Top Of The Pops, were, he says, always to sing and write songs.

    So, Jedward -- pop heroes or the end of civilisation as we know it?

    "I have grown to like them an awful lot," says Mark. "Some people hate them. I look at them as two 18-year-old lads from Dublin over in London and they have become the two most famous people in the country overnight. I look at them and hope they are OK and hope they can cope with all the madness. I am so close to it because I can understand to a certain extent what they are going through."

    How did you deal with being judged?

    "I didn't deal well with it, because I don't think I have ever been designed to be, like, a pop star. I hated it all. I couldn't believe there were people who would just casually say to you, 'You need to lose weight', or, 'You look terrible', or, when you were singing your heart out, 'That was fucking shit'. I was brought up by a lovely family with two lovely grannies, Bridget and May. So I was brought up to be nice to people."

    2009 for Westlife's Shane Filan was, he says, both joyful and horrific. He started the year with him and his wife Gillian having their first son, Patrick -- someone for four-year-old Nicole to play with. "So that was great to be at home with the new baby," Shane says. "It was a big family year for me; to stay at home a lot, and doing normal stuff like having me pints in the normal pub with my father-in-law. But then, as the year went on, Kian's dad got sick and he was dealing with that the whole time. It was hard to see that. Then he died and then Stephen died and then Nicky's dad. There was so much sorrow and sadness in the year for us."

    Westlife are like a band of brothers, I say.

    "That's really true," he says. "We always were close but I think now we are closer than ever. We see each other like brothers. We feel like giving each other a hug more often."

    So, you will be watching Nicky at this very difficult time for him?

    "Oh yeah," he says instantly. "We've got to take care of him. Me and Mark, we still have our dads, but our job now is to make sure Kian and Nicky are OK in their personal lives and try to make things easier on them whatever way we can; because there are going to be really hard days for them, I'm sure. We just got to look after each other now because, as a band, without each other we don't have a band.

    "It has been such a strange, strange year," he adds.

    "The whole year was very strange," concurs Nicky. "Imagine: two months before my dad, Kian's dad passed away from his illness; he had been sick for a while and he didn't make Kian's wedding in Barbados. And then there was Stephen at 33. That was impossible to comprehend.

    "I'll tell you what," Nicky adds, "it has been a shit year and I can't wait to see the fucking back of it, to tell you the truth."

    It must have taught you a hard lesson of how random and cruel life can be.

    "Absolutely. When Stephen died, I remember going to the funeral and we had to fly to Iceland the next day to shoot a video. On the plane it was just so morbid, the four of us. It only really sunk in then.

    "I noticed this with my own dad's death. At the funeral, as sad as it is, you are on a bit of a high because everybody is around you and you are doing so many things. But even a day or two afterwards . . . everyone is gone, and you are alone with just your close family. I have been going to the graveyard. It's just, he was my best friend. I bought him a motorbike for his 60th last December. I bought him a brand new Merc in 2002. It is just so hard to even consider at the minute. I don't know where to start. I really don't."

    Westlife's new album, 'Where We Are', is out now
    Westlife Look To Put Tough Year Behind Them

    December 02, 2009
    Westlife have admitted they can't wait to see the back of 2009 following a year of personal tragedy.

    Saturday, December 5 - 2009

    Westlife 'unconcerned by singles' success'

    Westlife have declared that they are not concerned about having number one singles, claiming that they are more interested in conquering the album charts.

    The band released latest album Where We Are on Monday and are hoping to hit the top spot come the weekend.

    "Getting the album to number one is more important than having a number one single for us and Simon [Cowell] agreed," Westlife singer Shane Filan said.

    "He pushed us to make a great album. He agreed we needed to up our game and not to record as many covers. We needed to get back to making great pop music."

    Filan also spoke about how the Irish group changed direction on the LP, adding to Playlist: "Simon got us in with everyone we wanted to work with. And we only hired producers we haven't worked with before.

    "Simon and Louis Walsh think it's the best album we've ever made."

    December 4 - 2009

    Ireland this week.The top ten albums in full:

    1. (1) Susan Boyle: 'I Dreamed A Dream'
    2. (-) Westlife: 'Where We Are'(y)
    3. (2) JLS: 'JLS'
    4. (3) Black Eyed Peas: 'The E.N.D.'
    5. (5) Michael Bublé: 'Crazy Love'
    6. (4) Lady GaGa: 'The Fame Monster'
    7. (6 ) Leona Lewis: 'Echo'
    8. (-) Andrea Bocelli: 'My Christmas'
    9. (7) The Priests: 'Harmony'
    10. (8) Mario Rosenstock: 'Gift Grub 10

    Westlife exclusive

    We were at parties with beautiful women and we wondered why Mark wasn't chatting up

    Talking to The Sun ... Westlife's Mark Feehily, Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan and Shane Filey chat with Gordon Smart

    Bizarre Editor

    Published: 26 Dec 2009

    WESTLIFE are modern pop legends. Under the watchful eye of SIMON COWELL they have dominated the charts for a decade, selling more than 45million records.
    Here, on Day One of our exclusive two-day special on the band, MARK FEEHILY talks about his decision to reveal his homosexuality and band mate NICKY BYRNE recalls meeting the world's most important man.

    Since coming out in The Sun, Mark says he feels as if a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.

    The Irish heart-throb revealed his homosexuality in August 2005. Up until then he had kept it from his legions of fans, but the burden of secrecy took its toll.

    "I spent a lot of my teenage years and early 20s in a very dark place," says Mark, now 29.

    Happy now ... Kevin McDaid and boyfriend Mark Feehily
    "There's a real misconception about when I came out.

    "I didn't tell the guys when I was 18 or 16 or anything. It took me a long time to sort everything out in my own mind before I was open to anyone about it.

    "I just shoved it all down and ignored my feelings and paused, closing the door and leaving it."

    Mark, now settled with long-term boyfriend KEVIN MCDAID, says: "It wasn't hiding a secret from the guys or the public. I didn't have any love life or relationship or sex life at all.

    "That's why things went so dark for me. It was like a ticking time bomb but now I am so happy."

    Bandmate and friend Nicky says he is relieved his pal can finally relax, and that he wasn't surprised to hear he was gay.

    "We are at the best of parties with the best-looking women," says Nicky, 31.

    "Obviously if you have a girlfriend it's a different scenario but if you looked at Mark, and he didn't have a girlfriend, we kept wondering why he wasn't chatting up the girls. I always knew with Mark. He had what people say is a swagger but it was a gay swagger, that thing going on.

    "But you never say anything because it's no one's business.

    "I remember the day he told Shane and me. We were all jumping around, hugging and everything. At last he felt comfortable in himself.

    "I remember ringing round when the story came out. I rang one of my mates to tell him Mark was gay and he said, 'Make sure you tell him we are all behind him'. Then he panicked and said, 'No, no. Don't say it like that'. "

    More than four years after going public over his sexuality, Mark says he is happier and stronger than ever.

    He says: "I am embracing getting older. I feel more powerful against all the badness because I know how to deal with it better than I did. I know how to protect myself. I know more about life.

    "Don't get me wrong, no one looks forward to getting grey and old and bald and wrinkly but I feel happier now than I ever have."

    Westlife, whose album Where We Are is out now, have come under fire from critics who object to their boy-band brand of pop.

    Nicky says: "People say we are not cool but I feel that's something to be proud of. I feel that's cool.

    "After 11 years in the music industry and being at all the parties in the world, to have what I have and live the life I live, I am proud of it."

    Mark added: "We're desensitised to people calling us s*** now.

    "We don't get so worried about people slagging us off any more. We're numb to it."

    Westlife were discovered by music industry supremo Simon Cowell. Although they weren't discovered through a talent show like most of Cowell's signings, the lads can empathise with new acts, including X Factor winner JOE MCELDERRY.

    "One thing about Joe is he's very innocent and naive," says Nicky. "He was going on about how he doesn't really drink and he just wants to be around the house with his mum and he's a virgin.

    "I just think all of that in one day? If he was more mature he wouldn't have gone down that road but he's only a kid."

    Mark adds: "We were green like Joe once. When we started off everyone was so passionate and full of life. There were all sorts of positive and negative moments.

    "I look at JLS and they remind me so much of us. Their eyes are so wide open. They are loving it, enjoying every minute.

    "Since we started there have been BUSTED, BLUE, 5IVE. There has always been another band. We can all co-exist, no one has to go."

    I wasn't hiding anything. I didn't have any love life or sex life at allMARK

    Earlier this month the band met BARACK OBAMA at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony and ended up being introduced to another US mega star.

    Nicky says: "We were in a holding room with WILL SMITH and his wife. We got a picture taken with them. Will was so cool.

    "We were talking about the guy with him who was a humanitarian who he was shadowing as research for a movie. He just stood in the corner chatting to everyone and we were all in another corner going 'it's f****** Will Smith!'

    "Will was great. He told us this story how he was preparing all these questions about humanitarianism for the big interview with Obama. He said he was up all night practising the delivery and then when he met him he was telling himself to be on the ball.

    "Then he met him and just said, 'What's it f****** like being the president of the United States?'"

    Mark adds: "A security guard stuck his head in the door and asked for a picture with Will and handed me the camera.

    "It helped break the ice. A few other people started queuing for pics then."

    Nicky says: "Meeting Barack Obama was incredible. It felt really important. On the bus going there we were with DONNA SUMMER, WYCLEF, NATASHA BEDINGFIELD and other foreign artists.

    "You couldn't get anywhere near him without being vetted or given some sort of security clearance.

    "We were meeting the President of America so it was incredible.

    Mark says: "I came away thinking what an amazing person. The President was impressive too. He handled the situation so well, meeting everyone."

    In 2003 Nicky married childhood sweetheart Georgina, daughter of former Irish Prime Minister BERTIE AHERNE. Still talking about meeting Obama, he says: "We were doing the picture and there was a moment when there was a silence waiting for the pic to be taken.

    "So I asked Mr Obama if he was familiar with Bertie Aherne.

    "He said yes and I told him I was married to his daughter.

    "He said he was a great guy and to tell him he said hello. There were more flashes and we broke the ice then.

    "I think I must be the diplomat in the band. He is a man of the people. He was cool, genuine. He was like a cool dad."

    The band are enjoying continued success, despite being one man down from the original line-up. BRIAN MCFADDEN left the band in 2004 and has since become engaged to Aussie actress DELTA GOODRAM. "Brian lives in Australia now so we hardly see him but when we do it's a happy reunion," says Mark. "It's weird not knowing his day-to-day life any more. He has never said to any of us he regrets it."

    Nicky says: "We played in Soccer Aid together last year and we hadn't seen each other for a while. It was great.

    "He told me he never regretted leaving the band but he did hate it when we did Croke Park. He said that killed him.

    So what's next for the lads?

    "We've met Barack Obama, performed for the Pope, duetted with MARIAH CAREY," says Nicky. "We even knew Simon Cowell before he was really famous.

    "Ten years on we are very alive and the passion is still there. We dream about the next goal all the time."

    We slagged off Simon"s shoes and high trousers before anybody knew who he was

    Bizarre Editor

    Published: 28 Dec 2009

    IT may have been a grim 12 months for Westlife but Simon Cowell's favourite band are looking forward to a great 2010.
    And the key to that will be keeping their most famous fan happy.

    The lads, still our top-selling boy band after 11 years, are pop guru Simon's breakthrough success story.

    And they constantly remind the record company chief he was not always the stellar name he is today.

    In the final day of our Westlife series, Shane Filan reveals: "The big reason we still do so well is down to our relationship with Simon.

    "We have worked together for 11 years and things go from strength to strength. Simon speaks highly of us, which means the world."

    Missed ... Stephen Gately
    But Kian Egan points out: "We used to slag him off about his shoes and his high trousers before anybody knew who he was.

    "We used to slag off the shoes so badly, the big heels. Cobbler's shoes, we called them.

    "We used to pull his trousers down lower and pull the T-shirt down and rip the p**s out of him, mocking his posh accent.

    "As soon as he got on TV, people saw exactly what we saw and started to do the same thing."

    Shane adds: "We were one of the first bands on Simon's S Records label, which he sold to BMG for £22million.

    "He got a lot of money then before TV took over."

    Despite almost 50million record sales, 14 number one songs and a host of sold-out tours, Westlife are still hungry for more.

    "We're pocket change to what Simon makes annually but we've got history with him," says Shane.

    "The hardest thing to do in our situation is sustain success.

    "Every year is like a mountain to climb for us, even though people expect us to succeed now. We s**t ourselves before the midweek chart - we are still so ambitious."

    The past year has seen the band rocked by tragedy. They have been hit by what they call "a big wave of death" that has struck their friends and family.

    The recent loss of close pal and Boyzone singer Stephen Gately hit them hard, but Kian also lost his father, as did bandmate Nicky Byrne.

    But with their usual upbeat, positive attitude they are now even more determined to appreciate everything they have and continue to enjoy life to the full.

    Westlife have spent the best part of a year out of the spotlight, but in my interview with Shane, Kian, Nicky and Mark Feehily it was obvious they have used this testing 12 months to grow stronger.

    Kian told me about the terrifying moment they discovered their good pal Stephen had passed away and Shane, 30, says: "Until then, we hadn't really thought about people from our generation not being here.

    "As singers we are always thinking about the next album, the next tour, the family growing.

    "You don't think about being dead. You would never think that about someone in your own band.

    "If one of us died... it's a terrible thought but that would be it. Over. We couldn't carry on as a band.

    "For us, it makes you realise how important the other members of the group - your dearest friends - are to you, and it makes you appreciate life an awful lot more."

    Kian, 29, adds: "I had been out in the local with mates, gone home and fallen asleep on the couch.

    "A mate rang me and told me about Stephen and I thought it was nonsense. I rang Louis Walsh (Boyzone's and Westlife's manager) and sure enough got the same response. It was truly awful.

    "It has been a really tough year. On top of that both my dad and Nicky's dad died either side of that. My dad was 64 and had been sick for a year.

    "My mum said to me we are at that age now where we start losing people.

    "My grandmother, my wife Jodie's grandfather, Nicky's dad, my dad, Stephen...

    "My mum said in her life, death sadly comes in waves and we are experiencing one of those big waves now. At the funeral of Stephen the four of us sat together with our partners.

    "Brian (ex-Westlife member McFadden) happened to be sat in front of us. I remember looking at Brian and just feeling so sad, realising life is too short.

    "We all felt the same - like we all needed to give him a big hug. I felt so sad towards him.

    "Once the Boyzone speeches came out we were in pieces."

    Shane adds: "It was after 1am when I found out about Stephen. I rang Louis and it was like 'boom'.

    "He told me it was right and said he couldn't speak. I will never forget it as long as I live.

    "In Ireland Stephen was a massive icon, a true pop star. He was one of us and he was dead.

    "It just doesn't happen, so it was truly upsetting and tragic.

    "We appreciate each other so much more since.

    "We're thankful for what we've got and for having each other because life is so precious, and sometimes you can forget that."

    29 December 2009

    Westlife credit Cowell with album release
    Westlife star Nicky Byrne has said that the group wouldn't have released an album this year if it wasn't for Simon Cowell's help and encouragement.

    Speaking to RTÉ.ie, the singer said of 'X Factor' judge Cowell: "What he is with us is... he's honest.

    "What he sees is what he says. But we've a good relationship with him, especially this year, even stronger. This is our eleventh year with him."

    Speaking about how the new album came about, he said: "We had a big meeting with him in August in his house in Beverly Hills... It's a tiny little house... By the time you walk around it you're tired!

    "It was a great meeting and it was real positive.

    "He kind of heard where we were coming from and agreed with it and was on the same page and that's how we got working on this album.

    "Otherwise there wouldn't have been an album for Westlife this ye
    29 December 2009


    Irish band WESTLIFE are still fuming after BOB GELDOF snubbed them over 2004's Band Aid II single - because he could have raised more cash for charity if he'd included them.
    The former Boomtown Rats star left the Flying Without Wings hitmakers off the charity song, dismissing them at the time as "not relevant".
    But the four-piece is still reeling from the snub because they believe Geldof was just on a "power trip".
    Singer Kian Egan says, "I think that was pretty rich given he only started his international campaigning when he realised the Boomtown Rats weren't relevant any more."
    Bandmate Nicky Byrne adds, "Bob Geldof didn't include us on the Band Aid II single, even though we were the biggest band at the time. He could have made even more money for charity by having us sing, but he chose (British groups) Busted and Sugababes because he was on some sort of elitist power trip."
    The group's Mark Feehily is also sick of their 'uncool' image: "We are a pop group, striving to make the best pop music we can. We don't claim to be anything other than good singers, and to dismiss us just because we might not be to some rock critic's taste, is to insult the millions of people who buy our records and enjoy what we do."

    Westlife talk of being cool
    December 29, 2009

    London: Irish pop band Westlife has in a recent interview discussed about how they were cool despite there being reports that they weren't.

    The interview between the boys, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne, Shane Filan, and Mark Feehily and Judith Woods started off with the four talking about what they had done to be deemed cool.

    In the middle of the discussion, Egan, 29, rolled up his trouser leg and flashed a heavily tattooed calf in Woods' direction.

    "Look, this is Buddha! Is that cool enough for you? Is it?" the Telegraph quoted him as saying.

    "I've got a palm tree and waves and a Hawaiian flower on the other one. What have you got to say about that?" he stated.

    Baby-faced Byrne, 31, was next to proclaim how cool he was.

    "I've got a Hummer golf buggy - and I don't even play golf! How much more rock-and-roll can you get?" he asked.

    Filan, 30, who is the relaxed one, joined in the fray, announcing with perfect deadpan timing that he has "a big, fat house, way, way bigger than anything Bob Geldof's got. Two fat houses, in fact. And loads of cars and watches".

    Then Feehily, 29, the soulful one, reminded him that he's also got a helicopter.

    "There you go, I'm so crazy and cool that I'd forgotten I have my own helicopter. Who says we're boring now?" Filan added.

    The whole outburst from the boys had started after a remark about their rather bland reputation and how one critic said Westlife "were so anodyne as to make Boyzone look like Led Zeppelin at their most orgiastic".

    "Honestly, we're not dull," Byrne, who is married, with two-year-old twins, had protested.

    "We're the life and soul of any party - Barack Obama said he'd love to go for a pint of Guinness with us some time.

    "Just because we're fit and healthy and don't look like drug addicts or as if we haven't washed, doesn't make us uncool. It makes us normal," he stated.

    Feehily, who along with Filan sings the majority of the group's vocals, also came to the band's defence.

    "Excuse us if we get a bit defensive, but this whole 'cool' thing is a sideshow that distracts from our music," he said.

    "We are a pop group, striving to make the best pop music we can. We don't claim to be anything other than good singers, and to dismiss us just because we might not be to some rock critic's taste, is to insult the millions of people who buy our records and enjoy what we do," he stated.

    Filan also joined in by stating that it did not matter if they were seen as cool or not.

    "We've had an amazing time, travelling the world, singing songs we love, meeting the fans and becoming financially secure," he said.

    "If our only problem is that somehow we're not deemed cool enough, well I think we can live with that," he added.
    westlife takeover GMTV 2009 december

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    Nicky, Kian, Mark and Shane - No pop band can compare to the remarkable success of Westlife! In their ten years on top, they have sold over 40 million records globally. In the UK alone they have scored nine multi-platinum albums and a record breaking 14 No.1 hits (behind only Elvis and The Beatles). Westlife have also picked up innumerable awards and have appeared on hundreds of magazine covers around the world. Over the years, Westlife's music has evolved from teen pop to an adult contemporary sound, with an emphasis on ballads.They are the only recording artists to win the prestigious Record Of The Year an incredible four times (other top awards include two BRITS and an MTV Europe Award).

    Westlife are also the biggest selling UK Arena act ever, holding the record for the most concerts held at Wembley Arena, an incredible 27. In celebration of this, March of this year saw the band immortalised in Wembley Square of Fame with a plaque of their handprints, joining such legends as Madonna, George Michael, Kylie and Dolly Parton.

    On the 1st June 2008 Westlife returned to their home country of Ireland to play the biggest concert of their career to date. Fresh from the success of their massive Back Home world tour, the band played to a sell-out, 82,500 strong crowd at Croke Park Stadium, Dublin in honour of Westlife 10th anniversary. A truly unforgettable occasion for Kian, Mark, Nicky and Shane.

    Currently on a well deserved one year break, Westlife are due back in July 2009 for what promises to be another successful year.


    Tuesday March 17 2009

    Boyzone and Westlife go head to head tonight at Dublin's Meteor Awards -- and singer Nicky Byrne is hopeful his band will come out on top.

    Both bands are bidding to clinch the coveted Best Irish Pop Act Award.

    Westlife have already scooped a staggering eight Meteor Awards in just ten years -- but Nicky is hoping Westlife will get number nine tonight at the glittering awards ceremony.

    Despite collecting a clutch of awards at the ceremony over the years, winning a Meteor is still something Westlife star holds dear.

    "I will have the fingers crossed but just being nominated again was a big thrill for all of us," he said.

    Both Nicky and Shane will be flying in for the music bash in the RDS tonight -- Kian Egan and Mark Feehily couldn't make it due to other commitments.

    Nicky's wife Georgina and Shane's wife Gillian will be accompanying their husbands as they celebrate their achievements.
    Father-of-two Nicky, who is married to former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern's daughter, Georgina, said of the awards: "I am really looking forward to the Meteors -- it's always a great night.

    "It's great to be nominated by the fans, that's what means so much,"

    The band have been off the scene since last summer -- but their blistering performance in Croke Park last June might just be enough to tip the category in their favour.

    Some 82,000 fans flocked to Croke Park in June to catch their band play its biggest gig. Brian McFadden recently revealed his biggest regret on leaving Westlife was missing the opportunity at the Croker gig.


    Westlife Win A Meteor!

    A huge congratulations to the boys, who scooped the Best Irish Pop Act prize at last night's Meteor Awards.

    Nicky, Shane, Kian and Mark were thrilled to have won and would like to pass on their thanks to everyone who voted for them and helped them pick up the award for the eighth consecutive year!

    In other news, Nicky was recently named most stylish man in Ireland by VIP, so would like to say a big thank you to all of you who cast your votes.



    Friday May 08 2009

    Westlife star Kian Egan was exchanging vows with stunning Jodi Albert this afternoon.

    Jodi became the third member of the exclusive 'Westwives' club, following in the footsteps of Georgina Ahern and Gillian Filan.

    westlife Best Irish pop Act 2009

    Irish musicians celebrated St Patrick's Day at the Meteor Ireland Music Awards in Dublin last night. favourite Irish bands Boyzone partied at the ceremony alongside Westlife's Shane Filan and Nicky Byrne, who collected the group's gong for Best Irish Pop Act.


    Friday June 26 2009

    Westlife star Nicky Byrne could have bitten off more than he can chew this week -- after revealing how he is in agony after getting his wisdom teeth removed.

    He was sent reeling by the painful procedure, with the married dad needing stitches in his mouth and having to eat soft baby food as he recovers from the operation.

    The Dubliner said he had 10 stitches in his gum and "feels like s**t".

    "Jaw swollen but feel a lot better considering... last night was in agony - very sore mouth," he said on his Twitter page.


    And he had to resort to chowing down on lemon and lime jelly in the aftermath of the procedure, which can leave patients unable to eat properly for several days due to the swelling of their mouth.

    At least the proud dad had a nice weekend -- he celebrated Father's Day with his wife Georgina Ahern and their twin boys Rocco and Jay (2) with a relaxing meal in the Castleknock Hotel.

    Nicky has just a few weeks left enjoying some quality time with his family at their Malahide house before he hits the road again with Westlife.

    The popular foursome will be heading to the States next month to start work on their long-awaited album, following a year-long break


    Monday July 06 2009

    Westlife frontman Shane Filan has revealed that he is preparing for a third edition to his family.

    Shane's wife Gillian told her husband the news just before his 30th birthday party at their Sligo mansion. And the singer announced that his childhood sweetheart was pregnant after he blew out the candles on his birthday cake in front of 150 guests.

    In a speech, the singer said that he was bowled over by the news.

    "My wife Gillian has been asking me a lot about what I'd like for my birthday. I thought she was going to get me a watch or something," Shane said.

    "But she has definitely surprised me -- by telling me she is pregnant with our third child."

    The crowd burst into cheers and then hit the dance floor in celebration. Shane's Westlife bandmates then hit the stage for an impromptu gig, performing their hits World of Our Own and Flying Without Wings.

    The Filans already have one daughter, Nicole (3), and a 10-month-old son Patrick. "I'm absolutely delighted," said Shane.


    17 Jul 2009

    Westlife singer Nicky Byrne has got the eye of the tiger as he prepares to launch a pop comeback.

    The Dublin star has taken up boxing to get in shape for Westlife's big return to the charts later this year.

    Nicky, 30, told the Irish Daily Mirror: "I'm really into it. It's such a tough sport but I have been doing all the workouts and the sparing sessions and all.

    "When we took a year off I really wanted something to keep me in shape.

    "Boxing is perfect because it works you out on a physical and mental level. I love it."

    Nicky's bandmates Kian, Shane and Mark have also been hitting the gym to get in their best shape for their upcoming 50-date tour next year.

    Shane said: "It's a tough schedule to be on the road and working late hours all the time so we want to be 100% ready for it."

    Credit/Source: The Irish Daily Mirror

    Wednesday July 22 2009
    Kian Egan and his brother, Tom, carry their father Kevin's coffin

    WHEN Kian Egan stepped up to the altar yesterday for the most difficult performance of his career, his friends stood solid by his side.

    The four members of the world's most successful boyband, Westlife, faced the congregation to sing a solemn version of 'You Raise Me Up' in tribute to Kian's father, Kevin, who died of cancer last Sunday.

    "Myself and the guys would like to sing this song for my dad. I feel the words of this song really represent the type of man my father was," said an emotional Kian at his father's Requiem Mass in Sligo Cathedral.

    And when Kian struggled to fight back the tears as Shane Filan sounded the opening lyrics, he felt the comforting arm of Mark Feehily around his shoulders.

    He was finally composed enough to join in a roof-raising final chorus of the moving song which gave the band a number one hit. Then as the last notes still lingered in the hallowed arches, and the congregation wiped away the tears, pals Mark, Shane and Nicky embraced their grieving friend.


    Father-of-seven Kevin died in the arms of his beloved wife, Patricia, and surrounded by his children and grandchildren at his home on the Strandhill Road last Sunday morning.

    "Dad died at home in mommy's arms as she was saying 'I loved you from the moment I first saw you, and I will love you for always'," his daughter Vivienne said.

    In a moving tribute, she said her father encouraged all his children to be the best people they could be.

    "He loved everything to do with all the Westlife things that happened over the years." But she said her father was so proud of all of his children, "whether they were a Westlife singer or a parent or school teacher".

    Kevin, who was in his mid-60s, was too ill to attend Kian's wedding to former soap actress Jodi Albert in Barbados last May.

    Leading the mourners yesterday were his wife Patricia, daughters, Vivienne, Marielle and Fenella, and sons Kian, Tom, Gavin and Colm.

    Westlife manager Louis Walsh joined hundreds of mourners in the church to pay his respects.

    Later, Kian left with the cortege, with his new wife Jodi by his side. They headed to his father's final resting place on the Strandhill Road, not far from the family home that had been a gift from Kian several years ago.

    Westlife have postponed recording of their new album to give tragic star Kian Egan time to grieve
    Westlife promise 'strongest album yet'
    Tuesday, August 11 2009, 12:57 BST

    By David Balls, Music Reporter

    Westlife have promised that their upcoming ninth studio album will be the group's strongest to date.

    The Irish boyband, who have not released any new material for two years, insisted that they will surprise fans when they return later this year.

    "The album will have no covers at all - we want it to be our strongest ever," Shane Filan told the Irish Daily Mirror.

    "We're working on it in the studios at the minute and it's really exciting. We took a decision that we didn't want to do any covers at all this time round and give the fans 100% new material.

    "We know this has to be something special because we have been away for over a year. I think everyone is going to be really surprised when they hear it."

    Guy Chambers, former Savage Garden star Darren Hayes and Ryan Tedder, who penned Leona Lewis's 'Bleeding Love', are all rumoured to have contributed material for the new record.

    "We're lucky to be working with some amazing writers and I'm sure this album is going to bring us back with a bang," Filan added.

    "We want great up-tempo songs and some really strong ballads. That's what we made our name with and that's what we want to do again.

    "The plan is to release the album before Christmas and then hit the road for a tour next year."

    Westlife have sold over 40 million copies of their nine previous albums, seven of which were bestsellers in the UK
    Westlife: 'We've taken a new direction'
    Thursday, October 15 2009, 20:37 BST

    By Oli Simpson

    Westlife have admitted that they took a "new direction" on their upcoming single.

    'What About Now', the Irish boyband's first release since 2007's Back Home album, will be the first track taken from forthcoming LP Where We Are.

    Singer Mark Feehily told The Mirror: "We wanted the first single from our new album to be somewhere between the Westlife sound our fans know and love, and the new direction we're heading in.

    "We've been experimenting with a fresh vibe on this record. After 11 years we see this as phase two of the Westlife story."

    'What About Now' is released on October 26. Their tenth studio album Where We Are follows on November 30.

    Westlife attend Stephen Gatelys Funeral,

    Westlife join mourners in paying tribute to Stephen GatelyBy 16/10/2009

    Irish boyband Westlife joined mourners in paying tribute to Gately tonight.

    "We are here today as friends of Stephen, not as popstars," the band said in a statement.

    "Thank you to the media for respecting that. Stephen Gately played a big part in our story. "We watched him on TV in our early teens. We met him as fans when Westlife first got together and supported Boyzone. We got to know him as a friend over the many times our paths crossed and he would always have that same smile for us any time we bumped into him.

    "It's a shame that today we have to say goodbye to him like this. Our love and support goes out to Andy and the rest of Stephen's family. Also to Keith, Mickey, Ronan and Shane, who have lost their best friend.

    "Our deepest sympathies go out to them all. We trust they will be left to grieve in peace."
    Feehily nervous over X Factor show
    Westlife's Mark Feehily has admitted he is nervous about the group's 'X Factor' performance this weekend which marks their return to the stage after a year off.

    The Daily Mail reports that singer Feehily said "There is always something a little bit scary about the 'X Factor' stage. It's so huge and you have the judges in front of you. It's like being a teenager at your first audition.

    "It's strange - we've performed some massive gigs and huge TV shows but 'X Factor' always makes me a little bit more nervous than anything else we do."

    AdvertisementThe group has appeared on the show more times than any other act as performers, mentors and even judges. They had originally been due to appear in a month's time but according to Kian Egan, Simon Cowell moved up their performance after he heard their new single. Egan said "He went berserk and said it's too big a song - I want to get them on the show as soon as possible."


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    great picture of Kian, Shane and Westlife fans





    Roll up, roll up -- Westlife to star at top festival

    Nicky Byrne meets fans in Cork yesterday at the launch of Live at the Marquee

    WESTLIFE fans

    queued for four hours yesterday to catch a glimpse of their heroes as the world's most successful boy band confirmed they will play Cork's Live at the Marquee festival this summer, writes Ralph Riegel.

    Shane Filan and Nicky Byrne were mobbed by fans as they attended the launch of the annual concert series, which they will headline on July 6. They were taken aback by the emotional welcome from a throng of young fans at the Boardwalk Grill in Cork's city centre.



    Westlife fever hits Sandown Park Racecourse
    Thursday 5th August 2010

    Westlife fever is growing outside Sandown Park Racecourse.

    The Irish chart toppers are due to play the Esher venue this evening, and adoring fans started queueing by the entrance to the venue on last night, to ensure they could get to the front of the stage.

    One fan right at the front of the queue said she and her friends left her home in Grimsby yesterday evening.

    She said: "I've been a fan for 12 years now. This is what we do, we camp out so I can to the front.

    "They've got good voices, they're sexy, I just love everything about them."


    Natasha "blown away"after meeting Westlife at their homecoming gig in Sligo

    Date: 04 August 2010
    By James Rogers
    LOCAL woman Natasha Woods had a once in a lifetime experience on Friday when she got to meet her heroes Westlife at their homecoming concert in Lissadell House in Sligo.

    The 27-year-old landed the dream prize after winning a competition on the Colm and Lucy show on 2FM.

    Having made the trip to the North West with her best friend Amy Callaghan, Natasha admitted that she did not know what to expect but told The Dundalk Democrat on Monday that she was "blown away" by how nice Mark, Shane, Nicky and Kian were in person.

    "I had a ball. It was absolutely brilliant," she said.

    "I didn't expect it at all. Our seats were great and then about 7.45pm we were taken to the courtyard of Lissadell House where we met Louis Walsh. I think he was doing some filming for X Factor so one of the guys from Westlife must be a mentor.

    "Then we met Jodi Albert and her band Wonderland who were supporting Westlife. They were really nice but we missed them on stage because we were waiting for Westlife.

    "The lads were so nice to us. They had all the time in the world for us and posed for as many pictures as we wanted and signed anything we asked them to. They were so polite and must've given us about 15 minutes.

    "They asked us all where we came from and made it feel quite personal. I explained that I had travelled over from Dundalk and Nicky said he had heard me winning the competition on the radio.

    "Overall the whole experience was brilliant. I'll never forget it," she said.

    Of course, the night didn't end there for Natasha who manages Exhibit in the Marshes Shopping Centre - as she still had the concert to look forward to.

    "They were absolutely brilliant live.

    "They started with Where We Are and it just got better from there on. I'll See You Again was amazing but my favourite song was Already There.

    "It was just an unbelievable show, an unbelievable experience and I'll never forget it."
    Westlife fans Unbreakable as they brave rain to see lads at STV

    Hysteria descended on the STV car park as fans queued up to catch a glimpse of Westlife, ahead of their interview on The Hour.

    27 October 2010

    The STV car park was awash with Westlife fans this afternoon, as the boyband loving diehards braved the cold, wind and rain, to catch a glimpse of their idols.

    And judging by the screams as the Irish stars
    tour bus pulled up outside the TV studios, it was well worth the wait.

    Kian Egan, Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne and Mark Feehily had a quick smile for delighted fans, as they ran into The Hour for an interview with Michelle McManus and Stephen Jardine.

    The pop favourites were doing a whistle stop tour of Scottish media organisations to promote their new single Safe, which is released on November 7, and their 11th (yes, 11th) album, Gravity, which is available from November 11th.

    They also spoke about their forthcoming X Factor appearance and revealed they will take to the stage on November 14 scream!

    As the fans made their way home sporting their diamante encrusted Westlife hoodies,
    the smiles on their faces showed that catching a glimpse of the boys, certainly brightened up their day.

    Lifelong fan Laura Butler on the day the music died as Westlife call it quits

    Thursday October 20 2011

    I LOST my heart to Westlife 14 years ago -- today I've been left broken hearted by Westlife.

    The boyband was the teenage soundtrack to my life and the sad news that they are no more brings me back to younger days with fondness and nostalgia.

    A besotted fan from the get-go, I first heard of the then five-piece group when they burst onto the scene in 1999.

    As a first-year secondary student, I was holidaying in Connemara with pals, and we were instantly in favour of them and declaring them to be better than anything else in the charts.


    A welcome change from Boyzone and the Spice Girls, Westlife garnered lustful sighs from us as we listened to Swear It Again for the first time on the radio.

    Animated debate over what their real name was -- "is it Westside or Westlife?" -- quickly followed and my friends and I promptly chose our favourite band members.

    After buying their first single and taping my A2 sized poster of Sligo native Shane Filan to my bedroom wall, my adoration for the chart-toppers was firmly cemented when tracks If I Let You Go and I Have A Dream followed.

    A year later, when I was 13 and they had almost become a household name -- I spotted them at the baggage area in Dublin airport.

    Overcome with a fit of nervousness and the giggles, myself and my shy cousin indiscreetly wandered over in their direction to get a closer look at them -- and managed to find a pen and a scrap of paper to bring with us.

    I couldn't have been happier to return from holidays, as I left the airport that day with four out of five autographs -- Brian McFadden failed to impress -- from the group before they were swarmed by excited teens waiting in arrivals.

    I seem to have been very lucky when it comes to this band -- I managed to bump into them on a number of occasions over the years, from randomly seeing Nicky Byrne shopping on Grafton Street, to literally walking into Brian McFadden in a Greystones newsagents -- where he lived up the road with ex-Kerry Katona and that just confirmed how cool I thought they were.

    From seeing them at the Childline concerts and cheering to turning on the telly to cheer them on at the MTV Europe music awards, their ballads failed to hit a sour note with their adoring fans, myself included.

    Although my interest waned in their later years, I've always had a soft spot for their easygoing music, with -- admittedly -- Flying Without Wings in my top five favourites.

    I still enjoy belting out a few of the cheesy numbers and tend to always revert back to them when compiling my Christmas playlist for my iPod.

    When the lads announced the release of a greatest hits album last week, I had a sneaky suspicion that news of a split would follow.


    They've gone from being a fresh-faced boyband to a more mature looking manband and I suppose it was only inevitable after 14 years of a hard slog in the business.

    And for those of us who grew up with Shane, Mark, Nicky, Kian and Brian, it definitely reminds you of your first dance at the local disco or pretending to be a backing vocalist with a hairbrush as your parents had to suffer Uptown Girl yet another time.

    Teenagers now have the likes of Justin Bieber to scream and shout over, but no-one can compare to Louis Walsh's denim-jacket wearing, floppy-haired hopefuls who crooned their way into the lives of many Irish girls and seemed so down-to-earth that we thought we could always walk over and say hello.

    Westlife fans queue for farewell tickets
    From left, Westlife fans Rachael Cromarty (23), Vickey Lax (31), Michelle Watson (40), Nicola Hall (28).

    Published on Friday 21 October 2011 12:14

    WESTLIFE fans camped out for three days to get their hands on tickets for their heroes’ last live shows.

    Superfans Nicola Hall, 28, her mum Sharon, 53, and friends Vickey Lax, 31, and Wendy Reed, 56, and her daughter Gemma, 20, braved freezing weather to camp outside Newcastle’s Metro Radio Arena.

    The Washington women heard of the Irish boyband’s split yesterday and that the tour in May would be the group’s last.

    Care assistant Vickey, who has been to every tour and met the band, said: “We were keeping warm inside our tent when I saw on Twitter on my phone that they had announced their split.

    “We were absolutely devastated. I understand they want to pursue other things, but it feels like the end of an era.”

    Although the pals were first in the queue as tickets went on sale yesterday, they were told that the best seats had been reserved for fan club members.

    Nicola, a care assistant, said: “It’s absolutely shocking that we haven’t been given the best seats even though we were the first in the queue.

    “You would think that the first people would get the best, but we were told that all the front-row centre seats had been reserved for the fan club.

    “We’re all part of the official Westlife fan club and we weren’t informed of this.”

    Paul Tappenden, marketing director for the Metro Radio Arena, said: “Westlife tickets went on sale on Tuesday 9am to their fan club, and yesterday to previous Westlife bookers.

    “The event goes on general sale to the public today, and tickets are sold on a first come basis, and are allocated best seats at the time of booking.

    Westlife fan blames marriage break-up on obsession
    The mother-of-two said she had spent thousands of pounds following Westlife A Westlife "super fan" has blamed the breakdown of her marriage on her obsession with the Irish boy band.

    Jane Fogg said she had spent £30,000 on merchandise and tickets to see the singers perform over the past 10 years.

    The 44-year-old pub cleaner from Forest Fields in Nottingham has nine tattoos dedicated to the band, including five portraits.

    She said her relationship failed because she loved the band more than anyone, even her husband.

    "I just love Westlife too much," she said.

    "I love them more than I loved him. It is the biggest thing in my life."

    Ms Fogg has five Westlife portraits tattooed on her legs Ms Fogg became a fan shortly after the band formed in 1998.

    'Complete nutter'

    She has seen Westlife perform live about 60 times and admitted her obsession had spiralled out of control.

    "Once I'd been to my first concert I was gripped. The more I had, the more I wanted." she said.

    The mother-of-two spent over £1,000 on tattoos on her arms and legs and said her house was like a shrine.

    "My son says I'm a complete nutter. My daughter, she likes them as well, but she's not a super-fan like me."

    Westlife have announced they are to split after their farewell tour next year.

    Ms Fogg said the announcement had left her "truly devastated", but she added: "I have all those memories and no-one can take that away from me."
    Fans were in tears when Westlife announced they were splitting, especially Jane Holmes – who knows a thing or two about break-ups.

    Obsessed Jane, 44, ditched her second husband when he issued her with an ultimatum: “Choose Westlife or me.”

    Jane’s skin has become a shrine to the chart toppers. She has eight tattoos of the group and has screamed her way through 60 of their concerts, spending £30,000 following them around the country.

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    The pub cleaner says she warned hubby Norman Holmes, 46, that the Irish lads would always be her biggest passion.

    She says: “I think he thought I was joking but he soon realised I wasn’t. I always get stopped in the street and he couldn’t hack the attention I was getting.

    “The concerts take up a lot of my time and money. Westlife are a really big part of my life. I’m completely devoted to them and the tattoos are my way of showing my loyalty. I like to think I am their biggest fan.

    “It’s my only hobby. I don’t smoke, I don’t drink, so Westlife are my only addiction.”

    Jane, who split from Norman last November after a year of marriage, has not had a holiday for seven years because her spare cash goes on her love of Westlife.

    Fans camp out for last chance to meet Westlife

    21 Nov 2011

    HUNDREDS of Westlife fans camped out to meet the Irish boyband on a flying visit to Glasgow.

    Fans started gathering at 9am on Sunday – almost 24 hours before the band was due to arrive – for their last chance to meet the boys before they break up next year.

    First in the queue for the CD signing at HMV on Buchanan Street was mum Sharon Blair, 38, from Motherwell, with daughters Jamie Leigh and Caitlin Armit.
    Heidi’s Filan sad as band she idolises breaks up

    Published on Saturday 19 May 2012

    HEIDI Michelle Witherington is spending almost £1,000 going to one Westlife concert a week for five weeks.

    It is her way of saying goodbye to the boyband that she has loved for the past 14 years.

    And the single-mum from Hemel Hempstead is not alone as she will join tens of thousands of fans saying goodbye as Westlife announced their split last year and that this year would be their Farewell Tour.

    When Heidi heard the news she bought tickets for the Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff for May 10, 18 and June 12 and the O2 Arena in London for May 24 and June 7.

    She said: “Everyone was crying at the end of the concert in Cardiff last week. I looked around me and all I could see were tears. I managed to take about 200 photos and some of them are really good and close up because I splashed out on a row two ticket.”

    Some people may think queuing for 12 hours or spending a day constantly redialling a ticket hotline number to get a good seat or position close to the stage is too much effort.

    And other people may think that by your 30s, getting all teary-eyed over a boyband, waiting in the rain to catch a glimpse of the band members, and screaming their names at concerts is for teenagers. But Heidi, who is 34 years old, doesn’t care what people think.

    She is a superfan and dotes on Shane, Mark, Nicky and Kian, who make up Westlife, so much so that she was even considering camping in her car overnight outside their luxury hotel in Cardiff because it’s her ultimate dream to meet them.

    In her mind the cold and uncomfortable experience would be nothing compared to being face to face with the famous four.

    She said: “ One time we waited for an hour in the freezing cold to see them get out of their car before a concert.

    “We waved at them and they waved back. I got a bubble of excitement to think that I was going to see them on stage in a few moments.

    “My longest wait for Westlife was 11 and a half hours to get into an open air concert in Dorset.

    “We arrived at 9.30am to get in the car park queue where there were so many cars the police had to control the chaos.

    “At 2pm the gates opened so we could park up, run across a field and queue for another three and a half hours behind the barriers.”

    The chase keeps Heidi going and she admits that if she actually got to meet the boyband she wouldn’t know what she would say or do.

    Instead she loves them from afar – her collection of Westlife merchandise is worth thousands of pounds – and she talks about them with fans on some of the thousands, if not millions, of social networking pages and blogs dedicated to their every move.

    There is nothing that makes Heidi more happy than putting Westlife on the CD player, getting her collection out and singing at the top of her voice while having a good dance around her flat.

    She said: “It has only been recently that I have been listening to music other than Westlife.

    “If you had asked me what was in the charts last year I wouldn’t have had a clue. The only music I have listened to for years has been Westlife. Some people get sick of it but I love it.

    “Westlife has been a passionate 16-year love affair
    Published on Tuesday 5 June 2012

    AFTER more than 14 years of idolising Westlife, one fan finally got to meet her idols.

    It was almost the last chance for Heidi Witherington, from Hemel Hempstead, to meet the famous boyband when she went to their concert at The Motorpoint Arena, in Cardiff.

    The group is disbanding after 16 years so the 34-year-old mum and her pal booked into St David’s Hotel, where the boyband were staying, and couldn’t believe her luck when she met Westlife’s Nicky Byrne there.

    She had her photograph taken with the star and he also signed a teddy bear for her.

    She said: “We stood outside the hotel for three hours when he turned up. There were only a few fans there. I was thinking ‘oh my God’ and was shaking when he posed for the picture.”

    Before the concert the following day, Heidi met the rest of the band and had her T-shirt and CD signed by Nicky, Kian and Shane.

    She said: “A meet and greet costs about £425 but having a bit of patience meant it cost me nothing.”


    Dream come true as Coalisland ladies meet Westlife heroes
    Colleen Skeffington (right), with her sister Caoimhe and aunt, are pictured with Kian Egan of Westlife at the band's farewell concert at the Odyssey Belfast.

    Published on Thursday 7 June 2012

    A COALISLAND woman’s dream was made a reality when a chance meeting between her dad and the brother-in-law of Westlife’s Nicky Byrne in a bar, led to her getting up close and personal with the boyband members at their farewell concert on Tuesday night.

    Colleen Skeffington, who travelled to the concert at the Odyssey in Belfast with her sister, aunt and fiance, told the Tyrone Times she was “really chuffed” to be given the once in a lifetime opportunity to meet her pop idols.

    “Daddy was talking to Nicky’s brother-in-law in a bar as his family is from the same direction as where Daddy lives”, Collen explains.

    “Daddy said to him, ‘My girls are going to the concert in the Odyssey and have never missed one, and would there be any chance of arranging a meet and greet with the boys?’

    “We rang the man on the day of the concert, Tuesday, and he said he would ring Nicky to see if the band were doing any meet and greets, but he said he didn’t think so. However, Nicky then told him he would arrange for us to get to meet the band, which was absolutely fantastic!”

    Colleen and her family were among only approximately 10 people out of a concert audience of some 8,000 who were allowed to pose for photographs with their heroes, and she has kindly allowed the Times to publish the images from her dream night.

    “We were really chuffed to be able to meet the boys in person”, Colleen continued, “although we were quite nervous on the day of the concert and on the drive up to Belfast.

    “But when it came to actually meeting them, it was just like they were ordinary people. They were all lovely, really nice and friendly.

    “My fiance, Matt, was taking photos and I just told him to keep snapping! The concert itself was amazing, the band put on a really good show, it was a big combination of all the years.

    “They were on stage for about two hours, which is longer than normal, and at times it was very sad as it was one of their last. My sister, Caoimhe, shed a tear or two, but I managed to hold it together!”

    Westlife announced last year that they will go their separate ways, after 14 years together, and will play their last ever concert at Croke Park in Dublin next month.

    Their closing gig will be screened at cinemas across the globe in countries including South Africa, Finland and the Netherlands.

    Westlife fans miss farewell gig after Dundee cinema showing concert suffers satellite fault
    Jun 24 2012 Exclusive by Euan McLelland


    SCOTS Westlife fans were fuming last night after a cinema ruined their dreams of watching the band’s last ever gig.

    Hundreds flocked to Cineworld in Dundee to watch the Irish foursome’s final concert from Dublin’s Croke Park beamed live on the big screen.

    But a technical glitch meant that the Dublin band’s devoted Scots fans were denied even a second of live footage.

    And heartbroken fans say that when they complained, they were initially told there would be no refund on their £13.50 tickets.

    Lindsey Fleming, from Forfar, said: “I paid £40 for three tickets.

    “We sat in darkness for an hour before the manager came in and announced they couldn’t get the satellite feed.

    “After taking us outside, they then announced that we weren’t getting any of our money back either – because their systems had gone down – and we’d have to come back some other time.

    “It was an extremely full house and there were a lot of very angry people. Lots of children were crying.

    “I thought it was quite horrible actually. They’ve offered us free tickets for another show of our choice but that’s not any good.

    “That was Westlife’s final, final show and we’re never going to see them again. That’s the most upsetting part.

    “I’ve loved them all through the 14 years and I am now completely gutted.”

    Lindsey said Cineworld eventually did refund the money for her tickets after she queued for 45 minutes alongside other disgruntled Westlife fans.

    Shelley-Anne McKenzie, who travelled from Perth for the showing, said last night: “It was an absolute farce.

    “I couldn’t get a ticket for Croke Park so this was the best I could have done.

    “I’ve travelled to Dublin to see them three times and this was my last ever chance to see them live.

    “It was completely ruined.”

    But theree were a few lucky stragglers who were waiting for refunds and caught the last four songs of the concert and farewell speeches form the boys when the screen suddnely sparked into life.

    One girl said: "We thought we were unlucky because we were at the back of the queue but it turned out we were the lucky ones because we saw the end of the gig."


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    westlife neemt altijd even de tijd voor hun fans.


    Monday June 23 2008
    Cold, wet and miserable ... but the shows go on for diehard fans

    MORE than 100,000 music fans braved horrific weather, including torrential rain, to see their idols live at open-air concerts around the country.

    Several young audience members at Westlife's gig in Salthill in Galway on Saturday night were treated for hypothermia as the city witnessed some of the heaviest summer rains seen in years.

    However, they did not need to be hospitalised and were treated at the venue.


    2.20pm exclusive: Westlife's senior moment

    Ladies form an orderly queue outside Waterstones 24 hours before boyband arrive in Liverpool

    BABS Dyson from Litherland is going to see Westlife tomorrow. She has her flask, some sandwiches, an overnight bag, a book and, er, a chair.

    For Babs, 57, it is going to be a wait well worth it. For she is camping out in front of Waterstones, Bold Street, to see her favourite boy band.

    "You can't miss the beat, it's their rhythm,she excitedly told Liverpool Confidential.

    I'm a bit tired. I was up all last night. I was so excited that I was coming down here and I wanted to be first in the queue.

    What is she going to say when you see them? guys, lovely to see you. Whatever comes out, she chipped.

    Eve Hill, left, will have one very happy grand-daughter tomorrow if things go to plan.

    She is there holding the place as number two in the for the 17-year-old, passionate Westlife fan who has learning difficulties and who has been clutching her own copy of Westlife: Our Story, to her chest, since it was published last week.

    Eve said: She has absolutely no idea I am here. She eats and sleeps Westlife. Has pictures of them all over her bedroom and on her mobile phone. I will queue until tomorrow and she can take the place here in the morning. It will be a massive surprise.

    The onetime boyband still have a huge girlie following and are popular among gay men, but will doubtless raise a cheeky Irish eyebrow when they see their most dedicated Liverpool followers at 12.30pm on Wednesday at their book signing.

    As Babs says: "We'd be crazy not to."

    Will somebody take these two game girls a brolly and a beer if need be tonight?

    PICTURE GALLERY: Westlife book signing

    It was an emotional experience for some after meeting the pop quartet

    WESTLIFE fans took to Belfast city centre in their hundreds on Thursday evening as they queued for glimpse of and maybe even a chat with their pop star heroes.

    The Irish band arrived in Eason in Donegall Place to sign copies of their new autobiography, and were greeted by scores of adoring fans.

    A sight to behold for bemused shoppers, crowds of cheering women and men were queued as far back as McDonalds and beyond, as they waited patiently to get through the doors of the store.

    They passed the time by singing the hit songs of their favourite four-piece, and for those who were successful in meeting Shane, Kian, Mark and Nicky, it was well worth the wait.

    Tears of joy and delight flowed freely as fans shared a few moments with their idols, and for some it was all too much, as our pictures show.

    Deputy store manager Trevor Proctor said last night that lots of fans had been able to meet the band.

    But he accepted that judging by the scale of the event, there were many more left disappointed.

    The band stayed for an hour signing books and had stipulated that no photos were taken of them with fans, nor that they could write personalised dedications.

    Trevor said this was a bid to speed the process up, and "reduce the number of minutes spent at the table".

    Westlife Our Story charts the highs and lows of the group's career and a friendship that has seen them endure 10 years.

    The book chronicles the band's story from their grassroots to multi-platinum records, celebrity collaborations and chart achievements.

    And if this their latest offering receives as much of a welcome as the lads themselves did the day they came to Belfast, they'll definitely be flying without wings.

    The full article contains 306 words and appears in n/a newspaper.

    Westlife's Nicky Byrne gets up close with a lucky fan

    June 25 2008

    Westlife's Nicky meets best buddy' Caitlin ahead of sellout concert

    POPSTAR and heart-throb, Nicky Byrne of Westlife, requested an audience with Carlow's own little star, Caitlin Murphy, before his recent sell-out gig in Croke Park. Bertie Ahern's son-in-law was so taken with seven-year-old Caitlin from Bennekerry when the pair first met two years ago, he just had to catch up with her again.
    POPSTAR and heart-throb, Nicky Byrne of Westlife, requested an audience with Carlow's own little star, Caitlin Murphy, before his recent sell-out gig in Croke Park.

    Bertie Ahern's son-in-law was so taken with seven-year-old Caitlin from Bennekerry when the pair first met two years ago, he just had to catch up with her again.

    His people rang Caitlin's people and so a meeting before the Westlife gig was arranged in the plush Four Season's Hotel.

    Caitlin and her mum, Sabrina, met Nicky in a room, booked especially for the occasion by Nicky.

    She wasn't at all nervous about meeting him again,' Sheila Murphy, her grandmother told the Carlow People. The pair chatted like they were old friends with Caitlin enquiring after Nicky's twins, Rocco and Jay.'

    The Murphys brought tiny little jerseys, with the names of the twins hand-embroidered on them to present them to the popstar.

    Nicky, in turn, signed Caitlin's photo album, inscribing the words, best buddies' on one of the photos.

    The unlikely friendship came about after Nicky visited her in Temple Street Hospital two years ago when Caitlin was recovering from injuries she sustained in a horrific car crash that happened on Father's Day.

    They've met several times since then and have, indeed, become best buddies'.

    Reportage: ontmoet Westlife (2006)

    mark heeft altijd even tijd voor zijn fans
    Vicky will be right on queue to hear her heroes going live
    Oct 9 2008 by Gary Marsh, Cynon Valley Leader

    CYNON Valley,s biggest Westlife fan Vicky Jones has pledged to be at the front of the queue when their eagerly-anticipated new album is released next month.

    10 Years Of Westlife: Live At Croake Park, hits the shelves on November 24.

    I cannot wait it will be so exciting, said Vicky just after she gave herself a special 40th birthday present this year a giant tattoo of the band on her back!

    Vicky, of Abercwmboi, spent 16 hours under the needle having the four faces of the band members etched on her body.

    Vicky, a mother of four, has seen 300 Westlife concerts and counts herself as their greatest fan.

    My children reckon I am crazy but the tattoos are fabulous,she said.

    All my money goes on Westlife about £4,000 a year. I must be their biggest fan.

    Singers Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne, Mark Feehily and Kian Egan added their autographs recently and Mrs Jones then had them inked over onto her back, underneath their portraits.

    Her daughter Stacey, 18, said: am not that keen on Westlife at all mum is too obsessed if you ask me.

    Vicky,s husband Colin, 42, is also not a big fan of the band.

    He can,t abide Westlife but he doesnt say a lot, said Mrs Jones.

    Band members Kian Egan, Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne and Mark Feehily (inset) gallantly autographed the tattoos for a delighted Viki, who was just one of hundreds of fans there to meet the band, as they promoted their new book,

    Westlife Nicky is surprise visitor for Toy Show's smiling star
    SPEECHLESS: Shauna left stunned when her idol appears

    Saturday November 29 2008

    SHE'S the girl who is the envy of tens of thousands of Westlife fans after meeting Nicky Byrne on the Late Late Toy Show last night.

    Shauna Byrne (10), from Clondalkin, appeared on the show and shyly spoke to host Pat Kenny about how much she loved Westlife.

    The young girl, who has cystic fibrosis and has been in and out of hospital all her young life, was left speechless when her idol Nicky walked out, along with his twins Jay and Rocco, to meet brave Shauna.

    "She was all excited -- she just couldn't believe it," her proud mum Jackie told the Herald.

    "We got the call through the Make A Wish Foundation and it was just brilliant. I am so proud of her and she was just so thrilled.

    "She has been in Tallaght Hospital for the last two weeks, but she has cystic fibrosis and has been in and out of hospital all her life," Jackie added.

    Shauna was completely in the dark about Nicky's special visit -- the show's producers invited her to come on the show to demonstrate a camcorder to the audience and Shauna chatted confidently to Pat about the toy. Then Pat quizzed her about Westlife and, after much persuasion, Shauna revealed that Nicky was her favourite member of the band.


    Pat then told her that a special guest had come along to meet her and out came Nicky with twins Jay and Rocco.

    Shauna was left visibly stunned by his surprise appearance -- but was able to continue chatting as well as playing with the twins.

    "After the show, we were able to get some pictures of him. His wife Georgina was there and his mother-in-law Miriam Ahern was there. Shauna was just so happy," said her mum Jackie.

    Nicky told viewers he was looking forward to playing Dad this Christmas as Westlife are on a break. But fear not -- the boys will be back next year with a new album.


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    Mark Feehily, of Westlife, gave me a bell this week to talk about their decision to call time on the band.

    But fear not, Mark is planning some big solo projects.

    He told me: “I will definitely focus on making music. Singing is my gift and what I’m really good at. I want to make records for sure, and I want to direct music videos – something I’ve always wanted to do, but I’ve never had the chance.

    "I’d also love to write a book and I’ve been approached to write a musical ­– it’s a modern version of Taboo by BOY GEORGE. It’s my chance to be creative.”

    I wish him well.

    by Dean Piper, Sunday Mirror





    Record yourself on PureSolo and win concert tickets to the Westlife farewell tour and a meet and greet with the band! We are really pleased to announce we have partnered with Westlife to offer their fans the chance to record themselves singing over their favourite Westlife songs!

    The best entry will receive a meet and greet on their final UK tour, along with concert tickets, and a signed Greatest Hits disc! The four runners up will receive a copy of the brand new album!

    Sign up at to claim your free track and we look forward to hearing your entries!’

    Kian Egan said he wants Westlife fans to remember the good times

    IT'S going to be an emotional rollercoaster.

    But Westlife's Kian Egan says fans left devastated over their split should try and focus on how amazing their 14-year career has been.

    Speaking in our exclusive interview, the heartthrob told us they want fans to walk away from their 2012 tour with "happy memories," and not in floods of tears.

    "[We want the tour to give fans] happy memories," he told us.

    "If a fan is that devastated that we've broken up, then it means they've been there from the start and it will be as devastating for them as it is for us.

    "But don't look back on the last 14 years as if they haven't existed, look back on the last 14 years for how great they've been.

    "It's been an amazing time," he said. "[But] not everything lasts forever. Take the positive don't take the negative. That's what we're trying to do."

    And it seems he and the rest of the boys - including Nicky Byrne, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan - are going ALL out to give their fans the best-ever farewell tour imaginable.

    "[Fans should] look forward to every hit," Kian told us. "And expect the best show we've ever done.

    "You'll see four guys on that stage with so much passion, so much love for what we do and for the fans, who've given us what they've given us. We want to give amazing things."

    Westlife star Mark Feehily to marry Kevin McDaid next year
    By Vicky Allison Nov 26, 2011,

    Westlife singer Mark Feehily plans to get married next year.

    Feehily has been engaged to 27-year-old Kevin McDaid for almost two years after popping the question on their fifth anniversary.

    The 31-year-old star told the Irish Daily Mirror: 'We plan to get married as soon as possible but it's about finding a gap to do it. It will definitely be next year. We want to do it as soon as we possibly can, but we want it to be right as well.'

    Feehily wants to make sure every part of his big day is perfect, something he didn't have time to plan while he was busy working with the boyband.

    He said: 'It's finding the time and doing it right. We've no reason to rush it or say, 'Let's just f***ing pick any church or hotel or venue in the country'.

    'You really don't have time to plan. We've pretty much got the time to be getting on with the wedding now.'

    Westlife's Shane Filan: Louis Walsh was behind fake stories about us

    Westlife singer Shane Filan, 32, talks to Metro about why the band decided to split, the worst gig they've ever played and why he suspects Louis Walsh was behind some of the group's most ridiculous stories.

    Westlife's Shane Filan reveals why the band decided to break up
    ..Why did you decide to split up?

    It?s been 14 years as a band, the Greatest Hits (album) was coming up, we?ve been talking about it for a year and thought it was better to end it on a high. The tour should be massive and it?s better we were honest with the fans now rather than tell them when the tour finishes.

    Was it a difficult decision?

    Yes, it was a massive thing. We?ve been in the band for half our lives. It?s given us the life we have and meant we can provide for our families. We could keep it going if we wanted to but every year we enjoyed it less and less, the past three years especially.

    What bits weren?t you enjoying?

    Just keeping it going. Making new albums, trying to get things to a level we wanted to be at. We haven?t had any bad years but we weren?t getting any better or bigger.

    What will you miss the most?

    The live performances. The adrenaline of performing on stage to a crowd ? there?s nothing like it.

    What have been the highlights?

    Playing our national stadium, Croke Park, in 2008 and we?ll be doing it again for two nights next year. Our first night there sold out in four minutes.

    You?re renowned for sitting on stools singing ballads ? were you a fan of the music you were making?

    When we started, we wanted to be like the Backstreet Boys but Simon Cowell was adamant we had to be different and there weren?t any other bands singing ballads. We had seven ballads in a row before we released Uptown Girl. They were going to No.1, so people liked it. Songs such as Flying Without Wings and Swear It Again are hard to come by. We?ve made 12 albums in 14 years and finding those songs every year was getting harder.

    Were you frustrated with the material you were given?

    Not at the start but towards the middle, we were being given lots of covers. We were striving to get the original songs but they weren?t there like they used to be. Our fans liked us doing covers so there?s no point knocking it.

    What?s the worst gig you?ve done?

    A gig in Germany around six years ago. It was 5,000 capacity and 500 people turned up. I was like: ?We?re not that big in Germany, are we lads?? We concentrated more on northern Europe and Britain after that. We still sell 100,000 albums there but to be big there you need to sell a million.

    What lessons has the music industry taught you?

    It?s very cut-throat. You?re only as good as your last album. You need to work hard, keep your head down and don?t lose your focus ? we could have easily lost the plot but we didn?t. If you have the songs, you?ll have a big career. If you don?t, you won?t.

    What?s the most ridiculous story your manager, Louis Walsh, placed in the press about you?

    Louis will deny to the last he?s had anything to do with any of those stories but I suspect he did. There was one that I?d broken my back and was in a wheelchair ? that was on the front page of one tabloid. The reality was I?d fallen off stage in Asia on to a drum kit. I?d hurt myself but that became exaggerated a bit. There was one that Kian was chased by lion. I think that came from us going on a safari in Africa and a lion came up to the van ? we were covered by a cage ? and growled at us. If a lion had chased Kian it would have eaten him. You just have to laugh at it.

    Does Westlife have a typical fan?

    The record company did a survey to find out who our demographic is and it turns out most of our fans are aged 44 to 64. We thought it was around the thirties. We were quite surprised but when you go to our shows you see we have older fans, which might be why we?ve been around for so long. They?re not teenagers who?ll grow out of us. It was mothers bringing their kids rather than kids bringing their mothers.

    What?s the audience like?

    Great ? there?s lots of hen parties, ten women in a row wearing wigs and having fun. Performing is the best part of the job. We walk over on the frames and are ten feet from the fans, and they?re 50 years old, pulling their tops down, screaming like teenagers. Maybe it makes them feel like teeny-boppers again.

    What?s been your most extravagant purchase?

    A four-seater helicopter. I used it for a year-and-a-half before I had children. I didn?t like taking my daughter in it so I sold it. It was pretty cool to have it for a while. I?ve been through the cars. Me, Nicky and Brian went out and bought Ferraris one day. I bought a black 550 Maranello. We were only 23. It was one of the best days of my life.

    What plans have you got for after the band split up?

    I?d like to keep singing ? whether that?s small or big. To stop singing for a living would break my heart. I?m not rushing into anything. Hopefully I?ll have something sorted out when the tour finishes.

    Westlife Get Nostalgic in 'Beautiful World' Music VideoAdd CommentDecember 16, 2011 07:19:05 GMT

    Shane Filan and his bandmates reflect their journey to becoming a worldwide music sensation in this newly-premiered music video.


    Westlife are looking back at their heyday in a music video for their single "Beautiful World". The cameras follow the boys from Ireland as they travel around the globe to perform for their screaming fans. Compiling footage from the past years throughout their career, it additionally highlights their bromance on and off stage.

    The boyband list "Beautiful World" in their latest "Greatest Hits" album. They will follow up the release of the compilation CD by hitting the road for a final tour before going their separate ways. "We see the greatest hits collection and the farewell tour as the perfect way to celebrate our incredible career along with our fans," so they stated.

    To bid goodbye to their loyal fans, the Irish boyband will kick off the tour in Newcastle in May 2012, and will stay on the road at least until summer. "We would like to thank our fans who have been with us on this amazing journey and are part of our family too," they gushed. "It has been a dream come true for all of us."

    Kian Egan Is A Dad

    Westlife star Kian Egan received an early Christmas present on Tuesday (20Dec11) - his girlfriend gave birth to their first child.

    Egan and his partner Jodi Albert, who performs with girl band Wonderland, are now the proud parents to baby boy Koa.

    In a post on his page, the Irish singer writes, "Our Little baby Boy Koa was born today at 6.10pm. Jodi Albert is an amazing woman. Love them both so much. Both doing amazing, so proud."

    Shane Filan will be most successful after Westlife split, predicts Louis Walsh
    By Lynne Kelleher, Irish Daily Mirror 19/12/2011
    And the X Factor judge said the 32-year-old is the only one of the four who will remain in his stable of acts when they go their separate ways after 14 years together.

    He said: "I'm going to manage Shane Filan. He's going for the Michael Buble market. They're all good but I can only manage one. I love Shane's voice. I love Mark's voice too.

    "The other boys, Kian and Nicky, are going to do TV and different stuff and radio. They are going out on a high.

    "Shane is going to be a big artist. I will only manage someone if I believe in them. If I get someone amazing I will manage them."

    Westlife star Mark Feehily looks to solo future as band call it quits

    2012 may or may not bring about the end of civilisation, as predicted by the ancient Mayan calendar.

    However, it’s absolutely certain the summer will see the end of an era for one of Ireland’s most popular musical exports of all time, when Westlife call it a day.

    The foursome – since Brian McFadden departed – find themselves contemplating life outside the band that’s taken them around the world for 14 years.

    Mark Feehily, Kian Egan, Shane Filan and Nicky Byrne have no idea which of them will go on to be solo superstars, and which – if any – will fade into obscurity, happily or otherwise.

    Mark said: “I don’t think anybody could have predicted Cheryl Cole would have the most successful solo career out of Girls Aloud.

    “It’s only when we all go off and make music that it will be a bit more apparent who will be successful or not.”

    Mark is the guy most would put their money on. With one of the strongest voices in the band, striking looks, a likeable nature and having already written some of the material on previous albums, he appears to have a head start.

    He admitted he’s keen to carve out a name for himself once the band finally stops performing, following a greatest hits tour in the summer.

    He said: “I’ve been creative since I was 13 and recently I’ve been applying it a bit more. I’ve written thousands of songs but they are hidden away on a hard drive.

    “In the last few years I opened up a bit more about them and presented a demo to Westlife.

    “They were immediately recorded and the boys put some tracks on the Where We Are album.

    “Our last album has four new tracks on it and I have written the last song we will release, Beautiful World.”

    Mark, 31, is determined to continue with a musical career once he and his bandmates part ways.

    He explained: “I’m a singer and will always want to make music. I didn’t want Westlife to end so I could make a solo record, but it is something I will do now.

    “I’ve got a million ideas, a very creative brain. In order to be happy in life I’m going to have to create.”

    Of course, Westlife are not the first boyband to split up, and the road ahead can be tough for members flying solo.

    Having witnessed the hardships endured by members of East 17 and 5ive, after failing to relight the fires of success, Mark is determined that he and each of his bandmates are not headed for oblivion.

    He asserted: “We’re all very driven people. If anything, we are more now that we have to push ourselves individually.

    “Some people run off to the distance and you never see them again.

    “They have a big stint at the top and then you see some random picture of them with a two-foot beard living in obscurity.

    “We are more driven than ever. We are all just over the age of 30 now. A lot of people speak to us as though we are already dead but we are just moving on from Westlife.

    “Each of us, hopefully, will have beautiful, flowery careers ahead.”

    Most of his bandmates are champing at the bit to try their hand at new adventures but Mark admits Kian may take more time than others to readjust.

    He explained: “The only person who wants to go off and completely get away and relax is Kian.

    “He’s already a coach on The Voice in Ireland and he has just had a kid. Part of him wants to completely get away, step away from the business and enjoy his child.

    “We took a year off three years ago and it was horrible for Kian because he suffered a terrible misfortune during that time.

    “His dad passed away, which put a dark cloud over the year for him.

    “He wasn’t able to relax and do a bit of soul searching like the rest of us.

    “I think he’ll definitely relax and go away for a while, but Kian is also very driven.”

    Making the final decision to split was not easy for anyone but it came after months of rumours about the band.

    Mark is keen to reassure Westlife fans that there was never any animosity among them.

    He said: “That is something we are stressing a lot.

    “There was no incident or episode where someone said: ‘That’s it. I’m f***ing out of here’.

    “There was no sensational moment. It’s something that manifested over years. It was more an idea of calling it a day and moving on to new adventures for all of us.

    “Everyone’s mind was eventually on the same page.

    “We’ve had an amazing 14 years but it’s time for something new. We didn’t want it to dwindle away and for the magic to have gone from it.

    “The tour we are about to do, our farewell tour, is the biggest tour we’ll have ever done in our career.

    “We are going out on top, not staying around like an unwanted guest at the end of the party.”

    As Mark insisted that the boys’ plans to split are not a publicity stunt, quashing hopes that they have secret plans for a big reunion three years down the line, he revealed a new string to his bow.

    Though his secret new project is still in its infancy, the excitement in his voice was clear.

    He enthused: “I’ve been asked to write a musical by an amazing person in London.

    “It’s somebody I really admire and it’s to do something like Boy George’s Taboo musical, which he wrote about 20 years ago. It’s an updated newer version and it’s not completely commercial mainstream – a jazz hands musical like Grease – but a bit more off the centre with a mixture of indie, pop music and Broadway.

    “That’s always been something I’ve been interested in and I’m flattered that I’ve been asked to be involved with some people I really admire. But nothing exists yet.

    “It’s all just talk but it’s very exciting to even be talking about it.”

    Before anything can be done, however, the boys will lay to rest their collective status, their career together culminating in a farewell tour that will see them play 90 dates in the UK and Ireland.

    Mark’s eyes twinkled, partly in sadness, part in excitement, as he added: “It’s going to be a sad day, but it’s also a celebration of 14 years together and 14 years of touring.

    “It’s not all doom and gloom.

    “We want to have fun and Scotland has an absolutely electric crowd who always scream very well.”

    Why Kian and Jodi won't show off new baby Koa to fans

    Thursday December 22 2011

    WESTLIFE'S Kian Egan and wife Jodi Albert have signed a six-figure deal with OK! magazine to feature their new baby.

    Jodi gave birth to their first child, Koa, on Tuesday but the lad will have wasted little time before earning a first pay cheque.

    The Herald can reveal how the delighted couple have signed a deal for an 'at home' shoot after signing a two-part deal with the UK glossy.

    The young tot was born in Sligo General Hospital at 6.10pm on December 20 -- two weeks earlier than planned.

    Over the next few days, the couple will take home their precious little bundle as they move into their new house in Sligo. It includes a state-of-the art baby room as they enjoy their first Christmas as parents.

    And a source explained how Kian (31) and Jodi (28) have signed a follow-on deal with the publication, understood to be a "six figure sum", and will be keeping the baby under wraps until the interview comes out.

    "They'll probably do the pics in January and this is a follow on to the previous spread they did on her pregnancy," she said. "They're just really happy and looking forward to going back to their new home with Koa, just in time for Christmas.

    "They are doing brilliantly and Kian's just thrilled to bits. They've received so many nice messages from fans around the world - at one stage Koa was trending on Twitter."

    Last September saw the couple, who married in 2009 in the Caribbean, posing for pics and doing an interview with OK! as they revealed their excitement about becoming first time parents. They first found out she was pregnant on April 29, the same day as Kian's birthday and the Royal Wedding.

    A proud Kian, a mentor on RTE's The Voice Of Ireland texted the good news to friends and family before announcing the news on Twitter saying: "Our little baby boy Koa was born today at 6.10 pm. Jodi Albert is an amazing woman. Love them both so much. Both doing amazing, so proud."

    He then added: "Wow thanks guys. Amazing to see our little boy Koa is trending in the UK! And he's only a few hrs old!!!"

    His bandmates Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne and Mark Feehily were quick to follow suit as they sent their own messages of congratulations, as did wives Gillian Filan and Georgina Byrne.

    Egan recently spoke of his excitement about becoming a first time dad. "I honestly can't wait for Jodi to give birth. I want to do everything -- nappies, feeds, whatever Jodi needs."

    Kian will now be able to spend lots of time with his son as Westlife are set to disband after a greatest hits album and a farewell tour next spring which will culminate in Croke Park in Dublin on June 23.

    The name 'Koa' is a traditional Hawaiian name meaning 'brave' or 'warrior' and could stem from Kian's much-publicised love of surfing.

    Kian revealed that the couple had first come across the unusual moniker in a baby-name list and the pair both really liked it.

    The boys from Westlife, Nicky, Kian, Mark and Shane, performed one of their last ever international dates before going their separate ways.

    "The car needs a re-spray," said lead singer Shane Filan, his age the only thing allowing the cheesy metaphor to fly. "We're the same body but with a clean new look. I think that's what people want to see. They wanna see a clean new thing," he added with a cheeky Irish chuckle.

    Westlife: "Greatest Hits"

    Dear Westlife fans, be strong, because this is it. “Greatest Hits” is the final release of the Irish boy band that first crooned its way into young girls’ hearts in 1998. The band announced it would split after its farewell tour in 2012. As part of that farewell, the band performed in Jakarta in October. While for some this may feel like the end of an era, others are probably just shrugging their shoulders.

    This album is the band’s second compilation of greatest hits, following the 2002 release of “Unbreakable.” As a parting gift, Westlife provides four new songs on this last album: “Lighthouse,” “Beautiful World,” “Wide Open” and “Last Mile of the Way.”

    Right off the bat, however, the order of the songs is a mistake, because we have to go through all the old stuff (“Swear It Again,” “My Love” ) before we finally get to listen to the new material. This is a shame because the new songs, which start at track 15, are quite charming, especially “Lighthouse” and “Beautiful World,” when listened to individually. But in the context of the album as a whole, they simply disappear.

    Still, “Greatest Hits” is an appropriate goodbye. It couldn’t have been an easy decision to call it quits after more than a decade together, but as the band sings in the last track of the album, appropriately “Last Mile of the Way”: “It’s time to move on now so don’t be afraid/ We should remember the roles that we played/ Whether the future has dark or bright days/ I will still love you to the last mile of the way.”

    Westlife concerned over split
    Tuesday 27 December 2011

    Westlife star Mark Feehily has admitted the quartet worried that no one would care that they were going their separate ways in 2012.

    Speaking to the Irish Daily Star, Feehily said: "We were worried about saying we were splitting up.

    "But we've just found out that our tour is going to be the biggest tour we've ever done... So thankfully people - well, our fans - care."

    However, he said the members of the group are worried about the future.

    "It is bittersweet because the reaction has been fantastic but we still have to face the unknown which is scary. We're walking into the dark - we've got no idea what's facing us," he said.

    The 31-year-old said he wants to stay in the music business, but fears he'll never be a solo success.

    "Ultimately people are going to look at whatever we do as either complete flops or successes," he said.

    "You just have to be positive with yourself and try to do something good."

    Kian and Jodi join celebrity baby boom with son Koa
    Wednesday December 21 2011

    THE celebrity baby boom has hit a new high with Westlife's Kian Egan welcoming a pre-Christmas bundle of joy.

    The Herald can reveal how the chart-topping singer and wife Jodi Albert (28) are "over the moon" after she gave birth to a baby boy in Sligo General Hospital.

    The 8lbs 2oz tot's arrival was an early Christmas present for the thrilled couple, given that the baby wasn't due until New Year's Day.

    And in keeping with celebrity tradition, they have opted for an unusual name for their first child -- Koa .

    Proud dad Kian said in a text message how "both mum and baby are doing great. We are so happy".

    Jodi now joins a string of well-known personalities who have become mums lately, including former No Frontiers presenter Jenny Buckley and TV3 anchors Aisling O'Loughlin, Anna Daly and Andrea Hayes.

    And the surge in births will continue into the New Year with socialite Virginia Macari and actress Rachel Kavanagh set to welcome their additions in the coming weeks. Former Xpose presenter Sybil Mulcahy is due to give birth in March and singer Andrea Corr is expecting in April.

    The Herald Diary also reveals today how TV3 news anchor Colette Fitzpatrick is three months pregnant with her second child.

    Shortly after the arrival of his first child, Kian (31) posted a message on Twitter stating: "Our little baby boy Koa was born today at 6.10pm. Jodi is an amazing woman. Love them both so much. Both doing amazing, so proud."

    Bandmate Shane Filan was quick to offer his congratulations, saying it was "fantastic news".

    As revealed in this newspaper, Kian was so anxious to be with his heavily-pregnant wife that he jetted straight back after his band's performance at the X Factor last weekend.

    The couple are expected to be inundated with offers from UK magazines clamouring to get the first 'at home' shots with the young family.

    Speaking recently about the prospect of becoming a dad, Kian said he couldn't wait for the new chapter in his life.

    The past few months have certainly been eventful for the couple, given that Jodi's band Wonderland were unexpectedly dropped by their record company Mercury last September.

    The following month Kian and bandmates Nicky Byrne, Mark Feehily, and Shane Filan drop the bombshell that Westlife were splitting after 14 years together. Kian recently signed up as one of the four mentors on new RTE talent show The Voice.

    Westlife singer Mark Feehily splits from boyfriend Kevin McDaid after seven years

    Westlife star Mark Feehily announced today that he and partner Kevin McDaid have split after seven years together.
    The singer, 31, took to Twitter today to reveal the news to fans, calling their time together 'amazing.'

    He wrote: 'Sadly, Kevin & I are no longer together. We've had an amazin 7 yrs & are both so thankful for the love & support u have shown us from the start.
    Split: Westlife star Mark Feehily and his boyfriend Kevin McDaid have announced that they have broken up
    'We won't be answering any questions about this as its a very private matter. Thanks in advance for understanding that. Lots of love, Mx.'

    Westlife's Feehily and partner split

    The family of Westlife's Mark Feehily were said yesterday to be devastated by the split between the singer and his fiance, Kevin McDaid.

    "It's all off and it's such a pity because Mark's family really liked Kevin," a family friend in Sligo told the Sunday Independent yesterday. "They thought he was a nice chap who was very good for Mark."

    Another source said the family were "deeply disappointed" as they were "incredibly fond" of Kevin.

    It was to have been the showbusiness wedding of 2012, but instead, the couple went their separate ways over the Christmas holidays after seven years together. And yesterday there were unconfirmed reports that Mark has met someone new since the break-up -- an Englishman who was described as "very nice, very mannerly and of independent means".

    But a spokesperson for Mark Feehily denied that the singer was involved with anyone new or that anyone else had been involved in the break-up.

    The 31-year-old pop star had been engaged to Mr McDaid, 27, for nearly two years after popping the question on their fifth anniversary as a couple. But this weekend, friends close to Westlife comfirmed: "It's all off".

    Although an official spokesperson denied that Mark was seeing someone new, a source has said the singer is now being linked to "a very well-to-do guy" living in the UK.

    After Mr Feehily discovered that this newspaper was to run the story, he released an official statement on Twitter yesterday evening, telling fans: "Sadly, Kevin and I are no longer together. We've had an amazing seven years and are both so thankful for the love and support you have shown us from the start."

    The sensational news will shock Westlife fans, who were looking forward to the lavish showbiz wedding of 2012.

    The split is a major shock for close friends of the handsome singer, who recently spoke about how he planned to get married to his long-term love "as soon as possible".

    As recently as November, the loved-up singer had said: "It will definitely be next year. We want to do it as soon as we possibly can."

    But this weekend a source confirmed the split while another friend close to Mark's family explained that the news was well known locally, saying: "People know back in his home town of Sligo.."

    A source close to the singer explained: "Nobody likes going through something like this in the public eye. They are trying to keep it quiet and deal with it in their own way but it's all off. It's heartbreaking, it's upsetting, but that's the way these things go sometimes, unfortunately."

    In recent days, Kevin deleted his Twitter account and has been keeping a low profile to deal with the heartbreak.

    Speaking in recent weeks, Mark had explained why the pair had yet to pick a date for their big day.

    "We've been so committed to Westlife that while we've had big gaps when we're not working, you have to plan so far in advance for a wedding."

    Last year, the singer also revealed how he wanted to become a father some day by adopting a child with his partner. Speaking to reporters at the time, the Sligo-born singer said: "I'd like to think I'd be a good dad. It's the dream for me that surpasses everything else, to nurture and to bring up a kid and try and teach them all the right things."

    The couple first laid eyes on each other backstage at the Cheerios Childline Concert in 2005 when Westlife and V, which Kevin used to be a member of, both performed at the event. Mark had been dating Kevin ever since he announced in 2005 that he was gay. At the time, he said: "I'm gay and I'm very proud of who I am. I'm not asking for sympathy, or to be a role model to anyone else."

    Speaking at the time about the happiness he had found with Kevin, he said: "I've found someone who is a real companion. It does get lonely being on the road with the band sometimes and I'm very happy now. I'm in a relationship with someone who makes me laugh."

    THEIR decision to rule out a comeback has left fans devastated.

    But Westlife's Kian Egan said the reason they're so adamant about never getting back together, is to prove to fans it's no gimmick - they're ready to get on with their lives.

    Speaking exclusively to after Shane Filan, Mark Feehily, Nicky Byrne and Kian shocked the world of pop by announcing their split, Kian told us that following the Farewell 2012 tour - Westlife will be over for good.

    "The reason why [the split sounded] so strong was because we didn't want people to think this was a break-up gimmick," he explained.

    "That's why we're saying this is it, this is the final thing. Next year's tour really is it. We're not all of a sudden going to do a reunion in two or three years time.

    "We want to go away and get on with our lives."

    And while their decision has left their fans reeling, Kian said it "felt good" to finally break the news.


    22-11-2013 om 17:16 geschreven door westlife

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    Westlife, . Irish Deaf Society opens 'Signs of Life' Photography Exhibition at Film Base, Temple Bar.. Dublin, Ireland - 13.10.11.

    Westlife plan farewell tour to thank broken-hearted fans

    But after 14 years, 14 number-one singles and 44 million album sales, the chart-topping act announced last night they were to split after a final farewell gig in Dublin next year.

    "We lived the dream so we're not hanging our heads," member Kian Egan told the Irish Independent last night.

    "We're celebrating what we came from and what we achieved. Meeting the Pope, Barack Obama, singing for the queen. We grew up in this wonderful, magical adventure which surpassed our wildest expectations but now the time has come to stop."

    In a statement, the group said the decision had been "entirely amicable" and the four members would go their separate ways after the release of a greatest hits collection next month and a farewell tour next summer.

    But Egan revealed Westlife's final goodbye was likely to be a stadium show in Dublin next summer.

    "Doing Croke Park or Lansdowne would be perfect because we want to go out on a high.

    "We wanted to finish it like this, and not be in a situation where we just dwindled away over the years, playing to smaller and smaller crowds," he added.

    Although news of the split came around 6pm yesterday, the Sligo man said the parting had been an "ongoing discussion" among Westlife for the past few months.

    It is now ticket sales rather than record sales by which the success of a music act is measured, so there was little concern when, last March, Westlife parted from record company Syco, run by Simon Cowell and with whom they had their biggest hits.

    Picked up by label RCA, they have continued to be a popular live draw around the world, recently returning from an extensive tour of Asia.

    But Egan revealed that each member was now keen to "do his own thing". Shane Filan (32) is working on a solo album, Mark Feehily (31) is penning songs for other pop acts and Dubliner Nicky Byrne (33) is looking at a career in the media.

    Expecting his first child with wife Jodi Albert in January, Egan (31) is to be a coach/mentor in new RTE talent series 'The Voice Of Ireland'.

    "We all have stuff we want to do and the time has come to do it. We're all looking forward to doing our own thing.

    "We all feel very positive and we just want to thank our fans for the support they've given us over the years," added Egan.

    Manager Louis Walsh was among those who paid tribute last night, calling Westlife "four of the best ambassadors Ireland has ever had".

    "Westlife were always the best four people I have ever worked with. I had a brilliant time working with them," he said.

    "And it just goes to show how far you can get in this business with the right attitude.

    "I know the fans are going to be upset but they shouldn't be. The end doesn't really mean the end, look at what happened with the Stone Roses this week," Walsh told the Irish Independent.

    Westlife's 'Greatest Hits' is to be released in Ireland on November 18, with a new single, 'Lighthouse', issued a week earlier on November 11.

    Dates for a final Irish tour including a monster farewell in Dublin are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.





    Westlife are to split
    Boyband to break up after 14 years together

    Splitting up ... Westlife

    IN a statement announcing the split tonight Kian, Mark, Nicky and Shane said: "After 14 years, 26 top ten hits including 14 number one singles, 11 top five albums, seven of which hit the top spot and have collectively sold over 44million copies around the world, ten sell out tours and countless memories that we will forever cherish, we today announce our plan to go our separate ways after a greatest hits collection this Christmas and a farewell tour next year.

    "The decision is entirely amicable and after spending all of our adult life together so far, we want to have a well-earned break and look at new ventures.

    "We see the greatest hits collection and the farewell tour as the perfect way to celebrate our incredible career along with our fans. We are really looking forward to getting out on the tour and seeing our fans one last time.

    "Over the years Westlife has become so much more to us than just a band. Westlife are a family. We would like to thank our fans who have been with us on this amazing journey and are part of our family too.

    "We never imagined when we started out in 1998 that 14 years later we would still be recording, touring and having hits together. It has been a dream come true for all of us."

    Kian, Mark, Nicky and Shane

    They will say farewell to fans on the already-announced Greatest Hits Tour, which kicks off in May next year.

    The news will bring an end to a record-breaking career, which has seen the group ? Nicky Byrne, 33, Kian Egan, 31, Mark Feehily, 31, and Shane Filan, 32 - sell more than 44million records.

    Tonight the band thanked their fans and said their brilliant career had been "a dream come true for all of us".

