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    Dr. Oz: Chia, flax, nuts, safflower oil flatten belly, supercharge weight loss
    It's the period of the year when people want to lose weight imelda perfect slim diet pills to check great in revealing summer attire. In accordance with Dr. Mehmet Oz, adding only a few
    superfoods for your diet can supercharge your weight loss, strengthen your heart, increase your skin and flatten your tummy. He revealed every one of them on
    his Friday talk show.

    Dr. Oz recommends using chia seeds with your diet regularly. They contains 500% more calcium than milk along with the equivalent amount of omega-3s as wild
    salmon. It also suppresses your appetite, making chia seeds advantageous for weight loss.

    You might have been aware of safflower oil in making salad dressing, but were you aware that it can also supercharge your weight loss and flatten your belly?
    Dr. Oz suggests taking safflower supplements that have six grams of linoleic acid.

    In addition, Dr. Oz recommends using safflower oil as an energizer in the morning. For heart health, try safflower tea.

    So how exactly does safflower oil compare with coconut oil, which Dr. Oz also recommends? Coconut oil also is beneficial to your heart. With regards to
    weight loss, he admits that which it helps since it boosts thyroid function.

    Dr. Oz's recommendation of such oils highlight the best way he increasingly has embraced adding fats on your diet. In contrast to his previous focus on low-
    fat diets which might be loaded with cereals, he now frequently showcases experts who recommend high-fat reduced carbohydrate diets.

    One recent such guest expert, by way of example, is Dr. David Perlmutter, author of "Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your
    Brain's Silent Killers." Dr. Oz supported the book's view a higher fat low carb diet prevents conditions including dementia while boosting weight zi xiu tang bee pollen capsules loss more
    efficiently compared to a zero fat, high carb diet.

    One of the best solutions to strengthen your immunity strategy is smelly, but effective, says Dr. Oz. Garlic allows you prevent conditions including colds.

    Because garlic is very effective raw, Dr. Oz suggests combining it with another of his favorite foods: Honey. Try eating garlic with honey or mash it with
    avocado and spread on toast.

    09-06-2014, 03:49 Geschreven door lidaoriginal
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    Olson disagrees. She said there is a strong correlation between obesity and not eating breakfast. Along with what needs to be considered, she added, may be
    the all around health associated with an individual within the long-term.

    "This new study was obviously a 16-week study," she said. "What should we know about they a year later on? We don't see whether they're going to have
    maintained their weight imelda perfect slim loss. That's what's important, that they maintain the weight loss. We all know being less fat is much better for the heart, your
    joints, your blood pressure level.

    "I consider the long-term, all around health benefits, and just what will we know the most about, which is successful weight losers start the morning with

    Within the study published inside the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,there have been several limitations that you should looked at when viewing the
    results, said Michelle Cardel, a co-author of the study from the University of Colorado Denver.

    Participants were able to choose what they ate daily, so she said "we cannot conclude anything about how precisely much food you must eat at breakfast or
    what kinds of food you need to eat."

    The analysis authors did not measure participants' appetite, excess fat or metabolism, which previous research has revealed may be afflicted with breakfast
    eating. As well as the small study only agreed to be 16 weeks long, who have been short to view a substantial effect.

    Olson cites another study, one conducted at Tel Aviv University recently, that found participants who ate a larger breakfast and a smaller dinner lost more
    weight than these who ate a little breakfast and big dinner. Not just that, additionally they reduced their cholesterol and decreased their chance of adult

    "One thing the research raises something about is whether we have been talking about short-term weight zi xiu tang bee pollen loss," Olson states. "If were, does this study inform
    us for certain how important breakfast is?"

    07-06-2014, 04:03 Geschreven door lidaoriginal
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    Obesity research confirms long-term weight japan 2 day diet lingzhi loss extremely difficult
    You will find there's disturbing truth which is emerging from the science of obesity. Over time of study, it's becoming apparent it's extremely hard to permanently lose weight.

    As incredible as it sounds, that's what the evidence is showing. For psychologist Traci Mann, who may have spent Twenty years running a diet lab at the University of Minnesota, evidence is clear. "It couldn't be simpler to see," she says. "Long-term weight loss occurs just the smallest minority of folks."

    Watch Kelly Crowe's directory of the parable of losing weight tonight for the National

    Many of us think we realize someone in this rare group. They end up being the legends the friend of your friend, the brother-in-law, the neighbour the ones who made it happen.

