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    Health According to Dave
    Natural Health for the Common Sense Person
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Ways to Take Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is the latest thing. Well, not the latest in terms of age. Because apple cider vinegar comes from (you guessed it) apple cider; it was probably first discovered just a few weeks after the first apple cider was pressed.

    Like any other sugary beverage, apple cider will naturally ferment when exposed to the elements. Yeast from the air colonize the cider, gobble up the sugar inside, and cast off ethanol and carbon dioxide in the process. Ethanal is the alcohol in alcoholic beverages that contributes to intoxication. But it’s not a stable substance. Left to ferment indefinitely, ethanol will always degrade into vinegar, an acid. Apple cider fermented long enough always produces, apple cider vinegar, and the resulting vinegar possesses some of the nutritive and flavor characteristics of its parent fluid.

    It’s pretty cool stuff. Because of its provenance, apple cider vinegar is thought to be very good for the human body. Different sources tout numerous purported benefits of apple cider vinegar, including effects on blood pressure, weight, circulation, respiration, and other essential body processes and systems. These effects, combined with apple cider vinegar’s affordability and accessibility (you can buy it almost anywhere for not very much money) make it a popular folk remedy for the modern age. If you want some high quality pure apple cider vinegar of your own, Enzymedica and Natural Factors have exactly what you’re looking for.

    Let’s imagine that you’ve ordered your ACV, you’ve waited patiently, and your precious bottles of lifegiving juju have finally arrived. How does one take apple cider vinegar? Well, as you might expect, drinking an acid, however mild, is terribly unpleasant. You might try to “be a man” and just toss the stuff back, but this is not at all recommended. ACV is a strong enough acid that this will burn the sensitive tissue of your throat and tongue, and you’ll have harmed yourself more than any vinegar tonic could have helped.

    It’s best to dilute your Apple Cider Vinegar, either in water or in some other drink that you enjoy. If you don’t like the taste of the ACV (people who dislike pickles usually hate it), toss yours into a sweet drink. If you don’t mind the flavor, just mix it into a few ounces of water. Don’t mix your vinegar with hot drinks. ACV keeps best at room temperature or colder, and this is the temperature your mixers should be when diluting your vinegar.

    There are many drinks that you can buy ready-made with just the right dose of apple cider vinegar already mixed in for ready consumption. These are available anywhere healthy food is sold, and you can even find it in conventional grocery stores these days.

    Apple cider vinegar isn’t just for drinking. If you have persistent dandruff, you can mix ACV with water (dilute at least 50%) and apply directly to your scalp. The vinegar will kill the fungus that lives on all of our scalps. Some of us are allergic to the metabolic waste this fungus produces, and this contributes to the inflammation and flaking associated with dandruff. Killing back the fungus with the acid from the vinegar can give even the worst dandruff sufferers a few days of relative flake-free living.

    Apple cider vinegar also has numerous applications for cleaning. An acid, it can easily dissolve all kinds of kitchen grease and grime. And just as it helps fight off fungus on the scalp, ACV is a powerful disinfectant on all surfaces.

    Apple cider vinegar has been a friend to man for millennia, and it’s just as useful today as it ever was to our most distant ancestors. Drink it, bathe with it, wash your kitchen - however you use apple cider vinegar, we hope you enjoy it for many years to come.

    18-02-2019 om 20:29 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Triphala and Other Methods to Support Gut Health

    It’s important to listen to your body. We all have digestive systems of different strengths and speeds. You may be able to eat spicy food without getting heartburn, while your spouse might be kept up all night from a single slice of pizza. Listen to your digestive system, make active observations, and go with what works.

    If you don’t know where to start, focus on taking away rather than making additions. If you’re struggling with regularity, for example, consider dietary elements that may be contributing constipation. Diets rich in meat and fat may have this problem, while diets abundant in vegetables and fruit will likely be just fine. Supplanting the non-plant, high-calorie foods with something natural and fiber-rich can often solve the problem without getting too complicated.

    If your diet is good and you still have persistent digestive problems, it’s time to start investing in gut health on the molecular level. Taking probiotics every single day can change the flora of your digestive tract, making you more able to digest, fight off disease, and feel full of energy. Some of us have damaged gut flora from antibiotics and poor diet, and it can take time to rejuvenate these bacterial populations. If you don’t want to take expensive probiotics, consider eating bacteria-rich fermented foods, a little each day. A single dose of kombucha or sauerkraut can have as much or more living bacteria than a probiotic pill, and you can make the ferments at home for pennies.

