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    Health According to Dave
    Natural Health for the Common Sense Person
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Taking Fitness Powders On The Go

    Fitness, protein, and supplement powders are a great way to pack in the nutrition, but outside of the home context, it can be hard to keep up with them. Powders are...powdery. They’re difficult to store without making a mess. They take up a lot of room. Carelessly stored, and it’s impossible to tell one from another. 

    For all of these reasons and more, powders are notoriously troublesome to take on the road. Whether you’re on a holiday, business trip, camping expedition, or moon mission, it’s way harder to maintain a powder regimen than it is in the comfort of your own kitchen. 

    This doesn’t mean it’s impossible. We’ll give you some quick tips that’ll make your nutritional powders much easier to manage on the road. 

    Capsule Fillers Are Your Friend

    If you take a powdered supplement, such as many of the ones offered by Garden of Life, a capsule filler can make your life a whole lot easier. Typically manufactured and sold in China (where traditional medicine makes nutritional powders ubiquitous), capsule fillers are plastic devices in several parts that let you package your powders in gelatin capsules. Capsules can be bought in drug stores or online in quantities of 1000. Most of the capsules hold about half a gram of powder. For powders you consume only a few grams at a time, this is an ideal solution, though powders you consume in greater quantities such as soy protein won’t work as well. 

    Buy Protein Powder at Your Destination

    It’s very cumbersome to lug protein powder in your suitcase. If you’re cultivating mass at the moment, we still want you to be able to take your protein powder on vacations and work trips. However, if you’re going to be gone for a short amount of time, just eat a bit more meat at meals instead of lugging around the protein tub. If you are going to be gone for more than a few days, just buy some protein powder when you arrive at your destination. You can even have protein powder or protein shakes from Orgain delivered straight to your AirBNB. Just remember to pack your blender bottle

    Put Powders in Your Checked Luggage

    If you insist on bringing powders on a plane, make sure to put them in your checked luggage (as powder baggies labeled in Sharpie tend not to go over well with the TSA). Make sure to triple bag these powders, or bring them in their original tubs. If you do choose to bag them, include a cardboard label or other identifying feature from the original package. Not only will this help you distinguish one from another when you arrive at your destination, it’ll also help prevent the TSA from opening up the bags if they do decide to search your checked luggage for some reason. 

    Be Conscious of Heat and Moisture

    If traveling by road, you may have to contend with hot summer days. If you store nutritional or protein powders in the trunk of your car, they may react to heat or moisture that’s present in this environment. Heat, especially, can cause certain powders to denature or cake together. Read the storage directions on each of your powders, and make sure to provide the proper environment for every one, even if it means using ice packs and multiple airtight plastic bags. 

    Powders can be tricky to deal with, but if you depend on them, there’s a way to make your powder regimen work on the road. Plan ahead, think about every step of your upcoming process, and get creative. You can make road powder work, no matter your destination.

    12-07-2019 om 18:18 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Tags:fitness powders, exercise, health, fitness
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The History Of Homeopathy And How To Use It

    Homeopathy is the largest form of alternative medicine to have evolved out of Europe in the past several hundred years. Widely adopted in the West, especially the United States, homeopathy is a multi-billion dollar industry, continually popularized by well known figures such as Dr. Mercola

    Homeopathy is based upon simple ideas that run in sharp contrast to the esoteric foundations of conventional medicine. Patients of homeopathy are often made to feel like they themselves are in the driver’s seat of their own recovery, and are given resources and medical explanations that are simple to comprehend and practice. Often lower-cost than their conventional medicine counterparts, homeopathic cures are seen by some as the most accessible path toward healing and recovery for various illnesses. 

    Clearly, homeopathy is popular. But where did homeopathy come from?

    Homeopathy was developed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann (1755 - 1843). Hahnemann had little luck making a living in the first decade following his medical education. During his early career struggles, Hahnemann experimented with taking small daily doses of quinine, then a common treatment for malaria. He discovered that small regular doses produced symptoms similar to malaria, but with much lesser severity. It was here that Hahnemann cooked up the notion that by treating a patient with medication that produces symptoms similar to those of certain illnesses, the illnesses might be healed or prevented. 

    In some ways, this concept was in keeping with standard medical understanding. After all, the entire principle of vaccination is in giving a patient a small dose of some infectious agent, thereby training their immune system to fight off the real thing. However, Hahnemann and his acolytes took the principle much farther. Symptoms were used to fight symptoms, without any deeper investigation into the cause and effect of illness and cure. 

    This was a system that anyone could easily understand, and homeopathy quickly became a kind of folk medicine popular among the middle and upper classes. Hahnemann made his system even more widely accessible by incorporating another principle: that homeopathic medications should be given only in the barest minimum dose, so as to produce the slightest possible symptomatic effects, and nothing more. 

    To accomplish this, Hahnemann compiled a vast list of illnesses and related homeopathic cures - those medications that produced similar symptomatic effects to one or more illnesses. These medications were then diluted, sometimes only 1 part in 100,000,000 (or more) remaining in the final solution. Hahnemann countered critics by claiming that these medications retained the power of the original drug, and that this potential could be realized by shaking the solutions vigorously prior to consumption. This process was known as “potentization”. 

    This, more or less, is the way that homeopathy is understood and practiced today. In addition to the medical aspect, patients are taken through highly personalized journeys, often sitting for an hour or more with the homeopath, examining all aspects of their personal and medical lives. Following these intense sessions, the homeopath prescribes one or more medications, and the patient returns at various intervals to chart progress. 

    If you are interested in homeopathic medicine, you can get trusted medications of this sort from Boiron and Herb Pharm. It would probably also be a good idea to sit down with a homeopath for one of these personalized sessions. Much like other forms of counseling, these homeopathic sessions may be therapeutic in their own right. If you choose to take homeopathic medicine, take careful note of the effects you observe, and the frequency and nature of the drugs you choose. If you find something that works, stick to it, and you could be yet another person to benefit from homeopathy.

    12-07-2019 om 18:15 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Essential Survival Preparations for Every Home

    In the modern world, most of us don’t often contemplate survival. Back in our hunter-gatherer days, humans had to worry about predators, war, famine, and harsh elements - any of which could snuff out life with nary a moment’s notice. Today, we’re pretty well insulated from these threats, but in a way this leaves us even more vulnerable than our nomadic ancestors.

    It’s easy to take peace and prosperity for granted. Just because things in our personal lives and in society are working well now, it may not always be this way. However, history shows us that this is rarely the case. Whether you fall victim to a life-threatening home invasion, or live through the next major economic collapse, you may have to fight for your own survival in a way you never previously thought possible.

    So how do we prepare for worst case scenarios like these? It all starts with the home, your place of refuge when things go from bad to worst.

    Protection Against People

    It’s important to keep your home secure against those who might enter it against your will. Start by ensuring that your doors are strong and securely locked. Perform the same safety check on your windows. Consider adding bars to ground level windows, especially if you live in an area with lots of foot traffic, and invest in a security camera system if this is appropriate for your situation. Enhancing this basic level of home security can make your home an inconvenient target for a burglar.

    It may also be a good idea to buy a weapon or two, which could come in handy in a variety of unpleasant occurrences. If you’re accustomed to guns, buy a gun or two. If you’re not accustomed to guns, but want one anyway, consider buying a shotgun. This will be useful for protection in many scenarios, and won’t be as dangerous or troublesome to manage as a handgun, particularly if you don’t have years of experience. Make sure to train with any guns you bring into your life, and make sure that anyone in your household who could access your guns does the same.

