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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.markus feehily

    Naam voluit Mark Michael Patrick Feehily
    Geboortedatum 28 mei 1980
    Kleur ogen blauw
    Kleur haar Bruin
    Lengte 1,80
    Broers en zussen 2 broertjes
    Woonplaats Sligo
    Instrument piano + gitaar
    Vorige Baantjes Pizzabezorger
    Favo - Film Armageddon
    - Actrice Phoebe (friends)
    - Acteur Eddie Murphy
    - Boek The Witches (R. Dahl)
    - Kleding Designer Timberland
    - Westlife nummer Flying without wings
    - Ballad ??
    Slechtste WL songtekst? De zin: "Yes I'm ready to go through the tunnel of love"
    Kenmerken geen
    Huisdieren? zwarte labrador "Snoopy"
    Favo - "catch" phrase ??
    - Lichaamsdeel (zelf) ogen (hoe bedoel je een saai groepje!)
    - Lichaamsdeel vrouw ogen
    - Kleur paars

    Mark Feehily, from the Westlife autobiography. our story

    On Westlife's early days: If you even suggested not doing something, you felt that you were unprofessional. There was always this big desire to impress the record company, so we didn't get time off for 180 days.

    On drugs: I was so naïve when we first started I thought people would throw cocaine at us on stage at Top Of The Pops.

    On his management: I felt pressure about my weight for a long time. Once somebody from the Westlife camp went into my hotel room and took the sweets out of the minibar.

    On singing for the Pope: Meeting the Pope was a huge thing for me. I'm not ultra-religious but that whole experience was just so spiritual.

    On Kate Nash: I bought her album and thought it was great. Then I read her saying how she and Amy Winehouse were doing it for the girls and then saying words to the effect of 'instead of all that s**te like Westlife'. I was really hurt. I had to throw her CD in the bin, I couldn't listen to it anymore.

    On meeting Mariah Carey: I asked to meet Mariah. The word got back saying Mariah would love to meet me. I walked into a room packed with media, a full-blown press conference with Mariah perched on an extravagant chaise longue. I was worried that she would be mean to me in front of the press but she was lovely.

    Mark Say's

    I never thought that westlife would win record of the year three times.
    My favourite moment was meeting the pope.
    My favourite westlife track is can,t lose what I never had.
    My favourite westlife video is world of our own.
    The other guys are always asking where I am.
    When I,m not working I like to write songs.
    My motto is wake up and breathe.
    I would describe myself as shy , reserved and friendly.
    The phase I often use is Well Bubbie - What,s Craic"


    Mark is very funny - you can be in tears laughing at Mark if he in the right mood. But he likes to spend time on his own, chilling out in his room watching TV, or going for a long walk


    Mark is the deceptive one. When I first met him he wouldnt say boo to a goose and he wouldn,t open his heart out for any of us, but when you get to know him you discover the boy is really mad!
    Sometimes we have to do a day of solid interviews from nine in the morning to nine at the night and he just get so fed up answering the same questions hour after hour that he starts making things up.
    He doesn,t do it in England or Ireland because he get found out, but when he,s in a foreign country it,s different. We all do it a bit but Mark is the worst. The code phrase is: "This one time in Cyprus...." and then he start to tell this unbelievable story. None of us has ever been to Cyprus but he tells it like it really happened, we all in stitches and none of the interviewers can work out why.
    Mark also lies about his age when he chatting up girls. He only 20 but sometimes in a club if he,s with a girl who,s a bit older, he turn to me and say in Irish: "I,m 23 by the way". We always speak in Irish when we don,t want people to know what we saying!


    He,s very quiet, and can be very shy until you get to know him. He likes his privacy, but is a totally genuine guy - he sings all day. He,s got such a brilliant voice.

    Mark is the gay man in Westlife

    Published in January 2010

    Last time Mark Feehily from Westlife was in Sweden he wasn.t ready for an interview about his sexuality, but now I have the opportunity to find out more about the boyband member who in 2005 came out as gay.

    The Westlife singer Mark Feehily is relaxed, laughs a lot and offers expensive water with bubbles when I meet him in a suite at hotel Sheraton in Stockholm. He apologizes if he comes across as tierd after a long day of traveling and promoting, but I don.t notice any tierdness, he just seems genuinely interested in my questions. Mark has been in Westlife since the start in 1998, and the group has sold over 43 milion albums over the years.

    Three of the boys are married and two of them have children. Mark is the last one in the group to get married, but he has come a bit on the way because of the engagement ring on his finger.

