Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Milord Composer(s): Marguerite Monnot; Georges Moustaki Performer(s): Corry Brokken (Originally performed by: Édith Piaf)
Voor mij ben jij een lord, zo op en top een heer Dat ik verlegen word wanneer ik je passeer Jij kent me niet milord, ik ben een stukje straat Dat als 't donker word de vensters open laat En als je eenzaam wordt, moe van 't gelukkig zijn Kom dan bij mij milord, dan sluit ik 't gordijn
Een voetstap op de gracht een schaduw, een gezicht Een geur, een stem, een licht, daarna weer de nacht Sindsdien zie ik je vaak, soms ruik ik je lotion Soms zeg ik zacht "pardon" als ik me illusies maak Soms ben je met een vrouw, een roofdier met z'n buit Een koning met z'n bruid maar ik, ik hou van jou
Voor mij ben jij een lord, zo op en top een heer Dat ik verlegen word wanneer ik je passeer Jij kent me niet milord, ik ben een stukje straat Dat als 't donker word de vensters open laat En als je eenzaam wordt, moe van 't gelukkig zijn Kom dan bij mij milord, dan sluit ik 't gordijn
De avond wordt al guur, mijn hart is als een steen De stad staat om me heen en wacht dit is het uur Een voetstap op de gracht een schaduw een gezicht Ik doe mijn ogen dicht ik weet waarop ik wacht Oh laat hem verder gaan, een mensenhart is zwaar En als het mijne brak, dan hield het op te slaan
Maar daar sta jij milord, een man staat voor een vrouw Het leven is zo kort, geluk is zo ontrouw Kom in m'n huis milord, en maak plezier met mij En als hte ochtend wordt is alles weer voorbij Wie bij mij schuilt milord, die moet gelukkig zijn Maar nee, je huilt milord, doet eenzaamheid zo'n pijn
Ja kom milord, lach eens tegen mij nee, da's niks Kom, probeer 't nou zo is 't beter, zie je nou wel Kom, lach nou milord kom, zing maar Lalalalalala lalalalalala lalalalalala lLalalalaalalaalalalalalala Dans milord! lalalalaalala lalalalaalalaLaalalalalala Bravo milord! lalalalaalala lalalalaalalaala lalalalala Goed zo milord! lalalalaalala lalalalaalala Lalalalalala Lalalajamtadaa lalalalaalala lalalalaalalalalalalalalaaaaarrh...
Milonga Sentimental Composer(s): Piana; Manzi Performer(s): Juan Carlos Baglietto
Milonga pa' recordarte milonga sentimental otros se quejan llorando yo canto pa' no llorar tu amor se seco de golpe nunca dijiste por que yo me consuelo pensando que son cosas del querer
Varon, pa' quererte mucho varon, pa' desearte el bien varon, pa' olvidar agravios porque ya te perdone tal vez no lo sepas nunca tal vez no lo puedas creer tal vez te provoque risa verme tirado a tus pies
Milonga que hizo tu ausencia milonga de evocacion milonga para que nunca la canten en tu balcon pa' que vuelvas con la noche y te vayas con el sol pa' decirte que si a veces o para gritarte: no!
Varon pa' quererte mucho varon pa' desearte el bien varon pa' olvidar agravios porque ya te perdone tal vez no lo sepas nunca tal vez no lo puedas creer tal vez te provoque risa verme tirado a tus pies
Milonga pa' recordarte milonga sentimental otros se quejan llorando yo canto pa' no llorar tu amor se seco de golpe nunca dijiste por que yo me consuelo pensando que son cosas del querer
Our Love Runs Deep Composer(s): Wayne Lewis Performer(s): Barbara Weathers
Oh, my dear love has been stolen He has been fooled by disguise In a trance, he thought he saw beauty Surrounded by an overwhelming light But it was a lie, the thief who came at night She has come from darkness
Now I must go to his rescue I'll never leave him alone ever I hear him calling Oh, but ever softly does he weep But he'll never die for I will find him soon All because our love runs deep
I feel the pain of his heart aching Just as I know he feels mine For our hearts beat at the same time And one should never separate this kind Of love you cannot find except for deep inside That very good and special place
And the beat of his heart grows weaker By each and every hour Yet and still, I hear him calling Oh, but ever softly does he weep But he will never die for I will find him soon All because our love runs deep
Oh and now I must go to his rescue I'll never leave him alone ever I hear him calling Oh, but ever softly does he weep I know that he needs me by his side But he'll never die for I will find him soon All because our love runs deep
On A Slow Boat To China
(Danish Version: I En Robåd Til Kina - 1966)
Composer(s): Frank Loesser
First recording/First release by: Benny Goodman - 1947/1948
Covered by multiple other artists
I'd love to get you On a slow boat to China All to my self alone Get you to keep you in my arms evermore Leave all your lovers (lovelies) Weeping on the faraway shore Out on the briny With the moon big and shinny Melting your heart of stone I'd love to get you On a slow boat to China All to my self alone
Millworker ((French Version: La Fabrique (by Francis Cabrel) - 1984)) Composer(s): James Taylor First release by: James Taylor Covered by multiple other artists