    Protection Against Social Breakdown

    While society may be pretty stable where you live, we know from world news that this is not always the universal case. Energy shortages occur, currencies collapse, rebellions break out, and supplies stop being delivered in times of war. How will you be prepared when and if the next social breakdown occurs?

    You’ve already protected your home with security measures and weapons. Now it’s time to prepare your pantry for the worst. Having months worth of water and shelf-stable food is a must, if you’re worried about your ability to get supplies in the case of an emergency. Similarly, a generator (and other off grid living methods) can make sure you’re supplied with energy when others are without. You may even want to find a way to supply your water needs from a well, rather than city water, or to capture and purify rainwater for the same purpose.

    Having a large garden for food and natural medicine will also be indispensable in a social breakdown scenario. Your survival won’t be bound to what foods may or may not be delivered to your local megamart. Instead, you’ll have food independence in the form of nutritious crops, and possibly even livestock such as chickens, pigs, or cattle.

    The last obvious requirement for long term survival in a long term disaster situation is money or wealth. Money in the form of fiat currency (Dollars, for example) may not be useful for exchange if the value of this currency is severely depressed, as has happened with Venezuelan hyperinflation. Instead, having wealth in easily tradable forms, such as gold and precious metals, may be the better bet.

    There are endless ways to prepare your home and lifestyle for survival scenarios. Hopefully, you’ll never have to put these plans into action, but you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing you and yours will be safe, no matter what.

    17-06-2019 om 18:10 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Vitamins and Other Compounds that Provide Antioxidants

    Along with the immune system, antioxidants are one of the primary ways our bodies fight disease. Unlike immune cells, however, antioxidants are primarily found in the diet. Our bodies harvest these chemicals from a variety of sources, such as vitamins and other nutritional compounds found in food. Let’s take a look at some of the most plentiful chemical sources of antioxidants, so that we can better seek these out in the meals we eat every day.

    Antioxidants From Vitamins

    Vitamins are chemicals that the body needs to operate. For the most part, essential vitamins can not be produced in the body, or at least not in the quantities necessary to preserve life. Therefore, vitamins must be sourced from outside the body, and food is the easiest way to make this happen.

    Vitamins have many roles in the body, and a number function as antioxidants. These include vitamins A, C, and E. Vitamin A can be found in foods like liver, carrots, and egg yolks. Vitamin C is found in foods like citrus fruits. Vitamin E is found in nuts, vegetable oils, legumes, and grains.

    Some antioxidants are derived directly from vitamins. For example, benfotiamine is made from vitamin B1 with plants and animals. Benfotiamine may be converted within the body. This conversation may also occur in a plant or animal, entering the body of a human when it consumes these as food.

    Antioxidants From Other Chemicals

    There are many other nutrients and chemicals that, while not vitamins themselves, provide essential antioxidant activity within the human body. Like vitamins, most of these are also consumed as food. There are hundreds of examples.

    One important antioxidant chemical is astaxanthin. A natural pigment found in fish, shrimp, algae, and yeast, astaxanthin decreases oxidative stress as a powerful antioxidant. Other examples include manganese (found in seafood, lean meat, milk, and nuts), beta-carotene (found in pumpkin, fruits, spinach, and parsley), various flavonoids (found in tea, citrus, onions, and apples), and lutein (found in leafy vegetables).

    Sourcing Antioxidants

    There are two primary methods we use to sourcing antioxidant vitamins and compounds in our diets. One or both of these methods may give you the results you are looking for. The first is by finding antioxidants through a balanced diet, rich in natural foods. The other is to supplement your diet with antioxidants, using bioavailable supplement products from Metagenics, Premier Research labs, and other trusted sources.

    Wherever you get your antioxidants, it’s important to understand what effects these powerful chemicals are likely to have in your body. Unlike what we normally think of as “medicine,” antioxidants are more useful for prevention than healing (though they can heal, as well!). Antioxidants work to make the body work as it should. Ideally, someone who is already healthy will consume plenty of antioxidants, thus ensuring that their bodies continue to operate as desired for a long time to come.

    However, people who are ill may still derive benefit from antioxidants. It takes time, exercise, and proper nutrition to turn the tide in an unhealthy body. It’s a process that may take months or years. And while antioxidants alone are unlikely to transform someone very ill into the picture of health, they can work in cooperation with other healthy nutrients and practices to make a real difference, even in someone who is very unwell.

    Therefore, antioxidants, in the form of vitamins or other compounds, should be of interest to any reader. Antioxidants are essential to normal body function, so all of us should have a plan to consume our fill of these life-giving chemicals. See to it that you get more than enough antioxidants for the job, and your body will do the rest.

    17-06-2019 om 17:55 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.How Do Older Couples Keep the Passion In Their Relationships?

    We’ve all been inspired to see very long term relationships - couples still going strong in their 3rd, 4th, 5th decades and beyond. There’s a difference between couples who merely cohabitate long term, and those who “keep the spark alive.” So what’s the secret to a long lasting relationship that doesn’t lose its passion?

    There are probably as many answers as there are enduring couples, but we can generally group common responses into a small handful of categories. We’ll reduce these to: health and loving communication.

    Health and Passion in Enduring Relationships

    It’s an old adage that “health is wealth,” and few who have been with and without health and wellness will find fault with this saying. Health can be considered as something we experience in our bodies, but it’s also an aspect of our minds. And just as nature imbues us with a certain degree of physical and mental health, there’s much that we can do to promote both in our own person.

    Healthy relationships frequently exist between two people who, individually, care for their own health. When we exercise, control our weight, and practice good hygiene, we work with nature to promote physical wellbeing in our bodies. A healthy body tends to produce a healthy mind, and this combination tends to create a partner who is kind and caring to the other partner.

    A steady attention to health also helps with attraction and sexual harmony, even as the decades roll along. In addition to diet, exercise, and hygiene, there are numerous natural herbs and supplements which can further promote sexual health. Blessed Thistle can promote reproductive health in younger women, but also may provide all-important respiratory benefits in older people. Chaste Tree may promote fertility in young women, hormonal balance in middle aged and older women, and prostate health for men.

    These two are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to herbs that promote sexual/reproductive health, especially for older adults. Metagenics, Integrative Therapeutics, and DesBio all have sexual health products aimed at people in various life stages, and you may find one that feeds into your long-standing relationship in a very happy way.

    Loving Communication in Long-Lasting Relationships

    In addition to healthy bodies and minds, multi-decade couples find ways to create passion through loving communication. Communication is more than conversation. It’s a way to promote intimacy and happiness between partners. The benefits of love are self-evident in healthy long term relationships, these people tend to live longer, live with less illness, heal more quickly, and live with less pain.

    But these benefits aren’t a given, they are most closely associated with relationships in which both partners feel secure, appreciated, and “tended to.” It’s possible to be in a long term relationship in which stress and discord are the norm. These relationships tend not to last as long as their mutually supportive counterparts, and they tend to be less physically healthy all the while. Studies show that people who feel unwanted in a close relationship have higher levels of inflammation than people in close relationships, for example.

    It goes without saying that it’s easier to passionately love someone who loves you back, than someone who neglects and tears you down for decades at a time. As with the physical health of both members of a lengthy partnership, the health of the relationship itself has a great impact on the “passion” that either partner will have access to at any particular time.