    Triphala, the ancient Ayurvedic herb, is likely effectively in improving gut health. Available from Banyan Botanicals and Gaia Herbs, the active components of triphala are not completely understood by science. However, centuries of anecdote, personal experience, and physician observation have established triphala as a standard treatment for gut health in a number of medical traditions. This is consistent with what many people experience: what works isn’t always the best understood method, but individuals seem to benefit nonetheless.

    There are also many herbal remedies, like the triphala method already discussed. Numerous teas and Ayurvedic medicines have properties that can stimulate digestion and help stabilize other gut issues like dyspepsia. The simple effect of caffeine in black tea may be enough to promote regularity for most adults.

    A key component in gut health is hydration. It’s hard to maintain a digestive schedule if you don’t have enough water in the system to lube up the works. Much is made of the role of fiber in digestive and gut health, but water is as important if not more so. Consult a guide about how much water someone of your age and gender should consume. Take into account your activity level, and extenuating factors like the dryness of the winter air. If in doubt, drink a little more. Spice up dull water by drinking seltzer, or using natural flavors to give it a bit more variety. Natural mineral waters can also be incredibly enjoyable, though these will likely be too expensive to be your primary hydration source.

    Finally, exercise to promote the best operation of your gut. There’s something about getting the blood flowing, and having your tissues and muscles demanding sustenance, that makes our digestive systems jump into an active mode. Lots of us work from a seated position all day, and this can have deleterious effects on the gut. Simply by becoming more active, we can change things for the better.

    Fortunately for your gut health, there are many things you can do to be more healthy. Practice these various methods little by little, and you should have good gut health for life.

    11-02-2019 om 15:52 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Tags:Triphala, gut health, gaia herbs, banyan botanicals
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Can You Consume Essential Oils? What You Need To Know

    Essential oils are some of nature’s best blessings. Extracted from herbs, flowers and fruits, essential oils have unique and often enticing aromas. Essential oils’ many potential health benefits may be unlocked when used topically, through aromatherapy, and even - some would say - by ingesting them. Before investing in a bottle of essential oils, it is important to know a bit about what they are and what they can offer you.

    Whether to Consume Essential Oils

    One important thing to know about essential oils is that there is no added benefit for ingesting them. If someone recommends you ingest essential oils, it is likely they are trying to get you to use more product than is necessary. Essential oils have plenty to offer your health and well being through other avenues, and a small bottle ought to last you a long time.

    You may hear about essential oils that are food grade, or food-safe. What this simply means is that you can cook with them if you feel led, but it does not mean they need to be taken that way. For instance, if you are seeking the health benefits of peppermint oil (memory, immunity, sinuses, etc.), you could put a drop of food grade peppermint essential oil in a cup of hot water, making some peppermint tea. But this is not necessarily the best way to take the essential oil; just one way. Food-grade essential oils may also be used in items such as dental floss, toothpaste and mouthwash.

    Instead, taking essential oils topically or through aromatherapy is a much better choice. Some people like to include essential oils in a bath to gain the soothing properties of the oils. Another popular method is through massage. When used topically, a typical concentration is 1 percent when putting it on the body, and .5 percent when using it on the face. When using an essential oil for the first time, it is best to dab just a tiny bit on your arm to see whether there is a negative reaction.

    Now Foods for Essential Oil Health Benefits

    If you do choose to give essential oils a whirl, make sure to get them from a brand that is well trusted. May I suggest Now Foods, a brand whose supplements are often recognizable thanks to an orange label. A family-owned company tracing back to the 1940s, Now Foods is committed to the community and leading environmental efforts such as The Nature Conservatory. Now Foods’ comprehensive laboratory testing assures their products are high grade and consistent.

    Now Foods makes quality products for sports nutrition, natural beauty, personal care products, and even nutritious organic foods. But some of their best products are in their essential oils line. Now Foods makes just about any essential oil you could need: Lemon Oil, Clove Oil, Rosemary Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Cedarwood Oil and many others. Many of these oils are great for topical use as well as aromatherapy.