    But when we check back after five or 10 years, there is a good chance they will have position the weight back on. No more than five percent of people that attempt to lose weight ultimately succeed, in accordance with the research. Those people include the outliers, but we embrace their stories as proof that losing weight can be done.

    "Those types of stories really maintain your myth alive," says University of Alberta professor Tim Caulfield, who researches and covers health misconceptions. "You have this confirmation bias occurring where people indicate these very specific examples just as if it's proof. However those can be extremely exceptions."

    Our biology taunts us, start by making short-term weight loss with relative ease. Nevertheless the weight creeps back, usually after in regards to a year, and yes it keeps ever coming back prior to the original weight is regained or worse.

    It has been tested in randomized controlled trials where individuals are already separated into groups and given intense exercise and nutrition counselling.

    During those highly controlled experimental settings, the outcomes show only minor sustained weight 2 day diet pills reviews loss.

    When Traci Mann analyzed each of the randomized control trials on long-term weight loss, she discovered that after 2 yrs the normal amount lost was only one kilogram, or about two pounds, through the original weight.

    05-06-2014, 03:44 Geschreven door lidaoriginal
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    Tags:weight loss
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.2 day diet pills reviews make fast weight loss

    Gene-based diet boosts weight loss with a third - study
    An experimental gene-based diet helped a gaggle of slimming volunteers enhance their weight  2daydietlingzhipills loss by way of a third, studies have shown.

    Tailoring nutrition to individual genetic profiles could revolutionise dieting and improve people's health, say the scientists who accomplished case study.

    Personalised diets were ready for 87 obese individuals determined by an analysis of 19 genes proven to affect metabolic process taste.

    The diets were tweaked to look at account of individual genetic make-ups. For instance, people whose profile showed a less efficient capacity to process fats received less fat, as the variety of calories remained unchanged.

    After couple of years the volunteers had lost 33 % more weight than the usual matched group of 104 participants whose diets were not adjusted to accommodate their genes.

    Lead researcher Dr Nicola Pirastu, in the University of Trieste in Italy, said: "Although there was no significant differences in age, sex and BMI (Body Mass Index) backward and forward groups at the start of the trial, we learned that people the audience who'd followed the gene-based diet lost 33 per cent more weight 2 day diet pills reviews as opposed to controls over two years, as well as the amount of lean body mass also increased more on this group.

    "By uncovering the genetic bases of taste and food preferences, i will be in a position to increase not just the effectiveness of nutritional interventions, but also compliance with them."

    Another study conducted by Dr Pirastu involved an analysis of DNA samples from 4,000 European and Asian volunteers which uncovered 17 genes associated with liking food items.

    All the different foods was wide, including bacon, coffee, chicory, chocolate brown, blue cheese, soft ice cream, liver, butter, orange juice, yoghurt, white wine and mushrooms.

    Surprisingly, none of the genes played a dynamic role in taste or smell perception.

    "We found a powerful correlation between your HLA-DOA gene and white wine liking, but we've no clue which in the characteristics of white wine this gene influences," said Dr Pirastu, who presented his findings at the annual meeting with the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) in Milan.

    "Our studies is important for understanding the interaction relating to the environment, lifestyles, as well as the genome in determining health outcomes.

    03-06-2014, 03:38 Geschreven door lidaoriginal
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.2 day diet pills reviews make fast weight loss

    Gene-based diet boosts weight loss with a third - study
    An experimental gene-based diet helped a gaggle of slimming volunteers enhance their weight  2daydietlingzhipills loss by way of a third, studies have shown.

    Tailoring nutrition to individual genetic profiles could revolutionise dieting and improve people's health, say the scientists who accomplished case study.

    Personalised diets were ready for 87 obese individuals determined by an analysis of 19 genes proven to affect metabolic process taste.

    The diets were tweaked to look at account of individual genetic make-ups. For instance, people whose profile showed a less efficient capacity to process fats received less fat, as the variety of calories remained unchanged.

    After couple of years the volunteers had lost 33 % more weight than the usual matched group of 104 participants whose diets were not adjusted to accommodate their genes.

    Lead researcher Dr Nicola Pirastu, in the University of Trieste in Italy, said: "Although there was no significant differences in age, sex and BMI (Body Mass Index) backward and forward groups at the start of the trial, we learned that people the audience who'd followed the gene-based diet lost 33 per cent more weight 2 day diet pills reviews as opposed to controls over two years, as well as the amount of lean body mass also increased more on this group.