    If you are in a long term relationship, you already know the benefits and challenges that result from such an arrangement. If you’ve managed to maintain passion all the while, congratulations on a job well done. If you want to revive passion in a relationship that has seen it wane, start with these steps, and you may be able to restore what once was.

    07-06-2019 om 18:30 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.The Importance Of Elder Dental Health

    Dental health is important for all people, but older adults should pay even greater attention. Poor oral health has been linked to memory problems in senior adults, and gum disease has been linked conclusively to a higher incidence of heart disease. Anyone who has suffered painful dental cleanings or root canals knows the more immediate hazards of poor oral health.

    On the positive side, healthy teeth and gums are their own reward. These individuals can eat and drink without pain, and don’t have to endure corrective procedures in the dentist’s chair. Practicing oral hygiene also has its social benefits. Fresh breath and shiny teeth are attractive at any age, and senior adults are certainly no exception.

    So how can older adults promote oral health, especially at an age when many people start to see major problems in their teeth and jaws for the first time in life? We’ll look at this issue from two different perspectives: supplementary prevention and hygiene. Practiced together, these methods should keep your teeth and gums healthy, no matter how old you are.

    Preventing Problems in the Teeth and Jaw With Natural Products

    Teeth, gum, and jaw problems don’t crop up over night. They take weeks, months, and years to set in. Fortunately, most of these issues are preventable. As people grow older, they need extra nutrition and better hygiene practices to keep their mouths truly healthy. Let’s take a look at the former, to see what natural products can help in this effort.

    Triphala is an herbal preparation that has been used for more than a thousand years in traditional Ayurvedic medicine. Triphala mouthwash has been shown to cut down on bacteria in the saliva in significant amounts. It’s impossible to completely remove bacteria from the mouth, nor would you want to. After all, bacteria serve an important purpose in oral health and primary digestion, but bacteria populations that grow out of control are problematic. Triphala mouthwash can help keep your oral bacteria in order.

    It’s also important to give your body the nutrition it needs to maintain jaw and tooth strength. Carlson Labs and Jarrow Formulas both have products that help strengthen bones. This can help you improve the integrity of your jaw, which could help you keep your teeth much longer. Some older adults experience jaw decay, which may not manifest until the teeth start to get loose, and the surrounding tissue damaged.

    Improving Oral Hygiene for Better Tooth, Gum, and Jaw Health

    Keeping a clean mouth is obviously the primary way most of us prevent tooth decay and gum disease. However, it’s easy to get into the habit of not caring properly for the mouth, especially as we get older. For example, insurance problems and busy living can see us going to the dentist only several times per decade, instead of the twice annually recommended by physicians. Similarly, it can be tough to floss every day as recommended, leading to low level gum disease that persists for months or years.

    Daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash can prevent the worst oral health problems from manifesting, especially when you go to the dentist once every six months. A dentist can fix any damage that is present, show you how to stop more from accumulating, and teach you the techniques you can use on your own to keep your mouth healthy.

    All of these tips are good for anyone of any age, but they’re particularly relevant for senior adults. Old age doesn’t guarantee gum, tooth, and jaw problems. Natural products, healthy living, and sound oral hygiene practices can give you a healthy mouth for life.

    07-06-2019 om 18:29 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.What is the Relationship Between People and Plants? Can We Communicate?

    Living with plants is like living with an alien species. All life on Earth is interrelated, and humans and plants actually share a common ancestor. Both humans and plants are Eukaryotes, which means that our cells have membrane-bound nuclei. Certain regions of plant and human DNA are the same, further proving our shared ancient lineage. All of this begs the question, if humans and plants have such marked similarities, can they communicate with each other? In answer, we’re not completely sure what the communication potential is between humans and plants is, but we have a pretty good idea.

    First of all, plants and humans don’t experience the world in the same way. Humans think, using memory to recall past events and imagination to picture the future. Humans have emotions, which are subjective “feelings-based” representations of physical and mental states. These states are made possible by our brains and highly complex nervous systems.

    Plants don’t have nervous systems, but they are able to transmit electrical signals, even communicating with other plants using chemicals. In all probability, plants can “feel” in a way not totally dissimilar to the way humans do. Plants then “react” to this sensation through the production and transfer of various compounds, the movement of leaves and branches, the production of nutrition through photosynthesis, etc.

    So. Your homegrown chaste tree plants are sort of like quiet little buddies who can’t move (very quickly or far, at least), see, hear, or (for the most part) think. They can, however, “feel” in a way that you can sort of relate to - for example, sensing changes in temperature or humidity, and producing internal changes accordingly. Similarly, plants may also have a kind of “taste”, registering the nutritional and moisture contents of soil and reacting accordingly with root growth and hormone production.

    Considering all of the above, a cultivated blessed thistle essentially “knows” when it’s being treated well. Anyone who has ever worked with plants understands what is meant, colloquially, when a plant is said to be “happy”. This plant looks healthy and vibrant, its leaves and branches move gradually and fluidly throughout the day, and it shows visible growth throughout its most active seasons. Learning to promote “happiness” in your plant, and feeling happy in response, is the essence of Plant Therapy.

    Similarly, a mistreated or neglected plant will look “sad”. It won’t grow well, it will droop and grow slowly, and it may gradually dry up and die. We’ve all seen people who respond similarly to mistreatment, exhibiting signs up distress and failure to thrive. This is not to say that plants have the same complexity of “emotion” that humans do, but insofar as a plant is able to “experience” (in an inner life sense) its own physiological wellbeing, it may have more in common with human beings than we sometimes assume.

    We say all of this to say that, yes, in some ways, humans and plants can be said to communicate. Though we can probably never completely know, plants almost surely don’t have the higher-order consciousness that humans do (memories and dreams and enjoyment of Game of Thrones and whatnot), but they can “experience” and “know,” if only in the instantaneous reaction to physical stimuli.

    Therefore, you probably can’t have a psychic experience with your salad, but you can have an interactive relationship with living plants in your home. As you learn to care for them, to read their needs and externalized representation of inherent wellbeing, you can respond with care accordingly. In giving the plant what it “wants” (external appearance and behavior expressing inner need), you can learn to help your plants thrive.

    17-05-2019 om 18:46 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Senior Health and Fitness Day May 29: How to Inform Your Older Relatives

    May 29 is National Senior Health and Fitness Day, and you don’t want your older friends and relatives to miss out. More than simply a day to work up a sweat, SHaFD is an opportunity to start a new, healthier life. It’s a chance to connect seniors with programs and resources that can move the needle on health and wellbeing. It’s also a way for older adults to meet like-minded friends, through institutions that work to serve aging populations.

    Those are all good reasons for a senior to participate in SHaFD. The national event is designed to help people become healthier and better connected with their communities. If you can communicate this vision to your older friends and family, you’ll have a good chance of getting them to participate.

    It’s important for people who are hesitant to understand that SHaFD isn’t very demanding. In fact, it’s an event aimed at beginners. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t been to the gym in 30 years, or ever! Participating in SHaFD is simply a way to take a step in the right direction.

    Here are some places in your community that are likely throwing events, workshops, and classes on Senior Health and Fitness Day 2019:

    • Banks - Banks have tons of older customers, and older adults still visit their local branch regularly. For this reason, they tend to gather helpful information about local health resources for this day.