    In an official statement, the band said: "We today announce our plan to go our separate ways after a greatest hits collection this Christmas and a farewell tour next year.

    "The decision is entirely amicable and after spending all of our adult life together so far, we want to have a well-earned break and look at new ventures."

    A source close to the band said: "This is it ? the greatest hits album and the tour are their way of giving thanks to their loyal fanbase and saying cheerio.

    "There's no bad blood in the band, they're still great pals. But all good things come to an end and they are all keen to do their own thing.

    "It's not something they have done lightly as they are still at the top of their game.

    "They could carry on making albums into their old age the way their career has gone, but none of them want to do that.

    "They're all loaded and don't need the money. It's quality time they're after and focus to do their own things."

    End of the road ... Westlife announce they are breaking up
    The final tour will showcase the 14 number one hits, such as Flying Without Wings they have clocked up since they launched as a five-piece in 1998.

    After that the four, who are estimated to be worth £10million each, will go their separate ways and have all planned new ventures to keep them busy.

    Shane is planning to embark on a solo career and is already understood to have written some songs.

    Mark is also planning to stay in the music business and wants to write songs.

    Nicky has his heart set on being a radio DJ and Kian is planning to take on more TV opportunities.

    He is already lined up as a judge for the Irish version of new singing talent show The Voice

    Chart-toppers ... Westlife had 14 number one hits
    The source added: "There is a huge amount of love for the Westlife boys ? especially in their homeland of Ireland ? so they won't be short of offers."

    Signs that the end of the band were coming appeared in March when they split with label boss Simon Cowell after 13 years and signed a one year deal with RCA Records for their Greatest Hits album.

    At the time, Nicky blamed Simon's obsession with the X Factor for their decision to leave his BMG label.

    He said of the split: "We signed to Simon back in 1998 and he was brilliant, but then came the development of X Factor and American Idol.

    "Simon became famous himself and his interests went that way rather than on Westlife.

    "We almost felt a little bit unloved with Simon Cowell, if I was to be honest."

    And only last week Nicky became misty-eyed when talking about the band's longevity, saying: "It's hard to imagine that we have been together for this long really.

    "Having a Greatest Hits on the shelves is a proud moment for us and those songs bring back such great memories."

    Rumours abounded recently that former original member Brian Mcfadden was plotting a return to his old band for a TV special this Christmas, which will see them sing songs from their back catalogue.

    But Kian denied this, saying: "All the rumours about Brian rejoining Westlife are untrue. We have been a four piece for too long now. We love Brian but it's not going to be. That includes any TV performances."



    Westlife have reassured fans that their announcement to split after 14 years was a "united decision".

    The Irish group will go their separate ways following the release of their Greatest Hits album next month and their farewell tour in 2012.

    Since they revealed plans to disband Westlife, the four-piece have been surrounded by speculation that they split over a difference in opinion over where to take their sound.

    However, Westlife have now denied the rumours through their official Facebook page.

    "We wanted to take a moment to say thank you to everyone for their kind words and support since making our announcement," they said.

    "Our fans continue to be the best support system we could ever hope for and we thank each and every one of you."

    They continued: "The support we have felt over the last couple of days gives us all strength as we look forward to our new individual paths in life and we all feel excited about the next chapters that we are embarking on.

    "We know it doesn't make for a good story but regardless of what you might read in the papers this was wholeheartedly a united decision.

    "Obviously there is already a huge amount of speculation as to what exactly is next for us all, but until you hear it from us it remains just that; speculation."

    The boyband concluded the message by revealing plans to do fan Q&A sessions next month, where they will explain their plans further.

    Westlife will release their new single 'Lighthouse' on November 13, while their Greatest Hits collection will follow on November 21.





    Alan Carr got drunk while filming Chatty Man with Westlife!

    Comedian Alan Carr apparently got so drunk during recent filming for his hit chat show, Chatty Man, that filming had to be suspended.

    The Daily Star reports that while Alan was interviewing the band members of Westlife – who have of course recently announced that they’re splitting – he and the band members downed shots of Aftershock one after the other.

    The shots – which are 40% proof – caused Alan to begin slurring his words, and he told the audience, “This has gone to sh**.”

    However, the studio audience “egged him on” to down more, and he needed little persuasion, eventually declaring that he felt sick after spilling the drink down his jacket…

    Things began to go the way of the pear when member Mark Feehily said to Alan, “Can we get straight to the bit where you give us the drink?”



    WESTLIFE yesterday spoke for the first time about their decision to split after 14 years in pop.

    The lads ? Mark Feehily, 31, Shane Filan, 32, Nicky Byrne, 33, and Kian Egan, 31 ? helped me mop up my tears as they vowed: ?A reunion is not going to happen.?

    Nicky confirmed: ?It?s not a publicity stunt.

    ?There was more money on the table from Sony Records as part of a re-negotiation but it feels right to see what else is out there.?

    It?s clear from spending time with the guys there?s no secret agenda, they simply feel they?ve done all they can as a group.

    Managed by X Factor judge Louis Walsh, 59, Westlife?s achievements are immense, including 14 No 1 hits, seven No 1 albums and 10 sell-out tours.

    Mark revealed: ?Louis said to us: ?Whatever is wrong we?ll fix it,? but there?s nothing to fix. It?s a natural thing to happen. We couldn?t go on releasing albums until we died.?


    Westlife?s final single Lighthouse drops on November 13 and is followed by their Greatest Hits a week later.

    They tour the UK and Ireland for the last time next May.

    Shane explained: ?The tour will be the end of Westlife. We?re hoping to do one last extravagant show and it?s going to be horrendous when we come off stage, the worst day.?

    Nicky agreed: ?Other bands who have breaks know they might come back. We?re saying we?re not.?

    Kian is the only member of the group with confirmed plans, as a judge on Ireland?s The Voice.

    Shane mused: ?I?d like to keep singing but we have no record deals.?

    With The Wanted, JLS and One Direction flying the boyband flag, who do Westlife think can succeed them?

    Kian said: ?I don?t see any of them lasting as long as we have.?

    Mark agreed: ?Four or five years max for a boyband is normal.

    ?We lasted as we all get along. We?re quite freakish like that.?

    like that.”

    Freaks, nah, fantastic, yes.




    Westlife's Nicky Byrne will host and narrate 'The Snowman Movie' this Christmas.

    The show attracts audiences of all ages and will open at The University Concert Hall in Limerick, before traveling to Grand Canal Theatre in Dublin for a number of performances.

    Byrne has said he is "very excited" to be part of the line-up, and will tell the story of James and the flying snowman as audiences watch the film on a big screen.


    If you wanna know how many Westlife fans are letting go the answer is very few as they sold out Croke Park this morning in minutes.



    ITV1 will be welcoming, Westlife: For The Last Time, in a farewell special featuring one of the biggest-selling boy bands in music over the last decade.

    This unique one-off music spectacular will mark Westlife’s final TV appearance as the pop giants take to the stage to sing some of their greatest hits.

    Over the past 14 years Westlife have had a staggering 26 top ten hits including 14 number one singles and 11 top five albums. They have had countless awards and sold over 44 million records worldwide.

    Westlife: For The Last Time will feature exclusive interviews with key figures in their story as well as archive footage which will provide a unique insight into the life of this world renowned band.

    Guaranteed to be the hottest ticket in town, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to see Westlife for the final time, as the global superstars perform their biggest hits live in front of a studio audience.




    London, Nov 6 (ANI): Disbanded boyband Westlife have not heard a word from their former boss Simon Cowell after the group decided to go separate ways.

    The TV magnate does not seem bothered that the Irish boys have hung their boots despite increasing his bulging bank balance by millions over the past 14 years.

    “No, we’ve not heard anything from Simon at all, the Daily Star quoted one of the group’s singers Kian Egan as saying.

    “We aren’t on his label anymore and I’m sure he’s really busy in America, so I’m just guessing he hasn’t had a chance,” he added. (ANI)




    Band member Nicky Byrne has revealed that the Mayo man is "devastated" by their plans to break up next year.

    Byrne said: "We're worried we'll have to set up a helpline for Louis because he wasn't happy about it all."

    He added: "He is devastated - genuinely. We met with him a few different times and he said 'You're your own guys but I don't think you should break up but it's not my decision.'"

    Nicky further explained that Louis is still refusing to accept that the band will go their separate ways in 2012 after 14 years together.

    Speaking to The Irish Daily Star newspaper he said: "We did a show the other night, a show to be aired at Christmas, billed as our last TV show and I said to Louis, 'So how are you feeling?' he said 'I don't want to talk about it'."

    The Flying Without Wings singer added: "So he's not there yet, but he understands."






    Lizzie Catt with the Westlife boys
    Wednesday November 16,2011
    By Daily Express Reporter
    AS WESTLIFE release their greatest hits album ahead of their last tour, the band have told Day & Night they feel a weight has been lifted now they’re calling time after 14 years

    They appeared on shopping channel QVC to promote the album and told Day & Night’s Lizzie (pictured right with the band) they’re enjoying life in the group again now their 2012 split has been announced.

    And Nicky Byrne, 33, Kian Egan, 31, Mark Feehily, 31, and Shane Filan, 32, said they’re looking forward to showing the world there’s more to them than bar stools and ballads.

    Mark said: “We were all so worried and passionate about making the right choices it created a big ball of stress and that’s gone now. We’re back to enjoying life in Westlife instead of having this big cloud of pressure over us.”

    Nicky added: “I don’t think we’ll deal with the enormity of what we’ve done until it actually happens. We’re loving riding the wave at the moment but it’s because it’s the end and we know that.”

    Shane said the split had been on the cards for some time: “We tried changing labels in April from Syco to RCA when the cracks were showing to see if that would change anything. Nothing against RCA but the writing was on the wall even then. The Greatest Hits was happening this year anyway and it was getting harder to run the shop properly so we thought, let’s man up and knock it on the head.”

    We’re back to enjoying life in Westlife instead of having this big cloud of pressure over us
    Mark Feehily

    But Mark insisted the boys will be back, albeit on their own: “Westlife’s public perception has been quite one dimensional. I think we could surprise people. We all have different loves and other abilities and hopefully they’ll come to the surface when we’re by ourselves.”




    Brian McFadden Not Making Appearance On Westlife Tour

    Irish boyband Westlife have settled the score on the Brian McFadden reunion speculation – saying that there’s no chance fans will be seeing him back with the group on their farewell tour.

    The band parted ways with their fifth member in 2004, and continued to tour and write material without him. Now they’ve secured their most lucrative tour deal so far, which they’ve planned to make their farewell tour, some fans were speculating (and hoping) that McFadden could make a comeback and return from his solo career to sing with his old makes once again – until Kian Egan told the Daily Mirror that it wouldn’t be happening.

    “Some people do look at it like that,” Egan explained, “but the four of us have spent the past eight years working our asses off to keep it together. And he hasn’t.” He went on to say that if the five of them were to ever singer together again, it would be at an intimate gig – or during a drinking session. “Maybe a random gig. Or we could just get drunk together.”

    Westlife embark on their final ever tour together next year in May. If you’re a fan, you simply cannot miss your chance to see the band before they call time on their illustrious, 14-year career. So make sure you check the dates and details below and grab yourself a ticket.

    Westlife UK & Ireland Tour Dates are as follows:

    Mon May 14th 2012 - Newcastle Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne
    Tue May 15th 2012 - Echo Arena Liverpool, Liverpool
    Thu May 17th 2012 - Cardiff Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff
    Fri May 18th 2012 - Cardiff Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff
    Sat May 19th 2012 - Sheffield Motorpoint Arena, Sheffield
    Sun May 20th 2012 - NEC - LG Arena, Birmingham
    Tue May 22nd 2012 - Nottingham Arena, Nottingham
    Wed May 23rd 2012 - The O2 Arena, London
    Thu May 24th 2012 - The O2 Arena, London
    Sat May 26th 2012 - Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester
    Sun May 27th 2012 - Glasgow SECC, Glasgow
    Tue June 5th 2012 - Nottingham Arena, Nottingham
    Thu June 7th 2012 - The O2 Arena, London
    Fri June 8th 2012 - NEC - LG Arena, Birmingham
    Sat June 9th 2012 - Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester
    Mon June 11th 2012 - Cardiff Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff
    Tue June 12th 2012 - Sheffield Motorpoint Arena, Sheffield
    Wed June 13th 2012 - Echo Arena Liverpool, Liverpool
    Fri June 15th 2012 - Newcastle Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne
    Sat June 16th 2012 - Glasgow SECC, Glasgow
    Sun June 17th 2012 - Glasgow SECC, Glasgow
    Fri June 22nd 2012 - Croke Park Stadium, Dublin
    Sat June 23rd 2012 - Croke Park Stadium, Dublin


    Westlife: No reunion with Brian

    Westlife have ruled out a return for ex-member Brian McFadden as they gear up for next year's farewell tour.

    The Irish boy band announced their split earlier this year and since then speculation has mounted that Brian, who left in 2004 will be making an appearance.

    Westlife, who are quitting after 14 years have made it clear though, there will be no Robbie Williams-style reunion.

    Kian Egan told the Daily Mirror: "Some people do look at it like that, but the four of us have spent the past eight years working our a***s off to keep it together. And he hasn't."

    Kian, who announced he was expecting his first baby with wife Jodi Albert in July, admits there is a chance the five-piece could get back together but it in a more relaxed setting, he said: "Maybe a random gig. Or we could just get drunk together."

    The boy band first hit the charts in 1998 and went on to sell 45 million records and have 14 number one singles. Cracks started to show for the band when they left Simon Cowell's label SyCo earlier this year after feeling "neglected" by their former mentor.

    Nicky Byrne said they "felt unloved" but admitted without Simon they would never have experienced such success.

    The band are now looking forward to their farewell tour and moving on with the rest of their lives. Mark Feehily said: "We're gonna have this huge tour to celebrate the last 14 years. We're looking back at something amazing."



    On Saturday the Cheerios Childline Concert took place in Dublin and several acts including Westlife, JLS, The Wanted, Cher Lloyd and Jedward all took to the stage.




    Nicky Byrne has revealed to 98FM that he would love a career in television when Westlife split next Summer after their two Farewell concerts at Croke Park. He particularly likes the buzz of live TV. He also told there are other elements of the entertainment business he wants to look into.

    He has recently taken up an opportunity to narrate “The Snowman” at the Grand Canal Theatre. on December 11th. They approached him to do it long before Westlife announced their split and Nicky felt it would be a great opportunity to take up so he can’t wait.




    Westlife sign in for special Glasgow date

    IRISH group Westlife will spark a rush by fans when they make a special visit to a Glasgow store next week.

    The group, who have announced they will split next year, will be at HMV, Buchanan Street, on Monday morning.

    Thousands of fans are expected to turn up in the hope of seeing Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan, who will be signing copies of their Greatest Hits CD from 9am.

    By Melanie Finn

    Saturday November 12 2011

    TOP boyband The Wanted have revealed their delight at supporting Westlife at their final gig in Croke Park next year.

    And they said they're hoping to steal some of the chart-topping boybands' fans when they finally step down after 14 years.

    "It's awesome that we're supporting them," said Irish star Siva Kaneswaran.

    "As soon as we got into Dublin, we were told that Westlife had sold out Croke Park so that's great news for the support act.

    "When we got confirmed as the support for their final gig, we went 'Yes' because all their fans are going to be like, 'Oh no, what am I doing to do now without Westlife?' and then we'll walk on stage. We've solved the problem for them."

    Made up of Dubliner Siva, Nathan Sykes, Tom Parker, Max George and Jay McGuinness, they have made a big splash internationally supporting stars like Britney Spears and Justin Bieber.

    And the Glad You Came stars said they will always look up to fellow boyband Westlife for how to do things right.

    "I think anyone would love to replicate their success," said Nathan Sykes. "They're really humble and down-to-earth."

    - Melanie Finn


    22-11-2013 om 01:54 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. 1 Westlife 2011
    THE next 12 months are going to be very interesting and exciting in the Westlife camp.

    Not only do we have lots of songs we feel are strong enough to be singles off our latest album Gravity, there’s our arena tour in March, plus we are nearly out of our recording contract with Simon Cowell’s Syco label.

    Are we gonna stay for a million pound contract? That’s the million dollar question. We’ll have to see as it’s all about doing what’s right.

    Musically, we feel stronger than ever but it’s all about how it’s marketed.

    We know we’re releasing Beautiful Tonight next but we want to emulate someone like Pink and release four or five tracks from this album.

    The Reason should be one as we want to show people the variety on the album.

    Over the last few years there’s just been one single based around Christmas and that’s a Syco thing to be honest.

    The Westlife formula has to change and we want to do things differently because we love this album.

    We don’t wanna release one song and then be like “see you later”.

    Internationally, the ballads haven’t been working for us, so with the new single we’re hoping to get back in there.

    But we don’t think you’ll see us at the festivals, unless it’s Kian in a corner drunk.

    We’re not sure whether festival audiences are Westlife audiences but the pop tent at the Isle Of Wight festival would be good.

    If our schedule allows, we’re up for it – bring it on.
    Pictures: Mark, Nicky & Shane leaving London hotel

    Westlife part ways with Simon Cowell

    Date: 14 March 2011


    Westlife have parted ways with Simon Cowell after working with him for 13 years.

    Westlife have left Simon Cowell's record label Syco.

    The Irish boyband parted company with the music mogul - who they have worked with for over 13 years - and signed a new deal with rival record label Sony RCA amid rumours they were unhappy with how their latest album 'Gravity' was marketed.

    Singer Nicky Byrne confirmed the split in a tweet reading: "Truth is, yes, we have moved on from Syco records after a fantastic 13 years. But it is time for a change and it's very exciting."

    His bandmate, Mark Feehily, added: "'Gravity' is the last album for us to make with Simon Cowell and his label. We love and respect him and thank him for his part in Westlife."

    Although it has been reported the band - which also includes Shane Filan and Kian Egan - were upset when Simon refused to release a track they favoured from 'Gravity' as a single, Westlife manager Louis Walsh denied the band were unhappy with Simon's direction.

    He said: "The move is a natural progression. There is no bad feeling."

    Simon originally signed the band to Sony BMG in 1998 and they moved with him to his own label Syco label - also part of the Sony group - in 2002.

    Westlife boys are up for the craic on the three-day Liverpool party
    THOSE boys of
    Westlife sure do love the craic ...
    so much so they extended their stay in Liverpool to turn their St Patrick's Day celebration into a major hoolie.

    They arrived two days ahead of their ECHO arena show so they could celebrate Ireland's patron saint's day in style.

    according to Insider's Guinness-loving spy,
    it seems they did just that after going on a marathon bar and club trail.

    They warmed up with a shopping spree at Liverpool One and The Metquarter,
    where Kian treated his wife,
    ex-Hollyoaks actress now a singer with tour support girlband Wonderland Jodi Albert.

    Having worked up an appetite,
    the lads and girls headed for a meal at San Carlo before going back to the Hope Street hotel where they got ready to hit the town.

    The only missing person was Westlife's Mark Feehily
    who was staying at the Malmaison hotel instead,
    along with his partner and his two pet dogs,
    as pooches aren't allowed at the Hope Street venue.

    They all met up for a quick pint at the Philharmonic pub before moving on to a string of bars including Walkabout on Concert Square,
    where they joined in the fun at the St Patrick's Day party.

    Kian Egan and Mark Feehily at Alma de CubaClearly in the Irish spirit, it was then on to Mood Bar, O'Neills and Pogue Mahone's.

    A fellow drinker tells Insider:
    We were surprised when we were told Westlife were in drinking, we don't usually have celebs in here,
    but they were really enjoying themselves.

    After a late night it was no wonder the band didn't emerge from their hotel rooms until 5pm the next day and spent it relaxing in the hotel's restaurant with coffees.
    Restored, the boys and a few of the Wonderland girls all headed off for a meal at Alma De Cuba, where they happily posed for pictures.

    The gang didn't leave until around 3am, although our source did spot Shane Phelan causing quite a stir in Passion and G-Bar later.

    They were still up bright and early to sound check for their show the next day, even squeezing in a post-show party in the hotel bar along with a few friends and family members.

    Despite having a show the next day in Glasgow the boys clearly didn't want to leave Liverpool they persuaded their management to let them stay in the city until around 2pm before catching a flight to Scotland.

    Concert review: Westlife at Birmingham LG Arena
    Saturday 26th March 2011, 11:29AM GMT.
    Westlife at LG Arena, Birmingham
    LG Arena, Birmingham
    Concert review by Helen Cartwright

    Fans went wild for Westlife as the Irish popstars made a triumphant return in front of a devoted crowd.

    Their followers may be a little older these days but they have lost none of their passion and turned up decked out with banners, decorated T-shirts, Irish flags, glow sticks and even the odd tiara and cowboy hat.

    Both young and old arrived at Birmingham's LG Arena last night to dance the night away for the show stopping spectacular.

    The band had promised they would be performing some of their songs from when they were young whippersnappers first starting out and their set list certainly did not disappoint their faithful crowd.

    It is an impressive set of statistics 12 years, 11 albums and 44 million sales. But Westlife are showing no signs of flagging.

    From the moment the band were lowered onto the stage in chairs suspended from the roof of the LG Arena for the opening number No One's Gonna Sleep Tonight it was clear the band have lost none of their passion to perform over the years.

    With 14 number ones under their belt it is fair to say the Irish quartet had a decent back catalogue to pick from but this wasn't a show that went through the motions.

    The stools they were so partial to sitting down on in their early years have given way to bright lights and a crazy stage featuring giant inflatable apples.

    No money was spared when it came to the set, which boasted flames, ticker tape and even a moving bench which lifted the band over the middle of the audience.

    Westlife pulled out some of their biggest hits including Uptown Girl and of course Flying Without Wings. The likes of JLS can only hope to be filling out stadiums like the LG Arena 10 years into their career.

    They also performed their first singel
    their upcoming tune Starlight and an impressive acoustic version of Adele's Rolling in the Deep.

    Tesco worker Jodie Berrow, aged 22, from Davis Avenue, in Tipton said the show was one of the best she has seen and added: I love everything about them, they are really good brilliant entertainers.

    She went along with aunt Samantha Berrow 39, from Hales Road in Wednesbury, her 15-year-old daughter Steph Berrow and friend Louise Mitchell, also 15.

    Samantha said Flying Without Wings and What Makes A Man were her favourite songs and added: I have been a fan for a long time they have got the whole package.

    The show was somewhat of a family affair with the mother, sister and wife of Shane singing along in the audience while the wife of Kian Egan, former Hollyoaks star Jodi Albert, was part of support act Wonderland, a girl band managed by Kian and The X Factor judge Louis Walsh.

    Ahlan! Exclusive: Westlife Interview Nicky Byrne on Westlife's new direction and being abandoned by Simon Cowell

    Westlife have been topping the charts for over a decade and with nearly 50 million albums sold, one of the World's most successful boybands shows no sign of giving up. After walking out on Simon Cowell's label Syco records last month, the band are already working on new material with record giants RCA to rival the likes of Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Britney Spears and Katy Perry.

    When Ahlan! Editor Nathan Kay caught up with band patriarch Nicky Byrne this week, he admitted, Pop music is moving on and when you look at someone like Lady Gaga she is the new Madonna. You've got to try and cling onto that as much as you can. Hopefully the new producers we are working with this year can come up with something a little bit of a step up from what we did last year. Not necessarily up tempo but great songs.

    We have been tarnished with a very ballad brush but I'm not the boring guy who likes dressing in a suit and sitting on a stool so I'm not sure why we developed into that. It's not always about recording a ballad and only a ballad. If we are going to keep up with the big pop stars then we have to think outside of the box and that's what we're doing now with our new team.

    After 13 years under the supervision of music maestro Simon Cowell, one would have thought that with his vast knowledge of the industry he would be able to guide the boys in the right direction but not according to Nicky: We signed to Simon back in 1998 and he was brilliant but then came the development of X Factor and American Idol. Simon became famous himself and his interests went that way rather than on Westlife. We almost felt a little bit unloved with Simon Cowell, if I was to be honest.

    We need someone in A&R telling you that's going to be a hit or not. We had it with Simon but he got so busy and would do it at the very last minute and we needed someone who was on it all the time. We have that now as we've just moved across from Syco records to RCA so it's a different team. It's their job to put us in with the right producers and co-writers so if it goes wrong then there's someone to blame but if it goes right then happy days. We're in that position now where we have someone working on it full time.

    Two years ago, the band reached a point where they had to take a break and re-evaluate their focus and direction. It's now an ideal time for the boys to get their teeth stuck into their careers and give it their best shot with RCA. Nicky admits, The break was well needed but it was only a year so it wasn't like when Boyzone or Take That had a break and then got back together. Nobody did any work and we just thought lets not have an album out this year and it worked well. Taking a year out set us up so that we can make a good go of it for two or three years then maybe take a break. We had What About Now which was a really big hit for us everywhere and we're on tour right now which sees us go all around the world and then across to Dubai.

    Ahlan! magazine is a huge Westlife fan so we are as delighted as you guys that the band will be heading over to Dubai on Thursday April 14 as part of their Gravity tour. Luckily, Nicky is a fan of the UAE and can't wait to head out. It feels good to be back, it's been too long. It's an amazing part of the World and we can't wait. I remember last time we were there we did the concert in an open air park and it was pretty spectacular so coming back to the Middle East is very special. Nicky says.
    So, with all of this new found vigour and excitement back in their careers are the band going to take advantage of recent media reports that former band member Brian McFadden will be rejoining the group?

    Well, I always say never say never but some of the boys may have a different attitude on that. We certainly have no plans to do that and the reason why I say never say never is because I'm older now and things come and go and I would have no problems with hooking up with him again, at the right time and for the right reason, for a song, a tour, an album but that's yet to be discussed.

    We're still friends but friends to the level of where we talk to each other on Twitter and have each others numbers. It's like having an old school friend but then again we all shared something that nobody else can understand. Therefore, doing something with Brian, I think, would be fun. I don't want to get to the stage when this is long gone and I think back and say why didn't we do anything with Brian. I know Brian is quite sentimental and I have spoken to him about things. He will text one of us or when we're chatting and say you got to go on Youtube and check out X, Y or Z and you see it and remember those times. At this point, Nicky's twin sons Rocco and Jay, with former Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern's daughter Georgina, left, can be heard scrapping in the background and as he steps in to break up the fight, he admits, It's great being a dad. It's stressful as they get older, but it's great. They love coming to the shows and trying the songs and the moves.

    As a dad I would love them to play football as that's what I did when I was growing up. Whatever they want to do, as long as they are strong, happy and healthy and we have a strong family unit then I'm happy with that.

    Monday April 11 2011

    WESTLIFE have ruled out any Take That-style reunion with 'prodigal son' Brian McFadden.

    There's no immediate plans to welcome the former member back for a one-off performance, with the lads themselves admitting it's "unlikely" to happen.

    While talking to the audience during one recent gig, their jokes about how they might bring out McFadden were met with a chorus of boos.

    Nicky Byrne (31) has revealed how he "feels sorry" for Brian after his split from fiancee Delta Goodrem. None of the band members has heard from the Artane native after he confirmed his seven-year relationship was over.

    Speaking for the first time about Brian's newly single status, Nicky said his sympathies would lie with him.

    "I haven't actually heard from Brian at all. I like him and I genuinely feel sorry for him. I would never wish any badness on him. He's a nice guy, deep down," he said.

    McFadden quit the band in 2004 to go solo, but failed to achieve the same success.

    As Westlife finished a string of five sell-out dates in the O2 last night, Kian Egan also said they hadn't heard anything from Brian. "Not a word, not a text, not a tweet, nothing," he said. Asked if there was a possibility of working with Brian again, now his relationship with the Aussie crooner had run its course, he said it was unlikely.

    "We really don't see it. Given that we're doing a Greatest Hits tour, there's obviously a little whisper of should we do something with Brian or not?" he explained.

    "And who's to say we won't? I don't necessarily see it happening, it would have to be something really special and something small, not this big thing."

    The co-manager of Wonderland also said how his heart went out to the former couple in the wake of their split.

    "Of course, Delta and Brian are both lovely people and it's always sad to hear when a couple break down," he continued.

    "Jodi [Albert] is a very good friend of Delta's and every time when we were around together, the four of us would go out and do something together. It is sad, I just hope they're both okay."

    He went on to say how everything had been going "absolutely superb" for the boyband and the move to the new label had given them a huge boost.

    "The O2 is a very special venue for us and we feel it's probably one of the best venues we've ever played. It's just the intimacy of it and the way it's laid out. It's just been amazing playing to the home crowds again," he continued.

    "This year we have a platform that comes right out over the audience.

    "We haven't done that since we were in the real boybandy phase of our career when we were jumping around in the white suits.

    "You see older women going absolutely nuts, you can make a lot of eye contact with the audience and it's great to have that."

    Irish pop superstars Westlife
    will be among the lineup to perform for Queen Elizabeth in an evening celebrating Irish fashion, music and theatre during her state visit to Dublin next month
    Last night a concert for the Queen Elizabeth took place at Dublin's Convention Centre and Westlife performed
    You Raise Me

    Fashion Kicks 2011 that includes Nicky, Georgina, Shane and Gillian on YouTube. It shows them arriving and you can also see Nicky and Shane talking to the camera

    A number of Irish artists including Jedward and Westlife played to an estimated 60,000 people at College Green in Dublin this evening.

    The musicians entertained athe crowd ahead of a speech by US president Barack Obama.

    Rounding off the afternoon were Westlife. Kian Egan told the crowd "it was a very big honour to be singing for the president. The other day we sang for the queen and here we are again today. What an amazing week it has been for Ireland, and we're very proud to be Irish."

    WESTLIFE are thrilled with their new RCA record deal after arguing with Simon Cowell’s label Syco.

    Bosses refused to let Westlife release more than one single from an album.

    So after 12 years, the manband have moved on to pastures new and will release a greatest hits album containing five new tracks later this year. The first single drops on August 14.

    Kian Egan, 31, told me: “The new single is up-tempo and very different for Westlife. Mark Feehily co-wrote it with John Shanks.

    “Simon’s company has become more about TV as the music industry is shrinking.

    “We’d have arguments about wanting to release more than one single with Syco, and Simon wouldn’t even be involved. Leaving was the best decision for us.”

    May 09,2011 Westlife seen leaving a business meeting in Central London, UK

    Irish super-group Westlife are to release their Greatest Hits album on November 21st, it has been announced.

    The band comment: “It’s almost hard to believe that we’ve been doing this for as long as we have. We’re incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved and are looking forward to releasing our Greatest Hits as a special thank you to our fans who have supported us throughout our career.”

    Wednesday, 14 September 2011 Written by Jon Stickler

    Irish boy band Westlife are set to announce a new UK tour for May 2012!

    After a hugely successful UK tour earlier this year, kings of the charts Westlife are understood to be hitting the road once again in May 2012 to wow audiences up and down the country.

    Westlife are among the world's most prolific touring acts, with ten sell out tours already under their belts, including playing to a sell out crowd at the legendary Croke Park in Dublin. They have sold more tickets at London's Wembley Arena than any other act and have played a record number of dates there.

    Westlife, who will release their 'Westlife: The Greatest Hits' album on November 21st, will be visiting some of the biggest venues in the country playing out their biggest hits including tracks form their recent albums 'Where We Are' and 'Gravity'. More tour dates are expected to be confirmed during the lead-up to the tour.

    'Westlife: The Greatest Hits' will feature hits from the band's entire career so far and is released in the UK on November 21st 2011. Westlife have sold an astonishing 44 million albums since they formed in 1998.

    The Westlife boys said: “It’s almost hard to believe that we’ve been doing this for as long as we have. We’re incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved and are looking forward to releasing our Greatest Hits as a special thank you to our fans who have supported us throughout our career.”

    There are two versions of the album available including a standard CD featuring the Greatest Hits plus brand new tracks as well as a 2CD/DVD deluxe version including the Greatest Hits, brand new tracks and video footage.

    Westlife's 2012 UK tour dates will be announced at in the coming weeks!

    Westlife Tickets are set to go onsale in October.

    Westlife are releasing a single written by Gary Barlow as they preferred it to one of their own tracks.

    Westlife releasing Gary Barlow track

    The group's Mark Feehily had penned a song called 'Beautiful World', which was due to be the lead single from their forthcoming 'Greatest Hits' compilation but at the last minute they ditched the song in favour of one given to them by the Take That star and his 'Patience' co-writer John Shanks.

    Mark said: "It was literally up until a day ago that we were deciding between 'Lighthouse' and 'Beautiful World' for the first single but they went with 'Lighthouse' in the end.

    "I wasn't too gutted though. Once I write the song I've written it. You can't get too attached and just have to hand it over and forget the fact that you've written it."

    The group insist there is no rivalry between themselves and Take That and they think it is "cool" to have Gary write songs for them.

    Mark told the Daily Star newspaper: "I love the idea of Gary writing for us and throwing all the rules out the window."

    Nicky Byrne added: "Some people might think Gary would be seen as the competition but we don't at all. It's kind of cool he's written for us."
    They love us, we love them back: Westlife performs before their Filipino fans in their fourth Manila concert


    The “Gravity Tour 2011” is surely one for the books, particularly to those who, as the Irish lads said, “got through grade school” listening to their hits that never goes old… even if the guys that recorded them did. Shane Filan, Mark Feehily, Kian Egan, and Nicky Byrne may be in their 30s now yet their connection to the Filipino audience remains as strong as when they started out in the late '90s, and even if it’s already their fourth concert here.

    The jam-packed venue was filled with squeals, cheers, and colorful lights—even before the white curtain on the stage fell and revealed the group and even after they’ve left the platform—from the fans who sang their lungs out to their all-time favorite Westlife songs, as well as tracks from the group’s 11th studio album, “Gravity.”

    Apparently, the feeling is mutual. The members of the million-record-selling boy band incessantly said their thanks yous to their beloved Filipino audience. Shane and Kian both declared that it was one of, if not, the best crowd they’ve had. And to cement that momentous event, Nicky and Kian took out their camera phones and captured videos of the crowd. It turned out, as the latter revealed, that they’re making a “video diary” for their family in Ireland.

    In spite of the large venue,
    the concert felt intimate and personal. Westlife members know how to make their fans feel special. At one point during their spiels, the four chose four fans who had what they deem as the best banners,
    invited them onstage and dedicated their song “Beautiful Tonight” to them. Nicky also got the Filipino fans doing their own brand of a giant wave and at another point, singing “My Love” in a capella, which Nicky both filmed through his phone.

    The four also made simple, personal gestures at their fans from time to time, such as waving and smiling at them. We caught Mark pick a rolled letter which a fan in the front area of the stage probably tossed to them. After quietly signaling each other, Mark discreetly tucked the letter in his pants’ pocket. Sweet.

    It was apparently a nostalgic night for the fans,
    hearing the energetic three-song opener “When You’re Looking Like That,” “World Of Our Own,” a
    nd “What Makes A Man,” as well as the Westlife hits
    “Flying Without Wings,” “Seasons In The Sun,” and “My Love.”

    Their 15-song set also included their versions of “Home,” “You Raise Me Up,” and an amusing and surprising medley of pop tunes, consisting of Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida,” Rihanna’s “Only Girl (In The World)”—
    the chorus of which Mark tweaked into “I’m gonna make you feel, like you’re the only girl in the world…”—The Black Eyed Peas’ “Time Of My Life (Dirty Bit),” and Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” (done with some Gaga-esque choreography).

    Apart from singing clearly—and may we make special mention of Mark’s flair for improvisation which added a different spice to the songs—
    the boys also unleashed the signature dance moves characteristic among boy bands. That’s something we don’t see often nowadays, and probably that’s why the show became all the more enjoyable.

    Westlife heeded the fans’ loud screams for an encore and performed “What About Now” and “Uptown Girl” before taking their final bow in what surely the fans hope not to be their last Manila show. Two hours watching a Westlife concert was indeed time well spent.

    KUALA LUMPUR, 28 September (Bernama) -- Irish super-group Westlife will be releasing their brand new single 'Lighthouse' on Nov 14, to be followed by with the release of their 'Greatest Hits' on November 21.

    The single, which is co-written by Gary Barlow and John Shanks, is one of four new tracks featured in the album.

    MANILA, Philippines - Did Westlife forget about American Time and keep Filipino Time?

    You see, the group’s welcome presscon was scheduled at 1 o’clock yesterday afternoon at a function room of EDSA Shangri-La where the four guys were billeted but they showed up at way past 3:30 p.m. Some of the media had left but some stayed to hear the guys apologize for the miscommunication between them and the organizers/ producers of the concert staged last night at the Smart Araneta Coliseum.

    “We didn’t know that there would be a press conference,” admitted Nicky Byrne who, at 33, is the oldest among the members.

    Westlife used to have five members but one of them, Bryan McFadden, has gone solo. The three other remaining members are Shane Filan, 32; Kian Egan, 31; and Mark Feehily, 31.

    The boys arrived before midnight Wednesday from Hong Kong where they had a show. From Manila, they will go to Hanoi today for another concert which is part of the promo for their album Gravity (released locally by Sony Music).

    In an exclusive interview with The STAR two weeks ago, Nicky Byrne publicly invited Manny Pacquiao to watch their concert, saying, “I do hope that we could do a song with him, preferably ‘You Raise Me Up.’ During the day, I would love to do a bit of boxing training with him and at night, we could do more singing. You see, I’ve been boxing as part of my workout, part of my conditioning.”

    But due to his tight schedule training in Baguio for his return bout with Juan Manuel Marquez, Pacquiao begged off from watching the concert.

    “He would have loved to but he was really pressed for time,” somebody close to Pacquiao told The STAR.

    Other boy bands have split up and new ones have cropped up, but Westlife has managed to stay on top these past 14 years. Asked how they do it, Nicky said, “Honestly, I don’t know. You know, maybe we know what buttons to push and what pushes each other’s buttons. There’s really no magic formula. If there was, we would have put it in a bottle and sold it.”

    It’s not the quartet’s first time to visit the Philippines. They first came here in 1999.

    “We love coming back to the Philippines,” said Nicky. “I think we’ve been here five times for promo visits and for concerts. We always look forward to coming back because the Philippines has always been very welcoming to Westlife.”

    Westlife concert interupted by health and safety fears
    By Anthony Lund on 06/10/2011 : Westlife Fans were in danger of being crushed at the concert in Jakarta.
    Westlife concert interupted by health and safety fears

    Irish boyband Westlife were forced to interrupt their concert in Indonesia last night (05.10.11) when they had fears for the safety of the crowd.

    The group took to the stage as part of their Far East tour, and were performing in Jakarta but had to leave the stage for half an hour while security fears were being addressed.

    The issues started when hysterical fans began to surge forward, alerting security that there were people about to be crushed to death if something was not done.

    Posting on his Twitter account, band member Kian said, “We had to stop our show in Indonesia for 30 minutes for the safety of our fans. We feared someone would die. Thankfully no one did.”
    Westlife celebrate success with hits album
    Friday 7 October 2011

    To mark fourteen years of success in the music industry,
    Westlife are releasing their Greatest Hits on November 21.
    Westlife's Greatest Hits album is out in November Having sold over 44 million records worldwide,
    had 14 number one singles and 7 number one albums, Westlife are treating their fans to a special compilation of their hit records.

    Speaking about the upcoming album the band said: "We're incredibly proud of what we've achieved."

    Westlife are celebrating fourteen years in the music industry with a Greatest Hits album.

    They added: "We are looking forward to releasing our Greatest Hits as a special thank you to our fans who have supported us throughout our career."

    The specific tracklisting will be released at a later date, but fans can preorder the album from Monday from Amazon and HMV.

    Versions will include a standard CD featuring the Greatest Hits plus brand new tracks and there'll also be a 2CD/DVD deluxe version including the Greatest Hits, brand new tracks and video footage.

    Westlife Reveal Greatest Hits Artwork & Tracklisting
    Brian McFadden features heavily
    Westlife have revealed the cover art and tracklisting for their forthcoming Greatest Hits package.

    The standard edition features 18 tracks, including 14 of their biggest singles and four new recordings.

    Ten of the 14 pre-existing hits on the set feature former member Brian McFadden, such as 'My Love', 'Uptown Girl' and 'Mandy'. Recent singles 'What About Now' and 'Safe' have also made the cut, as have all of their first four number one hits 'Swear It Again', 'If I Let You Go', 'Flying Without Wings' and 'I Have A Dream'.

    The deluxe version comes packaged with a bonus disc, featuring 12 more of their singles (eight with Brian), including 'Seasons In The Sun', 'What Makes A Man' and 'The Rose', plus six live recordings.There's also a DVD featuring all 35 of their music videos to date.

    The band said: "It’s almost hard to believe that we’ve been doing this for as long as we have. We’re incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved and are looking forward to releasing our Greatest Hits as a special thank you to our fans who have supported us throughout our career.”

    The album, out November 21, is preceded by the new single 'Lighthouse', written by Gary Barlow. It will face tough chart competition from One Direction and Rihanna, who also bring out their new discs on the same day.

    Westlife touch down at Heathrow Airport…


    On Tuesday afternoon we caught up with Nicky Byrne, Shane Filan, Mark Feehily and Kian Egan arriving in the UK.

    Well, you’ll have to take our word for it that Kian was there as he asked our photographers not take his picture. Apparently he wasn’t looking his best after a 15-hour flight. Fair enough.
    Although Kian should probably get used to some extra attention as it’s just been confirmed that
    the Westlife singer will be a judge and mentor on ‘The Voice of Ireland.’

    The rest of the line-up with includes Bressie, Sharon Corr and Brian Kennedy.

    Posted: 12/10/2011
    The Westlife Greatest Hits cover is a classic

    The Irish boyband (that's Nicky, Kian, Mark and Shane) master the art of the staring-into-the-distance-longingly shot in the cover shot for their Greatest Hits.

    And we know we've probably drunk too many cups of tea slash been staring at a computer screen for too long but we've convinced ourselves they're staring at us.

    We reviewed the lads' brand new single Lighthouse and it made us feel all autumnal.

    And this shot is having the same affect - with the fresh blue sky, orange hues in the trees and the biker boots/cardis.

    The band have also enticed us with a tracklisting for the album (out November 21st).

    1. Swear It Again
    2. If I Let You Go
    3. Flying Without Wings
    4. I Have A Dream
    5. Against All Odds
    6. My Love
    7. Uptown Girl
    8. Queen Of My Heart
    9. World Of Our Own
    10. Mandy
    11. You Raise Me Up
    12. Home
    13. What About Now
    14. Safe
    15. Lighthouse
    16. Beautiful World
    17. Wide Open
    18. Last Mile Of The Way

    dream of sharing the stage and singing together
    with Manny Pacquaio during their Gravity Tour 2011 concert held at the Araneta Coliseum on Sept.
    29 never came true.

    Not that the boxing champ snubbed the Irish boy band because of the “informal invitation.” Pacquaio is set to fight against Juan Manuel Marquez come Nov. 12 and so his coach, Freddie Roach, did not allow him to get out of the training camp in Baguio.

    Aside from the Westlife lads, who else needs the presence of our “Pambansang Kamao” in that concert anyway? Minus Manny, the Irish pop sensation composed of Shane Filan, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne and Mark Feehily could still whip the crowd into frenzy, effortlessly!

    And that’s what exactly happened last Thursday night: Westlife showed A1, Boyzone, Backstreet Boys, Blue, F4 and all other foreign boy bands that stepped into the Philippine soil in previous years just how it’s done—and what has brought them such longevity o n the global music scene.

    Second-rate opening

    Since ABS-CBN was
    the official TV network partner of the Irish quartet’s Philippine tour, it tapped budding Star Magic talents as front acts: Young JV, Van Roxas and Piero Vergara. But whoever thought of assigning these still-nameless performers as “appetizers” for the show should be reprimanded because they did not start the “meal” off on a delicious note, with their so-so RnB, pop and rap acts that irritated majority of the audience at the Big Dome.

    It would have been better if the Kapamilya station just utilized one artist who could guarantee better routines like Yeng Constantino, Angeline Quinto or Marie Dibgy. In short,
    the front acts’ segment was “very Asap Rocks” (read: boring).

    Deafening applause and screams from adoring fans broke loose shortly after the white curtain dropped and Shane, Kian, Nicky and Mark appeared on stage then belted out “When You’re Looking Like That,”
    “World of Our Own” and “What Makes a Man.” All of them are in their ‘30s now, but they hardly looked any older.
    The opening number was too reminiscent of their past concerts archived on DVDs—
    the lads were clad in black trench coats as usual—
    but it was clear they haven’t lost their passion to
    perform for more than 13 years now.

    The Irish group’s second set, which included “Safe,” “Home”—a Michael Buble original—“Beautiful Tonight”—which sounds like Bruno Mars’ “Just The Way You Are”—was the least-liked segment among the elder devotees as some of them had lost track of Westlife’s most recent albums by now. But this was the part where they extended their huge thank yous to everyone in attendance at the Big Dome. “You are the most enthusiastic crowd I’ve ever seen,” Filan revealed, while Egan said, “Sorry, we left you for so long. Let us bring some old songs back… Are you familiar with the song “My Love?” The fans were made to sing a few lines in a capella, to which Egan and Byrne recorded through their camera phones.

    In the absence of Pacquiao, the boy band chose four fans that carried attention-grabbing banners—“Nicky, I want twins, can I have your genes?,” “Kian, is it hot in here, or is it just you?” and “Christine Loves Shane”—and were asked to go up on stage to sing “Beautiful Tonight” with them. And the greatest upset among the female fans that night? Oh well, the openly-gay Feehily picked another gay man with “Mark, Kiss Me, It’s My Birthday!” banner to join him on stage!

    Bora as backdrop

    For their third set, Westlife ditched their usual suits for colorful jackets, Mickey Mouse shirts and jeans, then rocked out with the crowd with their versions of Coldplay’s “Viva La Vida,” Black Eyed Peas “Time of My Life (Dirty Bit)” and Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance.” This type of medley has become a popular staple of the four piece’s most recent shows, and their Manila concert was no exception.

    But who would forget Feehily’s powerful rendition of Rihanna’s “Only Girl (In The World)?” Not only did it showcase his full vocal range and great potential as a solo artist—it left everyone with their mouths wide open after his astounding performance!

    From the more current sounds, the group then swapped to their usual slow songs on their fourth set with “Already There” and “I Will Reach You.” The fans were transported back to the beginning of Westlife’s career via “Seasons in the Sun”—where the alluring and pristine beauty of Boracay island was featured on the wide screen that served as their backdrop—and “Flying Without Wings.”

    “You Raise Me Up,” a song which has been covered more than 125 times, brought the curtain down that evening along with ear-splitting applause. Surprisingly, the Irish boy band did not include in their set list some significant songs that propelled them to stardom: “Swear It Again,” their first-ever UK no. 1 single, and “Fool Again,” their fifth consecutive UK chart-topper.

    Superb show?

    Fans were moved when Westlife returned for their encore—they donned stylish black suits this time—and sang “What About Now.” Instead of belting out another ballad that would leave spectators at the Big Dome teary-eyed or crying during their closing moment, the quartet smartly opted for a happy, upbeat piece, “Uptown Girl.”

    Gravity Tour 2011 marked Westlife’s fourth visit to Manila, the previous ones were back in 2000, 2001 and 2006. But with an estimated number of 11,000 people who trooped the Araneta Coliseum to see them face to face, it appeared like it was only their first time to come here!

    The Gravity Tour 2011 concert was magnificent as it showed how much Shane Filan, Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne and Mark Feehily evolved from being a stereotype boy band to a live-performance act.

    The Irish quartet has gone so far to become a mature vocal group packed with tightly-knit harmonies and easy grace on stage. With a couple of new arrangements for some of their previous hits, they were able to make attendees at the Big Dome feel that they were hearing several songs for the first time. That’s quite an achievement in itself. Westlife’s Manila tour was indeed worth the long wait.

    Westlife, . Irish Deaf Society opens 'Signs of Life' Photography Exhibition at Film Base, Temple Bar.. Dublin, Ireland - 13.10.11.
    Westlife Tour Dates in FULL:

    May 2012

    Monday 14 Newcastle Metro Radio Arena
    Tuesday 15 Liverpool Echo Arena
    Thursday 17 Cardiff Motorpoint Arena
    Saturday 19 Sheffield Motorpoint Arena
    Sunday 20 Birmingham LG Arena
    Tuesday 22 Nottingham Capital FM Arena
    Wednesday 23 London O2 Arena
    Saturday 26 Manchester Evening News Arena
    Sunday 27 Glasgow SECC

    Westlife plan farewell tour to thank broken-hearted fans

    But after 14 years, 14 number-one singles and 44 million album sales, the chart-topping act announced last night they were to split after a final farewell gig in Dublin next year.

    "We lived the dream so we're not hanging our heads," member Kian Egan told the Irish Independent last night.

    "We're celebrating what we came from and what we achieved. Meeting the Pope, Barack Obama, singing for the queen. We grew up in this wonderful, magical adventure which surpassed our wildest expectations but now the time has come to stop."

    In a statement, the group said the decision had been "entirely amicable" and the four members would go their separate ways after the release of a greatest hits collection next month and a farewell tour next summer.

    But Egan revealed Westlife's final goodbye was likely to be a stadium show in Dublin next summer.

    "Doing Croke Park or Lansdowne would be perfect because we want to go out on a high.

    "We wanted to finish it like this, and not be in a situation where we just dwindled away over the years, playing to smaller and smaller crowds," he added.

    Although news of the split came around 6pm yesterday, the Sligo man said the parting had been an "ongoing discussion" among Westlife for the past few months.

    It is now ticket sales rather than record sales by which the success of a music act is measured, so there was little concern when, last March, Westlife parted from record company Syco, run by Simon Cowell and with whom they had their biggest hits.

    Picked up by label RCA, they have continued to be a popular live draw around the world, recently returning from an extensive tour of Asia.

    But Egan revealed that each member was now keen to "do his own thing". Shane Filan (32) is working on a solo album, Mark Feehily (31) is penning songs for other pop acts and Dubliner Nicky Byrne (33) is looking at a career in the media.

    Expecting his first child with wife Jodi Albert in January, Egan (31) is to be a coach/mentor in new RTE talent series 'The Voice Of Ireland'.

    "We all have stuff we want to do and the time has come to do it. We're all looking forward to doing our own thing.

    "We all feel very positive and we just want to thank our fans for the support they've given us over the years," added Egan.

    Manager Louis Walsh was among those who paid tribute last night, calling Westlife "four of the best ambassadors Ireland has ever had".

    "Westlife were always the best four people I have ever worked with. I had a brilliant time working with them," he said.

    "And it just goes to show how far you can get in this business with the right attitude.

    "I know the fans are going to be upset but they shouldn't be. The end doesn't really mean the end, look at what happened with the Stone Roses this week," Walsh told the Irish Independent.

    Westlife's 'Greatest Hits' is to be released in Ireland on November 18, with a new single, 'Lighthouse', issued a week earlier on November 11.

    Dates for a final Irish tour including a monster farewell in Dublin are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.



    22-11-2013 om 01:14 geschreven door westlife

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    22-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Shane playing football in Sligo



    Westlife love their footy and play whenever they can

    Westlife singer Nicky Byrne was always destined for stardom - but not necessarily as a pop star.
    Before joining the band, Nicky spent two years at Leeds United and dreamed of making it as a top-flight 'keeper.

    His talent was never in doubt, but Leeds thought he was too short to make the grade and released him from his contract.

    But Nicky still loves the game and plays whenever he can



    Winning Bryan from Westlife tackles Will Mellor


    brain mcfadden



    Nicky in Soccer Aid
    Soccer Aid is one of the most exciting charity events of the year, and Nicky is thrilled to be taking part in the 2008 match.

    Soccer Aid is held in aid of UNICEF and its partners, and was originated by Robbie Williams. The match takes place on 7th September,

    Nicky's Rest Of The World team put up an admirable fight in last night's Soccer Aid match, but they were narrowly beaten 4-3 in the final minutes by England.

    The singer and other celebrities including Bryan McFadden and Jamie Theakston played football against World Cup legends such as Jamie Redknapp and Alan Shearer to raise money for UNICEF.

    Battle of the pecs: Soccer hunks tackle celebrities on and off the pitch ahead of charity match


    Westlife's Shane Filan playing golf at the K-Club
    Kildare, Ireland - 25.05.07



    nicky 2009






    Shane Filan is set to realise a childhood dream by leading his own soccer team against home town club Sligo Rovers.

    The Westlife singer, a Rovers fan all his life, is stepping up several divisions for the game next month.

    Shane is striker for his father-in-law's work team from the Sligo Plumbing and Heating company.

    He has been playing on the astroturf in Division Two of his local Nightowls League.

    The 30-year-old plans to recruit one or two surprise guests for the game at Sligo Showgrounds against League of Ireland Premier Division side Rovers on Ausgust 5.

    He set up the event for pals Lesley Ann Culkin, 26, and 27-year-old Hilary Jones who are climbing Africa's highest mountain, Kilimanjaro, to raise funds for the Irish Red Cross. HR consultant Lesley Ann, whose boyfriend Michael Walsh is Shane's brother-in-law, said they were discussing a football match as a likely fundraiser when the singer volunteered.

    She said: "He has so many other things to do that we are absolutely thrilled. I know it will be a great night at the Showgrounds."

    Shane has been banging home winners during the past 10 months for his team in the amateur astro-turf league at a sports complex in Sligo. He said: "We've won a good few games. It's good craic. I started off on the left-wing, but I wasn't great there.

    "Then I moved up front and I started scoring goals. I'm getting there slowly but surely."

    Westlife's link to soccer goes back 12 years to their first TV appearance when they performed at half-time during a Sligo Rovers home match and it was shown on RTE's Nationwide. Shane said: "It was a 30-second clip. We were delighted at the time. It was great exposure and we felt very excited when we saw ourselves.

    "We were on telly and we thought we were very famous. We were 17 or 18 years of age at the time with dreams of becoming Backstreet Boys or Take That.

    "Little did we know that a year later it would all kick off for us and it's been mental ever since."


     WHEN Westlife

    stars Nicky Byrne and Shane Filan visited Lennoxtown this week, they got a look at the new Celtic Nike home kit.

    And the boys,

    who are both massive Celtic fans,

    were impressed by the new Hoops shirt, which was officially unveiled on Wednesday.

    Westlife were in Glasgow for three sell-out shows at the SECC, but Nicky and Shane jumped at the chance to visit Lennoxtown as they prepared for the UNICEF Soccer Aid match on June 6, which they are taking part in.

    And the two Bhoys spoke of their pride in Celtic's Irish connection.

    Growing up in Ireland, you go to school and you're just a Celtic supporter, said Shane. I think it's very patriotic thing. Your dad follows them, and your son follows them, and it's passed on through the generations.

    And Nicky added:

    The Irish connection goes back as long as Celtic have been in existence,

    and it's something we're very proud of.




    Shane Filan playing with Sligo Plumbing and Heating in the SRFC Astro League, at the Showgrounds in Sligo.




    Westlife star nicky byrne takes time out from his busy schedule to train with celtic football club at lennoxtown – where: east dunbartonshire, scotland.




    22-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Westlife are back with a brand new single so get ready to sway, and wave those lighters in the air.
    Westlife are back with a brand new single
    so get ready to sway,
    and wave those
    lighters in the air.

    Westlife are back with
    a brand new single!

    Yahoo! omg!
    were lucky enough to have a top
    secret FIRST listen to their new track
    'Lighthouse' in full yesterday.

    The CD was literally carried to our office,
    played to us and then smuggled back
    in a secure operation which made
    us feel a bit
    like we were in a Bond film.

    And we can indeed confirm that
    it's the Irish boys back at their best.

    Think Elton John, pianos and romance
    as the song opens gently.

    But before long it gives way to a rich,
    uplifting chorus like some of
    Westlife's best ballads -
    but with a touch of
    Take That in there too (Gary Barlow
    wrote it so it's hardly surprising).

    With lyrics like
    "For a man who rarely cried/I get all choked up inside"
    we can see ourselves kicking
    autumnal leaves as this blares out of our ipods.

    Rather like the video,
    by the looks of these brand new
    behind-the-scenes shots of their video shoot!

    We had a first listen -
    and these are brand new
    shots from their video!

    Westlife fans,
    we challenge you not to like it.

    Lighthouse' out on Nov 13th.
    Lead single from
    their Greatest Hits album, out Nov 21.

    21-11-2013 om 23:52 geschreven door westlife

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    21-11-2013 om 14:26 geschreven door westlife

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    voor 2004







    2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2007 -

    20-11-2013 om 21:57 geschreven door westlife

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    20-11-2013 om 20:39 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. westlife --- 2012
    Nicky: It is going to be so scary, but we all know Westlife is over
    Byrne just doesn't know what the next step is after calling it a day

    IN GOOD NICK: Westlife’s Nicky Byrne is looking forward to the future – whatever it may bring
    IT'S been a dramatic few weeks in the world of Westlife - and that's before they face into the emotional rollercoaster of their final shows this summer. Towering Mark Feehily recently announced his shock split with longtime English boyfriend, Kevin McDaid, a boyband-star-turned photographer. And The Voice of Ireland mentor, Kian Egan, got the best Christmas present ever when he and his gorgeous wife, Jodi, became first time parents to baby son, Koa.
    Shuffle caught up with Nicky Byrne and Shane Filan to find out how they will cope with the traumatic months ahead as they close the Westlife chapter after 14 years at the top of the charts. The boys admit that all the Westlife lads are "scared" of what lies ahead.
    "It's not like taking a break," Nicky Byrne points out."When we took a year off after Croke Park in 2008, I thought, 'I'll enjoy my life; I'll holiday, I'll do a little bit of work.' This is different: we're making a career decision that is final and that's going to be scary.
    "How we are going to face our final show I don't really know. It's easy to predict that we're all going to be sad and that we'll cry and hug each other. But it's the aftermath that scares us because we just don't know what lies ahead.
    "Waking up the day after our last show is going to be a really weird feeling. It's going to be like, 'OK, what are we going to do now?' None of us want to sit at home shining our golf clubs."
    Singer Shane Filan, sitting on the edge of a couch in a plush hotel room, nods in agreement. "It is going to be scary and it scares all of us, but we also know that Westlife has to come to an end," he says.
    "We're together 14 years as a pop group, which is bananas.We're wondering what else is out there in life, having spent half of our lives in a band. It's been amazing, but we also know there are other things in life that we'll never get to do unless we make the break and give it a go."

    SIMPLY THE WEST: The forthcoming tour will be the last for Westlife, who have spent 14 years in the pop business

    Shane reveals that all four members of Westlife want to remain in showbusiness - and he will be the first member to launch a solo singing career. Louis Walsh has already agreed to be his manager. "Shane is going to be huge as a solo singer," Louis tells Shuffle.
    Shane admits: "I know it's a tough world out there and we are all going to have to prove ourselves outside Westlife.There will be a lot of pressure on us because we'll all be under a microscope no matter what we do."
    Despite their apprehension about the future, the Westlife lads say they are also facing into the unknown with a sense of excitement. "We feel nervously excited that we have a challenge again because Westlife had stopped being a challenge," Shane admits.
    "In the last few years it was nearly like auto pilot. And while we loved doing the live concerts, the business side of running Westlife was draining the joy out of it for us.The business side is stressful."
    Filan and Byrne laugh at the reaction they got from some media people following the announcement of their split. "It's like when someone dies, suddenly we were great," Nicky laughs.
    "I remember reading stuff through the years - and you only remember the bad things - about us being a karaoke band or whatever. And, do you know, probably some of them were right.
    "But as soon as we said we were quitting, there was nostalgia for the group and loads of journalists and radio people were saying nice things about us. If we'd known they felt that way about us we might have stayed on."

    Monday, 23 January 2012 Written by Jon Stickler

    Another day and another Westlife tour date is announced, today the lads have confirmed a further show at London's O2 Arena for Saturday 12th May.

    Westlife embark on their final ever tour together in May. They will play their final ever show together at Dublin's Croke Park in June. Since announcing the farewell tour back in the Autumn last year, Westlife have been forced to announce further dates nearly ever week to meet phenomenal demand to see the boyband live for the very last time.

    Westlife UK & Ireland Tour Dates are as follows:

    May 2012

    Sat May 12th 2012 – The O2 Arena, London – NEW DATE
    Sun May 13th 2012 – Motorpoint Arena, Sheffield
    Mon May 14th 2012 - Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne
    Tue May 15th 2012 - Liverpool Echo Arena, Liverpool
    Thu May 17th 2012 - Cardiff Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff
    Fri May 18th 2012 - Cardiff Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff
    Sat May 19th 2012 - Sheffield Motorpoint Arena, Sheffield
    Sun May 20th 2012 - NEC - LG Arena, Birmingham
    Tue May 22nd 2012 - Nottingham Arena, Nottingham
    Wed May 23rd 2012 - The O2 Arena, London
    Thu May 24th 2012 - The O2 Arena, London
    Sat May 26th 2012 - Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester
    Sun May 27th 2012 - SECC, Glasgow
    Tue May 29th 2012 – Odyssey Arena, Belfast
    Wed May 30th 2012 – Odyssey Arena, Belfast

    June 2012

    Fri June 1st 2012 - Odyssey Arena, Belfast
    Sat June 2nd 2012 - Odyssey Arena, Belfast
    Mon June 4th 2012 – LG Arena, Birmingham
    Tue June 5th 2012 - Nottingham Arena, Nottingham
    Thu June 7th 2012 - The O2 Arena, London
    Fri June 8th 2012 - LG Arena, Birmingham
    Sat June 9th 2012 - Manchester Evening News Arena, Manchester
    Mon June 11th 2012 - Cardiff Motorpoint Arena, Cardiff
    Tue June 12th 2012 - Sheffield Motorpoint Arena, Sheffield
    Wed June 13th 2012 - Liverpool Echo Arena, Liverpool
    Fri June 15th 2012 - Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle Upon Tyne
    Sat June 16th 2012 - SECC, Glasgow
    Sun June 17th 2012 - SECC, Glasgow
    Tue June 19th 2012 – SECC, Glasgow
    Wed June 20th 2012 - Odyssey Arena, Belfast
    Fri June 22nd 2012 - Croke Park Stadium, Dublin
    Sat June 23rd 2012 - Croke Park Stadium, Dublin


    Westlife star Mark Feehily looks to solo future as band call it quits
    Jan 1 2012 By Beverley Lyons

    However, it’s absolutely certain the summer will see the end of an era for one of Ireland’s most popular musical exports of all time, when Westlife call it a day.

    The foursome – since Brian McFadden departed – find themselves contemplating life outside the band that’s taken them around the world for 14 years.

    Mark Feehily, Kian Egan, Shane Filan and Nicky Byrne have no idea which of them will go on to be solo superstars, and which – if any – will fade into obscurity, happily or otherwise.

    Mark said: “I don’t think anybody could have predicted Cheryl Cole would have the most successful solo career out of Girls Aloud.

    “It’s only when we all go off and make music that it will be a bit more apparent who will be successful or not.”

    Mark is the guy most would put their money on. With one of the strongest voices in the band, striking looks, a likeable nature and having already written some of the material on previous albums, he appears to have a head start.

    He admitted he’s keen to carve out a name for himself once the band finally stops performing, following a greatest hits tour in the summer.

    He said: “I’ve been creative since I was 13 and recently I’ve been applying it a bit more. I’ve written thousands of songs but they are hidden away on a hard drive.

    “In the last few years I opened up a bit more about them and presented a demo to Westlife.

    “They were immediately recorded and the boys put some tracks on the Where We Are album.

    “Our last album has four new tracks on it and I have written the last song we will release, Beautiful World.”

    Mark, 31, is determined to continue with a musical career once he and his bandmates part ways.

    He explained: “I’m a singer and will always want to make music. I didn’t want Westlife to end so I could make a solo record, but it is something I will do now.

    “I’ve got a million ideas, a very creative brain. In order to be happy in life I’m going to have to create.”

    Of course, Westlife are not the first boyband to split up, and the road ahead can be tough for members flying solo.

    Having witnessed the hardships endured by members of East 17 and 5ive, after failing to relight the fires of success, Mark is determined that he and each of his bandmates are not headed for oblivion.

    He asserted: “We’re all very driven people. If anything, we are more now that we have to push ourselves individually.

    “Some people run off to the distance and you never see them again.

    “They have a big stint at the top and then you see some random picture of them with a two-foot beard living in obscurity.

    “We are more driven than ever. We are all just over the age of 30 now. A lot of people speak to us as though we are already dead but we are just moving on from Westlife.

    “Each of us, hopefully, will have beautiful, flowery careers ahead.”

    Most of his bandmates are champing at the bit to try their hand at new adventures but Mark admits Kian may take more time than others to readjust.

    He explained: “The only person who wants to go off and completely get away and relax is Kian.

    “He’s already a coach on The Voice in Ireland and he has just had a kid. Part of him wants to completely get away, step away from the business and enjoy his child.

    “We took a year off three years ago and it was horrible for Kian because he suffered a terrible misfortune during that time.

    “His dad passed away, which put a dark cloud over the year for him.

    “He wasn’t able to relax and do a bit of soul searching like the rest of us.

    “I think he’ll definitely relax and go away for a while, but Kian is also very driven.”

    Making the final decision to split was not easy for anyone but it came after months of rumours about the band.

    Mark is keen to reassure Westlife fans that there was never any animosity among them.

    He said: “That is something we are stressing a lot.

    “There was no incident or episode where someone said: ‘That’s it. I’m f***ing out of here’.

    “There was no sensational moment. It’s something that manifested over years. It was more an idea of calling it a day and moving on to new adventures for all of us.

    “Everyone’s mind was eventually on the same page.

    “We’ve had an amazing 14 years but it’s time for something new. We didn’t want it to dwindle away and for the magic to have gone from it.

    “The tour we are about to do, our farewell tour, is the biggest tour we’ll have ever done in our career.

    “We are going out on top, not staying around like an unwanted guest at the end of the party.”

    As Mark insisted that the boys’ plans to split are not a publicity stunt, quashing hopes that they have secret plans for a big reunion three years down the line, he revealed a new string to his bow.

    Though his secret new project is still in its infancy, the excitement in his voice was clear.

    He enthused: “I’ve been asked to write a musical by an amazing person in London.

    “It’s somebody I really admire and it’s to do something like Boy George’s Taboo musical, which he wrote about 20 years ago. It’s an updated newer version and it’s not completely commercial mainstream – a jazz hands musical like Grease – but a bit more off the centre with a mixture of indie, pop music and Broadway.

    “That’s always been something I’ve been interested in and I’m flattered that I’ve been asked to be involved with some people I really admire. But nothing exists yet.

    “It’s all just talk but it’s very exciting to even be talking about it.”

    Before anything can be done, however, the boys will lay to rest their collective status, their career together culminating in a farewell tour that will see them play 90 dates in the UK and Ireland.

    Mark’s eyes twinkled, partly in sadness, part in excitement, as he added: “It’s going to be a sad day, but it’s also a celebration of 14 years together and 14 years of touring.

    “It’s not all doom and gloom.

    “We want to have fun and Scotland has an absolutely electric crowd who always scream very well.”


    On 3 March one of the world’s most successful boy bands, Westlife, will come to AsiaWorld-Expo for Westlife The Farewell Tour Live In Hong Kong 2012. After a phenomenal career that has spanned 14 years and numerous chart-topping hits, this is the final concert tour before the band splits up. Westlife’s farewell tour has been so well received that all tickets are now sold-out

    Football’s Next Star, which is due to air this autumn, according to Celtic FC.

    Nicky, who was signed by Leeds United when he was 16, is a fanatical Celtic supporter, and he played for the Hoops in the Legends match at Celtic Park against Manchester United back in August.

    So he’s the ideal host for Football’s Next Star, which will be produced by Tyrone Productions for RTE Young Peoples Programmes, and it will feature 10 young footballers who will battle it out for one coveted place at Celtic’s prestigious Youth Academy. It’s every Bhoy’s dream!

    Westlife have added even more shows in June to their farewell tour next year and will be performing at Metro Radio Arena for a second date on Friday 15th June 2012.
    ‘The Greatest Hits Tour’ will see Kian, Shane, Mark and Nicky perform their 14 number one singles and hits in one spectacular live show for the very last time. Having sold over 44 million records worldwide, the aforementioned 14 number one singles and 7 number one albums, Irish super-group Westlife are celebrating over 14 years of success by also releasing their brand new single ‘Lighthouse’ on 13th November (physically 14th) with the release of their ‘Greatest Hits’ on 21st November. The single written by Gary Barlow and John Shanks is an instantly recognisable Westlife classic complete with soaring melodies, rousing lyrics and is one of four brand new tracks to feature on their album. The band said: “It’s almost hard to believe that we’ve been doing this for as long as we have. We’re incredibly proud of what we’ve achieved and are looking forward to releasing our Greatest Hits album and performing them live on the tour as a special thank you to our fans who have supported us throughout our career.” 'After 14 years, 26 top ten hits including 14 number one singles, 11 top 5 albums, 7 of which hit the top spot and have collectively sold over 44 million copies around the world, 10 sell out tours and countless memories that we will forever cherish, we today announce our plan to go our separate ways after a greatest hits collection this Christmas and a farewell tour next year. The decision is entirely amicable and after spending all of our adult life together so far, we want to have a well-earned break and look at new ventures. We see the greatest hits collection and the farewell tour as the perfect way to celebrate our incredible career along with our fans. We are really looking forward to getting out on the tour and seeing our fans one last time.' Over the years Westlife has become so much more to us than just a band. Westlife are a family. We would like to thank our fans who have been with us on this amazing journey and are part of our family too. 'We never imagined when we started out in 1998 that 14 years later we would still be recording, touring and having hits together. It has been a dream come true for all of us.' Kian, Mark, Nicky and Shane


    Pop sensations Westlife are taking time out of their farewell tour of China to enjoy the top tourist sights.

    The four pals posted a photo online as they posed in the famous Tiananmen Square in Beijing yesterday.

    The band had performed before 15,000 fans in the MasterCard Centre in the city the night before. Band member Nicky Byrne tweeted: “Taking in the sights in China… Tiananmen square & the Forbidden City.’’

    A spokesperson for the stars revealed Westlife are having the time of their lives in China. “They’ve really been bowled over by the country and the Chinese people — probably because they have more time to see the place this time.

    “In terms of concerts, they said it’s the new America. There’s a massive population and a huge appetite for live music and they were amazed by the rapturous welcome they’ve received in China,” the spokesperson added. Westlife’s farewell tour of China is expected to earn them a whopping €5m.

    The group will play in seven different cities for the final time in their 14-year history. The last Westlife tour is scheduled to visit the cities of Hangzhou, Chendu, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Hong Kong during the tour, which continues until March 3.


    Westlife join the team for Shay and Jane Given's Fashion Kicks charity extravaganza

    March 06, 2012

    Westlife will perform at the Fashion Kicks event organised by their friends, Aston Villa goalie Shay Given and wife Jane Westlife will perform at the Fashion Kicks event organised by their friends, Aston Villa goalie Shay Given and wife Jane

    Footballer Shay Given and wife Jane have scored quite the exclusive as they gear up to host their huge charity event in Manchester – as
    manband Westlife will perform just a week before their big farewell tour kicks off.

    Republic of Ireland and Aston Villa goalie Shay and glamorous wife Jane have raised over £1mn with their Fashion Kicks events over the
    past eight years.

    And I can reveal they are planning their biggest event yet for this year – once again to be held at The Point at Lancashire County Cricket
    Club on May 1.

    The couple have long been friends with the Westlife guys, and the Irish band have agreed to perform at the finale of the event just a
    week before they head out on their final tour before splitting after 14 years together and 26 top ten hits.

    Jane says: “It will be the last charity event that Westlife will perform at together so we're just so thrilled they were able to support us and the charities.

    “They want to go all out, so I know it's going to be a very special performance.”

    The band's Nicky Byrne says: “This year will be a memorable one for us and it is gratifying to know as Westlife draws to a close that we have helped Shay and Jane in some small way over the years.


    Westlife announce girl group Vanquish as 'Farewell Tour' support

    The boyband, who will embark on their 'Farewell Tour' of the UK and Ireland in May, confirmed that girl group Vanquish will open their shows.

    Speaking about their appointment, the group said: "To be supporting Westlife on their final UK arena tour is an amazing feeling!

    "We feel honoured to be part of this. We are going to bring fun, excitement and some powerful Vanquish pop songs to the tour. Can't wait to get on stage!"

    The four-piece have been working with producers Rob Davis and Jorgen Elofsson for their debut album.

    Between them, the producers have previously worked with the likes of Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Lopez and Kylie Minogue.

    Vanquish's debut single 'The Harder You Love' will be released in April.


    Filan eyes solo career as financial ruin looms
    Westlife star faces ?23m debt, but Louis Walsh says he'll bounce back

    FIGHTER: Shane Filan,
    will be 'the next Michael Buble', says Louis Walsh
    Sunday April 08 2012

    WESTLIFE singer Shane Filan faces losing everything in the property crash and is now set to relaunch his pop career in an attempt to revive his fortunes.

    Filan, one of Ireland's biggest pop stars, is believed to be in debt for up to ?23m, according to well-placed financial sources.

    The singer is reportedly in the process of cutting a deal with creditors by entering an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) in Britain.

    Sources say he has employed a leading firm of London accountants and is currently negotiating financial arrangements with his banks -- including Ulster Bank and Bank of Ireland -- as a way of avoiding bankruptcy.

    An IVA is a way of having debt written off if existing assets are sold to raise money for creditors.

    It is understood in financial circles that Filan is attempting to keep earnings from the impending Westlife farewell tour out of the current negotiations.

    This weekend his manager Louis Walsh, although refusing to be drawn on a figure for the Sligo man's total losses in the property business, confirmed that the singer was about to start afresh.

    "He's wiping the slate clean and starting over," said Walsh. "He is going to be fine.

    "He has a massive solo deal in the pipeline and is going to be a massive, massive star.

    "He is set to make millions from the Westlife farewell tour. They have sold out two dates at Croke Park -- that alone is huge -- and then he will make millions from the solo career too."

    The manager also said that he would be standing by his number one pop star and helping to get him back on his feet:

    "I am 100 per cent sticking by him through this. He is facing up to it and doing it [in] a very honourable and honest way. And you have to respect him for that."

    He added: "Shane has something that you can't buy, that no one else in Ireland has. He has a million-dollar voice. He'll be okay.

    "We're meeting with record companies and I'm going to make him the next Michael Buble.

    "I have big plans for Shane, there is huge interest and you know me when I say to watch this space. Shane's future is very bright."

    Both Filan and Walsh have been in talks with several record companies in London in recent days.

    It is believed that at least four different labels are making a bid to sign the Sligo father of three and release his debut solo album at the end of next year.

    As a source explained: "There's four, possibly five labels so far who have made it very clear that they want Shane.

    "He already has loads of ideas about the kind of album he wants to make and the road he wants to go down.

    "He and Louis have have had back-to-back meetings with the heads of the UK's biggest record companies and he has his pick of deals.

    "It couldn't have come at a better time, just as he needs to start again. But Louis has taken him under his wing and will always look after him."

    Sources say that the money-spinning Westlife farewell tour is set to net the band more than ?12m.

    And Filan is thrashing out a deal so that this and all future earnings will remain untouched by his creditors.

    The 32-year-old -- who has sold 43 million records worldwide with Westlife, one of the biggest boy bands of all time -- is currently being sued by Bank of Ireland for unpaid debts.

    Filan auctioned off his James Bond-style Aston Martin for ?398,000 last September. He had bought it just two years earlier as a birthday present to himself.

    A spokeswoman for the Westlife star said Filan would not be commenting.


    WE’RE more used to seeing them in smart suits but Westlife have donned the sweat pants to get in shape for their farewell tour.

    The Mail can reveal that Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan and Mark Feehily have taken over a north Dublin dance studio in a bid to get festival fit.

    The group have flown in a team of choreographers from London and are learning the gruelling routines that will make up the two-and-a-half hour show.

    For the next five days they must watch what they eat and put in eight hours of intense rehearsals.

    ‘It’s the worst part of touring for them,’ said an insider. ‘They only have the week to get the steps and set list down completely. After that they will go their separate ways until the tour starts in May.’

    Yesterday was also the first time that all four members have come together since it emerged that Shane Filan was in serious financial trouble. Shane’s property company Shafin Developments Ltd is believed to be in debt for up to [euro]23m and the singer is reportedly in the process of cutting a deal with creditors.

    This was the firsttime he has been pictured on Irish soil since news broke three weeks ago. And Mark, Nicky and Kian all rallied around the singer.

    A source said: ‘A couple of smart comments were made that were taken in good spirit by Shane because that’s the way the Westlife lads are.

    ‘But, to be honest, Shane is just happy to be back at work.’


    ’M KIAN ON BEING A ROCKER AGAIN; Star wants to form new band.


    KIAN Egan has revealed he wants to form a rock band when Westlife split.

    The star has always said he would rather move into band management after the group hang up their microphones.

    But after being a coach on The Voice, Kian revealed he wants to launch his own group.

    He said of a singing career after Westlife: “Coming into the show as a singer myself but in the background with Westlife, I always had a thing in my mind that no, I wouldn’t.

    “But being around these people I kind of have a different attitude towards it.”

    Kian, 31, plays a number of instruments including guitar and piano and was a former member of Sligo punk rock group Skrod.

    He said being around singers such as Shane Filan and Mark Feehily made him doubt his own abilities as a vocalist.

    But the other coaches on The Voice – Sharon Corr, Bressie and Brian Kennedy – have helped him get his musical mojo back.

    He added: “I suppose when you are in one world and you are in a band like Westlife and are in a band with people like Shane and Mark who are amazing singers, your confidence gets put down.

    “But then when you get around more musical people like Brian, for me as a musical person Brian has put a lot of confidence in me.”

    After Westlife part ways, Nicky Byrne looks set to pursue a career in television while both Shane and Mark are going to record solo albums.

    But Kian said: “I don’t think I would do a solo album, I think I would be in a rock band.”

    And insiders said there’s a possibility he might ask one of his team to join him in his guitarladen endeavours.

    One added: “It could be that Kian might have his eye on Graham [Dowling] as a member of his band in the future.”

    Credit/Source: Irish Daily Mirror – Published on 18.04.2012


    Music guru Cowell offers Filan solo deal after Westlife split.

    Byline: SAM HAMILTON

    X FACTOR supremo Simon Cowell is hoping to tempt Westlife’s Shane Filan to sign with his label.

    The music mogul, 52, has offered the band’s lead singer a big-money offer with Syco Records.

    But Shane, 32, also has two other labels battling it out to release his debut solo album after the Us Against The World band go their separate ways this summer.

    If he did decide to sign with Simon, it would be a thawing in the band’s frosty relationship with the pop guru after the group walked away from his label. A source said: “Shane was always the best singer in the band and it seems Simon realises that.

    “It would turn a lot of heads if these two ended up working together. After Westlife go their separate ways, the only member of the band that Louis Walsh is going to be managing is Shane – and he has a great relationship with Simon.

    “And while Simon can be a hard person to work with at times, he knows what he is talking about.

    “With the X Factor it’s only when artists stop listening to him that they flop.

    “So you’d be sure if Shane went with Simon, he’d definitely get a No1 album.”

    Dad-of-three Shane will be heading straight to the studio after saying goodbye at Westlife’s final Croke Park gig with bandmates Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Nicky Byrne in June.


    WESTLIFE star Mark Feehily claimed The Voice coach Kian Egan isn’t mean in real life.

    The gay star revealed he doesn’t believe Kian is the Mr Nasty character people have made him out to be.

    But the 31-year-old admitted his friend isn’t as cruel in the recording studio with the rest of the band as he is on The Voice.

    He added: “I actually think Kian isn’t that bad, and I think his comments are quite spot-on to be honest. But I do have to support him of course.”

    And Mark, who recently split from fiance Kevin McDaid, feels the band’s split this summer is going to be “bittersweet”.

    He said: “It’s quiet in terms of the Westlife stuff, but we’re always doing bits and pieces behind the scenes.

    “We’ve got our final tour coming up which finishes in Croke Park. It’s bittersweet because it’s going to be the best gigs of our life, but after that we finish up for good.”

    Credit/Source: Irish Daily Mirror – published on 31.03.2012


    Wives join Westlife on tour bus for Farewell gigs

    Monday 2012

    IT'S a case of 'all aboard' the Westlife bus this week as the chart-toppers are joined by all their partners on their last ever tour.

    THE four crooners have kicked off their Farewell tour and will play a string of arenas all over Britain before bringing it to Ireland this summer.

    But as proof that the boys have definitely grown up, this time around they'll be bringing all their partners with them on the tour bus.

    Nicky Byrne's other half Georgina said being able to travel around with the band made it much easier for them as a family.

    "I wasn't able to get over to Cardiff because I had to mind the boys," she explained.

    "But we are all going to the London gig and going out on the road with them for the week. I don't know how rock and roll the lads will think it is but all the wives are going on tour.


    "We will be piling into the tour bus each night with them after the shows and heading on the road. It is the last time they will be doing this together, so it will be special," she said.

    However, she won't be stuck for company either, given that Shane's other half Gillian will also be there, as will Kian's wife Jodi Albert.

    Nicky, Kian Egan, Shane Byrne and Mark Feehily kicked off their tour last week at Cardiff Motorpoint arena, performing to almost 10,000 fans. They'll now spend the next few weeks taking to the stage in major venues all over the UK before building up to the grand finale of their Croke Park concerts.

    Such was the demand to see them performing to their home crowd that promoters had to add an extra date to their Dublin gigs on June 22 and June 23.

    Last November saw the chart-toppers confirming they were going their separate ways after more than 14 years together.

    In that time, they have sold over 45 million records and clocked up some 12 number one singles in Ireland.

    The group was recently voted the best ever boyband during a two-week poll of an MTV audience of some 12 million viewers.

    They beat off a total of 32 groups to the coveted title including rivals like The Wanted and Disney stars The Jonas Brothers.


    Westlife singer Shane Filan is set to make his first solo album with record company Universal, according to reports.

    Shane Filan to sign to Universal The 32-year-old singer who is currently on Westlife's farewell tour due to end in Croke Park this June is believed to have signed a deal with Universal, despite the bands 14-year long career with Sony Music.

    It is believed that Mark Feehily will also make a solo album, while other band mates, Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne are set to focus on television.

    Kian Egan recently judged the Irish version of the hit US show, The Voice. While according to reports in the Daily Star, Nicky Byrne is in talks with US show, Dancing With The Stars.

    In an interview earlier today with 98FM, Kian said: "I have been in talks with Sky amongst other people aswell about other TV projects. Nothing is in the bag, nothing is finalised. I haven't signed any contracts or anything like that - it's all talk at the minute. I signed up with a big agency in the UK. It's looking good. It's looking like I will probably be doing one or two more things in the UK in the coming months and the next year or so but to be honest, I'm not chasing anything. I don't want to be running after anything - if something comes up that feels natural, then I'll go for it"

    Nicky Byrne, who will be playing tonight in Cardiff's Motorpoint Arena alongside the band as part of their farewell tour has tweeted a picture of two fans that got his autograph tattooed on their wrists hours after he signed them.

    Byrne took to Twitter to say: "Signed two girls wrists in Cardiff earlier.. Came back out of the Arena two hrs later and they've had them Tattooed !!!"


    FANS couldn't get hold of tickets for Ireland's most successful boyband's farewell tour fast enough when they went on sale last October.

    After tickets disappeared within a matter of minutes, Westlife decided to give a few more of their beloved Birmingham fans the chance to see them perform their greatest hits one last time and added an extra date to their current LG Arena visit.

    Having decided to split after 14 years performing together, 26 top ten hits, 11 top five albums which have collectively sold 44 million copies, the additional concert next Friday, June 8, will see Kjan, Shane, Mark and Nicky perform their 14 number ones, among others, in Birmingham for the very last time.

    The band, the only group in British and Irish pop history to reach number one with their first seven singles, also boast an impressive history of awards from Smash Hits to Top of the Pops and countless Brit Awards.

    "It's almost hard to believe that we've been doing this for as long as we have," said the band.

    "We're incredibly proud of what we've achieved and are looking forward to releasing our Greatest Hits album and performing them live on the tour as a special thank you to our fans who have supported us throughout our career."


    Kian on Westlife swansong

    Swansong ... Westlife By JENNIFER O’BRIEN,
    2012 WESTLIFE are getting emotional as they embark on their €5million farewell tour tonight — and prepare to say goodbye to their boyband days forever.
    2 comments And singer Kian Egan reckons there will be plenty of tears between the foursome after 16 years on the road.

    He revealed: “It’s hard to believe that after so long together this will be the end.

    “I don’t doubt that there will be tears — and lots of them to be honest! We want to go out with a bang and make this the best tour we have ever had.”

    Kian, Shane, Nicky and Mark will take to the stage at the Cardiff Motorpoint Arena tonight in front of nearly 10,000 fans.

    And the rest of their farewell tour will see them take in dates all across the UK in May.

    But the highlight will be their final gigs in Croke Park in June.

    Kian, 32, said: “I think for a lot of the nights they are going to be kicking us off the stage. Especially the ones at Croke Park — we are not going to want to leave.

    “They fine you a serious amount of money there if you go over time — something like ?10,000 a minute, but I know we are not going to want to get off that stage. It’s going to be so emotional.”

    Kian showed fans another side of him when he appeared on RTE’s The Voice as a coach.

    And despite being thrown into rehearsals for the tour straight after the show, he loves being back with Westlife.

    Kian, who recently became dad to baby Koa with wife Jodi Albert, said: “Coming out of The Voice and straight into rehearsals is probably what bridged the gap for me.

    “It’s exciting — we are bringing in a lot of songs that we haven’t done in a long time like I Have a Dream. There will also be a medley as fans seem to love that.

    “The whole thing will be very high octane. We are going to try and bring in every element of Westlife’s career and make it a Greatest Hits to remember.”

    The tour will be the last time the boyband perform as a four-piece after selling more than 45million records and 12 Irish No1 singles.

    It has been eight years since Brian McFadden left the group and he now lives in Australia with his model fiancée Vogue Williams.

    And despite rumours that Brian might come back, Kian insists it isn’t going to happen.

    He said: “No. We love Brian, but he hasn’t been a part of the band for such a long time.

    “For us it would be very weird to stand on the stage with him again, especially on our final tour.

    “For us it’s kind of like, he left us, we didn’t leave him and for us, it just wouldn’t feel right. I just don’t think it would work.”

    Boyzone and Take That have reunited after years apart and are among the biggest bands in the world again. But Kian can’t see Westlife reforming.

    He said: “I would find it difficult to think that we would never step on a stage together again but to make an album and go back on tour... I find it difficult to think that we would get back together.”

    Westlife were formed by Louis Walsh in 1998 when he took Sligo lads Kian, Mark and Shane from boyband IOU and put them with Dubliners Nicky and Brian.

    Their first single Swear It Again shot in at No1 in April 1999. Looking back over their successes, Kian is glad he and the lads — who have six kids between them — made their families a priority.

    He said: “I think we all have a lifestyle that’s very normal in a sense, we are only in the band six months of the year really anyway.

    “Nicky is in Malahide bringing his kids to school every day and Shane is over in London bringing his kids to school every day.”