    "By uncovering the genetic bases of taste and food preferences, i will be in a position to increase not just the effectiveness of nutritional interventions, but also compliance with them."

    Another study conducted by Dr Pirastu involved an analysis of DNA samples from 4,000 European and Asian volunteers which uncovered 17 genes associated with liking food items.

    All the different foods was wide, including bacon, coffee, chicory, chocolate brown, blue cheese, soft ice cream, liver, butter, orange juice, yoghurt, white wine and mushrooms.

    Surprisingly, none of the genes played a dynamic role in taste or smell perception.

    "We found a powerful correlation between your HLA-DOA gene and white wine liking, but we've no clue which in the characteristics of white wine this gene influences," said Dr Pirastu, who presented his findings at the annual meeting with the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) in Milan.

    "Our studies is important for understanding the interaction relating to the environment, lifestyles, as well as the genome in determining health outcomes.

    03-06-2014, 03:38 Geschreven door lidaoriginal
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.super slim pomegranate diet pills for super slim

    Was previously a size 8-10: Emily Chilton with her baby Holly, left, along with her husband Mark when she was slimmer
    They've three daughters: Leah, nine, Lucy, two, about three? month Holly. Their first baby died aged eight months from meningitis.
    Emily will stop breastfeeding Holly because she's desperate to lose the first she's gained since the birth.
    'I've always been a size 6-8, along with every one of my four pregnancies I continued to nibble on healthily and grow active inside a bid never to pile on
    weight menova qianweisu slimming herbs capsule ,' says Emily, a former underwriter for any shipping-insurance company. 'I gained almost 3st during each pregnancy but a lot of that has been fluid retention. The weight melted away after the births but crept on again after i started feeding.
    'I only fed Leah for one month, so the impact was minimal. With Lucy I breastfed for 2 months, when I gained half a stone. Since breastfeeding Holly I've
    been gaining around 2lb per week, i have at least 20lb to lose.
    'Although the main reason I wanted to breastfeed was the point that it turned out great for my kids, everything I read about breastfeeding within my last
    pregnancy included the material it would help me lose weight. It was endorsed inside my NCT class, and then there would have been a huge poster outlining
    each of the incentives to breastfeed, including weight loss.
    'I'm it's unlikely that any of those girls that enjoys pregnancy. I hated looking and feeling fat, and pinned a lot of hope on breastfeeding helping me to
    lose the weight more rapidly this time. However the opposite has happened.'
    Emily along with her daughters: She hoped breastfeeding them would help her lose the baby weight but she's bigger now than she's been
    So are the maternity mafia guilty of misleading women into breastfeeding, using the commitment of getting their figure back, or are new mums responsible
    simply by overindulging?
    Sioned Quirke, a dietician who advises women on nutrition during after pregnancy as well as a spokeswoman for that British Dietetic Association, says the
    problem is that women are just told half the storyplot. 'Essentially it's hype used to make breastfeeding attractive to ladies who want to get their figures
    back and might not otherwise breastfeed,' she claims.
    'But breastfeeding is a very sedentary activity, women commonly experience ravenous hunger while feeding, and hormone changes often leads the crooks to hold
    on tight to pregnancy weight super slim pomegranate diet pills pounds or gain brand new ones.
    'And many believe that since they are being told their body will burn all these extra calories, it's really a licence to nibble on more.'
    Although Hannah promises to continue breastfeeding her son until he's annually old so he'll get the most benefits, she despairs in regards to the effect on
    her body.
    'As someone who's always taken a pride in having a slim figure, it's heartbreaking that my waist is three inches bigger pre-pregnancy and my dress dimensions
    are a 14-16,' she says.

    30-05-2014, 05:37 Geschreven door lidaoriginal
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    Hidden logic behind why you cannot lose weight
    If you've tried everything to lose weight from logging miles around the treadmill to cutting carbs and counting calorie consumption and still haven't designed a dent, it will be time and energy to dig for the root cause of your weight 2 day diet lingzhi plateau. Below are a few common main reasons why you may be hitting a wall and ways to make a good changes to shed pounds.

    In case you are focusing solely on counting calorie consumption rather than for the nutrition you're getting from the food, one's body might imagine it is starving. Your system needs vitamins, minerals and healthy fats to function properly and to help keep you healthy. Whenever you forgo nutrition for low-calorie, junk foods you're sabotaging your quality of life and your weight loss efforts. Instead give attention to nutrient-dense foods offering the body in doing what it and you naturally set out to feel fuller sooner, which gives effortless calorie control.