    • Gyms and Health Clubs - This one’s obvious. Most gyms have plenty of intro-level adult fitness classes. The gift of a monthly gym membership can make a big difference for an older adult you love.

    • Houses of Worship - Local churches, synagogues, mosques, covens, and sacred sweat lodges frequently provide informational resources about SHaFD for their congregants, sometimes even having events and classes available onsite.

    • Hospitals - Being healthy is the best way to stay out of the hospital, but look for resources about SHaFD here anyway.

    • Malls and Shopping Centers - Local events will be advertised here, and some may be scheduled onsite.

    • P&R Departments - The “Recreation” side of the Parks and Recreation Department will have plenty of information about SHaFD.

    • Retirement Communities - Even if your senior friend doesn’t live in a retirement community, these centers are usually the nexus of local SHaFD activities.

    • Aging Agencies and Departments - Any governmental agency that attends to the needs of seniors will have information and events related to SHaFD.

    So what can you expect from local SHaFD programming? Many gyms and fitness centers will have promotional membership prices for new senior members. If an older adult is interested in joining a class or center, May 29 would be the time to get the best deal. SHaFD can be a great time to look for local get-togethers, as well. There will probably be at least one local cookout that’s free for all, and enjoyable even for those of us who aren’t very fit (yet). If you play your cards right, SHaFD can be a great way to meet friends, new and old, without even having to break a sweat.

    Even if you’re not a senior yourself, take the time to connect with someone you love who is. Also let SHaFD serve as a reminder that it’s always a good time to make a new commitment to health and fitness, no matter your age or health status. Even if you don’t hit the demographic criteria for SHaFD, you can still approach most of these event centers for information about how to improve your own health. One way or another, days like Senior Health and Fitness Day are good for us all.

    17-05-2019 om 18:44 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Unconventional Teas and Their Benefits

    In the West, most of us are acquainted with only a small variety of teas. Perhaps you grew up with only one: “Sweet.” And while there’s nothing wrong with a tall glass of sugary black tea over ice, the world has a much larger bounty of herbal beverages. Many of these have medicinal properties that may make a noticeable difference in mental and physical states. We’ll take a look at some of the more unusual teas (at least to the average Westerner). Most of these have been cherished in traditional medicine for eons and ready to provide you with an interesting new way to promote personal health and vitality.


    Rehmannia is a flowering perennial herb used in Chinese traditional medicine. The plant is also a common ornamental for gardens in Europe and North America. The plant can be prepared in various ways for use as a tonic. The resulting products can be consumed as food or steeped into a tea. Traditionally, rehmannia is used as a blood tonic, with applications for kidney health, longevity, and reproductive vitality.


    Available as an extract from Mountain Rose Herbs, Lobelia is one of the most effective traditional remedies for cough suppression and mucus discharge. If you’ve been caught up in seasonal allergies, colds, or flu, Lobelia can be a wonderful, natural way to help improve your respiratory distress. This is the perfect tea for coughs that are persistent, lasting long after the primary illness is resolved. Lobelia may help you to recover faster.

    Marshmallow Root

    Marshmallow root tea is potentially effective for reducing dry coughs (not the mucousy coughs for which lobelia is recommended). Marshmallow root tea has also been shown to help relieve mild gastric distress - stomach aches, indigestion, and queasiness. Marshmallow root tea tastes great and is very affordable to buy. You can likely find it at your local health food store, and it’s available from many trusted online medicinal tea vendors.

    Hawthorn Berry

    Hawthorn berry has shown promising results in studies about its potential benefits for heart disease. Heart disease and heart failure are two of the most common causes of premature death in many parts of the world, particularly the West. Most often, this results from hardening and narrowing of the arteries, which can lead to heart attack and stroke. In the early stages of the illness, regular consumption of Hawthorn Berry tea can improve the condition of the heart and its related vessels. While improvement may be enjoyed in cases of more advanced disease as well, it’s important that patients follow doctors’ orders. Hawthorn berry isn’t a strong primary defense against advanced heart disease. As a preventative medication, though, it’s well suited to the task.

    Rosehip Powder

    Rosehips (or Rose Hips) are the rounded portion of the rose just beneath the petals. Rosehips are a delicious addition to any tea, but they can be enjoyed for their medical benefits as well. Rosehips have been shown to improve skin elasticity and health, when consumed regularly. For age-related skin conditions, rosehips are a gentle and well-tolerated way to age gracefully.

    Bilberry Fruit

    The potential benefits of bilberry fruit tea are numerous. To name just a few, bilberry has been shown to reduce capillary fragility, improve eyesight and night vision, improve the body’s response to free radicals (antioxidant action), inflammation, and may help to prevent infections. A delicious addition to many teas, bilberry is worth trying simply because of how yummy it is.


    The world is full of interesting medicinal plants that can be enjoyed as teas. Try some from this list and do your own research to find other hidden gems from the world of natural remedies.

    17-05-2019 om 18:42 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Liven Up Stale Indoor Air With These Essential Oils

    The warmer spring weather has been an invitation to open the windows and let in some fresh air after the long and cold winter. Unfortunately, pollen season is in full swing and it can be a tough decision between suffering from allergies and getting a gentle breeze indoors.

    Well, you no longer have to choose between smelly indoor air and nature. Simplers Botanicals essential oils that are ethically wildcrafted, non-modified, expertly distilled, and always 100% pure so you can enjoy the best of nature indoors and without discomfort.

    Keep reading to find out how to choose the right essential oils and add them to your homemade cleaning products or diffuser.

    Recommended Spring Scents

    With so many essential oil options, it helps to break down each of the oils into a larger category.

    • Floral – Geranium, lavender, palmarosa, rose, ylang-ylang, valerian, vanilla

    • Bright – Bergamot, grapefruit, lime, mandarin, peppermint, sweet orange

    • Herbal – Cypress, juniper berry, rosemary

    • Earthy – Carrot seed, clary sage, ginger, myrrh, vetiver

    • Woody – Cedarwood, balsam, frankincense, sandalwood

    When choosing oils, you can find some interesting combinations by using oils from different categories, or by changing the ratio of oils. Instead of a 1:1 split, try adding more drops of one oil to add complexity and excitement.

    For a more pure experience, stick with a single oil or choose a second oil from the same category. You can’t go wrong. Unlike synthetic fragrances, essential oils are less overpowering and are less likely to “linger,” meaning you can have a fresh start with new oils each day.

    Using Essential Oils for Cleaning

    Essential oils are a great addition to natural springtime cleaning products. If you’re still using conventional cleaning products you find at your local retailer, it’s time to switch.

    Not sure how to start? A good way to make the switch is with an all-purpose house cleaner. Simply combine these ingredients to get started:

    • 16 ounce spray bottle

    • 1/4 cup vinegar

    • 1-1/3 cup water

    • 30 drops of essential oil (use at least 15 drops of lemon for the antimicrobial properties, then combine with your other oils of choice)

    With your bottle filled, use the spray as you would with conventional cleaners – spray and wipe the area to remove dirt, then spray again and let the solution sit for at least 10 minutes to disinfect. Use it in the bathroom, kitchen, and other areas you want to clean.

    How to Diffuse Oils Throughout The Home

    Essential oils are volatile, meaning they will turn from a liquid to gas relatively quickly. This makes diffusing oils easy. You can either add a few drops to a decorative essential oils diffuser and let it sit in the open, or place a candle underneath if the dish is designed for an open flame.