    As for the future, Kian believes he and the other lads have made the right decision to go their separate ways. He said: “Shane has solo plans, Mark probably will end up doing a solo album, Nicky is making TV shows and I’m doing one or two things.

    “It’s already kind of moving on. I do think that I have made the right decision.

    “As people we need to feel what life is like without Westlife because we have never experienced it. We don’t know what the world is without Westlife


    Only a few weeks left now until Westlife are no more….they play Cardiff tonight and they only have about 2 or 3 days where they won’t be doing a show before the final concerts on the 22nd and 23rd of June at Croke Park.

    So the next thing for the lads is figuring out what to do next – we know that Shane Filan will be focusing on a solo career as will Mark Feehily and it seems after his stint on The Voice of Ireland, Kian Egan has been getting some TV presenting offers over in the UK so are the rumours true?

    Kian told 98FM “I have been in talks with Sky amongst other people aswell about other TV projects. Nothing is in the bag, nothing is finalised. I haven’t signed any contracts or anything like that – it’s all talk at the minute. I signed up with a big agency in the UK. It’s looking good. It’s looking like I will probably be doing one or two more things in the UK in the coming months and the next year or so but to be honest, I’m not chasing anything. I don’t want to be running after anything – if something comes up that feels natural, then I’ll go for it”.


    The Irish version of ‘Football’s Next Star’ has wrapped filming and is currently in post-production at Screen Scene in Dublin.
    Produced by Tyrone Productions for RTÉ, the show finished filming last weekend with scenes shot in locations including Dublin, Limerick and Glasgow. The show follows 10 talented young soccer hopefuls who battle it out to win a place at Celtic’s Youth Academy in Glasgow.

    Westlife singer Nicky Byrne is the show’s presenter, with the format originally developed by Sky TV. The Irish version for Tyrone has been directed by Paul Golding (Strictly Come Dancing). Noleen Golding (OMG! Jedward’s Dream Factory) is the producer, while Patricia Carroll is the executive producer for Tyrone.

    Eight 25-minute episodes of the series are scheduled to broadcast on RTE Two in September.


    SHANE Filan is to make his first solo album with Universal, despite Westlife enjoying a 14-year career with rival label Sony.

    The 32-year-old is on the manband’s farewell tour but is already plotting a debut disc away from the group.

    Mark Feehily, 32, is also expected to make an album, while bandmates Nicky Byrne, 33, and Kian Egan, 32, focus on television.

    I’ve already revealed how Nicky is in talks with US show Dancing With The Stars.


    Westlife, Motorpoint Arena
    Tuesday 15th May 2012 in Entertainments By Chris Sharpe

    What a fantastic night of entertainment!

    The show opened with Glenn Cal, an Irish male singer who is very talented and performed really well.

    An all-girl band, Vanquish, performed a variety of songs, and from their act it is possible they are the next Girls Aloud/SaturdaysŠ. perhaps!

    Also on stage were the popular Lilygreen & Maguire.

    This is the second time I have had the pleasure of seeing this duo (first time when they supported Olly Murs) and they have a great vibe, stage presence and are charming and charismatic. They gave a great show and if you get the chance I would highly recommend you catch them when the opportunity arises. Great young Welsh talent.

    But the act everyone was waiting for was, of course, Westlife.

    And despite technical problems which meant a break in the show for around 20 minutes or so the band are just WOW! They were amazing and performed all their best-known songs.

    I love this band so much I can¹t wait to see them again next month in Sheffield, while Welsh fans have the chance to see the band at the Motorpoint with a couple of dates lined up next month.


    Republic of Ireland goalkeeper Shay Given took to twitter to thank his celebrity pals who supported his Fashion Kicks fundraiser in Manchester.

    Warnock bid £10,000 to appear on stage on the night with Wesltife. And the 30-year-old Aston Villa defender even managed to upstage singer Shane Filan with his rendition of Mack The Knife.


    The evening - hosted by Shay and Jane Given, and said to offer a night of 'fashion, football, food and entertainment' - also attracted the attention of the recently-parted Westlife.
    Kian Egan's wife Jodi Albert looked fantastic having just given birth last December, while Shane Filan's partner and mother of his three children Gillian looked like a Sixites bombshell in yellow.


    Nicky Byrne attended with wife Georgina


    REVIEW: Westlife all fired up on final tour at Sheffield Motorpoint Arena
    Westlife performing at Sheffield Arena on their farewell tour.

    Published on Tuesday 15 May 2012

    FLAMING ’eck! Chart kings Westlife really were fired-up for the first of three goodbye concerts in Sheffield - when figures of Ireland’s fab four went up in flames to signal the end, writes Graham Walker

    And that was just the start of this spectacular last production at the Motorpoint Arena.

    After 14 years of pop domination, Kian Egan, Shane Filan, Mark Feehily and Nicky Byrne finally emerged for real, opening with What Makes A Man and then took fans on a trip down a memory lane of hits, complete with synchronised dance moves.

    The sing-a-long included highlights Uptown Girl, Queen of My Heart, When You’re Looking Like That, Mandy, You Raise Me Up, World Of Our Own and fitting finale, Flying Without Wings.

    At one stage the band ended up soaring across the Arena floor on a makeshift spaceship, as they jetted in to party.

    This was never going to be a sombre farewell.

    Let’s face it, they had a lot to celebrate in an hour and 45 minutes, what with 26 top ten hits, including 14 number one singles, 11 top five albums, seven of which hit the top spot and over 44 million record sales, with 10 sell out tours.

    It’s difficult to image Westlife getting booed, especially by their own fans. But booed they were at any mention that this was the end.

    In truth it’s probably a well-earned break and when Shane insisted ‘this isn’t goodbye’, the roar of approval from fans almost raised the roof.

    Westlife will be back in Sheffield for two final shows, on Saturday, May 19 and Tuesday, June 12.

    Tickets priced £41.50 are limited. See or call 0114 256 56 56 to book.

    Set list: What About Now; What Makes A Man; My Love; Safe; Uptown Girl; If I Let You Go; Ain’t That a Kick in the Head; Queen Of My Heart; Unbreakable; (Medley) I Gotta Feeling, Sex On Fire, Don’t Cha, Let Me Entertain You, Bohemian Rhapsody; When You’re Looking Like That; Mandy; Seasons in the Sun; Swear It Again; Home; Encore: You Raise Me Up; World Of Our Own; Flying Without Wings.

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    WESTLIFE fan Katie Taylor did not just get front row seats - she also went backstage to meet the band, thanks to The Star.


    WESTLIFE are gearing up for rehearsals for their final ever tour. Entertainment Editor Gordon Barr previews their two Newcastle shows.

    WHEN Westlife take to the stage of the Metro Radio Arena on May 14 it will mark their 31st appearance there.

    They hold the record for most shows at the venue but are not content with just 31 – come June they will make their 32nd trip there as part of their farewell Greatest Hits tour.


    FAREWELLS don’t always have to be sad. Richard Neale saw Westlife prove they can be entertaining, energetic and – most of all – fun.

    THE fact the band known by some as “them boys who sit on chairs and sing covers” have lasted for 14 years probably says enough about their popularity and talent as any other statistic.

    But for those who love a stat, the band have had 26 top ten-hits including 14 number one singles, 11 top five albums, seven of which hit the top spot and have collectively sold over 44 million copies around the world, not to mention 10 sell-out tours.

    Westlife wow fans at Newcastle's Metro Radio Arena

    And while other boy bands from 14 years ago are consigned to grubby fading posters in former fans’ garages, the boys from Ireland have managed to keep their huge fanbase more than happy – while picking up a few others along the way.

    And that is why, having already having performed at the Metro Radio Arena more than 30 times, the group have had to add an extra date to the city for their farewell tour.

    And if it’s anything as good as the first date last night, fans will be in for a treat – as all those years of experience performing concerts were put to great use.

    It’s a sad time for the boys and their fans but, after such a long time they wanted – and deserved – to go out on a high.

    And that they did.

    Shane has previously told “we know we can sing”. And for any who doubted that (nobody in last night’s audience obviously), Nicky, Mark and Kian proved his point, with favourites such as Uptown Girl and Flying Without Wings.

    Not that they needed to of course. Their adoring fans were happy to take the lead and fill in the word, verse or chorus of any and all songs when requested.

    Not that they always did what the lads wanted. “Welcome to the farewell tour” was greeted with a chorus of boos from a public who want more years.

    But the night wasn’t about saying goodbye in a sad way.

    “We want this to be fun” the full to bursting arena was told.

    And it was.


    FAREWELLS don’t always have to be sad. Richard Neale saw Westlife prove they can be entertaining, energetic and – most of all – fun.

    From the start the night was all fun.

    A simple silhouette of the lads behind the curtain whipped the crowd into a frenzy – only for the curtain to reveal four burning effigies instead of the expected foursome.

    During one break Nicky took time to read the banners – fully knowing they “always find a new level of depravity in the North East” but enjoying every saucy comment. And when one woman asked them to fit into a pair of huge over-sized bloomers the boys duly obliged. This group are still great friends – one of the reasons they want to give up now while they’re on top and happy. And they’re happy to have a laugh at themselves – surely the dance moves were a nod to those who have had a go at this aspect of their performing.

    But who needs to dance when they can entertain so well – even covering huge modern hits like Black Eyed Peas’ Tonight’s Going To Be a Good Night and Bohemian Rhapsody (with obligatory horrible dance moves).

    And for those fans sitting at the back, the “circle” was brought back – with the lads flying across the Arena, making sure the back row became the front row and everyone got a good look at them performing... now there are no health and safety considerations to worry about.

    In 2002 Westlife stood on this stage on their first tour. It was called dreams come true – and they certainly did.

    Nobody was sitting in their chair last night, and the tears were flowing as the famous four said their own personal farewells.

    And fans will certainly be on the edge of their seats hoping one of the most successful boy bands of the last decade turn out again on the almost obligatory reunion tour sometime soon.



    Westlife have a devoted following whose admiration for the boys appears to the more casual observer to be somewhat out of proportion to their musical impact. True, the boys all have good voices, with Shane and Mark clearly some way ahead of the other two, as well as a decent line in banter and a sense of fun which goes down well with the enthusiastic crowd. What's not to like about Nicky reading out the rudest banners in the crowd? There's plenty of fire and fireworks, an obligatory journey above the heads of the crowd to visit the punters at the back of the Arena, and the excellent backing musicians are tighter than the buttons on Mark's jacket.

    And yet - should a band which has been going 14 years really have to puff out the middle of a concert with a medley of other people's hits? Especially when a significant proportion of their own hits are already covers. It did up the tempo bit, but in that case why not play some of the bands' own livelier material?

    Obviously none of this matters to 99% to those who were at the Arena, a venue which Westlife have already played 15 times. They came to hear the greatest hits, they got exactly that, and they went away happy.

    And so, too, off went Westlife, into the night; with wistful looks over their shoulders, and a sadness borne of the knowledge that they will never perform in this fair city again. Oh, except for their added date in a couple of weeks' time.

    Westlife will be back at the Capital FM Arena on June 5 as part of their Farewell Tour.


    Shane, Nicky, Kian and Mark announced last year that they will go their separate ways, after 14 years together.

    But before they go they will play five dates at Belfast's Odyssey Arena, a city where they have performed 60 times previously.

    It is the final tour for the band, which has sold more than 44 million records worldwide, and Westlife will play their last concert at Dublin's Croke Park next month.

    Their closing gig will be screened at cinemas across the globe in countries including South Africa, Finland and the Netherlands.

    The boys, who were originally signed by Simon Cowell and managed by Louis Walsh, have topped the UK charts 14 times.

    Westlife started on the road to pop success in 1998 with five members, but in 2004 Brian McFadden left the group to focus on solo projects.


    There were a few tears flowing at the Odyssey Arena when Westlife took to the stage for very last time in Belfast last night

    Twelve years, ten albums and 44million sales into their career, Westlife came to a crossroads earlier this year.

    The group's original line-up was Shane Filan, Mark Feehily, Kian Egan, and Nicky Byrne. Brian McFadden was part of the group until 2004. Westlife have sold over 45 million records worldwide which includes studio albums, singles, video release, and compilation albums. Despite the group's worldwide success, they only have one hit single in the United States, "Swear It Again", which peaked in 2000 on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 20.

    The band were originally signed by Simon Cowell and are managed by Louis Walsh. The group have accumulated 14 number-one singles in the United Kingdom, the third-highest in UK history, tying with Cliff Richard. The group had also broken a few records, including "Music artist with most consecutive number 1's in the UK", which consists of their first seven singles and only behind The Beatles and Elvis Presley. The band have 14 UK number ones and 25 top ten singles, consisting of 20.2 million records and videos in the UK across their 14-year career - 6.8 million singles, 11.9 million albums and 1.5 million videos.

    On 1 June 2008, Westlife marked their tenth anniversary with a concert in Croke Park, Dublin which had more than 83,000 fans attending the special occasion. Music Week revealed on their website that Westlife are the official third top touring act within the years 2005?2008, while they were seventh top touring act of 2008.

    Also in 2008, they were declared Ireland's ninth-richest celebrities under 30 years old and thirteenth in general with 36 million euros as a group. In 2009, they dropped as sixteenth richest Irish with estimated 8 million euros each. They were named as the fourth most hard-working music artist in UK by PRS in 2010.[5] In August 2011, it was reported in the Irish Examiner that the profits of the band's firm grew five-fold in 2010.

    On 19 October 2011, Westlife announced they were to split after their Greatest Hits was released on 21 November 2011 it debuted in Ireland at number1 for 1 week and debuted and peaked at number 4 in the UK and a farewell tour in Spring 2012.

    The band recently won the coveted poll of Battle of the Boybands. After five rounds and competing with 32 boybands, Westlife won over 74% at the final round.


    Westlife record song for Niamh Curry's funeralContinue reading the main story
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    About 300 people have paid tribute to five-year-old Niamh Curry, who died from a rare form of cancer.

    Pop stars Westlife recorded a message of condolence and an acoustic version of their Number One hit Unbreakable for the funeral at Kettering Crematorium.

    Niamh was well known in the county for her and her family's work campaigning for awareness and funding to treat her neuroblastoma.

    Her charity, Niamh's Next Step, attracted support from Westlife.

    'Amazing little girl'

    When news of her death on 20 May was announced on social media networks, the group was so moved they recorded the song and a message that paid tribute to an "amazing little girl" who had been an inspiration.

    They said they had been "very sad" to learn of her death.

    Niamh was was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in 2010 when she was three. She underwent several bouts of medication, including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and an operation to remove a tumour, but the cancer returned at the end of 2011.

    Her family were due to take her to Philadelphia to receive specialist care in September but she developed an infection which gave way to severe pneumonia.


    Mark Feehily Celebrates Birthday During Westlife Show

    Westlife star Mark Feehily was given an early birthday treat on Sunday (27May12) when he was serenaded by the audience at the group's arena show in Scotland.

    The Irish singer turns 32 on Monday (28May12), and he has been given a night off from the band's The Greatest Hits Tour to enjoy his big day.

    However, the crowd at the band's Sunday show at the Glasgow Secc venue treated Feehily to a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday during the performance, much to the star's delight.

    In a post on his page, he writes, "Glasgow u were great, thanks for singing Happy Birthday to me 'n' all."


    Westlife singer Kian Egan admits that he's feeling nervous about the group's farewell gig in Croke Park.

    Saturday Jun 2 2012

    Singer Kian Egan confesses that he's already feeling nostalgic about the band's farewell gigs in Croke Park.

    The 32-year-old, who became a father for the first time last year, says it?s not the singing that?s giving him butterflies, but the actual event itself.

    ?It?s just so huge ? it?s being broadcast in cinemas all over the world, with a live feed into all the cinemas in the UK, Ireland, Europe and Asia,? he says. ?It?s going to be in Australia and New Zealand. There?s even talk about showing it in America at the minute.?

    The group will play two sell-out shows in Croke Park in three weeks time.

    The ?Voice of Ireland? judge is also feeling emotional about the fact that this is the last time Westlife, who have been together for 14 years, will sing as a group.

    ?It does feel pretty sad knowing this going to be the last time ? we?re all sad about it,? he says. ?But I think at the moment we?re just trying to enjoy it and not dwell too much on it,? he told The Irish Daily Mirror.

    But he is looking forward to spending more time with wife, Jodi Albert and son Koa.

    ?It?s going to be a bit of time for me to just spend with my family and not have work commitments pulling me away from them,? the singer says. ?It?ll be nice to be able to sit back and enjoy the memories as well and watch the DVDs of our gigs gone by and chill out with it all.?


    THE farewell concert by Irish pop band Westlife is to be screened live at the cinema in Galashiels.

    The group, who announced last October they were splitting after 14 years, are set to bow out with a final concert at Dublin's Croke Park on Saturday, June 23.

    The event will be beamed at more than 200 cinemas in nine countries including Belgium, Denmark, Estonia and Norway.

    The band, whose 14 UK number ones include 1999 hit Flying Without Wings, have sold more than 44 million records worldwide. Organisers said tickets for the concert sold out in minutes.


    Mark Feehily Celebrates Birthday During Westlife Show

    Westlife star Mark Feehily was given an early birthday treat on Sunday (27May12) when he was serenaded by the audience at the group's arena show in Scotland.

    The Irish singer turns 32 on Monday (28May12), and he has been given a night off from the band's The Greatest Hits Tour to enjoy his big day.

    However, the crowd at the band's Sunday show at the Glasgow Secc venue treated Feehily to a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday during the performance, much to the star's delight.

    In a post on his page, he writes, "Glasgow u were great, thanks for singing Happy Birthday to me 'n' all."


    Westlife singer Kian Egan admits that he's feeling nervous about the group's farewell gig in Croke Park.

    Saturday Jun 2 2012

    Singer Kian Egan confesses that he's already feeling nostalgic about the band's farewell gigs in Croke Park.

    The 32-year-old, who became a father for the first time last year, says it?s not the singing that?s giving him butterflies, but the actual event itself.

    ?It?s just so huge ? it?s being broadcast in cinemas all over the world, with a live feed into all the cinemas in the UK, Ireland, Europe and Asia,? he says. ?It?s going to be in Australia and New Zealand. There?s even talk about showing it in America at the minute.?

    The group will play two sell-out shows in Croke Park in three weeks time.

    The ?Voice of Ireland? judge is also feeling emotional about the fact that this is the last time Westlife, who have been together for 14 years, will sing as a group.

    ?It does feel pretty sad knowing this going to be the last time ? we?re all sad about it,? he says. ?But I think at the moment we?re just trying to enjoy it and not dwell too much on it,? he told The Irish Daily

    20-11-2013 om 01:34 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Westlife visited a giant panda
    Westlife visited a giant panda breeding sanctuary in China on their farewell tour – and they actually got to cuddle one

    20-11-2013 om 00:46 geschreven door westlife

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    WESTLIFE PLAY their last-ever concert 
    at Croke Park in Dublin, bringing to an end a massively successful 14-year career that saw them selling 44 million records and selling out arenas around the world

    20-11-2013 om 00:39 geschreven door westlife

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    Nicky Byrne has joined Giovanni Trapattoni's critics in suggesting Ireland needs a new manager.

    The singer insisted the time for 73-year-old Trapattoni to step down has come.

    POP hunk Nicky Byrne thought his world had caved in when he was rejected by Everton as a teenager.
    The ex-Westlife star was set to sign for the Premier League giants as a goalkeeper before they decided against the move.

    The 33-year-old will present the Irish version of reality series Football’s Next Star when it hits RTE screens next month.

    And the doting dad of two believes his own experience will help him relNicky Byrne believes Girls Aloud singer Kimberley Walsh is his biggest competitor on 'Strictly Come Dancing'.

    Nicky Byrne considers Kimberley Walsh his biggest "rival" on 'Strictly Come Dancing'.

    The Westlife star - who is partnered with newcomer Karen Hauer on the show - claims the Girls Aloud singer is his greatest competitor because they are both from band backgrounds and both experiencing a similar level of nerves.

    He said: "When I was on tour with Westlife, we danced but we didn't have anyone judging us and it was all a bit of fun. This is completely different.

    "Kimberley Walsh form Girls Aloud is in a similar position to me, only she went to stage school too. I love all the rivalry that is going on with Kimberley and I."

    However, his dancing prowess has led him to get a nickname from his family - Glitterballs.

    He joked: "My wife is buzzing with excitement. She will come to all the shows - we are very much a team.

    "Her sister Cecelia nicknamed m Glitterballs and now that's the running joke in my family. I like to put a smile on their faces."
    ....ate to the youngsters vying for a professional contract.

    Nicky explained: “When we were filming the show it brought back loads of memories because I know what they’re going through, I’ve been there.

    “I know all about getting dropped and that’s because it’s happened to me.

    “Everton were allegedly set to sign me because I’d done a goalkeeping course with Neville Southall and done well, and then I got dropped for the final and that was that.

    “I was devastated. It’s tough, you think that’s that and your whole world is ruined but life is about disappointments and picking yourself back up. It happened with Leeds and in League of Ireland but you dust yourself down and move on.

    “That’s why when we were filming this I was able to relate to the lads and empathise with them.

    “I grew close to the guys and of course it was tough when they got eliminated but they’re all very talented guys with bright futures.”

    Byrne was signed by Leeds United when he was 16 before moving into music. The RTE version of the UK reality show will see ten young footballers battle for one place at Celtic’s Youth Academy, headed by ex-footie star Chris McCart.

    And Nicky revealed: “I’m very proud to say we really did unearth a true gem in our winner.”

    FOOTBALL’S Next Star will start on Friday on RTE Two at 5pm.

    WESTLIFE star Nicky Byrne has told of how his new show reminded him of the highs and lows he experienced during his time as a professional footballer.

    Football's Next Star follows 10 young hopefuls as they battle for a year-long contract with Celtic's training academy.

    Nicky said that watching the boys getting eliminated reminded him of the highs and lows of being a player: "It brought it all back.


    "When I played, there were plenty of tears back at the parents' house. There are highlights, walking out on the pitch, winning cup finals, that sort of thing.

    "But there is a lot of rejection. But that's part and parcel of football. You get dropped like that. You turn up late and you get dropped. Your boots aren't clean, you get dropped.

    "It's tough for the players and for the managers.

    "I remember the feeling of sitting there in a dressing room and your heart pounding and listening to the manager call the team and you're not in it..."

    Nicky kept his spirits up listening to Boyzone tracks.

    "When I was at Leeds I became very patriotic; I had the tricolour over my bed and I was a big Boyzone fan.

    I'd listen to a lot of their albums when I was in digs, purely to wreck the English lads' heads," the 34-year-old singer joked.

    The football fanatic told the Herald he would love to see former Spurs manager Harry Redknapp manage Ireland.

    The singer, who is starring in this year's series of Strictly Come Dancing, says current manager Giovanni Trapattoni has done a good job, but Rednapp could bring a bit extra.

    Nicky made his comments during the launch of his new programme, his first solo TV project since Westlife decided to call it a day.


    Nicky's passion for football started at a young age. "I always wanted to be a footballer ever since I was six or seven.

    "That's the great thing about working on this show. I felt like I've come full circle."

    Nicky will be doing most of his training for Strictly in Dublin. Married to Georgina Ahern, he is proud dad to twins Rocco and Jay and they had their first day in school earlier this month.

    The doting dad did not want to relocate to Dublin and told BBC bosses that, if he were to participate, they would have to let him stay in his home city.

    Neil Lennon: I thought Westlife fans were there to see me not Nicky Byrne

    NEIL LENNON has told how he went to greet female fans – only to learn they were really after Westlife star Nicky Byrne.

    The Celtic boss revealed on an Irish chat show he was left red-faced by the gaffe outside the Hoops’ training ground.

    Neil, 41, was with Nicky on The Late Late Show when he told host Ryan Tubridy: “One day I turned up and there was a large group of ­middle-aged women. So as you do, you show your ­manners and pull over for an autograph and they were all, ‘Neil, is Nicky Byrne here? I have taken the day off work to see him.’

    “For security reasons, we could only let four or five in and we made Nicky get changed and train with some of the guys. It made these women’s day.”

    Neil and Nicky were on the programme to promote RTE show Football’s Next Star – that will find a new player for the Hoops.

    The singer will work with the club he supports to find the best prospect from ­thousands of hopefuls. He said: “With my football ­background, I thought this is a great opportunity for me to go back to my roots.

    “And also since Westlife I have always wanted to get into TV.”

    He said of his time working with the club: “Celtic has this old-fashioned homely vibe.

    “You walk in and the women on reception come up and give you a hug and a cup of tea.”

    But Lennon joked: “They don’t do that with me.”

    Lennon revealed he finally feels safe again in Glasgow.

    He said: “Glasgow has been my home for 12 years. I have a boy who is six years of age who loves life there and loves what I do in the football scene.”



    ..........Strictly Come Dancing pro Kristina Rihanoff has said she reckons Nicky Byrne is the celeb to beat.

    Talking to Yahoo, the ballroom champ suggested that the Westlife star had the whole of Ireland behind him, and he didn’t even need to worry about dancing.

    “The whole of Ireland is behind him. He could go out there, stand on his head and do absolutely nothing for 30 seconds and he’s going to be voted for another five or six weeks,” she said.

    Kristina, who is partnered with Hollywood star Colin Salmon, added: “If he just puts left foot in front of the right. He’s a lovely guy, he’s a national treasure for Ireland and I think he’s going to be all right with or without the lift.”

    FORMER Westlife star Nicky Byrne has told of how ending up in the bottom two on 'Strictly Come Dancing' has given him more focus and made him work harder to compete.

    Speaking to the Irish Independent during a closed dance rehearsal in Dublin ahead of tomorrow's live round of the BBC show, the 33-year-old admitted he was disappointed with his performance.

    He and his partner Karen Hauer (30) performed a waltz but did not impress the judges.

    "It was a bit savaging last week," he said.

    "We had the waltz down to a tee last week in Dublin and then I went to England, walked in for a run-through and I forgot it all as soon as I got on the floor. It's very intimidating being on the 'Strictly' set.

    "That's why I'm working extra hard this week, to make sure I'm not in that position again."

    The father-of-two will perform a version of the Cha Cha on tomorrow's live show.

    In Westlife it was the four of us. Now it's just me... and I'm terrified

    ..A week after his savaging on Strictly Come Dancing, Nicky Byrne is bent on redemption. The problem, he claims, is that fans just don’t know the real him

    They don’t come much bigger than Nicky Byrne. With Westlife he has sold over 50 million albums, filled Croke Park four times and pocketed a personal fortune believed to be in excess of €10m. He is married to the daughter of one of the country’s most notorious politicians and his sons, Jay and Rocco, are rivalled only by Jedward as Ireland’s most famous twins.
    But for all that, for the past decade Nicky has lived in a showbiz bubble, insulated from public scrutiny and acerbic comment – until last weekend. After performing a waltz on Strictly Come Dancing with his American partner, Karen Hauer, Nicky received something that his ego hasn’t experienced in over a decade – an utter bruising.

    Smile: Nicky Byrne with lissom dance partner Karen Hauer
    ‘We had the waltz down to a tee last week in Dublin,’ he says. ‘Then I walked in for a run-through and I forgot it all as soon as I got on the floor. It’s very intimidating being on the Strictly set but Craig [judge Craig Revel Horwood] deemed the routine “poor” and the lift “illegal” and gave us a bit of a savaging.

    ‘I thought I went into it correctly and I got slated. I took all their comments on board. Obviously, they were very harsh for the first week. And we did an illegal lift and as a result we are right down at the bottom and, I suppose, rightly so. From then on, I decided I wasn’t going to give them a second chance to savage me like that again.’

    The problem, Nicky complains, is that the judges and the general public don’t know the real him. To the 10 million BBC viewers, he is just one quarter of an ageing boyband.

    ‘Not everybody knows the cheeky performer that is Nicky Byrne,’ he laments. ‘The Westlife fans and the people who came to the live shows know that character. And I suppose, when I stepped out of the band and agreed to sign up to a show like Strictly, it was a chance for me to let all these people know who I really am. Because when we did shows, we sat on stools and we sang ballads. And I wasn’t the lead singer and, to the average person who wasn’t a Westlife fan, I was just some guy who was sitting at the end.

    ‘That never bothered me but mentally I had to make a decision that if I was out on my own, I had to change that perception for a lot of people and that it would take work. As famous as Westlife the brand name is, it only got me into the competition but it doesn’t allow for the personality.’

    Nicky hopes last night’s performance of the cha-cha will redeem him. He spent all week in a dance studio in Dublin’s inner city, secretly practising the high-octane routine to LMFAO’s I’m Sexy And I Know It. I meet him just after lunchtime on Thursday and got a sneak preview of his number. Wearing loose-fitting grey tracksuit pants and a sweat-soaked navy and silver T-shirt, he bursts into a routine so fast and complex it would give Michael Flatley a run for his money. Afterwards, gasping for breath, Nicky flashes his trademark smile and asks: ‘What do you think?’

    I have to say I’m impressed. After 14 years following Westlife, the most dancing I have ever seen him do is a glorified version of musical chairs with the band’s ever-present four stools.

    ‘The cha-cha is such a different dance,’ he says. ‘It is full of personality and that really suits me. I need to get that across to the public. If they get to know me, hopefully they will vote for me. It is a fast dance and there are over 100 more things that we have had to incorporate into the set this week. But there is also the chance to smile and be funny and sexy and hopefully, I can nail it on the night.’

    Nailing it on the night was never a problem for Nicky the team player. Now, he admits he is consumed with fear.

    ‘The biggest fear I get is at the start, just before I go on, when I hear Tess and Bruce introduce us,’ he says. ‘That is the moment when I get that awful knot in my stomach. They play the opening video sequence and then that realisation that you have to go out on your own and perform hits you.

    ‘It’s like what I imagine it is like just before you go into a boxing match. You can’t show that fear when you go out on stage because you have to put on a show. My biggest fear now is that I will go completely blank and forget everything I have prepared. For the first time, I understand the sort of stress and pressure that Louis is under week in, week out – to be constantly told you are great or you are s***, to be scrutinised for every little thing you do or say. In Westlife, all four of us dealt with it. Now it is just me. It’s tough.’

    For Nicky’s partner, 30-year-old Karen, the battle is merging the pop star with the dancer.

    ‘He is naturally a great performer and I want to keep the Westlife spirit that he has,’ she says. ‘But I need to mix that with the ballroom steps. The most difficult thing was to get him to smile. He has this Westlife pout, this look where he squints his eyes and looks longingly at the camera. That doesn’t work with dancing. It is this smooth criminal kind of look. We need to get him out of that and into the smiling ballroom dancer. If he can nail that, it will really help him.’

    He has had plenty of support from home. It was his 34th birthday this week and all of Westlife wished him luck. Shane Filan will take his family to the studio next weekend to offer moral support. Kian and Mark are holding out in case Nicky makes it to the final. But the cornerstone for the former professional footballer is, as always, his family. Georgina is always at his side, scrutinising videos of the day’s rehearsals at home and cheering him on at weekends. It was she who convinced him to take part.

    How does Georgina feel about him sweating and grinding with Karen?

    ‘She has been fine. She was the first person to push me towards it,’ he says smiling. ‘If you can do that show and that dancing and be half decent at it, the exposure can only be a good thing. She has been great. I go home and show her some of the moves on the phone and she gives me her feedback. She comes over every weekend to support me. Jay and Rocco are delighted. I am home every week and then they fly in after school on the Friday.

    ‘They are glued to the show – when I made the illegal lift, they called me on it. Jay said, “Why did you lift her when you weren’t allowed lift her?”

    ‘Don’t get me wrong, I was happy in Westlife. I was probably the one who didn’t want it to end – it just became inevitable. But I am very happy at the moment, waking up at home and being able to rehearse in Dublin. My head is in the right place and I am busy and I still have a buzz from the TV side of things. The pressure of live television has replaced the adrenaline rush of the concerts. I’ve yet to meet anyone who has done Strictly and said they regretted it.’

    The aspect of the show he is least comfortable with is the wardrobe. Having been dubbed Glitterballs by Georgina on Twitter, Nicky has railed against the frippery – and told the producers he won’t wear spray tan.

    ‘I really have trouble with the fake tan, the heels and the sequins,’ he said. ‘I keep putting this block up about being dressed within an inch of my life. I have managed to ward them off with the fake tan and I have managed to keep the sequins to a minimum.

    ‘But as soon as you do the dress rehearsal on the Friday, you go back into the stylist’s room and take off your kit. Then an hour later, the wardrobe girls knock on the dressing room door to let you know that the powers that be want more sequins. You don’t want to go out there looking like a panto dame and I am doing my best to resist but it is Strictly and you have to look the part to a point.’

    Nicky, still sweating profusely, breaks off to take a sip of water. He has been off alcohol for six weeks and has taken up kick-boxing for aerobic fitness. He is trimmer than I have ever seen him. Georgina, a fitness trainer by profession, looks after his diet.
    He says: ‘Food and fitness Georgina knows really well, so she helps me with all that. But I also have my own trainer, Pádraig Murphy at Involve fitness in Blackrock. He is a former Irish kickboxing champion so I do the pads with him. I will only spar with him because anyone else would kick the s*** out of me.

    ‘I have never trained as hard for anything in my life. I had to because it is so intense. I knocked the drink on the head as well. I wasn’t a big drinker anyway but I gave it up while I was training. I had a few beers after the show last Saturday but I really needed them after those comments. If you work hard you can play hard. I gave it up for about six weeks coming into the show and I feel now that I am in the best shape of my life.’

    Karen returns with a fresh towel and leads Nicky back to the dance studio. Before he disappears, he again flashes his trademark smile and thanks me for making the effort to interview him. If the British public see only half of his natural charm, then he is in with a shot of waltzing away with the title.

    Nicky’s kids feel the Byrne

    NICKY BYRNE’S young children were distraught over the Strictly judges’ scathing criticism of their dad’s dance moves last week.
    Sharp-tongued Craig Revel Horwood called the Westlife star’s waltz “hideous” and scored him two out of ten.

    Nicky’s five-year-old twin boys, Jay and Rocco, were watching horrified at home.

    A show source said: “When Nicky went home after the show, his little boys were quite upset and asked him why the judges were picking on him.

    “They said they thought Craig was a bully and didn’t understand why he was being so mean.

    “Unfortunately, comments like that stick with kids.”

    Bruno Tonioli also blasted Nicky’s routine, telling the singer’s partner Karen Hauer: “It looked like you were dancing with a cardboard cut-out.”

    Strictly Come Dancing 2012: Nicky Byrne calls judges "savage"

    Strictly Come Dancing star Nicky Byrne has branded the show’s judges “savage” for their comments on the series so far.

    It’s fair to say that Len Goodman, Craig Revel Horwood, Bruno Toniloi and Darcey Bussell haven’t given Nicky the best of marks.

    In Week 1 they penalised the Westlife singer for an illegal lift in his waltz, and week two saw the panel complain about his “boy band dance moves” in cha cha.

    The low scores left Nicky bottom of the leaderboard, but fortunately his fans managed to help keep him out of the bottom two during Sunday’s results show.

    Nicky said this week: “I was so nervous going into the first lie show. It probably wasn’t my best performance and standing in front of the judges afterwards was particularly savage, but I’ve just got to take it on the chin, pick up the pieces and start again.”

    The popstar claimed that the girls were the ones to watch out for this year, as well as gymnast Louis Smith.

    “I’ve always said that the competition to watch – not just for me , for everybody – is Kimberley, Louis and Denise. I think Lisa can really move too and she’s shown that in the first week,” he said.

    Nicky added: “Obviously, because we come from two pop band that have been around for a while, there’s a friendly rivalry between me and Kimberley, but I wouldn’t say Kimberley is my only rival.”

    Nicky: Cecelia's baby has made us broody

    Saturday October 20 2012

    Nicky Byrne has admitted that seeing his sister-in-law Cecelia Ahern with a newborn has made himself and his wife Georgina broody again.

    The 33-year-old said he'd "absolutely love" to have another child in the next few years and introduce a little sister or brother to his twins Rocco and Jay.

    And the household's been a little quiet of late with their sons just having started primary school.

    "We've put the boys in separate classes which we thought could be a bit strange, but it's worked out great and they've relished it so far."

    The father-of-two married his other half in 2003.

    "Down the road, Georgina and I would definitely want another child, it'd be a great addition to the family," said Byrne.

    "Cecelia's baby Sonny is so cute and he's been great for the boys." The singer is currently competing on BBC's Strictly Come Dancing and insisted that he'd never have considered taking part on the show if it meant being away from home for rehearsals.

    "I wouldn't have done the show if I couldn't train in Dublin. I met the guys from Strictly before the final Westlife tour and said that I'd have to be in Ireland for rehearsal sessions.

    "In fairness to them, they looked at it and came back to say it was fine.

    "So I train here and it's great. I get to see Georgina in the morning and bring the kids to school.

    "I've been back and forth for 14 years and funnily enough in the later years of Westlife I had a lot more time at home, as busy as it all was. So I didn't want to go back to that. I didn't want my children starting school and me being over in England.

    "I really thought: 'OK, if it doesn't work out, I'll take the hit and do something else.'

    "I'm so glad it has worked out and was able to be achieved because it is such a buzz to be on a programme like this one."

    'I've never known fear like I've felt on Strictly': Nicky Byrne says singing to millions in Westlife was a cinch compared to dancing on TV

    ..When Nicky Byrne was feeling miserable as sin following a verbal kicking from the BBC1 Strictly Come Dancing judges for an illegal lift during a waltz in his very first dance of the competition, dear old Sir Bruce Forsyth ? bless him ? went to seek him out backstage.

    ?He was so encouraging,? says Nicky, who?s more used to rapturous applause as one quarter of Westlife, one of the most successful boy bands in pop history. ?He said: ?Don?t let it get you down. It?s a journey. It?ll be fine ? just work hard.? ?

    Which Nicky did, practising all the hours God sends with Venezuelan partner Karen Hauer to perfect his cha cha cha for the following week?s show. ?Nobody understands how nervous you are, going into that first night in front of ten or 11 million people,? he says. ?You?re being judged and you?re trying to remember steps in your head.

    Having a ball:
    ?When we finished the waltz, I thought we did OK. I didn?t fall over or forget the routine. Then we stood there and got absolutely hammered.?

    Craig Revel Horwood made such a fuss of the illegal lift you?d have thought they?d vandalised Strictly?s spray-tanning booth. They received a disappointing 17 points.

    ?There was a part of me that thought: ?This is week one. The judges are going to go hard.? OK, we did put an illegal lift in there and had we known it was as bad as it was going to be we wouldn?t have.

    ?Anyway, I was raring to go with the cha cha cha to show what I could do. It?s a bit more me. There?s a lot of hip movement involved and a chance to have fun. The final rehearsal went great. I thought: ?If I do that tonight I?m happy.? We were all set to go.?

    But his cha cha cha was a disaster. Nicky and Karen hadn?t taken account of the noise of the applause. ?The song starts with eight beats, during which I was supposed to do three big moves. But the crowd started clapping and I couldn?t hear the beats of the music. Not only that, but I was waiting for the clapping to stop.

    ?I missed six of the eight beats, which is equivalent to missing the opening verse of a song and didn?t get to do the big moves at the start. The judges don?t see the rehearsals so they didn?t know they had been there and the people at home didn?t either.

    ?To everyone bar me it looked like I?d fluffed it. I was chasing my tail after that. I managed to get in a few moves but my heart was pounding. When we got to the judges, I didn?t mind being criticised. I couldn?t even say I was saddened. I was really, really p***ed off.

    ?I was just thinking, ?How could that have happened?? It was nobody?s fault. Inside you feel like you?ve let yourself down. That really stung me.?

    Putting the right foot forward: Nicky Byrne and Karen Hauer practice their dance routine for several hours a day between Monday and Thursday
    Thankfully, last Saturday?s quickstep went off without a hitch. The theme for the week was Hollywood and Nicky impressed the judges with his fancy footwork dressed as Jim Carrey from Nineties movie The Mask. When they received 27 points, Nicky was cock-a-hoop.

    ?I had a good week. I wasn?t so nervous,? he says. ?Maybe it?s because I was playing a character and had a mask on. I was somebody else.?

    Nicky, you see, is not entirely comfortable in the spotlight. For 14 years, he was ?the bloke on the stool at the end? (his words) in Westlife.

    Fifteen months ago, he and fellow band members Shane Filan, Mark Feehily and Kian Egan took the decision to call it a day after selling more than 45 million records with 14 No 1 hits and 26 top ten singles. They performed their last concert in Dublin in June.

    ?Outside the Westlife family, nobody really knows who you are,? he says. ?You?re one of four guys who sing ballads and wear black shirts. I saw Strictly as a chance for people to get to know the real me.?

    In turn, he has been enjoying the chance to get to know the other competitors in what?s been called the best Strictly line-up ever. ?I feel for Jerry,? he says of model Jerry Hall, who was voted off last week.

    ?We saw a side of her lots of people don?t see. She?s so funny. Her one-liners are priceless. The camaraderie backstage is really good. Everybody gets on, everybody buzzes, everybody?s nervous as hell and everybody?s tired.?

    He adds: ?Some people get good marks and some don?t. I?ve been near the bottom of the scoreboard for two weeks, so I know how disheartening it is when everybody else is being clapped and getting high scores.

    ?Richard Arnold [the ITV Breakfast presenter who ended up in the first dance-off of the series] said to me: ?When you?re in that dance-off, it?s just horrible.? But we?re all going to have to face it. Thankfully, last week I had a good week. I knew I had more in me, which last Saturday showed. I can build on that. But it was a relief.? He chuckles. ?So, I?m still in it, but I?ve got an awful lot of work to do.?

    Goodbye Mrs Robinson: Jerry Hall is the latest celebrity to be voted off Strictly Come Dancing
    He says the biggest thing about leaving Westlife is he feels out there on his own and exposed. ?That goes for sitting on the couch and being interviewed. In Westlife, there?s four of you. Four different views.

    ?Someone may be grumpy that day. Someone may be jokey. You support each other. When you?re on your own, you?ve got to be funny, interesting, intriguing. It?s not easy. It?s certainly taking me time to be the real Nicky Byrne.?

    The real Nicky Byrne is actually thoroughly nice. During his ?bloke on the stool? days, he was always the warm, funny one with an easy line in banter.

    Enjoying an early career as a professional footballer with Leeds United, Nicky was only 19 when The X Factor?s Louis Walsh approached him to join his new boy band, Westlife.

    Nobody could have guessed how huge the band would become. Nor that Nicky would be a man with children of his own by the time Westlife decided their boy band days were over.

    Today, Nicky is 34 and married to his childhood sweetheart Georgina, the daughter of former Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern. They have five-year-old twins, Jay and Rocco. He says of Westlife?s split: ?There was no major row that forced our hand so we could have done more years, but you have to know when the fire inside the band has burned a little bit.

    Foursome: Nicky Byrne with wife Georgina and twin sons Rocco and Jay
    ?The line you always give is: ?We?ll know when the time is right, when the fans don?t want us any more and the market has gone.? Funnily enough, the fans did still want us.?

    So why call it a day? ?The only times I was still really enjoying were the live shows,? he says.

    ?The discussions with the record company, decisions about the videos, the songs, were all becoming fraught. All of us knew the machine was starting to falter.

    ?You can only put yourself through that for so long. There?d been plenty of discussions about whether it was time to leave or not. Some people felt yes, some weren?t sure and some felt no.?

    What about him? ?I knew it was time to move on and throw myself into something new. At that time, we were out of contract so everyone was a free agent. The label was banging on the door to offer us a new deal ? with good money.

    ?We?d been offered these before but we just couldn?t see ourselves signing another three or five-year deal and completing it. It had got to the point where we felt: ?Oh, it?s another album, another tour, another X-Factor performance.? It was too easy. We needed to go away.?

    Tough decision, though?

    ?Yeah, I can remember the exact moment. My heart was sinking and I was thinking, ?This is it.? You?re scared in a way, but we knew it was the right thing to knock it on the head. So we took a deep breath and said: ?Let?s do it.?

    ?Louis was crushed. One of his biggest strengths was always keeping us together. There was no big fallout. There were arguments, but that?s life.

    ?We felt the quality of our singles was slipping. Our problem was that there was no Gary Barlow figure in the band and, towards the end, we weren?t necessarily the priority for other songwriters any more. That just happens.

    ?Louis assured us we?d be fine and were just going through a phase. When he knew how we were feeling wasn?t going away, he said: ?Let?s take a break for a year.? But we knew it was time to call it a day.?

    The decision was made in summer 2011 when Westlife were part-way through their 11th major tour. Nicky had arranged to fly from Switzerland to meet his family for a holiday in Portugal. ?I was on my own, and when you?re alone there?s a lot of time to think about it. I knew the timing was right for all of us.?

    When they broke the news to Simon Cowell, who had steered them with Louis through their 14 years, he shook their hands.

    ?He told us it had been a great time and for us to hold our heads high. He said: ?If there?s anything I can do for you, let me know.?

    ?It?s no more than you?d expect from Simon. If I did need guidance or advice, he?s at the end of a phone call.?

    Westlife promised fans a farewell album and tour, which ended in an emotional concert in Dublin in June. Nicky says: ?We all cried ? us, our wives, the crew. It was a lifestyle for us all. My fear was waking up the next morning and thinking: ?Oh no, it?s over.? But I never got down. It had been a fantastic ride and it was time to get into something else. I?d given everything I had to the band.?

    Now he has ambitions to be a TV or radio presenter. ?I?m the sort of person who has to get up in the morning and work. We all enjoy family time, but you still need to have a function.

    ?I look at Dermot O?Leary and think: ?That?s where I see myself going.? But, for now I?m knee-deep in Strictly.?

    When producers approached Nicky to take part, he says he was encouraged by Georgina. There was, though, one proviso: the twins were starting school in Dublin so Nicky, a devoted father, wanted to share this precious time.

    So he rehearses in a studio in Dublin from Monday to Thursday, then travels to London for the show on a Friday, where his wife and sons join him after school. Last week, they watched him on TV sporting Jim Carrey?s Mask make-up. ?They were very excited my scores were higher,? he says.

    I wonder what they made of his first-week hammering? ?Jay said: ?Why did you lift her when you weren?t allowed to lift her, Daddy?

    ........Strictly Come Dancing 2012: Nicky Byrne wants to show fans who he really is!

    Westlife star Nicky Byrne has said he hopes Strictly Come Dancing 2012 will let people get to know who he really is.

    The singer hasn’t got off to the best of starts in the ballroom, but is more concerned about showcasing his personality than his footwork.

    Speaking to the Daily Mail today, Nicky said: “Outside the Westlife family, nobody really knows who you are.

    “You’re one of four guys who sing ballads and wear black shirts. I saw Strictly as a chance for people to get to know the real me.”

    Nicky really has been struggling so far, and admitted he’s felt like he’s let himself down.

    “I missed six of the eight beats, which is equivalent to missing the opening verse of a song and didn’t get to do the big moves at the start,” said Nicky about his disastrous cha cha two week’s ago. “The judges don’t see the rehearsals so they didn’t know they had been there and the people at home didn’t either.

    “To everyone bar me it looked like I’d fluffed it. I was chasing my tail after that. I managed to get in a few moves but my heart was pounding. When we got to the judges, I didn’t mind being criticised. I couldn’t even say I was saddened. I was really, really p***ed off.”

    He added: “I was just thinking, “How could that have happened?” It was nobody’s fault. Inside you feel like you’ve let yourself down. That really stung me.”
    ....Westlife's Nicky Byrne has been one of the main eye candy sources on this year's Strictly Come Dancing.

    HUNK Nicky Byrne has revealed that show bosses forced him to have a spray tan because he looked too pale.

    The singer, who danced the rumba with Venzuelan professional Karen Hauer, 30, last night, was desperate to avoid the tanning booth.

    Westlife star Nicky, 34, said he had no choice in the matter.

    “I knew about the spray tan coming into Strictly. Obviously I had to wear make-up for TV things we did with Westlife but I’d never had a spray tan before.

    “I was told you just stand there and pictured myself standing there in some sort of sun bed.”

    .............Karen’s not sorry for illegal lift

    STRICTLY dancer Karen Hauer isn’t sorry about the illegal lift in her first routine with Westlife singer Nicky Byrne.
    The Venezuelan pro was slammed by judge Craig Revel Horwood after she chose to incorporate the risky move into the pair’s waltz.

    But last night she hit back and said: “I don’t think it was a mistake. We take risks as performers and artists and it was a learning experience.

    “I am new to this so I had to learn the ropes. It was just a shame Nicky did a great waltz and all of the focus was on those two seconds where my feet left the floor.”

    Nicky backed up his partner: “It’s better to be talked about than not be talked about – not that we did it on purpose.

    “In the aftermath we did think, ‘Well, that was a disaster’. But then it was one of the highlights of the weekend because everyone was talking about it.

    “In that respect it was good and we survived it. It was week one and no one had to leave the show, so we were quite lucky.”

    Strictly star Nicky Byrne reveals Celtic boss Neil Lennon turned down request to appear on BBC show

    4 Nov 2012
    THE Westlife singer insists he tried to get pal Lennon to put his name forward for the dance show but was told there would be "no chance" of it happening.

    Neil Lennon and Nicky Byrne on The Late Late Show
    STRCITLY Come Dancing star Nicky Byrne has revealed how he tried to get Neil Lennon on to the show next year.

    The former Westlife singer is pals with the Hoops boss and presented reality show Football’s Next Star, which gave young Irish footballers the chance to win a place at Celtic’s Youth Academy.

    Nicky, 34, who danced the rhumba to Aerosmith’s I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing last night with Venezuelan beauty Karen Hauer, told how he had been delighted by the support from the Glasgow club and their youth coaching staff.

    He said: “I was on a chat show with Neil in Ireland and I was trying to get him to do Strictly next year. He just had a little laugh and said, ‘Absolutely no chance.’

    “I’ve had massive support from Celtic and the backroom staff. Everybody’s been texting me, including Chris McCart, Tommy McIntyre and Greg Robertson, who looks after the younger lads.

    “I’ve heard the Celtic website has been putting my number up to vote. That’s brilliant.”

    Nicky also revealed how Westlife manager and X Factor judge Louis Walsh put the rivalry between their two shows to one side to wish him luck – but told him Olympic gymnast Louis Smith would win.

    Nicky said: “I met him at a party three weeks ago. He said to me, ‘Do you think you’ll win it?’ I said I’d give it a good shot and he said, ‘Louis Smith will win’.

    “He’s great fun and he said the positives are I’ll be able to dance when we do a reunion.

    “He said he knows genuinely how hard you have to work on Strictly and wished me luck.”

    Nicky, who trains in Ireland to be close to his wife Georgina and twin sons Rocco and Jay, five, was delighted yesterday when his boys attended a dress rehearsal for the first time.
    I’ve learned to have a thick skin;
    Westlife’s Nicky Byrne, 34, talks about Strictly Come Dancing, his hopes for the future and the precious time he now gets to spend with his family…

    What have you enjoyed the most about Strictly?
    I’ve just loved the whole thing. It’s a great bunch of people and I’ve been taught something that doesn’t come naturally to me. My only experience of dancing was getting off the stool at the key change in Westlife!

    Were you pleased to be paired with Karen Hauer?
    Yeah she is great, she’s new and she is ambitious. I think she was under a lot a pressure too because of that illegal lift in week one.

    You had a couple of bad weeks to start, how did that make you feel?
    Under a lot of pressure! When you mess up, the dancers tell you to throw yourself into it but it’s hard. It didn’t look as bad on TV as it was in front of the judges.

    How have you found the judges’ criticism?
    I’ve learned to have a thick skin. I take it on board but I don’t lose any sleep over it. I was embarrassed, not because of what the judges said but because I knew I had gone wrong. I felt bad for people at home watching, they must have thought I was just like a really bad drunk dad at a wedding. Thankfully the public saved me.

    Is the Strictly training schedule a shock to the system?
    I’m quite fit in terms of aerobics so the walking and dancing I don’t find physically hard but I find it hard on my feet. The blisters are terrible and the arches in my feet ache from being in high heels. I’ve never experienced pain like that before. I can totally sympathise with all those women going out on the town on a Saturday night, I don’t know how you do it.

    How do you keep fit normally?
    I train with a guy in Ireland who is an ex Irish kick boxing champion. So I box quite a lot and do a lot of weight training. I train at least three or four days a week.

    Who do you think will win Strictly this year?
    Kimberly has a great chance to go all the way. I’m not sure if she’ll win but I think she’ll be in the final. Denise is fantastic, she should probably win it, she is the best dancer by a mile. I think Louis is certainly going to be up there, Dani is a great dancer, and Lisa has proved she can do really well too.

    What have you found more challenging, performing in front of thousands of fans with Westlife or dancing on Strictly?
    So far, definitely performing on Strictly. In Westlife there were four or five of us and we worked together. We were able to have bad gigs and we got away with it because no one was really judging us. The fans were mostly young girls who fancied us. In Strictly you’re watched by adults, on probably the biggest show on television, and it’s a big jump. We’re dancing in front of top notch dancers and 12million people on TV. I’m on my own, totally exposed, doing something I’ve never done before.

    Do you keep in touch with all of your old mates from Westlife?
    Yeah they’ve all been in touch to say good luck on Strictly. We spent 14 years together and now we’ve gone our separate ways. I feel like you need to give people space and that goes four ways. I’m not sure meeting up so soon and trying to continue like everything was the same would have been a good idea. It’s not like we’re on the phone every day and that makes it all better when you do meet up.

    Is there a Westlife reunion on the cards?
    No that’s definitely not on the cards.

    Do you see your family more now or has the Strictly training got in the way?
    Amazingly I arranged for my training to be in Dublin so it’s brilliant. My twin boys Jay and Rocco are just in primary school and for the first time in my life I actually feel like I’ve got a bit of structure, a bit of nine to five. I get up and have breakfast as a family and either Georgina, my wife, or myself with drop them to school then I’ll head into work or training and then I’m usually home by seven and we have dinner and put them to bed.

    What did your boys think about seeing you on the show?
    They love it! I recently presented a show in Ireland called Football’s Next Star, the one Jamie Redknapp did in the UK, and they were like ‘Ok Daddy’s going to be a TV presenter’. So when they saw me on Strictly they were like ‘Oh Daddy’s dancing now.’ I think I’m confusing them a little bit. But they are loving it and they give it loads in front of the TV when I’m dancing. One of them had tears in his eyes when I was getting bad comments from the judges.

    Are their any signs of them following in your football, singing or dancing footsteps?
    Whatever they want to do I’ll be happy. If I had a choice I’d love it if they wanted to get into football, but whatever makes them happy you know. You just got to show them the ropes and let them make their own decisions.

    What have you got coming up next?
    Nothing in concrete but I’d love to present TV or radio shows, or interview people on a chat show. There has also always been a dream inside me to do a bit of acting. The beautiful thing is, the world is my oyster. We were so confined in Westlife and rightly so, none of us were venturing off doing separate projects, we had that kind of unity. Now we are out there on our own and I am able to accept shows like Strictly.

    Credit/Source: Sunday People

    Strictly Come Dancing star Nicky Byrne has revealed that Louis Walsh has told him he will not win the competition.

    The Westlife singer said his former manager had predicted that Olympian Louis Smith will take the title.

    Byrne told The Sun: “Louis asked me, 'Do you think you'll win it?'.

    “I said, 'Well, you see... ' and he said, 'No, you won't. Louis Smith will win it'.”

    Nicky added: “I was like, 'Cheers, Louis'. But that's just him. He said to me afterwards, 'Listen, well done. The positive is you'll be able to dance when we do our reunion'.”

    He claimed that Louis was hoping that Westlife would reunite in the future following their split in the summer.

    Nicky said: “He is obviously convinced we are going to do a reunion. And then he said to me, 'Genuinely, I know how hard you need to work with Strictly, so the best of luck with it and hope it goes well'.

    Strictly's Nicky Byrne given fake tan order
    04/11/2012 - 09:02

    Strictly Come Dancing contestant Nicky Byrne has revealed that show bosses ordered him to get a fake tan after branding him 'too pasty'.

    The Westlife singer, who performed the rumba with partner Karen Hauer on Saturday night's show, admitted that he had tried to avoid the process until show producers stepped in.

    "I’d never had a spray tan. On week one I could hear the fake tan lady coming down the corridor saying 'next is Nicky', so I ran out the door into my car," he admitted.

    "But then the following week the make-up artist said 'Nicky you’ve got to get a spray tan' and I was like 'No, I'm fine thanks'.

    "But she said 'No, no – it's come from upstairs, you're looking too pasty and white. You have to get one'."

    Nicky also revealed that his former manager Louis Walsh has told him he is unlikely to win the series - and is tipping one of his rivals for success instead.

    "He said to me, 'Do you think you'll win?' I said, 'I’ll give it a good try. "He replied 'No you won't, Louis Smith will win'."

    "I was like, 'Cheers, Louis', Nicky added. "But that's just him. He said to me afterwards, 'Listen, well done. The positive is you'll be able to dance when we do our reunion'."

    ...........The Westlife singer said that his former manager Walsh had predicted that Olympic medallist Louis Smith will be crowned the winner for 2012.

    Byrne claimed that Walsh is hoping for a Westlife reunion in the future following their split in the summer. He also has hopes that the X Factor judge will be allowed to attend a Strictly live show if possible.

    "He is obviously convinced we are going to do a reunion. And then he said to me, 'Genuinely, I know how hard you need to work with Strictly, so the best of luck with it and hope it goes well'.

    "We will hopefully hook up on one of the Saturdays. I'd love him to come down but I don't think ITV will let him."

    Speaking about his time on the show so far, Byrne revealed that his wife Georgina Ahern holds no jealousy towards his dancing partnership with Karen Hauer.

    He said: "Georgina is very supportive and wants me to do my best. I don't think I'd be here if dancing with Karen was an issue.

    "We've all got jobs to do and everyone is very professional. I've heard people have got together in the past but, no disrespect to Karen, it's not for me.

    "I don't even feel sexy when I dance because I'm too busy counting. I could be dancing with anyone and all I'd be thinking is '1,2,3,4'."

    On his chances of winning the show, he added: "I am very competitive and I want to do well but this is definitely the biggest challenge I have ever taken on.

    "It's not that I think I can't win but I'm up against brilliant people. Denise van Outen is great and Kimberley Walsh is fantastic.

    "Louis Smith is also really good and one of the favourites. There are at least five people above me at the moment. But who knows with this show? Anything can happen..............
    During his time in Westlife he reigned at the top of the charts, but unfortunately Nicky failed to emulate that success on the dance floor and recently has only ruled the bottom of the leader board. Tonight he faced the music and was evicted from the competition following a fierce dance-off with Denise Van Outen.

    This week’s Strictly Come Dancing had a special twist in which the dancers had to blend together two different styles of dance into one ‘dance fusion’, which of course added extra pressure to the celebrities. And with it being the quarter final, the competition was as tough as ever. But it proved too tough for poor Nicky as the judges decided it was his time to go.

    Nicky and partner Karen had earlier performed an electric American Smooth/Quickstep to Olly Murs’ ‘Troublemaker.’

    Predictably Craig unleashed a tirade of criticism, saying to the pair: “There wasn't any bounce - your posture was awful in the American Smooth,” before adding “I suspect that we're going to be seeing that dance again.”

    The other judges provided some better news; Bruno said that Nicky “always gives 110% and I commend you for it.” Meanwhile head judge Len added “I though you came out and did a good job”

    The judges scored Nicky and Karen a rather low 27 points, with grumpy Craig giving only five points. Unsurprisingly this score was booed by the audience.

    Joining him in the dance-off was Denise and James- a shock contender for everyone considering that the pair has topped the leader board on countless occasions.

    The pair had danced a Jive/Quickstep and it started off so well, but unfortunately Denise got her heel stuck in her dress and this didn’t go unnoticed by the judges. Bruno said, “You were going at the speed of light. Apart from that moment when you caught yourself, it was superb.”

    Although the pair scored a commendable 35 points, this was still not enough to keep them out of the bottom two, and the upset was evident to see on Denise’ face.

    When it came down the final dances, both couples gave it their all, but the judges had unanimously opted to save Denise and James.

    Although disheartened, Nicky graciously accepted his fate. He went on to say that Strictly is “the biggest and best show in the world!” He then thanked the judges for their advice, the people backstage and of course his partner Karen- who had remarkably come a long way in the show considering it was her first year.

    A tearful Karen also thanked the other celebs and the professional dancers, before adding that she couldn’t have asked for a better celeb in Nicky whom she said had “blew me away.”

    ..........Nicky Byrne has confessed he'd love to get into acting, and is eyeing a role in the West End.

    The Westlife star and Strictly Come Dancing contestant revealed he has even considered a career in Hollywood.

    Nicky said: "Acting is definitely something I'd consider. I did an acting course in New York about five years ago and I made a decision that one day I'd go to the States and try to get an agent. But times change. Now I'm married, with twin boys..."

    But he added he's be interested in starring in a musical.

    "Probably something like Grease, that'd be pretty cool. The songs and characters are so well known."

    Westlife have decided to call it a day after 14 years, but Nicky insists he, Shane Filan, Mark Feehily and Kian Egan will always be friends.

    He said: "There are many reasons [why we split], but 14 years is a long, long time. You've got to remember that we started when we were kids, did everything we were told, and then what happens when you grow up is you develop your own opinions, and that changes things.

    "I share a serious bond with the lads, and we'll never lose that bond. I like to think we'll be able to keep in touch and pick up the phone at any point."

    Strictly viewers last night saw Nicky going through to next week after coming joint second on the leader board this week and getting three nine points from the judges, who said it was jus best performance yet.

    Press Association

    ...........Nicky Byrne thinks his Strictly Come Dancing chum Michael Vaughan is just like David Beckham

    The Westlife star and cricketing pro have struck up a real bromance during their time on the hit BBC1 show and Nicky has nothing but good things to say about his new pal.

    He told Metro: ‘Michael Vaughan is the David Beckham of cricket. He’s got everything. He’s got talent, he’s got personality.

    ‘All he needs now is an underwear range and his poster on the side of buses.

    ‘He’s got everything. He’s great fun, he really is.’

    .................Nicky: “It was brilliant. It took us time coming but it just goes to show what hard work does you know. We were that close to going home last week and then this week I just thought ‘we have to go for this’. This dance has so much character that you just really have to embrace it, smile and go for it. I was so delighted that I could do it justice basically.”

    Karen do you think that being in the bottom two last week gave you and Nicky the motivation and drive to fight this week?

    Karen: “Definitely. I mean being in the bottom two was the worst thing that could have ever happened but it really was the best thing for us because it gave us even more oomph and more fire and so when we went into that studio it really was ‘work, work, work’ with not that many breaks.”

    ..............Karen Hauer is the newest member of the Strictly Come Dancing professionals as she partners Westlife singer Nicky Byrne.
    However, the Venezuelan pro certainly stood out from her peers on Saturday night's show as she raised temperatures in a very risque dress.
    The 30-year-old dancer left little to the imagination as she performed the Argentine Tango in a tiny lace dress.

    ...........At one point she wrapped her legs around Nicky, nearly flashing her derriere to the cameras as they performed to Adele's James Bond theme song Skyfall, ending up with a score of 30.

    Nicky, the ninth celebrity to leave this year's competition, said it had been "so much fun" to be part of the "biggest and best show in the world".

    None of us 'absolutely minted' after Westlife, admits Nicky Byrne

    THEY sold more than 50 million albums, racked up 14 UK number ones and toured the world.

    But none of the former members of Westlife are "absolutely minted", according to bandmate Nicky Byrne.

    The 34-year-old, pictured right, has revealed how they all made poor business decisions and handled finances badly starting out.

    "We have all lost money. We were all very foolish with money in the early days, we all bought cars and watches – the silly things.

    "I don't think any of us were lucky," said Byrne.

    The biggest financial meltdown was suffered by Shane Filan, who was declared bankrupt in a UK court earlier this year for outstanding debts of up to €23m.

    However, his bandmate revealed how their income had dropped off by the end of their 14-year career.

    "We did very well out of Westlife but everybody lives and spends," he said.

    "In the early days we earned great money, and in the latter days it was all gone.

    "We all looked after it as best we could but none of us are absolutely minted," he added.

    The father of two revealed how he found life after Westlife "very strange", but said 'Strictly Come Dancing' helped him move on.

    "Having been in Westlife, I thought we had got to a level where we had done it all. "But no, the fanbase for 'Strictly' is phenomenal. This was a different league and a different ballgame. Everywhere you went, people wanted to talk to you. I found it overwhelming," said Byrne.

    Voted off 'Strictly' earlier this month, the former popstar said he now wants to move into TV presenting.

    "At this time of the year we would usually be very busy promoting an album. I'm not the sort of person who likes to sit around and do nothing."

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    nicky moves on after Westlife with soccer show

    By Melanie Finn, Showbiz Editor

    Tuesday June 26 2012

    WESTLIFE'S Nicky Byrne has already started the next chapter in his life, completing filming on his new soccer show.

    Fans of the Dublin singer shouldn't be too sad about the prospect of never seeing him live in action again, following the band's split after 14 years.

    The Herald can reveal how he has almost finished work on his first big TV gig for RTE, Football's Next Big Star.

    "I've filmed the whole show, it's all done and dusted so it's just a matter now of doing some voice-overs for it," he said. "It should air around September-time and I really enjoyed doing it, it was right up my street."

    The curtain finally came down on the chart-topping group after a pair of sell-out gigs at Croke Park where they performed to 160,000 fans.

    Nicky, who was signed to Leeds United for two years, fronts the show looking for the next big thing in football.

    The show is being produced by Tyrone Productions, the company that made OMG! Jedward's Dream Factory.

    The overall winner of Nicky's show will be given the chance to get a coveted pro contract with Celtic.

    "Celtic is steeped in history and has such strong ties to Ireland, with Neil Lennon, Roy Keane, Robbie Keane and Anthony Stokes to name but a few, which shows that this is really an opportunity of a lifetime," said Nicky.

    From thousands of aspiring hopefuls, just 10 boys will be handpicked to move to Celtic's prestigious Youth Academy in Glasgow, Scotland, for a month of challenges. The final 10 will face a month of intensive training at one of Europe's biggest clubs.

    The one showing the most potential will be chosen by Celtic boss Neil Lennon to win a shot at joining the club.

    Trials for hopefuls were held in various locations around Dublin and Limerick last March.

    - Melanie Finn, Showbiz Editor



    Westlife is over, but my Nicky's not quite ready for the pipe and slippers yet

    Friday July 06 2012

    AFTER the madness of Westlife's final gig, I've had an easy week getting ready for a family holiday in Portugal.

    Myself and Nicky are heading off with the kids for some quality time. I don't know how long we're going for, we're just going to play it by ear.

    Obviously my sister Cecelia is expecting her baby, so we'll be coming back for that. I'm really excited about it and I can't wait for lots of hugs and cuddles with my new nephew or niece.




    Nicky Byrne is acclimatising to domestic life after Westlife, and accompanied his wife Georgina Ahern to the launch of the website her.iein Pink nightclub on Thursday evening. “We’re into the second week now since it all ended. It’s nice to be at home and I’m doing a lot of training.”

    Byrne said that although he played professional soccer for Leeds United for a while, he’s not training in the beautiful game at the moment. “I’m boxing training and weightlifting.” He’s also cleaning. “I cleaned out the garage today, which I wanted to do for a long time. It’s nice to be around the house and to take the kids to summer camp.”

    Ahern is one of the weekly contributors to the new website. “It’s all very light-hearted. It’s not rocket science and is all common sense,” she said. The Byrnes are heading to Portugal this weekend and are due to holiday at Parknasilla in August.

    Monday Jul 9 2012

    HE is only out of a job two weeks, but ex Westlife star Nicky Byrne has revealed he has his eye on a career in TV, and wants to be the new Dermot O’Leary.

    “I’ve always been interested in interviewing people as opposed to being interviewed,” the singer who previously had a career as a professional footballer has said, as he considers his future options.

    The dad of two has revealed that he has not been short of offers in the weeks since the band played their final concerts in Croke Park.

    “There is nothing in stone right now although I have had a lot of interest,” Nicky said as he revealed that he would like the be Ireland’s answer to Dermot O’Leary or Ryan Seacrest.

    Nicky, who has in the past presented shows on 2FM said: “Radio stations especially in Ireland say they would love to get me on. I would love to do something in radio, but what exactly, I’ve no idea. Priority-wise, TV is really where I want to be.

    And The Voice of Ireland host Kathryn Thomas had better watch out, as Nicky says his ultimate job would be a presenting a talent show in Ireland

    “Shiny floor, prime time, your Dermot O’Learys, Ryan Seacrest of this world – I do look at them with a bit of envy and think I’d love to do a job like that, presenting a big, big show.

    “Right now it’s loads of meetings – I’ve met with the guys from ITV, I’ve met with the guys from BBC, I’ve met with RTE and loads of different people like that.

    “Meetings are meetings – they excite me but at the end of the day you have to turn them into something in stone. Until that day comes they are just meetings.”

    Westlife star Nicky Byrne says he’s contemplating working in the UK.

    The band recently performed their farewell gig to a sell-out crowd in Dublin.

    Now Byrne – who has two children with Georgina Ahern, former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern’s daughter – says he’d go to Britain for a TV presenting gig.

    He’s hoping to fill Dermot O’Leary’s spot on the X Factor – but Dermot is confirmed for this season’s show.

    But the former Westlife star says he might commute back and forth, if he won the job.

    Westlife split not a big deal

    NO DRAMA: Nicky and Georgina
    POWER couple Nicky Byrne and Georgina Ahern made their first public appearance since Westlife split up when they popped along to help launch the yummy mummy's latest venture.
    Georgina is one of the columnists on the new website, which is aimed at Irish women.
    The couple will soon go on a family holiday to Portugal with their five-year-old twin boys Jay and Rocco.
    However, Georgina tells us that she and Nicky are not reeling from the demise of Westlife.
    "It's so bizarre, it doesn't feel very different at all," she insists.
    "Life is quite normal. After any of the Westlife tours we normally take a break anyway, so it's not as dramatic as people may think."

    .............Westlife’s Nicky Byrne says father-in-law Bertie Ahern did his best for country

    Monday Jul 23 2012

    Westlife singer Nicky Byrne has leapt to the defence of his father-in-law, Bertie Ahern.

    Nicky, who married Bertie’s daughter Georgina in 2003, says that the former Taoiseach did his best for the country.

    “There’s no big house. There’s no Porsches. There’s no anything like that. It’s not there and if it was, believe you and me, it would have been found,” he told the ‘Sunday Independent’s Life magazine.

    He said: “Plenty of people have opinions on Bertie for lots of different reasons but, you know, it’s one of those where he was in power for so long.

    “Unfortunately, with the economic crisis that Ireland is in, the whole world is in it, but people will only look at what’s going on in their own backyard.

    “I’m sure Bertie probably feels he made some mistakes, but, actually, not many more mistakes than previous people before him. Or people that will make them in the future. Or probably people that are making them presently. But it’s just that he was there at the time.”

    The singer also said that he found it sad that his father-in-law was painted as being “corrupt”.

    He said: “You just have to hold your head high and say ‘I know him as a person. He’s a lovely guy and he is 100,000% committed – always has been – to Ireland. ‘

    “You know that’s the sad part for me. Because out of anyone, some of the stuff that would be painted of him as being like a corrupt politician or anything like that when he enjoys the simple things.

    “That would be something that I would know and I think most people around him would know. The way it happened is the way it happened, it can’t be changed.”

    Nicky said that Bertie has not spoken about whether the Mahon tribunal fall-out had damaged his legacy and ruined his retirement.

    He said: “He’s a very private person and he wouldn’t speak about those things.

    “As a son-in-law, married to his daughter, knowing him so well, he was married to that job. There’s not a politician in the country that gave more time and effort.

    “I can only look at it from a personal point of view. He did his best. He was there for long, he was popular for long. He did his best. And it’s a real shame how it ended.”

    Nicky revealed that his father-in-law dotes on his three young grandchildren.

    He said: “He spends a lot of time with Rocco and Jay [Nicky and Georgina’s twin sons] and little Robin [Cecelia Ahern’s daughter]. Bertie’s always stayed loyal to his constituency.

    “He was always the type of politician for whom grassroots was the most important thing. So he still lives in Drumcondra, still walks around. He’d have a close-knit social network.”

    ..............Westlife Call Boy-Band Breakup 'Strange'
    After 14 years together, 'It just hits you that you keep telling yourself that we are not going to do this again,' Nicky Byrne tells MTV News.
    ..........LIFE MAGAZINE

    Past Life

    In their first post-Westlife interview, Nicky Byrne and Georgina Ahern discuss their career and family plans for the future with Liadan Hynes, while Nicky reveals the tension that caused the end of Westlife, the smooth charm of Simon Cowell and sympathy for his father-in-law Bertie Ahern.

    “Everywhere I’m going, mates, family are going ‘Ah, how’re you enjoying retirement? Are you singing on Tuesday?’”, Nicky Byrne says with a smile. When I met him and his wife Georgina, he is one and a half weeks into retirement, and, so far, he seems unfazed.

    “At the moment, I’m not feeling any different,” he says. “We’ve done so many long tours in the past, and it’s always a bit sad when they’re over, but usually you’re back in touch within a couple of weeks. But say the first week and a half, you wouldn’t be in touch with anybody. So doing nothing this time a week after isn’t any different.”

    In fact, Georgina, if anything, seems a little bit more shaken than Nicky. “It’s funny,” she says. “I mean, it’s been a long time coming, obviously. Like, they were happy, so it wasn’t a sad thing. The whole tour, everyone was like ‘Oh, it’s so sad’, and I was like ‘It’s not really hitting me, am I really hard?’” she jokes. “And then, as the week got closer, I was, like ‘Ooooh’”, she gasps in mock of fear. “I was really kind of treasuring the moments, and Nick was like ‘Why’re you getting all soppy now? You told me it was grand’”, she exclaims laughing.

    Georgina says it’s a little bit scary that Westlife is over, but mainly it just seems right. “It’s funny, it does feel strange. But it’s natural, we’re older, things have to move on. Our boys have to move on. It’s good. It definitely will be different, but we have had months, and days, together. Our life has been very normal. Even though he has lived as a superstar, a pop star, at home, our day-to-day stuff is very normal. That’s not going to change, and so it’s not a frightening feeling. Does that make sense?” she laughs. They may look a bit like the Beckhams – at one point on the shoot, when someone points out similarities, Nicky jokes that he’s available for Adidas campaigns – but they’re decidedly more down to earth.

    The Byrne’s marriage is known as one of the strongest in showbiz circles and Nicky obviously still has eyes only for his wife. “She gets me and I get her”, he says. “And that little bond and that little click is there.” They first met when they were both 12, in Business Studies class in first year at school. Nicky still remembers the first time he ever saw G, as he calls her.

    “I was sitting there, far wall, over there, second desk down,” he gestures, “and she was at the far wall, over there, first desk up.” He fancied her from the minute she walked into the room. “Just these massive big blue eyes,” he says. “Her hair was real long, down to her bum. She had it in a ponytail. I just thought, ‘Wow! Didn’t know who she was, where she was from, knew nothing about her.’”

    Possibly alone out of everyone, Georgina had the ability to quell Nicky’s natural exuberance. “I don’t know if any other lads are like this but I’m always quite outgoing, always up for banter with anybody and everybody”, Nicky says. “But with Georgina, I always felt that obstacle. In any other class, I’d be messing with the lads. Come into the classes that I share with G, it was just, like quiet. It was just like, she’s gonna think I’m an absolute…you know.”

    After three years, he got a friend who shared the same bus to “put in a good word”. “Never been more, like, heart pounding,” Nicky says of the nerves while he waited to hear, only to be devastated the next morning when he was told she’d turned him down. Luckily he mentioned it to a mutual friend a year later, she used it out and came back to say, “She’s interested. She said she’ll meet you.” He punches the air, hissing “Yes”, at the memory. The day before Nicky’s 16th birthday, they both attended a house party. “So, sat on the couch, snogged in the corner. That was it,“ he says matter-of-factly. “Never broke up once.”

    So the end of Westlife will be Nicky’s first big break-up. The couple agree that it has been coming a while.

    The split was a mutual decision, less a result of arguments, or solo glory-hunting that growing ‘been there, done that, what’s next?’ attitude among all ‘the lads’, as Nicky refers to the men he says became his best friends over the years.

    When I last met Georgina, her twin sons, Jay and Rocco, now five, were just about to start Montessori. Her ability to travel with Nicky was clearly about to be severely curtailed, and you did wonder weather this would signal the end of Westlife – with Nicky, it’s clear that family comes first.

    “It’s different when you have a baby,” Georgina says. “You can bring them to a hotel, you can have loads of toys. But now they need friends, they need to play football. It actually made me realise, on this tour, that we couldn’t – I couldn’t – do what we’ve been doing any more. Because it wouldn’t be fair on them. A rainy day in a city; there’s only so much you can do.”

    She and the boys joined this tour for the first week or two – they love the tour bus and the socialising at gigs, she says – but after one hotel arrival at three in the morning too many, she realised it wasn’t going to wok, and went home, deciding instead to visit Nicky at weekends.

    It’s a time of chance for all their family. The boys will start school in September and Georgina herself has just started working as a columnist for a new website – – writing a healthy-living column, full of tips and anecdotes from her own life.

    “I’m not going to be trying to even pretend that I know everything,” she says. “It’s just common sense, and why I like things and why I’m trying them, and a girl’s perspective. I often get worried, because I’m sure people in the industry will think, ‘What’s she doing? What does she know?’ But it’s just common sense. My point of view, my hobbies, speaking out loud. It’s nice to have something.”

    It’s important to her, though, that her schedule allows for the boys to be her main priority. “I still would like to kind of treasure it,” Georgina says. “But it’s good for me to gain a bit more experience and confidence in something. Where I’m going to go I don’t know, but things will hopefully naturally build up.”

    The pressure may be on now to see what each member of Westlife does next, but Nicky seems completely at ease with this new phase of his life. “Personally, for me”, he says, “I always knew I’d do something when the band ended. I’m not worried. Everybody started to feel a bit like, ‘We’re getting older, this is getting harder.’ We actually started to doubt ourselves. Were the songs as good as they used to be? Were we enjoying it as much as we used to? And the answers to those questions were, no and no.”

    With age comes confidence, and he paints a picture of a group of adults beginning to buck slightly against their management, despite how glowingly he speaks of Simon and Louis.

    “When we started off, we were kids. It was ‘Jump, ‘How high?’,“ Nicky says. And although the band began to have their own opinions as they matured, they still felt that they had little say in the decision-making. “Louis and Simon would always say, ‘Well, I hear you, lads, but I still believe this is the way’. And even though the majority of us might have said, privately, ‘I still believe we are right’, we would go with what they felt.”

    In March 2011, in an effort to quell their mounting dissatisfaction, Westlife moved from Simon Cowell’s label Syco, to RCA. “We felt things weren’t great, so maybe if we shifted over to another label within Sony, things would change,” Nicky says. We still felt there were cracks there, and we were trying to constantly fill them.”

    One problem was the X Factor approach adopted by the record company. Choose one single and “promote the arse out of it”, as Nicky puts it. The routine went: break for Christmas, tour from around February, break for the summer, record an album in August, pick one single, and promote it solidly until Christmas. It worked well in terms of spending time with the family, however. “In the later years, they had it so sussed,” Georgina says, rather delightedly. “They were only in the UK from September to December – it wasn’t like they were travelling the world.”

    Creatively though, it got a little uninspiring. “Over the last few years the record company started to pull the second single from us,” Nicky says. “At the 11th hour, Simon Cowell or somebody would go ‘Actually, we’re worried about this song, we don’t think it’s going to do well.’ That added to our own individual feeling of ‘what’s going on here, where are we actually going?’”

    Although Louis, whom Nicky describes as a close personal friend, was always the more hands-on when it came to managing Westlife, Simon Cowell had been there from the beginning, at their first audition in 1998.

    Nicky can’t say enough about Simon. “He’s the most suave businessman you’ll ever meet,“ he says. “You walk out of the room, and you just think that they must have put something in the air conditioning, because you went in there saying ‘No, no, no, no, no’ and you came out of there going ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah’. He would have made the best politician in the world. He nevre raises his voice. Everyone has their say. We’d be all sitting there facing him. He’d be listening, nodding. And then he’d light a cigarette, and say ‘Guys, I just don’t want us to fall into the trap of…’ and then he starts to gradually undo everything you’ve said,” Nicky smiles, mining the action of unpicking stitches.

    “While Shane might be talking, he’d look at me, or one of the other boys, and he’d give you a little wink. And you’re thinking ‘What, what’s the wink about?’ You know? And what it was, he made you feel special.”

    The band had nearly split before, after the disappointing Rat Pack tribute album. “The first five, six and seven years of the band were the most exciting. You were constantly breaking records. All of the dreams were coming true. We lost the excitement about year seven or eight. I think we were probably contemplating where we’d go then. I think that was just after Brian left. We did an album called Allow Us To Be Frank. It was the best fun. But it didn’t perform like a Westlife album performed. I think we were very honest with each other in a scary kind of way when we sat down, a bit Toy Keanesque. ‘Lads, this was terrible. What do we do next? Is it time?’”

    They took four months off. Nicky and Georgina went to America, and he enrolled in an acting course in New York. “In my mind, mentally, I was preparing for something after the band,” Nicky says. “It was just a taster. I wanted to do in where nobody knew me. I’ve always enjoyed movies, but you could be absolutely terrible, so I didn’t want the embarrassment of doing it in Ireland or England or anywhere.”

    When the management persuaded them to do You Raise Me Up, on the album Face To Face, Nicky thought it would be Westlife’s last outing. “I even think that the record company were feeling it, too. I remember at the photo shoot for the album, we were arguing for a song called Amazing, which is like a Backstreet Boys number, and Louis and Simon wanted You Raise Me up. The main marketing man said something to me like ‘Why don’t you just let us make the decision on this lads? Cause you never know how it’s gonna go’. And we all kinda felt ‘Shit, we could be dropped here.’ You know, Westlife, seven years in, all the albums, the records, but that’s what it boils down to. You’re only as good as your last album. Now we never mentioned those words, but I could read between the lines. I remember going out for dinner with Georgina, it was summer 2005, and kind of having a mini ‘this could be it’.”

    At that time, nobody was prepared for the end of the band. Luckily, You Raise Me Up was a massive success. “All of a sudden the record company were like ‘Ah, there’s legs in this yet.’ They gave us a big fat cheque, they signed us for three albums”, he laughs.

    This time around, Nicky’s more than ready for freedom. Leaving the bubble of a boyband – he joined Westlife when he was 19 – doesn’t phase him. “I think that comfort zone is gone. When you’re in Westlife, you’re completely protected by a security blanket which was Westlife. Nowadays, when you do an interview, that’s gone. Because, all of a sudden, you’re sitting there on your own and you’ve got to be all of it – serious, funny, interesting – and I think that’s a whole new ball game for every one of us.”

    Success at such a young age can make moving on a daunting prospect, but Nicky says he’s not feeling the pressure. “It’s more a realisation than a worry. Back in ’05, when I had that brief moment when I though the band was splitting up, that was more of worry. That was ‘Oh, this is finishing. I’m only 24 or 26, whatever.’ I was thinking

    ‘Oh god, what now? What will I do?’ But I think nearly eight or 10 years on, you kind of go ‘You know what, I’m 34 in October. If I had’ve been a footballer, I would have been retiring at this point.’ Plenty of people have gone before me and faced this in their lives.”

    I wonder whether he’s ever discussed the workaholic who faced retirement having reaching the pinnacle of his chosen field, in a different, but equally all-consuming career.

    “I’ve never discussed it with him,” says Nicky, “but I’ve certainly looked at it and thought, you know, I’ve seen somebody go from not having a second to think to having obviously a lot of time on his hands.”

    And how does he cope? “Well, he spends a lot of time with Rocco and Jay”, says Nicky, “and little Robin [Cecelia’s daughter]. Bertie’s always stayed loyal to his constituency. He was always that type of politician who, grass roots was the most important thing. So he still lives in Drumcondra, still walks around. He’d have a close-knit social network.”

    Is Bertie the kind of father-in-law Nicky would go to for advice? “Oh, he is. Absolutely.” Nicky says emphatically. “Plenty of people have their own opinions on Bertie, because of lots of different reasons, but, you know, it’s one of those where he was in power for so long. Unfortunately, with the economic crisis that Ireland is in, the whole world is in it, but people will only look at what’s going on in their own backyard. And I’m sure Bertie probably feels that he made some mistakes, but, actually, not much more mistakes that previous people before him. Or people that will make them in the future. Or probably people that are making them presently. But it’s just that he was there at the time.”

    Nicky, who has known Bertie since he was a teenager, says that, of course, Bertie is family, so he can’t help but feel defensive, but he’s philosophical about the whole thing. “For me, looking at that, you just to hold your head high, and say ‘I know him. I know him as a person. He’s a lovely guy, and he is a hundred thousand per cent committed, and always has been, to Ireland.’ You know, that’s the sad part for me. Because out of anyone, some of the stuff would be painted of him as being like a – what would you say? – like a corrupt politician, or anything like that, when he enjoys the simple things. D’you know what I mean? There’s no big house. There’s no Porsches. There’s no anything like that. It’s not there and if it was, believe you me, it would have been found. So that’s the hard part. But that would be something that I would know, and I think most people around would know. The way it happened is the way it happened, it can’t be changed.”

    Has it ruined his legacy or his retirement? “He’s a very private person and he wouldn’t speak about those things. But the best way to put it is you just feel a bit of ‘Ah well, the way it ended wasn’t great.’ As a son-in-law, married to his daughter, knowing him so well, he was married to that job. There’s not a politician in this country that gave more time and effort than him. I can only look at it from a personal point of view. He did his best. He was there for long, he was popular for long. He did his best. And it’s a real shame the way it ended. But, sure, that’s life.”

    As for his own second act, Nicky is raring to get going and quite clear on what he wants to do: “TV’s where I want to be. Presenting big shows, live shows.” Never one to the let the grass grow under his feet, he has already had meetings with TV agents, RTE, UTV, BBC, and is soon to meet with Sky. Right now, there are definitely no plans for a Westlife reunion. “You never say never,” Nicky says. “ I would hate to think that I’d never sing with the lads again. However, there are no plans. I think we all need to breathe, live, do our own thing.”

    So the last word to Georgina. Do they plan to expand their family now? “I know I said I definitely would, but I wouldn’t really want a big family,” she says. “We would want one more, definitely. The boys are great, it’s very fun, it’s very busy.”

    Credit/Source: LIFE magazine / Verena / Chrissy & Maya



    FORMER WESTLIFE singer Nicky Byrne and his wife Georgina’s twins Rocco and Jay will be split for school after spending everyday of the last five years together.

    The five year old’s proud mum Georgina (32) said there would be “lots of tears shed” when they have to say goodbye at the school gates.

    Georgina explained that the twins will be put into separate classes so they can have their own circle of friends.

    “They really enjoy being a twin and they’re so close but everybody needs their own circle of friends and to find their own way to develop their own individuality,” she said.

    “I’m really close to my sister, but I still have my own friends and my own things going on.

    “We have told them they’re going into their own classes but I don’t know if it sank in.