    Blood glucose imbalances may make it hard to lose weight. Your system converts carbohydrates whether it's a carrot or possibly a slice of cake to glucose, which produces a rise in blood glucose. If your is flooded with an excessive amount of blood sugar, the glucose is changed into fat. Maintaining a proper blood sugar balance is essential for regulating hormones, fostering a healthy procedure assisting you to lose extra weight.

    Refined carbohydrates seen in white sugar and white flour stop working quicker than complex carbohydrates (vegetables, grain and legumes) and may create a spike in blood glucose levels, then a cravings-inducing crash. The only method to break this vicious loop is usually to eliminate simple carbohydrates and make certain to consume a lot of protein. Many individuals eat carbohydrate-rich meals rather than concentrating on protein. Instead, concentrate on consuming adequate amounts of protein to assist stabilize blood glucose which help you receive rid of body fat. Research has also shown that as few as one gram of cinnamon each day may help improve blood sugar in individuals with diabetes type 2 symptoms, so that it is a perfect accessory for a higher protein diet.

    Hormone conditions, like hypothyroidism or polycystic ovarian syndrome, are commonly overlooked which enable it to allow it to be difficult to lose weight. Chronic stress, whether physical, emotional, also leads our bodies to produce excess cortisol. Prolonged numbers of excess cortisol can result in a pokey procedure excess fat throughout the belly.

    Estrogen and testosterone imbalances can also cause an increase in weight which enable it to allow it to be extremely hard to lose weight 2 day diet pills reviews if you live doing everything right. If you think hormones may well be a culprit in your weight loss battle, take it around your medical professional and order your levels being checked. For the time being, eliminating refined carbohydrates and increasing top quality proteins and healthy fats in your diet might help ease, although not fix, some of these conditions.

    If you are skimping on sleep to awaken extra early and squeeze inside a workout, you may well be doing all your body more harm than good. A report published in Sleep Medicine Reviews indicated that even partial sleep loss results in a deregulation of appetite control and may even improve your risk for obesity and diabetes.

    28-05-2014, 03:33 Geschreven door lidaoriginal
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    Excess unwanted fat is owned by a better risk for diabetes type 2 symptoms and hypertension in adulthood and progression of arterial disease. Weight loss is associated with improved cardiovascular risk factors, however, not necessarily cardiovascular outcomes, the authors note. Moreover, most overweight meizitang new or obese those who lose weight will continue to regain it, they indicate.

    The 1946 British birth cohort study provided a unique possibility to assess the impact of lifelong adiposity on cardiovascular risk factors and cIMT in later life.

    The nationally representative sample enrolled 5362 babies born in 1946 in England, Scotland, and Wales. The actual study included 1273 of 2856 eligible study participants (45%) after they were aged 60 to 64.

    BMI was assessed when people are young (ages 2, 4, 6, 7, and 11 years) and adulthood (ages 36, 43, 53, and 60?§C64 years). Additionally, they had multiple heart disease risks assessed in adulthood, including cIMT a reproducible, noninvasive way of measuring atherosclerosis progression and adverse cardiovascular outcome at age 60 to 64.

    Perhaps obviously, overweight and obesity increased with age. At the age of 36, 27% of participants were obese or overweight, but by age 60 to 64, 67% of participants fit these categories. With the children who were overweight or obese, 67% remained overweight or obese.
    Even Transient Weight Loss in Lifetime Helps Heart Health
    Weight loss at anyone age even if it is not maintained is worthwhile because it may confer long-term cardiovascular many benefits, as outlined by a distinctive, 60-year epidemiological study.

    The newly reported research examined the consequence of lifelong patterns of weight change alterations in body mass index (BMI) on cardiovascular risks and carotid intima media thickness (cIMT) when he was 60 to 64.

    The quicker a adult gained fat, the worse the cardiovascular disease risk profile: higher prevalence of diabetes, increased systolic blood pressure level, greater cIMT, higher leptin levels, and decreased adiponectin levels.

    However, those who lost enough weight meizitang of their 30s, 40s, 50s, or 60s to drop a BMI category (ie, if they went from obese to overweight or from overweight to normal weight) even whenever they regained the weight had a mean cIMT in later life that's 0.034 mm lower than people who were always obese or overweight in adulthood.