    You can also purchase an electronic oil diffuser. These work similar to a humidifier. Simply add your oils to the water tank and turn on. This will both increase moisture levels in the air while also dispersing your favorite aroma all over. Just remember not to add essential oils to a humidifier unless the manufacturer states that it won’t cause damage or void your warranty.

    Enjoy Spring Indoors and Year Round

    Now even if you’re stuck inside because of pollen, mosquitoes, or springtime thunderstorms, you can still enjoy the scents of the season. You may also be happy to know that essential oils may provide a range of potential medicinal benefits. From supporting the immune system, the digestive system, and a healthy mood, essential oils are incredibly versatile and may even help to give your body the extra support that it needs.

    Remember to check Simplers Botanicals first for your favorite aromas to ensure you’re getting the highest quality oils possible, then start enjoying them all year round.

    17-05-2019 om 18:22 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Using Nature’s Bounty For Graceful Aging

    Human bodies evolved into the forms they take today because of wellness. For countless generations, the healthiest members of society were most likely to survive long enough to produce offspring, passing on their genes and habits.

    Much is made of the genetic component of this equation, but there is another side to the coin. As time goes on, species can become genetically stronger, but cultures can also learn practices that contribute to longer and healthier lifespan. These practices include working with nature for nutrition and fulfillment, to maximize the potential in our bodies for health and wellbeing. There are elements of chance in human health, but when we do our best with nature’s bounty, we maximize our chances for long life with minimal illness. Here are three ways to do just that.

    Use Nutrition to Ease Life Transitions

    Just as more car accidents happen at stop signs than on highways, harmful physical events tend to happen in times of life transition rather than routines. Major hormonal changes can happen in middle age, and the physical effects of retirement and other major life transitions have only begun to be scientifically explored. Herbal remedies like chaste tree and blessed thistle can help people balance out major hormonal changes that come with age, stress, or a woman’s cycle.

    A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and greens will also have many general benefits. If you feel like you’re lacking in a certain area, research ways that natural foods and supplements can give you the extra boost you need. Again, the human body has the capacity for health and wellbeing in most cases. If you’re not experiencing this as you age, look for ways to get back to that healthy and happy center.

    Keep Using Your Body

    Like a car that isn’t maintained, our bodies don’t do well when they’re not used or challenged. It’s easier to be fit when we’re very young, because play and sports are so often built into our schedules. As we age, we’ve got to choose to be active, and when we don’t, the benefits of activity are lost on us. To be fit the natural way, work to engage the natural world. Work in your garden, use an axe to cut firewood, job in beautiful places, play with your kids or grandchildren, hike, swim, climb, dance. Being active will help your body take advantage of the excellent nutrition and supplementation (from Host Defense) you applied from the previous step.

    Focus on Happiness and Fulfillment

    There are all kinds of ways in which the body takes cues from the mind. When we feel happy and fulfilled, this has ripples through our bodies, the hormones we produce, the connections made in the neurons of our brains, and the healthy appearance of our skin and hair. There are many other examples. The point is, a body and nervous system will be influenced for the better by the happiness and fulfillment of the mind that drives them.

    Maintain healthy relationships with friends and family, and focus on the ones that give you the most useful sense of community. Learn and meditate on ideas that help you live more happily in the world. Seek out answers to your most troubling questions until they are satisfied. All of this “inner work” can be a lot of work, but it’s one of the most natural ways to promote wellbeing in your mind and body.

    It’s possible for most of us to live happy, healthy lives. Follow the methods that humans have employed for all of our natural existence, and you’ll see results you might never have thought possible before.

    10-05-2019 om 20:37 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Herbs and Essential Oils For What Ails You

    Herbs and essential oils are popular home remedies for all kinds of ailments. But how effective are essential oils, and does controversy surrounding these natural chemicals mean they shouldn’t be trusted?

    As with so many things in the natural world, what you get out of herbs and essential oils depends on what you’re willing to put in. Because they are 100% natural, plant based medicines like these are not standardized like pharmaceuticals. This means you should definitely source your essential oils from high quality providers like Gaia Herbs and Mountain Rose Herbs. But once your oils and herbs arrive on your doorstep, your job has only just begun.

    The fact that herbs and oils aren’t standardized means that you have to pay close attention to their effects. Conventional medicines have undergone rigorous testing. Science understands much of how they behave in the body, and what their effects will be, because these processes have been analyzed thousands of times before the drug was brought to market. This doesn’t mean that all drugs are safe, or that unforeseen problems or misuse can’t occur, but in most cases safe use has been described.

    Most essential oils haven’t undergone that level of study. This means that when you use them, you have to be the scientist. Take careful notes about your observations when using essential oils. When you have good results, try to replicate them. The same goes for herbs. Many herbs are much more mild than pharmaceutical drugs (many of which are based upon compounds found in herbs), so you’ll have to be more careful in observing effects.

    Another good pointer for using herbs and oils is to take it slow. It can be tempting to buy all of the oils that strike your fancy, but you probably won’t be able to appreciate their individual potential if you jump right into the deep end.

    Instead, start with a couple of oils and herbs. Read all about them and carefully try to understand the work they do in the body, and why these effects occur. Use them in various applications and take note of what happens. Take a month or two to really get to know this first round of herbs and oils. Once you’ve formed a ”relationship” with them, you’ll be able to derive benefit for them for years to come. If you just bought a bunch of stuff all at once, you probably wouldn’t be able to notice to effects of one, as they might be mistaken for the effects of another.

    Another good thing to remember when using herbs and oils is not to use them as a “hail mary”. The concentrated essence of medicinal plants can be very powerful, but they’re no replacement for professional medical care for serious illness and injury. It’s important to respect medical expertise, and the decades of training that create it, when finding the best course of treatment for illness. Herbs and oils can work in concert with conventional medical remedies.

    Finally, you can have a lot of fun with essential oils and herbs by making and growing your own. There is no better way to appreciate the power of these things than by putting in the blood, sweat, and tears to develop your own specimens. Growing herbs from seeds and cuttings can give you access to exotic species that you might not find in an herb shop (or which might be far too expensive if you did). Similarly, making your own essential oils can be done with a crock pot, which will give you affordable and custom tailored batches.

    Have fun with your herbs and essential oils, and we hope you derive real benefits from them!

    19-04-2019 om 22:11 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.National Distracted Driving Awareness Month

    It’s April 2019, and that means National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. This occasion is brought to you by the National Safety Council, a government agency that exists to promote public safety.

    The NSC chooses to combat distracted driving this month because it’s a big problem in the United States. 100 people are injured each day, and another 9 die, as a result of distracted driving car accidents. What’s to blame? The numerous in-vehicle technologies we have in modern cars, and the drivers who choose to interact with them behind the wheel. Let’s take a look at some of the most common distraction mistakes that drivers make, so that you can make sure not to cause a collision. As police will be focused on distracted drivers this month, you’ll also make yourself more likely to avoid a hefty fine.

    • Using a cell phone or texting - We’ve all been guilty of this at some point or other, but not only are these behaviors distracting, they could result in an expensive ticket.

    • Eating and drinking behind the wheel - Wait till you get home to scarf that McDonalds.

    • Talking to passengers - It might be impossible to fully avoid conversation with the people who are riding with you, but avoid animated conversation and put your main focus on the task at hand.