    Now Foods also makes variety pack oils for special use. Put Some Pep In Your Step is a four-pack of mostly citrus essential oils to boost your energy. Let There Be Peace and Quiet is a kit that comes in handy when you need the opposite effect: to wind down gently. And of course, there is Love At First Scent, another four-pack that is guaranteed to offer you warm feelings and good vibes. This product is the perfect asset for those times you want to look and feel lovely.

    As you can see, there is a wide range of uses for essential oils. They really are remarkable. And what’s more is that a little goes a long way. You don’t need to ingest them. It can be fun to take essential oils a variety of different ways. There are so many to try that you are sure to find one or more that you love. Maybe start with a Now Foods variety pack to get things started. See where they take you -- I’m sure it will be a good time!

    11-02-2019 om 15:37 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Tags:essential oils, plant oils, now foods, aromatherapy
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Feel More Energized With MCT Oil From Coconut

    Pick-me-ups like coffee and energy drinks are good for a quick kick, but then comes the crash. Caffeine and sugars are great if you need to get over that final hump in your workday, but for almost all other situations they are bad news.

    If you're looking for sustained energy that also helps with focus, exercise performance, and even weight management, then you want to start using MCT oil.

    What Is MCT Oil?

    MCT (medium chain triglycerides) are a type of  fatty acid that combines complex molecules to form complete various biological functions in the body.

    MCT is also a type of saturated fat, but other things that contribute to a range of long-term health problems, MCT oils are not  processed in the body. Rather, MCT oils are more to digest through the digestive system where it becomes a source of sustained energy for the body.

    MCT oils may also provide other potential health benefits, including support for:

    • Exercise performance

    • Energy production in cells during muscle contractions

    • Protein metabolism

    • Fat metabolism

    • Brain health

    • Digestion

    • Heart health

    Where Does MCT Oil Come From?

    MCT oil is most often derived from the oils or coconut or palm fruit. The source of MCT oil does not matter from a nutritional standpoint as manufacturers can standardize the dosage and filter out any unwanted compounds.

    But if you’re environmentally conscious, you may have already seen the impact of deforestation linked to palm tree farming. On the other hand, coconut farming is not immune to the same criticism. Like with most things, you’ll need to do your research into the source of a company’s MCT oil, then decide who should get your money.

    MCT Oil Supplements

    MCT oil supplements are the best way to get more MCT in your daily diet. Many brands specialize in MCT products, but Jarrow Formulas is noteworthy for providing MCT oils from coconut oil as caprylic acid and capric acid. These two forms of MCT are thought to provide an ideal balance between digestion time and energy production.

    Jarrow Formulas makes this exact combination of MCT oil available as a softgel and in a 20 ounce bottle . If you buy the oil, you can add it to your cooking, use it as a dressing, or mix it with your coffee, or shakes and smoothies.  

    Adding MCT oil to your diet is one of several changes that can help you bolster your energy levels. Make sure that you have a mix of fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates, and lean protein, which will provide a source of sustained energy and essential nutrients.

    11-02-2019 om 15:26 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Tags:coconut oil, mct oil, jarrow formulas
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Brief History And Traditions Of Valentine's Day

    There is no holiday quite as polarizing as Valentine’s Day. If you are lucky enough to have that loving person in your life, then February the 14th is the time to take your partner on a date and rekindle the romance. On the other hand, the day also carries the negative moniker of Singles Awareness Day. Heck, some of us just look forward to consuming gobs of discount candy after the fact. To each their own.

    So, the holiday is supposed to be about love and gooey feelings, but there is a bit of irony to that. Not only because the loneliness referred to above, but because there is a fair amount of bloodshed connected Valentine’s Day.

    Roman Roots of Valentine’s Day

    All good legends are shrouded in a degree of mystery, and the original story of St. Valentine is no different. For starters, The Catholic Church recognizes three different Saint Valentines, each who lived and died during the third century A.D., and are thought to be the inspiration for the holiday. The first, One Valentinus died in the company of 24 soldiers in Africa. The other two were a priest and a bishop; both performed miraculous feats and died tragically.

    Later in the 5th century A.D., Pope Gelasius declared February 14 to be a holiday, likely a connection to the pagan holiday Lupercalia, a celebration that occurred on the ides of February, or February 15th. Some sources are certain that Gelasius was intent on Christianizing the pagan holiday, while others consider this circumstantial. Another historical anecdote reveals February 14 was considered the beginning of mating season for birds.