    This difference would predict a roughly 9% lower rate both for stroke and myocardial infarction (MI), the authors say.

    "Our findings suggest that cardiovascular benefit might arise from weight loss in adulthood, regardless of when this weight loss is achieved, and support public-health policies for lifestyle modifications for prevention and treatments for overweight and obese individuals in any way ages," they conclude.

    This content, by Marietta Charakida, PhD of University College London, British isles, and colleagues, is published online May 21 in Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology.

    23-05-2014, 06:00 Geschreven door lidaoriginal
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    Tags:weight loss
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.What can be used as a support of weight loss?lida daidaihua original!

    When you find yourself over a weight-loss journey, eating adequate protein is essential to business energy. According to clinical and holistic dietitian Esther Blum, most of her clients will reduce weight with ease after they increase the number inside their diet, since high-protein foods take more attempt to "digest, metabolize, and rehearse, and that means you use up more calories processing them." A lengthier digestion time does mean which you stay fuller longer, unlike the crash-and-burn effect links from eating fatty foods and refined carbs.
    Beyond giving your metabolism an enhancement and holding you back satisfied for, one study shows that in addition to a frequent exercise routine, doubling your protein intake (as recommended with the RDA) may be the key to losing fat pounds without dropping muscles. This really is key since muscle burns more calories in your body than fat. Simply speaking, if you are seriously interested in weight loss, you need to take protein seriously.
    Not positive you're getting enough protein in your own life? Read up, incorporate the following tips in your daily diet, and initiate seeing results!
    To ensure you're getting the right amount of protein inside your diet, you need to know what your system requires! The CDC's average requirement of protein for women ages 19 to 70 is 46 grams each day, however this is not the hard-and-fast number to adhere to especially should you be active. Your recommended daily protein intake depends upon many factors, as well as your weight, your activity level, and if you're pregnant.
    When you have determined the quantity of protein you'll need per day, it is time to look at the best foods to incorporate to your diet. In relation to weight loss, meat eaters should opt for lean samples of protine, since they are significantly lacking in fat. The leanest poultry pick is white meat without having skin, so if you are concerned that steak is against the rules, you will be glad to find out there a good amount of other lean pork options that support weight loss.
    Should you be not used to a vegan or vegetarian diet, you need to be fastidious about hitting your recommended protein each day. Have a look at the best vegetarian protine sames and the best vegan choices to make sure you're getting an adequate amount of these food types in your diet.
    Lifting weights is a valuable part of any sustainable weight-loss routine, and how you fuel your body after training session may have profound effects on your body's recovery. A difficult strength-training session causes slight tears within your muscle tissues, so when your body heals the fibers, muscles strengthen, grow, and turn into more defined. For this technique that occurs, you require the healthy proteins in proteins to rebuild your damaged muscle mass.
    In accordance with Tim Rich, an exercise manager at Crunch Gym, anyone doing endurance or strength training needs no less than 10 grams of protein following cardiovascular workout to make certain the body receives the right nutrients to assistance with muscle repair and recovery. This is very important to bear in mind as you're selecting the perfect post-workout snack.

    08-05-2014, 04:00 Geschreven door lidaoriginal
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.What can be used as a support of weight loss?lida daidaihua original!