    “They haven’t spent a day apart since they were born but you can’t make a big deal out of it because you don’t want to frighten them either.”

    “It is a massive milestone in any mum’s lives,” said Georgina, who is a daughter of former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern.

    “You’re sad that it’s the end of their babyhood in a way and the start of a whole new chapter.

    “I’ve had much quality time with them over the summer and then they were in Montessori before this so it won’t be a massive shock.

    “But even at their graduation from that, I was tearing up so I know this is going to be really emotional for me.”

    Nicky and Georgina celebrated their ninth wedding anniversary this month.

    The family have been spending lots of quality time together since Westlife split up – and were holidaying in sunny Portugal last month.


    You Raise Me Up - Nicky Byrne joins line up for BBC's Strictly Come Dancing

    Tuesday Aug 28 2012

    FORMER Westlife star Nicky Byrne is expected to be announced as one of the contestants in the BBC’s ‘Strictly Come Dancing’, which starts next month.

    WHEN Westlife called it a day in June, Nicky said he’d like to appear more on TV, and it seems he has got his wish, as the Dublin based dad-of-two has reportedly signed on to appear in the next season of the BBC One show, which rivals X Factor for viewers every weekend.

    He is said to join fellow contestants including Girls Aloud member Kimberly Walsh, former supermodel turned actress Jerry Hall, British Olympic heroes Steve Redgrave and Victoria Pendleton and ‘Great British Bake Off’ judge Paul Hollywood, who are all said to have signed deals for the show, which runs every week until Christmas. Former Daytime TV presenter Fearne Britton is also expected to be one of the contestants.

    Nicky is said to be delighted with the offer, even though it means time apart from his boys and wife of eight years Georgina Ahern, who works as a personal trainer.

    According to a UK paper: “Nicky's management think it will be great for him and he is really excited about it.

    “He's done lots of dancing and loves to perform but he's never done anything like this before.”

    Shortly before Westlife parted Nicky said that he saw his future in TV, and in particular primetime shows:

    “Shiny floor, prime time, your Dermot O’Learys, Ryan Seacrests of this world – I do look at them with a bit of envy and think I’d love to do a job like that, presenting a big, big show.

    The ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ launch show goes out on September 15 and the first live show is on October 5.

    Harry Judd the drummer from McFly won last year’s series.

    - Independent


    Westlife star Nicky Byrne joins Strictly Come Dancing
    Byrne is the third celebrity to reveal their involvement in Strictly

    Westlife member Nicky Byrne has confirmed he is to compete on the new series of Strictly Come Dancing.

    The 33-year-old revealed he would be one of the contestants while appearing as a guest on The One Show.

    Byrne also said he was apprehensive about the costumes he would need to wear for the show.

    "We were over last week and we met all the contestants and we met all the wardrobe girls who had plenty of fun putting some stuff on us.

    "They made us put on this sequined diamante vest, with no material only diamantes and I thought, you're never going to see me in that."

    Chart-topping Irish band Westlife called it a day earlier this year with a farewell tour marking their 14 years together.

    Tuesday September 11 2012

    FORMER Westlife star Nicky Byrne (right) has been busy perfecting his dance moves ahead of taking to the floor as a contestant on the BBC show 'Strictly Come Dancing'.

    The 33-year-old singer has been busy in rehearsals in recent days along with the 13 other stars of the BBC1 Saturday evening favourite hosted by Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly.

    The Dubliner joked he was "delighted" to have made it through the first few days of rehearsals. He used Twitter to reveal he was hoping the "group dance" was coming together for the first show next Saturday. The boyband star told BBC's 'The One Show': "I'm excited, scared to death. Most of my dance career has been spent sitting on a stool with Westlife."

    The full line-up for the show was unveiled yesterday with other stars including British silver Olympic medallist gymnast Louis Smith and gold-winning track cyclist Victoria Pendleton; TV presenters Denise Van Outen and Johnny Ball; Jerry Hall, the ex-wife of Mick Jagger; and former England cricket captain Michael Vaughan.

    Other hopefuls include former 'This Morning' presenter Fern Britton, 'Eastenders' actor Sid Owen, and 'James Bond' actor Colin Salmon.

    Another contestant, Girls Aloud singer Kimberley Walsh, said rehearsals had been fun but painful.

    Irish Independent

    .........Nicky Byrne
    With fellow Irish cutie, One Direction’s Niall.

    A star studded line-up has been revealed for this year's Strictly Come Dancing including Westlife's Nicky Byrne.

    Nicky Byrne is a singer/songwriter and one quarter of famous Irish pop band Westlife, one of the most successful bands of the 1990s and 2000s. The group sold over 45 million records worldwide, accumulated 14 number-one singles in the UK and Ireland, had 26 top ten singles over their 14 year career, performing for the last time together in June 2012.


    Name: Nicky Byrne

    Age: 33

    Twitter: @nickybyrneoffic

    Famous for: Singing in Westlife

    Nicky became a professional footballer at the age of 15, playing in goal for Leeds United from 1995-97. Changing tack, he auditioned for the group that would become Westlife in 1998 and remained with the band until their split in June 2012.

    During Byrne's time with Westlife, the group notched up 25 top ten UK singles, seven number one albums and sold more than 45 million records worldwide. When the group announced their final show in Ireland, all 85,000 tickets sold out in five minutes, necessitating the band to schedule a second goodbye show, which was screened in 200 cinemas around the world.

    While still a member of Westlife, Nicky tried his hand at TV presenting, guest-hosting an edition of CD:UK with Cat Deeley in 2002 and presenting the closing ceremony of the 2003 Special Olympics. Byrne won the Soccer Aid charity football match in 2010 alongside his Westlife bandmate Shane Filan and the Rest of the World team, and has also appeared on the likes of A Question of Sport and All Star Mr and Mrs.

    As a man whose pop career lasted for 14 years and saw him dancing up a storm on stages all over the world, Byrne could well be set for success in Strictly 2012...


    Byrne hopes for Westlife support

    Westlife singer Nicky Byrne would like his bandmates to support his stint on Strictly Come Dancing.

    The 33-year-old Irish star will be showing off his moves in the upcoming season of the BBC dance show and hopes that at some point, his former colleagues will come and cheer him on.

    "I don't know but I hope so. It would be great if they could, although we've only broken up two months now so I don't even know where in the world everybody is. It would be good if they come down," he said at the show's launch.

    Nicky said he has always been tempted of the thought of appearing on the dancefloor.

    "It's something that I always thought in my head, 'maybe one day'. Now that I'm here, it feels strange, especially walking the carpet without the lads. It's weird but it's going to be a good challenge," he added.

    The singer - who said he's "here for a laugh" - has already been bonding with the other male contestants including Olympic gymnast Louis Smith, cricketer Michael Vaughan, actor Colin Salmon and ex-EastEnders star Sid Owen.

    "A few of the lads - Louis, Vaughan, Colin and Sid, we've all been hanging out together and having a good laugh. We've been swapping stories and all," he said.

    The next series of Strictly Come Dancing begins on BBC One on September 15.


    ....Nicky Byrne has revealed that it was seeing Harry Judd win last year that really pushed him to say yes to Strictly Come Dancing.

    Can anyone else not wait to see this man in sequins?!

    Speaking exclusively to omg! Nicky said it was watching Harry in the previous series that inspired him to give it a go this year.

    The Westlife star says: "Seeing what Harry Judd did was one of the reasons I did the show. Seeing what he did, he was absolutely brilliant so fair play to him. If I was half as good as he was I'll be very happy."

    But what do his Westlife band mates make of his decision to don the sequins? He confessed all the boys are happy for him but one member in particular was extra excited.

    Nicky says: "Shane was buzzing a bit like Cheryl was to Kimberley, he was like "you've got to do it! I'll come down for you, I'll help you out, waving on the front row"

    And does Nicky reckon the other lads will come down to cheer him on?

    "It's very different for us in the sense that we've only just split up so the lads might have other things on. I'd love them to come down and hope they do."

    Nicky looking gorge on the red carpet.
    Nicky also talked about his incredible fanbase but admitted it will take more than dedicate fans to win the show:

    "Twitter exploded when we were announced. But it's not just about that — you're learning something new, the fan base won't make you win the show. "

    Well, we have a sneaky feeling they will


    Former Westlife star Nicky Byrne says he can handle any criticism the Strictly Come Dancing judges throw at him - after working with X Factor supremo Simon Cowell for so long.

    The Irish singer, whose group split earlier this year after a 14-year career during which he was signed to one of Simon's record labels, is in the latest series of the BBC dance show.

    And he insisted he has developed a thick skin after working with TV's Mr Nasty for years.

    Nicky laughed: "I've been signed to Simon Cowell for 14 years so I know exactly what it's like sitting in an office getting criticism.

    "But this scenario is different - we don't really know this kind of dancing. They're the pros and you take it and then you walk away and that's how you learn."

    The 33-year-old singer insisted Simon and Westlife manager Louis Walsh bear him no grudges for signing up to Strictly, which is a direct rival to their ITV talent show The X Factor.

    Nicky said: "No, not all. I spoke to Louis yesterday, it's all good. He said 'I know how difficult Strictly is and all the time you've got to put in. I wish you all the best and we'll hook up for dinner after one of the shows on Saturday night'."

    Nicky added: "I'd love him to come down but I don't think that's going to happen."

    Westlife became famous for performing most of their 14 number one hit ballads while sitting on stools.

    Nicky said the boyband did dance during their live shows, but admitted his moves from those days were unlikely to impress the Strictly judges. He said: "If we were being judged after a Westlife concert we wouldn't be getting any sevens or eights or anything good."


    STRICTLY star Nicky Byrne is insisting on having his midweek dance rehearsals in Dublin so he won't be away from his family.

    Before signing up to this year's hit BBC series, the former Westlife singer (33) told bosses this was the only way he could participate in the show.

    With twin sons Jay and Rocco (5) starting school, the doting dad wanted to stay at their Dublin home with wife Georgina -- and BBC bosses agreed.

    He will now fly over to London every Thursday for the duration of the series -- and his family will see him at the weekend for the live shows before returning home together on Mondays.

    Delighted dad Nicky was bursting with pride at seeing his sons attend their first day at school.

    "They're happy and healthy, coming out of school buzzing," he told his week's RTE Guide. "They're talking to each other about what they have done all day. It's kind of surreal at the moment. When they walked down in their uniforms, I looked at them, and all I could see in my head was when they were born, they were six weeks early and they were in an incubator, and now they're walking down in their shirt and tie, saying 'Daddy, how do I look?'"

    ................Nicky Byrne has been voted as an early favourite to win Strictly Come Dancing 2012 by our readers.

    In our first popularity poll of the new series, the Westlife singer topped the vote of the fourteen celebrities by an impressive 29% of the vote.

    Model Jerry Hall was a perhaps surprising second with 22%, while Girls Aloud star Kimberley Walsh completed the top three with 14%.



    Former Westlife star Nicky Byrne has revealed that the latter years of Westlife saw plenty of in-house fighting. Although he has no regrets about the 14 years he spent with the band, according to the RTE Guide, the time had come for them all to move on.

    He said: “We’d done it all, we’d the best of times and the worst of times. Battered each other – obviously not physically – but argued like hell.

    “Probably more so in the latter years but that’s part of relationships, isn’t it? We had a laugh. We earned a few quid. We weren’t unique, but what was unique was that we lasted so long. I don’t know how we did it.”


    Nicky Byrne has revealed that he feels "exposed" without his former Westlife bandmates next to him on Strictly Come Dancing.

    Byrne talks about Strictly challenge The singer confessed that he felt petrified when he arrived on the dancefloor during the launch show.

    Digital Spy quotes Byrne as saying: "When I walked on the floor I thought, 'Holy s**t, what have I signed up for?'.

    "You are totally exposed and this is the first time I've done something out of Westlife.

    "This is something with such media interest and out of my comfort zone, it's the toughest thing I could have picked."

    However, Byrne added that he is looking forward to the challenge of doing something new in training every day.

    He explained: "It's actually a long while since I've done something like this where I'm genuinely excited about what I've got in store during the day.

    "All the celebrities are riding a crest of the wave at the moment."

    Byrne has been partnered with new professional dancer Karen Hauer on the BBC One talent contest, which will return on Friday October 5.

    .............Louis Walsh reckons the new series of Strictly Come Dancing is brilliant, or so Nicky Byrne has claimed!

    The Westlife singer said that the X Factor judge and his former manager was loving the series.

    “It’ll be fun,” Nicky said. “I actually spoke to Louis last night and he was saying Strictly is brilliant.”

    Nicky also promised his fans many more revealing outfits!

    He said: “It’s exciting. The guy shave said I’ve got away lightly so far – thee a re lot more sequins to come, apparently!

    “I’ve never had a spray tan in my life but everyone tells me I’m going to love it, so watch this space!”

    Nicky previously admitted that he was feeling “exposed” on the show without his Westlife bandmates.

    Speaking to DigitalSpy, Nicky said: “When I walked on the floor I thought, ‘Holy s**t, what have I signed up for?’

    “You are totally exposed and this is the first time I’ve done something out of Westlife.”

    ............Nicky Byrne: I’ll get Irish team all the way to World Cup final

    NICKY Byrne has told how he hopes his new TV show will turn the Ireland football team into a world-beating side.
    The ex-Westlife singer, 33, hosts a new show called Football’s Next Star, which sees him scour the country in search of fresh talent.

    And he reckons some of the youngsters he’s found are capable of turning Ireland’s footballing fortunes around — but only if gaffer Giovanni Trapattoni moves on first.

    He said: “It’s everybody’s dream to see Ireland in a World Cup final, isn’t it?

    “The whole country would shut down for a week like in 1990 and we were only in the last eight then. I’m not sure even if Football’s Next Star can guarantee something like that but our winner is definitely good enough to go all the way to Ireland’s first team if he keeps his head and has a bit of luck.

    “Although, I think Trapattoni may need to move on pretty soon so we can see more of these young lads blooded through.”

    Nicky — who is focusing on a career in TV since Westlife’s split — is also starring in Strictly Come Dancing.

    And he revealed how he’d love to do his own bit for Ireland by winning the competition.

    He told TV Now: “It is an absolute joy to be a part of. It’s one of the biggest shows on TV. I’m loving it! Hopefully I can do Ireland proud and bring that Glitter Ball back across the water.”


    NICKY Byrne's former bandmates in Westlife are backing his bid for glory on 'Strictly Come Dancing'.

    Training for the past week with US dance partner Karen Hauer, the 33-year-old said he has been inundated with requests for tickets for his first live show, on October 5.

    However, the singer is keeping the best seats for his former bandmates.

    "I have spoken to Shane (Filan) and he has his name down to come and watch us. Kian (Egan) has texted me too. Their support is good to have, and if they come along, it will be a big positive for me," said Byrne.

    The father-of-two is counting on their support as he revealed that after 14 years together, he feels strange performing without them.

    "I'm super-exposed because the boys are not around me. At the same time, it feels like I have joined a new family. I'm excited and that's a good sign," he said.

    Westlife are no strangers to 'Strictly Come Dancing', having appeared on the BBC dance show several times throughout their career.

    "We performed on it three times as Westlife, and we were always curious about what it would be actually like to dance on it as a contestant.

    So it's always been in the back of my mind, really. Now here I am, and the buzz is brilliant," added Byrne.

    ..............Strictly Come Dancing 2012

    Nicky Byrne wants Westlife dance moves in his routines!

    Westlife’s Nicky Byrne has joked he’ll only be comfortable with his Strictly Come Dancing routines if there’s a stool involved!

    Perhaps hoping to make it to props week, the singer said he was secretly wishing that pro dancer Karen Hauer incorporates the famous Westlife signature dance move into their dance.

    “With Westlife we never took the dancing seriously and are more or less taking the mickey with all of our gyrating and pelvic thrusting,” said Nicky.

    Although we’re not sure his army of female fans see it that way.

    He laughed: “The only thing we perfected was standing up from our stools on the key change.

    “If Karen puts a stool not he stage I might feel more comfortable.”

    But while Nicky was joking about, it seems Karen wasn’t too sure how to take the comments.

    She said: “He has the experience to handle the pressure of going on stage- though I am a bit worried about that now!”



    20-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Nicky Byrne of Westlife.

    The band's next album will be one for the bedroom

    have been inspired by their ­raunchy fans to make their next album one for the bedroom.

    After seeing the crowds wave filthy banners at them on their current arena tour, the Irish lads want their fans to make sweet music to what will be their 11th release.

    Nicky Byrne,
    told me backstage at their sell-out O2 Arena gig: The banners have become raunchier and most don,t leave anything to the imagination.

    Liverpool and Sheffield are ­definitely the dirtiest crowds. So the next album is going to be one for the bedroom with lots of juicy and sensual tracks.

    Shane Filan, Mark ­Feehily, Kian Egan, and Nicky expect a baby boom across the nation, thanks to their new album.

    Mark added: You can ­listen to it while you ­conceiving. Lots of people have called their sons and daughters after us already.

    We in meetings this week for the next album and have lots of ideas as we want to get out by the end of the year.

    Nicky admitted: Touring is our baby. When we promote a single it,s normally a big ballad so we limited to what you can do with the live ­performances.

    So touring is like getting out of school on our ­summer holidays where we can go daft

    Shane revealed he will once again pair up with manager and X Factor judge Louis Walsh, 57, for the TV show's new series.

    He said: If we have a new single out we love to ­perform on the show too.

    02 Nov 2009

    westlife's shane filan - Interview

    Love them or hate them, you can't dispute Westlife's popularity and success. 14 consecutive number one singles, a dozen number one albums, sell out tours, and they're still going strong after more than ten years.

    Now they're back, and we caught up with frontman Shane Filan....

    How's it going? Are you fed up of doing all these interviews?

    No, not at all we're officially back on the bandwaggon, we're totally back.. The single's out and the album is out a month from now. We're very excited about talking about this album. It's a slightly different sound, but it's still pop music and it's very exciting for us and the fans. It's a great album and i'm very, very proud of it. I think the first single is a very good indication of what the album is like.

    What have you been doing for the last 12 months?

    We have been hanging out with our families, playing golf, chilling out, Nicky set up a girlband (I bet they mean Kian) and his twins are running around the place now, my wife had a baby, some of us travelled, so we've been doing all the things we haven't been able to do properly over the last ten years really. We played a huge gig at Croque park in Dublin, which was one of the highlights of our careers, so we finished on a high there.

    How are you going to top the Croque Park gig?

    We've got some big ideas, we want to tour Asia and some of the places we've never been to on a world tour. We're rushing to meet our agents now to thrash out ideas. That is why we're so excited about this album, we know it's going to be a really good album and we are spoilt for choice with singles. We made a pact as a band that we wouldn't record a song unless we thought it was good enough to be a single, so it was probably annoying for the record company, but as a band, we've never come together so well on an album. We've really worked closely with Simon Cowell on this album. We never thought he'd still be so in to us, but he is, he's been very involved and he's so proud of this album. When you have Simon behind you, you just feel a good buzz there, and we feel we've done something special. It's a great pop album.

    You mentioned a different direction, can you expand on that?

    A different direction might be a bit wrong. I think it's still pop music, but there's a different variation on it. One massive thing is we worked with different producers, who we've never worked with before, and new song writers. There are thirteen songs on the album and twelve of them are originals. There's more tempo, more rocky songs, some more american songs, some darker songs on there with darker lyrics. It's the best production we've had on any other album. The strings, the music is just on another level. Even if you're not a Westlife fan but you're a music fan, you will recognise the quality on this album.

    You apparently said in the papers that your X Factor appearence would determine the next 18 months of your career. How do you feel now you've done it?

    I think the next 18 months might be good!! We were very happy with the performance, we felt it went really well, Louis and Simon were delighted and they'll always tell us honestly what they think, even if it's to say we could have done something better. They were literally jumping up and down, they were so pleased with it.

    How many albums are you contracted to do? How long will Westlife be around for?

    We only have one studio album left on our current contract, so renegotiations will be happening shortly. As a band, we've done ten albums but we want to do twenty. We don't see ourselves splitting up, ever. We're very proud of this album and I think it's going to be hard to top, but we'll take each album on at a time. We'll give it a good old try. Instead of doing an album every year, we think we'll make one every two albums, and keep making pop music. We will never desert our fans, and fans of what we are, but we will still have a dabble here and there with what we do. We'll experiment, like What About Now - it sounds like a Weslife song, but it has a slightly different sound and it's more uptempo.

    None of you have done anything solo - will that change?

    No, I don't think it will. We're not that type of band. We're all individually very happy, we have no hidden agenda's in the band. If someone wants to do something different we'll always encourage it, Nicky might present at an awards show, Mark might want to sing a song on his own and Kian may want to do something I don't know, but as a band, when we're singing we're there as a four. It's always been that way since Brian left and it always will be. They say the grass is always greener, but I don't think it is. You need to have someone with you, it would be a fairly lonely life doing this all on your own. We're successful and happy, why ruin that? We have a great life, we're all great friends. Two or three of us might go for a drink together or go to the cinema, you know, we have a great craic outside of Weslife, we're all great friends, so Westlife will continue as it is.


    Tenth time lucky: Westlife picked up the award for Best Pop Group yet again

    20-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Brit Boy Band Westlife Bids Farwell: Journey through the Years

    Westlife in 2003
    Irish boyband Westlife (From L-R) Nicky Byrne, Shane Filan, Kian Egan,
    Mark Feehily and Bryan McFadden attend a news conference for "Hong Kong Harbourfest" October 23, 2003.

    Westlife in 2004
    Members of the Irish band Westlife arrive for the World Music Awards at the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, September 15, 2004.

    Westlife in 2006
    Irish pop group Westlife (from L-R) Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, Shane Filan and Nicky Byrne pose for photographers during a news conference to promote their last album "Face to Face" in Taipei March 10, 2006

    Westlife in 2008
    Irish group Westlife pose at The South Bank Show Awards at Dorchester Hotel in London January 29, 2008.

    Westlife in 2009
    Pop diva Donna Summer (l) performs with Irish band Westlife during the final act of the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo December 11, 2009

    Weslife in 2011
    Irish pop band Westlife perform at the Convention Centre during the visit of Queen Elizabeth in Dublin May 19, 2011

    It’s Westlife’s final farewell tour this weekend and we’re set for an amazing gig at croker. If you were lucky enough to get a ticket, you’re going to have a ball or you may be checking the lads out in one of the cinemas around the city. Lawson, The Wanted & Jedward are supporting the lads. But what happens after the final farewell, will the lads stay in touch.

    Kian Egan revealed to 98fm that behind the boy stroke man band Westlife are bessies and they always will be….

    20-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Record-breaking farewell for Westlife
    Record-breaking farewell for Westlife at Manchester Arena is a piece of cake
    The Diary by Dianne Bourne

    June 12, 2012

    Westlife stars Mark Feehily, Kian Egan, Shane Filan and Nicky Byrne receive their 33 cupcakes at the Manchester Arena to celebrate their 33 gigs here Westlife stars Mark Feehily, Kian Egan, Shane Filan and Nicky Byrne receive their 33 cupcakes at the Manchester Arena to celebrate their 33 gigs here 1/3 Play Slideshow

    It was undoubtedly a bittersweet moment for the Westlife lads as they performed for the very last time at the Manchester Arena at the weekend.

    But arena staff made sure it was the sweetest finale – by presenting the Irish manband with 33 cupcakes to celebrate their record-breaking 33 gigs there over the years.

    The foursome - Kian Egan, Nicky Byrne, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan, are to split after this farewell tour following a hugely successful 14-year music career.

    Arena spokesman Matt Ward said: “It was a genuinely emotional night for the boys. They adore their Manchester fans and you could tell it was really hard work saying goodbye to everyone.

    "We couldn't let the occasion pass without a celebration though and the specially-commissioned cupcakes really put a smile on their faces.”

    Kian and Nicky couldn't resist taking a swift bite out of the cupcakes before heading on stage – but When You're Looking Like That who can blame them?

    19-11-2013 om 23:51 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. westlife interview




    DEEL 2

    DEEL 3

    documentary: westlife greatest hits

    westlife - interview ( new zealand 25.02.08 )

    westlife: talking about how they started off.

    westlife -- MTV (interview)

     MTV 1999 westlife

    MTV westlife

    westlife on the one show 1



    westlife - interview 2GB - sydney 02-05-2008

    shane at the crucible - 27-04-2008

    Westlife's Kian Egan 98FM
    Westlife (minus Nicky) interview with Alan Simpson

    19-11-2013 om 14:25 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.mark - AT THE PINK ICE BALL 2007

    19-11-2013 om 11:29 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Westlife For The Last Time

    19-11-2013 om 01:01 geschreven door westlife

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    19-11-2013 om 00:46 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. 2.....foto,s westlife farewell tour 2012

    19-11-2013 om 00:23 geschreven door westlife

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    19-11-2013 om 00:19 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Westlife honoured with bar stools during farewell tour
    Entertainment Westlife SECC One of Scotland's most famous venues has paid a tongue-in-cheek tribute to Westlife as they played there for the last time.

    Glasgow's SECC unveiled four bar stools engraved with the names of Shane, Mark, Kian and Nicky ahead of their final concert there.

    The band gained a reputation for sitting on bar stools while signing ballads during their 14-year career.

    The tribute stools will have a permanent home outside the main entrance of the SECC in recognition of their popularity in Scotland.

    The band played at the venue 49 times in their career
    Entertained more than 380,000 fans
    Sold more tickets than any other act
    As they unveiled the silver coloured stools, the band said:

    “It's a wonderful gesture from the SECC and we have always loved playing in Scotland. It's fitting way for us to say goodbye and we hope that the seats will be a permanent reminder for our fans of all the great nights we have had here.

    Westlife, currently on a farewell tour, have scored 14 number one singles in the UK and more than two dozen top 10 hits.

    In 2010, the group were estimated to have amassed a #31 million fortune after shifting more than 44 million copies of their records around the world.

    “Over the years, Westlife have sold the biggest number of tickets of any act to take place at the SECC and we could not let their farewell gig here pass without marking this amazing feat. The seats outside which are synonymous with the band's live acts will be lasting testimony to the enjoyment Westlife has given to thousands of fans here.

    19-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Mark Feehily & Kevin McDaid

    When Westlife’s Mark Feehily came out in the press, he cited his new boyfriend Kevin McDaid as one of his main motivations. Now, two years later, they’ve decided to talk openly about their relationship for the first time

    On the other hand, the sweet tale of Mark Feehily and Kevin McDaid is just the story of two young men in love. On quite the other it is both an apocryphal story for the state of British pop music and a right hook to the celebrity age of relationship sales. Despite the requests, they haven’t laundered their three-year love through the gossip weeklies for cold, hard cash. They have invited nobody but their friends into their ‘lovely new home’. They sometimes go to launches and premieres together, but they don’t make a song and dance out of it

    Mark Feehily you will know of. Mark is a quarter of the most successful British pop act of their age, Westlife. Critically they have few garlands to spare but for Westlife, a boyband that has always dealt in simple emotion, simple suits, rousing choruses and that inevitable middle 8 key change when they used to rise from their bar-stools, the path to righteousness is above criticism. They connect at a direct level with great swathes of the British public and phenomenal amounts of success is the sweet revenge against any snippiness directed at their winning, slightly bygone age formula of singing lovely songs harmoniously well and putting on the kind of entertainment that was once called ‘family’

    Entirely democratic and rammed to the rafters with cheery Irish bonhomie, there’s a stag night element to Westlife as a foursome. They have never indulged in the traditional homo-eroticism of the well-trodden boyband model. They don’t do topless calendars. There is a rugby anthem element to their best songs. They are the boys that mothers would like their daughters to bring home as prospective sons-in-law. They are the least pretentious people in the entire world. All of which served to make Mark Feehily a deep curiosity when he eventually came out two years ago, to little fanfare, in The Sun newspaper.
    “People forget that I was in Westlife at 18 years old,’ he says now, of his own awakenings, ‘and had to go through the process of coming to terms with my sexuality over time in the public eye. Being stubborn I was very adamant that I would do it in my own time and at my own pace. I think that’s very important. If anybody tried to push any buttons or suggest anything to me then I’d just fucking retreat.”

    Mark is ‘the sensible one’ in the Kevin and Mark show. That’s sensible as in level-headed, as opposed to boring.

    “People should be neither pushed into (coming out) or held back. You need to be able to do these things for yourself. People always ask me what advice I’d give to X up and coming pop star who’s gay. There’s no advice I can give to anybody apart from to do it their own way and how it feels right for them. I could tell them 50 things I’d been through but their experience will be there own and it’s all totally unique. We all come from somewhere different and we’re all going somewhere different. The only thing I will say, and I think Kevin will back me up on this, is that it changed my life so much for the better in every conceivable way coming out to everyone around me.”

    Kevin McDaid you may be less aware of. Kevin was one fifth of the ill-fated boyband V. His pop tale is almost the exact antithesis of Mark’s. After the two years hard graft and off-the-scale finances it costs to launch a new pop act, V were unceremoniously dropped by their record label when their debut album failed to ignite anywhere beyond its number ‘80something’ debut. When Kevin met Mark in January 2005, V were coming to the end of their short road. All those personal investments, promises of stardom and breakfast television opportunities were about to disappear in a puff of pop smoke.
    It’s testament to the strength of their own relationship that Mark and Kevin seem operational at a high level because of and not in spite of their wildly oppositional experiences at the sometimes merciless hands of showbusiness. Kevin is absolutely delighted for Mark at the successful level Westlife operate at and Mark is quick to defend the talents of his boyfriend’s old band and implicitly seems to understand that success for a British pop act can turn on a sixpence. There is not so much a note of ‘there but for the grace of god’ about Mark when he talks of Kevin’s finger-burning experiences with the pop market, but there is a distinct level of gratitude for the incredible opportunities he’s been afforded due to his own group’s commercial appeal.

    In many way’s Kevin is the starrier of the twosome. He looks more traditionally popstar and has a voluble energy level that lends itself to centre stage. He is ‘the impulsive one’

    in the Mark and Kevin show. As a duo they are astonishingly un-cynical, totally infectious company and wear their love very well. Mark and Kevin met at a party for Childline in Dublin. They have recently given up smoking together.

    Which one of you decided to give up smoking?
    Mark: We’d been putting getting healthy on the backburner for a long time. Not that we were going nuts or anything.
    How old are you both?
    Kevin: I’m 23 and Mark’s 27. We basically got very lazy in the summer, in Ireland, no-one around, just us…
    Mark: Watching the TV and playing Playstation.
    Kevin: Late Nights, Late mornings....
    Mark: Friends we hadn't seen for ages
    Kevin: It was just bad. We both smoked in that way that as soon as one of us had put one out the other would light one up. We’d literally get to the stage where we’d have one in the car, get out to go to the shop, have one when you came out of the shop and then light up again in the car.
    Mark: It got to the point of stupidity. But I’ve smoked a long time. We were smoking before we met each other and it literally got to the point where we were just disgusted with it. There was always an excuse and Kevin just hammered on to me about it, are you a man or are you a mouse? So I thought ‘let’s just do it.’ I just thought I can do it without these sticks of crap.

    How long have you been together for?
    Mark: At the end of January it’ll be three years.

    Well Done
    Mark: It’s been very natural. You ask how long and I have to think about it because it definitely doesn’t feel that long. We’re quite laidback in that sense. We’re not the counting the days types.
    Do you know the exact date?
    Mark: Yep, 28th of January, 2005.
    Kevin: I was in my band at the time, V,and we were both doing a charity concert for Childline that happens every year in Dublin.
    Mark: It’s a good old Irish party.
    Kevin: And we both got boozed up and basically just met. We had a nice conversation and it just went from there really.

    Who else was playing there?
    Mark: It’s one of those gigs where all the pop people go to so it was Girls Aloud, McFly, the usual.
    Kevin: That was when pop was alive. It was a great party.

    What’s the camaraderie like between all the bands?
    Kevin: We were speaking about this afterwards and people do tend to keep themselves to themselves. It’s not because people are being rude, they do want to have conversations with other people who have that thing in common but…
    Mark: It can be a bit silly. Two people will be walking towards each other in the corridor and you get that thing where you don’t know whether to say hello or they might think they’re too cool or whatever. There can be a weird – neither act wants it but there can be tension. I always used to look at the music industry and think that everyone got on backstage and it must be so much fun and then you’re walking down a corridor and people have their heads down.
    Kevin: We were with the same management company as Busted and McFly and we lived in the same complex as Girls Aloud so we all kind of knew each other.

    My god, you had Sarah Harding in your complex? That sounds quite full on.
    Kevin: It was quite a few years ago. We were all a lot younger
    Did you swap numbers the first night?
    Both: yeah we did Kevin: I can’t remember who asked, can you?
    Mark: I think we just said ‘we should swap numbers, shouldn’t we?’ I actually can’t remember either because both of us were extremely drunk.
    Kevin: You texted me first.
    Mark: Did I?
    Kevin: Yeah. Then I started texting. I was texting him taking the piss. Westlife were rehearsing for a tour and one of the costumes was like workmen.
    Mark: The Kwik Fit Fitters.
    Kevin: So I was asking him if he was wearing his jumpsuit.
    Mark: He was taking the piss out of me for my dodgy outfit but he’d dressed up as an ice cream man for one of his performances. I quite like the Kwik Fit Fitter outfit, actually.
    Kevin: What secured it was our love for our divas. Mark has his diva, Mariah Carey and I have mine, Christina Aguilera. (laughing) He was the first person that understood how I felt.

    Are you obsessed with Mariah Mark?
    M: I wouldn’t say obsessed. As a young person I wanted her to be my big sister. I didn’t have a sister and she was the epitome of beauty for me. She always looked so sad when she was singing and then you learn the story of how she’s like the princess locked away in the mansion and… the voice? She seemed to totally understand gospel music, which I love so much. I saw her performing when I was about ten. She was performing live on some American TV show and my dad called me down ‘come here, Mark, look at this one, you’ll like her’ and I literally just stood and froze for a while at her performance of Without You. She is amazing.

    Tell me about your love for Christina, Kevin.
    K: I loved Genie In A Bottle and Come On Over just as songs. But with Dirrty it just went somewhere else. By Beautiful I just knew she was doing something really special. I bought the album on mini-disc and listened to it non-stop. I love someone who sings about their trials in life. I could relate.

    What did it feel like to work with Mariah, Mark?
    K: I would wet myself.
    M: I imagined her to have this huge, imaginary, fabulous, lavish lifestyle. There was a time when I was in Thailand with Westlife. I’d always ask the porters when we were away who’d stayed at the hotel and I asked this guy and he said Mariah Carey and it seemed impossible to me. I had this silly illusion that she was so far removed from reality she couldn’t possibly have stayed in that hotel. Luckily by the time I got to meet her I’d come to terms a bit more with what celebrity was and what being a fan of somebody was because we had our own fans. The really annoying thing was that the first time I met her Westlife had just been nominated for an MTV award and we had a press conference day. I didn’t even know she was going to be there until I got there.
    K: Tell him about the phone call. That must’ve been the maddest point…
    M: … I’ll get to that in a minute. They put me in front of an entire press conference to meet her. And I’d waited ten years for this. For fuck’s sake, they couldn’t have made me look like more of a twat and she was in full bloom on a chaise longue.
    K: With a fan, blowing her.
    M: I just said ‘Hi Mariah, it’s really nice to meet you’ and she said ‘I heard you’re a big fan of mine.’ I’d got over meeting her when we worked with her.

    Did you actually work in the studio together?
    M: Absolutely. It wasn’t phoned in. We worked out the BV’s together. She did the main vocal in New York but we did BV’s and additional stuff together. It was in her house in Capri.

    You did the famous video where Bryan McFadden’s starring at her breasts for the entire song at the same time?
    M: Yeah. The maddest thing was when I was sitting in my living room in my house in Galway – the same living room my dad had called me down to see her in all those years earlier – and the phone rung and my mum said ‘Mark! It’s Mariah Carey on the phone.’ Fuck me. It was before we performed Hero with her in Manchester and she was calling to go through what we were going to do with the BV’s. I was just thinking all the way through the conversation ‘fucking hell, I wish I was taking this phone call on my computer so I could record it.’ Mariah singing down the phone to me in my mum’s living room. I put the phone down and didn’t remember one fucking thing that she said. For me, things like that are the things that make this job the best one in the world.
    K: Those things don’t happen very often and no-one can take them away because they’re special to you.
    M: And I’ll say this as well, we’ve worked with a lot of people who are not nearly as big as her who’ve been very difficult to get stuff out of.
    K: She always asks after Mark.

    Have you ever met Christina?
    K: No. And I don’t think I’d cope nearly as well as he did if I did.

    Is this both of your first long-term relationship?
    M: Kevin’s my first boyfriend.
    K: I’d not had anything serious. Nothing like this.
    M: Not that anything could come close to this, eh? [laughing]
    K: Of course not.

    When you first met did you know that each other was gay?
    M: You couldn’t have known, could you?
    K: I never knew. But I was suspected.
    M: Oh, I’m sure you were all gossiping about me. It wasn’t public then. It wasn’t even known for a fact in the industry. I trusted him from the moment I met him though. Some people you just make a connection with. I didn’t know for a fact that Kevin was gay but when I seen him dancing with Girls Aloud on the dancefloor at that party I thought ‘hmmm, he might be.’
    K: [laughing] Fuck off! Sarah wasn’t there at the party so I said to Cheryl ‘I’ll be Sarah tonight’. We did the whole lot of Wake Me Up.

    Are you still friendly with them?
    K: We see each other around but we’re not really in the same circles.
    M: I was quite matey with Nadine. We had the Irish connection. We’re still really good friends when we see one another. But we don’t really cross paths.
    K: We saw them all at Nicola’s birthday party.
    M: Nicola is a really, really nice girl. She looks fabulous, as well.

    Where did you first go on holiday together?
    M: We went in dribs and drabs to America a bit and had the most amazing experiences. That was the first time we had proper time together and after that summer stories started appearing in the papers. Then the whole coming out thing happened.

    Where you worried about it?
    M: No I wasn’t. I’ve always said this but meeting Kevin was the thing that made me go ‘do you know what? I don’t give a fuck anymore.’ Meeting him was the final thing for me to think the whole fucking world can know my business if it wants to. I’m not creeping around because I’m not that sort of a person.

    When did you tell the rest of the band that you’d met Kevin?
    M: Oh, straight away. The night I met him I said ‘I’ve met this really cool guy.’

    Were all the other boys in relationships?
    M: Yep. Shane and Nicky were married, Kian was with Jodi.

    What about you Kevin, who did you tell first?
    K: Aaron, who I was in the band with. We have a really strange relationship. We used to hate each other in the early days of the band. I was openly gay and had no issues with it whatsoever. And Aaron was really struggling with his sexuality. Because I was so open about it it freaked him out a bit, which it would, you know? I remember when I was at college and there was one guy called Danny who was a total queen and I was shit scared of him because I thought that he’d out me. Me and Aaron ended up as best friends, though.
    M: Aaron’s a really nice guy.

    Did you have a flat in London at the time, Mark?
    M: No, I was in hotel land. I was on the verge of buying and I had intended to look for a place. I had a place in Ireland but now I’ve got one in both.

    Did you pick the London place together?
    K: Yeah, we rented for a little bit and then started looking. We chose it together and decorated it together.
    M: We’re still fucking decorating it together.

    Any decorating arguments you’d care to share with the more domesticated aspect of the relationship?
    K: God, we’re both really stubborn. He’s more stubborn than me.
    M: Whatever.
    K: You are! It took us two years t decide on a sofa. We’ll see something that we both love and then a year later we’ll get round to buying it. I’m like ‘why has it taken us ten times to see something that we know we want?’

    But you got it eventually?
    M: Yeah, it was so expensive. In fact, it’s so expensive that I’m afraid to sit on it.

    Oh my god, you’re like one of those suburban mums that keeps plastic on?
    M: Get away with you. No, the dog’s been at it already. When the dog starts scratching it I’m like ‘oh there goes another grand’.
    K: But it’s fabulous.
    M: Yeah, but we didn’t spend that much money on a fucking sofa for the dog to wreck it. We should’ve gone to Ikea.

    When did you get the dog?
    K: Last Christmas. I went to Harrods to buy a Christmas tree. I’d been talking about getting a dog for ever with Mark and he’d always say oh it’s not possible because of how much we travel. But then Kian and Jodi got a dog and I saw how able they were to cope with it. Me and Jodi had been to Harrods the week before because he’d heard that they had some pugs in the pet shop there. Mark thinks that it was a plan but it wasn’t.

    Who picked the name?
    K: She’s called Saffron Cleopatra.
    M: Saffy. After Saffy in Ab Fab. We nearly called her Sacha but I thought it was too butch.
    K: She slept on our bed last night, which doesn’t happen very often.
    M: Cleopatra was her name in Harrods.

    She’s not named after the band, then?
    K: No. But she’s totally comin’ atcha. Honestly, I could talk about her for the next hour. She goes everywhere with us.
    M: I know we’re bound to say this but I really genuinely believe she’s the best pug in the world.
    K: Here let me show you a picture [entire mobile phone slide show ensues and, yes, Saffy is absolutely adorable].
    M: It’s good to have a female presence around the house as well. And as small as she is, she makes her presence felt.

    Given the sofa and the Saffy situations it’s not difficult to deduce that Mark’s the sensible one in your relationship?
    K: Absolutely. Mark thinks of the negative things which is good. I’m just all positive, totally ‘let’s just do it’.
    M: To be honest, if it wasn’t for Kevin I’d be the one thinking up the positive stuff, but because Kevin only thinks of the positive stuff we need to think the other way sometimes.
    K: I am very impulsive.

    How did it feel when V finished, Kevin?
    K: It was really, really hard.
    M: I felt it too, because it wasn’t long after we’d met.
    K: What was hard was that V were a fucking great boyband and I think we could have been credible enough to do something. I’m not stupid. I know what pop is and I’m happy to be part of that but I could slowly start seeing these wrong decisions being made. We didn’t end it. The label didn’t want to pursue us and that would have tarnished us trying to stay together. It took me a couple of years to get over it. I really find it hard to talk about.
    M: The thing is this job is the furthest thing imaginable away from a bar job or something like that. You can’t switch off and put it behind you at the end of your shift.
    K: It’s not a job basically.
    M: It’s a lifestyle.
    K: There were a lot of people telling us at the start that we were going to be huge and it’s hard, even though the management have told you not to, to not buy into the hype. I got a bit bitter and jaded by the music industry. For pop music it was like an ending. I started seeing all the magazines closing down and the TV shows being axed and there was nowhere for pop music to live anymore.
    M: I think when CD:UK went that was the last nail in the coffin. The thing about V is, and I can say this from not being directly involved with them, that people outside of the band messed things up. I’ve heard the other 100 or so songs that didn’t make the album and they’re fucking amazing.

    I like Hip To Hip.
    K: Hmmm. Now, I see a boyband on X Factor and instantly think ‘nah!’ I think it’s going to be a while before one breaks again. I think it’s a couple of years off but when it happens it’ll be fantastic.
    M: I think everyone should start a campaign to get V back together.
    K: There’s a couple of people hanging around the internet doing it.

    Did your album ever come out?
    K: It did. It made it to the dizzy heights of 80-odd I think.

    Were you put together from auditions?
    K: yeah, all our paths had crossed at some point before the band were put together.

    Did you have nerves about living in Ireland as well as London, Kevin?
    K: Yeah. We spend the summer there, but all Mark’s friends and family have been sooo lovely to me. I was nervous about meeting them all but within 30 seconds we’d bonded. It’s so different from London.
    M: It’s the same for me. But we’re similar like this. We both come from very strong family backgrounds.
    K: Being in my family can be like being in an episode of Shameless sometimes. In a really nice way.

    Where you nervous about telling your mum about meeting Kevin?
    M: No, not at all.
    K: I was so nervous about meeting her.
    M: Likewise, I was really nervous about meeting yours. We both held those meetings in very high esteem. It was a big deal for both of us.
    K: His mum makes the best, best, best vegetable soup.
    M: And yours makes an amazing lasagna.

    Do they know one another?
    M: Yep, everyone’s met in Ireland. My parents have yet to go to Newcastle but that’ll happen.

    It’s quite unusual for the parents to get involved with gay couples.
    M: I think it’s a different day and age now. The differences between a gay couple and straight couple, though not in everyone’s case obviously, isn’t so much now.
    K: We’re just a couple. We’re not ‘a gay couple’.

    M: It feels right to hear that. We’re just two normal lads in a relationship and we happen to be two guys rather than a guy and a girl. There’s no difference between me and Kevin that there is between…

    Kian and Jodi?
    M: Exactly. Within Westlife, at home, within our families, everywhere we don’t get special treatment because of it. Times are very different now.

    Give yourself and your family some credit here, I think this is down to how individual couples wear their relationships and if they wear them without any shame they won’t be treated shamefully.
    M: Where I grew up is a far cry from New York City or London but I have to give the place full credit. I swear to god, I haven’t had one look or comment made to me in Sligo. It’s not like London is more tolerant or advanced. In my personal experience I haven’t experienced negativity in either.

    How long ago did you come out to your parents?
    M: I’m trying to think when it came out in The Sun. Two years ago since August. I told my parents about three, four years before that.

    Did coming out take complications out of your life?
    M: I’m quite an honest, straightforward person. I’m not sneaky and I think anyone’s sexuality is a big part of them. To not be able to be free and open about it felt very unnatural.

    Do you have brothers and sisters?
    M: I’ve two younger brothers. No sisters.

    Apart from Mariah Carey?
    M: She’s my soul sista.

    What about you Kevin?
    K: I’ve an older brother and a younger sister.

    How do you get on with them?
    K: Great. My sister’s just been down to stay with us for the weekend and my brother lives in Thailand.

    Do they like Mark?
    K: Yeah they do. Paul’s only met Mark once but he really liked him. There’s more to come here. We’re both getting way more comfortable being around each other’s families.

    Do you see this as being forever?
    Both: Absolutely.
    M: I don’t want to grow old, particularly, but I want to do it with Kevin.

    What do you think you’ll be like as old men?
    K: Grumpy.
    M: We’ll be sitting there bickering all day long. I won’t be able to get up out of my chair and I’m going to have to rely on people wheeling me around.
    K: You know those old couples walking down the street together or in a restaurant, pulling out a chair for his partner? I want to be like that.

    Have you talked about civil partnership?
    M: I get asked this at every interview. Is it true you’re going to get married, when are you getting married? I was going to say this was a gay thing but I’m wrong in that because Kian gets it in every interview, too. At the start I used to think it was a topical issue because of civil partnership, which I think by the way sounds like a fucking operation or something. It sounds like a lung transplant. ‘I’m going in tomorrow to have a civil partnership.’ It’s a marriage, you know?
    K: I think we’ll look into it in the future. At some point in our relationship we’re going to want to basically celebrate being together. And it is a good excuse for a good old shindig isn’t it?
    M: First of all, I am the type of person that would be telling everyone if it was happening.

    Have either of you ever been to one?
    M: Kevin has.
    K: I went to a friend of mine’s in Newcastle in the summer. It was unusual.
    M: It’s a new thing whatever way you look at it. But it’s fantastic, you know? It couldn’t have come any sooner.

    What music do you listen to in the flat?
    K: I like musicals. A bit of Rent or Wicked.
    M: I love my soul music. I’ve always loved pop and Kevin does have a massive collection of it but because Westlife satisfies that for me I look to fulfil the other bits of my love for music. I love women with amazing voices, Jill Scott. Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, Angie Stone. Louis [Walsh] tells me that we might be getting to do a duet with her at some point, which would be major.

    Didn’t Blue get her for something?
    M: I’ll tell you a funny story about that. Stevie Wonder actually asked me and Bryan [McFadden] to sing with him when we met him in a nightclub in LA once. He gave me his telephone number. Stevie fucking Wonder. Me and Bryan were pissed out of our minds on these shots we’d just been taking out of test-tubes so I took the wrong fucking number down. We were talking about it the next day, like did that really fucking happen? I said ‘oh he was probably just being nice’ and the next thing fucking two months later along comes Blue with Stevie Wonder. He told me that night that he’d been looking for a male group to do a duet with. I don’t think I remember any single night of that entire trip to LA. I was pissed for the entire time. But it was great to meet him anyway. That’s the stuff that I progressed to after finding Mariah Carey when I was ten. Vocally she has a side to her that people don’t credit her with. She can really sing. I love big voices.
    K: I’ve got Robyn on in the car at the minute. That’s a great album.

    Do you like the same TV?
    K: No. I like total trash. I loved Janice Dickinson on I’m A Celebrity… Just brilliant.
    M: There’s certain elements of trashy TV that I’ve come to like through Kevin. I love America’s Next Top Model.
    K: And you like the E! True Hollywood Stories.
    M: I love the ludicrousness of it all.

    Are you both watching X Factor?
    M: Look, I couldn’t have more connection with X Factor if I tried. Both my bosses are on it. Louis and Simon.

    Tell me something I don’t know about Simon Cowell and please make it ‘he’s gay’.
    M: [laughing] I’ll tell you something. He’s got the littlest fit in the universe. I don’t know what size they are but they look like they’re about size 5. Of course I have major, major amounts of respect for Simon and he’s been an amazing guide of our career. Actually, I haven’t looked at his feet for a while.

    Do you like Westlife, Kevin?
    K: Yes I do. When they first came out I loved them, but as time went on and I grew up my taste changed. But recently I like them a lot again. I like this album loads.

    What’s your favourite Westlife song?
    K: Probably one from the first album. Swear It Again or Flying Without Wings. I used to sing it at auditions, which is quite funny when you think about it now.

    What’s your favourite V song, Mark?
    M: That the public would know? Probably You Stood Up. It’s just a classic pop song. Breakaway was a great song on the album.

    Do you sing for pleasure?
    M: Oh yeah, I’ll be singing for the rest of my life even if it’s not my career. I didn’t get into Westlife because I dreamt of being a pop star or being famous. I never aspired to being the thing I ended up as. I enjoy it and I embrace it but I never aspired to be it. I aspired to being a singer. I’d be happy as a backing singer. I just took an opportunity that came my way. It has gone phenomenally well but if none of that had happened then it would’ve been fine.

    Did you always dream of having a big relationship?
    M: I think I’m a prime example of how doing your best to deal with your sexuality, if you’re struggling at all with the unknowns of it, then there’s nothing to really be afraid of out there. Your life is out there.

    How soon did you fall in love with one another? And how do you know what love is?
    K: Obviously it was quite fast. I can’t think of the exact date or time and I can’t say that I do know 100% what love is but it just feels right and I know I’d do anything for Mark.
    M: There’s so many things attached to the idea of being in love. But I think you know when you love someone when it feels right, inside, to tell them it. We always tell each other we love each other but we’re quite laid back and natural about it. I don’t analyse it, I just live it. All I know is that I’m happy when I go to sleep at night with Kevin and I’m happy when I wake up in the morning.
    K: And likewise, of course.

    Another Westlife wedding?

    Thursday June 26 2008

    Westlife star Mark Feehily (28) has signalled he will eventually tie the knot with his long-term boyfriend Kevin McDaid.

    And given that after this week, he'll be enjoying a 12-month-long holiday from the music industry, the singer plans to devote more of his time to Kevin.

    "I get asked about this all the time and I'm sure I will eventually get married," he told the Herald. "The fact is, I'm as happy as Larry with Kevin. Thing's are going fantastically well between us. We're together now more than three years and the relationship is brilliant.

    "I have been talking about the issue a lot in our new Westlife book and I said a bit out about the whole 'coming out' issue and I meant it when I said it was the best thing I ever did."

    He added how it's not something he thinks about "right now" but could see it happening in the future.

    However, Mark may have to wait a few years yet before getting married in Ireland.

    Justice Minister Dermot Ahern ruled out a referendum on gay marriage in the lifetime of the current government.

    Speaking on Newstalk today, Mr Ahern said he "couldn't go any further" in providing equal rights for gay people in Ireland.

    "The government has gone as far as is legally and constitutionally possible. If we were to go any further we would have to put a referendum to the people, but I couldn't see it happening in the lifetime of this government," Mr Ahern said.


    Mark first met fellow performer Kevin, a former member of boyband V, at the Childline concert in Dublin in January 2005 and just a few months later, came out of the closet.

    Since then, he said he has received nothing but messages of support from fans around the world, who have commended him for his honesty.

    One of the strongest couples on the showbiz scene, the pair have been inseparable since meeting more than three years ago and friends say they are definitely in it for the long haul.

    And given that Mark and the rest of the band are taking a year-long break from music, he has ample time to devote to his personal life.

    "Technically, it's a year off but it's more that we're not releasing an album this year. We have done nine albums in nine years and it does take its toll. We wanted to get away from it all. We want to be able to go home, scratch our ar**s and do nothing," he explained.

    "I want to be around for my dad's birthday and my friend's wedding and all the thing's that I've missed throughout the years, the things that you bite your lip for and say you don't mind missing."


    He continued: "You do have to make sacrifices if you want to be a success but we feel it's a good time to take a year off. Me and Kian are going to travel while Shane and Nicky have kids so they want to be home to wake up in the morning and be there for them."

    The Irish band will finish their sell-out tour of UK and Ireland by performing at the Liverpool Pops event this Sunday -- which will mark their last performance for a year.

    But Mark admitted that it was "unfortunate" that the weather affected their performance in Galway last Saturday, after scores of fans were forced to leave Pearse Stadium early due to the torrential rainfall.

    "I heard someone say that three weeks worth of rain fell in about two hours on the evening but what can you do? You just have to get on with it. Before the show, I thought the whole thing might be cancelled but in the end, they went along with it and the decision was taken out of our hands," he explained. "By the end of the night, 70 or 75pc of the crowd were still there and that was good to see."



    Hi guys,ITS TRUE!!! Myself & Kevin are engaged!! We are so happy!


    Westlife singer Mark Feehily has spoken about the impact that partner Kevin McDaid has had on his life and has described coming out as "the best thing I have ever done".

    In an interview with the Sligo Champion Feehily, who came out in 2005, said: "The thing that finally set me free was falling in love with Kevin.

    "It's like the penny dropped. I suddenly realised I didn't care who knows about this. This is me. This is who I am."

    He continued: "All I know is that coming out for me was the best thing I have ever done. It changed my life, allowed me to be happy with who I was.

    "I believe everybody should feel free to express who they are as a person. It's not about sex, but about being honest with yourself and others, and being happy."

    Feehily said before he came out he had locked away his sexuality and "got on with life".

    "But I was often unhappy, because I suppose I knew I wasn't being true to myself," he said.

    "The idea out there at the time was that all these young girls loved us and all that, and that made it even more crazy."

    Westlife's Mark Feehily to marry Kevin McDaid next year

    WESTLIFE’S Mark Feehily has sensationally revealed he plans to marry next year – once the band finally split.

    The 31-year-old pop star has been engaged to Kevin McDaid, 27, for nearly two years after popping the question on their fifth anniversary as a couple.

    And now that the chart-topping group is calling it a day following more than a decade at the top, the singer said he is finally ready to tie the knot.

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    He told the Irish Daily Mirror: “We plan to get married as soon as possible but it’s about finding a gap to do it.

    “It will definitely be next year. We want to do it as soon as we possibly can, but we want it to be right as well.”

    The loved-up star admitted it is going to take a mammoth effort to organise everything for the couple’s big day.

    And Mark insisted he wants to ensure absolutely every single detail of the day is perfect – something he has never had time to do as a member of Westlife.

    He said: “It’s finding the time and doing it right. We’ve no reason to rush it or say, ‘Let’s just f**king pick any church or hotel or venue in the country’.

    “We’ve been so committed to Westlife that while we’ve had big gaps when we’re not working, you have to plan so far in advance for a wedding.

    “But even our time off it comes about extremely unexpectedly. We might have three weeks off, but we might have only found out we have those three weeks off four weeks ago.

    “So you really don’t have time to plan. We’ve pretty much got the time to be getting on with the wedding now.

    “But people are maybe a little bit too fast to assume we’re not going to do anything once Westlife finishes.

    “I think I could potentially be even more busy than ever.”

    The couple first set eyes on each other backstage at the Cheerios Childline Concert in 2005 when Westlife and V, which Kevin used to be a member of, both performed at the event.

    And when their wedding takes place, it will be the most high-profile gay marriage to ever take place in Ireland.

    The couple will follow in the footsteps of Ireland AM’s Alan Hughes and Karl Broderick who married in September.

    WestLife's Mark Feehily split for partner he was set to wed

    WESTLIFE singer Mark Feehily has sensationally split from the partner he was due to marry next year.

    The heartbroken star announced last night that he had parted from his fiance Kevin McDaid after seven years together.

    However, the Sunday Mirror can reveal that the relationship has been on the rocks for some time and that Kevin dumped Mark TWO months ago.

    The bombshell news comes just weeks after Mark had revealed that he and Kevin would marry next year now that Westlife were splitting up.

    But instead singer Mark has been left to deal with another major shake-up in his life which will send shockwaves through the
    pop world.

    Last night, Mark announced on his Twitter page: “Sadly, Kevin & I are no longer together. We’ve had an amazing 7 year & are both so thankful for the love&support u have shown us from the start.

    “We won’t be answering any questions about this as its a very private matter. Thanks in advance for understanding that. Lots of love, Mx.”

    The news will shock fans of the singer, who appeared to be very much in love.

    In an interview with our sister paper the Irish Daily Mirror in November, Mark spoke of his plans to marry his long-time boyfriend.

    He said: “We plan to get married as soon as possible but it’s about finding a gap to do it.

    “It will definitely be next year. We want to do it as soon as we possibly can, but we want it to be right as well. It’s finding the time and doing it right. We’ve no reason to rush it or say, ‘let’s just f**king pick any church or hotel or venue in the country’.

    “We’ve been so committed to Westlife that while we’ve had big gaps when we’re not working, you have to plan so far in advance for a wedding. So you really don’t have time to plan. We’ve pretty much got the time to be getting on with the wedding now.”

    But sources have revealed to the Sunday Mirror that the relationship was already in trouble.

    A source said: “The reality is that Mark and Kevin have been going their separate ways for a while.

    “In fact Kevin decided to break it off with Mark up to two months ago, but it is only now that they are making it official.

    “This must be a very tough time for Mark. With the band also set to go their own way he now faces into a year of uncertainty, it cannot be easy for him.”

    The couple announced that they were engaged in January 2010, with Feehily also confirming that news through his Twitter page.

    Feehily met photographer McDaid, 27, at a charity concert in Dublin in 2005.

    They went public with the relationship in 2007 when the Irish star came out in a newspaper interview in 2007.

    Newcastle man McDaid was part of boyband V until 2005, before becoming a photographer. 


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    westlife+donny osmond





    Back at one - Westlife & Lulu LIVE


    Westlife Feat Delta Goodrem - All Out Of Love




    Duets Westlife have performed duets with some of the biggest names of the music industry, including Mariah Carey, Donny Osmond, Lulu, Donna Summer, Diana Ross, Lionel Richie, Christian Castro, Ronan Keating and more recently Delta Goodrem. Claudia Schiffer and Vinnie Jones have also starred in their music videos. Westlife also collaborated with Asian-music sensation BoA with the song 'Flying Without Wings', which would appear on her mini-album, "Shine We Are!". remix



    westlife- duet,s impossible



    Easy like Sunday morning -

    Lionel Richie ft. Westlife


    Do & westlife








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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. 160,000 expected at Westlife farewells

    Almost 80,000 fans will descend on Croke Park this Friday - and the same again on Saturday - for Westlife?s farewell tour.

    Stage is set for Westlife finale

    Laura Butler at Croke Park

    Thursday June 21 2012

    WESTLIFE fans can expect all their favourite hits during a three-hour spectacular at Croke Park this weekend.

    The boys will perform their final two concerts as a group and are determined to put on a blinding show.

    There will be a second stage added to their already enormous set to make sure they can mingle with crowd.

    Hundreds of staff have been working all hours this week to make sure the hotly anticipated shows hit the spot.

    A production insider revealed that the stars requested additional staging for Croke Park, the last leg of their farewell tour, as they wanted it to look different to the rest of the gigs.

    "The boys are adding their own stage to the existing structure with lots of effects in it. It's going to be extra special."

    While it's due to be a wet and windy affair, nothing will deter the 160,000 revellers set to descend upon the stadium for the quartet's finale.


    After ruling out the admittance of umbrellas into Croker's grounds, staff are recommending anoraks and wellies for the festivities, as showers are forecast for the next few days.

    Of course, it's going to be all about the music, with Nicky Byrne, Shane Filan, Kian Egan and Mark Feehily belting out some of their biggest hits after taking to the stage at 8pm.

    The lads are planning to kick off the emotional shows with What About Now, followed by classic tunes Uptown Girl, My Love and Ain't That A Kick In The Head, with Home, Flying Without Wings and their debut single Swear It Again in the second half.

    The set list also includes a medley of favourite and well-known pop songs and the famous foursome will provide their renditions of Sex On Fire, Don't Cha, Let Me Entertain You and Bohemian Rhapsody.

    In an interview on 2FM yesterday, member Kian Egan admitted that he never dreamt of playing to such a huge crowd at Croker: "It's been quite a surreal moment and quite an emotional big moment for us all."

    Sligo man Shane added: "Saturday is going to be really difficult."

    Concert goers will be allowed to queue outside Croke Park from 4pm, with gates opening at 4.30pm for the hordes to secure their spot on the transformed pitch.

    Roads in the area will be closed off before the events kick off and gardai are recommending the use of public transport as much as possible.

    While no extra security measures have been put in place for the two nights, 700 stewards and 100 gardai will be on hand to make sure no one's enjoyment is spoiled.

    The band's wives, children and relatives will be watching from their own private boxes for the special occasion.

    The Westlife boys will say an emotional goodbye to fans around the world tonight when they play their final concert at Dublin's Croke Park in front 80,000 fans.

    The sun came out last night over Croke Park as 85,000 fans came out to wish a fond farewell to Westlife after 14 years in the music business. Suzanne Byrne reports
    1 of 1 Westlife Westlife kicked off that they called "the biggest weekend of our lives" last night with the first of two farewell shows in Croke Park in spectacular fashion.

    Four effigies of band members, Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan and Mark Feehily, appeared on stage and suddenly burst into flames before the real Westlife ascended the stage to sing their opening number What About Love.

    Dressed in leather jackets and casual trousers the foursome were in fine voice as was every single fan in the audience - male, female, young or old, they could all be seen singing along.

    An overwhelmed Shane Filan choked back the tears after their second song, What Makes A Man. The 32-year-old Sligo native could clearly be seen taking in what a momentous occasion it was for the four lads who have 14 number one singles under their belt as well as racking up 45 million album sales during their 14-year career.

    Up next was Coast to Coast which led to the first of many arm-swaying moments of the night.

    Kian Egan then welcomed the crowd and said "This is the weekend we have been waiting for. Ireland you have made us feel very special. Tonight we want to give you the best memories of Westlife ever. We don't want anyone to walk out sad. 14 years is more than anyone expected."

    With that, the crowd joined them in rousing rendition of Safe from the 2010 album Gravity.

    Hundreds of flags - including some from Germany, Czech Republic and Spain - and banners were held aloft throughout the crowd. As Nicky spent some time reading them he said: "I will miss reading the banners at the concerts. You know, they got dirtier and filthier the older our fans become."

    After a quick change of clothes the boys took the stage in fetching blue jackets for a rocked-up version of Uptown Girl and gave us a glimpse at some of those infamous Westlife moves. Ok so they're wasn't many of them during their 14 years - they seemed to prefer the safety of a stool until the obligatory stand-up at the key change moment - but they are masters of microphone dipping and toe crossovers which they showed off in abundance last night.

    As we waited for Westlife to be joined by their family on stage Nicky quipped: "So what are all the men going to buy for their girlfriends and wives at Christmas now that there will be no more Westlife gigs. Tickets to One Direction!"

    With everyone in place, Shane, Nicky, Kian and Mark, dedicated Queen of my Heart, to their families both present and those who have passed during their careers. Both Kian and Nicky lost their dads during their success and Nicky said: "Even though our dads may not be with us tonight, we know they are here in spirit and are proudly looking down on us".

    Then, in possibly the cutest moment of the night, Kian's 6-month-old son Koa decided he could do a better job than daddy and took the mic from him.

    They finished this section with a nod to their 2004 swing album, Allow Us To Be Frank, with Ain't That A Kick In The Head.

    Another costume changes saw the lads don some pretty interesting shirts with tight fitting jeans. Bounding back onto the stage the crowd went wild as they belted out the Black Eyed Peas number Tonight's Gonna Be A Good Night. Cue fireworks a whole lot of dodgy-daddy-dancing and as the music changed to the LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem there was some interesting attempts at shuffling.

    The medley of covers continued with some fancy fire effects for the Kings of Leon's Sex on Fire which was followed by The Pussy Cats Doll's Don't Cha.tight jeans, big screens and plenty of hip thrusting sent the already excited fans into a frenzy.

    A version of Robbie William's Let Me Entertain You brought on the chicken dance and then they finished this segment with Bohemian Rhapsody - during which Kian played the guitar.

    After yet another outfit change - white and grey trousers, vests and jackets - the boys continued the party with When Your Looking Like That.

    Shane, Nicky, Kian and Mark then made their way through the crowd - high fiving fans along the way - to a smaller second stage in the middle of the standing section and where they immediately started a Mexican Wave around the stadium.

    Before they sang Mandy, Mark said: "I can't even explain what it feels like to be home tonight."

    Next up was Swear It Again which Mark described as, "a very special song that started our careers." The track was Westlife's very first number one from their debut multi-million selling album Westlife.

    As the sun went down on Croke Park each member of Westlife took their turn to say goodbye to their fans.

    Kian said: "We haven't used the word farewell until this weekend. When we started in the band when we were 15 or 16 we never dreamed we would play Croke Park, then we met Louis Walsh and he is the man that made all our dreams come true. He brought us to Simon Cowell and they made Westlife a worldwide hit. And now we are here saying goodbye, and it's not easy, it's not easy at all."

    Nicky followed with: "I want each and every one of you to know you have played a vital role in making Westlife what we are today. We will never forget you. You have given us a million memories".

    A teary eyed Mark was up next: "This goodbye is too difficult to put into words. We've dreamt about this night. This is our heartfelt thank you to you. Not only supporting us in our music but in different parts of our lives. You are like friends."

    Last to speak was Shane and he said: "We've come from playing infront of 240 people to 85,000, it's very hard to walk away from this. But everything has to come to an end."

    And with that, the strains of You Raise Me Up could be heard, mobile phones lit up and were swayed in the air as the stadium sang in unison.

    A bow and wave goodbye and the boys then left the stage, building anticipation for their final encore.

    After five minutes of stomping, screaming and chants of 'we want more', Westlife appeared one last time dressed in jeans, shirts, bow-ties and suit jackets. The crowd roared appreciatively and jump up and down through World Of Our Own.

    After an emotional version of Flying Without Wings it was time for the lads to take their final bow, and with one last look around the stadium in amazement they were gone.

    For anyone going to tonight's gig, this is definitely a party for the fans - you will leave with a smile, no voice and sore hands from clapping. Enjoy!

    WOMAN from Grays who supported Westlife on their farewell tour has called the experience “unreal”.

    Rianna Morris, 22, has been performing in arenas to sell-out crowds with girlband Vanquish.

    It may be the end for Westlife, but for Rianna and Vanquish, the tour marks the start of their careers.

    Rianna, who went to Little Thurrock Primary School and then Torrels before studying performing arts at Palmers, said: “It has gone so fast. We have had an amazing time meeting new fans and, of course, Westlife, who are so lovely.

    “To tour with a band who have sold millions of albums has been a huge honour and we will keep the various bits of advice they have given the four of us forever.”

    The girls are now set to start shooting a new video and concentrate on their new album.

    Rianna said: “Getting to perform on a huge stage in front of thousands of people has been unreal. The Westlife crowd have been so lovely and we really appreciate all the kind messages.

    Westlife Stage Final Concert In DublinMega-successful boyband say farewell to thousands of fans...
    Sunday, 24 June 2012
    Westlife have played their final concert together in front of a massive crowd at Croke Park in Dublin.

    The four-man boyband played to an audience of around 80,000 people at the sports stadium in the Irish capital, belting out all their hits over the course of a set that lasted more than two hours.

    According to Digital Spy, Kian Egan told the crowd: "As this is the very last Westlife concert, the whole idea was to be able to get out here and see our fans one last time and celebrate 14 years."

    And Mark Feehily added: "For 14 years, Westlife fans have made our dreams come true. This show is dedicated to each and every one of you. Our fans mean so much. You have never stopped supporting us.

    "Thanks so much. You're not just our fans, you are our friends and have been with us each step of the way."

    The band announced their decision to split up last year, after 14 years together. As well as the huge crowd in Dublin, many more fans were watching the farewell show live in cinemas around the world.

    The Sun newspaper quoted Shane Filan as saying: "Last night was loud but this is unbelievable. Tonight is the loudest, best crowd we have ever had.

    "We will always be member[s] of Westlife but we won't be a band anymore. Thank you. I'll never forget this. These are times that will live in our lives forever."

    And Nicky Byrne went on: "To all of you, you didn't just make the dreams of four lads come true. Much more - only for all of you none of this is possible."

    The foursome were introduced by their former manager Louis Walsh, who said: "I have never known a band like this in all my time in the business.

    "I didn't want them to break up yet - but they all wanted to go out on a high. And I'll definitely be managing Shane in his solo career

    Speaking to the crowd Kian Egan said: "As this is the very last Westlife concert, the whole idea was to be able to get out here and see our fans one last time and celebrate 14 years."

    Mark Feehily pitched in: "For 14 years, Westlife fans have made our dreams come true. This show is dedicated to each and every one of you. Our fans mean so much. You have never stopped supporting us.

    Westlife performed a two-hour set in front of 85,000 fans at the city's Croke Park stadium

    "Thanks so much. You're not just our fans, you are our friends and have been with us each step of the way."

    Shane Filan said:"Last night was loud but this is unbelievable. Tonight is the loudest, best crowd we have ever had.

    "We will always be member[s] of Westlife but we won't be a band anymore.

    He added: "Thank you. I'll never forget this. These are times that will live in our lives forever."

    Westlife bids farewell
    Nicky Byrne, Mark Feehily Shane Filan and Kian Egan of Westlife arrive for the 'Cosmopolitan Ultimate Women Of The Year Awards 2010' at Banqueting House on November 2, 2010 in London, England. (Gareth Cattermole, Getty Images)
    Print Story Published: 6/24 10:47 am Share Updated: 6/24 10:50 amIrish boyband Westlife bowed out in style as they played their last concert for 80,000 fans in Dublin. The group announced earlier this year that they had decided to call it quits after 14 years together, and they embarked on one final tour of Europe.

    They returned home on Friday and Saturday to play a two huge shows at Dublin's Croke Park to bid an emotional farewell to their loyal devotees.

    The show kickstarted with burning effigies of the quartet as they performed hits including What About Now, What Makes A Man, Swear It Again and their biggest hit, Flying Without Wings.

    The stars fought back tears as they thanked fans for their support, with a visibly moved Kian Egan telling the crowd, "As this is the very last Westlife concert, the whole idea was to be able to get out here and see our fans one last time and celebrate 14 years. It has finally arrived."

    Bandmate Mark Feehily added, "We are really glad you have shared this all with us. To look out there and see you guys is crazy.

    "For 14 years the Westlife fans have made our dreams come true, this show is dedicated to each and every one of you. Our fans mean so much. You have never stopped supporting us."

    The massively popular Irish boyband Westlife thanked their legions of fans during their final concert at Croke Park in Dublin on Saturday night.

    RTE reports that 85,000 fans flocked to the famous park in Ireland’s capital for the group’s final performance. During the two-hour set, members of the group took time to thank fans for their dedication and support.

    Group member Kian Egan said to the crowd, "As this is the very last Westlife concert, the whole idea was to be able to get out here and see our fans one last time and celebrate 14 years."

    Mark Feehily added that "For 14 years, Westlife fans have made our dreams come true. This show is dedicated to each and every one of you. Our fans mean so much. You have never stopped supporting us.”

    “Thanks so much. You're not just our fans, you are our friends and have been with us each step of the way."

    Shane Filan said during Saturday’s show, "Last night was loud but this is unbelievable. Tonight is the loudest, best crowd we have ever had.”

    "We will always be member[s] of Westlife but we won't be a band anymore.

    "Thank you. I'll never forget this. These are times that will live in our lives forever

    19-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. westlife on X FACTOR

    westlife / X-factor 2006



    Westlife singer Shane Filan offered his support. Earlier in the competition he helped mentor JLS as Louis Walsh's co-judge Boyband city: JLS were joined by Westlife for a take on Flying Without Wings ........ JLS,Take That and Westlife To Appear On X Factor November 2010 The X Factor will stage a kind of boyband Woodstock in two weeks time when they will have three massive performances from JLS, Westlife and Take That during the Sunday results show. All three bands are promoting new singles and will be on the show to perform their respective tracks. Take That will play 'The Flood', Westlife will do 'Safe' and former X Factor contestants JLS will be doing their Children In Need track 'Love You More'. Simon Cowell let news of the performances (which will take place on Sunday Nov. 14) on the ITV2 show 'The Xtra Factor'. ...... What battle? Boy bands JLS and Westlife celebrate their X Factor performances together at Whisky Mist nightclub in London There were whispers of backstage rivalry and diva behaviour as three of the country's biggest ever boy bands took to the X Factor stage. But two of the acts put the much-hyped 'battle' behind them hours later as they celebrated their performances with a night on the tiles. Members of JLS and Westlife arrived at London nightclub Whisky Mist after leaving the Fountain Studios where they thrilled the audience with performance of their new singles. Aston, Marvin, Ortise and JB are regulars at the Mayfair haunt, and appeared to be showing their Irish guests the favourite celebrity hot spot. Nicky, Shane and Kian were surrounded by fans as they arrived from their X Factor performance with their respective wives . Westlife members Nicky Byrne and Shane Filan joined their younger counterparts for drinks at Whisky Mist nightclub in London Boy band mania: Westlife posed with One Direction outside the studios Take That did not join the other bands for drinks after their performance 

    2011 Speaking exclusively to Yahoo! omg! Shane told us: "Janet reminds me of Dolores O'Riordan from The Cranberries. "She's unique and different and of everybody she has the voice to sell records." Speaking to us on the last ever day of UK press for the band - who recently announced they are retiring from the music scene - Shane added that he wasn't that impressed with this year's talent. He said: "The contestants aren't as good as last year. There's no 1 Direction, no Matt Cardle. There needs to be one of two massive stars but this year people are watching more for the judges' banter." Speaking about what makes an X Factor star successful after the show Shane told us he reckoned it was all about the song choices. "With Janet it will all come down to the songs. Leona Lewis had a proper worldwide single." 

    X Factor 2011: Westlife’s Shane Filan didn’t enjoy Marcus Collins’ second performance December 4th, 2011 by Lisa McGarry. Shane Filan has admitted that while he is a big Marcus Collins fan, he didn’t particularly enjoy his final performance on last night’s X Factor semi final. The former hairdresser got great feedback from the judges after his first performance of the classic track ‘My Girl but after his rendition of ‘Can You Feel It’ they weren’t quite so positive and said that ‘something was missing.’ Wesylife star Shane agrees and on last night’s Xtra Factor explained: I enjoyed his first performance and I thought the second one, the vocals were a bit low for him. I think he’s very good but the second song could have been better. When he was singing high in My Girl, some of the falsetto stuff he was doing was incredible. I think he started off so low on the second one that he looked uncomfortable. However Daybreak presenter Adrian Chiles was more positive and thinks Marcus has what it takes to become a big star. He said: When he first appeared I thought this lad is like Little Richard and a young Prince rolled into one. He added: He’s lived a bit, he’s been a hairdresser, he knows what it’s like to work and he seems to be made of the right stuff to really make a go of it, if he does win the whole thing. 

    X Factor 2011: Westlife’s Shane Filan thinks Amelia Lily is a ‘great talent’ December 4th, 2011 by Lisa McGarry. Shane Filan has admitted that he is a big fan of Amelia Lily’s on The X Factor. The Westlife star was in London’s Fountain Studios last night, watching all the final four perform on the semi-final show and speaking afterwards on The X Factor, he admitted that the 17 year old blew him away. Amelia started her performances with an upbeat rendition of Ain’t No Mountain High Enough and finished with an emotional version of I’m With You and afterwards, Shane commented: She’s a great talent and both of her songs tonight were amazing. Both of her vocals were very powerful, she looks like she loves being on the stage, she really enjoys it….you can see it. ........ X Factor’s Louis Walsh is ‘devastated’ that Westlife are splitting! December 1st, 2011 by Lisa McGarry. Louis Walsh was said to be ‘devastated’ when he found out that Westlife were breaking up. The Irish star put the band together more than a decade ago and has managed them ever since, but as they plan their final goodbye tour, Shane Filan from the group admitted that their mentor was less than happy when they broke the news. He told The Sun’s TV Buzz: “For Louis, Westlife are the success story of his life; his pride and joy. He’s very protective of us.” “He’s devastated that Westlife are ending, but he knows we’re right to leave while we’re still at the top.” X Factor boss Simon Cowell has also had a huge impact on the success of Westlife and the singer added: “We wouldn’t be sat here today without Simon. If Westlife ever get back together, the first person we should do it with is Simon Cowell. He picked every hit we had for 14 years.” The boys also admitted that they considered asking Brian McFadden to return to the group for their farewell tour, but decided against it in the end. Kian Egan explained why they couldn’t have their big Take That moment, saying: “We might bring Brian back if he was a big as Robbie Williams…but he’s not.” ” A part of me does think it would be a great moment for him to walk back on stage. I just don’t think that’s now – maybe in the reunion in 20 years time. We’ve had to make such a big decision to bring the biggest thing in our lives to an end, and it’s the four of us who have kept it together.” Being a member of one the most famous boy bands in the UK, Kian explained the boys did get up a bit of mischief in their years. He laughed: “We made a real error with a drinking session in Dublin. It was a Friday and we were supposed to fly to the UK the next morning. We cancelled the show and got battered by Louis.” On the subject of The X Factor, Kian admitted that he doesn’t see a star in any of this year’s bunch and thinks boyband The Wanted have a better chance of success. “The Wanted have a better chance than any of them contestants, because they’ve come up the ranks slowly and gone into music the normal way. I’m not sure I’d want to be part of a boy band via The X Factor,” he mused. So what does the future hold for the Westlife boys? Kian will be a dad in 2012 and Shane admitted: “I’d love to keep singing after Westlife. I have absolutely zero plans, as you’ve got to get a record deal first, but it’ll be sorted out over the next nine months. Deep down, we all know that we still have to work. None of us wants to retire at 32 years old.” Mark is going to be busy planning his wedding and went on: “My wedding will be next year at some point when we can do it properly. We’ve got nothing to prove to anyone, so we’ll get married in our own time, but we do want it to be as soon as possible.” The Westlife lads will be sure to celebrate their last night together as Shane explained: “No partners, no managers, no anybody. Just us four.” Sounds like they could get up to mischief again.

    (UKPA) – 5 days ago Westlife's Nicky Byrne has hinted he'd love a job on The X Factor. The Flying Without Wings stars have announced they are splitting next year and 33-year-old singer Nicky told the Daily Star he has been thinking about what it would be like to host or be a judge on the show. He said: "It's funny with The X Factor because in the past we'd be looking at the bands and how they perform, but this year I'm looking more at Louis and Dermot to see what they do. "I'm keen to do more TV presenting and I can see myself getting into a Dermot O'Leary kind of role. Presenting a show like that is something I would like to do." Westlife were once signed to Simon Cowell's record label, so Nicky thinks he has a good chance. He said: "I've a good relationship with Simon, despite everything. I texted him when we left the label and it's all amicable now. "Maybe down the road, me doing X Factor would be a very interesting conversation to have with him." Nicky's former bandmate Brian McFadden is now a judge on Australia's Got Talent and Boyzone's Ronan Keating, who briefly managed Westlife, is a judge on the Australian X Factor.

    Westlife added to star studded X Factor final line up By Anthony Lund on 08/12/2011 The Irish band will make their last X Factor appearance on Sunday's results show. Westlife Irish boyband Westlife will be making their final appearance on the X Factor as part of Sunday night’s results show, ruling out the possibility they will be duetting with one of the finalists. The foursome have previously sang in the live final but for the last time before they split up, the group will be performing on the results show instead. The group tweeted, “We are excited to announce that Westlife will be performing at the X Factor Final on Sunday 11th December. Westlife are the sixth act to be announced for the shows this weekend, with Leona Lewis and Michael Buble confirmed to be performing with Amelia Lily and Marcus Collings respectively , while One Direction, .... The mighty Westlife took to the X Factor stage at Wembley Arena during tonight’s live final to perform for the last time on the show. The boys, who announced earlier this year that they were splitting up, sang their new single What About Now, showing just why they have become one of the biggest boy bands on the planet. Dressed in smart black outfits, Kian Egan, Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne and Mark Feehily belted out the soulful track amid screams from the girls in the crowd. The boys, who have been together for 14 years, are the only act in British and Irish history to have their first seven singles peak at number one in the charts. Westlife have sold over 44 million records worldwide and have accumulated 14 number one singles in the UK, the third highest in UK history. They have also broken numerous records and have been credited as the second biggest-selling artist and biggest-selling band of the decade by The Official Charts Company. The band performed their classic hit Flying Without Wings on The X Factor in 2008 alongside JLS and returned in 2010 to perform new single Safe in 2010. Kian was also a guest judge on the show when he joined Louis Walsh at the Judges Houses stage of the competition in 2007. The group have recently released a Greatest Hits album and will disband in 2012. ...... Westlife wowed the crowds at the X Factor final on Sunday night, when the band delivered their last ever live TV performance on the show. Earlier this year, the Irish singers announced they will be splitting after their 2012 tour, making the X final performance particularly poignant. Westlife have enjoyed a close relationship with the show, performing Flying Without Wings on the X stage back in 2008, with JLS, and single Safe in 2010. Kian Egan was a guest judge on X Factor when he joined Louis Walsh at the Judges Houses stage of the competition in 2007. Backstage on Sunday night, Kian said: “I think every performance this year has been quite emotional and it’s mad because it makes you realise what you’ve got. “For us it’s bittersweet cause we feel really lucky to be here at the X Factor final as our last TV performance and we’re grateful that we’ve had 14 years.” Speaking of Westlife’s former manager, judge Louis, Nicky Byrne said: “Louis actually had tears in his eyes at the end of the performance. We went over to him and he filled up and he said “I’m really, really, really going to miss you.” “He said that he’s never enjoyed working with anybody as much as us and I think that it goes both ways; we’ve had a great relationship with Louis, he’s been brilliant down the years. Its going to be sad but things have to happen.” After 14 years together, the boys also had words of wisdom for winner’s Little Mix, insisting friendship and hard work is key to any group’s success.

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    Past their bedtime Westlife's youngest fans caught napping

    December 28 2007

    THEY have sold millions of albums and sold out concert venues worldwide, but the boys from Westlife had difficulty keeping two of their youngest fans entertained during the filming of their 'Late Late' special tribute show.

    Nicky Byrne's children, Rocco and Jay, (pictured right) seemed oblivious to the commotion in RTE studio four and fell asleep in the arms of their grandmother, Miriam, instead of listening to their dad and his band mates talk about the group's success over the last 10 years.

    The show, which was recorded last Friday but airs tonight, will see the pop supergroup perform a selection of their hits.

    They follow in the footsteps of other Irish music giants like Christy Moore and the Dubliners, who also got 'The Late Late Show' tribute treatment in previous years.


    Among the songs the boys from Dublin and Sligo will be performing is a duet with Irish singer Mary Black on the Christmas favourite, 'Walking in the Air'.

    And Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, whose daughter Georgina is married to Nicky Byrne, also makes an appearance on the programme, which was recorded hours after his attendance at the Mahon Tribunal last Friday. He is pictured far right with Nicky Byrne.

    Mr Ahern's interview with Pat Kenny also deals with the band's career.

    "It is a tribute to the band to coincide with the tenth anniversary of their first appearance on the Late Late," an RTE spokesman said yesterday.

    "It is one of the special seasonal Late Lates we have each Christmas, and we've had many."

    Joining band members Shane Filan, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Nicky Byrne in studio will be guests who helped them through their career, including Louis Walsh and Ronan Keating.

    Other friends, including Sharon Osbourne, the Sugababes, Shane Ward, the Backstreet Boys, Paul O'Grady, Michael Flatley and Simon Cowell, will send their best wishes to the boys in recorded video messages.

    The show has been planned for months by the 'Late Late' team and boasts a live studio choir.

    Holiday Habits 2007-12-28 von


    The chart-topping Irish lads cast their minds back to reveal some of their travelling tales

    MARK: The first time I went abroad was on a ferry to the Isle of Man. I was five and kicked up an absolute stink because I seen a stopwatch, you know the ones you wear round your neck? I cried, kicked and screamed until I got it.

    SHANE: My first flight was to Manchester, on Ryanair from Knock airport. I would have been 10 or 11. The flight was an absolute novelty but I wanted a pair of Reebok pumps which were about £70. Back then, that was like buying a car for your child. I had to have them, I got them and I was cool for a week!

    NICKY: I remember going to Spain on holiday. I dived into our hotel pool and my armbands fell off. I was only about six. Out of nowhere these arms lifted me up and it was my dad. He been keeping an eye on us.

    KIAN: My first foreign holiday was to Mauritius after I joined the band. Now I turned into a bit of a surfer so I go to places like Hawaii all the time.

    NICKY: Back in the early days of the band we didn,t have time for holidays

    SHANE: Yeah it was probably a couple of years before we could have more than a Christmas holiday.

    MARK: Still we travelled with the band

    NICKY: When we tried to break America the first time around we do a few cities in a day.

    MARK: We start off in one city, do our promotional stuff and a gig, then go straight to the airport, fly to another city, do the same and then get going on to another city.

    SHANE: We recorded some of this latest album, Back Home, in Stockholm, which I think is the nicest city in the world, after Sydney.

    NICKY: I think I prefer Sweden its so fresh, the air, the water

    SHANE: Its like it has come out of an Evian bottle.

    MARK: Vodka is very expensive.

    SHANE: Yeah you wouldn go over there for a weekend with the lads, but if you want to find some good looking women there are handfuls of them on every street corner.

    NICKY: Even the average looking women are absolutely amazing

    SHANE: Even the men are I,m not gay but Mark is obviously, but

    MARK: Obviously? (laughs)

    SHANE:...But all the men are models. You know Freddie Ljungberg is from there. Honestly its embarrassing, those cheek bones

    MARK: Freddie Lungberg,s cheek bones are so sharp they could be used as a weapon. You can,t take him on the plane.

    SHANE: Hmm that,s kinda funny.

    Westlife promise to return after a taking a year out

    WESTLIFE singer Kian Egan has promised the band legion of fans that they are not splitting up and they will be back after taking a year out.

    Westlife announced last Friday that they are going to take a break for a year after they finish their upcoming world tour with new album Back Home.

    But Kian Egan promised fans that this did not mean the end for the chart-topping group.

    He said: The minute people hear we taking a break, they are going to say we are splitting up for good - which is not true.