    The horrors of Valentine’s Day even carries into modern American history with the Saint Valentine’s Day Massacre. In Prohibition Chicago 1929, Al Capone-led gang members dressed as police officers, armed themselves with sub machine guns, shotguns, and revolvers, and cornered and executed seven of George “Bugs” Moran’s men in an apparent conflict over control of the lucrative bootlegging trade. Yikes!

    Literary Roots of Valentine’s Day

    Things get better, however, thanks to two of English literature’s greatest writers. Geoffrey Chaucer and William Shakespeare did what great writers do and found beauty in complex histories and dark tragedies. Both men lived and wrote in different eras, but each had an important role in influencing Valentine’s Day as we know it today.

    Chaucer’s poem, “A Parliament of Fowls,” is most associated with changing the perceptions of Valentine’s Day. In the poem, birds are discussing the nature and purpose of love. Of course, William Shakespeare may be the literary figure most connected to the art of writing about true love. Shakespeare references the holiday of love in both A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Hamlet. In the latter play, Shakespeare perpetuates a myth that couples who meet on Valentine's Day are destined to get married.

    Did Chaucer and Shakespeare light the spark that finally made Valentine’s Day about flowers, chocolate, and romcoms? We only need to look back to the mid-18th century in England, when on the day friends and lovers of all social classes first exchanged small tokens of affection. In 1840 in America, a lady named Esther A. Howland began selling the first mass-produced valentines. In 1913, Hallmark began selling Valentine’s Day cards, and as they say, the rest is history!

    If you are not looking forward to February 14th, you are not the only one. Even the men for whom the holiday was named had a rough go of it! If you can’t nail down that date, go out with friends. Or stay in and enjoy one glass (or two) of wine. Treat yourself. Love is around the corner, my child.

    01-02-2019 om 19:59 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Tags:saint valentine's day, holiday, history
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Best Household Chocolate Milk Brands and Methods
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    It’s hard not to love chocolate milk. Even for those of us who have never understood the appeal of a tall glass of plain white milk, there’s something about the creamy, rich sweetness of chocolate milk that scratches a deep-seated itch. To many, it tastes like childhood.

    Now that you’re an adult, you can have as much chocolate milk as you want. And even if your waistline doesn’t agree, you may want to find the best brand out there for your kids. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of chocolate milk brands and methods to choose from. We’ll try to give you some of the best in the business here today.

    Pre-Mixed Grocery Store Brands

    The easiest way to buy chocolate milk is pre-mixed, in the bottle. Any grocery store large enough to have a dairy aisle will sell at least a couple of varieties. To our taste buds, Prairie Farms and Promised Land both have the perfect amount of chocolate (though we’ve even been known to go with Nesquik or Hershey’s in a pinch). The key here seems to be fat content and chocolate quality. Any fat content lower than 2% just doesn’t have the delectable flavor and mouthfeel you’re looking for. Too many cheap sweeteners (beware corn syrup) tend to leave you feeling yucky. The perfect solution (in this writer’s opinion) is whole organic milk with real chocolate and natural sugar sweetener. It may not be the healthiest beverage you could guzzle, but we’re talking about chocolate milk here. You have to take the fat with the flavor.


    You really can’t go wrong with Hershey’s chocolate syrup mixed into a milk of your choice. Maybe it’s because the Hershey’s brand has been so closely associated with chocolate flavor since our collective infancy, but it produces a chocolate milk that “just tastes right.” Not all will agree, but there are plenty of chocolate syrup alternatives, including organics. The key here seems to be dosing your milk with enough chocolate to really pack a punch. It can be unnerving to see the sheer volume of syrup required to make the perfect blend, but go with your tongue on this one. Again, we drink chocolate milk because it’s delicious, not because it’s a health tonic.

    The DIY Approach

    When we get into the DIY chocolate milk options, you’ll find you’re able to craft the perfect milk for your diet and palette. Want to make your chocolate milk with oat milk? Want to melt down authentic Oaxacan chocolate until you’ve made a sweet, spicy syrup all your own? The possibilities are truly endless. Making DIY chocolate milk may take a little extra time, but this is the best option for those who want quality and nuance of flavor above all else. Start with milk you trust (local, whole, and organic if possible!). Next, select a high quality dry chocolate, in ground cocoa or bar form. Now make a syrup by mixing a natural sweetener with a little bit of water, then melting the chocolate into the mix until the resulting syrup fits your taste. Make sure it’s really chocolatey because when you blend it with dairy, that flavor has to stand up to the milk.