    - We have all changed very much since the breakthrough. I was a young boy from the counrtyside, and I had only sung in the local church and had never flown before we became Westlife. We are now older and more experienced and have to think about everything around us in a different way, but it,s still fun.

    The new album Where We Are is a little different from their other albums, the group doesn,t work with one and the same producer like they have done before.

    - We have refined the sound and there is a bigger difference between the songs, but you can still hear that it is Westlife.

    Which one of your old songs do you like the best?

    -World of Our Own and Flying Without Wings are two favorites that are still durable. They are soulful and you can vary the song a bit.

    and the least?

    - A few of the songs from the beginning of our career, they were maybe not that strong but it can also have to do with my voice, I hadn,t developed much back then. But I wouldn,t care much if I didn,t have to sing Uptown Girl again.

    What is the most common question you are asked?

    - If I,m getting married. That is the question everyone asks me since I got together with Kevin. But if I were about to get married then I promise I would tell everyone immediately because I would be very excited about it.

    Since january 2005 Mark is together with former boyband member Kevin McDaid (V) and in a big interview Mark and Kevin did with the gay magazine Attitude in december 2007, they spoke about their love. About how they met on a charity concert in Dublin and that neither of them knew that the other one were gay also how they swaped numbers after a long conversation about divas (Mark loves Mariah Carey and Kevin Christina Aguilera), and that Mark was the one who texted first. Today they are engaged and live in London with their dog Saffy (of course named after the daughter in Absolutely Fabulous).

    Have you ever regretted that you came out?

    - No, not at all. My life has only improved since I came out and I am so much happier now. I felt trapped by my secret earlier and it was only when I said it that I started to develop as a human being.

    The time before Mark came out he remembers it as a hideous time. While the other guys had girlfriends and dated Mark was mostly in his hotel room.

    - I put homosexuality on pause, but not my sexuality. I met girls, but never for any long-term. I didn,t want to fool them and make them believe that it would lead to something. After a while I got tired, and realized that the situation was no longer sustainable.

    Mark explains that he wished that there would have been signs on him that showed that he was gay, so he did not have the option to hide his sexuality. What he means with that is that a homosexual person who has it so easy to hide their sexuality, can go with that and feel bad over it for a very long time before eventually being forced to deal with it.

    - I went through the pain and thought of this every single day, not just the sexual part but the rest: I was in love with guys and could not get outlet for it, get to flirt, dating, and just be in love. While the other guys lived their lives, I was reminded all the time that I was gay and not dared to escape. Between the ages 18 and 24, I didn,t allow myself to develop and all the work around Westlife had to take over everything.

    But didn,t the other guys in the band know anything? Didn,t they see how bad you felt?

    - No, because I was good at not showing it. I were good at hiding it from everyone, my family, my friends, the guys in the band. It was easy to just bury yourself in the job and put all that to one side. But in the end it had destroyed me.

    You come from Ireland where Catholicism is extremely large. Didn't anyone have a problem when one of the country's biggest celebrities came out as gay?

    – Catholicism is absolutely a presence and a large part of Irish society. And I grew up in a Catholic village where everyone was Catholics.But I am not a practising Catholic. Hm ... how shall I say? I have not much to say about the Bible and what happened, or did not happened, for over 2000 years ago. I believe that it is rather like old time stories, stories changed along the way and that some things perceived differently. I have never heard a single negative comment from anyone. People are rather curious and I gladly answer their questions. My answers can change people's opinions. I feel that the majority of my native village had never met a gay person before and when I came out all their prejudices went to shame. All they had seen was like the girly barber in the neighbouring village of or television people with glittersuits. I broke the clich and led them to think in a different way.

    Have you never been attracted to any of the other guys in the band?

    - No, they are like brothers to me. It would indeed be like incest to have feelings for any of them. When I had lived with them for two weeks and heard them fart and seen them drunk all such things disappeared (laughs).

    Kevin is your first boyfriend, but you must have dated others before him?

    - No, I haven,t dated other guys. Kevin is my first boyfriend and it clicked immediately too. Kevin had, however, dated other guys before, he came out earlier and he has taught me a lot (laughs).

    But he is not afraid that you would become eager to meet other guys; you have never tested how it is to be practising gay and single?

    - Well, I don't think he is so worried. He is more popular among men than I am, and when we are out, he gets more attention than me. I just get attention because I am in Westlife.

    Who in Westlife are most popular among homosexual men?