    Myself and Jodi are going to go and do some travelling and I'm sure the other guys have plans as well.

    It will be the first time in years that there hasn,t been a Westlife album vying for the Christmas number one, which will be a bit weird, but I think we have earned the time off.

    Kian said he and Jodi plan to hire a camper van and tour Australia, while Nicky and Shane will use the break to spend more time with their families.

    Fellow Sligo man Shane Filan has a one-year-old daughter, Nicole, with wife Gillian and lives in Carraroe. While Nicky Bryne,s wife Georgina Ahern gave birth to twin boys earlier this year.

    The band has had 14 number one singles and have been at the top of the charts for nine years now.

    Westlife formed in 1998 and have sold more than 36 million albums worldwide, as well as winning numerous awards including Record of the Year four times, added Kian.

    The band will release their new single Home, a cover of the Michael Buble hit, on Friday, October 26.

    Mark Feehily: Coming out felt fantastic
    Friday, November 9 2007,

    Westlife's Mark Feehily has claimed that coming out about his sexuality "felt fantastic".

    The popstar revealed that he has had no negative comments since he announced he was gay during an interview in 2005.

    Talking about his experience, he told The Sun: "Life is a million times better since I came out.

    "Since the last time I spoke to you my life has changed so much. I,m still the same person, I still do the same job, yet it feels like a lot has changed. It was just a relief to finally say what I said.

    um a very honest person so for people to not know about one of the biggest parts of me, my sexuality, felt strange. Once I come out, people knew the real me and it felt fantastic."

    On the response of his fans, Feehily added: "They were amazing. Fans, family, friends - no one made a negative comment. I think there still a long way to go until society accepts people,s sexuality but it has come a long way already."


    What the worst thing you done while drunk?
    I came back to my apartment in London recently after a party having forgotten my keys. I woke up at about 11am lying outside the front door wondering how many people had taken pictures!

    What was your last random act of kindness?
    I met an old lady on the train to Newcastle and she said her grandchildren were Westlife's biggest fans. She called them to come and meet us at the station where we had pictures taken.

    Have you ever broken anyone's heart?
    Not directly, although fans have said in letters that I have

    When did you last say I love you?
    Earlier today to Kevin on the phone

    Have you ever cheated on anyone?
    Never, no way. You're either in a relationship or you're not.

    What do you dislike about yourself?
    I hate seeing photos of myself. I think I really stand out compared to the rest of the band

    What's the most extravagant thing you ever bought?
    I like property and have a few houses

    When was the last time you cried?
    A long time ago-my tear ducts have sealed up! Being in this business toughens you up very quickly.

    What's the worst lie you ever told?
    When I was 15 I took my parents car and hit a pillar, wrecking the front. I said it wasn,t me, even insinuating it might have been one of my cousins!

    Which celeb do you secretly fancy?
    I wouldn't say I fancy them, but I love Joanna Lumley and Russell Brand because they make me laugh. I'm very lucky because Kevin is beautiful, makes me laugh and has an amazing personality too

    What's the biggest thing you ever blagged?
    We all get free phone bills as were sponsored by O2 in Ireland.

    Who are the most famous celebrities on your mobile?
    The lads - obviously - and Louis Walsh and Simon Cowell.

    When did you last take public transport?
    Kevin and I take the tube in London sometimes as I despise traffic


    "We would rather have knocked the whole fucking thing on the head than record that album." Proof that there is a bit more to Westlife than stools and suits...

    Westlife eh? A load of old men singing boring ballads, right? Well, sort of, but at the same time perhaps not. We interviewed Mark and Nicky very recently and they were both very funny and very aware of exactly what people think of them. Here is what they had to tell us about their new album, the dreadful 'Westlife Go To The Movies' record Simon Cowell was pushing them to record and the terror of a chart face-off with the Spice Girls...

    Hello Westlife. What do you think people think about you?
    Mark: People think stools, suits and cover versions.
    Nicky: From the outside in - actually from the inside out as well I can see why people think some of the things they do about Westlife. The black suits and everything, it's as exciting as watching paint dry, but when you get into Westlife, when you know us personally, when you come to see our live shows it's the complete opposite.

    What is left for Westlife to achieve?
    Mark: There are definitely things that we want to achieve personally and as a band - the main thing is to win over the Popjustice viewers but I don't think we're ever going to achieve that.
    Nicky: We felt recently that we haven,t been at our best. Songs like 'Flying Without Wings' and 'World Of Our Own' really enabled us to become a long serving pop band and this year we put our foot down with the label and said that we wanted to get back to where we were, making great pop songs and that's what we did this album.

    Why were you releasing music that wasn't your best?
    Nicky: We've got a formula with Westlife and we've got Simon Cowell behind us. He knows what the public wants to a certain extent, but what we've learned to do with Simon is to force a compromise and we've done that on this album. Simon didn't want us to make an original pop album, Simon and Sony/BMG wanted us to make a 'Westlife Go To The Movies' album which would have been cover songs like 'Take My Breath Away' from Top Gun but that really wasn't up our street. We would rather have knocked the whole fucking thing on the head than record that album. I hope we get three or four singles off this album too, I hope we don't just stick with one or two before Christmas. This is a good album.

    Is the album going to win over non-Westlife fans?
    Mark: It's made for Westlife fans. It's not made for people who already hate Westlife and we're not making albums to try and convince fans of trendy pop music that we're cool. We make pop music for our fans.
    Nicky: It's safe to say there are people we are never going to win over.
    Mark: It's not electro pop, it's not trendy pop, it is commercial Westlife pop music.

    So this is not Westlife's 'Rudebox'?
    Mark: We definitely went down a certain road for a while but this album and we're not saying the new album is going to be credible or critically acclaimed, we never ever will be, but it's definitely going back to pop music.
    Nicky: We've got a good thing going here. We're four lads in our twenties, we sing well together so let's make pop music. Mark is right, we've made one too many cover versions, last year's 'Love' album probably sold more off the title than it did from the quality of the songs, even though we'll stand up for our vocals 100%. People will always expect us to do a love album and that's why this year we had to change things a little bit, because otherwise there'd be no point in us continuing. It was time for us to make a really fucking great pop album.

    Would the only way for you to become more famous be for you to split and then announce a comeback tour six months later?
    Nicky: There's nothing like a bit of nostalgia and a reunion, Take That were in a win-win situation, they had no idea how big or small it was going to be but hats off to those boys, they have come back and they have brought back something that has been missing for years.
    Mark: When we made our swing album a few years ago we took two years between pop albums but the feeling coming back to pop music and the reaction from the fans was so obvious that it was good for us not to do a pop album that year. That's another thing that works against us is that we release an album every single year if we didn't release so close together then maybe people wouldn't see it is the same old thing over and over. The whole comeback thing has become a bit of a trend... When Take That did it it was a new thing and now it's just cliché to come back.

    What's going on with this ridiculous Westlife and Spice Girls chart battle?
    Mark: We were fans of the Spice Girls at the start but this thing could get really out of hand and I hope it doesn't. Things like this can be fun, a bit tongue in cheek and a bit of a laugh but for some reason I don't think those five girls one of them in particular are going to see the fun side to it. I hope that we can contain ourselves and not lash out because I heard something recently that really wound me up and I've been biting my tongue since then.
    Nicky: It would be great to have a normal chart battle with the girls, we were fans of them back in the day when we were young and they were massive.
    Mark: They need to come back with a 'Patience' and if they do then it will be huge.
    Nicky: I don't know any girl that has patience...

    It would take a brave four men to go up against those five.
    Nicky: Ah, but we'll have our stools for back up...

    Thank you very much Nicky and Mark Westlife.

    WESTLIFE singer MARK FEEHILY missed their album launch at Harrods yesterday when fog delayed his flight to London from Dublin.
    The result was an empty seat in this horse-drawn carriage bringing the band,s other members to the store.

    NICKY BYRNE, SHANE FILAN and KIAN EGAN, performed without Mark for thousands of fans who had queued for TWO DAYS to get into the gig.

    The tracks included You Raise Me Up and World Of Our Own, as well as two songs from new album Back Home, which was released yesterday.

    Nicky, Shane and Kian then signed copies of their record and Mark turned up in time for fans got a full set of autographs.

    Published: 01 Nov 2007

    WESTLIFE'S KIAN EGAN'S a demanding chap.
    Asked whether he would ever pose naked, the singer said he would, but only if someone coughed up a cool £1million.

    He said: it was a million pounds in cash just there I would definitely pose completely naked. Who would turn down money like that?

    Shane said:I think Kian must have a lot of confidence in his meat and two veg to do that. I know I certainly wouldn.

    Kian, who's engaged to former Hollyoaks star JODIE ALBERT, also debated boob jobs with other bandmates NICKY BYRNE and MARK FEEHILY.

    Nicky said: If a woman has a boob job it has to be in proportion.

    Kian claims Victoria Beckham, the Spice Girl wife of soccer star David, is the perfect example of someone with a bad boob job.

    He said: Victoria,s stick thin but her boobs are up on top of her chest like two footballs. It doesn,t look natural.

    Mark added: Look at Kate Moss. She doesn't have the biggest boobs in the world, but she's still gorgeous and sexy."

    Not too fussy then, are you lads?

    Westlife Album Signing Dublin HMV 2nd November 2007 Nick Kian Mark Shane

    WOMAN MAGAZINE SCAN 2007 Talk about "old" boybands that refuse to give up. Westlife returns with their latest studio album, Back Home, and a dignified Nicky Byrne tells us that the Irish fab four are survivors. How special is your new album as compared to your last one? This is going to be a comeback album for Westlife, the real follow-up to our best record, World Of Our Own. It has the kind of music that we've always wanted to do -- a good combination of slow and fast numbers. But as usual, you're doing covers.. Not as many as we used to, We put our feet down this time around. We've told our record company that we only want to cover songs that we really like and that are meaningful to us. With all the new pop acts, how do you plan to survive the stiff competition? There will always be people who like simple pop music, people who don't like complicated music. They just want to turn on the radio and hear something catchy, with nice melodies and good harmonies. Westlife is designed to cater to those people and we're happy with it. Honestly, how long do you guys think you can go on? Who knows? We love what we do and we'll stop when we don't enjoy it anymore. Besides, how many good new pop acts do we have today? I mean I grew up listening to good pop acts like Take That, Mariah Carey and Wet, Wet, Wet who have lasted till today. How many of our new talents can be like them? Today's pop music is just about who's the biggest pop star in the world at the moment. What do you say to critics who consider you over the hill? There are cynical people out there who don't want Wetslife to continue. Well, I agree that when we did the swing album (Allow Us To Be Frank), we took a dip and we seemed to be on our way out. But we bounced back with You Raise Me Up (The single from their following album Face To Face) and became the biggest selling pop act in the UK. So as far as the four of us in Westlife are concerned, and our millions of fans out there who have been supporting us all these years, we don't give a s*** about what these people think. ..... ....... MARK FEEHILY has slammed the British media WESTLIFE star MARK FEEHILY has slammed the British media for constantly criticising singer AMY WINEHOUSE and deliberately focusing on her personal life. The Irish singer accuses the media of not recognising the Rehab hitmaker's talent and only reporting on her recent troubles. He says, "I've been a big Amy Winehouse fan for years - way before anyone had really heard of her. It's sad because I've met her and she's a lovely, intelligent, nice person, but the person you read about is the bleeding, drunk, drugged-up Amy Winehouse. There's a lot more to her." Winehouse recently hit the headlines after husband Blake Fielder-Civil was arrested on suspicion of grievous bodily harm and perverting the course of justice. 14/11/2007 ......... Westlife and Myleene Klass Variety Club Showbiz Awards, London Hilton Hotel.. London, England - 18.11.07 ......... Westlife visit the Waterfront restaurant Westlife visit the Waterfront restaurant, and insist that fans were not allowed in. The band enjoyed an Italian meal and ordered several bottles of champagne and vodka spending over 4 hours in the upmarket eatery. Leeds, England - 08.12.07 ........ Westlife's Mark Feehily: 'We're Not Splitting Up.' 29-10-2007 Westlife's Mark Feehily is determined that the band will not split after their next tour as predicted by recent reports.We know we're not splitting up," he told Female First last week after fans began to panic over news the guys are taking a year long break after their upcoming tour."The fans are all not sure because that's what Boyzone said and whatever but we're just going to take a lot longer to make this 10th album," he confirmed. Comment on this Article "This is a big tour coming up and then we're actually taking a year off after that. It's a big one for us and a big one for the fans. So it's not like we're taking a year off- we're taking a year away from releasing an album in November because we've done the 9 albums in 9 years.Westlife are also planning some big celebration for their 10 year anniversary: " We're in talks about doing some mega mega gigs in Ireland and possibly in the UK too just to sort of seal off the 10 years with a bang. But we're not sure about them yet. Some are more likely than others," said Mark.Mark also confirmed that ex-member Brian will definitely not be joining them on stage next year: Brian is well and truly gone from Westlife, he said."There's no plans what so ever to have Brain playing any gigs with us because he's not in our band any more.Brian decided to leave and therefore we don't feel bad saying that. We had to get over the fact that he left and get used to it and now we are used to it. We're a 4 piece now and that's that," he added. Brian's decision to leave the band just 2 weeks before Westlife embarked on a world tour in 2004 was perhaps one of the lowest points for Mark and the rest of the band: There was a lot of different emotions. There was fear- fear of the unknown because we didn't know what would happen next, he explains. There was sadness. We all asked him 'don't go, please don't go' and tried to see if there was some other way around this but he was adamant he wanted to leave. When you go through a mental kind of ride that we went through for the 4 or 5 years we went through when he was in the band and then all of a sudden one is just gone it's definitely a weird kind of situation to be in. But there was a very very small element of release. We knew that things weren't happy for the band at that time and that maybe this is what the unhappy thing was and that now that it's gone we could move on and get our act together again. We had a world tour to put out in two weeks and we had to prove more than ever on the first night that we were just as good without Brian so we had to get down to business and get on with it. But despite the initial shock the band managed to battle on through and came out stronger than ever: I'm not cocky or arrogant or anything but I think we totally proved it and I actually think that Brian leaving kicked us into being tighter than ever and more professional than ever.

    19-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Voice coach Kian Egan

    LOOKING GOOD: The Voice is shaping up to be compulsive viewing, with coaches Brian Kennedy, Kian Egan, Sharon Corr and Bressie IS Westlife's Kian Egan looking to emulate Simon Cowell and become TV's new Mr Nasty? RTE's The Voice could be set to rival the X Factor for spats among the judges, the Herald can reveal. Gary Barlow has tried to pick up where Cowell left off on X Factor with a string of cutting comments. Now sources say that Kian Egan could be the one to shout loudest and be extra harsh on contestants. Tensions have already arisen between the boyband star and former Blizzards frontman Niall Breslin, aka Bressie, on the set of The Voice. "Bressie and Kian are very different kind of coaches. Bressie is still young in the industry and he knows what it feels like to be knocked back but Kian wants the contestants to know the harsh realities of the music business," a source revealed. "Bressie does get quite defensive about Kian's attitude and says that in his eyes the glass is always half full, and he doesn't think the contestants deserve to be put down," an insider explained. With comments like "that just didn't do it for me" and "there is no point in saying that it's great when it really wasn't", Kian (31) comes out on top as the show's baddy. A source close to the popular show has admitted that although not everyone will like it, Kian is just bringing some honesty to the show. "Some of his comments do come across quite harsh, and Kian definitely is ruthless but he knows that's the reality of the music industry. "He has had massive success with Westlife but at the same had to deal with his band Wonderland being dropped by their music label so although he is quite cut-throat and really blunt, Kian is just being realistic," the insider said. And it's not just Bressie, Kian, Sharon Corr and Brian Kennedy that the contestants will have to perform to during the early stages of the show. All the contestants will have to sing in front of industry experts who will act as advisors to the four coaches. Mullingar musician Bressie will be joined by Irish singer-songwriter Ruth Ann Cunningham, who has penned such US hits as Jo Jo's Too Little Too Late. Meanwhile Sharon is paired up with Don Mescal, Kian will judge the acts in the early stages alongside singer Eddi Reader and Brian will look to choreographer Priscilla to help him choose his final six for the lives stages. After beating thousands of wannabes and battling against 23 other talented hopefuls on the live shows, the winner of The Voice Of Ireland will bag a recording contract with Universal Music. 

    708,000 watch The Voice of Ireland Sunday's show saw the four coaches - Bressie, Sharon Corr, Kian Egan and Brian Kennedy - pick the first singers they will mentor on their teams. The coaches were not allowed see the singers, only to hear them, while they sang. 

    708,000 watch The Voice of Ireland Sunday's show saw the four coaches - Bressie, Sharon Corr, Kian Egan and Brian Kennedy - pick the first singers they will mentor on their teams. The coaches were not allowed see the singers, only to hear them, while they sang. 

    X Factor 2012 UK: Simon Cowell plans to steal Westlife's Kian Egan from The Voice of Ireland! February 3, 2012 07:17 by Josh Darvill Fresh from his “bloodbath” axing over in the US, X Factor boss Simon Cowell is turning his attention to the UK show, and wants Kian Egan to join. According to the Daily Mail, Simon wants to pinch Westlife’s Kian to join this year’s UK series of The X Factor. It’ll mean tempting the Irish singer and manager away from new talent show The Voice of Ireland, which is currently airing in the country. But sources say that, in a cruel twist of fate, Kian would likely be replacing his own manager, Louis Walsh on the panel! “Kian is highly rated and would be a perfect judge, although whether he is considered will depend on what happens with Louis Walsh,” an insider told the newspaper. The source added: “In reality, Kian can only be considered if Louis doesn’t come back.” Meanwhile its understood that Simon and ITV have been arguing over thde futures of Dermot O’Leary and Gary Barlow, with the channel wanting the stars to stay but Simon wanting fresh blood on the show. 

    Kian Egan is getting set for another busy weekend on The Voice of Ireland as he battles it out against the other coaches on the show – Brian Kennedy, Sharon Corr and Bressie. And he’ll be battling it out in more ways than one – the Coaches will perform THEMSELVES on the show. Kian told 98FM he jetted in from China on Sunday morning with the Westlife boys before doing the live shows for The Voice of Ireland last Sunday night so he didn’t have much sleep at all. Luckily for Kian, his new baby Koa is a great sleeper so he’s had a bit of time this week to catch up on a few naps. Kian told 98FM how himself and his wife Jodi Albert are getting on with their new bundle of joy. Kian told 98FM “Koa is amazing. He is at ths stage now where he is smiling and gooing and chatting away. He’s such a happy little baby. We’ve had it really easy in comparison to hearing other people’s stories. He sleeps well, he doesn’t really cry a lot and really is a calm little dude. We’re really blessed”. Jodi will be visiting the set of The Voice of Ireland but Kian thinks Koa is too young to be around such a noisy environment! So there you have it – the coaches WILL perform themselves on this weekend’s show. Let’s hope their acts don’t vote them off!

    WESTLIFE'S Kian Egan will prove Brian Kennedy wrong with a "storming performance" on the Voice of Ireland. And ShinAwil producer Larry Bass has revealed how he never had any doubts about the mentor's vocal ability. "All the mentors are singing this weekend and the rehearsal went extremely well," he said. "What people forget is that we follow a format on The Voice and we can only have people who are singers themselves as coaches. I've known Kian for many, many years and before he was ever in Westlife, he was in a band called Six Become One. "They were a vocal act under Louis Walsh's management and at the 1988 Miss Ireland contest, which we filmed, they did an a capella performance and all of them were well able to sing, including Kian. He has nothing to worry about." Sligo star Kian, whose vocal ability had been questioned by rival Kennedy, will take to the stage for the first time as his team goes up against those contestants mentored by rival Sharon Corr. And he is expected to be cheered on by wife Jodi Albert, who gave birth to their first baby Kai just before Christmas. It will be her first time at the Helix Theatre in Dublin as she travels down from their Sligo home to show her support for her other half.

    The Voice of Ireland star Kian Egan hits out at UK coaches April 4, 2012 23:00 by Josh Darvill The Voice of Ireland star Kian Egan has hit out at the coaches on the UK show, complaining that they are too bitchy! The Westlife singer is one of four coaches on the Irish version of the show, which started earlier this year. Speaking to the Herald, Kain whinged that his British counterparts were very “different”, moaning that Sir Tom Jones, Danny O’Donoghue, Jessie J and were “at each other” all the time. “I watched it last week and it’s quite different,” he told the publication this week. “It’s a bit more like X Factor, I thought, with the big storylines and stuff like that. “I also thought the coaches are a bit bitchier towards each other which obviously makes for good TV. They’re a bit more at each other.” And the singer – perhaps unsurprisingly – backed former manager Simon Cowell and his rival series Britain’s Got Talent. He added: “They’re at the exciting stage that we were at when this first started and now everybody’s used to it in Ireland. Although I thought it was good, I prefer Britain’s Got Talent myself.” 

    He told the Irish Sun: “There was a point when I was talking to management about co-managing the act that won, but I don’t think that’s the right thing to do now. “Even if somebody else’s act won, I wouldn’t have the same connection with that person as my own act and timewise I don’t think I would be able to commit.” Father-of-one Kian had a number of in-depth conversations with the record company about taking on the eventual winner. But with a number of TV shows in the pipeline and little baby Koa at home in Sligo, he said: “Down the line I probably do see myself managing some bands yes. “You know this industry is what I know and I have been through the ups and downs and know all about it but the timing just isn’t right.” Tomorrow night’s final at The Helix will see Vanessa Whelan, Richie Hayes, Pat Byrne and Jim Devine battle it out to be crowned winner. Jetting in to sing ... pop babe Alexandra It promises to be an action-packed night — with a performance by X Factor success story Alexandra Burke of new single Let It Go sure to get the crowd stomping their feet. Kind-hearted Kian said: “I have said to all the people who have come to the live shows that my number is in their phone. “They can ring me whenever they want to discuss whatever they want in this business. “I will gladly help them out — it’s down to them. “I am a coach on The Voice of Ireland, I’m not a coach past that as far as this moment in time is concerned.” Egan admitted yesterday he is now more relaxed about the fact that voters in Northern Ireland can’t download his finalist Jim Devine’s single. Earlier this week, The Irish Sun revealed that Kian was fuming with bosses after they failed to notice the glitch in voting — one week before the finals. He said: “I think we made enough noise about it at the time and Jim feels better about it now. “I look at Jim and I go ‘wow’ — Jim has come from nothing to be a contender, he has a chance. “The older woman seems to really connect to him and he now gets that picking the right song and relating to it is so important. “I think he has managed to do really well from that perspective no matter what the outcome on Sunday.”

    Kian Egan Mr Westlifer reckons being a coach has come quite naturally! High point: Working with contestants and seeing them really pull a song off. Low point: The negativity between Brian and me at the start, but that soon changed. Have you enjoyed the coaching experience? I have really enjoyed it - it's been very different to anything I've ever done before. But I have to say I have just been myself with the contestants and been as honest as I possibly could. How did you find working with the other coaches? Brian and I didn't really know each other at the beginning and I think he had a preconceived notion that I was just some random dude in a boyband but once he saw there was more to me than that he warmed to me, and I love working with him now. Sharon and Bressie are both lovely people and I have really enjoyed getting to know them. Which performance stands out for you the most? I have to say Connor (who is on Bressie's team) when he came out and sang MGMT's Kids; that was absolutely insane. Then back in the battle shows, two of my girls did Don't Let the Sun Go Down, and that was an amazing moment. Did anyone go home who you thought should be in the final? Well, I always thought that Liam Geddes was going to win the whole thing. He is an outstanding vocalist, but it didn't happen for him and it was quite a bit of a shock for me. Are you happy with how the public have voted? I think there was only one week when the public got it wrong - that was when Liam and Graham where in the bottom two. But apart from that we [the coaches] have pretty much picked the bottom two every week. What's next for you? The Westlife tour starts in May, we are rehearsing at the moment. After that, I am looking at some other TV gigs - not music-related, and I'm looking forward to spending time with my son and Jodi. It's been tough leaving them and I find it's much harder to get out the door and I am late a lot more!

    VOICE of Ireland coach Kian Eganhas shot down suggestions he hopes to follow in bandmate Shane Filan's footsteps with a solo career of his own. The Sligo man, who has proved he's well able to hold his own on the singing front during the RTE show, has said he has no plans to go it alone once he splits from his chart-topping band Westlife later this year. "I never thought I'd enjoy the idea of doing it all on my own. I love the idea of just doing something naturally, like my garage band. I don't want to force anything and be like, 'I'm the guy from Westlife and I'm recording a song'. I just don't believe in that," said Kian (31). "I believe that if it's meant to happen, it's meant to happen. If I end up in a band with a few of my mates and we're really good naturally, then that's great. If we're not, we're not. So in that respect, I like the idea of it but I don't see it as a reality -- it's a pipe dream." The dad-of-one went on to say that he's forging ahead with plans to set up his own band once Westlife put away their stools for good -- but it must be something that happens organically. "To me, the forced things are the ones that never work and I've learnt that over the years," said Kian. The RTE mentor is now keeping his fingers crossed that his act, Jim Devine, emerges victorious from this Sunday's grand finale of the talent contest. However, he admitted that he was shocked to see Bressie's act, Conor Quinn, leaving the show. "I had him tipped as the winner and I still think the guy has one of the best chances of having a proper record deal and having major success around the world," he said.

    Kian Egan “fuming” over Voice scandal Kian Egan has phoned 98FM to tell us of his rage upon discovering his act won’t be able to gather the support of his family at the final hurdle of “The Voice of Ireland”. The competition offers a contract with Universal for the winning contestant but Kian says he now believes Jim Devine is at an “unfair disadvantage”. Kian told 98FM: “Nobody in Northern Ireland where Jim is from can actually download his single so therefore he is at a huge disadvantage. Every single download counts as a vote so he hasn’t had any of his own family or friends or support network in Northern Ireland being able to download it. I’m very ticked off about it. In fairness to Jim, he’s trying to not let it affect him. It’s a really unfair situation though”. The Westlife singer went on to say “it’s not all based on the download but every download counts as a vote so I suppose fans of Jim could vote for a second time on Sunday night if they had intended on downloading the song. It puts him in an unfair situation. Basically iTunes Ireland doesn’t exist in Northern Ireland – you have to have an Irish credit card or an Irish band account in order to access iTunes Ireland. The guy can’t even download his own single”. Kian told 98FM “I’ve been through it with the show. I’ve been through it with the record label. I’ve had huge rows all week about it and I’ve just been told that at this stage, there is nothing I can do about it – just to leave it alone and that’s that”. He insisted it isn’t about winning the show as his coach – Kian says he just wants Jim to have a fair shot at it and he is losing out around 1,000 votes by not having his support network in Northern Ireland being able to download the song.

    19-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Westlife farewell concert to be screened live in cinemas
    The farewell concert of Irish boy band Westlife
    is to be screened live to cinemas in the UK, Ireland and Europe on June 23.

    The four remaining members who announced their split last October - after 14 years and more than 44 million record sales - are playing their last gig at Dublin's Croke Park on June 23.

    The event will be screened at more than 200 cinemas in nine countries including Belgium, Denmark, Estonia and Norway.

    There are also plans to screen the gig in Australia and South Africa.

    Organisers said tickets for the June 23 concert sold out in minutes and the band scheduled another date at the Dublin venue on June 22.

    "It is bound to be a hugely emotional night and we expect to have tears in our eyes for nearly every song," the group said in a statement.

    "The fact that the show will be beamed to our fans in cinemas around the world only adds to our excitement."

    final performance hits the big screen
    200 cinemas across the country to take partPosted 29 May 2012 3:58 pm
    AURAL ASSASSINS Westlife have announced that their last ever live performance will be broadcast to cinemas across Europe next month. Jubilation that they will never perform again has been tempered somewhat by news of the satellite link-up, which will make the farewell gig harder to avoid, as well as by the fact that “never” is a euphemism for “until the money is right for a comeback”.
    The terminally bland Irish lads appealed to girls of a certain age during the late 1990s and early 2000s, but have been selling steadily fewer records as their demographic has grown up and realised with dismay how utterly shit they are. Other fans simply ended their lives or were committed.

    The chillingly titled Greatest Hits tour
    will grind to a halt in Croke Park, Dublin, on 23 June – the date to put in your diary for not being anywhere near Ireland or in any of 200 cinemas in nine European countries that will be screening the gig. Australia and South Africa may also be in the firing line.

    The simul-cast will allow fans the chance to see their idols stand up from their stools for the “very last” time (see above). Non-fans might want to attend just to check they’re really gone and won’t spring up again like some atonal Hollywood zombie with a grudge against music.

    “It is bound to be a hugely emotional night and we expect to have tears in our eyes for nearly every song,” the band said in a statement, neatly summing up what the rest of us will be feeling too.

    “The show will be beamed to our fans will only add to the excitement… It’s going to be an amazing night, an unmissable show, so make sure you join us!”

    In a career spanning 14 years and 14 number ones, their biggest hit – Flying Without Wings – has become a popular choice for deluded talent-show wannabes (hey, if Westlife can do it…). It also a feat that most music-lovers would be delighted to see the band accomplish, perhaps with a leap from a plane at 30,000ft. Now that would be a finale.

     will perform for the last time next month
    Westlife's farewell concert is to be screened live to cinemas in the UK and Ireland, allowing fans to view their final moments.

    The four-piece will bow out with a concert from Dublin's Croke Park next month after a career in which they amassed 14 UK number one singles.

    Tickets for the cinema screenings, which will also seen in other European countries, go on sale at 9am.

    The June 23 concert itself sold out in five minutes, leaving thousands of fans disappointed.

    BBC Worldwide, the BBC's commercial arm, and content provider By Experience have agreed a deal with music giant Sony and Westlife to co-produce a live film of the event to be screened in more than 200 cinemas.

    The group said: "It is bound to be a hugely emotional night and we expect to have tears in our eyes for nearly every song. The fact that the show will be beamed to our fans in cinemas around the world only adds to our excitement."

    Details will be at


    Boy band Westlife
    is ending its farewell tour by screening its last ever concert live to cinemas across the UK and Ireland and selected European countries.

    Westlife will end the tour at Croke Park in Dublin, Ireland on June 23rd 2012. Tickets for the final concert originally sold out in five minutes. But fans in the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Malta, the Netherlands and Norway will all be able to watch the show live in one of over two hundred cinemas after BBC Worldwide, concluded a deal with Sony Music and Westlife to co-produce a live film of the event.

    BBC Worldwide also recruited alternative content provider BY Experience to deliver the event to cinema.

    The concert will be available in cinemas in Australia, Estonia, Hong Kong and South Africa later in June and July.

    Westlife said, “On June 23rd 2012 we will wrap our musical career as a band with one amazing final show in Croke Park Dublin, Ireland. We're working hard to make it everything we had ever dreamed of from our final concert - a farewell and a homecoming in front of 85,000 fans.

    “It is bound to be a hugely emotional night and we expect to have tears in our eyes for nearly every song. The fact that the show will be beamed to our fans in cinemas around the world only adds to our excitement. We're delighted to be working with BBC Worldwide to make this a reality.”

    Salim Mukaddam, director of Music at BBC Worldwide, said, “Only 85,000 fans can be present in the stadium, but we’re delighted to be able to extend the event to their millions of fans across the UK, Ireland and further afield who can now be part of this incredible event at their local cinema. We worked hard with Westlife and Sony Music to strike an innovative deal and we hope this is the first of a number of these kinds of events that you’ll see from BBC Worldwide.”

    The Westlife Farewell event follows BBC Worldwide’s international theatrical release of Robbie Williams at the Electric Proms and the BBC’s Last Night of the Proms to cinema audiences. BBC Worldwide will be partnering again with BY Experience to bring this event to audiences worldwide.

    Robbie Williams previously kicked off his comeback with a live performance at the Electric Proms in 2009. BBC Worldwide licensed the live show to over 250 screens in 23 countries. The show was also shown latterly in cinemas in South Africa and Australia. Last Night of the Proms has also been screened in cinemas in Canada, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand every year since 2009.

    18-11-2013 om 23:43 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Westlife to split in 2012
    Westlife to split in 2012

    ? boyband Westlife, who have been delighting fans for the past 14 years, have announced they are splitting next year. Following a greatest hits album and a farewell tour, the Irish foursome - Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily ...


    LONDON (AP) — After 14 years as one of Ireland's most successful boy bands, Westlife are finally handing in their mics. The pop group members issued a statement announcing their split, saying "the decision is entirely amicable


    Westlife blame 'irreparable rift' as they split after 14 years
    Scottish Daily Record - ?Oct 20, 2011?
    WESTLIFE announced their split last night after 14 years, with sources blaming an "irreparable rift" in the band. One insider said Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, Nicky Byrne and Shane Filan couldn't agree about the future musical direction of the group. ...


    Westlife stopt ermee van onze redactie
    AMSTERDAM - Na veertien jaar samen en talloze internationale hits, heeft de Ierse boyband Westlife bekend gemaakt dat ze ermee stoppen.

    Bandleden Kian, Mark, Nicky en Shane maakten het nieuws bekend op hun Facebook-pagina. "We maken vandaag bekend dat we uit elkaar gaan na ons Greatest Hits-album en onze tour van volgend jaar. Het besluit is op vriendschappelijke basis genomen", zo schrijven de heren.

    "Nadat we het grootste gedeelte van ons volwassen leven met elkaar hebben doorgebracht, zijn we toe aan een welverdiende pauze. Ook willen we graag nieuwe mogelijkheden verkennen. We kijken ernaar uit om onze fans nog een laatste keer te zien."

    Westlife begon in 1998 als vijftal. Bandlid Brian McFadden verliet de groep in 2004 om een solocarrière na te jagen.


    Keith Duffy surprised by Westlife Split
    Thursday 20 October 2011

    Keith Duffy has revealed his surprise at Westlife's split. Speaking with RTÉ TEN, the Boyzone member and Coronation Street star, wondered why Westlife didn't take the same route as his boy band.

    "I wasn't surprised by the news but I was surprised by the announcement that they were breaking up," he says.

    "These days you can take some time off, do your own thing and then come back and make another album or whatever. So I don't understand why they announced they were splitting."

    Duffy knew the band members well: "Westlife started their career on our stage.

    "They opened our show for years before they went out on their own. Back in the day they used to come out on stage do a number with me.

    "I had a song I used to do with Ronan but then the Westlife lads used to take turns and duet with me when we did a tour of Europe."

    So with Westlife's passing does that mean less competition now for Boyzone? "We are dormant at the moment," he added.

    "We finished a big tour last April but we'll never break up. We're together forever now, it's only a case of how often we work together. I think the next big thing for Boyzone will be 2013 which marks our 20th anniversary."


    Westlife: We won't reform after our farewell concerts next year

    Da end ... Westlife DA LOIFE say they will never return as a band following their farewell tour.
    Even if they were offered all the potatoes in Ireland. That's it.

    Kian Egan said: "We walked away from a multi-million-pound record deal that would have changed our lives for ever, secured our future beyond anything.

    "It's not about the money. We'd have made far more on a new record than we ever would with a comeback tour."

    The boyband say there are no hard feelings behind the split.

    They're just exhausted from years of recording, touring and plugging their ballads.

    Shane Filan said: "We've been doing this for 14 years.

    "It had been bubbling for a long time ? there was an intuition that all wasn't happy in the camp. Getting on stage is still amazing but that was the only part of the job we were enjoying."

    Mark Feehily added: "The last few years have been very stressful.

    "We'd talk through things to the point of tears, being brutally honest with each other.

    "We never had physical fights ? we never even had a talking fight about the break-up."

    At least fans can take comfort from seeing their heroes on stage as solo stars in the future.

    Shane said: "The first person to decide to do a solo record, the other three will all be there.

    "Everyone's thought about going solo ? I would love to continue singing for a living."

    Kian is the only band member to have a job lined up ? a judge on the Irish version of The Voice.

    But in the meantime, they're concentrating all their efforts on the Farewell Tour.

    And, to end all the speculation, the lads have made it clear former bandmate Brian McFadden won't be anywhere near it.

    Kian said: "We still text him and stuff, but he's not coming back."


    Westlife are doing a very special UStream today, where they will be answering fan questions submitted following the announcement that they are parting ways after 14 years together.


    Westlife were ready for split
    Westlife have not started to think about life after the band yet but admit they had been expecting their split for a few years.

    Westlife have been preparing for their split "for a few years".

    The Irish quartet recently announced they will go their separate ways to the end of a tour next summer but are refusing to think about what will happen after their last concert.

    Mark Feehily said: "We're not going anywhere just yet, so I'm not thinking about it. I don't know whether I'm doing it subconsciously or on purpose. But I think we've been preparing for the idea that it's not gonna last forever for a few years now."

    Shane Filan added: "It will be kinda weird on the last night of the tour in Dublin next year, as that's when it will be scary. It's like, `What do you do after the concert?' Because that's it! It will be the last time ever! Do you go off for a drink; do you go for a cry? It's one of those weird moments that we haven't experienced, but when we do, I know it will feel like we've been hit by a ton of bricks."

    While the band are comfortable with the idea of splitting, their manager Louis Walsh is struggling with their decision.

    Mark told Britain's Star magazine: We're worried we'll have to set up a helpline for Louis because he wasn't happy about it at all! He is devastated, genuinely. I saw him the other night and I said, `So how are you feeling?' and he said, `I don't want to talk about it.' He's not there yet. But he understands."

    Shane and Mark are joined in Westlife by Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne.


    Westlife interview: 'It's a miracle we've lasted this long'
    Published Friday, Nov 25 2011, 17:26 GMT | By Robert Copsey | 10 comments We'll readily admit that we were saddened by the recent news that Westlife are to part ways next year.

    To remind us of their career highlights - spanning 14 years and ten albums - the group have handily put out their final Greatest Hits LP this week.

    With the retrospective riding high in the charts, we phoned up Nicky Byrne to find out what he plans to do post-split and whether the group are already considering a future reunion.

    Is this really the end of Westlife or are you already thinking ahead to your reunion?
    "It genuinely is the end! I mean, you can never say never - and it will be nice to see the boys again down the line. We've still got our tour, and we're really looking forward to going out with a bang. Louis [Walsh] wanted us to take a two-year sabbatical and come back to it, but that would have been too watered down for us. We needed to get away from it - we've given it our all during these 14 years."

    It doesn't seem like you've ever had much of a break in those 14 years...
    "We took four or five months off after our album Allow Us To Be Frank. It was a bad time in the band - Brian [McFadden] had left, we came out with a rat-pack album, the tour didn't do great and we had one album left on our contract. I actually went and did an acting course in New York to prepare me for what might happen next. We came back and recorded what we all thought might be our last hurrah - songs like 'You Raise Me Up' - and it ended up being huge, so we stuck with it a while longer. It's a miracle and a blessing that we lasted 14 years."

    What do you think the secret is to a long-lasting boyband?
    "There's no one-line answer to that, but one of the huge things that helps is being really honest with each other from the beginning. If someone was offered a solo deal, the rest of us would want to know about it because it affects our lives too. We all kept our cards on the table as much as we could. I think we were also blessed have Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh, who were a great team at the time we got them. The late '90s were also a great time to launch in the music industry."

    What is Louis going to do now? He also threatened to leave The X Factor...
    "He's been in the music industry for a long time - he'll be fine! There's life in the old dog yet. He's worked with Boyzone, Jedward, Girls Aloud and JLS for a short time. There's still room for him to do something again. What's going on with the panel on this year's show is not brilliant. There's no man better that Simon for sorting it out - I wouldn't be surprised if we see Simon, Louis, Cheryl and Dannii back year."

    What are your plans after your farewell tour?
    "I think TV and radio is something I really enjoy, and I've been dipping my toes into both over the years. I presented on BBC Radio 2 last week, which really gave me a buzz. It would be great to have a role like Ryan Seacrest. It's great to be able to have those discussions now without feeling guilty."

    You've always had a hard time from critics; were you keen to go out on a high?
    "We've had a lot of stick, but we've always been able to laugh at it. I've been on Digital Spy many times and laughed my tits off and things people are saying. We're obviously not going to be everybody's cup of tea, but you have to take it on the chin. When we first started we auditioned as if we were going to be the new Backstreet Boys, but Simon and Louis obviously saw a niche in the market and marketed us very differently.

    People have often referred to you as a stool band...
    "People joke about us being a stool band who always stood up for the big key change. Truth is, we were just as embarrassed by it! One thing no-one could take away from us was that we always sang the songs well. I understood why the average person thought we were a band who sang covers and sat on stools - we got that - but our fans who bought the albums and came to the shows would always see a lot more."

    Is it true you were all big party-goers too?
    "I never understood the whole boring side of Westlife. Maybe people thought that after seeing us on TV, but we were always having a laugh away from that. We recorded songs with some of the best artists in the world - I remember one amazing night out we had with the Backstreet Boys in Sweden. A lot of that stuff never got in the press, which in many ways was a good thing - we saw other boybands getting a hard time being photographed coming out of clubs. It was kind of cooler not to be there - you don't see the bigger artists going about town, do you?

    "At the end of the day, we're a pop band, and at 32 years old we thought there had to be more out there than this. We're not a new face walking through the door anymore - we've been that, and it was amazing. We could have taken the money and stayed together for a few more years, but we all thought it was time to see what else is out there."


    Westlife: 'Greatest Hits' - Album review
    Released on Monday, Nov 21 2011
    Published Wednesday, Nov 23 2011, 12:52 GMT | By Robert Copsey After 13 years, ten studio albums and 31 singles, the question most people were asking when Westlife announced their split last month was how they managed to make it this long in an industry where you're the equivalent of day-old bread after your debut album. Our guess? Their dependability against an ever-changing pop landscape.

    Sure, the line of progression between their 1999 debut 'Swear It Again' and most recent single 'Lighthouse' is near-horizontal, but to their credit it also means they've had relatively few slip-ups in their expansive career. As such, we'll (happily) allow them to whitewash over 2004's big band covers record Allow Us to be Frank, which, despite its double platinum status, fails to get a single mention here.

    While the retrospective features their most memorable cuts - including chart-toppers 'Flying Without Wings', 'Uptown Girl', 'Mandy' and 'You Raise Me Up' - there are still a number of notable omissions. Even today, 'Fool Again' remains one of their most recognisable hits, while Europe-only single 'When You're Looking Like That' from 2000's Coast to Coast proved they could handle uptempos if they put their minds to it.
    Even more frustrating is that after all the swooshing strings, dramatic key changes and carefully-selected covers, the three new cuts tacked on the end - 'Beautiful World' in particular - point to what could have been an interesting new direction for the band, should their record label have permitted it. Their decision to call time now means they probably wouldn't, and


    Westlife - The Ultimate Boyband? (Westlife Feature)
    Monday, 28 November 2011 Written by Heather McDaid

    There are two key kinds of boybands in circulation today. First, we have the new breed; the One Directions and Wanteds of the music world with fresh young guys set to steal many a girl’s heart with their baby faces or ridiculously good looks. Then, there are the comeback kings - Take That, Backstreet Boys, we could go on. Given the gift of time, they’ve formulated their return to the music world, set to recapture the hearts of their old legions of fans and become bigger and better than ever.

    For boybands, there is nothing rarer than longevity; few have had a long spanning career without an enormous bust-up, hiatus, or break-up preceding a comeback years later that seems nothing more than a desperate cling to the music industry. So, imagine the sadness that swept the UK music scene when Westlife, the veterans and ultimate success story under the veil of the ‘boyband’, announced that they are to disband in 2012.

    While they’ve given the world time to adjust to next year being the last chance to catch Westlife together, we’ll take a run through the ultimate boyband’s history, and consider what the music industry will be like without them to keep a solid stance in the mainstream?

    Formed in 1998, the band hit their first big break as the openers for Boyzone and the Backstreet Boys' shows in Dublin that very year. In early 1999, their first single 'Swear It Again' topped both the Irish and UK charts. The band remain the only act in both Irish and British history to have their first seven singles hit the number one spot. ‘What Makes A Man’ would have been their eight consecutive number one single, but the band found themselves ultimately defeated by Bob The Builder’s ‘Can We Fix It’ in December 2000.

    Rumours of a split were rife in 2002 following the release of their greatest hits record, ‘Unbreakable’. The closest the band truly came to a split was in 2004 as Brian McFadden parted ways with Westlife to dedicate more time to his family and solo career. While his first single ‘Real To Me’ peaked at number one, his success from then on in was relatively middle of the road.

    While I admit, back in the day I used to have a little crush on Shane (a McDonald’s ‘M’ hair style and tank tops seemed to be what I thought was cool at 9 years old), there was no better move for Westlife than when they released ‘Allow Us To Be Frank’, a Rat-Pack inspired record. While many bands have taken time away and suited up for their return, Westlife took it as a turning point in their career. This period still remains the personal favourite.

    Since then, the band have seamlessly continued their road of success with more number ones – finally hitting the top spot on both the single and album charts consecutively – and performing to bigger and better crowds. In celebration of their decade together, the band performed in Croke Park to their biggest crowd to date: over 82,000.

    Earlier this year, the band ended their professional relationship with Simon Cowell; perhaps fuelling their decision to leave the industry without dispute. Finding that Simon’s interests were more focussed on his media empire, i.e X Factor, American Idol, etc, they found themselves almost unloved by their mentor and seeking a new path outside of SyCo Music.

    The announcement of this split has left many devastated, even calling 19th October 2011 ‘the day the music died’. We’ve still got a while to adjust to life without Westlife, but who, really, can step up to the musical plate?

    According to Westlife: no one. Well, they’re not as brash as that, but they have their fair comments and criticism on the music industry they are set to leave behind in a recent interview with

    “I think it's gotten too cool; that's my honest opinion on music right now. Sometimes I think great songs get lost because of that. I think the variation of music young people are listening to now is just the same thing with a different melody. I just think it's got very samey samey,” noted Kian, who also said people are ‘making music for radio instead of making music’.

    Mark also adds, "I agree that the whole singer on top of a dance song is definitely wearing off a lot. It spoils the good ones. I actually really enjoy the movement that's happening at the moment.” He then goes on to compliment the likes of Ed Sheeran. “There's definitely a gap for some big mainstream pop act. There's no new Britney. Rihanna and Lady Gaga have definitely gone much more edgy."

    This segment of the interview is the most telling, and they’re completely right in their notes. Suggesting that Westlife maintained their success by sticking to what they know and love instead of following trends, the duo solidify the detriment on the industry by everyone aiming for the same sound.

    The main artist that merited praise from the duo was Adele, with Mark saying she appeared during ‘Lady Gaga overload’. As the world flocked to follow the trends of dance, raunchiness and overzealous production, Adele appeared with just her piano and her voice. In the same way that Westlife rest their success on their refusal to follow trends, Adele is following a similar suit.

    Not that we’re suggesting Lady Gaga and Rihanna aren’t successful; that would just be ridiculous. But there’s something frankly wonderful about an artist who can capture the world’s attention with simple songs about heartbreak without being renowned for flashing flesh or opting for strange attire. Frankly, like Westlife, Adele is famed for her music: pure and simple.

    Of the boybands today, it’s hard to suggest who will follow in their footsteps. Can we really look at the new sensations like One Direction and picture them together around 15 years down the line? Maybe. Maybe not. Who knows what life holds? That’s the beauty of it. There are constant revolutions in music; it’s entirely unpredictable. Successful or not, we doubt anyone will outdo the legacy of Westlife and their music.

    They've collaborated both live and in the studio with Mariah Carey, Lulu, Diana Ross, Lionel Richie to name but a few of a very, very long list. Pitching their dream duets with Beyonce and Christina Aguilera, we'd like to suggest that being a part of their final run of shows. So, Beyonce - if you're reading this....

    They've won so many awards it's seemingly not worth listing them all. Their extensive repertoire includes numerous Meteor Awards, Smash Hits Awards, Brit Awards as well as winning the Best UK and Ireland Act at the 2000 MTV EMAs. As for the records they've broken, well...

    They are the fourth biggest selling pop band of all time, only beaten by the Backstreet Boys, New Kids on the Block and N*Sync. They are also the sixth biggest selling boyband of all time with over 44 million records sold; quite a feat for a band who never managed to break America. Their self-titled album has the most #1 hits from one record in the UK, they had 14 number ones between 1999 and 2006, they were both the biggest selling band in the UK between 2000 and 2009. They have the highest single leap with 'Mandy', which jumped from #200 to #1... Their achievements could rack up a feature on their own.

    Westlife will collectively leave behind quite the legacy and I’d go as far to suggest that the reason they’ll be missed is that they were just plain good without overtly striving to be. They were never in your face, never outspoken for the sake of press, they never took a ridiculous risk by dabbling with the trends of any given time; they were just wholeheartedly good and devoted to what they wanted to do.

    The way they are ending this career is a testament to this legacy. If any band deserved to quietly take time for themselves after years of dedication to music and touring, then it’s them. Amicably parting ways next year, they not only give fans the option of time to adjust but they are leaving on their terms and on a high. We all know that Westlife could keep on going for years; their entire farewell tour sold out in minutes.

    It seems just yesterday that Westlife were flying without wings, and while it will be sad to see them go they’ve packed enough into well over a decade in the industry for fans to look back on. Added to that, they’ll be saying their final farewells in a string of dates that will inevitably be the end of a very important chapter in the British music industry.

    So Mark, Shane, Kian and Nicky; enjoy having some time to yourself. If you ever want to do a comeback tour somewhere down the line, I’m rather certain you’ll be welcomed back with millions of open arms.


    and Shane Filan
    WESTLIFE have revealed that they decided to call it a day because "it wasn't special any more."

    The Irish boyband are due to go their own ways after a farewell tour this summer and despite their sadness, they are still sure they made the right decision to split.

    After 14 years together, Shane Filan admitted that the boys weren't enjoying it as much as they used to.

    “It felt like it wasn’t special any more, not like it used to be. For the fans it’s slightly different but for us it’s been like, ‘Are we getting better? Are we getting worse? Are we getting to the stage where we aren’t enjoying it?’ It is half our life."

    Shane also reckons there won't be a dry eye on stage when they finally finish.

    "None of us want to let it go and all of us will be crying come June [when the tour ends], but it’s time.”

    Despite only announcing the news in October, Kian Egan revealed that the 'Flying Without Wings' hitmakers have known for some while that they wanted to call it a day.

    “I shouldn’t say it but before we went on tour to Asia, we knew what was going to happen. We knew it was our last tour in Asia and when we came back we were going to release the news, so Asia’s probably the best trip we’ve had in years!

    "It was like going away with your four mates on the p**s. It was a fairytale moment.”


    18-11-2013 om 16:56 geschreven door westlife

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    Westlife 4 Ever

    Wanna Learn Irish?? :eyes:

    Everyday Words

    Dia Dhuit = Hello
    [Pronounced: geea guitch]
    Conas atá tú = How are you?
    [Pronounced: cunas atah too]
    Cen chaoi a bhuil tu = How are you?
    Tá mé go maith= I'm doing well
    Tá mé go hiontach = I am wonderful
    Tá mé go dona = I am (feeling) bad
    Tá mé tinn = I am sick
    Tá tinneas cinn orm = I have a headache
    Tá tuirse orm = I am tired
    Slán leat = Good Bye
    (said to the person leaving)
    Slán agat = Good Bye
    (said to the one remaining)
    Tabhair aire = Take care
    Slán go fóill! = Bye for now!
    B'fhéidir go bhfuil an ceart agat = Maybe you're right
    Gurab amhlaidh duit = The same to you
    Tá failte romhat = You are welcome
    Ná habair é = Don't mention it
    Buíochas le Dia = Thank God
    Gabh mo leithscéal = Excuse me
    Go mbeannaí Dia duit = May God bless you
    Dia linn = God bless you (after a sneeze)
    Oíche mhaith duit = Good night
    Cén t-ainm atá ort? = What is your name?
    Is e Eamonn an t-ainm atá orm = Éamonn is my name
    Cad is ainm duit? = What is your name?
    Síle is ainm dom = Síle is my name
    Cá bhuil tú i do chónaí? = Where do you live?
    Tá mé i mo chónaí i bPhiladelphia = I live in Philadelphia
    Cén post atá agat? = What job do you have?
    Is dalta mé = I am a student
    Ma's é do thoil é = Please
    Le do thoil = Please
    Go raimh maith agat = Thanks
    Buíochas = Thank you
    Cén fáth? = Why?
    B'fhéidir = Maybe
    Bí ciúin = Be quiet
    Is digh liom = I suppose
    Go n'éirí an t-ádh leat = Good luck
    Go maire tú i bhfad = Congratulations
    Lá breithe faoi shonas = Happy Birthday
    Nollig Shona = Merry Christmas
    Le Grá = With Love
    Le Grá Go Deo = With Love Forever

    Days of the week

    Monday - An Luan
    Tuesday - An Mhairt
    Wednesday - An Ceadaoin
    Thursday - An Deardaion
    Friday - An Deardaion
    Saturday- An Satharn
    Sunday - An Domhnach

    18-11-2013 om 15:24 geschreven door westlife

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    Westlife is an Irish pop band that was formed on July 3, 1998. They were signed on by Simon Cowell and are currently managed by Louis Walsh. Over the years, Westlife's music has evolved from teen pop to an adult contemporary sound, with an emphasis on ballads.

    The group's original lineup comprised Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, Shane Filan, and Brian McFadden. Filan and Feehily are the band's lead vocalists. All of the band members are songwriters, although most of their hits have been composed by external writers. They garnered 14 number one singles in the United Kingdom, the third-highest in UK history, tying with Cliff Richard and tailing behind Elvis Presley and The Beatles. The band has also won numerous awards such as the "Best Irish Pop Act" at the annual Ireland Meteor Awards and ITV "Record of the Year" award in the UK. The band has also broken a few top records, including "Music artist with most consecutive number 1's in the UK" and the "Biggest selling arena act in the UK". Westlife have had 14 UK no.1's and were the first act in UK history to have 4 number 1s in a year. Not only that, they were the only band to have no.1's with their first 7 singles. All the rest of their hits have got to the top 10, if not the top 5.


    Louis Walsh speaks up

    Louis Walsh went to The Sun explaining why he thought Westlife was the world's greatest band.

    "Westlife truly are the people band they appeal to ordinary people, people like you and me. The sort of people who pick up this paper every day. That is the key to their success. It,s people on the street up and down the country who buy their records not the trendy London types who are too snobby to think they are any good. Look at the numbers and they speak for themselves. People go out and buy Westlife records in the shops in their thousands. They not the type of fans who will download them.

    And the lads themselves are solid gold. Mark, Nicky, Shane and Kian keep their feet firmly on the ground they don,t try to be anything they are not. They know they are just four guys from Ireland who got lucky and, at the end of the day, they are nice people who don,t forget their roots. Four normal lads in an extraordinary situation who are close, tight, good friends. I think that comes across with people. As a band, they are not in competition with anyone there no one else out there who compares. Take That are similar in terms of being a successful boy band but it,s a different kind of music. In terms of other boybands, they have seen them all come and go.

    Westlife have sold 32 million records and they going to go on for ever. It,s all down to hard work. They put records out back to back and they just don,t stop. It means their fans keep coming back for more. They had 14 No1 singles and will try to get 20. They never get good airplay, they cannot get played on Radio 1 for love nor money . . . but it doesn,t matter. They proved you don,t need Radio 1.

    Westlife aren,t hip but I think that why many people like them. Like the band, their fans don,t pretend to be something they are not either. Westlife have a huge fanbase. They sold 150,000 tickets for their tour. I love Oasis I bought the new album and I love The Beatles. Westlife are No1 in Ireland this week they beaten U2 there, which has never happened. This is going to be their biggest-selling album in Ireland. They are set to do eight nights at The Point in Dublin next year no one else can do that. As for the tunes, I pick them all including the cheesy ones. I pick them because I love them and it seems a whole load of people out there love them too.


    Irish popstars Westlife play secret gig at Wirral hotel

    May 1 2009
    Liverpool Daily Post

    THEY have topped the charts, sold tens of millions of records and have countless fans but one fan from Wirral, in particular, was in for a treat.

    For the 50th birthday party of one lucky fan and guests at an exclusive Wirral hotel, they were entertained by Irish pop band Westlife for a full 45-minute set.

    The secret gig had been organised by the wealthy husband as a surprise for his wife at the birthday party at the Hillbark Hotel, in west Wirral.

    Around 100 guests were treated to the show in a marquee at the party in the luxury hotel grounds at Royden Park, Frankby.

    One of those lucky enough to grab a sneak view said the band had arrived last Saturday afternoon and spent several hours doing sound checks after being jetted in from Ireland.

    He said it had been a very intimate performance and, although not a fan himself, had recognised the songs from the band extensive back catalogue.

    He said: It was all very hush hush.

    They had said they loved doing this kind of gig because it took them back to where they had started out, playing to small but appreciative audiences, and that it made a change from playing to huge stadiums.


    Westlife's Our Story

    For the past couple of weeks, the No 1 position in the Non-Fiction Bestsellers chart in Britain has been occupied by the Westlife autobiography. It knocked Jordan's Pushed to the Limit off the top spot, no mean feat. So it's a huge seller, both in Britain and here, whatever any critic might say. But the question remains, is it any good? Well, given that this is billed as Westlife in their own words, the clean-cut quartet are actually quite forthcoming in their revelations. We learn of excess cursing, excess boozing and even one member throwing up in a strategically-placed bucket just before going on stage, so bad was his hangover.

    So far, so promising, but the disadvantage of this being an official biography means that Westlife can leave out and leave in exactly what they want to. Hence there are no revelations on groupies or any other very bad behaviour. The old motto of "what happens on the road, stays on the road" obviously prevails here. There is hardly any mention of sex (except when Mark steps gaily out of the closet, new boyfriend Kevin in hand), hardly any drugs (Mark was once offered coke in London's Met Bar but turned it down) and as for rock 'n' roll? Forget it. Written in a chatty, easy style, it moves along swiftly with passages from Nicky, Kian, Mark and Shane.

    So just when you're getting bored with one, another comes along with a fresh story about their struggle to get to the toppermost of the poppermost and how to stay there. It kicks off with Kian, Mark and Shane growing up in Sligo and how they were forced to ditch two close childhood pals from the original line-up. But the wailing and gnashing of teeth soon passes. At the same time, Nicky Byrne was back in Dublin cooling his heels after being rejected by Leeds United as a goalkeeper because he failed to gain the required extra few inches in his late teens.

    Girlfriend Georgina Ahern heard how Louis Walsh was looking for two new members for a boy band he was putting together. She encouraged him to apply and he got the job, as did fellow Dubliner, Brian McFadden. It's all here in minute detail, just about everything every Westlife fan could want to know, from the birth of Shane and Nicky's babies, to Nicky crying when Mark revealed he was gay to Kian getting slightly carried away when Louis appointed him the contact person in the band and something akin to being their spokesman.

    But while Louis guided the boy band to unbelievable fame and fortune, it wasn't without some big bumps and huge hiccups along the way. Kian revealed: "He's quit as our manager on more than one occasion. I remember one of the first times was when we all turned up late for a meeting in Sweden. He told us: 'You were like a bunch of spoilt kids on the plane on the way over. You all arrived down here in dribs and drabs. You don't realise what you have. Your attitude stinks.' We managed to apologise to him, but it was quite a scare."

    There was more trouble when Ronan Keating -- then co-managing the band -- told Louis how Westlife had snubbed fans at an airport, refusing to sign autographs. Cue another lecture and threats of resignation by big boss, Louis. But it too was smoothed over and, not surprisingly, Ronan the Snitch was soon no longer involved in co-managing them! Each band member shares a selection of personal photographs from their youth right up to the present day.

    After 10 years at the top Westlife have no intentions of calling it a day and are expected to get back together again early in 2009 to begin picking songs for a new album. All four members emerge well from the book, coming across as likeable enough young guys who got extremely lucky -- and know it. Some egos became seriously over-sized as the band's initial success kicked in, but they were soon cut down to size. But, whatever else, they have been well-groomed by Walsh to appreciate what they have and to be nice to the people they've met on the way up. While the book certainly won't win any major prizes for literature, it has been enthusiastically received by fans, knocking Jordan's latest off the top of the best-sellers chart in Britain.

    But, for some reason, it hasn't topped the Irish book charts. While it also won't win over any new converts to their rather bland, ballad-based and anodyne music, Westlife -- Our Story is just what the fans ordered to see them through those long, lonely months while the band take a well-deserved break from their always hectic schedule. This one will sell and sell.


    Westlife has confirmed they are to stage a home coming concert at Lissadell House this summer.

    The Sligo stars will take to the stage at the historic estate on Friday 30th July as part of a major musical weekend in the North West.

    Canadian singer/songwriter Leonard Cohen has already confirmed he will play the venue the following two nights in his only Irish appearances this year.

    It"s the first time the historic estate will hold a music concert and thousands of revellers are expected to descend on the region for the three day festival.

    Tickets for the two Leonard Cohen dates have already sold out while an official announcement on a sale date for the Westlife concert is due on Monday.

    18-11-2013 om 15:04 geschreven door westlife

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    Members of Westlife, Shane Filan, Mark Feehily, Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne during the funeral of broadcaster Gerry Ryan.

    Westlife's Nicky back on RTÉ 2fm
    Thursday 15 July 2010

    Westlife singer Nicky Byrne is returning to RTÉ 2fm later this month to co-host Michael Cahill's Sunday evening show.

    Byrne presented 'Celebrity Sunday' shows on RTÉ 2fm earlier this year and returns to the airwaves on Sunday, 25 July at 5pm.

    He will also co-host with Michael Cahill on 1, 8 and 15 August, with each show looking at the hits and news stories of a different decade.

    Commenting, Byrne said: "It's great to be back on RTÉ 2FM co-hosting with Michael Cahill. He did ask in return if he could be in Westlife for a few weeks, but I had to say I'd get back to him on that one! Don't think he can dance... Maybe if he's got a black suit he might fit the bill.

    "We've got lots of surprises in store on air, though, so make sure to join us Sundays at 5pm on RTÉ 2FM."

    Tenth time lucky: Westlife picked up the award for Best Pop Group yet again

    Westlife's Shane Filan and model Angela Duggan help to launch Rally Ireland 2009

    Monday January 12 2009

    YOUNG Ryan Egan realised the dream of a lifetime when he met rally driver Shaun Gallagher and hometown idol Shane Filan at the same time.

    For much of his short life, Ryan (5) has been battling cancer. He has also, in between hospital visits and treatment for his leukaemia, developed a huge interest in rally-driving.

    The youngster was an avid spectator as Gallagher, 2007 World Rally Championship Rookie of the Year, put his Citroen car through its paces in Sligo in preparation for this year's contest.

    So, too, was fellow local Shane Filan, who popped along to help promote this year's opening event in the world championship in Ireland's north west.

    "Come here, buddy", said the singer, as he invited Ryan and mum Suzanne to join him for a photograph.

    Ryan, from Maugheraboy, Sligo, was just a week from his third birthday when he was diagnosed with leukaemia. He completes a three-year treatment course at the end of this year.

    His proud dad Declan said: "He is doing really well. We're very hopeful that he will make a full recovery. He's been through a lot but he has done it with amazing courage."

    He said that Ryan started showing an interest in cars almost as soon as he could talk.

    "He has collected small cars from the age of two and always had a keen interest in knowing how they worked. When other children his age were into Power Rangers and what have you, Ryan was taking the wheels off his dinky cars and looking under the bonnet."

    Ryan will get a chance to see some real action during Rally Ireland 2009, between January 29 and February 1, when there will be 18 stages through counties Sligo, Donegal, Roscommon, Cavan, Leitrim, Fermanagh and Tyrone.

    Other youngsters have been getting involved in preparations for the rally. Local schoolchildren have been preparing St Brigid's Crosses to hand to the drivers. Children from Boyle Parochial National School, Roscommon, weaved the traditional crosses by hand.

    The event will mark the start of the 2009 World Rally Championship, with 12 rounds across the world. It is the first time in almost 30 years that the beginning of the series has been held outside of Monte Carlo.

    Failte Ireland, one of the sponsors, said that in 2007 the event attracted 250,000 spectators, generated in economic benefit to the region and was viewed in over 180 countries by in excess of 62 million people. It was acclaimed by the WRC as the second-best round of the World Rally Championship that year.

    rish pop stars WESTLIFE have been honoured by bosses at London's Wembley Arena as the best-selling band of all time. The FLYING WITHOUT WINGS hitmakers were presented with a special a plaque featuring their handprints to mark their achievement this weekend (28-30Mar08).

    Westlife in Brisbane

    Westlife were in Brisbane, Australia (11/21/06). They are currently on a promotional tour of Australia this week, including stops in Sydney.
    Here's a pic from their performance on B105 of Brisbane.

    18-11-2013 om 02:08 geschreven door westlife

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    18-11-2013 om 01:12 geschreven door westlife

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    The O2 in Dublin
    performance around the world broadcast on the internet

    CAPTION:Westlife meet O2 Blueroom meet and greet competition winners at Dublin's O2 - 20.08.2010

    18-11-2013 om 00:48 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Westlife Win MTV's Battle Of The Boy


    Westlife may not have been favored to win this competition, but from day one they proved they were fighters and were out to make a statement. They got everyone's attention early on when, amidst accusations of cheating, they fairly beat out fan favorites the Backstreet Boys in the first round. They had no trouble at all beating out their next two opponents, O-Town and the Beatles, and managed to get past newcomers the Wanted in the Final Four to ultimately take on the Jonas Brothers in the championship. This win in the Battle of the Boy Bands seems to come at a perfect time for the group because their 14-year career is about to come to an end. Westlife have decided to go their separate ways after the conclusion of their Greatest Hits Tour, which kicks off later this week and wraps up at the end of June in front of a hometown crowd in Dublin, Ireland. Congratulations to Westlife and to all their extremely loyal fans: You have certainly proved your devotion and didn't let up no matter how tough the competition was. Thanks to all the bands that participated. From newcomers One Direction, Mindless Behavior and Big Time Rush to veteran groups Boyz II Men and the Backstreet Boys, it was truly an epic tournament. But it wouldn't have been possible without all of you, the fans. All of your vigorous voting resulted in some shocking upsets, some heated matchups and some rally-from-behind wins, making this a true battle of the boy bands. 

    IRISH BAND WESTLIFE has been voted the world’s best ever boyband in an MTV competition. MTV said that the Irish group received over 70 per cent of the final vote, easily beating the Jonas Brothers, the Backstreet Boys and the Beatles. “Congratulations to Westlife and to all their extremely loyal fans: You have certainly proved your devotion and didn’t let up no matter how tough the competition was,” MTV said this evening. Band member Brian McFadden left the group several years ago. Late last year, the remaining four members announced they were to separate after 14 years together. They are just about to start their Greatest Hits tour, which is due to finish up in Dublin’s Croke Park at the end of June. Band members Shane Filan and Mark Feehily have been tweeting their thanks to fans for supporting them in the MTV vote: 

    Meanwhile, Nicky Byrne took the opportunity to poke fun at one of the losing contestants: 

    Backstreet Boys Out Of Boy-Band Battle? Westlife Are Surprised Too 'When I saw the bands that were listed, I thought we haven't got a hope in hell in this,' group member Nicky Byrne says. By Christina Garibaldi (@ChristinaMTV) . The first round of MTV's Battle of the Boy Bands certainly shocked a lot of fans when Westlife overtook early favorites the Backstreet Boys. And fans aren't the only ones surprised by this early victory: Westlife themselves never thought they would be able to overtake BSB. "When I saw the bands that were listed, I thought we haven't got a hope in hell in this, especially being up against the Backstreet Boys, to be honest with you. When I looked, I thought, well, these guys are probably going to win this, gonna be there or thereabout," Westlife member Nicky Byrne told MTV News on Thursday (April 26) via Skype from Dublin, Ireland. "How it came about, I noticed it on Twitter and I went into the MTV website and I said, 'What's all this about?' and I see us up against the Backstreet Boys and I thought, 'Oh no, what a challenge that is!' So I put it on my Twitter account and it kind of snowballed from there," he continued. And snowball it did. The group beat the Backstreet Boys by a fairly large margin after their fans from all over the world rallied for their victory. Yet, according to Byrne, even though he's ecstatic with the win, he expects there will be no hard feelings between the two groups. "The funny thing is we've met the Backstreet Boys quite a number of times," Byrne said. "It will be interesting to see if and when we ever bump into the guys again to have a little bit of fun, a bit of a chat about it." Westlife, who have been together since 1998, had minimal success in the United States, with only one single, "Swear It Again," charting Stateside, back in 1999. Last year, the group announced that after 14 years they were calling it quits following their Greatest Hits Tour, which kicks off next month. "I think our manager really wanted us to announce it as a break, just to say to people that it's going to be a couple years. We'll do some different things on our own and see where we go," Byrne said. "But I think we all knew it was the right time to get away from each other for a long time. And genuinely, I would hate to think that I spent half of my life ? more than half my life with the lads ? I would hate to think that we would never sing again. But I think what we couldn't do was lead people on false promises, and you know, whatever the rest of us go on to do, we can't be holding on to maybe one day do a tour again. So it was the right decision to be made. Everybody is going to walk away from this with great memories and, most importantly, our friendship intact. " And even though they will remain close after the tour, Byrne is adamant that this will be the last time they will be together as a group. "Right now, there's no chance of anything ever again with Westlife," he said. "I know when I'm on my Twitter account, the amount of fans that would love me to say, or would love us all to say, 'No, there's still a hope, we'll do something down the road,' ... but right now, if that happens, that would be incredible. But we haven't even finished yet. The right thing to say ... is right now, Westlife, come June 23, will be no more." Before they go their separate ways, Westlife are still hoping to have some success in the United States, and what better way to do that than to win MTV's Battle of the Boy Bands? "What an amazing story it would be to finish our final 14 years to be named or even get far in this competition," Byrne said. "But even if we don't, we'll hold our heads very high and say we never cracked the States, but we gave them a run for their money." Voting in round two of MTV's Battle of the Boy Bands runs until noon ET on Monday, April 30. Winners are determined by fan votes, so if your favorite band made the cut, make sure you keep voting. Tune in to AMTV and MTV Hits for their boy-band video takeovers each day and make sure to spread the word on Twitter using the hashtag  and like us on Facebook for updates!

    The Irish pop group were voted the best boyband during a two-week poll of an MTV audience of some 12million viewers, also beating The Wanted and Disney superstars, The Jonas Brothers. The foursome can head out on their farewell tour next week proudly embracing the title after they emerged as the surprise winners of the poll of 32 bands, voted for by an audience of US and European music lovers. A spokesman for MTV was quoted in the Irish Daily Mail as saying: “The fans have spoken. After two weeks of intense match-ups and more than 12 million votes Westlife have come out on top in MTV’s Battle of the Boybands.” This win in the Battle of the Boy Bands seems to come at a perfect time for the group because their 14-year career is about to come to an end. Westlife have decided to go their separate ways after the conclusion of their Greatest Hits Tour, which kicks off later this week and wraps up at the end of June in Croke Park.

    Westlife Call Beatles 'The Ultimate Boy Band' 'We'll just leave right now,' Nicky Byrne jokes when told Westlife are facing Beatles in third round of Battle of the Boy Bands. By Christina Garibaldi (@ChristinaMTV) . MTV's Battle of the Boy Bands is certainly heating up. We have seen some shocking eliminations throughout the first two rounds, with the Backstreet Boys, 'NSYNC and New Kids on the Block all making early exits in the competition. And as we head into the Final Four on Wednesday, fans will be tirelessly voting for their favorites to move on, hoping to land a spot in the championship matchup. A clear fan favorite in this battle has been Irish boy band Westlife. The group so far has taken down the Backstreet Boys and O-Town, but in the Elite Eight round, they are up against the original boy band, the Beatles. We spoke to Westlife member Nicky Byrne via Skype from Dublin, Ireland, as the group rehearses for their final farewell tour, and he told us what he thought their chances were for beating their latest opponent. "We'll just leave now, we'll just leave right now," Byrne laughed when told he was facing the Beatles. "The only thing we have in our favor is that our fanbase would still be very, I suppose, relatively young and want for Westlife to win. I mean, it goes without saying the Beatles are the ultimate boy band and nobody is ever going to take that crown." Westlife still have a good chance of advancing to the next round. And if they continue to maintain momentum, they could ultimately face the new wave of boy bands, which Byrne admits he is a fan of. "You've got the Wanted coming through and One Direction, and it's brilliant for them. I've met the guys, both bands, lovely guys, an Irish guy in each band, which is great," Byrne said. "It's brilliant for pop music. The Wanted, they're supporting our stadium shows here in Ireland, so they'll be our support band, so that's pretty cool. I suppose a little bit of me probably thinks I wish I was 20 again to do it all over again. But you have to hold your hands up — we've had a wonderful time and it's time to pass the reins on to someone else."

    Westlife 'Honored' To Win MTV's Battle Of The Boy Bands 'It's been an amazing 14 years for us, and to top it off, to win this is really, really incredible,' Nicky Byrne says in a message to fans. By Christina Garibaldi . Fans of Westlife spent the past two weeks tirelessly voting for their favorite group to win MTV's Battle of the Boy Bands, and all their hard work paid off. On Monday, the Irish boy band won it all, defeating the Jonas Brothers in the final round. And for all those Westlife fans: Don't think your voting went unnoticed. All four members, who are in London rehearsing for their upcoming farewell tour, took time out of their busy schedule to send over a message to MTV News thanking each and every one of you for their big win. Westlife Thank Fans For Their Battle Of The Boy Bands Triumph "Hi, MTV, we just found out that we've been voted the #1 ultimate boy band of all time. Thank you very much, guys!" Westlife's Shane Filan said. "We are very, very honored." Nicky Byrne added, "I just want to say: Thank you to all of our followers, on Weibo in China, on Twitter around the world, on Facebook and everybody. To all the bands we beat, well done. It's been an amazing 14 years for us, and to top it off, to win this is really, really incredible, so thank you to everybody who voted. See you on tour!" After the first round of competition, when Westlife took down fan favorites the Backstreet Boys, we talked with Byrne via Skype, who told us a win in this competition would mean a lot to the band, since they have decided to break up after 14 years following the end of their tour next month. "What an amazing story it would be to finish our final 14 years to be named or even get far in this competition," Byrne said. "But even if we don't, we'll hold our heads very high and say we never cracked the States, but we gave them a run for their money." Well, Westlife, you certainly have! Congratulations to the group and all their dedicated fans.

    Republic of Ireland group Westlife have been crowned the ultimate boyband in the world in a poll which saw them overtake legends like The Beatles. The Dublin pop group were voted the best boyband during a two-week poll of an MTV audience of some 12million viewers, also beating The Wanted and Disney superstars, The Jonas Brothers. The foursome can head out on their farewell tour next week proudly embracing the title after they emerged as the surprise winners of the poll of 32 bands, voted for by an audience of US and European music lovers. A spokesman for MTV was quoted in the Irish Daily Mail as saying: “The fans have spoken. After two weeks of intense match-ups and more than 12 million votes Westlife have come out on top in MTV’s Battle of the Boybands.”

    18-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Delta and Brian

     brain & delta (live)

     They met while recording their duet "Almost Here", on August, 2004, an their first kiss was after the Royal Variety in London, on December 2004.
    Later, the relationship became public, when Brian and Delta was caught on camera on their South African Christmas Holiday.

    Brian about their first kiss: "At the Royal Variety she was wearing a lovely dress and she looked stunning. At the after-show party I snogged her. I don't think she was too drunk but I was a bit."

    18/04/2008 4:13:00 PM.

    Delta Goodrem and Brian McFadden have pushed back their wedding until 2009 as both singers spend this year focused on their careers.

    The couple, who became engaged late last year, had originally hoped to marry this year.

    But they will spend much of this year apart, with Goodrem in America for months at a time trying to crack the US market, and McFadden travelling in support of his second solo album, Set In Stone.

    "Next year's the wedding," McFadden said.

    "We've had three years together every single day, and I think that whole three years was preparing for this year apart.

    "It's been hard but because we're so prepared for it we knew we'd just work hard this year and try to set up the rest of our life."

    Set In Stone, which is being released Saturday, is the result of two-and-a-half years' work for McFadden.

    The 28-year-old wrote 150 songs for the album, with 10 finding their way onto the record.

    "When I'm in writing mode I pretty much write every single day," McFadden explained.

    "As I wrote I went through a period of writing rock songs for a couple of months, and then pop songs, and dance songs and all different kinds of songs.

    "By the end I just kind of had the best ones from each genre, because I wanted every track to be something different ... to keep me from getting bored."

    McFadden said most of the songs are autobiographical, but since his last album, Irish Son, that is not so obvious because he is better at disguising their meaning a little.

    "I didn't really leave much to the imagination in the lyrics (on Irish Son), so this time I wanted to make sure people wouldn't judge me from the words," he said.

    "I wrote the lyrics in the way that they could have three or four different meanings.

    "If people ask me I'll just say make up your own mind."

    However, McFadden readily admits Like Only A Woman Can is about Goodrem.

    The entire album is dedicated to his fiancee, whom he credits with having a "massive" influence on him, musically.

    "I didn't really want to write songs or perform any more and she just kind of dragged me out of that box," he said.

    "She breathed a lot of confidence into me as well, which I never had."

    While he is a star in his own right in the UK from his days in the Irish boy band Westlife, in Australia McFadden is better known for being Mr Delta Goodrem.

    He doesn't get sick of talking about her, but would like to be recognised primarily for his music.

    "It can be a little frustrating at times," he said.

    "I did something last night where they introduced me as Delta Goodrem's boyfriend Brian McFadden.

    "I'm like, 'Am I actually changing my passport to that now? Is that my full title?"

    "It would be nice to have the tag: Brian McFadden, musician and singer. And Delta's Goodrem's partner."

    Brian, Delta & Kids

    Former Westlife singer Brian McFadden was back in his home-town of Dublin at the weekend with his Australian girlfriend Delta Goodrem and his two adorable children Molly & Lily Sue...

    Deltra Goodrem talks wedding plans
    Former Neighbours actress turned recording artist Delta Goodrem has revealed that she is in the process of planning her wedding to singer Brian McFadden for 2009.

    The 24-year-old bride-to-be is currently making preparations to tie the knot with the Westlife star later next year.

    Speaking about her wedding plans at a recent red carpet event in New York City, Delta commented: "It's going, it's on its way. We're looking forward to it, we're looking forward to getting married now.

    "We're just trying to organise it at the moment."

    The celebrity couple announced their engagement in November 2007, after three years of dating.

    A year before they met, when Delta was just 18, she was diagnosed with a form of cancer - Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

    Brian separated from ex-wife, reality TV personality Kerry Katona, in 2004 after two years of marriage. During their relationship they had two daughters, Molly, seven and five-year-old Lilly-Sue.

    Brian McFadden and girlfriend Delta Goodrem enjoy dinner with her mother and brother at an Italian restaurant in Castle Hill. Sydney, Australia. 18TH MARCH 2006

    December 07, 2008

    FOR their sake, let's hope they can break the curse of the singing lovebirds. Romantic bliss has famously eluded such crooning duos as Ike and Tina, Sonny and Cher, Peter and Liza, Kylie and Jason.

    Now Delta Goodrem and her Irish fiance Brian McFadden have announced they will hit the stage together when the lovers team up for her Believe Again national tour in January.

    Goodrem is billing beau McFadden as her "special guest" rather than her "support act".

    It will be Goodrem's first national tour in more than three years. She has been concentrating on cracking the US market.

    Since leaving the group Westlife, father-of-two McFadden has achieved success with his solo album Set in Stone featuring hits such as Like Only a Woman Can and Twisted.

    "I'm very much looking forward to the tour with Delta. Performing is what we love to do and being on the road and touring together makes it even more special," said McFadden.

    Brian and Delta set a date to wed

    March 19, 2009 08:50am

    Delta Goodrem and Brian McFadden have hinted at a Christmas wedding / Picture: Noel Kessel
    DELTA Goodrem looks set for a double celebration at the end of the year with her fiance, Brian McFadden, hinting the pair will marry in December. "We're looking at the end of the year, Christmas time, in Australia," McFadden said in Ireland this week.

    "During the next couple of weeks, we'll definitely be setting a date."

    The pair have been engaged for more than a year.

    McFadden has two daughters, Molly and Lily-Sue, to former wife Kerry Katona.

    The singer arrived back in Australia yesterday morning and quickly caught up with Goodrem.

    Goodrem became the proud owner of two tiny puppies this week and introduced the cute-as-pie balls of fluff to McFadden over breakfast.

    The couple were totally absorbed by their new pups called Vail and Aspen, named after Goodrem's favourite ski fields, as they strolled around Sydney yesterday.

    Published: 31 Jul 2009

    LOVEBIRDS BRIAN McFADDEN and DELTA GOODREM have called in security experts after the ex WESTLIFE star was overwhelmed by a torrent of abuse on Twitter.
    Brian has exchanged a series of public online arguments with a cyber stalker, who calls himself "Saviour Mankind".

    The chilling messages profess Saviour's love and "ownership" of Delta, while urging Brian to call off their engagement.

    In one sickening post he wrote: "Brian McFadden if you harm a hair on Delta's head you will be the first to return to the gas chamber."

    Angry Brian then replied: "You are close to harm! I have your address and if something unfortunate happens to you I will be very sad! Be carefull (sic).

    "If you tweet me or Delta one more thing I will find you and hurt you."

    The cyber stalker also called himself the "last new soul of our kind" and in a message for Delta said: "I'll kill to be with you."

    Brian, 29, and Delta, 24, are now reportedly

    considering seeking a restraining order.

    Delta's agent Jennifer Fontaine told Sydney's Daily Telegraph newspaper: "We have security looking into it."

    Brian and Delta were due to tie the knot at Christmas but the nuptials have now been delayed.

    Brian McFadden and Delta break-up rumours

    Former Westlife singer Brian McFadden out and about in sunny Santa Monica, California

    News that Brian McFadden moved out of the Sydney house he shared with Delta Goodrem and into a roomie situation is a sign the betrothed lovebirds may have split, according to a UK report.

    The UK Mirror claims McFadden's move not to mention Goodrem's clearing out to the US is to allow the pair to get a bit of 'space'.

    The paper notes the couple has been 'engaged for yonks with no sign of an actual wedding'. McFadden, previously married to the notorious Kerry Katona, is now shacking up with a video director, Dan Reisinger.

    The father of two girls with Katona has cleared out of the $2million (£1.2million) Sydney home he shared with the clean-cut Australian songstress while she jets back to the US for yet another attempt to break it and make it there.

    A friend said: 'Delta working away a lot in LA and Brian gets bored by himself. Dan been staying with his mum for a while and wanted to spread his wings a bit so they decided it would make sense to move in together. They get on really well and are looking for a bachelor pad they can call home.

    'Delta hasn,t been around to have any say in what he does, things don,t seem great between them at the moment. Brian kids have been asking when they will get married, but they have come up with excuse after excuse blaming everything from hectic work schedules and the World Cup, to Brian,s smoking habit. Now his moving out sounds like alarm bells to us. Delta must be worried he is going to be doing some serious partying with his pal.'


    April 08, 2010
    LA style is fine in Bondi too for Delta Goodrem

    LA style ... Brian McFadden and Delta Goodrem in Bondi
    AFTER just a few months in Los Angeles, Delta Goodrem has become accustomed to Hollywood.
    Rocking the messy hair/mega footwear look that is all the rage in la la land, the songbird cut a swath through Bondi this week following lunch with her fiance-forever, Brian McFadden.

    The I Believe singer returned to Oz last week to spend Easter with family and has been organising a super-secretive 30th birthday party for her Irish crooner.

    Due to take place this Saturday, guests will include McFadden's good mate and fellow Australia's Got Talent judge Kyle Sandilands and wife Tamara Jaber.

    McFadden's parents in dark over 'wedding'

    Friday July 02 2010

    SINGER Brian McFadden has not contacted his family about whether reports that he married Delta Goodrem recently are true.

    The McFadden family insist they have heard nothing from him to suggest his alleged secret wedding took place last month.

    The former Westlife star's parents Brendan and Mairead told the Herald that Brian (30) has not contacted them to say that he and Delta are now married.

    "I don't know anything about it," said Brian's father Brendan. "They are big enough now to do whatever they want."

    Brendan said he would be happy to confirm the news if he was sure it was true but insisted Brian has not been in touch to tell him.

    "The only one who has told me they're married is you," he said.

    The Real to Me singer, who has made Delta's native Sydney his permanent home, has been referring to his gorgeous blonde girlfriend as his "wife" for the last two weeks.

    They have also been snapped wearing rings on their wedding fingers.

    DELTA Goodrem has just thrown a glass of red wine in a fit of rage. The target the forehead of her fiance, Brian McFadden. Her aim is spot on.
    A bleeding McFadden is eyeing off a chainsaw with a destructive glint in his eyes.

    He's swearing at her, she's yelling at him. Then the director says "cut".

    The loved-up pair are playing combative lovers in the video for their duet Mistakes.

    Loosely based on Brangelina's Mr and Mrs Smith, the clip starts with a romantic dinner that triggers an explosive domestic dispute.

    The pair may have the occasional argument, but this fictitious one is turbo-nuclear.

    On set in Sydney last week, director Dan Reisinger is yelling obscenities at Goodrem to get her in the (war) zone for the fiery feud.

    "It's not every day Australia's sweetheart gets called a f----g b----,"Reisinger laughs.

    "I had to get her motivated."

    "The first word I said after 'cut' was sorry . . . before re-loading and letting her have it again."

    While Goodrem taps into her Logie-winning Neighbours days for angst-on-cue ("Brian's like 'I don't want to offend you' I'm going, 'Come on!"'), McFadden struggles to abuse his partner of six years.

    "The happy bits are easy," McFadden says, "trying to get each other riled up is hard."

    Reisinger, director of McFadden's last two videos, closed the set after a string of failed takes.

    "They are such private people when it comes to their relationship, which is why it is so successful," Reisinger says.

    "Brian was reluctant to hurt Delta's feelings, particularly in front of strangers on set. She kept trying to reassure him it was just acting, but he couldn' t bring himself to insult her where it hurts, a thing anyone's partner knows better than anyone else."

    The words hurt, but McFadden is at ease with the string of button-pushing stunts.

    Goodrem makes a digital smoothie when she throws his watch in a blender and smashes one of his platinum discs.

    She uses the disc to slice his guitar (James Bond fan Reisinger's nod to villian Oddjob) while he retaliates by using the chainsaw to turn Goodrem's piano into firewood.

    "Delta was genuinely traumatised by us doing that," Reisinger says. "It was like us chainsawing the family pet."

    Goodrem, worried about instrument karma, admits it was like "a horror movie".

    "I feel physically sick," she says. "When we finished the treatment the biggest issue I had with the whole video is the chainsawing of the piano."

    McFadden researched the lineage of the doomed instrument.

    "There'll be a lot of people pissed off we ruined a piano, but apparently the piano was in the graveyard and about to be destroyed anyway," he says. "No real pianos were harmed in the making of this video."

    The duet, like their previous collaboration Almost Here, is anything but a love song.

    "We don't feel the need to express that in public," Goodrem says.

    "Privately we're very romantic and very much in love."

    McFadden, meanwhile, is seeing how long it takes to microwave Goodrem's teddy bear until it blows up a brand new Freedom kitchen.

