brims of gold and rays of sunshine will help to tell the story of this feast of all that lives and grows and blooms...


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  • page 7 - early MAY
  • page 6 .....and more photos from spring 2006
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    Inhoud blog
  • 2006 - ROSES in our garden - page 9
  • Page 8 - Poetry
  • page 7 - early MAY
  • page 6 .....and more photos from spring 2006
  • Page 5 - Spring 2006
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    Wandering between Mists and Seasons
    My love for Nature and Gardening ...
    Deze webpagina bestaat ook in het Nederlands en in het Frans. Aan de linkerzijde vindt U de link naar de url.
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    Spring, isn't this a wonderful time ?    and...
     the back of the garden, competing for the highest top !

    Wandering between mists and seasons...
    a wonderful place !

    There's so many things in life that can make a person happy.
    Who also owns a garden can call himself a lucky man.
    You can talk about it, write about it, but most of all experience it.
    That hasn't always been the case for me. the very beginning, when we only had a piece of land
    and not even a house on it, I already did feel an itch.

    I suppose it's in the genes. I remember my great-grandfather's
    garden, his love for my grandmother's flowers, my parents,
    who also loved their garden very much..
    But also my husband turned out to be a gardener in the bud.

    I've always loved nature, but ??????; know ????? and especially
    actively working it, that was something different.
    When we got married we got so many beautiful plants and flowers
    that we didn't even have enough windowsilks.
    Nevertheless this was the beginning of an encounter
    and exploration journey that is still going on...

    Spring 2003, the American oak awakes,
    the acorn was planted by my son, when he was still a toddler

    The piece of land we had bought was a lovely spot, even back
    then, with old, bent appletrees. A shame several of them had to
    be axed when we were gonna build our residence here.
    Some have kept us company on our 35-year journey.

    Once in a while they even surprise themselves with their strength
    to live when in the spring blossoms appear on their tired old stem.
    They didn't even expect that themselves and to be quite frank,
    neither did we.


    Pear tree, at least 70 years old, still blooms every spring

    We have learned much more.... "roses",
    for me a late but true discovery and a new love.
    How is it that one day a person starts looking at things so
    differently ? Is it because they touch you ?

    It can happen between people too ! Suddenly one looks t
    hrough the eyes of love and everything becomes
    much clearer and purer, real ?????, the blue sky, the clouds,
    infinity, fellow-man, God...

    roses - Claire Matin

    and New Dawn

    Clematis-Montana - Mayleen against the wall

    and also hanging-baskets !

    Reaping the benefits from a trip to "garden country" England.
    And even though we don't call them hanging baskets here, like
    their brothers and sisters across the Channel.
    Does that sound pretentious... alright, "almost" as good then.

    copper coloured
    hanging begonia

    and herbal bouquet with dill, thyme, mint and geranium

    The waterparty, the buzzing of the bees and bumble bees,
    visiting and pollinating their favorite plants, the birds...industrious,
    combative, making music. Butterflies fluttering around a sedum
    and butterflybush, our frogs, a late hedgehog and even
    a lost squirrel, it's all part of the scene.
    Thank you, thank you...for all these presents and joybringers.

    Our little pond - no matter how small - full of life with frogs and salamanders,
    and on the plants dragonflies, bumble bees and bees...

    As you can see, one is never too old to can never enjoy
    a garden too much or be grateful for it as a gift, where one can work,
    live and spend time with other lovely people.
    I have been blessed with that luck and it makes me very happy.

    Winter - february 1999

    Addendum to August 2, 2003

    Just got back home after spending a few days in the Cotswolds.
    Can't but admit in all honesty I still got a lot to learn about hanging baskets. Magnificent baskets against pictureque houses !
    All I saw was gold, except for the rain. But that's what makes
    them live and grow.

    Got some new ideas for next year !

    25-04-2006 om 19:05 geschreven door garden_and_nature

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     How it started,

    February 1999 still brought us real winter days, as was the case
    this year, in 2004. Because of the almost Toscany skies we were able
    to make many beautiful photos. The poetic landscapes gave me the inspiration to bundle all the photos related to my garden. That was
    quite a job, considering we're talking about a 35-year timespan here.
    My mother, who was living in at the time, was my biggest fan.
    She also loved nature very much and her amazement was much more than just admiration. She had kept the receptiveness of a child.
    That made her so special, beautiful and good.
    I think back with gratitude about those beautiful times and all the
    good advice she gave me.

    The beginning is the hardest part...

    The time when our children were playing in the garden has long
    passed. Slowly it shaped into an ornamental garden, still keeping the
    old structures. There's trees, a shed, an old swing (in the meantime covered in plants), reminding us of the happy moments and years we spent there together. More time for gardening resulted in the fact that we developed new waterparties and borders and especially got more acquainted with taking care of roses. We started visiting open gardens,
    at home and abroad. Besides the wealth of knowledge we gathered
    and the beauty that touched us, we also always enjoyed the charm
    and friend-liness our fellow-gardeners welcomed us with.

    Through our webpage, we'd love to let you explore our garden,
    very modestly, because that's what it is.



    Winter - February 1999

    Spring - 2002

    Summer - 2003

    april 2004

    June 2005

    Spring 2006


    24-04-2006 om 00:00 geschreven door garden_and_nature

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