    • Grooming - Please don’t apply makeup while driving.

    • Reading - Some people think that reading a text message while driving is OK, as long as they don’t reply. This is incorrect. Also don’t read maps while driving.

    • Also, using PDAs, watching videos, changing the music, and listening to too-loud music are all dangerous and distracting activities.

    One of the most dangerous distracting activities that modern drivers practice is fiddling with console tasks in newer vehicles while driving. Today’s new vehicles have many screens and digital controls. You can even browse the internet and watch videos. Don’t use these functions while driving, as they will inevitably take your focus off the road. It might seem that, because the car manufacturers built them in, that they must be safe. However, these consoles are only safe if used correctly. Here are some specific ways to follow driving best practices to avoid distraction.

    • Get settings right before starting the car. Air conditioning, Google Maps, driver assist, radio stations - any onscreen functions you use while driving should be set up well before you pull away.

    • Secure in-car items. Don’t let items roll around while you’re driving. Also, if you need an item available at hand while driving, make sure it is within reach so you don’t have to blindly reach behind the seat while behind the wheel.

    • Pull over to deal with children. If you have unruly kids in the car, don’t yell at them while operating the vehicle or turn around to make stern eye contact. This could create a dangerous scenario on the road that would not be worth the time saved from pulling over. Instead, take the extra time and move your vehicle to the side of the road or, better yet, into a parking lot or other safe space. Not only will this make your vehicle safe, it will also give gravitas to the interaction you’re about to have with the kids.

    • Rest. If driving long distances, take time to rest.

    • Don’t drink and drug. It should go without saying that substance abuse while behind the wheel is a no-no, but as this continues to be a major problem in the United States, we thought we should mention it here.

    So there you have it - a whole bunch of ways to avoid distraction during National Distracted Driving Awareness Month. Abide by them for the public good and to avoid a pricey ticket in the month of April!

    19-04-2019 om 21:39 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Great Sources of Antioxidants to Bring Into Your Life

    We all know that we should be eating lots of antioxidants, but most of us don’t have a firm grasp on what antioxidants are. When we get a better understanding of the importance of antioxidants, it’s a lot easier to get into the habit of consuming them. So before we tell you what foods and supplements can provide high levels of antioxidants, let’s quickly discuss what antioxidants (and their mortal enemy, the “free radical”) are.

    Let’s first discuss free radicals. The cells of our body are damaged by many different environmental stresses each day. These include sun damage, temperature, harmful foods in our diet, and the simple realities of age and stress. These stressors damage cells (or atoms or ions), some of which are cut loose into the body. These “free radicals” all have a spare electron looking for a place to come to rest. They can attach themselves to healthy cells in an attempt to stabilize, damaging the cell in the process.

    Antioxidants are another kind of free-floating molecule in the body. They are able to connect with free radicals, stabilizing them and taking them out of action before they can damage healthy tissue. Our bodies form antioxidants naturally, but we also get some from our diets. You can think of antioxidants as the therapists of the body, while free radicals are the deranged violent lunatic. If the therapist reaches the lunatic in time, it can prevent violent outcomes (like diabetes and cancer.)

    This is a very general overview, but we now understand why antioxidants are important. They’re one of the best ways our bodies prevent us from becoming sick. It’s also clear from this analogy why numbers matter. The more antioxidants we have floating around in our bodies, the better success they’ll have in preventing free radicals from going postal.

    Healthy bodies produce many antioxidants of their own, but they also derive natural antioxidants from food sources. These food sources are most often vegetables, but some meats (like seafood and red meat) have certain antioxidants. Here are some of the best places to look for antioxidants for your daily diet.


    Astaxanthin is a natural antioxidant that occurs in numerous places in nature. One of the most interesting examples is found in the shells of lobster. Astaxanthin is bound up in certain cells within the shells, but it is released when the lobster is cooked. Astaxanthin is red, so this is why lobster change color when boiled. You don’t have to harvest astaxanthin from lobster shells, though. It’s available from Nordic Naturals and Pure Encapsulations for affordable prices.

    Coffee, Tea, and Cocoa

    Most adults love one of more of these foods. Coffee, tea, and cocoa can be prepared in endless ways, and each has its own impact on body and mind. To protect themselves from sun damage, these plants evolved antioxidants. Just as these antioxidants protect plants from radiation, they produce the same effect for humans when consumed. Of the three, coffee has the most antioxidant activity, but any of the above can be beneficial for your health.

    Fruits and Berries

    Fruits and berries, especially those dark in color, are almost always rich in antioxidants. The dark coloration is a hint. Plants are grown in the sun, which means they have to protect themselves from solar radiation, similar to the way you protect your own skin with sunblock. Eat berries like blackberries for very rich supplies of natural antioxidants.

    There are numerous other sources of antioxidants, such as leafy green vegetables and kombucha. Eat a diverse diet of natural foods and supplements when necessary. You’ll enjoy the benefits of plentiful antioxidants for years to come.

    19-04-2019 om 21:36 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Herbal Remedies For Pain and Other Discomfort

    All of us deal with aches and pains at some point or other, and some readers will have chronic pain as a major part of daily life. Of course there are over the counter remedies like aspirin which can help, but these can have long term negative effects on the body. Tylenol, in fact, is toxic to the liver and is fatal in large doses.

    People who have moderate pain are right to look for alternative options from the natural world. Fortunately, nature is full of medicinal options. All you have to know is where to look. Natural remedies from Curamed and New Chapter are great places to start. Here are some of the specific natural pain remedies which just might work for you.

    Turmeric - Turmeric is one of the most important herbal remedies in Ayurvedic medicine. Turmeric has been shown to have mild analgesic properties in certain scenarios, such as surgical recovery. As patients often rely on dangerous opiate drugs during recovery, turmeric may be another arrow in the quiver during this challenging time. Of course, always listen to the advice of medical professionals, especially if you have severe pain. Herbal remedies like turmeric are not meant for intense pain relief.

    Lavender Oil - Lavender Oil has been shown to help treat migraine headaches. Patients who inhaled the scent of lavender oil had improvement to their sensation and awareness of acute migraine pain, in the study linked above. Lavender may or may not be as effective at this as attenuating other kinds of pain, but it definitely doesn’t hurt to keep it around just in case.

    Rosemary Oil - Rosemary oil is effective at treating many different kinds of mild pain, and has even been used to combat opiate withdrawal symptoms. As opiates are pain-relieving drugs, the fact that rosemary alleviates withdrawal symptoms speaks to its efficacy as a natural pain-reliever. Of course, rosemary oil is nowhere near as acutely effective as opiates, but this is also what makes it an effective drug without abuse potential. Opiates may be effective as painkillers, but this is also where their danger lies. Go with the rosemary is you can.

    Eucalyptus Oil - The inhalation of eucalyptus oil scent has been shown to relieve pain in total knee replacement patients. Anyone who has smelled eucalyptus oil knows that this is a very strong and complex scent. It has been used in many headache and cold medications, because its power for pain relief has many applications.

    Clove - Clove has been shown to work as a topical anaesthetic for needle pain associated with vaccines and the like. Pain from shots may be mild, but many people derive a great deal of anxiety from the threat. Rubbing a little bit of clove on the area a minute before the injection can relieve anxiety, and the resulting pain from the shot. It can also help the patient’s body relax, which will make the shot less traumatic, resulting in reduced soreness at the injection site in the hours and days to follow.