    "Everyone has their arguments,"he says. "This is the biggest one we'll ever have! HEAR Mistakes (Universal) out September 17.

    Broken glass, a chainsaw and a teddy bear in the's a quiet evening in for Delta Goodrem and Brian McFadden

    September 2010
    It's the sort of on-screen outburst you'd expect from an Eminem video, not two popstars known for their wholesome images and happy relationship.

    But in Brian McFadden and Delta Goodrem's new video for their duet Mistakes, they're subverting their goody-goody image and shown having a row of epic proportions.

    The real life couple begin by having a romantic meal, which then degenerates into a blazing and violent argument.

    Brian McFadden takes a chainsaw to real-life girlfriend Delta Goodrem's piano in the video for their new duet, Mistakes

    Goodrem launches a glass of red wine at McFadden's head. The video begins with the couple enjoying a romantic meal but erupts into a violent row


    Delta Goodrem and Brian McFadden wedding rumours are wrong

    DELTA Goodrem and Brian McFadden have not set a date to marry, as reports suggested this week.
    McFadden's ex-wife Kerry Katona is not likely to attend the wedding when it eventually happens.

    Goodrem's people confirmed to the Sunday Herald Sun that the story that started about the wedding and that Katona was invited was merely unfounded gossip.

    Katona and McFadden have had a much-documented acrimonious relationship, so she would be the last person on the invitation list.

    Goodrem went to Twitter after the rumours went around the world.

    "REALLY?? I mean really?," she said. McFadden and Goodrem were engaged in late 2007.

    Ever since there has been much speculation when the two will marry.

    The singer is likely to release a new album next year before any wedding will happen.

    Daily Mirror 2/04/2011

    Brian McFadden splits from Delta Goodrem

    EX-Westlife star Brian McFadden and fiancee Delta Goodrem have separated after a series of rows.

    The couple, who have been engaged since 2007, announced the end of their seven-year relationship yesterday.

    It's thought the pair were finding it hard to maintain their long-distance relationship after selling their home in Sydney. Delta, 26, bought a house in LA earlier this year while writing and recording her fourth album. Brian, 30, has stayed in Sydney with pals filming the next series of Australia's Got Talent, in which he's a judge. A friend said: The conversations were getting more and more fraught. It's really sad.

    The pair yesterday issued a statement saying they Care no longer engaged and have mutually decided to end their relationship. Brian later tweeted: I love Delta and always will. She is one of God's living angels. I thank her for giving me the best years of my life.

    Brian had recently insisted they were still planning the wedding. He said: Of course we'll get married, we just haven't set a day yet. We're trying to organise our schedules so we can be in the same place at the same time. But we won't just rock up to a registry office. Delta,s a princess, and she deserves a proper wedding.

    18-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.To mark anti-bullying week, the ISPCC are urging the people of Ireland to join the fight against bullying and child abuse by wearing the ISPCC shield.

    ISPCC launches anti-bullying week
    Monday, April 23, 2012 - 12:29 PM

    The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) is this week highlighting the negative impact bullying has on children.

    The ISPCC today launched its Anti-Bullying Awareness week calling on supporters to buy and wear a shield badge, showing their support for the ISPCC and rights of all children and young people in Ireland.

    The organisatyion will be running a 24-hour helpline - contactable on 1800 66 66 77 - throughout the week for anyone who needs advice on tackling bullying.

    The campaign is being supported by celebrities including Mark Feehily, Brian O'Driscoll, Brendan O'Carroll, Cher Lloyd, Colin Farrell, Jamie Heaslip, Jedward, Keith Barry, Laura Whitmore, Louis Walsh, Olly Murs, Saoirse Ronan, The Wanted and Westlife.

    Westlife star Feehily said he knows 35-year-olds who still cry themselves to sleep because of bullying they experienced as children.

    A former victim of bullying himself, the singer said it led to a complete withdrawal from a social life.

    "I just kind of… held it all inside," he said.

    "I was too afraid to tell anyone about it.

    "I was scared that if I told people it would make it 10 times worse."

    Caroline O'Sullivan, Director of Services with the ISPCC, said bullying has a seriously damaging effect on children.

    "It has a huge, damaging effect on young people, particularly… following a long period of bullying," Ms O'Sullivan said.

    "They effectively don't view themselves as being capable or effective individuals that are worthwhile.

    "Bullying affects self-esteem; children feel isolated; they become withdrawn; they become depressed and they are insecure.

    "For some children… that leads them to consider suicide."

    Westlife star Mark Feehily lashes Twitter ‘sickos’ who abuse him

    Tuesday April 24 2012

    WESTLIFE singer Mark Feehily has revealed how he suffered years of abuse on Twitter.

    The 31-year-old claims the online threats he has received are of such a serious nature that the perpetrators "would be in jail' had they made the same comments to his face.

    But even boyband star Mr Feehily found that his attempts to contact Twitter about the threats led nowhere.

    Launching an anti-bullying week yesterday on behalf of the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC), the Sligo man said the abuse had not only been aimed at him, but at friends and family as well.

    "I'm not talking about people saying your music is crap. I'm talking about proper abuse. I can't go into what they said but some of the things that have been said to me on Twitter, if someone walked up to me on the street and said them to me... they would be in jail," Mr Feehily told the Irish Independent.

    But the songwriter and boyband star, who came out in 2007, revealed his attempts to contact Twitter to report the abuse had been unsuccessful.

    "I have tried at different levels to report it and got nothing back," he said.

    The boyband star added: "The social network online has exploded. I've experienced sick people on Twitter who hide behind a fake profile name.

    "I believe there is a high level of tolerance about it and people are getting away with all sorts of things.

    "The people at the top of the ladder in Twitter have to take responsibility. They have this social platform but they need to monitor it," he added.

    "There needs to be the ability for people to report incidents, and for something to actually be done about it when you report an incident," said Mr Feehily, who has previously spoken about his experience of bullying at school in Sligo.

    To mark the week which runs from April 23-30, the ISPCC is urging people to join the fight against bullying and child abuse by wearing the ISPCC shield. A dedicated bullying support line has also been set up on 1800 666677 which will be available 24 hours a day for the week.

    Launching the ISPCC shield with 'Voice Of Ireland' contestant Kiera Byrne and ISPCC head Ashley Balbirnie, Mr Feehily made one of his first public appearances since splitting up from fiance Kevin McDaid at Christmas.

    He looked visibly moved when asked how he was coping with the end of the seven-year relationship.

    "It was my first major relationship and my first break-up. I'm dealing with it quite well but I wouldn't lie and say it was easy but at the same time, these things happen in life.

    "I think any break-up is difficult -- it's still very fresh for me.

    "Just like everybody you take every day as it comes and when you're faced with a challenge in life you can either let it consume you or you can stand up and try and learn and grow as a person and move on," he said.

    Tuesday April 24 2012

    WESTLIFE star Mark Feehily has had counselling to deal with the severe bullying he suffered as a teenager.

    The newly single chart-topper, who recently split from fiance photographer Kevin McDaid, confessed that the dark memories of what he endured during his school days still haunt him.

    The 31-year-old told the Herald: "I'm not afraid to say that I've definitely had some counselling.

    "It's weird the stigma that can be attached to counselling, I don't know where that came from, but as I say, yeah, I have done it and I think it's a fantastic thing to do."


    He was speaking at the launch of the first ISPCC Anti-Bullying Awareness Week in Dublin's Westbury Hotel.

    Mark also broke his silence on his relationship with Kevin and confessed he has found it difficult to get over the split.

    "It's still very fresh for me ... Talking about it isn't something I really want to do.

    "It's fresh and like anybody, you take everything as it comes.

    "It's my first major relationship and obviously my first break-up, so I'm dealing with it."

    The Sligo man is now setting his mind on reuniting on stage with Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan and Shane Filan for Westlife's Farewell Tour.

    Mark Feehily was joined by The Voice contestant Keira Bryne

    Westlife star Mark Feehily says he knows 35-year-old’s who still cry themselves to sleep because of bullying they experienced as children.

    The popstar has joined forces with the ISPCC to highlight the issue of bullying.

    A number of people from the entertainment worldincluding Jedward and Louis Walsh will wear a ‘blue shield’ badge to show their support for those affected.

    Mark says childhood bullying can shape persons life forever.

    He says for him it lead to a complete withdrawal from a social life

    BRAVE Westlife star Mark Feehily has told how he’s trying to put his marriage cancellation behind him and look forward to the future.
    The Sligo crooner, 31, was devastated following the split with photographer ex Kevin McDaid, 28, over Christmas — after seven years together.

    But he revealed he’s taking it one day at a time and slowly adjusting to single life, while also keeping busy with a number of projects in the pipeline.

    Mark, who was due to wed Kevin this year, said: “It was nearly seven years so of course it’s strange… something you have to get used to. I wouldn’t have had any relationships before that.

    “A lot of people go through this when they’re 18 or younger and I’m sure everyone remembers their first major break-up.

    “It’s definitely strange. It’s something you don’t get over overnight. I’m still getting there.”

    But the boyband fave also revealed how he is excited for the future — after Westlife.

    The lads are due to go their separate ways this summer after 14 years together and Mark dreams of a solo music career.

    He said: “Singing and the creative side of things is what I love to do.

    “I hope to hit the ground running and continue to do that, whatever level or whatever way I’m not sure yet.

    “I definitely want to make an album. I haven’t thought about it that much, I’m just focusing on Westlife until it’s over.”

    Feehily met fans yesterday — including sisters Zoe and Millie Thompson, aged ten and four, from Kevin Street, Dublin — as he launched the ISPCC’s Anti-Bullying Week, which runs until Monday.

    The charity is urging the people of Ireland to join the fight against bullying and child abuse by wearing the ISPCC Blue Shield.

    Well-known celebs including Colin Farrell, Jamie Heaslip, Brian O’Driscoll, Jedward, Westlife, Louis Walsh, Laura Whitmore, Keith Barry and Saoirse Ronan are all supporting the campaign.

    And Mark, who revealed he was gay in 2005 and since admitted he was the victim of vicious bullies as a child, told how he believes adults need to take more responsibility about stopping bullying — as kids themselves often don’t realise the damage they are doing.

    The Westlifer said to Ray D’Arcy on Today FM: “I was quite a chubby kid and quite shy so I’d all the features (bullies prey on)… It was just a horrible experience.

    “All we can do with kids is let them know what they’re doing can be so powerful in a negative way. It can ruin someone’s life.”

    Westlife star says pain from split still “Very Fresh”

    Mark Feehily, has revealed that the pain from his split from his ex-fiance, Kevin McDaid, is still “very fresh”.

    The couple had been together for seven years, and had got engaged in January 2010. The singer announced their split via Twitter in January this year.

    Feehily said: “I think any break-up is difficult to be honest with you. Even talking about it is not something that I really want to do.

    “It’s fresh and just like anybody you take every day as it comes.”

    The Westlife singer yesterday launched an anti-bullying campaign for the ISPCC, saying that he too had suffered at the hands of the bullies.

    “The memory is still with me. It probably affects me in ways I’m not even fully aware of myself subconsciously.”

    He added: “In the photo for the campaign obviously it’s all make-up. I actually did get that done to me one day when I was walking home from school. You never forget those moments.”


    This week-long national campaign will emphasise that bullying should not be seen as ‘a rite of passage’ or a ‘normal’ part of childhood, it should not be tolerated and must be taken seriously. Bullying is a critical issue, the impact of which can be detrimental to a young person’s life and wellbeing; it can negatively affect self-esteem and feelings of self-worth, increase social isolation, lead a child to become withdrawn and depressed, anxious and insecure. In desperation, some young people even consider suicide.


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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Brian McFadden and Vogue Williams

    Wednesday Nov 30 2011

    IT’S ONE of the oldest PR tricks around, wear a wedding ring; appear loved up, and bingo – the press will speculate that you are after getting hitched.

    Brian McFadden and Vogue Williams clearly hoped to hit the headlines when they appeared at the MTV awards last night in Sydney with one of them wearing a wedding band and the other keeping her ring hand firmly out of sight of waiting photographers.

    The pair have been inseparable since the model relocated to Sydney after meeting McFadden in a Donegal night club earlier this year.

    McFadden tweeted from the awards: “My girl VogueWilliams is so f**king beautiful. Just sayin”.

    He split from Australian star Delta Goodrem shortly before meeting Williams and was married to Kerry Katona with whom he has two daughters.

    McFadden has been sporting the gold wedding band on and off for a few weeks, including during an appearance on an Australian TV chat show. Showbiz websites speculated he was sending a message to ex fiancé Goodrem, who is now dating superstar Nick Jonas, eight years her junior. Goodrem is the darling of the Australian press, and photos of her and Jonas are much sought after by newspapers and magazines.

    A spokesperson for McFadden said the ring belonged to someone close to the former Westlife star who has passed away and was now worn by the singer "for safe keeping".

    And as to why he is wearing it on his ring finger:

    "I think that's the only finger it fits on."

    From the fairway to the red carpet: Brian McFadden and Vogue Williams scrub up well for charity dinner after teeing off
    By Emily Sheridan

    August 2011

    Just a few hours earlier, they were looking far from glamorous in slacks and golf shoes.
    But after struggling through a charity golf tournament, Brian McFadden's girlfriend Vogue Williams looked much more at home getting dressed up for the red carpet.
    Following a game of golf for Ronan Keating's cancer charity in honour of his late mother, the couple changed into their glad rags for the dinner.

    While ex-Westlife singer, 31, went for the smart casual look in a black ensemble, his Irish girlfriend Williams, 25, showed off her stunning figure in a red and orange bandage dress.
    Admitting she was a 'bad golfer', it looked like Williams was much more comfortable at the dinner at the K Club in Straffan, County Kildare - 30 kilometres west of Dublin.
    The golf and dinner were raising money for the Marie Keating Foundation, a charity started by Ronan in 1998 after the death of his mother from breast cancer.
    Teed off: Earlier that day, the couple were in slacks and golf shoes as they joined Ronan Keating at a charity golf tournament
    On Wednesday, Keating is preparing to swim across the Irish Sea from Holyhead to Dublin to raise money for the charity.
    Sir Richard Branson was due to join the singer, but had to pull out following the fire on his island Necker in the Caribbean last week.
    McFadden went public with Williams in May - just a month after ending his engagement with Australian singer Delta Goodrem.
    Williams is a star in her native Ireland due to the reality TV show Fade Street, about a group of four twentysomething women living in Dublin and inspired by The Hills.
    Time to party: McFadden and Williams chatted to Keating ahead of his swim across the Irish Sea on Wednesday
    The couple met in a Letterkenny nightclub and within weeks Williams flew to Australia to spend time with the Australia's Got Talent judge.
    Australia-based McFadden has been spending the last few weeks in Ireland looking after his daughters Molly and Lilly-Sue while their mother, ex-wife Kerry Katona is in the Celebrity Big Brother house.
    Earlier this month, he revealed he was 'in love' with his new girlfriend.
    He tweeted: 'Being in love is the best feeling in the world...
    'It sounds soft but nothing great in life you achieve is worth it unless you can share it with someone else.'
    Feeling confident?: Williams admitted she was a 'bad golfer' ahead of the game

    Vogue looking forward to turkey on the beach

    Tuesday December 13 2011

    MODEL Vogue Williams will be spending her first Christmas Down Under as her romance with Brian McFadden continues apace.

    The Herald can reveal how the Fade Street beauty has "no plans" to fly back home to Ireland for the Yuletide season and instead she is looking forward to some turkey on the beach.

    But the 24-year-old won't have to wait too long to see some members of her family -- her equally gorgeous sister Amber will be joining her in Sydney.

    "Vogue's having an absolute ball over there. She loves the weather and the lifestyle and herself and Brian are getting on like a house on fire.

    "Ireland's dead at the moment, there's nothing going on and there's not half as much modelling work as there used to be.

    "She wants to make a name for herself over there as a DJ and has thought about signing up with an agency as well, so she has lots of plans for Australia," said a source.

    The pair were recently rumoured to even be considering getting engaged, despite only dating since last April. But they are clearly smitten with each other.

    The couple fell for each other after meeting in a Donegal club, just weeks after Aussie songstress Delta Goodrem ended her long-term relationship with father-of-two Brian (31).

    "He just makes me laugh -- he has a gorgeous personality," said Vogue. "It was his personality and his sense of humour that attracted me. That, plus the fact that we're very similar people."

    She accompanied him to Australia last May for what was meant to be a two-week holiday but ended up staying there for most of the summer as she hung out with his celebrity pals like Dannii Minogue and Kyle Sandilands.

    The DJ and model came back last August to sort out a few work matters before flying back to Oz with her other half.

    Brian has been living in Australia for the past number of years after falling for songbird Delta.

    The pair announced their split on April 1 after deciding it just wasn't working -- and the singer clearly wasted little time in finding a new love.

    - Melanie Finn

    Brian McFadden and Vogue Williams to marry
    Former Westlife singer
    Brian McFadden has revealed that he is engaged to his Irish model girlfriend Vogue Williams, after proposing to her during his tour with Stevie Nicks back in November. Brian and Vogue have been dating for eight months, following his split from Australian singer Delta Goodrem, who is now dating Nick Jonas.

    McFadden explained,
    "It's early to be engaged when you think about how long we've been together, but not when you consider the amount of time we've spent together, we've literally spent every second of every day together for eight months now. Vogue and I are actually setting a date and we're actually getting married." Brian also stated that he and Vogue have informed their previous partners about their engagement.

    He added, "We've let them know out of respect. They both went, 'Great, as long as you're happy,' because they're both happy as well and have moved on. We don't have any nasty 'ex' animosity with our recent partners." While Brian McFadden and Delta Goodrem still have a friendly relationship, he and his ex wife Kerry Katona do not see eye to eye and Brian recently admitted that he was disgusted by Kerry’s claims that he does not contact his daughters very often.


    Friday January 13 2012

    NEWLY-engaged Vogue Williams has admitted she was bowled over by boyfriend Brian McFadden's proposal - and the size of the ring.

    The 26-year-old from Howth was presented with a massive square-cut diamond ring by the former Westlife star.

    "When he showed me the ring, I really couldn't say no," Vogue said.

    Divorced dad-of-two Brian (31), who is from Artane in Dublin, admitted that he popped the question to his fiancee in November -- and the pair managed to keep schtum about their news for two months. He proposed while touring with Stevie Nicks.

    The proposal came just seven months after the former Westlife singer split from Aussie singer Delta Goodrem, to whom he was engaged for seven years.

    Before his relationship with Delta, he was married to reality TV star Kerry Katona, who is mother to his two children Molly and Lilly-Sue. His daughters live in the UK with their mum, regularly visiting Brian's mother Mairead in Dublin.

    While McFadden had planned to be a "hermit" after his relationship with Delta ended, he instantly fell for Williams, whom he met in Ireland while home visiting his daughters, he told OK! magazine. The pair met in a nightclub in Donegal where former Fade Street star Vogue was performing a DJ set. She flew to Australia to be with Australia's Got Talent judge Brian just weeks later.

    McFadden told the magazine he knew he wanted to marry Vogue soon after meeting her.

    "It's early [to be engaged] when you think about how long we've been together, but not when you consider the amount of time we've spent together ... we've literally spent every second of every day together for eight months now," he said.

    "We've let (our exes) know out of respect," McFadden said. "They both went 'Great, as long as you're happy' because they're both happy as well and have moved on."

    McFadden said, unlike his lengthy engagement to Goodrem, there will be a wedding this year, probably in Europe.

    "I never really planned to get married then," McFadden says of Goodrem. "Vogue and I are actually setting a date and we're actually getting married."

    McFadden is due to release a new single, Wrap My Arms, next month.

    Last night, Vogue broke the news to friends in Dublin via her Twitter page.

    "Engaged. Couldn't be happier," she wrote.

    Fade Street co-star Louise Johnston told the Herald the news came as little surprise to her.

    "I'm really happy for them, they are made for each other, we all knew it was going to happen at some stage. I've met Brian a few times and it's clear they are in love."

    Get the Look: Vogue Williams

    This time last year they didn’t know each other, fast forward a mere 8 months and now their engaged! It really has been a whirlwind romance for Irish model Vogue Williams and one-time Westlife member Brian McFadden. Last night the couple shared their joy with family and friends at a party in Harry’s on the Green, Dublin. Vogue proudly flashed her diamond engagement ring which was complemented by the stunning Rachel Gilbert Dress she chose for the evening’s festivities.

    The blush coloured scalloped silk dress looked incredible on the former fade street star, who opted to give this feminine dress an edgy twist with a black leather biker jacket, tights and black patent Christian Louboutin pumps. Interestingly Vogues choice of dress may have been a nod to her newly adopted home of Australia. Designer Rachel Gilbert is an Aussie native and has become known for her signature luxury embellishments, which is clearly illustrated by the flapper style beading in Vogues dress.


    AFTER initially planning an extravagant wedding with hundreds of guests, Brian McFadden and his bride-to-be Vogue Williams are to marry in a low-key ceremony in Europe later this year.
    And afterwards, the expat Irish couple plan on making Australia their permanent home and bringing up their kids here.

    "It'd be a nice place for kids to grow up," Williams tells us.

    "I definitely would want to stay here. I love it here so I have no reason to go back to the cold."

    Williams, 26, met McFadden, 31, at an Irish nightclub last year.

    She's now building a career for herself as a DJ and model and has signed on as an ambassador for Puma. Williams will also be the ambassador for the Future Music Festival VIP marquee at Randwick Racecourse on March 10.

    "It didn't just happen overnight but it's definitely worked out. I'm glad I'm finally able to work," Williams says.

    Williams - who has two degrees in construction and used to work on a London building site - joked that The X Factor judge's fame in Australia hasn't hurt her career options here: "I got a bit of a leg-up off Brian, which isn't bad. No shame in that."


    Vogue's 'dirty dancing' on her big day

    Sunday Mar 4 2012

    Guests at the wedding of Vogue Williams and Brian McFadden could be in for a big surprise -- if the model's latest TV show Dancing With The Stars is anything to go by.

    The TV star has joked that she may pull out a few Dirty Dancing moves, which she picks up on the celebrity TV show, when she marries the chart-topping singer-songwriter this autumn.

    And the pretty DJ has just been signed up to one of the biggest reality shows in Australia.

    "I don't think Brian's forte is ballroom dancing, but it will be good for the wedding dance. I could teach him a few dirty dancing moves. Maybe we'll perform some lifts on the big day," she quipped.

    "I loved the movie Dirty Dancing so I'm looking forward to learning all the moves and hopefully doing a couple of lifts too."

    And the Fade Street star says she is looking forward to the rigorous dance workouts to get fit in time for the couple's big day.

    "I'm definitely looking forward to the exercise benefits and getting fit -- if I make it through the first couple of nights and get to stay on the show.

    "It'll be a great pre-wedding diet. It was the first thing my mom said -- 'Oh, you're going to get so fit from it'."

    The model, who was spotted looking tanned and trim in a tiny bikini as she soaked up the sun at Sydney's Tamarama Beach last week, revealed her nerves at making it through the first night.

    "I think it's a worry for everyone -- 'what if I get kicked off on the first night?' -- but I don't think I'll cry. Well, I might, actually," she laughed.

    "I used to dance years ago at The Factory [a nightclub], but that was purely hip hop dance. I've never done ballroom dancing before, everything will be new. So that's pretty nerve-wracking."

    But she says she will have her fiance there to support her each week as she battles it out with other stars, including former AFL player Brendan Fevola and Danielle Spencer.

    "Brian works on Australia's Got Talent on Sundays too and that is also recorded in Melbourne, so he'll come down to the set of Dancing with the Stars to support me when he's finished recording there."

    The pair will dominate Sunday night television in Australia when their shows go out to millions across the country at the same time.

    It's been a whirlwind year for Williams, during which she started dating the former Westlife star, moved to Australia and became engaged last November.

    The model has been busy with a host of modelling and DJ gigs but this is her biggest break since moving to Australia last year.

    Unconfirmed reports say the couple will tie the knot in Florence in September, but the pair have been keeping tight-lipped on their plans for the most anticipated Irish wedding of the year.



    Bit needy? Brian McFadden and Vogue Williams to have joint hen and stag dos

    Brian McFadden and his model fiancée Vogue Williams hate being separated – how sweet… and sad

    Vogue Williams and Brian McFadden are planning two joint stag and hen bashes, because they can’t bear to be apart for more than 24 hours.

    The smitten couple, who are getting married in September, decided to that they couldn’t face being away from each other after only spending one day apart since meeting a year ago.

    And in a bid to make sure none of their friends scattered around the world feel left out, Vogue revealed they will be having celebrations in Australia and Dublin.

    The 25-year-old confirmed: "We have decided to have two joint stag and hen girly nights, one in Australia and one closer to home."

    This will allow Vogue to keep her eye on Brian – after his encounter with a lap-dancer on his stag night before his first marriage to Kerry Katona.

    Brian and Vogue also like to touch at all times, although she wears a cape to stay strong in case he needs the toilet

    Brian and Vogue, who live in Australia, are set to tie the knot in Florence, Italy, in front of a small group of celebrity pals. And hopefully some real ones.

    But since landing a spot on the Oz version of Dancing With The Stars, Vogue admitted she's had no time to plan the big day.

    Now the panicked bride-to-be is looking at hiring a pricey A-list wedding planner to make her ideas a reality.

    Vogue is a big fan of Westlife... and Google

    Vogue said: "I was really starting to panic the other day so I Googled 'flowers' and 'cakes' for a while and felt great again.

    "It reinforced that I know exactly what I want, but I might just need some help organising it."

    Good old Google, eh? Better hope someone’s got an iPhone on them in case Vogue gets cold feet on the big day. Particularly because the model still hasn't decided what dress to wear.

    But Vogue is definitely planning on "going girly" after being inspired by the glitzy costumes on her new reality show.

    She said: "When we were at the photo shoot for Dancing With The Stars I couldn't stop spinning around in the dresses.

    "I'm definitely going to go girly for the big day."

    Brian, 31, was previously engaged to Aussie singer and actress Delta Goodrem, but after splitting a year ago he went straight on to date Vogue.

    However, the couple have shrugged off concerns at how quickly their relationship became serious.

    Brian said: "It's early when you think about how long we've been together but not when you consider the amount of time we've spent together.

    "We've spent every second of every day together."

    That's physically impossible, stop being silly Brian.

    Brian McFadden – Vogue will be bitchy on Dancing with the stars

    Wednesday April 04 2012

    BRIAN McFadden has said his fiancee Vogue Willams will be bitchy when she appears on the Australian version of Dancing with the stars.

    The former ‘Fade Street’ star will take part in the celebrity dancing competition which begins its run in two weeks.

    McFadden was asked by National Features if Williams had begun to ‘trash talk’ her rivals, to which he said “Not yet, as soon as the live shows start, it'll be on...This one's a bitch. That one’s a?” to which Williams interjected “Shut up, you're making me sound like a bitch.”

    Williams claims she has her eyes firmly on victory, saying “I don't think there's anybody in this who's not trying to win the show. Otherwise, why would you bother?”

    McFadden claims Williams is very competitive, and that she has been checking Twitter updates of competitors to see how much training they’ve been doing – “She's already been scanning Twitter going, 'Erin is doing five hours, Kerri-Anne's doing six'. Then she's ringing her partner screaming, 'We've gotta do more hours'.”

    The appearance will give Australian audiences the chance to get to know Williams, who is a relative unknown in the country, only recognised as the fiancee of McFadden.

    Brian McFadden has seen his star rise down under since his high profile relationship with Australian singer Delta Goodrem and has since taken a seat on the panel of ‘Australia’s Got Talent’.

    “It's a great opportunity for people of Australia to get to know her, instead of just in magazines. She's got a great personality and this is going to be a great challenge.” McFadden said.

    Williams isn’t worried about the public perception, saying “I'm just going to be myself and hope that people like me. I don't really feel the pressure.”

    Australia’s version of dancing with the stars begins on April 15th.

    - Brian O'Reilly


    She is waltzing her way into Australian audiences' hearts on their version of Dancing With The Stars.
    So Brian McFadden will want his fiancée to get in as much practice as possible.
    The singer was spotted waltzing the Irish beauty around on the street as she headed into rehearsals in Sydney today.
    Getting in some practice? Brian McFadden waltzes his fiancée Vogue Williams on the street in Sydney

    The couple leaned in for a kiss before going their separate ways.
    Earlier, they were spotted dining al fresco for lunch with friends at Sienna Marina Cafe by the water's edge in Woolloomooloo.
    Vogue changed from her black top and little white shorts into comfortable tracksuit bottoms for her training session.
    kiss me quick! The couple had a public PDA before Vogue headed into DWTS rehearsals
    Brian proudly told the Irish Independent of his fiancée's participation in the show: 'It's a great opportunity for people of Australia to get to know her, instead of just in magazines.

    'She's got a great personality and this is going to be a great challenge.'
    But his support only extends so far. Miss Williams says it is unlikely that the couple will be putting down the moves for their bridal dance at their upcoming wedding.
    The couple were earlier spotted lunching with friends
    Posh nosh: They enjoyed an al fresco lunch at Sienna Marina cafe in Woolloomooloo
    'I don't know if I will get Brian to do that (fancy dancing),' she told the Herald Sun.

    'He is dedicated to the wedding but to try and get him to do a foxtrot, I highly doubt it.

    'And after a few drinks at the wedding it is not going to look nice. Maybe we will just do a standing spin around like everyone else.'
    Sunny Sydney: The couple were dressed for summer

    DUBLIN model Vogue Williams has a date and a venue for her wedding to Brian McFadden all booked, but is missing a dress.
    Vogue and Brian, the 32-year-old former member of Irish band Westlife and now a judge of Australia's Got Talent, will walk down the aisle in the European summer, with Florence in August said to be the destination and time they are telling friends.

    "I am not really a stressy bridezilla person,'' the Dancing With The Stars contestant said of her gown.

    THIS is one way to get a few extra votes on Dancing With The Stars.
    Irish model-slash-DJ Vogue Williams has posed in her smalls for the cover of men's magazine Maxim before her Australian television debut tonight.

    Williams, best known for her relationship with Delta Goodrem's ex, Brian McFadden, said she was nervous about performing her first dance on the Channel Seven series that airs from 6.30pm.

    "I know the moves really well but I'm scared (I) won't do any of (them) properly," Williams said.

    The 25-year-old Dubliner said she and fiance McFadden were planning to hold their wedding in Europe but hope to settle in Sydney permanently.

    Brian and Vogue ditch lads from wedding list

    Snub ... Westlife members Mark Feehily, Shane Filan, Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne
    By BARRY MORAN Published: Today at 00:01 BRIAN McFadden and his bride-to-be Vogue Williams have sensationally DITCHED their Westlife and Fade Street pals from their guest list.
    Pop struggler McFadden has sent out the invites to the upcoming nuptials — with his chart-topping ex-pals set to miss out.

    ‘Brogue’ announced they’ve only invited a small number of close friends and family to the ceremony, to be held in Florence in August.

    One new pal has made the list — former Spice Girl Mel B — who the couple got to know during the Aussie series of Dancing with the Stars.

    Vogue hasn’t forgotten her Irish roots entirely — she will be flanked by SIX bridesmaids at the bash. But it’s believed none of her Fade Street co-stars have made the cut.

    She laughed: “I have so many good friends in Ireland, I couldn’t choose, so I have six bridesmaids.”

    McFadden will also have six groomsmen, including Australia’s Got Talent co-judge Kyle Sandilands. And chart-topper Mel is set to Spice up the bash with Vogue confirming her new pal would be asked to attend.

    Nuptials ... Brian and Vogue
    Vogue said: “Mel B is invited, 100 per cent. We get on really well.”

    Mel found herself caught in a series of unflattering pictures at Brogue’s engagement party in Sydney. The boozy babe had to be supported by her husband as she tripped out of a bar.

    She revealed the following day: “Had lots of wine fell down and got paparazzied . . head still hurts.”

    McFadden popped the question to his girlfriend of just eight months in January. And the former Westlife star, 32, said the intensity of his relationship with Vogue, 25, explains the swift engagement.

    He explained at the time: “We’ve literally spent every second of every day together for eight months now.”

    Friday Aug 10 2012

    Vogue booked for Euro Millions photoshoot, and Brian came too...

    But not the summer sunshine, his upcoming nuptials next month, or even a ?
    190m Euromillions draw tonight could brighten Brian McFadden's mood yesterday

    The former
    Westlife singer was back on home soil with his model fiancee, Vogue Williams, to spend time with family ahead of their big day next month.

    The 32-year-old pop star will marry Ms Williams (27) in Castello Di Vincigliata in Florence and the couple are believed to be spending more than ?200,000 on the wedding.

    The couple will tie the knot in a luxurious Italian castle on September 2.

    Westlife’s Brian McFadden marries Vogue Williams in Dublin

    Former member of Irish boyband Westlife, Brian McFadden is all grown up now after signing the legal wedding papers at a registry office in Dublin over the weekend. McFadden is now married to supermodel Vogue Williams, and will celebrate the nuptials in Italy.

    Brian McFadden and Vogue
    RTE reports that McFadden and Williams made it legal on Thursday at Dublin registry office in front of a small group of family and friends.

    Afterwards, McFadden tweeted ,"I am one happy camper,” which was followed by, “Look out Italy the Irish and Aussies are coming in hot!!!"

    The couple, who mainly lives in Australia now, is having their wedding in Florence, Italy at Castello Di Vincigliata in Florence. McFadden’s two daughters, Molly and Lilly Sue, will serve as flower girls.

    The newlyweds are said to have penned a deal with a glossy mag in Ireland that will get exclusive rights to their wedding photos and story. Thus, guests have been asked to not bring mobile phones or take pictures at the ceremony in order to honor the deal made.

    A source said: "It's a very private compound which is perfect as all of the details of the magazine deal have been finalised.

    "Brian and Vogue's guests will be brought to the castle by bus mid-afternoon on Sunday and it is a private estate.

    "The magazine is well used to keeping events private and there won't really be a chance of catching a glimpse of the newlyweds in their castle in the Tuscan hills

    Former Westlife member Brian McFadden has wed model/DJ/reality TV star Vogue Williams. The couple exchanged vows in front of 80 friends and family members at Florence, Italy's medieval castle, Castello di Vincigliata on Sept. 2.

    After getting engaged this past January (2012), Brian, 32, and Vogue, 26, tied the knot. The Dublin natives became an item back in May 2011, just one month after an announcement that McFadden had called off his engagement with Australian singer/actress, Delta Goodrem.

    According to U.K.'s The Sun, Brian's "Australia's Got Talent" co-judge, Dannii Minogue, was in attendance, while his former Westlife bandmates were not present for the ceremony.

    McFadden's two daughters, Molly, 11, and Lilly-Sue, 9, served as the flower girls for the nuptials. The girls are from Brian's previous marriage to Atomic Kitten singer, Kerry Katona, to whom he was married from 2002-2006.

    Brian and Vogue's Florentine celebration followed the couple's official wedding, a quiet, civil ceremony in Dublin on the previous Thursday (Aug. 30).

    Former Westlife star Brian McFadden considers his new marriage to be effectively his first - and said he had no idea what he was doing when he tied the knot with his ex, Kerry Katona.

    The Australia's Got Talent judge married Irish model and DJ Vogue Williams earlier this month in Tuscany, Italy. In an interview with Hello! magazine, Brian said he has a "completely different life" to when he and Katona staged their wedding a decade ago. He said he considers this to be his "first time getting married".

    Brian, 32, said: "This is me getting married for the rest of my life - and a completely different life. I was 18 or 19 when I got married the first time. I was in Westlife. I had no idea what I was doing. It wasn't till I was 30 that I turned into an adult."

    He and Vogue married less than 18 months after they met in a Dublin nightclub. They chose a medieval Tuscan castle in Italy because they wanted to keep their wedding relatively small and saw it as a "halfway" location for friends and family flying in from both Ireland and Australia, where the couple now live.

    Brian said: "You can't get married in Ireland and only have 80 people."

    Among the guests was Brian's TV colleague Dannii Minogue who said: "They make a beautiful couple and I wasn't surprised at all when they got engaged."

    Brian, who was engaged to Australian singer Delta Goodrem for four years, said Vogue, 26, had the effect of "taming" him. He said he had never done any domestic chores before.

    "Vogue has made me so happy. She puts a smile on my face every day. She has made me a better person," he said.

    The couple said they could not bear to be parted the night before their wedding. Vogue said: "I was asking everyone: Is it that bad if I spend the night with him? So I did and he got up in the morning and left before the bridesmaids came. It was perfect."

    McFadden's two daughters, Molly, 11, and Lilly, nine, were junior bridesmaids.

    18-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    02 Dec 2008
    Follow your dreams, Westlife star tells students

    Westlife's Shane Filan urged young people from the North West to follow their dreams at a Gaisce awards ceremony.

    The Sligo pop star was guest of honour when over 120 teenagers from Donegal, Derry and Sligo received the President's award in recognition of their spirit of adventure, personal skills and service to the community.

    Among those honoured were students from Sligo Grammer School who went on a kayaking trip to Belgium earlier this year.

    "They spent their days on the river and their evenings orienteering in the forest or undergoing very physical obstacle courses," explained teacher and President's Award Leader, Fidelma Lipsett.

    She took 17 fifth year students from the school on the outing which also involved a day trip to Luxembourg, last Easter.

    Students from Grange post primary school in north Sligo also rose to the challenge when they took up kayaking in a more local setting at the Lough Allen Adventure Centre.

    "They learned how to set up camp, they had to cook their own food and learn how to survive with fairly basic facilities," explained teacher Siobhan Evans, who supervised the project with colleague, Lorna Craven.

    The Grange students undertook several community projects, setting up homework clubs, a soccer league and producing a newsletter.

    They also did a mix of sports activities with one student having qualified as a beach life guard as his endeavors.

    "They inspirational are

    group an of young people and we could see they were developing leadership skills in this process. In fact many of them are now prefects," said Ms Lipsett.

    Gaisce medals were also presented to students from the Ursuline and Mercy Colleges Sligo and to young people from several schools in Co Donegal.

    The President's award or Gaisce is presented to young people aged from 15 to 25 who prove themselves in the areas of community involvement, personal skills, physical recreation and adventure.


    18-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Louis Walsh & Kian Egan’s next big thing

    The second and last part of Louis Walsh & Kian Egan next big thing Wonderland was broadcast last night on ITV2!
    Enjoy Kian as a manager and all the Westlife lads talking about Wonderland. 

    2011 The part-Irish, part English quintet
    Sharon Condon, Corrina Durran, Jodi Albert, Kasey Smith and Leigh Learmont were hand-picked by Louis Walsh at a 2008 audition in Dublin.
    Managed by Kian Egan from Westlife, they released debut single Not A Love Song in March on Mercury Records and it peaked at number seven on iTunes.
    Next single Starlight is out on June 6 along with their eponymous album.
    Wonderland have already supported Westlife and Boyzone on tour and made an appearance at the 2010 Isle of Wight Festival.
    They also had their own ITV2 show Louis Walsh & Kian Egan's Next Big Thing: Wonderland that aired last autumn.
    About their 32-date Olly Murs tour they say: The past year's been such a dream come true for us all writing and recording our album, and then having so much fun touring with Westlife and Boyzone. We feel really lucky.
    Jodi Albert feels under pressure to succeed Wednesday 1 June 2011 Kian Egan's wife Jodi Albert has admitted that she feels a lot of pressure for her band 'Wonderland' to succeed.
    Jodi and her bandmates hosted a launch party for their album, which is out here this week and in the UK next, titled 'Wonderland'.
    The band, which is managed by X Factor's Louis Walsh and Westlife's Kian Egan, are finally being launched, three years after auditions for the band began.
    Speaking to The Star, Jodi said: "You feel a little bit of pressure because Louis Walsh is obviously such a big name and Kian has been extremely successful with 12 years in Westlife." "All they have been able to do for us is create this opportunity." "Once we get on stage it is up to us to do our thing and show people we are worthy of being here." More than 1,500 girls battled it out for a spot in the band in the Dublin auditions in 2008.
    By Melanie Finn Friday
    September 09 2011

    Girlband Wonderland have been sensationally dropped by their record label.
    However, co-manager Louis Walsh (below) has said they should feel "very proud" for trying their best to make the group a success.
    Speaking from his holiday home in Miami, he confirmed the news to the Herald -- and said the girls shouldn't feel too devastated about what happened. "They had some great songs, they could all sing and they worked really hard.
    They tried to do something different and it's just a shame it didn't work out.
    But people haven't heard the last of them," he said of the Irish group.
    News that Mercury Records had decided to drop them after just one album was greeted with shock by their fans, who inundated them with messages of support.
    Members Kasey Smith, Leigh Learmont, Sharon Condon, Corrina Durran and Jodi Albert were put together after a series of nationwide auditions held by Louis and Westlife's Kian Egan. However, there was huge speculation about the future of the band after former Hollyoaks babe Jodi got pregnant with her first baby in July.
    She always insisted that her impending motherhood wouldn't get in the way of the band's future -- and performed on stage with her band-mates last month. They have been busy promoting their self-titled debut album and performed a string of dates over the summer.
    Lucky She said in interviews how she had been "really lucky" with her pregnancy and that she hadn't experienced much nausea at all.
    She and Kian are expecting their first baby on January 1, 2012. The happy couple met while she was touring with her previous group, Girl Thing.
    They married in a spectacular ceremony on Turtle Beach in the Caribbean in May 2009, after five years together.
    Last night Wonderland was still listed on Mercury Records website, but on their own site, it stated how they had no forthcoming gigs.
    They were formed in July 2008 and were unveiled on the Late Late Show shortly before they nabbed a record deal.
    Their co-managers spent years making sure they were polished performers before they released their debut single Not a Love Song.

    Monday September 19 2011
    WONDERLAND singer Sharon Condon is going solo
    even though music boss Louis Walsh is desperately trying to keep the band together.
    The 25-year-old has admitted that the band's days are numbered because they haven't got the dancers or the production to succeed.
    In recent weeks Wonderland were dropped by their record label and Jodi Albert announced her pregnancy.
    So while their managers,
    Louis Walsh and Jodi's other-half Kian Egan,
    want to give it another try, Sharon says the gig is up.
    Speaking about Jodi's pregnancy, she explained that it would have made things even more difficult in the coming months.
    "If you look at Una Healy now from The Saturdays, she's fine because they are an established band, but we weren't. "At the end of the day, I don't really know the reason we were dropped, maybe our music just wasn't good enough, but I think there was more to it than that.
    "But I don't think Jodi was one reason in particular.
    Wonderland weren't what people were looking for," she said.
    Sharon revealed to the Diary that talks are taking place behind the scenes about redesigning the band, but it might be too late. "Personally, I felt this coming.
    Wonderland tried to be something very different,
    it was country rather than pop.
    More people are into dance now but we were more of a vocal group," she said. "Those days are gone.
    People want to see a performance. We were up against Beyonce and Lady Gaga.
    There was no way we could compete against that." According to Sharon, the five piece had "an amazing journey" but she now wants to go solo.
    "Maybe it just wasn't meant to be with Wonderland.
    But I've made so many contacts and it was an amazing three years, I learned so much and I just want to get up and go again.
    "We have hundreds of fans behind us and it will be great to launch my own career from that platform,"
    she said.


    Wednesday September 28 2011

    It seems all was not wonderful in Wonderland prior to the group's split.
    With Jodi Albert sailing off into the sunset to face impending motherhood,
    the four other members of the group are attempting to pick up the pieces of their failed music careers.
    Lead singer Sharon Condon has revealed to the Diary she has no contact with Kian Egan or his wife Jodi since hearing of the group's break-up through the internet.
    together Sharon is still smarting after she found out about the band's demise after her mother read it on Facebook.
    And the talented artist says it was becoming evident that there was a break occurring in the group when pregnant Jodi stopped spending time in the band's spacious apartment and started spending nights in Kian's London home.
    Sharon says she and bandmates Corrina Durran, Leigh Learmont and Kasey Smith are sticking together during these tough times. "I haven't spoken to Kian or Jodi about this so I don't know how they are feeling,
    but I suppose they were just as devastated as we were.
    I haven't really been speaking to Kian, him and Jodi have their own things going on.
    "I know from mine and the girls' perspective that we want to stay positive and use everything we have done to move forward with music.
    I'm not really going to see Kian and Jodi now.
    So I want to do my own thing and look out for my own life.
    "But Kasey, Leigh and Corrina are all really supportive of me, they are lovely girls.
    Casey will continue writing but I think Leigh and Karena would be great at TV presenting," she said. Last night Wonderland's official band page was flooded with upset comments from fans after they posted a message confirming they were over for good and would no longer be producing music together as a band.
    "As some of you may know already we have parted ways with Mercury Records. We have taken the past few weeks to consider our future as a band. After a lot of thinking and talking we have decided that we will no longer continue as Wonderland. "We feel we have given it all we have and we could not take it any further. We want to say a massive thank you to all our fans for the love and support they have shown us over the three years we have been together.
    We really feel we had an amazing time and it will be something we remember for the rest of our lives," they wrote.
    mutual But Sharon (25) told the Diary that she was unaware the band had officially made the decision to split, and had to find out through her mother who saw the girls' message on their Facebook page.
    "We all knew it was coming but I didn't know the band were officially announcing the split.
    My mum rang me and told me that the girls had posted it on their Facebook page. "I had spoken to the girls before and said that I didn't want to continue with Wonderland.
    So in the end it was a mutual decision because other members felt the same,
    " she said.

    17-11-2013 om 23:33 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Gravity album 2010

    1. Beautiful Tonight, 2. Safe (Album Version), 3. Chances, 4. I Will Reach You, 5. Closer, 6. The Reason, 7. Tell Me Its Love, 8. I Get Weak, 9. Before Its Too Late, 10. No Ones Gonna Sleep Tonight, 11. Difference In Me, 12. Too Hard To Say Goodbye

    Westlife are no longer just a boy band

    WESTLIFE say anyone who believes they are boring will think again when they hear new album Gravity.

    The Westlife boys release the disc on Monday and say they have taken more risks on it than ever before.

    And in a Westlife first, mega-piped Mark has two self-penned tracks on the collection, one a poignant tune written after the death of Nicky's dad. Mark, 30, told me: We normally do two or three tracks with different producers but this is the first time we worked with just the one.

    We went into the studio in LA and London and got way more involved with the creative process than ever before and really experimented with vocal arr­angement.

    It was exciting but at times felt a little dangerous.

    We were working totally outside our comfort zone. But the tracks eventually took shape and now we think it's the strongest work of our career.

    Our voices sound better than ever.

    Of the songs he wrote himself, Mark said:
    I wrote Before It's Too Late and Out Of Reach.

    Seeing them make the final cut was one of the proudest moments of my career so far.

    I wrote Before It's Too Late just after Nicky's dad passed away.
    It's all about telling people how much you love them before it's too late

    He added: We're in our 30s now, have more creative control and are subtly moving away from the band we once were.

    We no longer just doing covers.

    We're less boring, we are happier and you can hear that.

    Westlife LP keeps hold of Irish top spot

    Westlife hold onto the number one spot for a second week as the top three albums in Ireland remain unmoved.

    The top ten albums this week:

    1. (*) Westlife - 'Gravity'
    2. (1) Take That - 'Progress'
    3. (2) Rihanna - 'Loud'


    17-11-2013 om 15:56 geschreven door westlife

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    17-11-2013 om 04:10 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Westlife `to take a break
    Westlife is reportedly planning to take ‘a break’ after more than a decade together.

    The Irish man band is set to release a greatest hits album and new single Lighthouse, but has decided to take a year or two out after that, according to The Mirror.

    “The boys are pretty knackered,” said a source. “They’ve been constantly working for the past decade and just want time to enjoy what they’ve made for themselves before coming back with a brand-new album.

    “They’re not splitting up – it’s a break. The plan is to come back with full force after that.”

    The 9 O'Clock News - Westlife planning to take a break

    Boy Band Westlife perform
    Don't expect a new WESTLIFE album in the near future. Apart from their Greatest Hits package and new single Lighthouse – penned by Take That’s Gary Barlow – and a possible tour next spring I hear the boys will be taking a year or two off to enjoy a much- needed break.

    “The boys are pretty knackered,” says my source. “They’ve been constantly working for the past decade and just want time to enjoy what they’ve made for themselves before coming back with a brand-new album.

    “They’re not splitting up – it’s a break. The plan is to come back with full force after that.”

    17-11-2013 om 03:51 geschreven door westlife

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    Westlife returns to Manila for
    'Gravity Tour' 2011September 13, 2011, 3:06pm
    MANILA, Philippines
    -- The long-awaited return of Westlife to the Philippines happens on Sept. 29 at the Smart Araneta Coliseum.
    You ready?
    Westlife members Shane Filan, Mark Feehily, Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne debuted in 1998 when they opened for Boyzone and the Backstreet Boys in Ireland.
    Since then they have received many awards and broke numerous records worldwide.
    In the UK alone, they’ve had 14 number one hits.
    Westlife is the fourth biggest selling boyband in the world with over 44 million albums sold.
    “Gravity Tour” is Westlife’s 11th concert tour to date. Known for their impressive concerts, for this tour, the group collaborated with creative director William Baker, known for his work with Kylie Minogue, Leona Lewis and Bjork.
    The group has stated this tour to be “bigger and better”, and is expected to perform their biggest hits and more, including “Flying Without Wings”,
    “Swear It Again”, “You Raise Me Up”, “World of Our Own”, “Uptown Girl”, “When You’re Looking Like That,” and “Safe.” Although five years have passed since the group’s last appearance in the Philippines, the return of Westlife has been greatly anticipated by their longtime fans.
    Westlife’s local fanbase has been active throughout the years, especially the members of Official Westlife Fan Club Philippines and Westlife Philippines who have joined forces to support their favorite group.
    Fans from all over the country will also be making their way to Manila so as not to miss their beloved Irish superstars.

    Ali Bastian, Sarah Jayne Dunn and a heavily pregnant Jodi Albert, the wife of Westlife's Kian Egan.

    Wednesday, 21 September 2011
    FOURTEEN years ago
    Westlife burst onto the boy-band scene. They had crooning harmonies, slick coordinated dance moves, and handsome group shots that ended up as posters on every pre-teenage girl’s bedroom walls.
    We, the 12 and 13 year-old girls of the time, crooned along with them in our rooms as we dreamed of what it would be like to know these demi-gods of love and music,
    even just to see them in person.
    Could they be real people?
    Now, a generation later, we are all grown up and those days when no-one understood us but our CD player, are all but forgotten. And yet, as I sat in the crowd at the Hart van Windhoek concert, I was happy to throw off adulthood and join the latest batch of pre-teens in their delirious enthusiasm.
    Westlife, in elegant black trench coats, paid tribute to their original fans with a set of early songs.
    We, now men and women, clapped and danced and sang along in child-like revelry.
    Then they went ultra modern with a set of songs from their latest album. We, the originals, scratched our heads but swayed along with them anyway.
    The medley of contemporary songs by other artists such as Black-eyed Peas, Rihanna and Lady Gaga was fun, albeit awkward. For the final set,
    they changed into Mickey Mouse shirts and sport jackets. It was a little too 90’s and unrefined for my personal taste but I was already consumed by the atmosphere to really care. Ultimately, it was an exciting trip down memory lane and a wonderful event for Windhoek.
    With the success of this concert I hope many more international artists will start including Windhoek on their tour map. 

    to sing with Vietnamese fans
    VietNamNet Bridge – According to the organizing board of Westlife’s Gravity Tour in Vietnam,
    Vietnamese fans will have a chance to sing with their idols on the stage. Westlife to perform in Vietnam thi October Westlife will invite four audience members from the Stand F, to sing with them in their only show in Vietnam at the My Dinh National Stadium on October 1.
    However, the show producer did not disclose the names of the songs for fans.
    Anh Tuan, the show organizer in Vietnam, said that Gravity Tour will have international quality.
    The stage will be built nearer with stands to enable singers to better exchange with the audience.
    Vietnamese fans are preparing for the show.
    “Everyone, try to remember lyrics of all Westlife’s songs in case you are the lucky ones who have the chance to sing with them.” This is the call published on many online forums.
    Westlife’s fan club in Hanoi, with hundreds of members, have discussed a plan to welcome their idols.
    On Sunday, September 18, over 70 Westlife’s fans in Hanoi wore uniforms and showed their love to the band at many public sites. The fan group in HCM City planed to fly to Hanoi three days before the show to see the Hanoi fan club and to welcome their idols at the Noi Bai airport.

    Posted on September 26, 2011
     06:58:55 PM
    Westlife: Still going strong
    Few boy bands have careers that can last beyond their debut singles.
    But Irish all-male vocal group Westlife has defied the odds by remaining in the music business for more than 13 years. Despite the departure of Bryan McFadden in 2004,
    the original members -- Nicky Bryne, Mark Feehily, Kian Egan and Shane Filan -- continued to work together as Westlife.
    Since the group’s debut in 1998, Westlife has released 10 multiplatinum albums, had 14 #1 hits in the UK alone, and sold over 44 million albums worldwide.
    After eight years, Westlife returns to the Philippines for a special one-night concert this Thursday, Sept. 29, at the Smart Araneta Coliseum in Cubao, Quezon City.
    The concert is part of Westlife’s Gravity Tour to promote the group’s latest album of the same title.
    The 46-city concert tour kicked off at the Motorpoint Arena in Cardiff, Wales on March 7. Since then,
    Westlife has performed in the Arabian Peninsula, Europe, Africa and Asia.
    Westlife began the Asian leg of its tour last Wednesday with a jam-packed concert at the Shanghai Indoor Stadium in China. The group then performed in Guangzhou and Beijing before performing tonight (Sept. 27) at the Asia World-Expo in Hong Kong. After that, the group will fly to the Philippines for the concert this Thursday, before heading off to Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia to continue the world tour.
    The group will then cap the six-month tour with a concert at the Hwajung Gymnasium in Seoul, South Korea on Oct. 9.
    For the concert this Thursday, Westlife promises to perform its chart-topping singles, including "When Your Looking Like That" and "Flying Without Wings," as well as their hit versions of "Seasons in The Sun" and "Uptown Girl."
    The group will also perform a medley of covers of current hit songs like Rihanna’s "Ony Girl (in the World), Black Eyed Peas’s "The Time (Dirty Bit)," and Lady Gaga’s "Bad Romance." And if the group’s die-hard Filipino fans prevail,
    Westlife might perform their favorites like "Swear it Again," "If I Let You Go," "Fool Again" and "My Love."

    Westlife's Nicky Byrne.
    MANILA, Philippines
    Members of Irish boy band Westlife
    said Filipino boxing champ Manny Pacquiao will not be able to make it to their concert at the Araneta Coliseum on Thursday. Pacquiao’s ongoing training in preparation for his upcoming bout with Juan Manuel Marquez made it impossible for him to take part in the group's second Manila show.
    Nicky Byrne explained, “Unfortunately, it’s not gonna happen. I spoke to his secretary this morning and he can’t get out of his training camp at the moment.
    Freddie Roach won’t let him.” Aside from Pacquiao, Westlife members have shown interest in working with international singing sensation Charice Pempengco.
    Mark Feehily has praised Pempengco’s singing prowess.
    “We’re a big fan of her, and I talking to her on Twitter, she said she’s also a Westlife fan.
    She’s got a phenomenal voice, world class,” he said.

    Irish pop band
    "Westlife's" Nicky Byrne
    is so excited to meet Philippine boxing icon

    Westlife on being together for thirteen years:
    "We just love what

    It’s Westlife’s fourth time in Manila
    after their concerts here in 2000, 2001, and 2006
    MANILA, Philippines - Irish boy band
    Westlife revealed what may well be the most important keys to their enduring success: hit songs and unwavering passion for their craft.
    "We love what we do, and we’ve always loved to be in a band, and we generally love being on stage,” related Westlife member Shane Filan to Bulletin Entertainment and other members of the media in a press conference on Sept. 29, hours before their
    "Gravity Tour" concert, their fourth show in the Philippines.
    Other boy bands who are not presently as visible as this quartet can apparently take cues from the group, who, in their more-than-a-decade-spanning career ,has sold over 44 million records worldwide and made history by notching 14 number one singles in the UK chart.
    Westlife, composed of Shane Filan, Mark Feehily, Kian Egan, and Nicky Byrne (their fifth member Bryan McFadden left the group in 2004), puts a premium on coming up with hit songs consistently, and credits the talented producers and songwriters that they have worked with.
    The boys themselves have tried their hands in songwriting, with Mark noting it as a “natural progression” for them. Although Westlife started out with a very pop sound, the members eventually experimented with various genres such as jazz/standard (“Allow Us To Be Frank” in 2003) and covers (e.g. Daughtry’s “What About Now?
    ” and Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl”). But for their 11th studio album, “Gravity,” the quartet delves into a more guitar-driven, more mature pop sound, as Mark noted.
    Each of the members are at least 30 years old now (the conference’s host, MYX VJ Nikki Gil, even teased them, “you don’t look like you’ve aged!”), but apparently,
    their fans have stayed with them through the years, something that Westlife highly appreciates. "We come to the Philippines and we get a response like this after many years... maybe we're doing something right," Kian enthused.
    Their connection to their Filipino fans is a “magical experience” for Westlife that began 11 years ago in their first show in Manila, noted Feehily.
    “We’ve come so far away from home and for everyone to knew our names, our family [and] our pet’s names… we’re glad,” said he. Having been told that a lot of people, particularly in the presscon venue, grew up listening to their music, Nicky kidded,
    "That makes us feel old." Nevertheless, he hopes that their accessible music would transcend generations--that even when their fans become parents, they'd get to share Westlife's music with their children.
    Asked who they'd like to share the stage with in the future, the boys mentioned their fellow boy bands Backstreet Boys and 'N Sync.They also mentioned internationally-renowned Filipino acts Charice, whom Mark described as "world-class;" as well as boxing champ and Sarangani congressman Manny Pacquiao, whom they’ve invited to do a duet in their concert. However, as Nicky, the self-confessed “big Manny Pacquiao fan,” related, “It’s not gonna happen. He can’t get out of the training. Coach Freddie Roach won’t let him.”

    Egan Apologises
    For Westlife's 'Dangerous' Show
    Irish singer Kian Egan has promised
    Westlife fans in Indonesia the band will return to the country after they halted a concert on Wednesday (05Oct11) due to safety fears.
    The Flying Without Wings hitmakers are touring the Far East and took to the stage for a gig in Jakarta,
    but they were forced to leave the stage for 30 minutes amid fears hysterical crowd members would be crushed or trampled to death. Egan has now apologised to fans for the shortened set and has vowed to revisit the country with his Irish group.
    In a post on his page, he writes,
    "Westlife will never give up on our Indonesia fans. Sorry the concert was dangerous. We will come back.
    Thank you for all your love." 


    Westlife sounding better
     By Jonathan Chua (The Philippine Star)
    Updated October 03, 2011 12:00 AM | Zoom MANILA,
    Philippines - To be told by a 23-year-old hotel receptionist that she listened to your music throughout her years in grade school must make any singer feel old.
    That, we were told, was what happened to Westlife when the boys checked in at the EDSA Shangri-La.
    But last Thursday night at the Araneta Coliseum, Shane Filan, Mark Feehily, Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne, all in their 30s now, hardly looked any older — or less prepossessing — than when they last came to the country five years ago.
    It has been more than 12 years since the release of Westlife’s first single, Swear It Again, which became the first in an unprecedented string of No. 1 hits.
    The boys — there were five of them then — were being managed by the frontman of another Irish boy band. When Bryan McFadden decided to go solo in 2004, it was thought that the end of the group was imminent. But the remaining boys played on. Since the separation, they have made five more albums, visited the top of the music charts a few more times, and weathered a few National Enquirer-type controversies. Coming in November is a second greatest hits album, a rarity for any boy band.
    (Indeed, a boy band this old is a contradiction.) Twelve years is a record for any pop act, especially given that the group has not changed its sound and style that much. The British boy band craze of the 1990s had given way to more rough and rocky acts on one hand and to Disney-fabricated teen stars on the other; but Westlife apparently did not get lost in the shuffle.
    True, the initial mass hysteria that made the group arguably the most commercially successful British pop act of its time has dissipated somewhat, but the core fan base has remained large enough to sustain tour after tour and CD after CD.
    And the Philippines appears to be a lucrative market yet. This is Westlife’s fourth visit to the country.
    Looking at the size of the crowd, one would think that it was its first. Was the fourth time just as good the first? It would not be impertinent to say that it was.
    In fact, the boys sounded better. Bryan had been the second man of the group, but with him away the vocal burden has had to be more equitably shared among the remaining members. Shane, the lead, carried his bulk of the singing predictably well; Mark was irrepressible.
    And the other two? They made a respectable showing — not that anybody would have minded much if they had not. There was, too, the stage patter, always a test of a performer’s charisma. One knows that all is scripted, of course, but one is willing to play along: How charming they seemed when they stopped to address the audience. But a fly had to land on the ointment.
    Inviting three members of the crowd to the stage,
    the group asked each one to name which song was his or her favorite, ostensibly so that it would sing the song — a kind of “by-request” session. One of guests answered, My Love. It was a song that the group had just sung — and with the crowd, too. Shane had the graciousness to say,
    “We sang that for you.” But one of the other boys (which one?) said, “Hello?” When Dionne Warwick scolded latecomers at her concert at the Aliw Theater some years ago, her position was at least defensible.
    That derisive “Hello?” was just a case of rudeness. songs — even the best-selling ones — being left out of the program. But what else was one to expect, given that the group’s repertoire had grown and that the show was only a little over an hour long? Westlife, after all, was here primarily to promote its latest album Gravity, from which they sang at least two songs (Safe and Beautiful Tonight).
    Still, the loudest cheers noticeably were for the earlier, more familiar and obviously more beloved songs (Seasons in the Sun, My Love). “We had joy, we had fun,/we had seasons in the sun,” the boys sang, lines, appropriately it seems now, from an old song. Youthful (childish?) enthusiasms cool down with age, but last Thursday night a little stoking was all it took to rekindle them. On the first beat, the three front acts, the 30-minute delay, and the dozen or so years that separate the boys’ first single from their forthcoming album and that perhaps also separate the first stirrings of romance in an adolescent heart (now a memory tucked away in a corner) from the drudge and dust of tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow creeping in its petty pace — all that vanished. That hotel receptionist, had she been there, would have felt like 12 again, defying gravity, flying without wings.

    Friday October 07 2011
    WESTLIFE singer
    Kian Egan is to play a starring role on RTE's new talent show.
    The Irish Independent has learned that the 31-year old is to be a vocal coach on 'The Voice Of Ireland' when it comes to TV screens early next year.
    Programme sources have said that the star is perfect for the role as not only is he a member of one of the world's biggest pop bands,
    but he also has experience of band management.
    "Kian realised that the huge amount of experience he has in the music business could be of great use to any aspiring singer trying to get a break,"
    a programme insider said.
    Until recently the Westlife vocalist was co-managing his wife Jodi Albert's girlband Wonderland but the group split last month after being dropped by their record label.
    The Irish Independent has also learned that Belfast born Brian Kennedy is to be another coach on the programme.
    Egan and Kennedy will be joined by fellow coaches Sharon Corr and former Blizzards singer Niall Breslin aka Bressie.

    the hearts
    of millions of girls
    around the world
    by announcing  they're splitting up.
    After 14 years together -
    notching up a mighty 14 No 1 hits, seven No 1 albums and 10 sell-out tours -
    the Irish four-some have decided to pack up their stools.
    And instead, the lads, put together by X Factor judge Louis Walsh, 59, will spend quality time with their partners and children.
    In a statement the group - Mark Feehily, 31, Shane Filan, 32, Nicky Byrne, 33, and Kian Egan, 31 - explainted:
    "We announce our plan to go our separate ways after a Greatest Hits collection this Christmas and a farewell tour next year.
    "The decision is entirely amicable and after spending all of our adult life together so far,
    we want to have a well-earned break and look at new ventures. "We see the greatest hits collection and the farewell tour as the perfect way to celebrate our incredible career along with our fans and are really looking forward to getting out on the tour and seeing our fans one last time.

    I've supported Westlife since the day they launched,
    then named Westside, and featuring Brian McFadden, 31.
    Despite their reputaton for being dull due to the load of covers Simon Cowell, 52, would force them to record,
    they're actually a great laugh and can properly sing live too.
    Their last album was their best yet - including many co-writes by Mark with producer John Shanks,
    who re-invited Take That for their comeback - so I'm sad to hear they're throwing in the towel and hope Mark and Shane consider solo albums.
    The Loife added: "Over the years Westlife has become so much more to us than just a band -
    Westlife are a family.
    "We would like to thank our fans who have been with us on this amazing journey and are part of our family too.
    "We never imagined when we started out in 1998 that 14 years later we would still be recording, touring and having hits together - it has been a dream come true for all of us." Their swansong will be the Gary Barlow-penned single Lighthouse, out November 13, which we had exclusive behind-the-scenes access at in South Africa. Westlife's Greatest Hits drops on November 21 and their final tour kicks off in Newcastle on May 14. Lads, please sing Tunnel Of Love for me.

    Westlife: A long goodbye for the boyband
    that played for the Pope .. Westlife member Kian Egan No, we’ve not heard anything from Simon at all Kian Egan 6th November 2011 By James Ingham IF you thought Simon Cowell was straight on the blower when Westlife called it a day, you’d be Flying Without Wings!
    Despite increasing Simon’s bulging bank balance by millions over the past 14 years The Loife haven’t heard a peep from their former boss.
    Kian Egan told me: “No, we’ve not heard anything from Simon at all.
    “We aren’t on his label anymore and I’m sure he’s really busy in America, so I’m just guessing he hasn’t had a chance.
    ” Either that or he just couldn’t be bothered.
    It’s a different story for the group’s manager Louis Walsh though. Kian went on: “Louis kept trying to change our minds, saying we were mad to be calling it a day and we were throwing something amazing away.
    “He’s probably right to be honest but we all want to try something new.
    ” And before fans start dreaming of one last singalong with former member Brian McFadden… it ain’t going to happen.
    In fact, Kian told me Brian’s lucky to be left on the Greatest Hits collection after they debated stripping all trace of him from Westlife history.
    He said: “We were asked if we wanted to re-record his vocals for the Greatest Hits album by the record label.
    “We discussed it and we were like ‘no, we don’t want to take him off’.
    “We wanted to keep it true to the original singles.
    “But even though we want Brian’s vocal on the record, bringing him back would overshadow what we have done as a four-piece. “We’ve been offered big bucks to bring him back before but it’s never going to happen.
    ” Can’t blame the lads that much:
    Brian doesn’t really have the same pulling power as Robbie Williams after all!

    Nicky Byrne was among hundreds of guests who attended a conferring ceremony at one of the country's best known independent colleges yesterday.
    Nicky, who is married to former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern's daughter Georgina,
    was snapped proudly looking on as his younger brother Adam McGarry Byrne graduated with a BA in journalism. Meanwhile, champion of young homeless people Fr Peter McVerry was presented with a prestigious award at the ceremony that saw 1,100 students graduate across a range of disciplines. The tireless advocate for the needs of the disadvantaged and dispossessed was presented with the Griffith College Distinguished Fellowship Award by college president Diarmuid Hegarty.
    The award is in recognition of Fr McVerry's dedication to young homeless people in Ireland and the outstanding work he has done over the past 32 years to establish much- needed services, including residential detox facilities, rehabilitation and emergency accommodation.

    Westlife split will be final
    Westlife insist they will never reunite once their farewell tour is over in 2012,
    no matter how much money they are offered.
    07 November 2011
    Westlife will never reunite once their farewell tour is over.
    The Irish boy band
    - made up of Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan – will split in 2012 after a greatest hits album and string of concerts and are adamant they will never record or perform together again. Kian said:
    "We walked away from a multi-million-pound record deal that would have changed our lives forever, secured our future beyond anything. "It's not about the money.
    We'd have made far more on a new record than we ever would with a comeback tour." Shane also said they will all support each other if any of them decide to release a solo record.
    He said: "The first person to decide to do a solo record, the other three will all be there. "Everyone's thought about going solo — I would love to continue singing for a living.
    " For now, the group - who had a total of 13 number one hit singles in the UK, including 'Swear it Again' and 'Flying Without Wings' – are putting all their efforts into the farewell tour. However, original fifth member Brian McFadden will not be joining them. Kian said: "We still text him and stuff, but he's not coming back."

    Westlife star Nicky Byrne
    insists decision to call it quits after 14 years ISN'T a publicity stunt
    Nov 11 2011 Rick Fulton
    THE Beatles' record of 17 number one singles looks safe now that Westlife are to split.
    And the Irish crooners think that's a good thing.
    After notching up 14 number ones in their 14 years together,
    the band last month announced that they were calling it a day.
    So the unmentionable - for a boy band to surpass The Beatles - won't happen, just yet.
    Nicky Byrne, 33, said:
    "In a funny way, that's probably right.
    To outdo The Beatles is crazy.
    "It would have been interesting if we had, and a lot of people would have been hammering us.
    "The Beatles really should hold on to that record forever.
    "Music is a whole different world from what it was in their day and has even changed since we started.
    "We haven't had a number one single since The Rose in 2006 but we can hold our heads up high with 14 number ones.
    " They could, however, get closer. Their final single Lighthouse is released digitally on Sunday and is in the shops on Monday. If it goes to number one, the song will take them one better than Cliff Richard, whoalso has 14.
    The most UK number ones by a solo artist is Elvis, with 21. The Irish boy band have had an amazing 14 years. Nicky, Kian Egan, 31, Mark Feehily, 31 and Shane Filan, 32, were brought together as Westlife back in 1998.
    They have sold more than 44 million records, produced seven number one albums, and been awarded two Brits, an MTV Award, a World Music Award and four Records of The Year.
    They also have the accolade of Biggest Arena Act of All Time in the UK, performing a record 25 concerts at Wembley Arena. Of course, being a boy band, they have had their fair share of ridicule, especially when they started nudging closer to The Beatles' record.
    But since announcing the split, there has been an outpouring of affection, not only from fans but the entire music industry. Nicky said: "The love we are getting has been incredible.
    It feels like when somebody dies and everyone says how great they are after the person has gone.
    "We've been joking with people saying, 'We wouldn't have broken up if we'd realised you liked us so much'. We never knew you cared." A greatest hits album is to be released on November 21, with a farewell tour next year.
    The band are adamant they will never reform and it really is the end. Manager and X Factor judge Louis Walsh is devastated. But surely, with eight months in each other's company left, they could change their minds?
    Nicky said: "This isn't a publicity stunt or a break. It gives freedom to everyone to do what we want, not to have commitment to anybody or the band. "Not everyone at this point would say the same, which is why for me I say never say never.
    "Down the road I'm sure I'll see the lads again and remember the memories. And there's always a chance we could do something. "But for now there are no plans to do anything after next year's farewell tour." Have the lads been touched by the good feeling that's followed the announcement?
    Nicky, married to Georgina, the daughter of former Irish Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, and father of twin sons, said:
    "We know the reason for interest is because we aren't going to be around anymore.
    We are big enough not to kid ourselves. "Had we let it go another year or two, the love and support might not have been as strong. "A weight has been lifted off our shoulders and we won't be going back on next summer being our final shows.
    " So why the split?
    Shane and Mark were always the singers in the band.
    Did they want the solo careers?
    There was also dissent about musical direction.
    Often labelled a boring ballad band, their ninth album Where We Are in 2009 to push them further but failed to reach number one. Couldn't they have gone off and done solo albums or whatever else they wanted to do?
    As it turns out, the band had been talking for a while about splitting. They hoped quitting Syco, the label run by Simon Cowell, to which he signed them in 1998, would help.
    They left at the beginning of this year but nothing changed.
    Nicky said: "The cracks had formed and we were trying to patch things up when we left Syco, rather than quitting. We thought we would try and change everything to see if things improved and it wasn't to be.
    "It wasn't one thing just a gradual progression.
    The amount of pressure to constantly do it at the right level was huge.
    "There have been cracks internally for quite a while. Because we were releasing a greatest hits this year and re-negotiating our contract, it felt the right time.
    "This was the moment where we manned up and said, 'We've done what we can with Westlife'." Nicky and the rest of the band are still friends.
    And they thought letting people know now would mean everyone could say goodbye properly.
    Nicky said: "We can go out on a massive, massive high. That's how we all want remember it.
    " Westlife began in Sligo when Kian, Mark and Shane, along with three other lads, formed a boyband.
    They came to the attention of Louis, who was managing Boyzone, and he tried signing them to Syco.
    Cowell demanded the three other boys were sacked and Nicky and Brian McFadden were found during auditions in Dublin.
    Louis made Boyzone singer Ronan Keating co-manager of Westlife and their debut single Swear It Again was an instant success. They went on to have a further six number ones,
    making them the only act in UK history to have their first seven singles go to the top spot.
    Even Brian quitting the band in 2004 failed to stop the juggernaut. No wonder Louis is heartbroken by the split, which Nicky admits the X Factor judge didn't want.
    Nicky said: "He thought the idea of the split would go away when we told him.
    He finds it hard to talk about it.
    "He hopes it'll be a long break but we've had to keep enforcing it to him, it's not. He's devastated." Next year's farewell tour, which includes three dates in Scotland, will also see the end of the stools that Westlife became famous for.
    Nicky admitted: "There has to be a bit of a moment with the stools.
    It's nice to be known for something."

    Georgina Ahern
    has revealed there
    "won't be a dry eye in the house" when chart-toppers
    Westlife take to the stage at Croke Park next summer.
    The wife of Dublin star Nicky Byrne has said that seeing the boyband performing their final two gigs at the northside venue in June 2012
    will definitely be an occasion to remember.
    Tickets for the first Dublin concert in their Farewell tour set a new record after all 80,000 of them sold out in just five minutes last Friday, following their decision to split after 14 years together.
    A similar reaction is expected when the second gig goes on sale this Friday as fans from all over the world clamour to see them take to the stage in their home town.
    "Croke Park is going to be something else, it will be really exciting for them all and we're all going to be in tears.
    I was nearly crying just watching them last weekend," Georgina told the Diary.
    "I don't think they expected the reaction they got with the tickets, it took everyone by surprise but it's going to be so amazing." Starstruck
    Westlife took to the stage at The O2 in Dublin over the weekend for the Cheerios Childline Concert, alongside stars such as JLS, The Wanted, Cher Lloyd and Jedward, a night Georgina described as "fantastic". "It was very emotional watching them perform.
    I can still remember the first time they played that concert in 1997 and we were all so starstruck meeting these big stars," she said. "Back then they were only starting off and now they're finishing their music careers as a band and they're like the daddies of the pop industry now.
    " But Georgina has predicted that their June 22 and 23 concerts will be their most memorable to date.
    Last night saw the Westwife out in MU gym in Malahide at a charity event for Irish Premature Babies, of which Georgina is the patron.
    Their young boys Rocco and Jay (4) were born six weeks prematurely.
    Last night saw her host a Spinathon, where she was joined by plenty of volunteers at a three-hour spinning class that covered 650 miles.

    KERRY Katona
    talks in her OK! column about Westlife.
    Kerry Katona says:
    Apparently people are asking Westlife if Brian McFadden is going to return for their final tour – as if!
    He walked out on them and said he wanted to spend more time with his kids,
    but that same day he went into the studio and recorded a solo album!
    I bumped into Shane and Kian in Marbella and they’re such genuine, real, loving family guys.
    I was so close to them and have so many great memories with them.
    They were my family – Nicky is Lilly’s godfather, I would give anything to see them all again.
    I want to go and see them on tour so I can take the girls because they were a massive part of their lives and even used to go on stage with them.
    I’d love to do a shoot with Westlife – and take Brian’s place!

    Pop band Westlife
    met hundreds of adoring fans when they signed copies of their greatest hits album.
    Nicky Byrne, Shane Filan, Mark Feehily and Kian Egan were visiting HMV stores in Glasgow, Newcastle and Manchester, giving fans one last chance to meet the band before they split up next year.
    The album, called Greatest Hits, includes the singles Swear It Again, Flying Without Wings, Unbreakable and Fool Again. Westlife announced last month that they are to go their separate ways after next year's farewell tour.
    The Irish group, who have been performing for 14 years, have chalked up 26 top 10 hits including 14 number ones.
    In Glasgow, fans queued overnight for their chance to catch a glimpse of the boy band, and the first 400 through the door were lucky enough to see the singers up-close.
    Feehily said: "It's been a bit manic - it's a signing so everyone's kind of wheeled in and wheeled out but we try and speak to each person as much as we can, look them in the eye and say hello and thank you.
    It would be nicer to spend a bit more time with each person individually, but we have a lot of people to get through.
    " Filan added: "We're enjoying being in Scotland. We've got such an amazing amount of fans in Scotland and we're looking forward to the tour next year - it's going to be unbelievable.
    Thank you very much to all our fans." The group - for many years managed by Louis Walsh - survived the departure of one of its founding members, Bryan McFadden, and continued seamlessly as a four-piece.
    They formed in 1998 and in that time notched up 11 top five albums - seven of which have gone to number one - and they have sold 44 million records around the world.
    Byrne said his favourite album over the years was Where We Are because it is "pretty cool", while Filan opted for the band's first album Westlife.

    Westlife - Greatest Hits
    (Album Review) Thursday, 24 November 2011
    Written by Heather McDaid
    Time and time again we see boybands fleetingly entertain the masses, disappear from view and – if they’re lucky – milk a comeback a few years down the line.
    So, imagine the sadness the music world faced when the lead success in longevity as a boyband announced their plans to disband in 2012.
    We are, of course, referring to the Irish wonders,
    As a lover of rock and metal, people meet this sadness in my case with certain disbelief.
    Westlife were one of my favourite bands as a little girl and, regardless of how far my musical tastes have varied over the years,
    they still hold that soft spot for nostalgia’s sake.
    Their final ‘Greatest Hits’ release is just a really nice,
    simple 18 track trip down memory lane. Opening this final soiree with the opening track of their self-titled debut in 1999, the fans are guided through a musical tour of the band’s acclaimed catalogue, from ‘Swear It Again’ all the way through to their new numbers including ‘Lighthouse’. Featuring covers that proved to become prominent hits for the band, they have wisely included ‘Mandy’ (Barry Manilow) and ‘Uptown Girl’ (Billy Joel) in this compilation. Rightfully, the band rejected the option put forth by their label to re-record Brian McFadden’s vocals on earlier tracks and have kept their song list true to their studio releases; this decision is also a testament to the band’s integrity not to remove him from his key part in their history. While tracks such as ‘When You’re Looking Like That’ and other enormous numbers didn’t quite make the cut, the named being a personal favourite, the band have concisely documented one of the most lucrative and seamless careers in boyband history for fan’s to revel in.
    Although their new tracks are good and will both please and satisfy fans of the band, it does somewhat defeat the purpose of a ‘greatest hits’ release.
    We spend a good while singing along to a string of classics, resisting the urge to dance and, if you’re sitting on a stool, standing up for the key change; then at the end we’re met with fresh music. Having said that, give the album a few listens and the sense of unfamiliarity will soon dwindle, ‘Beautiful World’ being a key one to look out for.
    All stool quips aside, this is a nice send off to the band that have seamlessly shown boybands how it should be done; going from their sleek dance routines to stepping up the suave factor with a rat-pack inspired release.
    The band refused to change with the trends, sticking to what they knew and loved and, in turn, became a staple of mainstream music in the UK. While it is sad to say goodbye to Westlife, it is nice to see they ended things naturally instead of in a blazing break up like we’ve come to see and expect repeatedly from others.
    If you’re a fan of Westlife and want something to relive their fantastic career by, you’ll relish this release, I swear... and I swear it all over again.

    Pop mogul Simon Cowell
    has revealed that he and legendary Irish boyband Westlife
    almost came to blows during rows over work.
    With a staggering 14 Number One singles,
    Westlife's relationship with Simon Cowell and manager Louis Walsh must've been faultless right?
    Wrong! In fact, the group nearly came to full-on fist fights during blazing rows with the man who originally signed them.
    Speaking on tonight's ITV television special commemorating Westlife's career, Simon Cowell has gone on record saying things weren’t always as flawless as people thought:
    "We had face-offs.
    God we had fights.
    Me versus five, practically turning into a punch-up over disagreements." Although remaining tight-lipped over what the arguments were about, Simon Cowell praised the group for their enthusiasm and professionalism throughout their early years.
    "I don't think I've met anyone who worked as hard as these guys. They were like little puppies in those days.
    It was all about the fans.
    In those days the band was so happy and so enthusiastic and just wanted to sing.
    Always with them it was about the fans.
    They were always conscious that no matter how tired they were people had paid to see them and they wanted to put on a show."

    17-11-2013 om 02:58 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. album where we are

    Album track listing:

    1) What About Now
    2) How To Break A Heart
    3) Leaving
    4) Shadows
    5) Talk Me Down
    6) Where We Are
    7) The Difference
    8) As Love Is My Witness
    9) Another World
    10) No More Heroes
    11) Sound Of A Broken Heart
    12) Reach Out
    13) I'll See You Again

    17-11-2013 om 02:09 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.unreleased songs
    dit zijn de unreleased songs van westlife

    westlife- maybe tomorrow
    westlife- nothing is impossible
    westlife- forever
    westlife- bad girls
    westlife- butterfly kisses
    westlife- close your eyes
    westlife- crying girl
    westlife- daytime friends and nighttime lovers
    westlife- don't calm the storm
    westlife- everybody knows
    westlife- i promise you that
    westlife- if i had words
    westlife- i'll be there
    westlife- i'm missing loving you
    westlife- everlasting love
    westlife- let's make tonight special
    westlife- lost in you
    westlife- miss you when i'm dreaming
    westlife- never knew i was losing you
    westlife- nothings gonna change my love for you
    westlife- on the wings of love
    westlife- reason for living
    westlife- until the end of time
    westlife- what becomes of the broken hearted
    westlife- where we belong
    westlife ft donna summer- no more tears
    westlife- tunnel of love
    westlife- that's what it's all about
    westlife- don't get me wrong
    westlife- you don't know

    beautiful in white - shane (westlife)

    17-11-2013 om 02:08 geschreven door westlife

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    They already announced their plans to take a break, now Westlife have confirmed that they are actually splitting up for good. Statement from the band reads: "After 14 years, 26 top ten hits including 14 number one singles, 11 top 5 albums, 7 of which hit the top spot and have collectively sold over 44 million copies around the world, 10 sell out tours and countless memories that we will forever cherish, we today announce our plan to go our separate ways after a greatest hits collection this Christmas and a farewell tour next year. The decision is entirely amicable and after spending all of our adult life together so far, we want to have a well-earned break and look at new ventures. We see the greatest hits collection and the farewell tour as the perfect way to celebrate our incredible career along with our fans. We are really looking forward to getting out on the tour and seeing our fans one last time. Over the years Westlife has become so much more to us than just a band. Westlife are a family. We would like to thank our fans who have been with us on this amazing journey and are part of our family too. We never imagined when we started out in 1998 that 14 years later we would still be recording, touring and having hits together. It has been a dream come true for all of us. Kian, Mark, Nicky and Shane" The boys Greatest Hits album is released on 21 November, and fans will be able to say goodbye in person on their May 2012 tour

    17-11-2013 om 01:43 geschreven door westlife

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    mack the knife

    westlife live at panama amsterdam

    flying without wings

    westlife live in belfast 2008 you raise me up

    hey whatever live 2008

    what makes a man live 2008

    home live
    wellington 09-05-08

    westlife live T4

           westlife live - you raise me up

             westlife - live westlife
             2008 live



    17-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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       Kian (Westlife) backstage

    Urban Freestyler:
    Dan Magness backstage with Westlife

    Westlife Backstage


    Westlife - Backstage At In Demand Part 1
    (dressing room chat

    Westlife - Backstage At In Demand
    Part 2

    Westlife - Backstage At In Demand Part 3

    Backstage at the Meteor Ireland Music Awards 2008

    backstage - westlife

    westlife-world of our own report

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    westlife & mariah carey (2001)
    never too far hero

    when you looking like that


    westlife & lulu back at one

    shane and mark -
    know your guest - 2006

            kian famous date 


                          kian's nickname

                       hey whatever

                              thats life- 2005

    17-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    16-11-2013 om 22:27 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Usually it's the wives of pop stars flaunting their beach bodies as they holiday in sunny climes.
    Usually it's the wives of pop stars flaunting their beach bodies as they holiday in sunny climes.

    But Westlife singer Mark Feehily's boyfriend Kevin McDaid, 26, gave ex-Hollyoaks babe Jodi Albert, 27, a run for her money.
    While Jodi covered up in a black batwing top and shorts, hunky Kevin stripped off to show a buff body in a pair of short swimming trunks.

    Mark and Kevin, who was a member of the now defunct boy band V, have been dating since January 2005 and last January they announced their engagement.
    The pair strolled on the beach before deciding to take to the waters for some sporty fun with their partners.
    The former Hollyoaks star seemed to be very body-conscious as she took to a paddle board in Barbados earlier this week.

    And Jodi wasn't the only one to cover up as her husband of almost two years also decided not to bear his body.
    The shy singer stayed under wraps in long surfer shorts and a black t-shirt as he tried his hand at paddle boarding.
    And he looked as though he'd failed to stay on top of the board as he went out on it dry but was then snapped looking soaked through as his clothes clung to him.

    Kevin - who wasn't at all shy in his tiny shorts that showed off his muscular frame - looked like a natural however as he sailed past his friends and went to join his fiancé who was seated in a canoe.
    The two men chatted to each other and touched their oars together as they bobbed on the water. But later on, Mark had to be rescued by his long-term partner after his canoe capsized.
    The pop star was left bobbing up and down in the sea after falling out of his boat as he and Kevin took to the waves.
    Mark sailed out inside a red canoe and looked as though he was having a great time until he fell into the water.
    Watched by Kevin and Jodi, who were laughing and chatting in the surf before Kevin waded in to help his partner out of the water and on to his board.

    16-11-2013 om 22:08 geschreven door westlife

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    16-11-2013 om 20:58 geschreven door westlife

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    16-11-2013 om 20:37 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.A very happy Valentine's Day
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    A very happy Valentine's Day to all Westlife fans! The boys have recorded a short message each to celebrate this special day - check them out below.  photo signature1gyh.gif

    16-11-2013 om 19:28 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Westlife star Mark Feehily has revealed that Boyzone singer Stephen Gately's bravery in coming out as gay helped him find the courage to do the same years later.

    Wednesday November 04 2009

    Westlife star Mark Feehily has revealed that Boyzone singer Stephen Gately's bravery in coming out as gay helped him find the courage to do the same years later.

    Stephen sent shockwaves throughout the music industry when he publicly announced he was gay in 1999.

    Mark followed in 2005, and said it was Stephen's fearlessness that helped him do so.

    He also credited the late singer for paving the way for other gay men in Ireland.

    "In hindsight, Stephen helped me and probably any other gay lad to come out," he said.

    "Every time a celebrity comes out, people have said to me that they came out after.

    "This one young lad said I was in the paper that day and he was with his mum and she responded really positively to the story, no negative attitude.

    "So he decided to seize the moment and tell her he was gay."