    - I think it depends on the gay guy you ask, but Nicky is definitely Westlife twink
    . I have to be the bear because I,m bigger and hairier than the other guys. Or wait, Shane is also quite hairy, so Shane also gets to be a bear.

    Boyzone Stephen Gately died earlier this autumn, did you know him?

    - Not so well, really. We have met him and his husband a few times. I think it is terribly sad, and feel sorry for his husband and family. He was a good role model and artist who made it easier for me to come out.

     Mark Feehily and the Westlife boys aren"t exactly known for being outrageous.

    So when we sat down with Mark Feehily to find out about his recent engagement to former V singer Kevin McDaid, 26, we weren't expecting him to tell us they re getting married in a dungeon wearing leather hot pants. And he didn't.

    In fact, he played it so safe and kept their plans so under wraps that we were forced instead to probe him about stalkers, having babies and Brian McFadden.

    Mark, 29, is prettier in the flesh than he appears on TV his eyelashes are long enough to swing from. He polite, serious and, after coming out and meeting Kevin five years ago, seems happier than ever.

    Indeed, when the couple got engaged in February, he could barely contain himself on Twitter. It's true! Myself and Kevin are engaged! Exciting times ahead! he wrote.

    Were here to discuss Westlife's forthcoming pay-per-view gig on Sky, but there are far more pressing concerns namely, the engagement.

    Here, Mark tells new! how he feels about popping the question, and why he doesn,t miss Brian McFadden

    Congratulations on getting engaged. How are you feeling about the wedding?
    Thank you! There nothing planned as of yet, it,s just an engagement. We enjoying being engaged and obviously we excited about various different concepts for the wedding, but nothing has been decided upon. Both of us are very creative-minded people with a million ideas, so there be a lot of time before we lock down exactly what it will be.

    But will it be big and lavish?
    I be lying if I said I had any idea.

    You could arrive at your wedding by helicopter
    Well, I don,t have one, but Shane [Filan] does. Maybe I could borrow his

    What about outfits?
    We haven,t planned anything [laughing]! I could make it up if you want.

    Yeah, make it up! So who proposed?
    That,s private. We may talk about it one day but I haven,t spoken to Kevin yet about that.

    Do you want to have kids?
    I,m surrounded by children because Shane and Nicky [Byrne] have kids. I love kids and there,s nothing like the gift

    13-11-2015 om 16:09 geschreven door westlife

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    Loved doing this Q&A for Yahoo Music !
    If your question wasn't answered tweet me

    @ShaneFilan with the hashtag

    #AskShane and I'll try and answer

    some more this week !!

    12-02-2014 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    croke park   2008 -  WESTLIFE




















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    mark feehily


    The Hurly Burly Show press night in London (2012)





    [SEPTEMBER 2012]





    Mark Feehily and Daniel Lismore

    at the On/Off

    CoolBrands Party at Scotch, London, Britain ?

    13 September 2012




    Westlife stars pay tribute to Andy Williams

    Mark Feehily

    from boyband Westlife said:"

    RIP Andy Williams,

    this song is so beautiful & I've been listening

    to it regularly for the last few years,"

    as he shared Williams' track 'Love Story,

    Where Do I Begin'.



    I still have panic attacks, reveals Westlife star Mark

    Tuesday October 30 2012

    FORMER Westlife star Mark Feehily
    has revealed how he is still haunted
    by the bullying he suffered at school over his weight.

    But the 31-year-old has
    said that his later global success
    with Westlife is proof
    a bad childhood experience can be overcome.

    Interviewed by clinical psychologist and
    Irish Independent columnist
    David Coleman for a new three-part RTE series
    'Bullyproof', Feehily recounts
    the long-term damage done by his tormenters.

    "Some of the more intense moments are still with me,
    very much,
    in terms of the physical attacks and stuff like that.

    "There were times at school
    when I got attacked from behind or whatever
    and there's times when
    I'd be walking on the street to this day and I'll have
    flashbacks and have
    little moments of panic attacks," said Feehily.

    The ex-boyband star believes
    that his lack of self-confidence
    as a teenager didn't help.

    "If loads of people pick out things about you,
    whether it's being chubby or whatever,
    your own image of yourself becomes 'oh I'm just
    the fat guy in the class' and nobody
    wants to be the fat guy
    in the class,
    let's face it.
    It just kind of eats away at you," said Feehily,
    who has been working
    on his own musical projects
    as a songwriter and producer.

