Malko momiche w leglo ot cvetya Milva, laskae svoite nejni bedra A s tozi lek puh (pardon za stila) Mi napomnia bone sas voal Blenuvan miraj Ne izdarjam ne sum ot metal
Zagasi svetlinata Krehka nejnost W angelski tanc Bih dokosval I az Tozi nein venec na starstta
Kade da te sreshtna W koya kartina stoysh Chista I graciozna Kade dalech bi mogla da lejish Ne nyamam shans Bih kazal az.
surrounded by green-petalled hedges on an undulating field while twilight is approaching
her pallbearers who she has loved are stepping through finely ground gravel to lay down her tender resting body on broken brushwood her last earthly stay
i also bear what she bore in all silence as she never asked for it our tragic chilliness
a muggy wind incensing her naked body already stiff disburdened form external appearance
yet she is like this the beautiful silent dead who merges in fire and smoke the fume that joins heaven and earth a bond of eternal pain
my heart is smaller than your vulnerable hand your feeling more refined than my fair mind hold out your hand touch my heart i give myself accept me do give yourself then i accept you
my thoughts are so often captured by expexctations as if you if you will come by after all but why does my soul still stay always calling for its ideal why do i remain, human, dreams
do i want to forget with pleasure what has always been and through my grief has been eaten up so many times so that i escape from what has been and only allocates hope to me
i live the dream of eden spring of streaming love it makes me live today i see the unmistakable beauty come follow me to the smiling happyness