    When you find yourself over a weight-loss journey, eating adequate protein is essential to business energy. According to clinical and holistic dietitian Esther Blum, most of her clients will reduce weight with ease after they increase the number inside their diet, since high-protein foods take more attempt to "digest, metabolize, and rehearse, and that means you use up more calories processing them." A lengthier digestion time does mean which you stay fuller longer, unlike the crash-and-burn effect links from eating fatty foods and refined carbs.
    Beyond giving your metabolism an enhancement and holding you back satisfied for, one study shows that in addition to a frequent exercise routine, doubling your protein intake (as recommended with the RDA) may be the key to losing fat pounds without dropping muscles. This really is key since muscle burns more calories in your body than fat. Simply speaking, if you are seriously interested in weight loss, you need to take protein seriously.
    Not positive you're getting enough protein in your own life? Read up, incorporate the following tips in your daily diet, and initiate seeing results!
    To ensure you're getting the right amount of protein inside your diet, you need to know what your system requires! The CDC's average requirement of protein for women ages 19 to 70 is 46 grams each day, however this is not the hard-and-fast number to adhere to especially should you be active. Your recommended daily protein intake depends upon many factors, as well as your weight, your activity level, and if you're pregnant.
    When you have determined the quantity of protein you'll need per day, it is time to look at the best foods to incorporate to your diet. In relation to weight loss, meat eaters should opt for lean samples of protine, since they are significantly lacking in fat. The leanest poultry pick is white meat without having skin, so if you are concerned that steak is against the rules, you will be glad to find out there a good amount of other lean pork options that support weight loss.
    Should you be not used to a vegan or vegetarian diet, you need to be fastidious about hitting your recommended protein each day. Have a look at the best vegetarian protine sames and the best vegan choices to make sure you're getting an adequate amount of these food types in your diet.
    Lifting weights is a valuable part of any sustainable weight-loss routine, and how you fuel your body after training session may have profound effects on your body's recovery. A difficult strength-training session causes slight tears within your muscle tissues, so when your body heals the fibers, muscles strengthen, grow, and turn into more defined. For this technique that occurs, you require the healthy proteins in proteins to rebuild your damaged muscle mass.
    In accordance with Tim Rich, an exercise manager at Crunch Gym, anyone doing endurance or strength training needs no less than 10 grams of protein following cardiovascular workout to make certain the body receives the right nutrients to assistance with muscle repair and recovery. This is very important to bear in mind as you're selecting the perfect post-workout snack.
    Nike Master Trainer Marie Purvis features a breakfast mantra in relation to losing weight, getting lean, and staying energized: "Thirty grams of protein within A half-hour of getting up." She says this boost of energy assists you to perform at your best, while keeping fatty cravings from increasing. If you are concerned about how you'll be in a position to eat very much protein when you wake, blend up this quick banana bread smoothie that fits her requirements.
    Now that you've the contract details, have a look at our own favorite healthy high-protein recipes in order to smoke in your kitchen area be it morning, noon, or night.
    In case you are attempting to cut down on carbs very first thing in the morning, choose one of them high-protein breakfast recipes, with choices for gluten-free and Paleo eaters.