    But pop stars can find themselves
    bullied too as the singer,
    who revealed he was gay in 2007,
    went on to suffer years of abuse on Twitter.

    He said: "I'm not talking about people
    saying your music is crap.

    "I'm talking about proper abuse.
    I can't go into what they said but
    some of the things that have been said to me on Twitter,
    if someone walked up to me on the street
    and said them to me . . . they would be in jail."

    In the 'Bullyproof'
    series, host Mr Coleman offers therapeutic
    support to a number of teens and pre-teens,
    and their families,
    who have been affected by bullying --
    either as a target or as a bully.

    As part of the series,
    Mr Coleman met youngsters who have
    suffered at the hands of bullies
    and begins the process of helping
    them rebuild their shattered self-esteem.

    He said one of the aims of
    the series is to
    enable people understand that bullying
    does not have to be tolerated in silence.

    Mr Coleman said: "If you
    ignore bullying it doesn't go away."

    He points out that bullying is not a form
    of "toughening up" that children need to pass through
    as some form of character development,
    but rather it is an indication
    that adults are not in charge.



    superstar Mark Feehily last night became

    the latest celebrity to back our

    ‘Delete Cyber Bullies’ campaign.
    Singer Mark has admitted he was a victim of vicious

    bullying in the past — and he

    vowed to do what

    he could to help kids who are tormented today.

    Earlier this year,

    Mark took part in an ISPCC campaign,

    and posed for harrowing snaps

    depicting his face badly bruised.

    He told the Irish Sun: “It greatly upsets

    me to think that there are children out

    there who feel the only option left open

    to them is to take their own life.”

    Backing our campaign ... Mark Feehily

    And he urged his fans to get behind

    our campaign demanding

    that Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald

    enforces laws to tackle the problem.

    He added: “Things need to change

    and we won’t stop until they do, but in the meantime

    I urge parents, teachers, schools, sports coaches,

    the media and anyone with

    the ear of our youth to promote

    the anti bullying message.

    “And the Childline

    number is 1800 666 666

    where children can talk to trained counsellors



    15-01-2014 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Broke Shane gets a round in

    You raise it up ... Shane, right,
    tees off as Darren looks on approvingly

    Published: 28th June 2012
    SHANE Filan has revealed
    he broke down in tears at Westlife?s final
    Croke Park gig ?
    after thanking the ladies in his life.
    The bankrupt star PUTT his troubles behind him
    yesterday as he took part in a celeb-packed pro-am
    at the Irish Open in Royal Portrush.
    And Shane, 32 ? who enjoyed a round
    with golf ace Darren Clarke ?
    admitted he wasn?t prepared
    for just how emotional the band?s
    two farewell gigs in Dublin
    last weekend would get.

    He said: ?I didn?t think it would
    hit me as hard as it did.

    ?When I realised this was
    the last time we would be talking to our fans
    and then I mentioned my mum and my wife Gillian,
    it really hit me.
    The atmosphere was unbelievable,
    especially the last night. We all shed a tear.?
    Shane Filan turns down offer
    to appear on I’m a Celebrity


    Friday Nov 2 2012

    Former Westlife
    star Shane Filan has turned
    down an offer to appear on
    I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here.

    The 33-year-old will not be jetting
    out to the jungle to take part in the UTV show.

    According to the Irish Daily Star,
    the singer turned down
    the chance to appear on the show
    in order to concentrate on his musical career.

    His manager, Louis Walsh said:
    “Reality TV is not his thing.

    “He doesn’t want to be a celebrity,
    he wants to be a recording artist!

    “He’s concentrating on putting
    a solo album together
    and is looking for songs and talking to producers.

    “He doesn’t have time to be eating insects in the jungle.

    Louis also denied that Jedward
    also turned down an I’m A Celebrity offer.

    He said: “No,
    I don’t know where those reports came from.

    “It’s definitely not true.
    They have received offers from
    other reality shows
    but they’re not doing them either. “

    record deal
    20 December 2012

    Shane Filan signs solo record deal
    Westlife singer
    Shane Filan
    has landed a solo record deal,
    six months after the boy band
    played their final shows in Dublin.

    Westlife's Shane Filan has landed a solo record deal.

    The singer - who separated from his band mates
    in June after completing a farewell tour -
    is hard at work on
    his first solo album after signing with London Records.

    The 33-year-old star hopes to
    release his first material early in 2013.
    Former band mate Mark Feehily, 32,
    is also set to go solo
    and has signed with Paul McCartney's
    manager to launch his career.