    He added: "A lot of similar stuff happened with Stephen Gately, but there was a difference in the way it was perceived


    "He was a lot braver than me. Things are constantly improving -- he was one of the first people."

    The singer said that when a public figure admits to being gay, it helps promote tolerance and provides a positive image for the gay community.

    "I remember what a big thing it was when he came out to a tabloid newspaper," he said.

    "There is a cliche about guys and there is the reality, and a lot of people just see the cliches.

    "Every time something normal happens to a celebrity who happens to be gay, or every time a celebrity who is admired by thousands or millions of people comes out, it is one more blow to the negative cliche and one more victory for the reality.

    "There is not a whole lot of difference between gay people and straight people. Stephen definitely helped back this up."

    Mark went on to speak of the harrowing day of Stephen's funeral, three weeks ago.

    "I was as close to him as I was to anyone in Boyzone," he said.

    "We supported them when we first started. As a teenager in Ireland, I grew up watching Boyzone on TV, and it was a mixture of a fan from back in the day and a friend that bumped into him.

    "I've been to a lot of funerals, because, where I come from in Ireland, everyone knows each other and there are big funerals.


    "There is always something a lot more tragic when a young life is lost.

    "You can process the death of an elderly person a lot easier."

    On Stephen's funeral, he concluded:
    "It was a little bit of a celebration of his life.

    "Everybody was talking about all the good things that had happened."

    16-11-2013 om 19:20 geschreven door westlife

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    16-11-2013 om 14:26 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Westlife talk to Playlist about Gravity, Safe and Beautiful

    16-11-2013 om 13:42 geschreven door westlife

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    shane and nicole - butterfly kisses

     photo U17a.gif 

    Nicole Rose Filan born on Saturday the 23th July 2005 at 8:25 in the Morning in Sligo General Hospital

     patrick micheal filan 15 september 2008

    shane peter filan jr 22 januari 2010 

    rocco bertie byrne 20 april 2007 jay nicky byrne 20 april 2007


    westlife kids jay & rocco

    18-04-09 Jay and Rocco
    celebrate their second birthday Jay and Rocco may be Ireland's most famous twins but their second birthday on Monday will be a quiet affair.
    The grandsons of former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern will celebrate at a family gathering in Portugal.
    The boys are no strangers to the spotlight,
    but there are no plans for a big birthday bash. The pair, who have their own bebo page,
    were born by c-section at Dublin's Holles Street Hospital 6 weeks early and had to spend the first month of their lives in the hospital. The boys weighed just slightly more than a bag of sugar between them when they were born,
    with Jay weighing just 2lb 13oz and Rocco a minuscule 2lb 11oz. Since then, they have been thriving, growing sturdy and strong at their lavish Malahide home.


    March 17 2010 PROUD dad
    Nicky Byrne was among the many thousands who turned out for Dublin's St Patrick Day's parade.
    The Westlife singer took his twin boys Rocco and Jay, who will be three next month, to see the annual pageant,
    led this year by soccer legend Packie Bonner.

    Great day today celebrating roc n jay 3rd bday at Dublin zoo..Tks to the all staff for looking after was amazing
    ...unforgettable day!

    Rocco n jays first soundcheck.. Newcastle metro arena 31/5/10

    Nicky Byrne with sons Rocco & Jay


    Christening of Rocco and jay byrne

    Monday July 18 2011
    THERE was no morning lie-in for parents yesterday as hundreds of excited kids flocked to the Irish premiere of animated film 'Cars 2'. Mini movie fans surged into the Savoy cinema on Dublin's O'Connell Street shortly after 10am, after organisers opened the doors early thanks to a sudden downpour outside.
    Among those eager for a first glimpse of the latest adventures of Lightning McQueen were Rocco and Jay,
    the four-year-old twins of Westlife's Nicky Byrne and Georgina Ahern, right. "They're very excited.
    They were watching the first 'Cars' film yesterday and they have their own toy cars with them," said Georgina.

    Friday July 22 2011 STAR
    couple Nicky Byrne and Georgina Ahern won't be sending twins Jay and Rocco to school for another year.
    Westlife singer Nicky and his fitness trainer wife Georgina had originally planned to send their four-year-old twins to primary school in September.
    However, the couple have now opted to keep the boys home for another year.
    Proud dad Nicky (32) explained how their sons, whose grandfather is former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern, will start school in the autumn of 2012.
    "The boys are four. They're not starting school this year,
    no," Nicky explained. "They'll probably start in September of next year. "It's a weird one because their birthday falls in April so if they went now they would be one of the youngest in the class. quality "They say for boys it's good to leave them for another year as they're more mature. We'll wait and see if that's true," he laughed.
    Rocco and Jay have enjoyed a number of family nights out with their parents in recent weeks including a trip to Peter Pan at the Grand Canal Theatre earlier this week, as well as an outing to the premiere of Cars 2 last Sunday. Nicky explained how he has been enjoying spending some quality time with his offspring in recent weeks after taking a month's break.
    He and his bandmates Shane Filan, Kian Egan and Mark Feehily are now due to hit the road once more with their hugely popular tour. The talented foursome will take to the stage at Hamilton Park Racecourse in Scotland this Saturday, marking their first performance in months.
    Nicky says he and the rest of the group are now looking forward to the tour of South Africa and South East Asia in the autumn. Westlife will take in stops in Manila, Vietnam and Shanghai to name but a few.
    "I'm doing a bit of everything to be honest," Nicky explained. "We just came back from the UK, we were there for four days. We were in the studio for four or five weeks but we finished there about a month ago.
    "Then we had a month off so we've a gig next Saturday. We've a few big shows coming up.
    "We'll be finishing off the tour in the UK and then we've got South Africa to do and then we'll be going to South East Asia," he added. The down to earth singer has also been tipped to land a role on RTE's new talent show series, The Voice.
    Nicky insists however that he is completely in the dark when it comes to the show.


    Kian & Jodi
    welcomed their baby boy just days before Christmas in Sligo General Hospital on Tuesday Koa,
    who weighed in at a bouncing 8 pounds and 2 ounces, arrived two weeks early after a due date of January 1.

    koa egan

    16-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    16-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.WESTLIFE star Nicky Byrne is celebrating following the arrival of his new niece, Lexi.

    March 12 2010

    WESTLIFE star Nicky Byrne

    is celebrating following the arrival

    of his new niece, Lexi.

    The singer (30) paid tribute to his beloved sister,

    Gillian Byrne on his Twitter site,

    after she and her husband,

    Mark welcomed their first baby

    girl into the world this week.

    The tiny tot, who was due at the end of February,

    was born on March 5 and joins

    her older brother Zack in the close-knit family.


    The Dublin singer explained

    how he has been busy

    spending lots of quality

    time with the latest addition to

    the Byrne clan this week.

    "I just met Lexi. She is adorable,"

    he posted on the networking site.

    "Huge congratulations to my sister Gillian and hubby,

    Mark on the birth of their daughter.

    "A sister for Zack, it's brilliant news," he added.

    Lexi's birth marks

    the second arrival

    of a new cousin for the Westlife star's twin boys,

    Rocco and Jay (2),

    in a matter of months.

    Nicky's sister-in-law, millionaire

    author Cecelia Ahern, gave birth to her first child,

    Robin, last December.

    16-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    16-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    16-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    16-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Beautiful in White
    Shane (Westlife) - Beutiful In White Not sure if you know this But when we first met I got so nervous I couldn't speak In that very moment I found the one and My life had found its missing piece So as long as I live I love you Will heaven hold you You look so beautiful in white And from now to my very last breath This day I'll cherish You look so beautiful in white Tonight What we have is timeless My love is endless And with this scream I Say to the world You're my every reason you're all that I believe in With all my heart I mean every world So as long as I live I love you Will heaven hold you You look so beautiful in white And from now to my very last breath This day I'll cherish You look so beautiful in white Tonight oooh oh You look so beautiful in white Na na na na So beautiful in white Tonight And if our daughter's what our future holds I hope she has your eyes Finds love like you and I did Yeah, I wish she falls in love and I will let her go I'll walk her down the aisle She'll look so beautiful in white You look so beautiful in white So as long as I live I love you Will heaven hold you You look so beautiful in white And from now to my very last breath This day I'll cherish You look so beautiful in white Tonight You look so beautiful in white Tonight

    15-11-2013 om 20:12 geschreven door westlife

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     X FACTOR:
    Westlife are gunning to blow rivals Take That and JLS off the stage on this weekend X Factor
    Sunday's X Factor will be a celebration of boybands 10th November 2010 WESTLIFE are gunning to blow rivals
    Take That and JLS off the stage on
    this weekend X Factor.
    Sunday show is set to be a thrilling battle of the boybands, with all three acts performing their new singles.
    The Loife Mark Feehily, 30 Nicky Byrne, 32, Shane Filan, 31, and Kian Egan, 30
    are comparing it to a fierce football match.
    Mark, whose crew will perform new single Safe,
    out Monday, told me: We love Take That and think JLS are great. We have respect for those boys but Sun­day will be like a local derby. We are all mates off the field but when we get on the pitch, the collars go up and we go into fighting mode.
    Cheering them on from the touchline will be record boss Simon Cowell, 51, and manager Louis Walsh, 58. Mark added:
    We want to make Simon proud. He's been super-involved in the new album.
    He wants us to sound the best and look the best on Sunday. Mark added: Sunday will be a celebration of boybands.
    Four years ago, people were saying the formula was dead and now look at us.
    Take That are the daddies they inspired us.
    And JLS are the new boys, really relevant. 

    Westlife fly in daughter to see Mary Byrne
    Mary Byrne's daughter is jetting to London on Westlife's private plane to support her fragile mum.
    But cleaner Debbie will have to conquer her fear of flying after the Irish boys, who are performing on this week's show, made the offer at the Mirror's Pride of Britain awards.
    First-time flyer Debbie, 25, who lives with Mary on a Dublin council estate, said: "I'm petrified.
    But the Westlife boys said I could jump on their plane 

    Saturday November 13 2010
    Westlife were forced to pull out of an appearance on the 'Late Late Show'

    last night after pressure from 'The X Factor'.
    The boyband had been due to debut their new single 'Safe' on the RTE programme and then travel to the UK today to perform the same song on 'The X Factor' results show tomorrow night. A Westlife source said that the band had given in to pressure from 'The X Factor' due to the reach of the of ITV show and its importance in achieving chart success.
    Kian Egan revealed yesterday:
    "The 'Late Late' slot had been set up months in advance.
    It's the first show we go on every time we release an album. "Our manager Louis Walsh rang this week and said we couldn't do the 'Late Late Show'.
    He had been informed by the 'X Factor' people that they wanted a 'world exclusive' on our single.
    They didn't even want us performing the song on an Irish TV show.
    "We were told they were considering replacing us if we went ahead with the 'Late Late Show' so we had to pull it. We had no other option." Sunday's 'X Factor' live show will be one of the biggest so far, featuring a guest performance from former 'X Factor' finalists JLS, along with the reformed Take That.
    While Take That will receive top billing on the programme,
    Kian said Westlife would be using fire and pyrotechnics to stage a live spectacular.
    "It's an epic performance and we're pulling out the stops on every front to make it memorable," he said, as Westlife announced a fourth date in the O2 in Dublin for April 9, 2011. He added the band had offered advice to 'X Factor'
    Irish performer Mary Byrne after her disappointing performance last week, telling her everyone could
    "have a bad night".

    announce 4th date at O2 due to demand
    November 12, 2010 Recession proof and in demand, Westlife have been force,
    had teeth pulled into submission and agreed to play a fourth date at The O2 Dublin.
    The will tack on the date at the end of the other
    3 dates in April 2011.
    The new date is
    Saturday 9th April, Ticket go on sale
    Thursday 18th April at 9am.
    Their new album Gravity goes on sale 19th November,
    So if your lucky you could have a ticket and a new album in the space of two days.
    All other dates on April
    2nd, 3rd and 8th are now SOLD OUT.
    Tickets cost €54.80 including booking fee.
    Westlife: The O2, Dublin
    Saturday 2nd April - SOLD OUT
    Sunday 3rd April SOLD OUT Friday 8th April SOLD OUT

    are determined to show up their fellow boybands
    We are pulling out all the stops to be the group people remember from the night.
    Wstlife star Shane Filan 14th November 2010 By James Ingham WESTLIFE
    are planning the most expensive X Factor performance ever to make sure they win the battle of the boy bands
    with Take That and JLS. Simon Cowell has given the thumbs-up to £80,000 being spent on the group's four-minute performance of new single Safe tonight.
    Firefighters and paramedics will also be on hand in case anything goes wrong during the song,
    which has been purposefully choreographed to upstage their rivals.
    Tonight's results show has been labelled the Battle of the Boy Bands with Westlife,
    Take That and JLS all singing their new singles.
    And Westlife star Shane Filan, 31, admitted the rival groups were having their very own mini X Factor competition.
    He said: Everyone there will want to have the best performance of the night.
    It's like our very own X Factor competition.
    We all want to be No.1 and it's down to the performance. Revealing details of their show the Irish hunk added:
    Simon and Louis want us to put on a spectacular performance. We are pulling out all the stops to be the group people remember from the night.
    I know it's extremely expensive and we will have firemen on standby due to the flames that will be on stage with us. There's certainly no stools in sight.
    We banned them a while ago because we got so much stick. It's amazing to have Take That with Robbie, JLS and us all performing on the same night.
    Everyone is there to launch our new albums and kick us off into next year.
    The X Factor has the power to do that. 

    X Factor:
    Westlife get JLS kicked off their afterparty table
    16/11/2010 It was billed as the Battle of the Boybands - but did those involved have to take it quite so literally?
    Take That, Westlife and JLS all performed during the X Factor's results show on Sunday night.
    And if there was any laddish rivalry onstage it was nothing compared with the open hostilities that broke out between Westlife and JLS during the afterparty at London's Whisky Mist. Both bands have singles out this week,
    and both seemed desperate to out-party one another. The stage was set for a rumble. JLS had tried to nab the Mayfair club's best table by dashing straight there from the studio.
    But they were foiled by the forward-thinking Irish foursome,
    who had pre-booked the premier spot - and had JLS unceremoniously booted off it.
    An amused onlooker tells me: "JLS went straight for the private booth Prince Harry always requests as it's the best spot in the club.
    But they were kicked off because it had been reserved for Westlife.
    They couldn't believe it!"
    But jokers JLS - whose single Love You More is up against Westlife's newie Safe this week - had the last laugh, with some help from the oddly attired waiters.
    My source adds: "The guys bringing drinks were dressed as Red Bull racing drivers with helmets, which Aston and Marvin thought was hilarious.
    (You probably had to be there...) a "They ordered three bottles of £500-a-pop Armand de Brignac champagne and sent one to The Wanted and one over to Westlife with the driver,
    so it looked as if they were going to have it sprayed all over them. Kian found it funny and raised a glass to them." ..... Westlife star dismisses JLS feud stories Wednesday 17 November 2010 Westlife star Kian Egan has denied reports suggesting that the group banished JLS from their table at an 'X Factor' after-party. Responding to the stories with a posting on Twitter,
    Egan said:
    "We DID NOT kick JLS off our table at whisky mist after the x factor. (sic)"
    "We had drinks with the boys and it was a great night." He also invited people to ask JLS about the alleged incident.
    Both groups performed on Saturday night's results show on 'The X Factor'.

    A Twitter war has broken out between WESTLIFE star NICKY BYRNE and
    The Irish duo met last weekend when the crooners performed on Sunday's X Factor results show.
    At the time Niall was lurking 1000 followers behind heartthrob Nicky who had gathered a whopping 49,000 followers.
    But Nicky is now eating humble pie after Niall has raced ahead by 5,000 to 55,899.
    Nicky told me: "I'm a bit gutted.
    I'm trying to catch him up." Shane added:
    "We've all got into Twitte now 

    Westlife member
    Nicky Byrne reckons they could
    beat Take That in a sing-off.
    Speaking to Now magazine,
    Nicky said that Take That would win in a dance-off, but that he and band mates Shane Filan, Mark Feehily and Kian Egan would win in a sing-off.
    In a dance-off, probably Take That.
    A sing-off is another question I reckon we win! he said. ..... Westlife have revealed that despite their clean-cut image they are secret party animals who are ''leading double lives''.
    Westlife are secret party animals.
    The Irish boyband - who are known for their clean-cut image - have admitted they can get away with "leading double lives" because no-one is aware they have such a rebellious streak.
    Kian Egan explained: "We can put the drink away, b****y sure we can.
    Come on, we're Irishmen! We've been at parties where we've got away with murder because everyone assumes we're boring.
    The paparazzi never hang around for us,
    so we can almost lead a double life. "Mark and I are probably the worst.
    We've done 40 nights on the trot before and I guess some people would be called alcoholics for that." However, despite the band's boozy nights out,
    Kian confessed the group - completed by Nicky Byrne, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan - have a strict anti-drugs policy. He added to Fabulous magazine:
    "We've never gone down that road. I've never been offered hard drugs and if we've been at parties where it's going on we've left immediately.
    I don't want to be around it.
    "And anyone who works with us knows that if there's even a whiff of drugs they'll be sacked."


    Monday November 22,2010 MARK FEEHILY
    struggled to recover from the depression he suffered at the height of his fame with WESTLIFE,
    but insists he's
    "living proof" why suicide is never the answer.
    The Irish singer shot to fame with the boy band in 1998 but fell into a downward spiral and became
    "very unbalanced" after his bandmates teased him about his weight.
    He tells the Daily Mail Weekend magazine,
    "Back then, all I wanted to do was go home for a long, long time.
    It wasn't all bad, but there were a lot of feelings that started to creep into my mind.
    I didn't want to be there getting picked apart by everyone.
    "My weight's always fluctuated from chubby to above normal and I didn't like my bad points being pointed out.
    I didn't think anyone had the right.
    There was a time I was very unbalanced." The pop star is relieved he didn't take any drastic measures during his low points, because his life eventually improved - and he's now thrown himself into charity work to help others who are suffering.
    He adds: "I'm involved in charities in Ireland now.
    One is called Aware and it is based around suicide, particularly in young kids.
    It's something that's very close to my heart.
    I'm not saying I ever planned anything, but you go to quite a deep, dark place and there's no one to turn to.
    "I'm lucky. I'm living proof it's better to not choose (suicide), and fight your way through it.
    But it wasn't easy.
    I buried my feelings of unhappiness deep inside myself."

    IF WESTLIFE ever want to call it a day,
    they should host their own chat show

    heartthrob NICKY BYRNE has revealed his kids think
    he's in TAKE THAT.

    IRISH crooners WESTLIFE
    are the most unlikely supporters of grime.

    Mark Feehily 25th November 2010
    By Kim DawsonYour OIRISH
    legends Westlife are flying the flag for their north-of-the-border pop
    pal Nadine Coyle.
    The lads reckon the Derry diva has been cruelly treated after her debut solo album Insatiable flopped.
    And they also reckon Nadine, 25, has been bullied into a war with bandmate Cheryl Cole, 27.
    Loife member Mark Feehily, 30, told me: 1 supporting Nadine.
    She lives in LA now but I know her from years ago and we still keep in touch.
    She's an immensely talented girl and drop-dead gorgeous but Cheryl is the nation's sweetheart so anyone who gets compared to her is going to come off worse.
    He added: I think Nadine just needs to keep her head down and carry on doing what she's doing.
    I don't like it when I feel people are being ganged up on.
    It's like a schoolground mentality.
    People want to read Girls Aloud are killing each other but it's only the five girls in the band who really know whats going on. Meanwhile,
    the boys Mark, Shane Filan, 31, Nicky Byrne, 32 and Kian Egan, 31 are vying for the album top spot this weekend with their new collection, Gravity.
    And the fact they are up against Take That and JLS doesn't faze them.
    Mark explained:
    We been through this with Busted, Blue, 5ive and McFly, and we not been affected by any of them. We got our own thing and we not running scared.
    He went on: People might ask how the hell are Westlife still here? We do sometimes.
    And the simple reason is because we released a song that everyone liked and don't just act like four guys with four mic stands on tour.
    We're not as young as we were but we're lucky on the looks front, too.
    Sometimes guys look better with age.
    Hear, hear.  

    Cowell picked our covers
    Westlife have admitted they weren't sure about the two cover versions on their new album - but were persuaded by Simon Cowell to keep them on the record.
    The Irish boy band deliver their own version of Athlete's Chances and The Reason by Hoobastank on their new offering Gravity, on which has the X Factor judge is an executive producer.
    Shane Filan said:
    "It's Simon Cowell's doing.
    Every year he puts a couple of songs out there and says that we should do versions.
    After we thought we'd finished the album, we sat down with him and he said 'Guys, trust me, it'll be a big song for you'.
    We weren't sure at first, but we lived with them, and sure enough he was right. It's more a trust thing with Simon.
    He has worked with us and picked each of our No 1 singles, so we want to show that we trust him."

    Gaybo delight at hosting
    Westlife TV special By Lorna Nolan Friday December 03 2010
    LEGENDARY broadcaster
    Gay Byrne has revealed his delight after boyband Westlife insisted they wanted him to host their Christmas special.
    The former Late Late Show presenter admits that he was honoured when the chart-topping group requested that he be the presenter of the show over his successors on the long-running chat show,
    Pat Kenny and Ryan Tubridy.
    "It was a nice compliment," Gay told the Herald.
    "They started all those years ago on The Late Late Show, and I think what we have is a lovely programme with a lovely audience. "They're very lovely lads and it'll be an enjoyable show.
    It was a look back at 12 years of their successful operation since they began."
    The show is to be screened
    on RTE One on December 13
    and the audience is made up entirely of veteran fans of the group. Viewers will see those lucky enough to win a spot in the audience recount their memories of the foursome.
    "It was very much about the fans and their stories about the boys over the years," said a source.
    "People spent hours travelling from all over the country to be there and the Westlife guys were so grateful to have a full audience despite the weather.
    "To show their gratitude they gave everyone in the audience a copy of their new album Gravity and even stayed around to sign them all.
    " Viewers will also see Gay grill the hugely successful group on one of the low points of their career,
    when former member Brian McFadden decided to quit the band in 2004 "They spoke very candidly about it and said they initially thought it was all a big joke when he told them.
    " Tonight will see the foursome perform at this year's Cheerios Childline Concert at the O2, with host Nicky Byrne.

    Westlife stars
    put family plans on hold
    Wednesday 8 December 2010
    Westlife stars Nicky Byrne and Shane Filan have postponed plans to expand their families due to their hectic pop careers.
    Byrne and wife Georgina Ahern, who have toddler twins Rocco and Jay, have no immediate plans to add to their brood.
    He said: "I have two children under four.
    Right now, no. One day is the crucial thing." Fellow band member Filan also said that he and his wife Gillian have their hands full with their three young children Nicole,
    Patrick and Shane Jr. Filan explained: "We have three kids under the ages of five and it's a pretty busy house. I'm away a lot so it's tough on Gillian.
    "But we'd love to have more kinds one day - probably four or five years from now.
    " Bandmate Kian Egan, who married singer Jodi Albert last year, has no plans to start a family as of yet.
    The Irish Daily Star quotes Egan as saying:
    "We've a lot going on in our lives at the moment and that it taking priority. We talk about it all the time.
    We're building a family home for when it does happen but we just want to wait a few more years."
    Mark Feehily also revealed that his plans to marry fiancé Kevin McDaid have been put on hold due to the band's jet-set lifestyle.

     Seamus Glancy,3, with Jen and Westlife
    14th December 2010 By Jeffier Dunkerley As tiny Ben rips open his first Christmas present it isnt the milestone his mum ­imagined. For the little bundle of joy is marking his first birthday AND first Christmas on the wards of Great Ormond Street Hospital in London.
    Sadly many children will spend the big day in hospital.
    But your Daily Star is determined to make it as good as it can be. As part of our charity app­eal we inviting celebrity pals and big-hearted readers to bring some extra sparkle to the wards this December.
    And its smiles all round as Westlife's Kian, Nicky, Shane and Mark deliver big baskets of gifts for the little patients.
    Shane Filan, 31, cuddles Ben, who has leukaemia, and gulps: He such a happy fella you wouldnt know how poorly he is.
    It breaks your heart.
    I have three kids of my own and it's always tough to leave them when we tour.
    Visiting Great Ormond Street, especially at Christmas, makes you see what a special place this is.
    Ben's mum Angela Quadling, 36, of Sittingbourne, Kent, says: find your baby has leuk­aemia is the worst news.
    But we're thankful to be under some of the best care here.
    The excitement of the band's visit to Elephant Ward was missed by sleeping beauty Rhianna Umpleby,
    three, from Basildon, Essex. Mum Lisa, 22, says: We having a tough time of it today we just found out she has leukaemia.
    Nicky Byrne, 32, holds back tears as he admits:
    Seeing this little girl just brings a lump to my throat she was born on the same date and year as my little twins.
    I can't imagine what this family is going through.
    And for gay band member Mark Feehily, 30, the day makes him yearn to become a dad.
    Mark, 30, says: Visiting the wards has blown me away.
    To see the tiny faces look up at me and to make the kids laugh is the best feeling in the world.
    Just because youre gay doesnt mean those instincts towards wanting children go away.
    I think I make a great dad.
    Kian Egan, 31, cuddles fellow Irish boy Larry Connor from Co Wexford.
    and tells the three-year-old fighting two rare cancers:
    You re a long way from home. But you are having the best care possible.
    Great Ormond Street's Children's Charity needs £50million a year in donations to keep the hospital world class.
    It's thanks to the public that its good work can continue, says Shane. So please support the Daily Star Appeal.  

    Westlife announce woodland concert in Cotswolds
    Monday 14th March, 2011
    Westlife are set to perform live at a special woodland location in Gloucestershire this summer.
    The Irish boy band will appear at Westonbirt Arboretum on Saturday July 16th as part of the Forestry Commission Live Music series.
    Known for hits such as Flying Without Wings and Swear It Again, the group have sold more than 43 million records worldwide and enjoyed 14 number one singles in the UK.
    Tickets for their show at Westonbirt Arboretum go on sale from Friday March 18th, priced at £37.50 plus booking fee.
    All money generated from ticket sales will be spent by the Forestry Commission on the upkeep of the nation's woodlands. Other acts due to perform at the visitor attraction near Tetbury this summer include Scouting for Girls,
    Texas and Bryan Ferry.
    Arguably the UK's most famous arboretum, Westonbirt contains some 18,000 trees and shrubs spread over approximately 600 acres.
    Westlife fans planning to attend the concert can use to locate a nearby Cotswold hotel, such as the Tortworth Court Four Pillars Hotel. Visit
    for more information about this event.

    Westlife return to Echo Arena,
     Liverpool Mar 16 2011
    Ellesmere Port Pioneer
    AFTER a hugely successful UK tour last year, Westlife have hit the road again to wow audiences across the country,
    including at the Echo Arena, Liverpool, on Friday. The shows will include the bands biggest hits as well as tracks from their latest album.
    Westlife are among the worlds most prolific touring acts,
    with nine sell-out tours already under their belts, including playing to a full house at the legendary Croke Park in Dublin.
    They have sold more tickets at Londons Wembley Arena than any other act and have played a record 25 dates there.
    No pop group can compare to Westlifes extraordinary success, having been certified by the BPI as the biggest selling band
    of the past decade.
    During their 11 years at the top of pop hierarchy
    Westlife have sold more than 43 million records globally.
    In the UK alone they have scored 10 multi-platinum albums and a record-breaking 14 No 1 hits.
     Visit or ring 0844 8000 400.

    Headliners for last night of festival Published

    online at 18/03/2011 07:43:32

    courtesy of the BBC The biggest selling band of the 'noughties' is coming to the Isle of Man this summer.
    Westlife will bring the Manx Telecom Bay Festival to a close on Sunday, June 19. Promoter Jamie Irving says it's the perfect act to conclude the even
    Tickets for the Westlife concert
    go on sale next Wednesday (March 23).
    Westlife is an Irish pop group formed in 1998 and is the only act in British or Irish history to have its first seven singles go to number one. The group has sold over 46 million records worldwide and has had 14 number one singles in the United Kingdom.
    That's the third highest total in UK chart history, tying with Cliff Richard and trailing behind only Elvis Presley and The Beatles. The group was the second biggest selling artist in the United Kingdom in the last decade (behind Robbie Williams) and the biggest selling band (beating Coldplay), with 11 million album sales

    to perform at Jebel Ali concert Anna Seaman Last Updated:
    Mar 21, 2011 ABU DHABI //Fans of the Irish pop group
    Westlife will have a chance to see them perform next month in the Emirates.
    The Irish four-piece band will be in Dubai on
    April 14 at the Jebel Ali International Centre of Excellence to help celebrate the 30th anniversary of the complex and the Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa next door.
    Westlife, who formed in 1998, are the only act in British or Irish history to have their first seven singles go straight to the top of the charts.
    They have sold more than 46 million records worldwide and recently released their eleventh album, Gravity.
    The group has performed live with Mariah Carey, Sinead O'Connor and Lionel Richie, winning multiple awards in the UK and Ireland. Their biggest-selling record, Flying Without Wings, was released in 1999 and has sold 390,000 copies.
    Their single You Raise Me Up, which is based on a traditional Irish folk melody, has been covered more than 125 times by different artists.
    Tickets are on sale for Dh250 or Dh450 from,, and all branches of Virgin Megastores. ..

    15-11-2013 om 15:16 geschreven door westlife

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    fragmenten. live at wembley -face to face tour 2006

    WESTLIFE. the greatest hits tour live from M.E.N arena

    fragmenten -- the westlife story -

    15-11-2013 om 14:17 geschreven door westlife

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    FRAGMENTEN. westlife where dreams come true

    westlife- coast to coast (fragmenten)

    15-11-2013 om 14:15 geschreven door westlife

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    the turnaround tour 2004

    westlife - where dreams come true . documentary pt.1




    15-11-2013 om 13:56 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.afbeeldingen Kian

    15-11-2013 om 12:50 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.THE WESTLIFE SHOW

    the westlife show

    BSB - congratulate westlife

    15-11-2013 om 02:51 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Nicky's Twilight Tribute To Dad.

    Nicky's Twilight Tribute To Dad...

    Westlife's Nicky Byrne gathered his Sligonian bandmates, some friends, and his extended family to celebrate the life of his recently deceased father. Last weekend's 'Nikki Byrne Twilight Ball' was hosted by Nicky along with siblings Gillian & Adam, and mother Yvonne...

    Westlife's Nicky Byrne gathered his Sligonian bandmates, some friends, and his extended family to celebrate the life of his recently deceased father. Last weekend's 'Nikki Byrne Twilight Ball' was hosted by Nicky along with siblings Gillian & Adam, and mother Yvonne...

    Nicky Byrne, Georgina Byrne

    It's a truly sad day when any young man loses his father.
    But one must try to turn such extreme negatives into positives and celebrate the lives of those who pass rather than linger in perpetual mourning.
    So we were glad to see the Byrne family putting on a united front to remember Nikki Snr with a charity ball at Citywest Hotel.

    Gillian Byrne, Adam Byrne, Yvonne Byrne, Nicky Byrne

    In aid for the Irish Heart Foundation, the 'Nikki Byrne Twilight Ball' saw a big gathering of Westlife and all their partners to support Nicky. We managed to snap them all except Kian Egan as apparently his better half Jodi Albert couldn't make the bash due to Wonderland commitments.

    Shane Filan, Gillian Filan

    Westlifer's Shane Filan and Mark Feehily were there with their respective partners Gillian Filan and Kevin McDaid.
    And of course Nicky was supported by his wife Georgina and her famous family on the night.

    15-11-2013 om 02:38 geschreven door westlife

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    15-11-2013 om 02:22 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. westlife krabbel plaatjes

    15-11-2013 om 01:55 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Dream comes true for Westlife as they meet hero Obama

    Westlife spent some time with
    American President Barack Obama before their performance at the Nobel Peace Prize concert last night.

    Singer Shane Filan told of his delight at getting so close to President Obama, 
    the latest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.

    The band had the opportunity to meet the President when they flew over to Norway yesterday afternoon in advance of their performance at the Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo tonight.

    Shane, Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan and Mark Feehily were invited by organisers to take part in the ceremony -- an opportunity they wouldn't dream of turning down.

    However, Shane was determined he would not be giving the US President the Royal treatment by bowing before him. Speaking ahead of the historical meeting, Shane said: "I won't be bowing, I'll just be shaking his hand and saying to him, 'You're doing a great job'.

    "I've always said that I'd love to meet an American President and I thought some day maybe I would.

    "But I certainly didn't think it would be President Barack Obama, he's kind of the one everyone wants to meet.

    "We're playing at the Nobel Peace Prize concert so we flew over a bit earlier to meet him and we've been looking forward to that very much," he added.

    President Obama, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize just nine months after he took the oath of office, was honoured at a special ceremony last night.

    The Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the 2009 prize to Mr Obama for his "efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples".

    Tonight will see Westlife perform three songs including a duet with Donna Summer called Enough Is Enough.

    Westlife got to meet President Barack Obama at the Nobel Peace Prize concert.
    Irish pop group Westlife had a night to remember on Thursday when they met President Barack Obama in Oslo at the Nobel Peace Prize concert.

    Obama and his wife Michelle attended the musical event, and Westlife made sure they got over to the Norweigan capital with pleny ot time to spare so they could meet the man of the moment.

    The foursome Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan and Mark Feehily were performing at the concert and availed of the opportunity to meet the U.S. Commander-in-Chief beforehand.

    "I've always said that I'd love to meet an American President and I thought some day maybe I would, Filan told The Evening Herald before metting Obama.

    "But I certainly didn't think it would be President Barack Obama, he's kind of the one everyone wants to meet.

    "We're playing at the Nobel Peace Prize concert so we flew over a bit earlier to meet him and we've been looking forward to that very much."

    BARACK OBAMA takes a break from the White House's West Wing - to meet Irish band WESTLIFE.

    The US president chatted with the chart stars about his Irish heritage as he prepared to receive his Nobel Peace Prize in Norway.

    And Mr Obama, 48 - whose great-great grandad Falmouth Keaney emigrated from Ireland to America in 1850 - invited the lads to meet up for a Guinness.

    Band member NICKY BYRNE, 31, told The Sun: "It was amazing. He was very personable. As soon as we mentioned we were from Ireland he spoke of his Irish roots and said we should go for a Guinness."

    Bandmate SHANE FILAN, 30, added: "He seemed really cool. Next time we're in Washington we're going to hook up with him."

    The pair performed with fellow members KIAN EGAN and MARK FEEHILY at a peace concert in Oslo to mark Mr Obama's honour.


    Westlife -  live at Obama concert

    15-11-2013 om 01:47 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Vertaling Westlife song
    Flying without wings

    Everybody's looking for that something
    One thing that makes it all complete
    You find it in the strangest places
    Places you never knew it could be

    Some find it in the face of their children
    Some find it in their lovers eyes
    Who can deny the joy it brings
    When you find that special thing
    You're flying without wings

    Some find it sharing every morning
    Some in their solitary lives
    You find it in the works of others
    A simple line can make you laugh or cry

    You find it in the deepest friendship
    The kind you cherish all your life
    And when you know how much that means
    You've found that special thing
    You're flying without wings

    So impossible as they may seem
    You've got to fight for every dream
    'Cause who's to know which one you let go
    Would have made you complete

    Well for me it's waking up beside you
    To watch the sun rise on your face
    To know that I can say I love you
    At any given time or place
    It's little things that only I know
    Those are the things that make you mine
    And it's like flying without wings
    'Cause you're my special thing
    I'm flying without wings

    You're the place my life begins
    And you'll be where it ends
    I'm flying without wings
    And that's the joy you bring
    I'm flying without wings


    Iedereen is op zoek naar dat ene
    Een dat ding dat alles compleet maakt
    Je vindt het op de vreemdste plaatsen
    Plaatsen waarvan je niet dacht dat het daar kon zijn

    Sommigen vinden het in de gezichten van hun kinderen
    Sommigen vinden het in de ogen van hun geliefde
    Wie kan het geluk dat het brengt ontkennen
    Wanneer je dat speciale ding vindt
    Vlieg je zonder vleugels

    Sommigen vinden het delen iedere morgen
    Sommigen vinden het in hun eenzame leven
    Je vindt het in werk van anderen
    Een simpele zin kan je laten lachen of huilen

    Je vindt het in de diepste vriendschap
    De soort die je heel je leven houdt
    En wanneer je beseft hoeveel dat betekent
    Heb je dat speciale ding gevonden
    Dan vlieg je zonder vleugels

    Zo onmogelijk als ze ook mogen lijken
    Moet je vechten voor iedere droom
    Want wie weet van welke je laat vallen
    Je compleet had kunnen maken

    Nou voor mij is het wakker worden naast jou
    Om de zon te zien opkomen op jouw gezicht
    Om te weten dat ik kan zeggen dat ik van je hou
    Op iedere tijd of plaats
    Het zijn de kleine dingen die alleen ik weet
    Dat zijn die dingen de je de mijne maken
    En het is al vliegen zonder vleugels
    Want jij bent mijn speciale ding
    Ik vlieg zonder vleugels

    Jij bent de plaats waar mijn leven begint
    En jij zult zijn waar het eindigt
    Ik vlieg zonder vleugels
    En dat is het geluk dat je brengt
    Ik vlieg zonder vleugels

    You must have had a broken heart

    The way you say, the things you do
    The softness of the words you choose
    The times that you can read my mind
    And take my worries outta sight
    The fingers touching on my lips
    That say a kiss is still a kiss
    And when you look at me I see
    I see the pain that you had to feel

    You must have had a broken heart
    To love me the way you do
    Must have been so torn apart
    I can see it when I look at you
    Oh, the meaning that is in your eyes
    The love you give will never die
    And I knew right from the start
    You must have had a broken heart

    You seem to have that certain smile
    I can,t forget after a while
    The day you walked into the room
    At once I knew the hurt
    That you been through

    You must have had a broken heart
    To love me the way you do
    Must have been so torn apart
    I can see it when I look at you
    Oh the meaning that is in your eyes
    The love you give will never die
    And I knew right from the start
    You must have had a broken heart

    Sometimes when it,s late at night
    And I see your face in the firelight
    Showing all the love you have for me
    Will I love you as much

    You must have had a broken heart
    To love me the way you do
    Must have been so torn apart
    I can see it when I look at you
    Oh the meaning that is in your eyes
    The love you give will never die
    And I knew right from the start
    You must have had a broken heart

    Sometimes, Sometimes
    Must have had a broken heart, yeah
    For the meaning that is in your eyes
    The love you give will never die
    And I knew right from the start
    You must have had a broken heart

    De manier waarop je zegt, de dingen die je doet
    De zachtheid van de woorden die je kiest
    De keren dat je mijn gedachten kan lezen
    En mijn zorgen uit het zicht brengt
    De vingers die mijn lippen aanraken
    Die zeggen dat een kus nog steeds een kus is
    En als je naar me kijkt zie ik
    Zie ik de pijn die je gevoeld moet hebben

    Je moet een gebroken hart hebben gehad
    Om van mij te houden zoals je doet
    Moet zo verscheurd zijn geweest
    Ik kan het zien als ik naar je kijk
    Oh, de betekenis die in jouw ogen is
    De liefde die je geeft zal nooit doodgaan
    En ik wist het vanaf het begin
    Je moet een gebroken hart hebben gehad

    Je lijkt die bepaalde lach te hebben
    Die ik na een tijdje nog niet kan vergeten
    De dag dat je de kamer in liep
    Kende ik onmiddelijk de pijn
    Waar jij doorheen bent gegaan

    Je moet een gebroken hart hebben gehad
    Om van mij te houden zoals je doet
    Moet zo verscheurd zijn geweest
    Ik kan het zien als ik naar je kijk
    Oh, de betekenis die in jouw ogen is
    De liefde die je geeft zal nooit doodgaan
    En ik wist het vanaf het begin
    Je moet een gebroken hart hebben gehad

    Soms als het s avonds laat is
    En ik zie jouw gezicht in het licht van 't haardvuur
    Laat je al de liefde die je voor me hebt zien
    Zal ik van jou net zo veel houden

    Je moet een gebroken hart hebben gehad
    Om van mij te houden zoals je doet
    Moet zo verscheurd zijn geweest
    Ik kan het zien als ik naar je kijk
    Oh, de betekenis die in jouw ogen is
    De liefde die je geeft zal nooit doodgaan
    En ik wist het vanaf het begin
    Je moet een gebroken hart hebben gehad

    Soms, soms
    Moet een gebroken hart hebben gehad, yeah
    Voor de betekenis die in jouw ogen is
    De liefde die je geeft zal nooit doodgaan
    En ik wist het vanaf het begin
    Je moet een gebroken hart hebben gehad

    Obvious :heartbounce:

    Yeah, ooooh

    We started as friends
    But something happened inside me
    Now I'm reading into everything
    But there's no sign you hear the lightning, baby

    You don't ever notice me turning on my charm
    Or wonder why I'm always where you are

    I've made it obvious
    Done everything but sing it
    (I've crushed on you so long, but on and on you get me wrong)
    I'm not so good with words
    And since you never notice
    The way that we belong
    I'll say it in a love song

    I've heard you talk about
    How you want someone just like me, oooh
    But everytime I ask you out
    We never move past friendly, no no

    And you don't ever notice how I stare when we're alone
    Or wonder why I keep you on the phone

    I've made it obvious
    Done everything but sing it
    (I've crushed on you so long, but on and on you get me wrong)
    I'm not so good with words
    And since you never notice
    The way that we belong
    I'll say it in a love song

    You are my very first thought in the morning
    And my last at nightfall
    You are the love that came without warning
    I need you, I want you to know

    I've made it obvious
    So finally I'll sing it
    (I've crushed on you so long)
    I'm not so good with words
    And since you never notice
    The way that we belong
    I'll say it in a love song

    And sing it until the day you're holding me
    I've wanted you so long, but on and on you get me wrong
    I more than adore you but since you never seem to see

    But you never seem to see
    I'll say it in this love song


    Ja, ooooh

    We begonnen als vrienden
    Maar toen gebeurde er iets binnen in mij
    Nu leid ik uit alles iets af
    Maar er is geen teken dat jij de bliksem hoort, schat

    Je merkt het nooit wanneer ik mijn charmes gebruik
    Of vraagt je af waarom ik altijd in je buurt ben

    Ik heb het duidelijk gemaakt
    Alles gedaan behalve het te zingen
    (Ik vind je al zo lang leuk, maar steeds begrijp je me verkeerd)
    Ik ben niet zo goed met woorden
    En aangezien je nooit opmerkt
    Hoezeer we bij elkaar horen
    Zeg ik het maar in een liefdeslied

    Ik heb je horen praten over
    Hoe je iemand wilt die is zoals ik, oooh
    Maar elke keer dat ik je mee uit vraag
    Gaan we nooit verder dan het vriendschappelijke, nee nee

    En je merkt nooit hoe ik naar je staar wanneer we alleen zijn
    Of vraagt je af waarom ik je aan de telefoon houd

    Ik heb het duidelijk gemaakt
    Alles gedaan behalve het te zingen
    (Ik vind je al zo lang leuk, maar steeds begrijp je me verkeerd)
    Ik ben niet zo goed met woorden
    En aangezien je nooit opmerkt
    Hoezeer we bij elkaar horen
    Zeg ik het maar in een liefdeslied

    Je bent het eerste waar ik 's morgens aan denk
    En het laatste bij het vallen van de avond
    Je bent de liefde die kwam zonder ook maar een waarschuwing
    Ik heb je nodig, ik wil dat je dat weet

    Ik heb het duidelijk gemaakt
    Dus eindelijk zal ik erover zingen
    (Ik vind je al zo lang leuk)
    Ik ben niet zo goed met woorden
    En aangezien je nooit opmerkt
    Hoezeer we bij elkaar horen
    Zeg ik het maar in een liefdeslied

    En ik blijf het zingen tot de dag waarop je me vasthoudt
    Ik wil je al zo lang, maar steeds begrijp je me verkeerd
    Ik aanbid je en nog veel meer dan dat, maar aangezien je het nooit lijkt te zien

    Maar je lijkt het nooit te zien
    Daarom zal ik het zeggen in dit liefdeslied


    You're like a storm against the window
    Follow me around just like a shadow
    I'll swim a never ending ocean
    Until you bring back your devotion

    It's like I live a thousand lifetimes
    Still looking for the one that feels right
    See, moving on just isn't working
    You lit the fire that I burn in

    And all I've been doing is protecting
    a lie for the sake of my pride
    While all the others set me thinking
    We could be more than just amazing

    I guess I'm holding on to my faith
    A solid hope I'm heading your way
    And crawling over is so tempting
    We could be more than just amazing

    And all I've been doing is protecting
    A lie for the sake of my pride
    While all the others set me thinking
    We could be more than just amazing

    I couldn't see it
    I must have believed a lie
    If I admit it would you let me make it right
    Is it all gone?

    Oh no
    Say it all

    We could be more than just
    We could be more than just amazing

    And all I've been doing is protecting
    A lie for the sake of my pride
    While all the others set me thinking
    We could be more than just amazing

    And all I've been doing is protecting
    A lie for the sake of my pride
    While all the others set me thinking
    Straight to the point of what I'm feeling
    Oh we could be more than just amazing

    Je bent als een storm tegen het raam
    Volgt me constant als een schaduw
    Ik zal in een nooit eindigende oceaan zwemmen
    Tot je je toewijding terugbrengt

    Het is als duizend levens
    Je zoekt nog steeds naar degene die goed voelt
    Zie je, blijven veranderen is geen optie
    Jij stak het vuur aan dat mij verbrandt

    En alles wat ik heb gedaan is het beschermen
    van een leugen, omwille van mijn trots
    Terwijl alle anderen me deden denken
    We zouden meer dan verbazend kunnen zijn

    Ik denk dat ik vasthoud aan mijn geloof
    Een vaste hoop die jouw kant op gaat
    En het is zo verleidelijk om er overheen te kruipen
    We zouden meer dan verbazend kunnen zijn

    En alles wat ik heb gedaan is het beschermen
    Van een leugen, omwille van mijn trots
    Terwijl alle anderen me deden denken
    We zouden meer dan verbazend kunnen zijn

    Ik kon het niet zien
    Ik moet een leugen hebben geloofd
    Als ik het toegeef zou je me het goed laten maken
    Is het allemaal verdwenen?

    Oh nee
    Zeg het maar

    We zouden meer dan gewoon
    We zouden meer dan gewoon verbazend kunnen zijn

    En alles wat ik heb gedaan is het beschermen
    Van een leugen, omwille van mijn trots
    Terwijl alle anderen me deden denken
    We zouden meer dan verbazend kunnen zijn

    En alles wat ik heb gedaan is het beschermen
    Van een leugen, omwille van mijn trots
    Terwijl alle anderen me deden denken
    Recht in het onderwerp van wat ik voelde
    O we zouden meer dan gewoon verbazend kunnen zijn.

    You see friendship, I see love

    You said, this would never end
    But I want you for more than just my friend
    And you said, this is how to say
    Never really looked at you that way

    Too scared to tell you how I feel
    It's not a passing thing, I know it's real
    And if you have a reason, not to move it on
    So what about it baby?
    If you say no, I'll still be there

    You keep running (running while)
    I'm still falling (falling for you)
    You don't notice
    There's something new my heart's discovered
    You keep running (keep running)
    I'll keep calling (calling until)
    Until you notice
    You see friends, but I see lovers

    (You see friendship, I see love)
    (You see friendship, I see love)

    Don't be scared, to let me in your heart
    I've been there before, but I played a different part
    And if you have a reason, not to move it on
    So what about it baby?
    If you say no, I'll still be there

    You keep running (running while)
    I'm still falling (falling for you)
    You don't notice
    There's something new my heart's discovered
    You keep running (keep running)
    I'll keep calling (calling until)
    Until you notice
    You see friends, but I see lovers

    (You see friendship, I see love)
    (You see friendship, I see love)

    And if you have a reason, not to move it on
    So what about it baby?
    If you say no, I'll still be there

    You keep running (running while)
    I'm still falling (falling for you)
    You don't notice
    There's something new my heart's discovered
    You keep running (keep running)
    I'll keep calling (calling until)
    Until you notice
    You see friends, but I see lovers

    Yeah... Yeah...
    You are friendship, I want love

    You want friendship, I want love
    You want friendship, I want love
    You want friendship, I want love
    What else am I dreaming of...

    My girl
    My girl

    Je zei dat dit nooit zou ophouden
    Maar ik wil dat je meer bent dan mijn (gewone) vriendin
    En je zei, zo moet je het zeggen
    Ik had nog nooit zo naar je gekeken

    Te bang om je te zeggen wat ik boel
    Dit gaat niet over, ik weet dat het eerlijk is
    En als je een reden hebt, om er niet mee verder te gaan
    Dus wat denk je, schat
    Als je nee zegt, zal ik er nog steeds zijn

    Je blijft rennen (rennen terwijl)
    Ik nog steeds val (voor jou val)
    Je merkt het niet
    Mijn hart heeft iets nieuws ontdekt
    Jij blijft rennen (Blijft rennen)
    Ik blijf roepen (roepen tot)
    Tot je het merkt
    Jij ziet vrienden, maar ik zie geliefden

    (Jij ziet vriendschap, ik zie liefde)
    (Jij ziet vriendschap, ik zie liefde)

    Ben niet bang om mij in je hart toe te laten
    Ik ben er al eerder geweest, alleen in een andere rol
    En als je een reden hebt, om er niet mee door te gaan
    Dus wat denk je, schat
    Als je nee zegt, zal ik er nog steeds zijn

    Je blijft rennen (rennen terwijl)
    Ik nog steeds val (voor jou val)
    Je merkt het niet
    Mijn hart heeft iets nieuws ontdekt
    Jij blijft rennen (Blijft rennen)
    Ik blijf roepen (roepen tot)
    Tot je het merkt
    Jij ziet vrienden, maar ik zie geliefden

    (Jij ziet vriendschap, ik zie liefde)
    (Jij ziet vriendschap, ik zie liefde)

    En als je een reden hebt, om er niet mee door te gaan
    Dus wat denk je, schat
    Als je nee zegt, zal ik er nog steeds zijn

    Je blijft rennen (rennen terwijl)
    Ik nog steeds val (voor jou val)
    Je merkt het niet
    Mijn hart heeft iets nieuws ontdekt
    Jij blijft rennen (Blijft rennen)
    Ik blijf roepen (roepen tot)
    Tot je het merkt
    Jij ziet vrienden, maar ik zie geliefden

    Yeah yeah
    na na na na
    nan na na
    Jij bent vriendschap, ik wil liefde
    na na na na
    na na na na

    Jij wil vriendschap, ik wil liefde
    Jij wil vriendschap, ik wil liefde
    Jij wil vriendschap, ik wil liefde
    Waar droom ik anders van
    Ha ha ha

    Mijn meisje
    Mijn meisje

    I do

    Tell me, can t you feel my heart beat?
    Tell me as I kneel down at your feet
    I knew there would come a time
    When these two hearts would entwine
    Just put your hand in mine
    For so long I have been an island
    When no-one could ever
    Reach these shores
    And we,ve got a whole lifetime to share
    And I ll always be there, darling this I swear

    So please believe me
    For these words I say, are true
    And don t deny me
    A lifetime loving you
    And if you ask will I be true
    Do I give my all to you
    Then I will say I do

    I,m ready to begin this journey
    Well I m with you with every step you take
    And we,ve got a whole lifetime to share
    And I ll always be there
    Darling this I swear

    So please believe me
    For these words I say are true
    And don,t deny me
    A lifetime loving you
    If you ask will I be true
    Do I give my all to you
    Then I will say I do

    So come on, just take my hand, oh come on
    Let,s make a stand for our love
    But I know this is so hard I believe
    So please

    So please believe me
    For these words I say are true
    And don,t deny me
    A lifetime loving you
    And if you ask will I be true
    Do I give my all to you
    And if you ask will I be true
    Do I give my all to you

    Then I will say I do

    Vertel me, kun je niet voelen hoe mijn hart slaat?
    Vertel me dat als ik neerkniel aan jouw voeten
    Ik wist dat er een tijd zou komen
    Dat deze twee harten elkaar zouden omvlechten
    Leg gewoon je hand op de mijne
    Voor altijd
    Voor zolang, ben ik een eiland geweest
    Toen niemand ooit
    Deze oevers kon bereiken
    En wij hebben een heel leven samen te delen
    En ik zal er altijd zijn, liefste dit zweer ik

    Dus alsjeblieft geloof me
    Want deze woorden die ik zeg, zijn waar
    En onthoudt me geen
    Leven lang houden van jou
    En als je me vraagt of ik trouw zal zijn
    Of ik mij helemaal aan je zal geven
    Dan zal ik zeggen dat ik dat doe

    Ik ben klaar om deze reis te gaan maken
    Ja ik ben er bij elke stap die jij zet
    En wij hebben een heel leven samen te delen
    En ik zal er altijd zijn
    Liefste dit zweer ik

    Dus alsjeblieft geloof me
    Want deze woorden die ik zeg, zijn waar
    En onthoudt me geen
    Leven lang houden van jou
    Als je me vraagt of ik trouw zal zijn
    Of ik mij helemaal aan je zal geven
    Dan zal ik zeggen dat ik dat doe

    Dus kom op, pak gewoon mijn hand, oh kom op
    Laten we stelling nemen voor onze liefde
    Maar ik weet dat dit zo moeilijk te geloven is
    Dus alsjeblieft

    Dus alsjeblieft geloof me
    Want deze woorden die ik zeg, zijn waar
    En onthoudt me geen
    Leven lang houden van jou
    Als je me vraagt of ik trouw zal zijn
    Of ik mij helemaal aan je zal geven
    Dan zal ik zeggen dat ik dat doe
    Of ik mij helemaal aan je zal geven

    Dan zal ik zeggen dat ik dat doe


    It's easy to fool around
    Harder to
    Keep the faith
    But I wanna settle down
    No matter what it takes
    If I ever break your heart
    If I ever do you wrong
    I hope I never
    Give you cause to doubt
    Where you belong
    If a million miles
    Were between us
    I'd want you to know

    If I had to drive all day
    Take that flight
    Across this ocean
    I'm coming home tonight
    Don't let it play
    On your mind
    'Cause my devotion
    Is for all time

    Some people want it all
    Some only want the fun
    But I'm here to
    Let you know that
    I'm all about the love
    Some people let it show
    Some people wait too long
    Well I'm gonna tell you now
    That you're always number one

    Het is makkelijk om wat te flirten,
    Veel moeilijker is het om
    het vertrouwen erin te houden,
    Maar ik wil gesetteld raken
    wat er ook voor nodig is,
    Mocht ik ooit je hart breken,
    mocht ik je ooit slecht behandelen,
    en ik hoop dat ik dat nooit zal doen,
    mocht ik je reden geven om te twijfelen
    over waar je thuis hoort,
    en als er ontelbare kilometers
    tussen ons zouden zijn
    wil ik dat je weet dat

    Ook al moest ik de hele dag rijden
    en die vlucht moest nemen
    over die oceaan
    ik vanavond nog naar huis zou komen
    Laat dat niet
    door je hoofd blijven spelen,
    Want mijn toewijding
    is voor altijd

    Sommige mensen willen alles hebben
    Sommigen willen alleen het plezier ervan,
    Maar ik ben hier
    om je te laten weten
    dat ik helemaal voor de liefde ga
    Sommige mensen laten het zien
    Sommige mensen wachten te lang
    Maar ik zal je vertellen
    dat jij altijd nummer 1 zal zijn

    You raise me up

    When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
    When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
    Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
    Until you come and sit awhile with me.

    You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
    You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
    I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
    You raise me up... To more than I can be.

    [Instrumental break]

    You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
    You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
    I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
    You raise me up... To more than I can be.

    You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
    You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
    I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
    You raise me up... To more than I can be.

    You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
    You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
    I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
    You raise me up... To more than I can be.

    You raise me up... To more than I can be. 

    Als ik naar beneden en, oh mijn ziel, zo moe;
    Wanneer de problemen komen en mijn hart bezwaard worden;
    Dan ben ik nog steeds en wacht hier in de stilte,
    Totdat je komen zitten een tijdje bij me.

    Jij tilt me op, zodat ik op bergen kan staan
    Jij tilt me op te lopen op stormachtige zeeën
    Ik ben sterk, wanneer ik op uw schouders
    Jij tilt me op Om meer dan ik kan zijn.

    [Instrumental break]

    Jij tilt me op, zodat ik op bergen kan staan
    Jij tilt me op te lopen op stormachtige zeeën
    Ik ben sterk, wanneer ik op uw schouders
    Jij tilt me op . Om meer dan ik kan zijn.

    Jij tilt me op, zodat ik op bergen kan staan
    Jij tilt me op te lopen op stormachtige zeeën
    Ik ben sterk, wanneer ik op uw schouders
    Jij tilt me op . Om meer dan ik kan zijn.

    Jij tilt me op, zodat ik op bergen kan staan
    Jij tilt me op te lopen op stormachtige zeeën
    Ik ben sterk, wanneer ik op uw schouders
    Jij tilt me op . Om meer dan ik kan zijn.

    Jij tilt me op . Om meer dan ik kan zijn.

    Westlife If I Let You Go

    Dag na dag Gaat de tijd door En ik kan je gewoon niet uit mijn hoofd krijgen Niemand weet het...
    ik verstop het in me Ik blijf zoeken maar ik kan het niet vinden
    De moed om het te laten zien... Om je te laten weten... Ik heb nog nooit zoveel liefde gevoeld En alweer denk ik erover
    De makkelijkste weg te nemen...
    Maar als ik je laat gaan Zal ik nooit weten
    Hoe mijn leven had kunnen zijn Met jou dicht bij me Zal ik je ooit zien Teruglachen naar mij Hoe moet ik erachter komen? Als ik je laat gaan... Nacht na nacht Hoor ik mezelf zeggen Waarom kan dit gevoel niet gewoon wegvagen? Er is niemand als jij... Je spreekt tegen m'n hart...
    Het is zo jammer dat zo ver uit elkaar zijn...
    Ik ben te verlegen om het te vragen... Ik ben te trots om te verliezen Maar vroeger of later moet ik gaan kiezen En alweer denk ik erover De makkelijkste weg te nemen... Maar als ik je laat gaan Zal ik nooit weten Hoe mijn leven had kunnen zijn Met jou dicht bij me Zal ik je ooit zien Teruglachen naar mij Hoe moet ik erachter komen?
    Als ik je laat gaan... Alweer denk ik erover... De makkelijkste weg te nemen... Maar als ik je laat gaan Zal ik nooit weten Hoe mijn leven had kunnen zijn Met jou dicht bij me Zal ik je ooit zien Teruglachen naar mij Hoe moet ik erachter komen?
    Als ik je laat gaan...

    15-11-2013 om 01:30 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Gefeliciteerd met het HYVE-DIPLOMA
     photo HyvesDiploma.gif GEFELICITEERD ZWANNY! heeft deze hyve genomineerd en een onafhankelijke jury heeft besloten deze hyve te belonen met het hyve-diploma. jouw hyve zal binnenkort ook een plaats krijgen in de Ere-galerij.

    15-11-2013 om 00:34 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Westlife 1 Day to Go Gravity Tour 2011


    15-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.WESTLIFE ... WEETJES..NEWS ..deel 3

    Westlife left dangling at gig

    in set malfunction by Clemmie Moodie,
    Daily Mirror 22/03/2011
    WESTLIFE had a little sit down during a recent gig but it was anything but restful.
    A set malfunction left
    Nicky, Kian, Mark and Shane dangling above the crowd at Liverpool's Echo arena on Friday night.
    I'm told: At one point, the boys sit down and start singing from a big swinging bar which transports them around the arena. Embarrassingly,
    it broke down and got stuck.
    A load of security guys had to manually lower the bar and help the lads to the stage.
    They were mortified.

    Pop sensations
    take centre stage
    at Hamilton Park Mar 24 2011 by Gary Fanning, Hamilton Advertiser MEGASTARS
    Westlife will perform a concert at Hamilton Park in July.
    The Irish supergroup, who have had 14 number ones and sold 44 million record worldwide,
    are set to wow their fans at the Bothwell Road race track on Saturday, July 23.
    Westlife will be the first of two major stand alone gigs at the course over the weekend.
    The pop sensations, consisting of Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan, will play exactly a year after JLS performed at the venue to 13,000 screaming fans.
    Organisers expect another sell-out for Westlife who will be supported by girl group Wonderland.
    Vivien Kyles, chief executive of Hamilton Park Racecourse, said Westlife were a massive coup.
    To say we are thrilled to welcome Westlife to Hamilton Park this summer is most definitely an understatement, she added For a group of their worldwide fame and appeal to choose Hamilton Park for a summer date when they are in such high demand speaks volumes for our growing reputation.
    The JLS concert last year could not have gone any better but we are determined to keep testing ourselves as a venue which is why we will double to hosting two standalone concerts this year - and on the same weekend.
    There has been a fantastic buzz in the office since Westlife signed up and we are confident that excitement will be shared by the Scottish public - and added to when we make our second announcement.
    Westlife will be supported by Wonderland,
    the girl group formed by Louis Walsh and Kian Egan.
    Last year's JLS gig was one of the venue's highlights of 2010 that included live performances by Olly Murs and Alesha Dixon,
    all combining to help Hamilton Park win the Lanarkshire Tourism & Leisure Award at the recent Lanarkshire Business Excellence Awards 2011.
    The Advertiser revealed earlier this month that X Factor winner Joe McElderry will top the bill at Hamilton Park's Family Night with the Stars from X Factor on Saturday,
    July 9. Tickets for Westlife went on sale on Monday on the Hamilton Park website ( and via Ticketmaster (08444 999 990/ and ticketSOUP (0844 481 8898/

    The Irish Independent reports
    that Westlife star Nicky Byrne and wife Georgina were named Most Stylish Couple at the ceremony at the Shelbourne Hotel.

    By Melanie Finn
    Tuesday April 12 2011
    Chart-toppers Westlife
    will be adding to their bulging bank accounts after nabbing an exclusive gig in Dubai.
    The Herald can reveal how the four Irish stars are being flown to the millionaire's playground to perform a once-off concert for the Jebel Ali International Hotel's 30th anniversary celebrations.
    But the services of Nicky Byrne, Mark Feehily, Kian Egan and Shane Filan certainly don't come cheap -- they'll be picking up a rumoured €100,000 for their two-hour stint on stage.
    Seeing them perform in the United Arab Emirates city isn't for those worried about their finances, either. Fans of the Raise Me Up crooners will have to fork out a cool €85 for the gig in the Jebel Ali International Centre of Excellence, which is in the heart of the glitzy city.
    Speaking to the Herald backstage at their O2 gig in Dublin, Nicky Byrne spoke about how much the lads were looking forward to it. outdoor "We're going to Dubai on Thursday and we haven't been back there since 2005 so that will be a good one.
    It's an outdoor gig, I think it's for about 6,000 or 8,000 people.
    It's going to be great," he explained.
    The four lads, who have been together for 13 years and have shifted 44 million records,
    have just finished the Irish and UK leg of their tour, which included five sell-out gigs in the O2 Dublin as they toured their new Gravity album.
    They have now entered a new phase in their career after they opted to leave Simon Cowell's label SyCo in favour of moving to Sony RCA. Nicky has since claimed that their former boss Simon Cowell was more interested in his own fame than the band.
    "We signed to Simon back in 1998 and he was brilliant but then came the development of X Factor and American Idol.
    "Simon became famous himself and his interests went that way rather than on Westlife.
    We almost felt a little bit unloved with Simon Cowell, if I was to be honest,
    " Nicky explained. However, the switch to Sony RCA after 13 years with Cowell is a good move for the band, Nicky claimed. "We need someone telling you that's going to be a hit or not. Simon got so busy and would do it at the very last minute and we needed someone who was on it all the time. hectic "We have that now at RCA. It's their job to put us in with the right producers and co-writers.
    " However, Kian has admitted that their hectic schedule is starting to take its toll on the band members, the older they get. "It's getting slower, it's getting harder. We came straight off the tour and it's straight into the Greatest Hits phase off the back of this, it will be another whole whirlwind. It's not going to stop after this tour.
    It's going to be pretty manic for the next year and a half," he explained. "When we finish this tour, we've got a few foreign gigs and then it's straight back into the studio.
    Then we've got a load of summer shows and then the first single from the Greatest Hits coming in August so it's really, really fast this year.
    Since we've left SyCo,
    because of the way they did things, we really wanted to turn things on their head." Yet despite them revisiting some of their best-known hits from their lengthy career, he also ruled out any reunion with former member Brian McFadden,
    whose future is now up in the air after his split from former fiancee Delta Goodrem. "I don't necessarily see it happening, it would have to be something really special and something small, not this big thing," he added.

    Westlife and Byrne
    for royal event
    Westlife and X Factor star
    Mary Byrne

    are among the headline acts to be confirmed for the Queen's first official visit to Ireland.
    Two thousand guests have been invited to a special ceremony during the British monarch's trip, with Irish President Mary McAleese set to be the guest of honour at the event on May 19. Chart-toppers Westlife and former supermarket worker Mary are on the bill for the evening,
    which organisers have described as "a roll call of the best of Irish entertainment". Ambassador to Ireland Julian King is to host the so-called "return event" - an evening of fashion, music and theatre at the Dublin Convention Centre in the city's docklands.
    "This is the first State Visit to Ireland, our closest neighbour," the Ambassador said.
    "We wanted to mark this historic occasion, and to reflect the huge support and interest there has been in this visit." He added: "We have put together a programme that showcases the best of British and Irish fashion, and brings together on one stage some of the finest performers working in Ireland today.
    "It promises to be a memorable occasion, an opportunity to celebrate the Queen's visit, but also the love of music, the spoken word, fashion, and design that people from across our two countries share.
    " The return event is standard practice during a State tour when the visiting country arranges a special occasion for the host country.
    The evening is expected to be shown live on RTE television.

    Louis Walsh
    was said to have been "left seething" after Michael McIntyre gave him advice on how to manage Westlife.
    The music mogul was a given the advice from the comedian while guesting as a judge on the panel of Britain's Got Talent.
    McIntyre told the Irishman that Westlife needed to have a "change of style", says the Daily Star.
    Michael said to Walsh: "Westlife, they are a bit serious aren't they?
    Are they that emotional?
    "Why don't you do an up-tempo number with them?
    "Sometimes you've got to take a risk, Louis.
    " Louis snapped: "We have done up-tempo numbers and taken risks. "But ballads work.
    " Walsh later told a source: "I don't think Westlife need Michael's help.
    "But if he's going into the pop business, I'll get out my joke book and become a comedian."

    top Irish music rich list The Irish Entertainment Rich List:
    1. U2 (+€500m)
    2. Michael Flatley (€237m)
    3. Denis and Caroline Desmond, concert promoters (€205m)
    4. Enya (€94m)
    5. Moya Doherty and John Colgan, Riverdance (€80m)
    6. Van Morrison (€56m)
    7. Bob Geldof (€35m)
    7. Chris De Burgh (€35m)
    7. Westlife (€35m) ******

    Monday May 16 2011
    Nicky Byrne
    fulfilled a lifelong dream when he got the chance to lift the FA Cup.
    Before joining Westlife, Nicky (32) played football professionally as a goalkeeper with Leeds Utd.
    Despite his success with the boyband, Nicky has always had a longing to lift the famed FA Cup -- and he finally got the chance thanks to Manchester City's victory over Stoke on Saturday. CATWALK Members of the team later brought the cup to a charity event,
    organised by Ireland and Manchester City goalkeeper Shay Given, which Nicky was attending.
    Nicky attended the annual Fashion Kicks event at Lancashire County Cricket Club alongside his glamorous wife Georgina and proudly posted pictures of himself and his wife holding the Cup. The Dublin singer is a keen supporter of the glitzy event and even performed at last year's bash with his Westlife bandmates.
    In order to support their friend and teammate Shay, 15 members of Manchester City's first team squad took to the catwalk for a fashion show staged by Selfridges.
    Among the big names joining the sportsmen on the ramp was British supermodel and actress, Lily Cole, who modelled the store's Spring/Summer collection. X Factor winner Alexandra Burke was also lined up to perform at the star-studded event, which raised funds for Macmillan Cancer Support.
    Nicky and Georgina enjoyed a lavish feast at the bash, with Shay arranging for some of the finest chefs in the UK and Ireland from the Academy of Culinary Arts to prepare a meal for his guests. - LORNA NOLAN

    Deuriemikke Carnival is proud to present
    the world renowned Irish pop group Westlife and their show-stopping spectacular.
    On the day the line-up boasts home-grown acts Watershed, Lianie May and many more.
    The sensational groups will be performing live at the Carnival on Saturday 17 September 2011,
    at Supersport Park in Centurion.
    The Irish pop stars, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, Nicky Byrne and Shane Filan, have released 11 albums with over 44 million sales up to date.
    The Kings of Balladeers have garnered 14 number one singles in the United Kingdom, the third-highest in UK history making history with their first seven singles going straight to number 1 and going on to sell over 44 million records worldwide.
    The Official Charts Company announced that Westlife is the second biggest selling artist and biggest selling band of the decade beating Coldplay in the UK with their 11million album sales.
    Westlife's success has been most apparent in their homeland and the UK; however the South African crowd has always shown love and great admiration on their numerous tours to SA. Fellow band member Markus Feehily recently updated on his twitter site recently: South Africa, we are coming in September, baby! The Deurmikke festival is a best-in-class/family affair event that listeners look forward to every year.
    It also provides the opportunity to see a fantastic line up of local artists right here on home ground in Centurion. Together with South Africa's top talent, the festival is proud to present an all-day family celebration. Tickets are available at 

    are returning to South Africa in September.
    The Irish group will join the likes of Watershed and Lianie May at the Deuriemikke Carnival on Saturday 17 September at Supersport Park in Centurion.
    Westlife's success has been most apparent in their homeland and the UK although their repeated visits to South Africa underline their support base in South Africa.
    The quartet - comprising Kian Egan, Mark Feehily, Nicky Byrne, and Shane Filan - have released 11 albums and has had over 44 million sales up to date.
    They've garnered 14 number one singles in the United Kingdom, the third-highest in UK history, with their first seven singles going straight to the top of the chart. The Official Charts Company announced that Westlife are the second biggest selling artist and biggest selling band of the decade, beating Coldplay in the UK with their 11million album sales.
    Tickets to see Westlife at Deuriemikke are available at 

    Westlife confirms
    one-night performance in Vietnam Last updated: 9/5/2011 10:50 Westlife’s Gravity Tour in London’s O2 stadium. 
    After a month of rumors since Mark Feehily first talked about a show in Vietnam on his Twitter in July, two local media companies have officially announced that the famous Irish boy band will perform in Hanoi on October 1.
    In a press release on August 31, An Thuan Media and Alatca Media have confirmed that they are in charge of organizing Westlife’s live show in Vietnam.
    At the same time, information about Westlife’s Vietnam leg was posted on the band’s website and broadcast on StarWorld and AXN.
    The band's performance in Vietnam is part of their worldwide Gravity tour, which will also take place in
    China (Sep 21, 23 and 25),
    Hong Kong (Sep 27),
    Manila (Sep 29),
    Singapore (Oct 3),
    Jakarta (Oct 5),
    Kuala Lumpur (Oct 7)
    and Seoul (Oct 9).
    Representatives of the organizers said that the performance of the band in Hanoi will be a big treat for the local fans.
    Ticket prices for the concert range from VND350,000 to VND1 million. The show will feature songs from the band’s latest album Gravity, which was released at the end of last year, as well as some of their previous hits.
    They'll also cover some contemporary hit songs like Viva la Vida, Bad Romance, and I Predict a Riot.
    The band, whose ten of eleven albums have been certified Platinum, includes four members Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan. Another member, Brian McFadden, left the band for his solo career in 2004.

    Westlife - Playing Childline concert
    Westlife, Jedward, JLS and the Wanted are among the stars who will take to the stage at Dublin's O2 on Saturday November 12. Westlife's Nicky Byrne will be once again be hosting the event. This is the fourteenth year for the fundraising concert, and it is hoped that this year's event will raise more than €400,000 for Childine. Since the inception of the annual event in 1997, Childline has received €3.8 million in donations.

    In 2006, the Irish boys band Westlife first performed in Shanghai and now five years older and wiser they're back with a new show and their latest album "Gravity."
    The four (Kian Egan, Shane Filan, Nicky Byrn and Mark Feehily) will perform on September 21 at Shanghai Grand Stage.
    Half the show will be new songs from "Gravity," and the rest will be classics such as "Swear It Again," "If I Let You Go," "Flying Without Wings" and "You Raise Me Up." The upcoming Shanghai concert is part of Westlife's Asia tour.
    After leaving Shanghai, they will
    perform in
    Guangzhou on September 23
    and Beijing on September 25.

    15-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    15-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    15-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.lintjes diploma hyve certifcaat enz enz

    ik had een westlife hyves
    de award die ik kreeg voor die hyves
    staan hier

    Type: Privé berichten
    2008-09-06 10:51:21
    Twice Titel: Je certificaat
    Aan: dreamer1960
    Hoi Zwanny,

    Het certificaat voor De Westlife Hyve is binnen met 39 stemmen en 13 respecten!
    Dat maakte totaal 52 punten.
    Hieronder staat zo dadelijk de link met de certificaat die je alleen nog maar naar hyves hoeft up te loaden en dan in de beschrijving van De Westlife Hyve
    hoeft te plakken.

    Type: Privé berichten
    2008-08-27 15:44:12
    C@roline   Titel: westlifeiscool

    Goed nieuws: deze hyve is toegevoegd aan Het Nieuwe Hyves Overzicht van A tot Z.
    Ik wens je veel bezoekers toe en succes met deze hyve.
    Groetjes Caroline


    Ca®oline * Reclame Voor Je Hyves A-Z

    Zwanny heeft de TIP notering in de wacht gesleept bij  en mag het TIP logo eervol vermelden.
    Via dezelfde poll kan er nu verder gestemd worden voor de felbegeerde HOT (30 stemmen)en TOP Klasse (50 stemmen) notering op de hyveslijst van A tot Z.
    Veel succes!

    Groetjes Caroline

    net via mail gekregen . leuk

    Type: Privé berichten
    2008-10-06 17:01:10
    Angie Titel: award
    Aan: dreamer1960
    hoi,je krijgt van mij een award
    voor je publieke hyves:

    je hyves word vanaf nu op mijn startpagina

    Grobbelia gisteren, 19:34

    Hi zwanny
    Grobbelia krabbelt:

    kom ik je deze brengen


    gr belia 

    GOED NIEUWS  heeft niet
    alleen de de TIP notering in de wacht gesleept bij reclamevoorje. maar heeft nu ook
    de HOT notering met behulp van jullie stemmen binnengehaald en mag het HOT logo eervol vermelden.
    Via dezelfde poll kan er nu verder gestemd worden voor de felbegeerde TOP Klasse notering (totaal 50 stemmen)
    op de hyveslijst van A tot Z.
    Veel succes!
    Groetjes Caroline

      Proficiat Zwanny, heeft niet alleen de TIP en HOT notering verdiend maar nu ook de felbeerde
    TOPKLASSE notering in de wacht gesleept bij reclamevoorje.hyves

    Deze hyve krijgt bovendien een plekje in de eregalerij op Dé Hyveslijst van A tot Z. Maar dat is nog niet alles, als extra bonus wordt deze hyve ook vermeld op de homepage van topklasse.hyves
    Gefeliciteerd met dit prachtige resultaat.
    Groetjes Caroline reclamevoorje.hyves

     Type: Privé berichten 2009-01-10 
    Grobbelia Titel: Aan: dreamer

     kom ik je deze brengen


    gr http://sterendiamant.hyves.
    gekregen van grobbelia.
    voor mijn eigen hyves en voor
    mijn westlifeiscoolhyves 
    dankje  belia ben er erg blij mee

    Els zondag,  hoi zwanny
    ik mag je feliciteren ook namens gillis
    want jij bent hyves van de week geworden.
    mooie site veel informatie ga zo door en en natuurlijk wordt er reclame voor je gemaak ik hoop dat er veel leden bij komen groetjes els en gillis

    zondag, 09:44
    hallo zwanny
    ik kom je even feliciteren met
    het krijgen van de gouden loekie Photobucket

    dit omdat jij je vrienden hebt uitgenodigt om lid te worden bij loekie reclame
    ook wordt er nu 5 weken reclame voor je gemaakt groetjes els,gillis en patricia

    ,,,,,,,,,, M@rcel hyvesoverzicht gisteren, 21:41

    En ja hoor het Hot LABEL is verdiend met respect

    Het label zal worden geplaatst bij de link in het hyves overzicht. En mag uiteraard ook geplaatst worden op je site,
    Van Harte.
    het eerste en grootste overzicht.
     mvg Marcel


    namens gretel kom ik je deze brengen




    gr sterendiamant.hyves


    je krijgt van mij een award voor je publieke hyves:
    (je mag mijn award op je hyves plaatsen)
    groetjes angie http://awardsangie.hyves.
    xxxxx extra reclame voor je hyves xxxxxx
    jouw publieke hyves word vanaf nu ook vermeld op mijn award hyves: http://awardsangie.hyves.

     Hallo allemaal,
    Van Harte gefeliciteerd met het behalen van De Hyvers Gilde! Deze hyve is beoordeelt op de 8 punten en Gilde waardig bevonden!
    voor meer info zie De Hyvers Gilde
    gr. Marjan, Diana en Jannie


    Hoi, Gefeliciteerd
    met het behalen van de Gold Award.

    Groetjes Claudia

    , Ik kom je deze brengen namens
    Wij vinden dat deze hyves bekroond moet worden
    Van harte gefeliciteerd meid Tineke en Kim 


    hey, omdat je meerdere hyves hebt opgeven voor het keurmerk, hebben wij ze allemaal bekeken! Wat een super hyves allemaal. Daarom krijg je voor elke hyve die je hier hebt opgegeven een keurmerk!

     Grobbelia vandaag,
    kom je deze brengen namens
     jannie van de hyves een lach en een traan




    31 mei 2009   


    deze Award of Beauty heb je verdient met jou westlife is cool hyves met de complimenten van gretel en michael

    hyves stopt
    maar ik kon deze niet verwijderen

    15-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    14-11-2013 om 23:59 geschreven door westlife

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    14-11-2013 om 23:49 geschreven door westlife

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    14-11-2013 om 23:38 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen


    Voor hun zou ik het weggeven
    Mijn hele leven
    Want hun zijn niet voor heel even
    Hun zijn alles waar ik naartoe kan streven

    Westlife is alles voor mij
    Als hun er niet zijn, is mijn leven voorbij
    Westlife is voor altijd
    Nee, echt nooit spijt

    Want hun vergeet ik nooit meer
    Met al die mooie liedjes keer op keer
    Ze blijven voor altijd op nummer een staan
    En zullen never nooit vergaan

    x Lottie

    door een fan

    14-11-2013 om 23:22 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik op de afbeelding om de link te volgen

    hun akkoorden
    maakten me verward
    ze moeten ze gezocht hebben in mijn hart.
    hun melodie de ontroering die me overviel
    ze moeten haar gevonden hebben in mijn ziel.
    hun stemmen .. als strelende handen..
    hun woorden alsof ze het verlangen kenden..
    dat in mij brandt.
    hun lied als een troostende arm om me heen ging met me mee ik was niet langer alleen!


    14-11-2013 om 23:20 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Wie van de vier??? gedicht

    Wie van de vier???
    mijn blik laat jullie niet meer los
    de hebberigheid slaat toe
    ik weet niet wie ik nemen moet
    dat maakt me nu al moe

    kies ik nu hem of neem ik jou
    ik weet, ik weet het nog niet zeker
    de rij is nu wel erg lang
    mijn benen worden steeds maar weker

    het water loopt me in de mond:
    mijn lijf begint te zweten:
    dit ziet er ook zo gezond en lekker uit
    ik moet het zeker weten:

    toch kies ik voor die ene daar
    maar neem ook wat van hun
    ik hou van allen evenveel
    het slaat al op mijn stem

    bezeten kijk ik nu naar jou
    je lach , je ogen je ...
    wat jammer is dat nu
    voor mij,
    alles voor bij
    het was maar een droom

    wil jullie muziek nooit meer kwijt.
    zonder jullie songs kan ik niet .
    veel mensen begrijpen dat niet .
    maar dat doet me niets.
    jullie teksten dat is wat mij raakt.
    dat is waar het mij om gaat .

    14-11-2013 om 23:16 geschreven door westlife

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    14-11-2013 om 22:29 geschreven door westlife

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    14-11-2013 om 22:23 geschreven door westlife

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    14-11-2013 om 02:39 geschreven door westlife

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    14-11-2013 om 01:42 geschreven door westlife

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    14-11-2013 om 01:41 geschreven door westlife

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    mark,s vader met saffy (mark zijn hondje) kian leaving hotel with prince

    14-11-2013 om 01:08 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.ex-Westlifer Brian Mcfadden eist voogdij over kinderen

    Brian McFadden is woest na het zien van de beelden van zijn ex-vrouw Kerry Katona,
    waarop zij cocaine snuift, terwijl hun twee dochters thuis zijn. De zanger zou in gesprek zijn met advocaten om te kijken of hij de volledige voogdij over de kinderen kan krijgen.

    De kinderen Molly (7) en Lilly Sue (7) zouden in een andere kamer hebben zitten spelen op het moment dat hun moeder Kerry Katona high werd. Brian was zeer van slag toen hij dit hoorde en met eigen ogen zag. Brian is inmiddels verloofd met zangeres Delta Goodrem en zij zou er akkoord mee gaan als de kids bij hun komen wonen. McFadden wil niet dat de kinderen nog langer bij Kerry blijven


    Brian wants the girls to live with him and sexy Delta

    22nd August 2009 By Jerry LawtonSCANDAL-hit

    Kerry Katona fuming ex-husband is planning to take their two children to live with him in Australia.

    Singer Brian McFadden, who lives in Sydney with his pop star girlfriend Delta Goodrem, is flying to Britain within the next few days.

    Worried Brian, 29, has told pals he will now seek custody of daughters Molly, seven, and Lilly-Sue, six.

    The former Westlife star has called in lawyers to launch his legal battle.

    He is said to be at photos of Kerry, 28, snorting a white powder thought to be cocaine at her home in Wilmslow, Cheshire, as the girls played downstairs.

    Brian will fly in from the US, where he has been working on new songs, to be with his daughters. He would need court permission for the girls to live permanently with him and Delta, 24.

    A source close to Brian said: Nothing has happened yet. It depends on what happens when he gets to England.

    Kerry,s former publicist Max Clifford told an Australian newspaper: Brian McFadden will possibly be attempting to get custody, as he has done in the past.

    Pals say losing her two eldest children could push mum-of-four Kerry over the edgez. A family friend said: She could not bear for them to be so far away.

    Police and social services are due to quiz Kerry over the pictures when she returns from a holiday in Tenerife.

    Meanwhile, it was revealed the hard-up star is so desperate for money she arranged to be snapped topless on a beach for a share of the royalties. A pal said last night: That,s a new low for her.

    September 05, 2009 02:00pm
    .BRIAN McFadden has revealed plans to delay his wedding to Delta Goodrem so he can return to Ireland to look after his daughters.

    McFadden wants to move to Ireland to live with children Molly, 8, and Lilly Sue, 6, for up to a year.

    The former Westlife singer, now engaged to Goodrem, was speaking for the first time since former wife Kerry Katona was engulfed by a drugs scandal.

    In an extraordinarily open interview, he told of his heart-felt plea to Katona for temporary custody of their two children.

    ``Today I made a plea bargain. Neither of us can afford to go another year in the courts in the UK,'' he told a live TV chat show in Ireland.

    ``She gives me the kids and I bring them back here (to Ireland) and me and my mum will look after them.

    ``Let her go sort her life out, get whatever problems she having, she needs to go get them fixed, and if in six months to a year's time, if she's got her life together, they can go back.''

    Revealing he had not spoken to Katona in four years, he told of his despair at his children's ``unstable environment''.

    The girls live with their mother and her husband Mark Croft in north west England.

    Katona, a former Atomic Kitten singer was secretly recorded snorting cocaine in the home last month.

    Her daughters are believed to have been home at the time.

    Asked why he was living in Australia when he feared for his children, he said: ``My career is destroyed here, in the UK and Ireland. ``It just is. It's just the way it is over everything that's happened.''

    Kerry Katona's ex-husband Brian McFadden has revealed that he has lost his custody fight for their children for a second time.

    The Westlife star battled to take Molly 8, and Lily-Sue 7, into his care after Kerry was filmed allegedly snorting drugs.

    But the singer has now told the Daily Telegraph the court ruled against him. He said: "It is over again. It actually was finished a couple of months ago. I just have not said anything about it.

    "I have had two battles now and unfortunately I have lost both of them. It is twice I have gone to court and spent a lot of money and lost."

    Brian also revealed that he had spent Christmas with his girls and that all seemed well with Kerry and the girls "at the moment".


    Brian, 30, was seen dropping Molly, eight, and seven-year-old Lily Sue at Kerry's home in Surrey yesterday.

    Kerry Katona and her ex-husband Brian McFadden put their fight on hold as he dropped off their
    daughters at her Surrey home yesterday

    Follow me, Daddy: Lily Sue leads the way as Brian takes the girls' suitcases inside the house

    Kerry and Brian have a chat and soak up the sun while Molly and Lily Sue play with the family dog

    He then stopped for a drink and a smoke in the sun before hugging and kissing his daughters goodbye before getting in his car to make his way back to Australia.

    14-11-2013 om 00:25 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Westlife's Mark Feehily has launched the ISPCC's anti-bullying week
    To mark anti-bullying week, the ISPCC are urging the people of Ireland to join the fight against bullying and child abuse by wearing the ISPCC shield.

    A number of well-known celebrities including Olly Murs, Cher Lloyd, The Wanted, Colin Farrell, Westlife, Brian O'Driscoll, Jamie Heaslip, Jedward, Louis Walsh, Laura Whitmore, Mrs Brown, Keith Barry and Saoirse Ronan, along with Mark, are supporting the campaign by being photographed with the ISPCC Blue Shield.

    Speaking at the launch today Mark said: "Having experienced bullying at first hand I know how devastating it can be and how much it can affect not only your childhood but your adulthood too. I am still dealing with issues that occurred years ago on a school corridor in Sligo."

    Westlife's Mark Feehily
    has launched the ISPCC's anti-bullying week which is running from April 23rd-30th

    The organisation will be running a 24-hour helpline contactable on 1800 66 66 77 throughout the week for anyone who needs advice on tackling bullying.

    Shield badges will sell for €2 with all funds raised from the sale being used to fund our services to children and their families, Childline, ChildFocus, TeenFocus & Leanbh.

    14-11-2013 om 00:11 geschreven door westlife

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    14-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Westlife Parfum
    Westlife 50ml Eau De Parfum Spray

    100ml Body Lotion

    100ml Shower Gel Gift Set.

    Westlife 3 Piece Perfume Gift Set - Limited Supply!

    The first fantastic fragrance from Westlife is available in a gift set with a 100ml body lotion and 100ml shower gel for only £19.95!