    All of this writing has this writer in the mood for a glass of chocolate milk. Fortunately, (no foolin) there is a bottle of syrup and a carton of almond milk in the refrigerator. Perhaps you can say the same. Even if you have to run to the market, make time for chocolate milk in your near future. Whether it’s been hours or years since your last glass, it’ll bring a deep satisfaction that only creamy cocoa can.

    04-01-2019 om 19:32 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Tags:chocolate milk, drinks, drink recipes, flavored milk, flavored drinks
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Best Cell Phone Car Mount on the Market
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    For many of us, the single most important car accessory is the one we jam into the old, disused CD slot. Our cell phone car mounts help our older vehicles interface with our 2019 lives. Even though these plastic contraptions cost less than the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday’s, they’re pretty much indispensable for any drive longer than 20 minutes. Whether you use yours for tunes, GPS, or making illegal texts, almost every driver needs a cell phone car mount.

    The question is: Which cell phone car mount is the best? The market is flooded, and cheap knockoffs abound. We’ll do our best to separate the wheat from the chaff in the product review to come.

    1. BE Universal Smartphone Car Mount - This high quality car mount works with vents, and vertical ones at that. Vertical vents are one of the most underserved car alignments, at least by car mount manufacturers. Those with round vents will be out of luck, but if you’re in this select demographic, you’ll enjoy the quality of this BE unit. It grips tight without requiring excessive turning of the knob, and has enough cushion to adapt to slight variation of shape. At less than $10, you really can’t go wrong.

    1. Koomus CD-Air  Car Mount - Hey, you! Yes you, over there in the 2004 Scion XB. Don’t worry, we’ve got a car mount for you and your obsolete CD player. This Koomus unit is large enough for all major models of smartphone, even those housed in those clunky protective cases. It’s so large that some users might find it impedes access to various controls, but this won’t be a problem for everybody. It holds tight with minimal fiddling, and you can even clamp your phone in its grasp with only one hand.

    1. iOttie One Touch Mount - This vent mount features lush 360 viewing, so you can always get that perfect angle no matter where you are in the vehicle. At $20-$25, it’s on the pricier end of our consideration, but we’ve found no defects or performance issues. Of course, only time will tell when it comes to single use devices like these, but we are proud to include iOttie in this top 5.

    1. Kenu Airframe - This larger unit is built for smartphones of all types, and tablets. If you want to mount your freakin iPad to your car’s air conditioner, you can do so with Kenu, and for less than $20 we might add. This unit is simply too big for smaller phones, but most current iPhone and Apple models will be just fine. What’s more, if you have a device that’s prone to overheating (particularly in you’re driving in the hot summer weather), you may find that using an air conditioning vent mount will keep its temperature in the usable range.

    1. Square Jellyfish Jelly Grip - This is another excellent vent car mount for everyone but you unfortunates with round air vents. The Jellyfish Jelly grip will accommodate just about any other vent shape. This unit is great for larger devices; any phone up to 6 inches wide will do (and that would be quite the phone). You’ll find yourself able to “slide” your phone in and out, if you wish, but do be conscious that any buttons located on the side may be pressed when dismounting in this fashion.

    Car mounts for cell phones are one of the modern essentials. For many of us, there’s no better bang for your buck than a $15 plastic contraption that turns your old Toyota into a smart car. Choose the right car mount for you, and you’ll feel like you’re driving in 2019, no matter what kind of vehicle you have.

