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  • The good old days.

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    this picture shows a line of little girls holding hands facing the immensity of ocean waves.
    Alone they might be washed away, but together they stand strong.
    Thank you each for holding my hand somewhere along the way when I was facing a wave of my own.
    I hope you will reach for my hand when your own wave threatens.

     All of us girls,

    Old and young,
    Near and far,
    Hold special memories of good times we've shared.
    We've had our share of hard times when our friends were there to make us feel better.
    We've shared...
    our hearts,
    our time,
    our secrets ,
    our fears,
    our hopes

    and our dreams.
    Let us never break the chain of friends!

    Mrs.Bo and Mr. Silver

    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. nu meer dan 10% - luisteren en lezen....

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    hieronder kan je nu de tekst volgen
    benieuwd of jullie er dan meer van begrijpen
    de nederlandse vertaling volgt daarna.

    vergeet niet eerst de muziek rechts in mijn blog af te zetten!


    A Job Well Done

    Gary Hogg


    Me seventh birthday we’d a party at wor house
    For eight kids from my class
    We had charades and cheese, scones and jelly
    And this bloke* came to cut off the gas

    Now me* dad*, like you know, has corned beef in one lug*
    ‘Cut the grass’ is what he thought he had said
    It was ‘Bob-a-Job' week* and Dad being generous
    Said "Sorry, bonny lad*, go ahead"

    This long mac* smelt of stagnant old floorcloths
    He didn’t look nowt* like a scout
     Nee* short pants, nee berry*, nee badges,nee woggle*, nee nowt*

    He went into the cupboard under the stairs
    Me Da looks and says "Mind your head,
    If you’re looking for the mower we’ve not got one,
    You’ll have to use clippers instead"


    But the bloke seemed to manage with the tools that he had
    A pair of pliers and a big rusty spanner
    Me father reached deep in his pocket
    And fetched outa couple of tanners*

    For when me Ma* went to make me Dad’s* dinner that night
    she noticed the gas wasn’t on
    Cos* his chips were still white after nearly an hour
    So he had to have jelly and scones

    when he complained me mother went mad
    thought she was going to kill
    smacked him round the head with the chip pan
    Cos it was his job to pay all the bills


    next morning I got up for working off school
    couldn’t get out the back door
    Cos me father had his head in the gas oven
    his legs stretched out over the floor

    I had to climb over to get  meself out
    Cos he hadn’t left over much space
    I got him a cushion to put under his head
    Cos he was getting like a ridge on his face


    I’d to help me Mam make the dinner that night

    Even though I wasn’t too keen*
    She was still in a huff* on account of the gas
    And of course me father was nowhere to be seen.


    she was heating up peas in a kettle
    And I had to stand up a height
    And I was browning the top of a big shepherds pie
    By holding it under the light

    that night after tea

    Ma sat on the piano stool
    In the place where the piano once stood
    she was humming Rachmaninov’s piano concerto
    as close to C minor as she could

    It was then that we noticed the piano had gone
    Cos it should have been stood standing there

    “I’ve selt * it to pay that daft * gas bill” says dad.

    She says " I’ll go to the foot of our stairs!"


     He says "Don’t get yer liberty bodice in a twist,*
    It’s at the pawnshop on
    Bollingbrook Street,

    I’ll be up there to pay for it on Friday”

    And he proved it by showing the receipt

    She got up from the stool in a temper*
    I thought she was going to hit him some more
    Cos she picked up her banjo by the thin end
    But he was saved by a knock at the door


    It was the boy scout in the long mac and the pliers stood there
    me dad said ‘Mind, this Boy Scout’s willing'
    He said "You see if you can sort out me gas, son,
    I’ll see if I can find you a shilling"

    So that night it was all peace and quiet
    Me ma, me dad just sat there
    Listening to Billy Cotton on the wireless

    me da suddenly jumps out of his chair.


    He said "That bloody Boy Scout’s an imposter!,
    he said : “I’ve just been sat here working out,
    That bugger’s* done me for two shillings,
    And we never got a sticker nor nowt!



    Bloke :  (man)

    me:     (my)

    dad:    (father)

    lug: ( The ear, or its lobe. [Scot. & Prov. Eng.]   – expression : a bit deaf )

    ‘Bob a job week’: ( Bob a Job week : Scouts went door to door offering to do household chores for a shilling)

    bonny lad :(nice boy)

    mac :(raincoat) 

    nowt :(nothing)

    Nee :(no)

    berry :(beret)

    nowt :(nothing)

    tanners :( tanner - a small coin of the UK worth six pennies; not minted since 1970)

    ma :(mother)

    da: (father)

    cos: (because)

    keen: ( eager )

    in a huff : (angry-annoyed)

    the fella : (fellow - man)

    selt : (sold)

    daft : (stupid)

    “to get one's liberty bodice in a twist”:  British Slang. to get flustered or agitated

    liberty bodice : a boneless ‘training corset’ for young girls from 1908.

    bugger’s : ( Slang-  A contemptible or disreputable person) 

    woggle: Boy Scout"s neckerchief clasp or slide

    temper:  state of feeling; "angry” “in a bad mood"


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    Reacties op bericht (5)

    ach ja... zo ja... schitterend... en ik weet nu nog niet waar de appelmoes naartoe is.... maar hij zit zeker niet in de oven.

    11-09-2008 om 23:33 geschreven door Ernst

    Ik heb het ook op mijn blog gezegd Bojako dat het niet simpel is om alles te verstaan, dat is ook zo met onze dialecten.Nog een rustige dag verder en een dikke knuffel.

    11-09-2008 om 16:10 geschreven door Natoken

    Eigenlijk is het een mooi raar verhaal. Dacht eerst dat vader zelfmoord ^pleegde met zijn hoofd in de gas oven. Kiss.

    10-09-2008 om 23:31 geschreven door Ludovikus

    Tower of Babel...

    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />



    Bojako spreekt een soort koeterwaals met een raar Geordies accent

    t is perfect verstaanbaar

    voor de familie van haar

    onbegrijpelijk voor anderen tenzij je in dezelfde streek geboren bent


    Groetjes, Uilenspiegel.

    10-09-2008 om 20:47 geschreven door Uilenspiegel.

    het Geordie leunt wel toch aan bij Scottish hoor , bij mij werktte destijds een Schot, en ja...in het begin had ik het wel lastig om volgen...

    ....maar na een paar jaar lukte het me toch vrij aardig om te volgen...zo nu en dan eens: I beg you pardon...en de video op enige typische woorden na kon ik wel volgen....vind het fijn dat je hier dit als voorbeeld toch eens geplaatst hebt...
    je weet wat ze zeggen toch hé van de mensen uit Geordieland...?
    most Geordies are very intelligent , extremely well mannered, very well off with extremely god jobs

    Een aangename avond toegewenst vanwege Amor Fati !
    <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    "Vriendschap ontstaat vaak uit een ontmoeting waarvan niemand verwacht dat er een wonder zal gebeuren


    Geniet, zelfs van de kleine dingen en je dag kan niet meer stuk


    10-09-2008 om 16:21 geschreven door Amor Fati

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    ik zou niet nee zeggen indien ze het moesten vragen...
    maar ze vragen het niet......

    I wouldn't say no if they asked me....
    but they don't ask me.....













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