    After continually being asked by fans both on their websites and in person as well as in interviews what their favourite female fragrances were, the boys decided that perhaps they could develop a fragrance specially for the fans to thank them for their continued support over the last ten years.

    Taking inspiration from their favourite feminine accords and with creative input from expert perfumers, Westlife was created.

    The light sparkling and feminine fragrance opens with fresh crisp top notes of uplifting lemon, bergamot and blackcurrant leaf, enriched by a full floral heart of rose, geranium, white lily and heady jasmine transcending to a softly sweet and powdery base of vanilla pod and white musks.

    nov - 2009

    Westlife's dream to make male scent

    Westlife have revealed they plan to create a male fragrance, hot on the heels of their new female scent.

    The Irish chart-toppers - Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan - launched Westlife X in Dublin, celebrating their ten-year anniversary in the pop business.

    Despite having to deal with the devastating loss of his dad on November 3, Nicky was happy to promote the fragrance, saying: "We'd love to do an aftershave at some point, obviously - we'd wear it then, wouldn't we, ourselves? So yeah, down the line, we'll start small and see where we go with this."

    Westlife with love Perfume

    14-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    13-11-2013 om 23:30 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt boysband medley van westlife
    medley (boysband)


    13-11-2013 om 23:16 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. westlife & sterrenbeeld
    shane 5 juli kreeft

    nicky 9 oktober weegschaal

    kian 29 april stier

    mark 28 mei tweeling

    heeft een evenwichtig karakter:
    hij is niet snel boos en aandacht en
    liefde worden door hem gemakkelijk gegeven en ontvangen.
    Hij is vrij meegaand.
    Willen mensen daarvan misbruik maken,
    dan hebben ze een probleem:
    als hij eenmaal boos is dan gaat dat niet zomaar weer over.
    In een dergelijke boze bui zegt of doet
    hij soms dingen waar hij later spijt van kan krijgen.

    Hij is zeer gesteld op gemak en comfort.
    Hij ontspant het liefst in een omgeving,
    waarin hij van alle gemakken voorzien is.
    Als het aan hem zou liggen
    dan vermijdt hij moeilijke en/of spannende situaties.
    Hij moet zichzelf soms dwingen de
    meest noodzakelijke dingen te doen.

    In zijn werk is hij geduldig en rustig.
    Hij gaat vaak langzaam te werk.
    Het is voor hem van belang dat
    alle feiten boven tafel komen.
    Hij is een doorzetter:
    hoe lang het ook duurt,
    hij zal de resultaten krijgen die hij wil.

    zijn mensen met een uitgesproken voorkeur voor afwisseling.
    Zij houden van reizen,
    van het zien van nieuwe
    dingen en het ontmoeten van nieuwe mensen.
    Het interesseert hen weinig hoe lang iets meegaat,
    als het hen maar stimuleert.
    Spelletjes vinden zij altijd leuk - als ze maar snel gaan.

    Zij hebben een goed verstand en een
    snelle manier van denken.
    Zij vinden het leuk om nieuwe dingen te leren,
    hetzij uit boeken, hetzij van mensen.
    Duurt het echter te lang
    voordat er een antwoord op hun vragen komt,
    of is het antwoord te moeilijk,
    dan verliezen zij snel hun aandacht.

    Zij zijn speelse personen, met wisselende stemmingen.
    Zij zullen nooit lang verdrietig of ongelukkig zijn:
    zodra er iets nieuws of interessants langskomt zijn
    zij hun stemming alweer vergeten.
    Hun grootste vijand is sleur en
    de daarbij behorende verveling.

    De Kreeft
    is een emotioneel type en gevoelig voor
    de subtiele manieren waarop mensen
    met elkaar communiceren.
    Als de lucht gevuld is met onplezierige gevoelens,
    dan voelt hij dat.
    Hij heeft een grote behoefte aan
    emotionele steun en wilt steeds weten dat degenen van wie hij houdt, ook van hem houden.
    Hij vindt het belangrijk
    zeker te weten dat er voor hem gezorgd wordt
    en dat wat er ook mocht gebeuren,
    hij toch altijd naar een beschermde plek kan terugkeren.
    Als zijn fundamentele behoeften
    echter onbevredigd blijven, dan zal hij in zijn schulp kruipen en zich onzeker gedragen.
    Een onzekere Kreeft
    kan de zelfzuchtigheid zelve zijn,
    net zoals een Kreeft die zich
    veilig voelt uitermate genereus kan zijn.
    Hij is gehecht aan de oude vertrouwde dingen en waarschijnlijk heeft hij een stille plek
    die alleen van hem is en
    waar hij heen kan om alleen met zijn eigen gedachten te zijn.
    Wat het leven hem ook mag brengen,
    een van zijn eerste stappen in een nieuwe omgeving is ongetwijfeld het zoeken naar een dergelijke plek.

    De Weegschaal is warm en gevoelig
    en verkeert graag in het gezelschap van mensen.
    Hij houdt er totaal niet van om ongeacht
    welke reden dan ook buiten de groep te vallen.
    Hij kan bogen op een vrij sterke wilskracht,
    en blijkt dan ook vaak degene in de groep die de dingen in gang zet.
    Zeer vaak vindt hij het echter moeilijk een besluit te nemen.
    De reden is dat hij van ieder probleem
    duidelijk beide kanten ziet en dat voor
    hem de keuze tussen deze
    twee mogelijkheden dus niet zo simpel kan zijn.
    Daardoor kan hij soms pas besluiten als het al te laat is.
    Wanneer twee anderen het met elkaar oneens zijn,
    maakt zijn begaafdheid om beide kanten van een beslissing te overzien
    hem tot een uitstekende vredestichter.
    Een aantal mensen met de Zon
    in Weegschaal uit een andere kant van dit teken.
    Zij nemen graag
    aan wedstrijden deel
    en genieten van onenigheid en confrontaties
    onder vier ogen met andere mensen.

    13-11-2013 om 22:51 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Westlife star Mark Feehily announces engagement
    Westlife star Mark Feehily announces engagement

    Westlife singer Mark Feehily announced his engagement last week on Twitter.

    The star and his boyfriend Kevin McDaid got engaged on their fifth anniversary. They have not revealed a date for their civil partnership.

    Feehily tweeted: "Hi guys,ITS TRUE!!! Myself & Kevin are engaged!! We are so happy! Exciting times ahead,thanks for all ur kind words! Lotsa love,Mark&Kevin x"

    The singer kept his sexuality a secret until he began dating McDaid in 2005.

    He recently paid tribute to the late Boyzone star Stephen Gately, who was the first member of a boyband to come out.

    Gately announced he was gay in 1999, at the height of Boyzone's fame.

    Following Gately's death in October, Feehily said: "Stephen was extremely brave. He was the first member of a boyband to come out, and, in hindsight, it helped me and probably lots of other gay lads to understand their sexuality and come out.

    "Every time a celebrity who is admired by millions of people comes out, it's one more blow to any negative stereotype out there."

    Westlife singer Mark Feehily has dismissed rumours that he plans to marry his gay partner

    The gay artist met his partner, a member of former boy band V, Kevin McDaid, last year, and despite being engaged, insists there are no wedding bells yet.

    He told the Irish Independent, "There are no wedding plans. There was never any wedding plans, it was totally picked out of the sky.

    The star highlighted Canada, where gay marriage is legal, as an ideal holiday destination, but said he would not go there to get married, "I might go to Canada for a holiday, who knows, but not to get married.

    "I may get married one day, but there is no notion or plans now."

    He was speaking with fellow band mates at an event to raise money for Irish Autism Action

    Mark Feehily has claimed that becoming a gay icon has been his biggest challenge so far

    Gay Westlife star Mark Feehily has claimed that becoming a gay icon has been his biggest challenge so far.

    Mr Feehily told the Irish Mirror: "If somebody does come out that is in the public eye then they're going to represent all homosexuals, not just themselves.

    "I don't know that I necessarily like it too much because, knowing me, I would probably say the wrong thing.

    "But in that sense all I can do is try and share what I have learnt through my experience. But there is big pressure there and it's a huge challenge."

    He added: "I think it is fantastic gay people can now get the same benefits as a straight couple. It is not something I am looking into at the moment. But if I decide to do it then I'll probably tie the knot in London."

    13-11-2013 om 19:06 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Brain terug bij westlife?

    Brian McFadden is reportedly keen to rejoin Westlife.

    The Irish crooner - who left the band in 2004 to make it on his own and focus on his family - is looking to set up talks with his former bandmates Nicky Byrne, Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Shane Filan, reports New!

    A source told the magazine: "Brian... hosts a football show on Australian TV but that's about it."

    They continued: "His solo deal is over and he needs to kick-start his career. He's hoping that a chance to sing again will remind people what he's good at. He is hopeful the boys will think about it."

    Brian - who currently lives in Australia with fiancee Delta Goodrem - has had little success with his solo career. He had hits with Real To Me and Irish Son in 2004, but has failed to have any chart-topping singles since then.

    Brian in Westlife 'would be weird'29/10/2009

    Shane Filan has poured water on rumours Brian McFadden might return to Westlife, saying it would be "weird".

    Brian has been rumoured to be rejoining the group he walked out of in 2004.

    But lead singer Shane, 30, said: "It would be weird, it would be like a stranger coming back to a band."

    He added: "Brian being in the band for us was kind of like going to school with somebody for five or six years. Then you go to college and you see each other at the end of college and it's hard to be back all of a sudden being perfectly friendly with that person and to fit into that role again."

    And although Shane is still friendly with Brian, who has two daughters with ex-wife Kerry Katona, he doubts whether a professional relationship could work now. He explained: "We've changed as people and we've changed as a band... we've moved on."

    And although reuniting the band looks unlikely, Shane admitted: "Maybe someday we would sing with him."

    But Shane doubts whether Brian, who is enjoying success in Australia with fiance Delta Goodrem, would even want to rejoin the band.

    He said: "I was chatting with him the other week and he said he was really enjoying himself and he was very happy and everything was starting to make sense for him. So I don't think he would want to be back in Westlife personally."

    13-11-2013 om 18:48 geschreven door westlife

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    13-11-2013 om 01:20 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Westlife to kick off new tour in Belfast ( TOUR's 2010
    4 December 2009

    Westlife to kick off new tour in Belfast

    Westlife: Heading back to Belfast

    Record-breaking Westlife are to kick off their 2010 tour in Belfast — marking their 51st show at the Odyssey Arena.

    The Irish boy band will be back in Belfast on May 2 as part of their Where We Are tour.

    The last time they played Belfast was in May 2008, when the celebrated their 50th show at the venue, breaking all records for an artist or band.

    The following month they marked their 10th anniversary by playing a show at Croke Park in Dublin to 83,000 fans. Since then they’ve taken a break from touring but are hitting the road again next year to promote their new album.

    Tickets for the Belfast show go on sale next Thursday, December 9, at 9am.

    Meanwhile, the band’s Nicky Byrne has revealed a tour secret to the hosts of the BBC NI programme the Friday Show, Eamonn Holmes and Rachel Tucker.

    Nicky said: “When we do our tours and we go off stage at the very end, when we come back on for the encore, we made a pact that we’d always do it ‘commando’.

    “It’s a true story, so every time we come back on for our final song, or the last three songs or whatever the encore is, it all hangs out! We actually did it tonight as well!”

    Eamonn replied: “That gives a whole new meaning to Flying Without Wings!”

    December 04 2009

    Westlife set to wow Croke Park with JLS

    WESTLIFE will play Croke Park alongside X Factor runners-up JLS, the Herald can exclusively reveal.

    Following in the footsteps of U2 and Take That, who played the venue last summer before 80,000 fans each night, Westlife will be taking to the stage in June, promoters MCD announced today.

    Shane, Nicky, Kian and Mark played Croke Park for the first time last year. The band are now looking forward to their return trip on June 5, in one of the most eagerly anticipated concerts of next year.

    Tickets for the concert go on sale on December 11, and are expected to be snapped up fast.

    Westlife stormed to the top of the charts a few weeks ago with their new single, their first since they decided to take a year out.

    The band's frontman Shane Filan said they have been "experimenting" with new music in addition to their already incredibly successful format.

    "We've been experimenting with a fresh vibe on this record, working with new producers and writing songs for the album ourselves. After 11 years we see this as phase two of the Westlife story," he said.

    The foursome spent most of this year hidden away in studios across Europe working with some of the most established musicmakers in the industry.

    Their latest song Where We Are features work from Grammy-nominated Ryan Tedder, who has worked with superstar divas Leona Lewis and Beyonce.

    The boys recently released a cover of American Idol contestant Chris Daughtry's hit What About Now to much praise, and were a massive hit when they appeared on the Late Late Toy Show last week. And the group have also been putting their writing skills to good use, as Mark Feehily just penned a song with former All Saints frontwoman Shaznay Lewis.

    Their comeback has come at one of the most emotional times for the band in recent years.

    Earlier this year, Kian Egan lost his father following a long illness. Dad-of-two Nicky then lost his father, Nikki, suddenly. And the band were also upset when Stephen Gately passed away unexpectedly in his home in Majorca.


    THU 6 MAY - Nottingham Trent FM Arena
    FRI 7 MAY - Liverpool Echo Arena
    SUN 9 MAY - Sheffield Sheffield Arena
    WED 12 MAY - London O2 Arena
    SUN 16 MAY - Birmingham LG Arena
    THU 20 MAY - Cardiff CIA
    MON 24 MAY - Glasgow SECC
    FRI 28 MAY - Manchester Evening News Arena
    MON 31 MAY - Newcastle Metro Radio Arena

    Westlife tickets will go on general sale from Friday 11th December at 9am, priced from £38.00.

    Two More Dates Added

    Tickets are on sale right now for two new dates on Westlife's 2010 tour:

    London 02 Arena, Thursday 13th May
    Manchester ENA, Sunday 30th May

    Tickets for the 2010 tour are being snapped up so quickly that even more dates have now been added.
    Sheffield Arena, Monday 10th May
    Birmingham LG Arena, Monday 17th May
    Glasgow SECC, Tuesday 25th May

    Westlife Tickets Newmarket Sandown

    Westlife are arguably the most successful boyband ever, managed by X Factor Louis Walsh, they have had 14 number 1 singles, only the beatles and Elvis have had more. They will be playing some special outdoor shows this summer at famous horse racing courses.
    The fiirst show will take place at Sandown Park , Esher on 5th August 2010 and the Second entitled Newmarket Nights will take place at the home of national hunt racing Newmarket on 13th August 2010.
    Irish pop group sensation, WESTLIFE are the second band confirmed for the Sandown Park Music Nights this summer.
    Performing live after racing, the crowds will be able to enjoy hits from their latest album Where we are as well as a mix of their classic songs.
    Westlife, who are starting a UK summer tour this year called The Where we are Tour, is made up of Mark Feehily, Shane Filan, Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne.
    The group is the only act in UK history to have their first seven singles go straight to Number 1 and have since gone on to sell over 45 million records worldwide. Westlife Tickets include access to an evening of thrilling racing, commencing at 5:40pm, after which the concert will start from 8:45pm (approx).
    he Newmarket Nights offer an irresistible cocktail adrenalin-fuelled racing action on the track, a small flutter on the horses, a refreshing glass of iced cold beer, champagne or Pimms and a pulsating open air concert by a well known band or artiste.
    Taking place at Newmarket,s picturesque July Course with its rustic charm, romantic surroundings and party atmosphere, Newmarket Nights are a summer event not to be missed and make for a fantastic Friday night out with friends, family, clients or colleagues.
    Buy Tickets for Westlife

    WESTLIFE will play in Newbury this summer.

    The Irish pop quartet have confirmed a set at Newbury Racecourse's Party In The Paddock on CGA Ladies Day.

    Tickets are on sale now for the event on Saturday, August 14 - see uk or call 01635 40015.

    Harriet Rochester, Marketing and PR Manager for Newbury Racecourse, comments: "Our Party In The Paddock events are growing in popularity year on year, with last year's fixture attracting a modern day record crowd.

    "With an act as significant as Westlife confirmed to play this August, we urge racegoers and fans to book tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!"

    Where We Are - Tour Dates

    May 2010
    Thursday 06 Nottingham Trent FM Arena
    Friday 07 Liverpool Echo Arena
    Sunday 09 Sheffield Sheffield Arena
    Monday 10 Sheffield Sheffield Arena
    Wednesday 12 London O2 Arena
    Thursday 13 London O2 Arena
    Friday 14 London O2 Arena
    Sunday 16 Birmingham LG Arena
    Monday 17 Birmingham LG Arena
    Thursday 20 Cardiff CIA
    Friday 21 Cardiff CIA
    Saturday 22 Cardiff CIA
    Monday 24 Glasgow SECC
    Tuesday 25 Glasgow SECC
    Wednesday 26 Glasgow SECC
    Friday 28 Manchester Evening News Arena
    Sunday 30 Manchester Evening News Arena
    Monday 31 Newcastle Metro Radio Arena

    June 2010
    Tuesday 01 Newcastle Metro Radio Arena

    March 26th 2010
    Westlife Heading To Bristol

    The Irish group have been announced as the big gig at Ashton Gate this summer.

    The band are heading to Bristol on Thursday 17th of June and tickets have gone on sale this morning.

    The band have sold 40 million records with 14 number one singles and 10 chart-topping albums.

    Tickets can be bought online

    20 April 2010

    More tickets for Westlife

    BOYBAND Westlife have released a further 2,000 tickets for their Highland gig with demand coming from as far afield as New Zealand.

    A total of 12,000 fans will now descend on Cawdor Castle on 28 August. Organisers said demand for tickets, which went on sale 11 days ago, was so high they have decided to release more.

    Of their original 10,000 allocation, ticketmaster has fewer than 1,000 left.

    CK Events director Kenny Cameron said: "Given the rapid uptake of the initial allocation we have decided to release further tickets for the event

    13-11-2013 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.MESSAGE FROM SHANE ! (
    Hi everyone

    I just wanted to say hello and fill you in on everything that’s been going on over the last few weeks as it’s been a while since you heard from us.

    Christmas was really lovely. It was actually a bit of a weird one in a way because Gillian’s granny died the day before Christmas Eve. She was 95 and had lived a great life and seen four generations of the family. It actually brought us all closer together and Christmas Day was really special as we had all the family around us – we had 17 of us here for Christmas dinner. Gillian did the cooking, as she also did on New Year’s Day, when there were 34 of us, including 17 grandchildren!

    It was probably the nicest Christmas so far, because I hadn’t been rushing around doing promotion and then hurrying to try and buy presents and stuff, so we could enjoy the build-up properly. I’d been looking forward to it for a long time and it was so nice to be at home with the family. Gillian surprised me with a camera that I’d really wanted for ages on Christmas day, which I was so happy with. I got her some handbags and boots and shoes and stuff. It was also the first year that Nicole really understood Christmas and that was amazing to watch. When you’re growing up Santy Claus and all that stuff really makes Christmas for you, and then you get older and Santy doesn’t come anymore, and then when you have kids the magic starts all over again. She was so excited about seeing Santy – we left out a glass of milk and cookies for him. It was Patrick’s first Christmas, but obviously he didn’t really know what was going on.

    I’ve been at home all the time for more or less the last six months, apart from a couple of small trips. It’s been really nice to relax and get to do things like play golf every Sunday with Gillian’s dad. It’s quite weird being at home too though because I’ve been thinking about work loads and I need to keep myself busy. It’s the singing I really miss, and I’m looking forward to getting back on the road. I’ve been chatting to the boys and we all agree that the thing we’re most excited about is performing on stage again.

    We miss you all and we’re really excited about starting work on the new album. It’s going to be back-to-basics, with all new songs and no covers, like the first few albums. We’ve heard a few of the songs so far and will be hearing the rest over the next few months. I think it’s shaping up to be really good – as it’s the first album of our second decade we want it to be the best so far!

    Take care

    Love Shane x

    Nicky and Shane Play For A Good CAUSE

    On Saturday 23rd May, Nicky and Shane will take part in a charity football match at Liverpool,s Goodison Park.

    The event, named CAUSE (Children,s Aid Using Soccer Events) and organized by former Liverpool star Jason McAteer, will help raise money three Children,s Charities - Liverpool Unites, Save The Children and The Prince's Trust.

    Happy Mother's Day From Westlife

    Very best wishes to all you mums out there from! We hope you're having a very lovely day.
    The boys have each recorded a special greeting for you all

    Tickets On Sale Now For Cause Match

    Tickets are now on sale for the CAUSE (Children's Aid Using Soccer Events) charity football match, featuring a host of celebrities including Nicky and Shane!
    The event is taking place on Saturday 23rd May at Goodison Park, Liverpool, with kick-off scheduled for 5.30pm

    Tickets are available from the hotline on 0871 663 1878 (10p per minute from a BT landline), or check out www.cause.ukcom. They cost £10 per adult and £5 for under-16s plus booking fee, with additional premium hospitality packages going on sale soon.

    A Special Announcement From Shane

    Hi everyone

    I know a lot of you have already heard the rumours, but I wanted to confirm to you myself that Gillian and I are expecting another baby.

    We been keeping it a complete secret from everyone for a while, and made the announcement at my 30th birthday party on Saturday. The baby due early next year and were completely over the moon about it. The thought of becoming a dad for the third time is just amazing!

    Thanks, as always, for all your support

    Shane x


    Your Messages For Kian

    Thank you to everyone who has posted messages of condolence for Kian and his family regarding the death of his father Kevin. The Egan family would like to pass on their thanks for your support and kind words.

    Exciting Announcement

    Dear Fans, it,s been a while. We have much to tell you!

    Earlier this year there was a meeting in London. Not long after that meeting, the search for new songs began. We searched far and wide. Our search proved to be very successful and we can, t conceal our excitement any longer! It is our great pleasure to announce the following...

    There WILL be a new album this year. We are very happy with all the new songs and simply cannot wait to hear what you think of them! Regarding the website, it,s out with the old and in with the new so hold tight for brand new pictures and layout coming soon plus all the info on forthcoming promotional schedules...

    We've missed you all very much and can,t wait to catch up!

    For now watch this space,

    Love from Kian, Mark, Nicky and Shane x

    A Message About Stephen Gately

    We are, like everyone else, in shock today. We met Stephen Gately back in 1898 when we first started out and since then have had the pleasure of meeting him many times. He and the Boyzone lads paved the way for us as a band. He was a friendly, positive spirit and a passionate performer. Our thoughts are with Andy and the rest of his family, his friends, his legions of fans and of course his bandmates Keith, Mikey, Shane and Ronan who will be devastated at the loss of a truly beautiful person.
    Kian, Mark, Nicky & Shane x

    Westlife Performing On X Factor Next Weekend

    Nicky, Kian, Mark and Shane will be taking to the X Factor stage next weekend for the first ever performance of their brand new single.
    Tune in to the results show on Sunday 25th October to watch the world debut of What About Now' - and then come right back here and let us know what you think!

    What About Now' will be available to download on the Sunday of the X Factor performance, with the CD in shops the following day.

    Westlife on TV

    Westlife will soon be hitting your screens in a big way to promote their new single 'What About Now' and album 'Where We Are'.

    You'll be able to catch the guys soon on the following shows...

    Sunday 25th Oct: X-Factor performance and Xtra Factor interview

    Monday 26th Oct: GMTV performance, interview and webchat

    Fri 30th Oct: The One Show, interview

    Fri 20th Nov: Children in Need, performance

    Thurs 26th Nov: Alan Carr Chatty Man, interview

    Fri 4th Dec: The Friday Show, interview

    Stay tuned to for more updates!

    A Message From Kian

    Hi all

    Just wanted to drop a line to say how excited we are to be back on the promotional trail for our new album!

    We have been busy doing our photo shoot for the album and we just got back from shooting the video for our first single What About Now
    in Iceland!

    Was very cold but a lot of fun and we think you gonna love it! We can,t wait for Sunday nights
    X Factor
    Hope you all love the new single...

    Love ya all, Kian x

    Westife album Track by Track

    Westlife unanimously agree that Where We Are is one of their very best albums to-date. They've recorded a series of exclusive video clips giving fans the inside track on every song, and we'll be posting one every weekday until the album's released on 30th November.

    The first one is What About Now' and goes live tomorrow - get ready!

    TV Dates

    Here are some upcoming Westlife TV dates for your diary:

    Friday 20th November Children In Need performance

    Saturday 21st November National Lottery performance

    Wednesday 25th November - BBC Breakfast News

    Thursday 26th November Alan Carr Chatty Man interview and video (recording Wednesday 25th November)

    Friday 27th November The Late Late Show performance, Dublin

    Friday 4th December The Friday Show, Northern Ireland (recording Sunday 22nd November)

    Friday 4th December - Paul O'Grady (recording Wednesday 2nd December)
    11 nov 2009,

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    12-11-2013 om 23:49 geschreven door westlife

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    Westlife in de top 500 van qmusic

    34 HEAVEN DO
    53 ONE MARY J BLIGE & U2
    133 VERTIGO U2
    142 1973 JAMES BLUNT
    145 YEAH USHER
    151 ELEVATION U2
    162 SO WHAT PINK
    168 IN DA CLUB 50 CENT
    217 SHE DI-RECT
    220 WALK ON U2
    239 SOBER PINK
    305 OMARM BLOF
    379 UPTOWN GIRL WESTLIFE (y) (y) (y)
    424 HIER BLOF
    443 DONKER HART (live) BLOF


    Hard to find a way to get through
    It's a tragedy
    Pulling at me like the stars do
    You're like gravity
    Even if the wind blows
    It makes it hard to believe

    How ya gonna love
    How ya gonna feel
    How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real
    And If you lost your way
    I will keep you safe
    We'll open up all the world inside
    I see it come alive tonight
    I will keep you safe

    Doesn't even matter to you
    To see what I can see
    I'm crawling on the floor to reach you
    I'm a wreck you see
    When you're far from home now
    Makes it hard to believe

    So how ya gonna love
    How ya gonna feel
    How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real
    If you've lost your way
    I will keep you safe
    Well open up all your world inside
    Til you come alive tonight
    I will keep you safe

    We all fall down
    We all feel down
    Cus rainy days and summer highs
    The more we pray the more we feel alive

    How ya gonna love
    How ya gonna feel
    How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real
    How ya gonna love
    How ya gonna feel
    How you gonna live your life like the dream you have is real

    If you've lost your way
    I will keep you safe
    Well open up all your world inside
    So you come alive tonight
    I will keep you safe

    Well I will keep you safe
    I will keep you safe

    Westlife have hinted that they will reunite with former member Brian McFadden "someday".

    Last year McFadden, who quit the band in 2004, wrote on Twitter.comBrianMcFaddem: "I had a dream I was back on stage with Westlife playing some crazy-sized football stadium.

    "I would love to do an album with the boys and show JLS and Take That what we are really made of! If the boys wanna challenge these newcomers I am up for a fight."

    However, member Shane Filan responded at the time by saying: "I don't think it's even remotely interesting if Brian came back."

    Filan has now had a change of heart, telling the Daily Record: "I'd never rule out Brian coming back because there never was a bad patch with him. Brian was great with fans.

    "I definitely think some day it would be great fun to sing with Brian again. It could be in 10 years time but I think it will happen."

    Westlife stars Shane Filan and Kian Egan said they will help Louis Walsh clear his name after an alleged sex assault.

    Walsh, 58, was recently accused of sexually assaulting a man in a nightclub in Dublin following a Westlife gig.

    Kian, 31, said he will be more than happy to give evidence to the police on the incident.

    According to UK newspaper Daily Mirror, he said: 'We are ready to speak to police to clear Louis' name.

    'We are with him 100 per cent and will fully co-operate with the inquiry, but he is innocent.'

    Louis has wholly denied the claims and said he will do whatever he can to prove his innocence.

    A DANCER who claimed Louis Walsh groped him in a public toilet was yesterday arrested for making up the story.

    Police quizzed wannabe Leonard Watters, 24 – who can be named and pictured for the first time – and a file will be sent to prosecutors after officers dropped their inquiry into his claim of being sexually assaulted.

    X Factor judge Louis said he was “over the moon” and relieved after detectives told him on Monday that he was no longer under ­investigation.

    And he vowed to sue the newspaper that first carried the claims. The 58-year-old said: “I have robustly ­maintained from the outset that this alleged incident did not occur.

    “While I welcome confirmation from police that the matter has been dropped I remain outraged that this story ran in the first place in The Sun and I have instructed my libel lawyer to vigorously pursue legal action. I have no intention of letting this matter rest until I have received total vindication.

    “This has been a hugely distressing time for me but I would like to thank all my friends and colleagues for their support. I am now looking forward to getting back to work.”

    Friends said last night it will be business as usual today when Louis takes up his X Factor seat alongside fellow judges Gary Barlow, Tulisa ­Contostavlos and Kelly Rowland in Wales.

    Shane Filan, star of Westlife, the boyband Louis manages, said: “I spoke to him the day the story broke. He sounded heartbroken. I’ve never heard him so hurt and vulnerable.

    “We were with him on the night this so-called incident happened and we knew he was innocent. That’s now be proven beyond doubt.”

    Another pal added: “Getting that call saying the charges had been dropped was like a weight being lifted off his shoulders.

    “But this is by no means the end. He will leave no stone unturned in his fight to clear his name 100%.”

    Dad-of-two Watters was questioned by police after allegedly admitting making an ­incorrect ­statement. He was expected to be released without charge last night. But if ­prosecutors decide to pursue the matter he could still be taken to court and face up to five years in jail if found guilty.

    Watters claimed Louis fondled him in the toilets of Dublin club Krystle on April 10 after a Westlife concert. The pop mogul was quizzed by police last Friday over the false claims. His accuser’s dad Peter had insisted at the time that his son “doesn’t tell lies”. But he said after Watters was arrested: “There is no comment. Maybe he has withdrawn his statements, I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to Leonard.”

    Ballroom dance teacher Watters, from Navan, Co Meath, is known to police.

    On June 18 last year, he was found guilty at Trim district court of breaching a barring order under criminal domestic violence laws and given 120 hours’ community service.

    Last night neighbours spoke of his passion for dancing. One said: “He lives and breathes it and longs to be famous.” Watters writes on his website: “My mission is to bring ballroom out of the TV and into your life.”

    On the night he claimed Louis attacked him, he allegedly bragged about how he was going to be a reality TV dance star and planned to audition for Strictly Come Dancing.


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    Westlife with Partners At The Ivy Club

    Members of boy band Westlife and their partners are pictured after enjoying a very long night at The Ivy Club to celebrate getting back to work after a year-long break.
    Having arrived at 8pm, Shane Filan and Wife Gillian left at 0015.
    Mark Feehily and Boyfriend Kevin left at 0230 and Kian Egan and Wife Jodi Albert left at 3am after reportedly having an argument inside. The pair put on a smile as they left, but the tension was still visible!!! London 13TH SEPTEMBER 2009 MATRIX 

    'What About Now' Artwork Unveiled!
    Check out the single sleeve for Westlife's upcoming new release 'What About Now'.
    It hits the shops on 26th October, with the download available from 25th October.

    Monday November 16 2009 Westlife star Nicky Byrne is set to make a return to the limelight this week,
    following the death of his father, Nikki Sr (60).
    The Dublin singer (30) will step out to the Four Seasons hotel in Dublin tomorrow afternoon,
    alongside bandmates Mark Feehily,
    Shane Filan and Kian Egan, as the group officially launch their brand new fragrance, Westlife X. The name of the scent relefects the group's ten years in the pop business.
    The star, who is married to Georgina Ahern,
    daughter of former Taoiseach, Bertie, hopes to ease himself back into work slowly following the devastating loss of his dad.
    Sligo native Mark said: "He's coping very well and is as good as you can be so soon after your best friend in the world passes away."
    The popular foursome will make a return to the stage on Wednesday night when they perform at this year's Cheerio's Childline Concert at the O2.

    Westlife take over GMTV -
    and Nicky Byrne does the weather Westlife took over GMTV this morning - helping presenters Andrew Castle and Emma Crosby with the regular fashion, weather, film and TV reports.
    As the Irish lads presented GMTV for an hour, Mark Feehily led a top-to-toe viewer makeover, and Nicky Byrne gave a helping hand with the snowy weather report.
    Looking forward to the weekend"s top telly picks with Richard Arnold, Shane Filan admitted he"s addicted to Desperate Housewives. He said: "I have to admit I"m a big fan of Desperate Housewives. Myself and my wife always watch it,
    it"s a great programme.
    After two or three episodes I was just glued to it." The singer confessed Sex and the City could be next on his Christmas wish list, adding: "One step at a time, Desperate Housewives first!" Kian Egan was also on hand to offer his review on the new Sherlock Holmes movie and Avatar.
    Speaking about Guy Ritchie"s new movie, Kian said: "There a lot of big action scenes -
    it"s a really, really powerful movie. I think it"s going to be a big one." 

    Irish singer KIAN EGAN is convinced his life changed forever the day his beloved father died.
    The Westlife star's dad, Kevin, passed away earlier this year (09) after a battle with cancer,
    and his death hit the 29 year old hard.
    Egan says, "For anybody that loses a parent or someone quite close it changes your whole view on life.
    It makes you view life in a different way.
    "What was extremely important before - how successful we were as a band - kind of disappears a bit.
    That's not really what life is about even though (my dad was a) massive fan of Westlife.
    My dad used to go out and buy the paper every day to see if we were in it." 

    07 Jan 2010 by Villy Westlife are nominated in the Best Irish Pop Act catrgory at the Meteor
    Ireland Music Awards that will take place on 19 February at Dublin's RDS! The lads will also perform on the night! GET VOTING!! http://www. VOTE WESTLIFE - BEST IRISH POP ACT Fans outside Ireland can vote by filling in the Mobile Number gap with a number starting with 085 and seven random numbers after that

    The full chart of the 10 most influential Irish celebrity
    twitterers according to Tweetlevel are:
    1 Graham Linehan TweetLevel score = 73
    2Rick O'Shea TweetLevel score = 65
    3 Dave Moore TweetLevel score = 63
    4 Mark Little TweetLevel score = 59
    5 Nicky Byrne TweetLevel score = 59
    6 Mark Feehily TweetLevel score = 53
    7 Sean Moncrieff TweetLevel score = 51
    8 Dermot Whelan TweetLevel score = 49
    9 Ray Foley TweetLevel score = 45
    10 Des Bishop TweetLevel score = 4

    Proud Dad Shane Filan welcomed the newest addition to his clan, baby Shane
    Peter into the world this weekend -- but it seems
    the Westlife star won't have much time to bond with the young tot. The Diary can reveal the singer will have to leave his new arrival and namesake in the capable hands of wife Gillian,
    while he and bandmates, Nicky Byrne, Cian Egan and Mark Feehily take to the studio to lend their vocals to Simon Cowell's new charity single, a remake of REM's Everybody Hurts.
    The foursome are expected to jet out in the coming days to begin recording the single in London,
    which the media mogul is hoping to have on the shelves as early as next week,
    in a bid to raise funds for the victims of the Haiti earthquake. Among those signed up to join the Flying Without Wings singers is Susan Boyle, Leona Lewis,
    Robbie Williams and Cheryl Cole.
    And while Shane is reluctant to leave his new bundle of joy so soon, a family insider explained how the generous star was determined to do whatever he could for those in need.
    "He's hoping to go ahead with the single as long as he and the boys don't have to go any further than London to record it," he explained.
    "Then, naturally, he'll be taking some time off to spend with his family." Shane and Gillian's third child was born shortly after 

    I've been listening to our new bside called please stay
    .. It's the song I sung in the church for my dad he always believed it wud suit me.. He was bugging me to push us to record it..he was right ! Can't wait for you guys to hear it and thanks to mark and steve for making it ! Single hopefully out in march it's sounding excellent .. nicky

    Brian launches a Twitter rant against former Westlife mates Friday February 05 2010 Brian
    McFadden has launched a furious tirade against claims by his former Westlife bandmates that he'll never perform with them again.
    The Australia-based star (29) took to his Twitter page to express his frustration in the wake of the story. Reports emerged earlier this week about how Westlife has ruled out reuniting with McFadden,
    after he left the band in 2004 to pursue a relatively unsuccessful solo career,
    but joked how they may sing with him again in a sociable situation.
    Asked if they would ever re-unite with Brian again, amid rumours that Robbie Williams will rejoin Take That, two of the band members shot down the suggestion. "No . . . he doesn't live in this country and he's not in the music industry any more.
    He has a new life in Australia.
    We're all still very good friends, but he left Westlife for a reason," said Kian Egan. His sentiments were echoed by fellow star Shane Filan who said: "I'm sure we'll sing with Brian again one day. It might be in a pub -- it might not be on the telly." One of Ireland's most successful acts, the lads have sold 45 million albums worldwide and scored 14 number one hits in Britain. However, Brian clearly wasn't happy with the guys' comments as he retorted angrily to them shooting down any reunion with him. "Apparently I'm not in the music industry anymore,
    hmmn OK then," he stated. He followed it quickly with another comment on his Twitter page: "I will announced my PUB tour next"
    and then wrote: "I better stop making this album then.... you learn something new about yourself everyday.
    " Huge speculation has surrounded the next career move for the former Westlife star,
    who's now based full-time in Australia with fiancee Delta Goodrem.
    Although he has always insisted that he was happy pursuing a solo career,
    suggestions that he's no longer in the music business have clearly infuriated the Artane-born star. Now he has set his sights on a TV career after joining forces with Australian broadcaster Kyle Sandilands.
    And Sandilands said that given McFadden's time in Westlife, he reckons he's in an ideal position to make the documentary. "It follows what happens in a group and how you take a boy band and market them,"
    said Sandilands.
    "It will go through how a song is written, what life is like on the road because he (McFadden) has experienced that and hearing his stories and his journey and all the shenanigans, we thought it would be appealing," he said.
    "It's more a documentary, not a reality show, and how they go from five guys to a Westlife or 'N Sync."

    HUGE congrats to Westlife star
    MARK FEEHILY who has gone and got himself engaged.
    He popped the question to photographer boyfriend KEVIN McDAID (who used to be in the boyband V) in Ireland.
    A source said: "Mark and Kevin met in Dublin five years ago. "So they went back to celebrate their anniversary.
    They were out for dinner and decided they were ready to take their relationship to the next level.
    Mark is very excited." What About Now singer Mark told me in November that marriage was the next step for him so I'm glad he's made it official.

    Mariah Carey is teaming up with WESTLIFE again for an exclusive single.
    She told me the secret after I was the only journalist to be given an XS All Areas pass when the world's biggest selling female singer arrived in town this week.
    In our eXSclusive chat she revealed she can't wait to work with KIAN, NICKY, MARK and SHANE again. Mariah said: "They're very exciting artists and I love them."
    She last worked with the lads in 2000, and Against All Odds topped the charts.
    But this time the record will ONLY be released in Britain. "I want it to be the next single here and different to the rest of the world," she said. "I can't wait to do it.
    " Mariah, 39, was in London to switch on the Christmas lights at the Westfield Shopping Centre. 

    It's Mother's Day,
    but as they laugh about old times,
    Nicky and Yvonne can't escape their grief.
    Eddie Rowley Midway into their exclusive SWM photo shoot, Nicky Byrne turns to his mum,
    Yvonne, and asks if she'd like a glass of champagne.
    The Westlife heart-throb has been attentive all afternoon, making sure his quietly-spoken mother feels relaxed and comfortable as she poses with him for our special Mother's Day feature.
    It's her first formal photo shoot for a newspaper, but Yvonne, a serene and glamorous 50-something mother and grandmother,
    is taking it all in her stride and enjoying the range of designer outfits she's getting to model.
    Yvonne is dignified and compased in front of the camera. And in the interview that follows,
    her warm and enagaging personality shines through. Clearly, in the glances they exchange throughout our afternoon together in a plush suite of Dublin's La Stampa Hotel,
    mam and son adore each other - and their relationship is charmingly like brother and sister. Nicky agrees with this obervation, but quickly points out that he's always respected his mother's authority:
    "I always saw Mam as the boss in the house," he reflects. "Dad was more lenient. You could get away with anything with Dad, but he always stressed: 'Never bring the guards to the door.' "But Mam was more strict, and she ran the household.
    She had a look, and all she had to do was give you 'the eyebrow'. If you got that look, that was it, you knew you were in trouble." Yvonne smiles. She doesn't betray an ounce of self-pity in conversation,
    but it's impossible not to sense the sadness and loss she hides. Her idyllic life and the lives of her three kids, including Nicky's older sister, Gillian, and younger brother, Adam, were shattered last November when her husband, Nikki, died suddenly at work from a heart attack at the age of 60.
    Like a lot of wives and mothers, Yvonne run the home. She took care of her children's needs and made sure all the bills were paid. Nikki handed over his wages and never worried about the bills. But it's obvious that Yvonne is struggling to come to terms with the loss of her loving husband.
    "While I looked after everything, Nikki was the backbone to the whole thing," she acknowledges. "He was so easy-going and so positive.
    He had a great attitude, 'Just go for it, it's a great opportunity' he'd say. Even for this shoot, he'd have been saying last night: 'It'll be grand, go and do it,'" Nicky admits that he didn't inherit his father's laid-back personality: "I'm a worrier like mam," he says. "I'm already worrying about the kids and they're not even three. If Georgina went out for a night and I was at home in bed, I'd be worried, Iwouldn't sleep unless I got a text or a call from her. Mam was like that when we were growing up.
    " Conversation then turns to Yvonne's obsession with house cleaning. "Mam is addicted to cleaning," Nicky laughs. "All my mates slag her about it. Her famous saying 'nothing done'. She's forever saying: 'I have nothing done.' When Bertie was Taoiseach he had a slogan: 'A Lot Done,
    More To Do.' My pals used to say to mam: 'Oh here she is, nothing done, more to do.'" Yvonne then admits she was up at six-thirty that morning 'to get everything done' before she met SWM at lunchtime.
    Nicky chips in: "Everything done means not just beds made - the kitchen floor has to be scrubbed, even though she scrubbed it last night before she went to bed. Noone has walked on it for eight hours but it has to be cleaned again.
    " Yvonne then tells a story against herslef, how at the church of the day of her husband's funeral a female friend apologised for not calling to the house. "Thank God you didn't because it's upside down," Yvonne replied. Nicky laughs. He reminisces about his early memories of his mother, how she used to rub Nivea cream on his face when he was a child, dipping her finger in and then putting a blob on his cheeks, forehead and nose before rubbing it in. He adds: "And she always blessed me with holy water at the front door on the way out.
    " Yvonne tells how she was heart-broken when Nicky left home at the age of 17 and went over to Leeds United to try out for a career in soccer. "I used to go into his bedroom, open the wardrobe door and smell his aftershave," she reveals.
    And I always set his place at the table for him. I always felt that some day he might just appear, and he did surprise us on a couple of occasins." She vividly recalls the day Nicky came home from school and announced that he had met the girl he was going to marry.
    He was 14 years old and the girl was Georgina Ahern. When he became his girlfriend, Nicky would take Georgina home for lunch. "From day one, Georgina became part of the family," Yvonne says. "She's lovely; Georgina would never see a fault in anybody." Nicky remembers how his mother used to serve them tea when they were courting.
    "We'd be sitting in watching telly and she'd bring in a little table with the tea on it," he says. Then he turns to Yvonne and adds: "It was proper impressing, you couldn't have done it any better." Yvonne can still lure her son home with the promise that she'll cook his favourite breakfast fry-up.
    "I miss Mam's fry-up, especially when I'm away. I remember when I went on my stag to Marbella with the lads for a weekend, and that Sunday on the way back I called Mam from Malaga airport and asked her if she'd cook breakfast for all the lads after three days on the beer," he says.
    So the six lads were there with Mam and Dad and my brother, Adam, and we tucked in to a big fry. Memories like that will live with you forever." Yvonne says that success with Westlife hasn't changed Nicky. "I don't think he's changed and my neighbours and friends all say,
    'God, he's still the same, he's never changed.' Over the years he gave us the opportunity to move house but we never did and I know secretly he still loves driving down the avenue." As he gets set to celebrate Mother's Day with Georgina and mum, Yvonne, Nicky acknowledges that he has been fortunate in life, despite the loss of his beloved father.
    "I had a nice, stable background growing up," he adds. "Mam and Dad were happy together.
    We all sat down to dinner together every single night as a family. I was blessed with that.
    And I really appreciate that."

    Vivo Westlife,
    Kelly Clarkson and SA artists Nadia Neophytou | Yesterday Thousands of fans attended an exclusive concert at Sun City on Friday night featuring
    Westlife and Kelly Clarkson.
    The show was a celebration of the new VW Vivo Polo and around 6000 music fans were there.
    Westlife played all their hits on their return visit to South Africa. Just a bit of fun really,
    just a bit of getting out there, sing songs, get into the crowd. It was good fun really, a band member said.
    Clarkson, Freshly Ground and The Parlotones helped ensure the Vivo Polo was a success.
    Westlife said they would be back in South Africa soon.

    Kian & His Ladies at Krystle...
    We don't know how long it takes to name a new born baby, but if after a year you are still calling your child "you there" or " thingamajig "
    or "whatsyerbleedinface" then someone really should call in Child Services. On a completely unrelated issue,
    Westlife's Kian Egan brought his STILL unnamed Girlband to Krystle at the weekend

     Westlife Nicky tells Brian -- you're too old for a boyband

    April 01 2010 WESTLIFE'S
    Nicky Byrne has had a pop at his former bandmate Brian McFadden.

    The chart-topping star (30) couldn't resist poking fun on Twitter at Brian (29),
    who has now reinvented himself in Australia.
    Brian, who has denied reports of a split from fiancee Delta Goodrem,
    was writing this week about how excited he was to start auditions on Australian Idol.
    A considerable coup for him,
    he's sitting alongside pregnant X Factor star Dannii Minogue and Kyle Sandilands putting the nation's fame seekers through their paces.
    Writing on his Twitter page, he said: "Just about to start Perth auditions.
    If you have talent and think you're good enough,
    just say so!" Yet his former bandmate Nicky raised a few laughs by posting on Brian's page: "What you auditioning for now?
    You're too old to be in a boyband now horse.
    " Although Brian declined to comment back publicly, this isn't the first time he has butted heads on Cyberspace with his boyband pals.
    A few weeks ago, he launched a furious tirade against remarks made by two Westlife members who rubbished suggestions he'll ever perform with them again.
    He quit the group in 2004
    to pursue a solo career -- and the band has since gone from strength to strength, selling more than 40 million records globally.

    Apr 2 2010
    Westlife Nicky Byrne on playing Anfield,
    Simon Cowell and nights out in Liverpool MOST musicians dream of playing Wembley, clocking up number one hits or selling millions of records.
    Not Nicky Byrne.
    He done all that, but the Westlife crooner achieved his real ambition when he played football alongside his heroes at Anfield.
    There was a charity match last year with a celebrity team playing a Liverpool legends side, explains Nicky, 31.
    I was down to play on the celebrity team, but when I got to the hotel, King Kenny asked if I wanted to play on the Liverpool team instead.
    I thought I was dreaming.
    Everyone was there Alan Hansen,
    John Barnes.
    It was a proper boyhood dream.
    Then Jamie Redknapp passed the ball to me in front of the Kop and I got that cheer, the cheer you hear them talk about, and it was perfect.
    He wasnt just making up the numbers.
    Before joining Westlife,
    Nicky was a professional football player, joining Leeds United as a goalkeeper in 1995, and was a squad member of the FA Youth Cup winning team of 1997.
    That was how I first got to know Liverpool, he explains.
    I travel back and forth on the ferry, and I stop off in Liverpool. It,s a great city, the closest city in character you can get to Dublin. Eventually,
    after years of splitting his time between Ireland and a footballing career in Leeds, his apprenticeship was up.
    My contract ended when I was 19, says Nicky.
    I tried other clubs, but by then I was getting into music.
    Plus, I had a girlfriend back home, and really I wanted to be back in Ireland.
    That girlfriend was Georgina Ahern, daughter of the former Irish Taoiseach, Bertie Ahern, now his wife and the mother of his twin sons. verything happens for a reason,says Nicky.
    I enjoyed those years, but if that contract hadn.t ended I might never have been in Westlife, and I owe so much to that.
    Few bands can compare to Westlife extraordinary success. In a decade they sold more than 36 million records globally and were awarded 28 platinum discs,
    including a record-breaking 14 number one hits, beaten only by Elvis and The Beatles.
    It quickly became a case of another year,
    another Westlife album. From their debut in 1999, the Irish quartet released an album a year, and every one had gone at least double platinum. This is our 11th year, says Nicky.
    We got to the point at the end of the last tour where we felt stale and tired.
    We needed some time away.
    I remember waking up in the Malmaison in Liverpool after the last night of the tour and realising that I had nothing to do for a whole year.
    Georgina,s mum had come over to look after our boys After 10 years of commitments and missing every mate,s birthday party, wedding and christening, suddenly I could go.
    Time had become my biggest luxury, and suddenly I had loads of it.
    There are things that you give up when you in a band, but suddenly I could do them all. We did all that in our year off. And then,
    by the end of that year, we were desperate to start again. We went away and recorded an album with new producers. The album got to number two.
    People thought we be disappointed that it wasn,t number one. In fact, we were over the moon.
    Being number two to Cheryl Cole and Susan Boyle is nothing to be ashamed of. And like those two acts, Westlife have strong links to Simon Cowell. That,s something we never shy away from, says Nicky. He.s the most powerful man in music, and that opens a lot of doors. He always been great with us. For this tour, Nicky and the lads are promising something special after their time off. We just over the moon to be back out on tour, grins Nicky. And to be back in Liverpool, of course. I came over with my mates during the year off. We been out, had a proper mad night, and we were walking back through the square near Yates,s, when a lad came up to me. He said: I know you, you should be round here, you should be in the bling bling bars It made me laugh. I,m not really one for that whole celeb lifestyle. I rather be in an ordinary pub or a bar than somewhere bling bling. So now that Nicky has achieved his ambitions, what,s left on his wish list? A new pair of boots, he laughs. I can find a pair I like anywhere. I know in my head what I want I seen Johnny Depp wearing them but I can find them in the shops. Oh, and motorbike lessons, he says, suddenly sombre. We bought my dad a Harley-Davidson for his 60th birthday. He died a few months ago, so he didn,t get to make the most of it. I love to go out on it and think of him. He have liked that.  

    WESTLIFE will play a spectacular concert for 10,000 Scots fans - in the first ever gig at a historic castle. The Irish chart-toppers are to stage their massive open-air gig this summer in the grounds of Cawdor Castle near Inverness. Hunky Mark Feehily, Shane Filan, Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne will hit the Highlands as they tour with their tenth album Where We Are. ...... Westlife Live on Sky Box Office April 2010 Westlife hit the top five in the Irish chart with €35m WESTLIFE have joined the ranks of the richest entertainers in the country after their hefty fortune saw them included in the latest Rich List. The foursome have just been named as the fifth richest entertainers in the country, with an impressive €35m fortune to their names. Throughout their lengthy career, the boys have racked up an impressive collection of number one hits, stellar album sales -- and a fortune most people can only dream of. While their counterparts in the top five of this weekend's Sunday Times Irish Rich list are all seasoned performers who have been working for two decades or more, Westlife are relative newcomers to the scene in comparison.

    Monday, 3 May 2010 Belfast goes crazy for Westlife You know a band are popular when the crowd is going nuts before they've even taken the stage. The party atmosphere at last night's first of three Westlife shows at the Odyssey Arena began with the appearance of the boy band members on the video screens. Shane got a cheer. Kian got a roar. Nicky got a deafening, bloodcurdling scream. And Mark ... Well, Mark seems to be Westlife's Ringo, but the response was still louder than you would get for Kiss, Metallica and Green Day put together. Westlife's entrance would have shamed these rock titans, too. The intro music was like the Star Wars theme having a fight with the Superman theme, while the stage set looked like the Armagh Planetarium on crack. The four singers appeared onstage clad top to toe in studded black leather, sporting haircuts that probably cost more than my car. They kicked off with a one-two punch of über-ballad What About Now and the actually-quite-rocking When You're Looking Like That. This set the formula for the evening a ballad followed by an upbeat tune, and the fans loved every minute of it. The capacity crowd was made up mainly of girls from six to 60, but there were a few dads and husbands in there, too and everyone sang themselves hoarse. It was impossible to resist the bouncy charm of anthems like Mandy, Shadows and Billy Joel's Uptown Girl. They even had a crack at Thin Lizzy's The Boys Are Back in Town (with Kian on guitar!), and it wasn't half bad. The show was the opening night of the tour to promote Westlife's new album Where We Are, but it was just as much a greatest hits set. And what hits. You don't sell 40 million records and score 14 number ones almost as many as the Beatles without knowing a good tune when Louis Walsh hears one. No expense had been spared. There were costume changes, at least three major set changes and what looked like the plans for the Death Star on the video screens. But the focus was on the four guys. Their dancing wasn't up to much, but they were clearly having the time of their lives up there. When Nicky asked if the crowd had missed them, I thought my glasses were going to shatter with the volume of the response. Indeed, the fans were so loud it was hard to tell how the boys' voices are holding up after an astonishing 11 years at the top of their game. Boyzone may be cuter. Take That may be quirkier. But Westlife are certainly the most charismatic of the boy bands, and they had the Belfast audience in the palm of their hands for the duration of this two-hour extravaganza. ANDREW JOHNSTON

    04 May 2010 By Stacey Heaney WESTLIFE were back at the Odyssey Arena, Belfast this week, bigger and better than ever as they returned to the city following a two year break from touring. Westlife rocked the Odyssey Arena this week as they performed at three sold out shows in Belfast. The boys were obviously thrilled to be back on stage again, almost as thrilled as the thousands of fans who packed into the Odyssey to see them during three sold out nights at the venue. Looking and sounding great, the Westlife boys danced their hearts out during the two-hour spectacle, which featured tracks from their new album 'Where We Are', some of the band's greatest hits and even a Glee style medley of Black Eyed Peas' I Gotta Feeling, Beyonce's Halo and Kings of Leon's Sex on Fire in an energetic routine. A spectactular computerised laser display kicked off the show, counting down the seconds until Shane, Nicky, Kian and Mark appeared on stage, where they opened the concert with Where We Are, the title track of their latest album, before moving on to the massive hit What About Now? and then picking up the pace with a rocking rendition of When You're Looking Like That. The fans were already having the time of their lives, singing and dancing along and the noise only got louder as the guys went through hit after hit including My Love, where they showed off their vocal ability by finishing the song acapella, Uptown Girl, Swear It Again, Mandy and a mash-up of If I Let You Go and Air Supply's All Out Of Love. A quick costume change later and the boys were back with fantastic versions of Home and I'm Already There, as well as new hits Shadows and Reach Out. Picking up the energy, the guys added another string to their bow with a dance routine that proved they have well and truly ditched the stools. A medley of Black Eyed Peas' I Gotta Feeling, a dance version of Beyonce's Halo, Thin Lizzy's The Boys Are Back In Town, which featured Kian on electric guitar and Kings of Leon's Sex on Fire had the Odyssey rocking and the audience breathless by the end of the set. Watched by their families, the guys paid tribute to their loved ones and the fans who have supported them since they began in 1998. With such a back catalogue, it is always going to be difficult to fit in all of their hits, but the biggest selling band of the decade managed to do just that with a good blend of the old and the new finishing the night with the huge hits What Makes A Man, Flying Without Wings and World Of Our Own, before saying their goodbyes. As chants of 'Westlife' reverberated around the room, the action began for the encore. With crosses filling the screens, the boys returned to the stage dressed in black suits as they prepared to pay a moving tribute to their loved ones. Having been together for the past 13 years, it is only inevitable that the band have become like family to each other and the group paid a fitting tribute to both Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne's father's Kevin and Nicky Senior who sadly passed away last year. Finishing the evening with the hauntingly beautiful I'll See You Again, a song dedicated to both men, photos of Kian and Nicky with their father's flashed across the screen as both men stood beside each other, seeking comfort in what must have been a difficult performance. The band then ended the night with a superb performance of You Raise Me Up, the song the group performed at the funerals of both men, continuing their tribute and completing a magnificent show. It was great to see Westlife back at the Odyssey once again following their hiatus, and they proved why they are one of the best loved and most successful boy bands out there as they put on their best show ever. Local fans will now be looking forward to the guys returning once again, the question will be when that is, although from the reaction from fans they would be saying, 'What about now?

    May 7 2010 Music magazines would crucify us if we overtake The Beatles tally on No1 singles, says Westlife's Kian Egan WESTLIFE reckon they'll be crucified if they manage to equal The Beatles' tally of 17 No.1 UK singles. The Irish boy band are only three tunes away with 14 No.1s. They still have a bit to go to equal Elvis record-breaking tally of 21 No.1 singles. But the boys already know the clamour that will greet them if they catch up with the Fab Four. "I could just imagine the music magazines and newspapers crucifying us if we overtook The Beatles or Elvis," said Kian Egan, 30. "We'd be annihilated, but it would be fun." The boys - Kian, Shane Filan, Mark Feehily and Nicky Byrne - have been one of the UK's top groups since 1999 and their first No.1, Swear It Again. That year, they had four No.1s and three in 2000. Those seven consecutive No.1s equalled The Beatles record. Westlife are only in their late twenties and early thirties so have plenty of time and a strong enough fan base to equal The Beatles' No.1 total. Mark, 29, admits they are excited and said: "We have broken records in the past but that would be major history. That would be something that would take a long time for someone to rival us. It's taken us so long to get close and it would be amazing. "But it's not something we would rely on to happen. "We can't live our lives trying to beat that record and see it as a failure if we don't. "But we are very, very close." Westlife missed a chance to close the gap with The Beatles last year when their last single, What About Now, went to No.2. Their seventh studio album Where We Are also went to No.2 but Kian and Mark aren't worried. At least they say they're not. And their strong fan base confirms they are still a force in British pop. Their Where We Are tour will play three nights at the SECC in Glasgow from May 24. Next Friday, May 14, they will broadcast a live show from London's O2 Arena on Sky Box Office. Mark said: "We are still standing in there. "We have a sold-out tour and our last album sold over a million copies. So we are still happy." Managed by Louis Walsh, their record label boss is Simon Cowell. Both have steered the band into performing mushy ballads and a heap of cover versions. It's an image they are ready to break. Before the band released Where We Are last year, they claimed they were trying out a new direction, away from their typical ballads and cover versions. So were they disappointed that Where We Are was the first album since debut Westlife in 1999 not to go to No.1? And that the last No.1 single they had was 2006's The Rose? "We still sell more than most pop acts in the UK so technically it's still a massive success," pointed out Mark. "But it's hard to compete against the giant success we had years ago, especially the way the music industry is at the moment. "But it would hard to not call a No.2 album and a No.2 single a success. "We consider it so and so does our record company. "Of course, a No.2 isn't as good as No.1. But I think what matters is that you sell enough records to make another one. "If you are in any act, you don't want to get dropped. You want to be able to continue, do a tour and make another album. "We know better than anyone that it's silly to live competing with ourselves. "We can't assume that because we were successful, we still will be. "That's why we have so much drive and ambition to continue to be successful. "You have to look forwards, not backwards." Much of Westlife's outlook on life comes from a renewed sense of purpose after the deaths last year of Kian and Nicky's dads and of Boyzone's Stephen Gately, at just 33 from a heart defect. Stephen was the first boyband star to come out as gay and Mark followed his lead five years ago. He is now engaged to boyfriend Kevin McDaid. Like the rest of Westlife, Mark didn't know Stephen especially well, but his death changed his way of thinking. He said: "When you have been able to carve out a successful career over a period of time, you end up playing safe and being afraid to take risks. "You wait around, put things off and worry so much about maintaining your career. "When Stephen died, I realised it could be all over in the morning without warning. That's a very scary thought and it made me realise that I should just get on with stuff. "It made me think, 'Why do you put things off or worry whether to buy a car? Just do it. Live your life. Don't put anything off until next year and stop worrying to much.' " Was Mark's engagement a reaction to Stephen's death? "No, it was happening anyway," said Mark. "But his death made me realise I had to get on with my life. It's about not being scared to do things." Kian agreed that although none of Westlife knew Stephen particularly well, they were affected most at the funeral when they saw people they were close to so upset. He said: "To see Louis crumble and Ronan and the Boyzone lads so upset, it really hit us." Westlife are growing up. Shane, Nicky and Kian are married. Shane has three kids. Nicky has twins. But although Mark is engaged, there will be no wedding bells anytime soon. "People put engagement and wedding too close together," he said. "At the moment, we are enjoying the engagement. But it's not been an easy road for Westlife. Kian, Mark and Shane started in a six-strong Sligo group called IOYOU. Shane's mum helped them get together with Louis in July 1998. But before Simon signed them to BMG, the other three members were dumped and Nicky and Brian McFadden from Dublin brought in. But after their success, Brian quit the band in 2004 and, like Take That and the Spice Girls, Westlife could have split, too. But they didn't although they did an album of swing covers, Allow Us To Be Frank, which Mark calls a "weird time" and an album he'd like to forget. Nowadays, they have competition from JLS, who are Westlife's first real threat for the biggest boy band tag. But after 12 years at the top and over 40 million albums sold, the Irish lads reckon JLS still have a lot to achieve. Kian said: "I'm happy to compete. There's no point in sitting down and not do our thing. "We are very different to JLS. It's also their first year. If you manage to get a great album together in your first year and have talent, which they do, you will have an even bigger second year because that's how trends work. "But we are happy to concentrate on ourselves and look back and remember our first few years and how crazy it was. "The best way to look at it is to compare our first year and songs like Swear Again and Flying Without Wings and having seven No.1s straight." That might be a subtle dig. While JLS's debut album beat Robbie Williams to the top spot and their first two singles went to No.1, their third, One Shot, only got to No.6. But Kian isn't taking anything away from The X Factor runners-up. "The boys are living the dream, travelling and visiting places you don't even know the name of. But it's different when you are in your 12th year. "It's a different type of success and we are at a different part of our career. It's tougher to constantly stay at the top of your game and record better songs." 

    Westlife We're A 'Manband WestlifeWestlife have been around for 12 years but they're not worried about their young competition. Mark Feehily, Shane Filan, Kian Egan and Nicky Byrne are happy to call themselves a "manband". The band have enjoyed 14 UK number one singles and sold over 43 million records worldwide. And now they're getting ready to hit the road again with 22 tour dates across the UK and an O2 Arena gig set to be broadcast live, exclusively by Sky Box Office, on 14th May. We catch up with the group ahead of their Where We Are tour this summer. Which part of the tour are you looking forward to the most? Nicky: "Touring is one of the most exciting parts of what we do as Westlife. You go out and meet the fans, sing live - there really isn't a better part of the job. "Over the 12 years we've been together we've built up quite a relationship with the fans and we like to have a bit of fun and banter on stage. So what can fans expect? Nicky: "Being on tour is different to a typical run-of-the-mill TV performance and being broadcast live on Sky Box Office will be extra special because there will be added pressure - mistakes are there to be seen!" Shane: "When we go on tour we always do a medley of out-there songs and this year is a really good one. It's the part of the show where fans get to see us doing things we don't normally do." You say you've built up a good relationship with fans - what's the most crazy thing a fan has done? Shane: "We've had death threats, we've had a few stalkers. Mark's had a couple of dodgy stalkers." Mark: "Some fans have christened their children after us - that's very romantic isn't it?" Do you miss performing with Brian?Brian McFadden Nicky: "No." (laughs) Shane: "There will be some moments that bring back memories and remind us of the times we had with Brian, but as a band we've been without him for a long time and we're still good friends. We've moved on, it's like going to school with someone and then you both go to colleges, you go your separate ways." How do you relax on tour? Nicky: "We have bubble baths!" Mark: "During the day we have the opportunity to go to the gym, go for walks, exercise." So you're clean-living guys? Nicky: "In general we like a night out and have a drink but we look after ourselves on tour - you have to look after your body." Kian: "We used to go mad on tours in the first few years but now we can only do that if you have a guaranteed day off the next day. You don't want to be going on stage with a hangover so we try to keep it down to one night a week." How did you feel about Take That reforming? Kian: "To see bands like Take That do well is a positive thing. For a long time pop music seemed to be on the way out and rock and rap music was taking over, so for Take That to come back and have success proves there's room for different types of music. Boybands, or Manbands, whatever you want to call us, can be successful again." Are you worried about being in a different market with younger bands like JLS? Mark: "We came out in 1999 and since then there's been Busted, Blue, F!VE, JLS, and a lot of other bands. I think we've proven there's room for more than one - we don't worry about other acts, we're busy taking care of ourselves."Charlize Theron If you weren't all in relationships, which celebrities would catch your eye? Kian: "Gisele is very pretty." Shane: "For me the prettiest-looking celebrity would be Charlize Theron, she's incredible looking. Katherine Heigl is also beautiful - I had to have two." Nicky: "I like the older woman at the moment, I think a little bit of Sandra Bullock could be nice." Are you best friends? Nicky: "We've kind of grown-up together, we're even closer than some brothers, but we all have a separate set of friends - if the band broke up now we wouldn't see each other every day, we'd hook up in time. We get on amazingly or else we wouldn't still be around." Who spends the most time in front of mirror on tour? Nicky: "Mark!" Mark: "Yes it could be true - in terms of getting ready for show, I like to relax and get ready slowly. So potentially I could spend longer in front of the mirror."Kian and Jodi Albert Have you got any extravagant riders? Mark: "Not really, just fruit, chocolate and a few beers." Kian, are you and Jodi (Albert) planning to have kids soon? Kian: "Jodi's in a new girlband with Mercury records and they're coming out this summer so the focus is more on that. 

    Review: Westlife at Liverpool's ECHO Arena May 10 2010 by Joanne Kelly, Liverpool Daily Post Add a commentRecommend WESTLIFE'S Nicky Byrne saw his dream come true as he sang You'll Never Walk Alone with 10,000 fans at the group Liverpool concert on Friday. In between hits, the blond heart-throb confessed: "I've always wanted to do this!" before kicking off a rendition of the Liverpool FC anthem. Bandmate Kian said: "It's a pleasure to be back here in Liverpool, one of the best arenas because of all the lovely Scousers. "You know the reason you make so much noise is because you're so close to the Irish." A full-house welcomed the boys back to the Echo Arena for their Where We Are tour, which included new tunes Shadows and How to Break a Heart, as well as You Raise Me Up and Flying Without Wings. Die-hard fans in home-made T-shirts were on their feet throughout the 23-strong set. New additions to the band's repertoire of covers included the Kings of Leon's Sex on Fire and Beyoncé's Halo but Uptown Girl and Mandy were thankfully not forgotten.  

    Nicky crashes and Byrnes Play-fight ... Westlife ROCK 'n' roll brawling isn't really what you come to expect on a WESTLIFE tour. Connect 4 competitions and a quiet pint of Guinness, maybe. But NICKY BYRNE was rushed to hospital when a play-fight got out of hand after their gig in Liverpool at the weekend. He was wrestling bandmate KIAN EGAN to the floor when he smashed his head through a glass table. Numpty. He ended up with five stitches and a bad headache. He said: "All fun and stupid lads joking. I'm healing already." 

    Westlife boys hit the town ... and a head! May 13 2010 Add a commentRecommend AFTER their sell out show at the ECHO arena, Insider hears Ireland fab four, Westlife, headed straight to Palm Sugar Lounge in Liverpool One to keep the party going. The boys wanted to sample Liverpool nightlife and were seen enjoying themselves in a champagne booth in the bar. Westlife Where We Are tour is a gruelling schedule with 31 shows but the boys had a rare day off after the Liverpool show so they took advantage of a good night out. Our spies say they were also to be found treating their guests to Laurent Perrier rose champagne at Newz Bar, and dancing with the samba dancers at Alma De Cuba before heading back to the Malmaison hotel. A fine old time was had by all, although reports since suggest Nicky ended up with stitches after hitting his head on a tables.

    14 May 2010 Westlife admit their terrible past Westlife have recorded a host of "terrible" songs during their pop career, the Irish boyband have admitted. The quartet say there are a number of tracks they regret in their back catalogue, which has made them one of the most successful acts in British music history. "We've certainly made a lot of mistakes. We've recorded songs that we should never have recorded. "We look back on some of them and think, 'Oh God, that was terrible'," confessed Nicky Byrne in a new interview. Shane Filan says the group had become "lazy" and often didn't stand up for what they believed in. "Sitting in rooms and nodding our heads and doing everything that was asked of us was what we did for years and years. "But we are happy to speak now, to say, 'I think we should do this'. We've become men over the last few years," insisted Byrne. 

    Westlife star Mark Feehily has taken aim at British rap trio N-Dubz - berating the hip-hop stars for their "irresponsible behavior" and branding them "total idiots". The clean-cut singer has slammed the group for not taking their task as role models for their impressionable fans seriously, after N-Dubz member Dappy was embroiled in two drugs scandals last month. The rapper was caught on camera taking controversial drug mephedrone and was kicked out of a U.K. theme park after allegedly smoking cannabis in the venue's hotel. And Feehily has urged the band to act more like "real stars" Bono and Jay-Z - insisting the young hitmakers have "no respect". 

    Boy band fans flock to Glasgow for first of three Westlife shows Irish group Westlife are expected to play to some 20,000 people. You just have to follow the sea of cowboy hats and glowsticks to know that a boy band is in town. Marching on Glasgow SECC last night was an army of dedicated Westlife fans who have been coming back year after year. Last night concert was the first of three, for which more than 20,000 fans are expected. If the crowd at the opening show was anything to go by, it seems generations of families will be turning out to see the Irish superstars. Amanda Wyllie, 36, from Maybole, South Ayrshire, was responsible for roping her mother in 10 years ago. The pair now come along with Amanda daughter Keira, five. Amanda said: I suppose I started it all and now we have three generations coming along. They appeal to us all and we all have our favourites. It is difficult to say but they are just amazing to watch. Fan Maureen Anderson, from Cumnock, in Ayrshire, will celebrate her 70th birthday this summer, and was looking forward to seeing the group for the first time. She said: We have been fans for years. Anyone can enjoy their music. Her friend Morag Herbertson, 68, from Glasgow, was also excited about seeing them in concert. We will be shouting and cheering along, she said. You can,t help but like a band like Westlife although you sometimes get a bit of a teasing.Hairdresser Kay MacIver, 40, from Stornoway, on the Isle of Lewis, said: My husband always buys me two tickets at Christmas and I take one of my friends. It just makes you want to have a great night. 

    Shane Filan and Nicky Byrne head to Palm Sugar Lounge after performing at the Echo Arena, Liverpool, UK

    Thursday June 03 2010 THE STAGE is set for the Westlife juniors to follow their dads into the showbiz world. Proud dad Nicky Byrne has posted a picture of his three-year-old twin sons Rocco and Jay on his Twitter site. The toddlers are snapped in matching jeans and jumper outfits reaching up to the microphones on stage at a stadium in the UK where Westlife are performing. The two appear comfortable in front of the mic and Nicky (31) said that he couldn't resist posting the cute photo. "I just had to tweet this!" Nicky said. "Rocco n Jays first soundcheck. Newcastle metro arena 31/5/10." Nicky has admitted that the group love the touring, no matter how tough the schedule. "Touring is our baby. When we promote a single it's normally a big ballad so we're limited to what you can do with the live performances," he said. "So touring is like getting out of school on our summer holidays where we can go daft." Nicky and his wife Georgina Ahern have been together since they first met in school. "From the moment I saw Georgina, I put her up on a pedestal," Nicky once revealed. "I could have a conversation with anyone, but I couldn't talk to Georgina." Karaoke Their twin sons celebrated their third birthday recently but already appear to be following in their father's footsteps. Nicky lost his own dad Nikki last year and revealed that he was part of the reason he went into showbusiness. The late Nikki, a former singer on the cabaret and karaoke circuit, was part of Nikki and the Studz in his earlier days and also used to perform with Nicky when he was younger. Long-time friend, the showband legend Sonny Knowles, sang Smile at the funeral service and there was also a performance from Westlife. Shane Filan (30), Kian Egan (30), Mark Feehily (29) and Nicky are currently in the middle of a hectic sold-out tour schedule. Westlife's Mark said that they were chuffed that so many people have called their sons after them. And he also joked that have anticipated a baby boom thanks to their next album. "You can listen to it while you're conceiving," he joked. "We're in meetings this week for the next album and have lots of ideas as we want to get out by the end of the year." The Irish band's last album sold over a million copies.  

    Dubliners' diary:
    Kasey finds romance at Westlife gig
    Monday June 07 2010 IT
    looks like Jodi Albert's
    Wonderland bandmate Kasey Smith could soon be following in her footsteps by bagging herself a pop star beau.
    The blonde singer
    was spotted cosying up to one of the members of American boyband Wow this weekend.
    The pair had both taken to the stage with their respective bands as support acts at Westlife's Croke Park gig on Saturday night. And they appeared to be quite taken with one another when they decamped to celebrity hotspot Krystle for an exclusive afterparty. The Diary
    spotted the up and coming popstars looking very close when they arrived hand in hand to join the rest of the celebs at the invite-only bash in the club's Penthouse suite.
    Meanwhile Westlife star Kian Egan and Jodi,
    his wife of just over a year, were more loved up than ever as they celebrated the success of the massive show,
    alongside friends including fellow
    Westlife crooner Mark Feehily and his partner Kevin McDaid. Smitten singer Kian had paid an emotional tribute to his actress turned singer wife during the concert,
    thanking her for her continuous support throughout the past year which saw his father pass away in July following a long battle with cancer.
    Birthday The star also debuted his musical talents during the show when he performed The Boys Are Back in Town on an electric guitar,
    given to him as a birthday present from his Westlife bandmates. Nicky Byrne and Shane Filan meanwhile had their chance to shine when their children,
    Nicky's twins Rocco and Jay and Shane's three children Nicole, Patrick and baby Shane Peter took to the stage with them for the band's hit single Already There.
    The pair -- along with their wives Georgina and Gillian-- were not in attendance at the afterparty in Krystle,
    as they had to jet straight to Manchester following the concert in order to take part in Robbie Williams'
    Soccer Aid event at the United ground at Old Trafford yesterday. ,

    Shane lives the high life in Surrey
    Shane Filan and wife Gillian are spending half the year in Surrey Westlife crooner Shane Filan,
    30, and his wife Gillian are enjoying life in their new Surrey bolthole - a Georgian house in Cobham which is set in half an acre. 'It's private and we have great neighbours.
    We plan to spend half the year here and half in Ireland,'
    says Shane,
    who also owns a mock Tudor mansion in Carraroe,
    Co. Sligo.
    Shane is already familiar with the area as he takes his children Nicole Rose,
    Patrick Michael, one, and six-month-old Shane Peter to nearby Chessington World of Adventures,
    and he enjoys playing golf at Wentworth.
    Shane and brother Finbarr are spearheading a luxury housing development in Sligo where they hope to build 63 apartments.

    Singer to develop €5m nursing home In this section »

    Shane Filan and his brother Finbar are to develop a €5 million nursing home
    at Knappagh Road on the edge of Sligo town.
    The project has been given the go-ahead by An Bord Pleanála with 14 conditions attached to meet objections from neighbouring residents associations.
    The home is set to be completed by June next year.
    The state-of-the-art building is one of a multimillion euro set of development projects
    the singer is set to start in his Sligo home area,
    which he says could create up to 300 jobs for local people.
    The brothers are also set to start work on a new 50-bed nursing home in Dromahair, Co Leitrim, and on a new residential and retail complex near Shane,s luxury home at Carraroe, outside Sligo town.
    The brothers,
    who run construction company Shafin, say they are preparing for an end to the recession and to meet a growing demand from an ageing population for more nursing homes. Shafin,
    like others in the construction industry,
    was left with a number of unsold properties from an earlier development in Dromahair.
    But the singer said positive things were beginning to happen. We sold over a dozen houses in Dromahair in recent months.
    That proves the banks are beginning to loosen the purse strings and people are becoming a bit more positive.
    We firmly believe that it needs to be local people who get Sligo moving again,
    he said.

    Monday 19 July 2010 News
    Westlife are reportedly teaming up with the producer who is behind Take That's recent comeback.
    Westlife - Recording new album in London The Irish pop group are working on their new album with top American producer John Shanks, reports the Irish Daily Star.
    A source told the newspaper:
    "It's a major coup for Westlife to get this producer - he's produced all the big acts from Bon Jovi to the Backstreet Boys and Take That. "They wanted him for their last album but weren't able to get him.
    They're thrilled that he's agreed to work with them on this album." Shanks worked on the Take That albums 'Beautiful World' and 'The Circus' and wrote their number one hits 'Greatest Day and Patience'.
    flew to London last week to begin work on their new record, which they plan to release in November. 

    Wednesday July 28 2010 WESTLIFE
    are going to party with their families and close friends behind the stage at their Lissadell House concert on Friday -- and their pets will also get in on the act.
    The boys are set to bring their pet pooches along for the show. They have specifically asked for dog bones and other dog food in their "must-have" list of backstage supplies at their first concert in seven years in Sligo,
    home county to three of the four singers.
    Backstage sources revealed Kian, Shane,
    Mark and Nicky have also asked for a supply of chewing-gum. They have also asked for Lucozade Sportdrink before taking the stage in front of 10,000 fans.
    Westlife will have two support acts, Kian Egan's wife Jodi Albert and her band and
    Shane Filan's brother-in-law Glenn Cal, a musician who regularly plays in Sligo pubs.

    The four piece
    will take to the stage this evening at Lissadell House,
    to perform as part of a three day music weekend in Sligo The 'You Raise Me Up'
    singers have not played their home town for seven years and according to Ocean FM,
     Kian has said that he "can't wait" for the event. Mark Feehily also expressed his excitement by tweeting: "Sligo here we go! We are home!!
    Rain Rain stay away, let the fun commence! xxx". 

    Wednesday August 11 2010 WESTLIFE

    star Nicky Byrne
    was more loved up than ever this week when he wined and dined his wife Georgina Ahern in London to celebrate their seventh wedding anniversary.
    The couple are currently based in Britain along with their twin sons, Rocco and Jay (3),
    while Nicky and his bandmates Shane Filan, Mark Feehily and Cian Egan record material for their new album.
    The group recently signed up to work with six-time Grammy nominee, John Shanks, who is responsible for teen sensation Miley Cyrus's new album,
    Can't Be Tamed. However, the romantic Nicky (31) was determined not to neglect his childhood sweetheart on their special day and even posted a romantic tribute to her on his Twitter page.
    "A very happy seventh wedding anniversary to my beautiful wife," Nicky wrote.
    "Here's to gazillions more." The star also took some time out of his busy schedule to show his other half a good time,
    planning a night out at an exclusive restaurant. "They've been in London all week, where they've been celebrating in style," said a source close to the star.
    "They're also planning a trip back to the Chateau D'Esclimont in Gallardon,France, where they wed seven years ago, later this year," they added.
    Before then, however, the star will join his bandmates for an intimate gig in front of 1,000 fans at the O2 next week.
    The concert will be streamed live from the venue on the O2's website
    Nicky is also due back on the airwaves next Sunday
    afternoon for his new weekly gig spinning discs alongside 2fm star Michael Cahill from 5pm to 7pm. 

    Irish pop crooners Westlife
    are touring the UK next March playing ten gigs at some of the biggest venues in the country,
    with tickets now available on
    The boys will take to the road in Spring 2011 to promote an upcoming new album,
    which is thus far untitled.
    Mentored by fellow Irish pop hero Ronan Keating, the four boys - Shane, Nicky, Mark and Kian - are sure to set the UK live arenas alive once again as they wow their army of fans across the nation. Remarkably it will be the band's tenth UK tour and is bound to sell out rapidly.
    Westlife have played at London Wembley Arena an incredible 25 times and they will return to the venue
    on 27th March 2011. Tickets for the tour will sell out fast but as Europe's leading ticket exchange, viagogo will have 100% guaranteed tickets for all Westlife dates.

    Westlife will play the following UK shows:
    March 7th CIA, Cardiff March 11th O2 Arena, London
    March 14th Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle
    March 16th Trent FM Arena, Nottingham
    March 18th Echo Arena, Liverpool
    March 19th SECC, Glasgow March 22nd MEN Arena, Manchester March 25th LG Arena, Birmingham
    March 27th Wembley Arena, London
    March 28th Motorpoint Arena, Sheffield.

    To ensure you don't miss out on these spectacular shows, secure your Westlife tickets now on 

    Westlife top the bill at Arthur's Day in Dublin Monday,
    20 September 2010 Westlife

    Westlife have been named as the headline act at the Guinness Arthur's Day celebrations in Dublin this Thursday.
    The irish boyband will be joined by The Script and a host of other international artists.
    The Dublin gig is one of more than 1,000 planned events nationwide, involving 150 confirmed artists and 200 hours of live music performance.

    ,It's a family affair for Jodi as Wonderland
    sparkle in debut gig Wednesday
    September 29 2010

    Westwife Jodi Albert was cheered on by some very special guests when her new girlband Wonderland performed their debut gig at Dublin's Pod nightclub.
    Dressed to impress in a black jeans and white jacket combo,
    Kian Egan's wife explained how she was thrilled when her parents George and Eileen jetted into town to support her and her bandmates Kasey Smith, Corinna Durran, Sharon Condon and Leigh Learmont.
    Jodi's parents spent several days visiting the couple at their home in Sligo before flying to Dublin with their daughter and her popstar hubby for the band's intimate launch gig.
    Kian's in-laws are due to return home today for a family wedding at the weekend,
    at which Jodi and the band are expected to perform. The close-knit family has been through a difficult time after Jodi's mum Eileen battled cancer last year,
    while Kian was left devastated when he lost his own father Kevin to cancer in July of last year. However,
    last night was all about toasting Wonderland's successful five-track set. "They were fantastic and we're so glad we were here to see it,"
    Jodi's proud father George told the Diary.
    "They've put a lot of hard work in over the past couple of years and I think they'll do very well.
    " Kian and Louis Walsh were on hand last night to support their protegees as they performed their first single Nothing Moves Me Anymore and four other songs.
    Following their every move was an ITV film crew, who are making a documentary about the group, which will be shown later this year. Speaking about his latest showbiz venture, Kian explained how he and his wife of a year and a half are careful to keep their personal life and their work life separate.
    "There haven't been any disagreements and I don't anticipate that there will be," he explained.
    "Jodi and the girls know that Louis and I make the decisions. That's why they have us there as managers.
    "It's nice for us to work together and have that shared interest. We're both enjoying the different elements of it.
    " Kian's bandmate Mark Feehily and his husband-to-be Kevin McDaid, as well as former You're a star contestant Leanne Moore were also in the audience to wish the girls well.
    The aspiring songstress was one of the main contenders when it came to choosing the line-up for the band,
    but was pipped at the post for the final spot by Leigh Learmont.

    12-11-2013 om 21:33 geschreven door westlife

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    Rondvraag / Poll
    welke cd vind jij de beste van westlife
    the love album
    Allow Us To Be Frank
    Coast To Coast
    Face To Face
    Turn Around
    Back Home
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    wie van westlife heeft de mooiste/beste stem
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    welke dvd van westlife vind jij goed/mooi.
    where dreams come true
    coast to coast
    westlife the greatest hits tour.
    the turnaround tour
    westlife live at wembley
    westlife the number ones tour.
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    wie van westlife is jou favo.... en waarom
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    wie van westlife vind jij leuk ?
    Nicky Byrne
    Mark Feehily
    Shane Filan
    Kian Egan
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     photo 121854503386407.gif
    Rondvraag / Poll
    Safe hoe vind jij de song??
    heel goed
    gaat wel
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    Wat is het mooiste liedje van Westlife
    My love.
    Mandy .
    You Raise Me Up.
    The rose.
    I Wanna Grow Old With You.
    All or nothing.
    Catch My Breath.
    All Out of love.
    Close Your Eyes.
    I Miss You.
    If I Let You Go.
    I Have A Dream.
    Every Little Thing You Do.
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    westlife de beste boyband/popband ??...
    weet niet .
    westlife de beste ooit
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    ireland - westlife land -- ben jij er geweest ?
    nog niet maaar -ik ga er zeker een keer heen
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    hoelang ben jij al een westlife fan
    10 jaar
    9 jaar
    8 jaar
    7 jaar
    6 jaar
    5 jaar
    4 jaar
    3 jaar
    2 jaar
    1 jaar
    altijd geweest en nog
    van het begin
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    wie van westlife heb jij ontmoet
    nog niemand
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    wat maak nicky zoooo speciaal
    de blik in zijn ogen
    zijn stem
    zijn lach
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    wat vinden jullie van..As Love Is My Witness
    echt mooi
    niet zo
    vind het niks
    hoe vaker ik hem hoor. hoe mooier ik hem vind
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    Westlife Parfum.. heb jij hem al
    nog niet
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    What About Now -- wat vind je van de song
    echt mooi
    super mooi
    echt goed
    vind het niks
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    shane waarom shane
    het is zijn stem
    hij is lief
    hij is zo mooi
    hij is gewoon alles
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    zie ik brain..dan denk ik aan westlife..heb jij dat ook???
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    Rondvraag / Poll
    MARK ik neem hem mee naar huis en laat hem nooit meer gaan
    KIAN ik neem hem mee naar huis en dan laat ik hem de hele dag zingen en dansen
    SHANE ik neem hem mee naar huis en sluit hem op in mijn kamer
    NICKY ik neem hem mee naar huis en ga voetballen met hem
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    kian heeft .......
    een mooie stem
    mooie ogen
    een mooie glimlach
    leuke oortjes
    een lekker lichaam
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    brain mcfadden is
    goeie zanger
    Bekijk resultaat


    Rondvraag / Poll
    wat maakt dat je mark feehily zoooo leuk vind
    zijn lach
    zijn ogen
    zijn stem
    zijn verlegenheid
    is het zijn ierse accent
    zijn mond
    het is gewoon alles samen
    zijn haar
    hoe hij danst
    hoe hij op zijn onderlip bijt
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    wat vinden jullie van de boyband medley
    gaat wel
    niks aan
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    voor wie westlife nog niet kon ? ( maar nu dus wel) wat vind je van westlife
    erg goed
    wel aardig
    mooie stemmen
    goeie popband
    ben fan geworden
    nee niks voor mij
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    ( cd where we are ) welke song vind jij het mooist/goed
    What About Now
    How To Break A Heart
    Talk Me Down
    Where We Are
    The Difference
    As Love Is My Witness
    Another World
    No More Heroes
    Sound Of A Broken Heart
    Reach Out
    I'll See You Again
    ik vind ze allemaal mooi/goed
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    safe de video is...
    echt goed
    Bekijk resultaat

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    Rondvraag / Poll
    hoe goed ken jij westlife.wie zijn ogen zie jij ....kijk afb boven
    mark / nicky
    kian / shane
    shane / nicky
    kian / mark
    mark / shane
    nicky / kian
    shane / kian
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    wl nieuwe single ‘Lighthouse is....
    LOVE IT !!!
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    What Is The Ultimate Westlife Video?
    Swear It Again
    If I Let You Go
    Flying Without Wings
    Uptown Girl
    Queen Of My Heart
    World Of Our Own
    you Raise Me Up
    What About Now
    Bekijk resultaat

    Rondvraag / Poll
    Are you happy with Westlife winning the Battle of the Boy Bands?
    zeker zij hebben het verdiend
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