    08-05-2014, 03:58 Geschreven door lidaoriginal
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    De bedoeling is dat u op regelmatige basis een bericht toevoegt op uw blog. U kan hierin zetten wat u zelf wenst.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u heeft een blog gemaakt voor gedichten. Dan kan u bvb. elke dag een gedicht toevoegen op uw blog. U geeft de titel in van het gedicht en daaronder in het bericht het gedicht zelf. Zo kunnen uw bezoekers dagelijks terugkomen om uw laatste nieuw gedicht te lezen. Indien u meerdere gedichten wenst toe te voegen op eenzelfde dag, voegt u deze toe als afzonderlijke berichten, dus niet in één bericht.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken over de actualiteit. Dan kan u bvb. dagelijks een bericht plaatsen met uw mening over iets uit de actualiteit. Bvb. over een bepaalde ramp, ongeval, uitspraak, voorval,... U geeft bvb. in de titel het onderwerp waarover u het gaat hebben en in het bericht plaatst u uw mening over dat onderwerp. Zo kan u bvb. meedelen dat de media voor de zoveelste keer het fout heeft, of waarom ze nu dat weer in de actualiteit brengen,... Of u kan ook meer diepgaande artikels plaatsen en meer informatie over een bepaald onderwerp opzoeken en dit op uw blog plaatsen. Indien u over meerdere zaken iets wil zeggen op die dag, plaatst u deze als afzonderlijke berichten, zo is dit het meest duidelijk voor uw bezoekers.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken als dagboek. Dagelijks maakt u een bericht aan met wat u er wenst in te plaatsen, zoals u anders in een dagboek zou plaatsen. Dit kan zijn over wat u vandaag hebt gedaan, wat u vandaag heeft gehoord, wat u van plan bent, enz. Maak een titel en typ het bericht. Zo kunnen bezoekers dagelijks naar uw blog komen om uw laatste nieuwe bericht te lezen en mee uw dagboek te lezen.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken met plaatselijk nieuws. Met uw eigen blog kan u zo zelfs journalist zijn. U kan op uw blog het plaatselijk nieuws vertellen. Telkens u iets nieuw hebt, plaats u een bericht: u geeft een titel op en typt wat u weet over het nieuws. Dit kan zijn over een feest in de buurt, een verkeersongeval in de streek, een nieuwe baan die men gaat aanleggen, een nieuwe regeling, verkiezingen, een staking, een nieuwe winkel, enz. Afhankelijk van het nieuws plaatst u iedere keer een nieuw bericht. Indien u veel nieuws heeft, kan u zo dagelijks vele berichten plaatsen met wat u te weten bent gekomen over uw regio. Zorg ervoor dat u telkens een nieuw bericht ingeeft per onderwerp, en niet zaken samen plaatst. Indien u wat minder nieuws kan bijeen sprokkelen is uiteraard 1 bericht per dag of 2 berichten per week ook goed. Probeer op een regelmatige basis een berichtje te plaatsen, zo komen uw bezoekers telkens terug.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken met een reisverslag. U kan een bericht aanmaken per dag van uw reis. Zo kan u in de titel opgeven over welke dag u het gaat hebben, en in het bericht plaatst u dan het verslag van die dag. Zo komen alle berichten onder elkaar te staan, netjes gescheiden per dag. U kan dus op éénzelfde dag meerdere berichten ingeven van uw reisverslag.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken met tips op. Dan maakt u telkens u een tip heeft een nieuw bericht aan. In de titel zet u waarover uw tip zal gaan. In het bericht geeft u dan de hele tip in. Probeer zo op regelmatige basis nieuwe tips toe te voegen, zodat bezoekers telkens terug komen naar uw blog. Probeer bvb. 1 keer per dag, of 2 keer per week een nieuwe tip zo toe te voegen. Indien u heel enthousiast bent, kan u natuurlijk ook meerdere tips op een dag ingeven. Let er dan op dat het meest duidelijk is indien u pér tip een nieuw bericht aanmaakt. Zo kan u dus bvb. wel 20 berichten aanmaken op een dag indien u 20 tips heeft voor uw bezoekers.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken dat uw activiteiten weerspiegelt. U bent bvb. actief in een bedrijf, vereniging of organisatie en maakt elke dag wel eens iets mee. Dan kan je al deze belevenissen op uw blog plaatsen. Het komt dan neer op een soort van dagboek. Dan kan u dagelijks, of eventueel meerdere keren per dag, een bericht plaatsen op uw blog om uw belevenissen te vertellen. Geef een titel op dat zeer kort uw belevenis beschrijft en typ daarna alles in wat u maar wenst in het bericht. Zo kunnen bezoekers dagelijks of meermaals per dag terugkomen naar uw blog om uw laatste belevenissen te lezen.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken uw hobby. U kan dan op regelmatige basis, bvb. dagelijks, een bericht toevoegen op uw blog over uw hobby. Dit kan gaan dat u vandaag een nieuwe postzegel bij uw verzameling heeft, een nieuwe bierkaart, een grote vis heeft gevangen, enz. Vertel erover en misschien kan je er zelfs een foto bij plaatsen. Zo kunnen anderen die ook dezelfde hobby hebben dagelijks mee lezen. Als u bvb. zeer actief bent in uw hobby, kan u dagelijks uiteraard meerdere berichtjes plaatsen, met bvb. de laatste nieuwtjes. Zo trek je veel bezoekers aan.

    Een bezoeker kan op een bericht van u een reactie plaatsen. Een bezoeker kan dus zelf géén bericht plaatsen op uw blog zelf, wel een reactie. Het verschil is dat de reactie niet komt op de beginpagina, maar enkel bij een bericht hoort. Het is dus zo dat een reactie enkel gaat over een reactie bij een bericht. Indien u bvb. een gedicht heeft geschreven, kan een reactie van een bezoeker zijn dat deze het heel mooi vond. Of bvb. indien u plaatselijk nieuws brengt, kan een reactie van een bezoeker zijn dat deze nog iets meer over de feiten weet (bvb. exacte uur van het ongeval, het juiste locatie van het evenement,...). Of bvb. indien uw blog een dagboek is, kan men reageren op het bericht van die dag, zo kan men meeleven met u, u een vraag stellen, enz. Deze functie kan u uitschakelen via "Instellingen" indien u dit niet graag heeft.

    Een bezoeker kan een bepaald bericht een waardering geven. Dit is om aan te geven of men dit bericht goed vindt of niet. Het kan bvb. gaan over een bericht, hoe goed men dat vond. Het kan ook gaan over een ander bericht, bvb. een tip, die men wel of niet bruikbaar vond. Deze functie kan u uitschakelen via "Instellingen" indien u dit niet graag heeft.

    Het SeniorenNet-team wenst u veel succes met uw gloednieuwe blog!

    Met vriendelijke groeten,

    08-05-2014, 03:31 Geschreven door
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