    Capsaicin - Capsaicin has been used as a topical pain reliever for generations. Many people also believe that it helps with generalized pain when consumed as a food ingredient. There are those who point to statistics about how people in countries with lots of spicy food tend to have less inflammation overall, but this specific correlation may not be equivalent with causation in this case.

    There are many other examples we could highlight. Do your own research and find natural food medicine sources that you enjoy. These could help relieve pain in your time of need, making these items a good addition to your natural medicine cabinet.

    05-04-2019 om 21:42 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Supporting Pet Health Between Pet Visits

    Whether you’ve got a dog, cat, or cockatiel, you no doubt want it to enjoy a long, healthy life in its forever home. However, not all of us have the experience and knowledge to keep our pets as healthy as possible between vet visits. Using examples from the canine world, we’re going to take a look at various ways you can keep your animal as happy and healthy as possible. Not only will this create a better life for you and your furry friend, it will also cut down on veterinary bills down the road, because you will have prevented certain health problems from developing in the first place. Start by helping to keep yourPet Alive with Pet Wellbeing products. 

    1. Learn the Signs of Treatable Health Issues. Animals, by and large, can’t talk. They use more subtle methods to communicate their needs and problems. However, sometimes humans miss these cues, and a pup asking for help with his anal glands can go unnoticed until an infection develops. The first step is to notice any behavior that isn’t normal. Is your dog dragging its butt on the carpet? Is your adult dog suddenly urinating on the carpet when this was never a problem before? Is your dog’s breath suddenly unbearable? Any of these could be innocuous problems, or they could be a sign of something more serious. In the case of the butt-dragging, this is a sign of anal gland impaction, and you could easily fix the problem after consulting a simple Youtube video. However, when learning about animal health signals like these, “know what you don’t know”. If a problem surfaces that’s above your paygrade, consult a vet. We’re just asking that you be sensitive to these signs when they appear. 

    1. Make Exercise and Food a Priority. Like humans, dogs and other pets are what they eat. It can seem like a savings to buy only the cheapest food brand at Wal-Mart, but a steady junk food diet like this could give your dog skin problems, nervous behavior, digestive issues, or worse. Simply by feeding a dog high quality, protein-rich food, you can prevent many health problems before they start. The same goes for exercise. Without the occasional vigorous activity, your animal can develop all kinds of physical and mental health maladies. Take the time to walk and run your dog. The time spent outdoors will do you good as well. 

    1. Groom Your Pet. Animals with fur across their whole bodies have grooming needs that humans do not. If your pet it long-haired, it needs to be groomed at least a couple times per week, if not every day. Leaving fur to mat can result in all kinds of skin problems, which can turn into infections and digestive issues if left untended. Not only will a combed dog be more likely to look, smell, and feel better, grooming your dog also puts you up close and personal with your animal, where you can notice subtle health concerns like painful joints, cuts or rashes, and problematic growths. 

    1. Socialize Your Pet. Dogs and other animals enjoy active social lives just like humans do. A well-socialized dog is unlikely to get into a dangerous fight, or to suffer from depression. This mental wellbeing is likely to translate into physical wellbeing and longevity.

    There are tons of ways to improve your pets’ health without going to the vet. Sometimes professional help is necessary, but you’d be surprised how well your animal will do if you just pay attention and put in a little bit of effort. We may have focused on dogs here, but the attentive owner mindset will translate to all species. Focus on your buddy’s wellbeing and its life will be happier and healthier, and so will yours. 

    29-03-2019 om 18:41 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.What Does Constant Headphone Use Mean For Our Hearing?

    Many of us where headphones for most of our waking hours. Whether you use Beats, Air Pods, or alternative headphones that do not double as status symbols, there’s a very real question about what long term headphone use means for hearing loss. As one hearing study, among many, suggests that it’s really not much of a question at all: chronic headphone use is associated with hearing loss.

    Of course, individual results tend to vary. No two people use headphones exactly the same way, and headphone behavior has a great deal to do with how much hearing loss will manifest in a person’s life. Here are some of the most important factors when determining how much or little your headphone use will make a difference in your hearing down the road.

    Time Matters - If you wear headphones all day, you have a greater likelihood of damaging your hearing than someone who wears headphones only occasionally. In the study linked above, it’s shown that teenagers who used headphones for listening sessions of 3 hours or more (at least when long sessions like these were common practice) were more likely to have tinnitus (ringing in the ears) than those who listened through headphones for shorter durations.

    Frequency Matters - Not only does the length of a session matter, the frequency of these sessions is also a factor. 2 hours of headbanging to Crowbar with earphones once a month probably won’t make a big difference, but doing this every single day almost certainly will. Even for those who do not listen to loud music, frequency of headphone listening sessions should be an important consideration. Give your ears breaks.

    Volume Matters - Obviously, volume is the single biggest contributor to hearing loss than any other, with likelihood of hearing damage increasing with duration and decibel. Those who listen at more than 85 dB LAeq, FF show the biggest change in hearing threshold. If you don’t happen to have a decibel reader app on your phone, or carry a unit in your pocket, just be very conscious of the volume at which you are listening to your music with headphones.

    There are other interesting factors at play in hearing loss. Women tend to report subjective hearing loss more frequently and pessimistically than men, but men actually suffer worse hearing loss overall. This could be due to factors other than headphone use, but men also report greater time spent with personal listening devices, and also report listening to music at higher volumes.

    What most studies fail to take into account is the style of audio consumed with headphones. Is the person who listens to podcasts all day at the office going to suffer the same hearing loss as the person blasting Meshuggah on headphones in their cubicle? Science may not have made a firm statement on this, but common sense says “no.” The spoken word found in podcasts usually does not have the same frequency range as popular music, nor are these frequencies compressed to provide maximum subjective “loudness” in a mix. Finally, podcast listeners tend not to need high volumes to get the most out of Ira Glass, though music fans do tend to like loud listening sessions.

    Be careful with your ears. Once hearing is lost, there’s no easy fix to bring it back. Tinnitus is a chronic condition once you’ve got it. It may be possible that by the time we’re old, some solution for hearing loss has come along, like laser eye surgery with poor vision. But as this solution has not yet materialized, take care of the ears you have. They might have to last you for the rest of your life.

    18-03-2019 om 21:25 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Why Can Some People Fall Asleep Anywhere?

    Everybody needs sleep, but not all of us find it very easy to get. While some people seem to be able to nod off any and everywhere, others are afflicted with insomnia, which is the inability to fall asleep despite being tired or exhausted.

    So what’s the difference? Why do some find it so easy to sleep while others don’t? It turns out, like so many common problems people face, there is no one answer to this problem. However, there are some common factors which many people will recognize.

    First of all, if you find yourself nodding off during the day, this may actually be a problem. Perhaps you aren’t sleeping fully at night (this is a common symptom of undiagnosed sleep apnea). You may have some other form of narcolepsy, which can be dangerous if you find yourself falling asleep behind the wheel. For other people, being tired during the day is simply a sign of being an adult. You work hard, the family is demanding, and you want to nap during the day.

    However, if the root of your problem is poor sleep at night, this is a problem you should solve. Sleep is important, and going without it can have all kinds of mental and physical consequences, especially if you are chronically sleep-deprived for long periods of time. For people like this, ashwagandha from the Standard Process brand may offer some natural relief, but let’s take a look at other causes and solutions for sleep deprivation as well.