    Westlife -
    which also included Nicky Byrne and Kian Egan -
    announced they were to split in October 2011,
    and said an emotional goodbye to fans
    at a final show in Dublin over the summer.

    Nicky, 34, went on to appear in UK TV show
    'Strictly Come Dancing', while Kian, 32,
    is also hoping to launch a career in TV.

    Shane - who has three children, Nicole,
    Patrick and Peter, with wife Gillian -
    has had to deal with some financial trouble recently,
    as he was declared bankrupt
    earlier this year with debts amassing £18 million.

    The singer's
    financial downfall came after he
    and his brother
    Finbarr's property development company,
    Shafin Developments,
    collapsed owing millions to
    the Bank of Ireland and Ulster Bank.

    He said at the time:
    ''Together with a team of financial and legal experts
    I have spent months exploring
    all possible alternatives to bankruptcy
    but to no avail.

    ''I have worked long and hard to try to reduce my debts,
    and I am devastated that it came to this conclusion.''

    Westlife's Shane Filan tipped to represent
    Ireland in the next Eurovision .
    Westlife's Shane Filan
    tipped to represent Ireland in the next Eurovision

    Westlife Shane Filan..Former Westlife man
    Shane Filan looks like
    he'll be stepping into Jedward's shoes
    by competing in
    the next Eurovision Song Contest.
    First, though,
    the Sligo man will have to tackle
    the national Eurosong competition to win
    the nomination as Ireland's representative.
    A public vote shouldn't
    be too big an obstacle
    for a guy who's played to a sold
    out Croke Park on more than one occasion, though.

    Pop guru Louis Walsh,
    who has previously managed
    Eurovision success stories Johnny Logan and Linda Martin,
    is masterminding
    the bid as a way to launch Filan's solo career.
    Walsh's renewed interest in
    the song contest was sparked
    by Jedward's international success following their
    two stints on
    the show (even though they didn't do very well),
    and also the success of
    the recent Swedish
    winner Loreen, whose song
    'Euphoria' sold in advance of 2 million copies after it won







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    07-01-2014 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Nicky Byrne: Me have another child?

    You’ve got to be kidding…

    Westlife star Nicky Byrne has got his hands full

    He’s just become a dad for

    the third time and Nicky Byrne

    has admitted he and wife

    Georgina Ahern are not having any more children.

    The former Westlife singer, 35,

    said he wants to focus

    on his career and is on track to become

    the Irish Robbie Williams.

    Hot on the heels of ex-bandmate Shane Filan,

    the star has near completed his first solo album.

    Nicky said: “I’ve four tracks recorded and seven written.

    ““I’ve been reluctant to talk about it

    but it’s happening. I’ve been really enjoying

    the process as there hasn’t been

    people on my back about deadlines.”

    Like Shane, Nicky has employed Wayne

    Hector who wrote almost 30 of Westlife’s hits,

    contributing to seven No1s,

    including World Of Our Own and Flying Without Wings.

    The singer said: “I’ve been working on it

    for the last four months and I’m really delighted

    with the stuff we’ve done so far.

    “It’s fun, a bit cheeky chappy, quirky.

    A bit of craic really. In saying

    that I’m very serious about it, it’s great quality.

    “I’m definitely working with the right people for me.

    I haven’t signed to a label

    or anything like that yet

    I’m just happy to see the album being made.”

    Chatting on the phone

    yesterday while waiting to pick up

    six-year-old twin sons Rocco and Jay from school,

    Nicky said he’s been run

    off his feet since Westlife split just

    over two years ago after 14 years together.

    And now the proud father of three

    after the birth of baby Gia last month.

    He gushed: “I’m doing the school run

    as Georgina can’t drive for another week or so.

    She’s a dream baby, a brilliant little girl.

    “She’s really calm and I’m totally smitten.”

    But the star said he has done

    his bit for humanity and will

    not be having any more kids. He laughed:

    “We feel incredibly lucky with the three

    we have so that’s us definitely done now.”

    The doting dad said he’s been keeping

    an eye on his father-in-law,

    former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern since

    a man tried to attack him with a crutch

    in a Dublin pub last week.

    He added: “I talk to Bertie all the time.

    He’s fine. It’s just one of those things.”

    Nicky, who took part in Strictly

    Come Dancing last year, will be

    back on stage next week to host

    the Cheerios Childline Concert 2013.

