herman the human spirit isn't measured by the size of the fact, but by the size of the heart...
Lees het reisverslag en bekijk de prachtige foto's van Leon Overdevest over Zuid-West Bolivia en Chili. Klik op andersreizen.nl ( Landenindex Bolivia) en geniet van zijn 15 blz. tellend verhaal.
Loop in en VOOR de voetsporen van Peter nu hij weldra Bolivia bezoekt. Klik op andersreizen.nl en bekijk de prachtige foto's van die andere WT guy in ZW Bolivia. Het verslag is zeker het lezen waard!
Antony Gormley's 51 carbonised steel figures. From MENZIES to LAKE BALLARD. This incredible cultural display is situated in an eerie setting on a salt lake 51 kilometres drive from the northern Goldfields township of Menzies.The 51 sculptures by Antony Gormley on Lake Ballard, Menzies, are all derived from laser scans of the inhabitants of Menzies. He has translated them by scans which map the body in 3 dimensions with half a million digital coordinates. They are cast in an alloy containing molybdenum,vanadium and titanium,materials that are found in the archean rock of Western Australia. Out on the Salt Lake they become antennae in space in relationship with each other but also with the land and the limit of our perception: the horizon. zie ook de foto's + posting 27/1/06