    02-01-2019 om 00:00 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken met plaatselijk nieuws. Met uw eigen blog kan u zo zelfs journalist zijn. U kan op uw blog het plaatselijk nieuws vertellen. Telkens u iets nieuw hebt, plaats u een bericht: u geeft een titel op en typt wat u weet over het nieuws. Dit kan zijn over een feest in de buurt, een verkeersongeval in de streek, een nieuwe baan die men gaat aanleggen, een nieuwe regeling, verkiezingen, een staking, een nieuwe winkel, enz. Afhankelijk van het nieuws plaatst u iedere keer een nieuw bericht. Indien u veel nieuws heeft, kan u zo dagelijks vele berichten plaatsen met wat u te weten bent gekomen over uw regio. Zorg ervoor dat u telkens een nieuw bericht ingeeft per onderwerp, en niet zaken samen plaatst. Indien u wat minder nieuws kan bijeen sprokkelen is uiteraard 1 bericht per dag of 2 berichten per week ook goed. Probeer op een regelmatige basis een berichtje te plaatsen, zo komen uw bezoekers telkens terug.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken met een reisverslag. U kan een bericht aanmaken per dag van uw reis. Zo kan u in de titel opgeven over welke dag u het gaat hebben, en in het bericht plaatst u dan het verslag van die dag. Zo komen alle berichten onder elkaar te staan, netjes gescheiden per dag. U kan dus op éénzelfde dag meerdere berichten ingeven van uw reisverslag.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken met tips op. Dan maakt u telkens u een tip heeft een nieuw bericht aan. In de titel zet u waarover uw tip zal gaan. In het bericht geeft u dan de hele tip in. Probeer zo op regelmatige basis nieuwe tips toe te voegen, zodat bezoekers telkens terug komen naar uw blog. Probeer bvb. 1 keer per dag, of 2 keer per week een nieuwe tip zo toe te voegen. Indien u heel enthousiast bent, kan u natuurlijk ook meerdere tips op een dag ingeven. Let er dan op dat het meest duidelijk is indien u pér tip een nieuw bericht aanmaakt. Zo kan u dus bvb. wel 20 berichten aanmaken op een dag indien u 20 tips heeft voor uw bezoekers.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken dat uw activiteiten weerspiegelt. U bent bvb. actief in een bedrijf, vereniging of organisatie en maakt elke dag wel eens iets mee. Dan kan je al deze belevenissen op uw blog plaatsen. Het komt dan neer op een soort van dagboek. Dan kan u dagelijks, of eventueel meerdere keren per dag, een bericht plaatsen op uw blog om uw belevenissen te vertellen. Geef een titel op dat zeer kort uw belevenis beschrijft en typ daarna alles in wat u maar wenst in het bericht. Zo kunnen bezoekers dagelijks of meermaals per dag terugkomen naar uw blog om uw laatste belevenissen te lezen.
    - Bijvoorbeeld: u wil een blog maken uw hobby. U kan dan op regelmatige basis, bvb. dagelijks, een bericht toevoegen op uw blog over uw hobby. Dit kan gaan dat u vandaag een nieuwe postzegel bij uw verzameling heeft, een nieuwe bierkaart, een grote vis heeft gevangen, enz. Vertel erover en misschien kan je er zelfs een foto bij plaatsen. Zo kunnen anderen die ook dezelfde hobby hebben dagelijks mee lezen. Als u bvb. zeer actief bent in uw hobby, kan u dagelijks uiteraard meerdere berichtjes plaatsen, met bvb. de laatste nieuwtjes. Zo trek je veel bezoekers aan.

    Een bezoeker kan op een bericht van u een reactie plaatsen. Een bezoeker kan dus zelf géén bericht plaatsen op uw blog zelf, wel een reactie. Het verschil is dat de reactie niet komt op de beginpagina, maar enkel bij een bericht hoort. Het is dus zo dat een reactie enkel gaat over een reactie bij een bericht. Indien u bvb. een gedicht heeft geschreven, kan een reactie van een bezoeker zijn dat deze het heel mooi vond. Of bvb. indien u plaatselijk nieuws brengt, kan een reactie van een bezoeker zijn dat deze nog iets meer over de feiten weet (bvb. exacte uur van het ongeval, het juiste locatie van het evenement,...). Of bvb. indien uw blog een dagboek is, kan men reageren op het bericht van die dag, zo kan men meeleven met u, u een vraag stellen, enz. Deze functie kan u uitschakelen via "Instellingen" indien u dit niet graag heeft.

    Een bezoeker kan een bepaald bericht een waardering geven. Dit is om aan te geven of men dit bericht goed vindt of niet. Het kan bvb. gaan over een bericht, hoe goed men dat vond. Het kan ook gaan over een ander bericht, bvb. een tip, die men wel of niet bruikbaar vond. Deze functie kan u uitschakelen via "Instellingen" indien u dit niet graag heeft.

    Het SeniorenNet-team wenst u veel succes met uw gloednieuwe blog!

    Met vriendelijke groeten,

    20-12-2018 om 18:12 geschreven door

    0 1 2 3 4 5 - Gemiddelde waardering: 0/5 - ( Stemmen)
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