    He said: “It’ll be funny to be there as

    Shane is performing but I’ll be

    supporting him from the sidelines.”

    And while Shane and Nicky share

    the O2 stage on Wednesday,

    albeit in different capacities,

    Kian Egan will be sweating

    it out in the jungle on ITV’s I’m A Celebrity.

    “I think Kian has a great chance of winning.

    I know if I was stuck in the jungle I’d want him on my team.

    “He’s up for a challenge and he would

    just suck it up and get on with tasks especially if it means

    the rest of the gang will get dinner.

    It’s the perfect show for him really, he’s very adventurous.”

    07-01-2014 om 00:00 geschreven door westlife

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    Kian Egan Says ‘Never Say Never’ to Westlife Reunion As He Impresses in the Jungle

    It’s only been a matter of days since the brand new batch of celebrities hit the Australian jungle, but it seems that former Westlife star Kian Egan is fast becoming one of most popular contestants.

    Despite entering the jungle with odds of 10/1, they have now fallen to an impressive 7/2, making him the second favourite behind the lovable Joey Essex. The Mirror has also reported that according to one bookie, over half of the bets made so far have been in favour of the Voice of Ireland judge. And it’s not surprising that the singer is already proving a good match for the jungle, seeing as he prepared wisely ahead of his challenging trip.

    Kian fasted ahead of his trip to the jungle so that he'd be used to feeling hungry

    Kian fasted ahead of his trip to the jungle so that he’d be used to feeling hungry

    According to the Independent, the singer began fasting before the show began so that we would be more accustomed to doing without food when he got into the jungle and wouldn’t be as affected by the cravings and the hunger as the other contestants. Clever boy! Kian has also started bonding with his fellow celebs despite being just a few days in, giving them all the details of the crazy early days in Westlife!

    Kian described himself and his Westlife band mates as "first class lunatics" during their early years together

    Kian described himself and his Westlife band mates as “first class lunatics” during their early years together

    He described himself and former band mates Shane Filan, Nicky Byrne, Mark Fehily and Brian McFadden as “first class lunatics” during their first few years together, saying: “The funny thing is that people say you’re all so clean cut, but we were not really that clean cut. We go out on the rip, fall over the place and get drunk and go out real late and drink a good amount of alcohol between us.” Kian also had another revelation about Westlife, telling the contestants that he would “never say never” to a Westlife reunion in the future, despite Shane Filan admitting to us earlier this month that “we finished the band because it was the end of Westlife, and now we’re moving on with our lives”. We’ll watch this space for now!

    Catch Kian Egan on ‘I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here’ on 3e at 9pm daily. Check out our full interview and shoot with Shane Filan in the December issue of RSVP, on shelves now!


    06-01-2014 om 23:17 geschreven door westlife

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    He’s fast becoming one of our jungle faves.

    Kian Egan wrote this message for Jodie Albert.

    Copyright: [Twitter]

    And last night

    Kian Egan got even cuter when he let his wife

    Jodi Albert know he is missing

    her with a secret message from the jungle.

    Well, secret until now that is.

    Beady eyed viewers clocked the message

    during last night’s show and alerted Jodie to it.

    She herself hasn’t even spotted it!

    Thank the lord for Twitter, eh?

    The message said simply ‘

    I love you Jodi and Koa’ a reference to their

    two-year-old son.

    And we bet

    Jodie was chuffed to hear that her hubby is thinking

    of her while he is holed up in the jungle.

    Kian Egan is missing his wife Jodie Albert

    while in the jungle. Copyright: [Wenn]
    Last week Kian was overcome with emotion

    when he was reunited

    with his wife on the show after winning a task.

    Kian wasn’t expecting to see Jodi

    and when she appeared he quite literally burst into tears.

    Kian Egan and Jodie Albert

    were reunited in the jungle last week.

    And since he has been in the jungle

    Jodie has said how proud she is of her Westlife hubby.

    Jodi has said: “You’re seeing the real Kian in the jungle.

    He’s being genuine and he’s being himself,

    which is all he should be and all he can be."

    The couple have been together

    for quite a few years now, marrying back in 2009.

    06-01-2014 om 23:08 geschreven door westlife

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    Westlife star Kian Egan has signed a Malaria

    No More UK T-shirt for this

    exclusive competition supporting

    the beneficiary charity of I’m A Celebrity...

    Get Me Out Of Here!

    This is the fifth year that I’m A Celebrity is…


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    06-01-2014 om 22:34 geschreven door westlife

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