    • You Might Be A Night Owl - Some sleep studies indicate that there are honest-to-goodness sleep styles hardwired into individual physiology. You might be what’s called a “morning lark” - someone who wakes early in the day feeling rested and happy. You might also be a “night owl” - someone with a body that naturally wishes to sleep only late at night, long after the larks are cozily nested away. This can be a challenging conundrum for students, office workers, and other people with lives that require them to be up early every single morning.

    • Chemical Sleep Problems. Chemicals like alcohol, drugs, and all kinds of prescription medications can alter sleep, preventing us from getting the Zzzs we need. If you regularly consume drugs legal or illegal (and we’re counting alcohol), seriously consider whether or not it is having a negative impact on your sleep, and whether your chemical of choice is worth this deleterious effect. You may have no alternative, as with a lifesaving drug, or you may want to reduce that amount you drink, if only to get the rest you so badly need.

    There are numerous sleep aides that can help, as can vigorous exercise. In most cases, if you’re really and truly tired, your body will sleep. Avoid naps for a day, even if you had terrible sleep the night before, and go to bed early. Wake up with an early alarm, and don’t hit snooze. Rinse and repeat for several days, and you’ll likely have a new natural bedtime. However, if you like going to bed late and you don’t have any reason to wake up early, consider just going with the flow.

    If none of these points seem to relate to your specific problem and experience, perhaps it’s time to go to a sleep specialist. Sleep doctors know more about sleep than you do, and they may be able to identify fixable problems that you’d never stumble upon yourself. If that sounds like a lot of work, please no that sleep should be a priority. Sleep does such important work in the body and mind that, even when we feel willing to sacrifice it, we literally can’t do without it.

    18-03-2019 om 21:20 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Blood Disorder Month: Let’s Learn About Basic Blood Health

    Blood and circulatory health are necessary for a long and happy life. Now that Blood Disorder Month is upon us, let’s take some time to explore the different ways blood health can go wrong. Fortunately for most of us, blood health is something we can invest in through healthy living and care from a trusted physician. Learning about how some of the common blood disorders work can help you start living in a way that promotes blood and circulatory health for life.

    High Blood Pressure - Nobody is quite sure exactly why high blood pressure happens, but we do understand the common risk factors that predispose people to HBP. Unhealthy lifestyle factors like sedentary living, obesity, poor and/or salty diet, alcohol and drug use, stress, and other chronic conditions can all contribute to high blood pressure. The reason HBP is bad is because it tends to portend narrowing of the arteries.

    The increased pressure that results from pushing a static quantity of blood through a shrinking volume of blood vessels does damage to the arteries, and to the heart, which has to fight against the restricted flow. Fortunately, HBP can be regulated with various medications, as well as a common B12 supplement. Even though high blood pressure commonly crops up as we age, it doesn’t have to lead to stroke and heart attack like it did when we didn’t understand it as well as we do today.

    Iron Deficiency - Iron deficiency is another common blood disorder. It’s a big deal when it occurs because our bodies need iron to create new red blood cells. The symptoms of early iron deficiency include weakness and listlessness, but the condition can be (though rarely is) fatal. Iron deficiency is most often seen in women during menstruation, but it can also result from a bone marrow disorder and other more serious causes. It’s easy to check for iron deficiency, so talk to your doctor if you’re feeling out of sorts. This can be easily diagnosed and, in most cases, corrected.

    Blood Cancers - There are several kinds of blood cancer which, though not as common as the blood disorders so far discussed, are very serious. It’s important to understand how these diseases manifest in symptoms, so you can catch them early if you happen to develop one. The main three blood cancers are leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Coughing, chest pain, fever, chronic infections, itchy skin, night sweats - all these and more can mean that you’re dealing with some kind of blood cancer. Of course, all of these symptoms can result from more benign causes. As always, if you have recurrent symptoms, get them checked out by an expert.

    Blood Clots - There are several kinds of blood clotting disorders. Most commonly those with atherosclerosis can be at risk for blood clots, because their blood vessels become narrower and more prone to obstruction. Diabetes and obesity are two other significant risk factors. Healthy living and supplementation with products from Standard Process can definitely help.

    There’s no way to be 100% sure that you’ll never develop a blood disorder, but it’s important to know that healthy living will go some way in preventing their development. Our bodies are complex machines, but they work according to rules that are fairly well-understood. If you have a family history of blood disorders, let your doctor know and have these checked out early and often. Find out about lifestyle and genetic factors which can put you at risk for these and related disorders. If you don’t have any imminent danger of developing a specific disorder, live as healthy a life as you are able and you’ll maximize your chances of staving off these illnesses for good.

    08-03-2019 om 19:16 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Tags:blood health, heart health, vitamins, minerals, vitamin b12
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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Sugar Alternatives You Should Try

    Americans consume a lot of sugar. How bad is it? On average, we consume 130 pounds of sugar each year, the equivalent of 3,550 lbs of Skittles over their lifetime. Compare that to the 1820s, when the average person consumed 20 grams a year.

    What makes this alarming that that some research suggests that sugar and sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup are linked with various issues such as metabolic problems, changes to the female reproductive cycle, heart disease, and obesity.

    But there are alternatives, such as xylitol and stevia from Now Foods, which are all natural, non-sugar plant byproducts offering fewer or zero calories per serving, may be ideal for diabetics, people with high cholesterol, and people worried about cavities or eroding the enamel of teeth.

    Are these sugar alternatives right for you? Let’s take a look!

    What Is Stevia?

    Stevia is a plant that grows natively in South America but is not cultivated throughout the world. The popularity of stevia is in part because of its taste, which some compare to licorice, and also that it contains zero calories.

    The taste of stevia comes from the a group of compounds known as steviol glycosides. In many countries, only the use of “high purity” plant extracts containing 95% or greater steviol glycosides are allowed for use as a food additive; other stevia products are only allowed as a “supplement.” This is mainly due to a lack of long-term research about its potential effect on the human body.

    What Is Xylitol?

    Xylitol is an alcohol derived sugar that is found in fruits and vegetables. It is much closer to what you known as a traditional sugar, however it does have a few advantages, such as having about a third of the calories and disrupts the function of bacteria in the mouth. In fact, xylitol can be found in some oral health products and has been found to reduce cavities. But unlike stevia, xylitol may affect blood sugar levels, although its effect is less than traditional sugars.

    Sugar Substitutes Aren’t Always The Answer

    Before using a sugar substitute, make sure to consider if you also need to cut back on sweets. Research shows that sugars, as well as other tasty foods, can change the behavior of the brain and can cause addiction-like symptoms, such as loss of control, cravings, and tolerance to sweets that can cause you to eat too much, gain unhealthy weight, and develop health problems.

    If you’re ready to make the switch from sugar to xylitol or stevia, now is probably a better time than never. NOW Foods offers several options for both xylitol and stevia, including liquid sweeteners, bulk bags, flavored varieties, travel-size packets, and a lot more. Use each to taste, but always remember that despite having fewer calories or a lower impact on blood glucose levels doesn’t necessarily make them healthy. Moderation and a healthy diet may provide your the greatest chance at supporting a healthy diet and lifestyle.

    08-03-2019 om 19:12 geschreven door DMcEwen123

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    Tags:sugar alternatives, xylitol, stevia
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