Now my grandfather was a sailor He blew in off the water My father was a farmer And I, his only daughter Took up with a no good millworking man From Massachusetts Who dies from too much whiskey And leaves me these three faces to feed
Millwork ain't easy Millwork ain't hard Millwork it ain't nothing But an awful boring job I'm waiting for a daydream To take me through the morning And put me in my coffee break Where I can have a sandwich And remember
Then it's me and my machine For the rest of the morning For the rest of the afternoon And the rest of my life
Now my mind begins to wander To the days back on the farm I can see my father smiling at me Swinging on his arm I can hear my granddad's stories Of the storms out on Lake Eerie Where vessels and cargos and fortunes And sailors' lives were lost
Yes, but it's my life has been wasted And I have been the fool To let this manufacturer Use my body for a tool I can ride home in the evening Staring at my hands Swearing by my sorrow that a young girl Ought to stand a better chance
So may I work the mills just as long as I am able And never meet the man whose name is on the label
it be me and my machine For the rest of the morning And the rest of the afternoon Gone for the rest of my life
Million Dollar Bash Composer(s): Bob Dylan Originally performed by: Bob Dylan & the Band Covered by various other artists
Well, that big dumb blonde With her wheel in the gorge And Turtle, that friend of theirs With his checks all forged And his cheeks in a chunk With his cheese in the cash They're all gonna be there At that million dollar bash Ooh, baby, ooh-ee Ooh, baby, ooh-ee It's that million dollar bash
Ev'rybody from right now To over there and back The louder they come The harder they crack Come now, sweet cream Don't forget to flash We're all gonna meet At that million dollar bash Ooh, baby, ooh-ee Ooh, baby, ooh-ee It's that million dollar bash
Well, I took my counselor Out to the barn Silly Nelly was there She told him a yarn Then along came Jones Emptied the trash Ev'rybody went down To that million dollar bash Ooh, baby, ooh-ee Ooh, baby, ooh-ee It's that million dollar bash
Well, I'm hittin' it too hard My stones won't take I get up in the mornin' But it's too early to wake First it's hello, goodbye Then push and then crash But we're all gonna make it At that million dollar bash Ooh, baby, ooh-ee Ooh, baby, ooh-ee It's that million dollar bash
Well, I looked at my watch I looked at my wrist Punched myself in the face With my fist I took my potatoes Down to be mashed Then I made it over To that million dollar bash Ooh, baby, ooh-ee Ooh, baby, ooh-ee It's that million dollar bash
Our Love Affair Composer(s): Harold Adamson; Hugo Friedhofer; Leo McCarey; Harry Warren Performer(s): Vic Damone
Our love affair is a wondrous thing That we'll rejoice in rembering Our love was born with our first embrace And a page was torn out of time and space
Our love affair may it always be A flame to burn through eternity So take my hand with a fervent prayer That we may live and we may share A love affair to remember
Miller's Cave Composer(s): Jack Clement Originally performed by: Hank Snow Covered by various other artists
Way down in the state of Georgia Through the swamps and the everglades There's a big ol' hole in Tiger Mountain God help the man who gets lost in Miller's Cave
I had me a girl in Waycross, Georgia But she had unfaithful ways She made me feel I wasn't wanted Like the bats and the bears in Miller's Cave
I couldn't stand the way she did me Couldn't take her low down ways Before I'll stay with a cheatin' woman I'll go and live with the bears in Miller's Cave
Caught her out, Sunday morning With some guy they call big Dave The meanest man in Waycross, Georgia I'd rather fight a mountain lion in Miller's Cave
I said: "You'll pay both you and Davey "I'm gonna see you in your grave" They laughed at me and then I shot 'em I took their cheating, scheming bones to Miller's Cave
That woman made me feel unwanted But I guess I showed her I was brave The most wanted man in the state of Georgia But they're never gonna find me `cause I'm lost in Miller's Cave
Our Love Affair Composer(s): Roger Edens; Arthur Freed Performer(s): Frank Sinatra; and various other artists
Our love affair will be such fun We'll be the envy of everyone Those famous lovers we'll make them forget From Adam and Eve to Scarlett and Rhett When youth has had its merry fling We'll spend our evenings remembering Two happy people who say on the square Wasn't ours a lovely love affair
Ragazzina che mi salti addosso in agguato al semaforo rosso per mille mi offri due rose fazzoletti di carta e mille cose e io distratto e stanco di guidare senza volere mi metto a ricordare mille lire del tempo che fu molto prima che nascevi tu mille lire mille lire di una volta la prima volta che le ho viste tutte intere ho capito che la vita era a una svolta che mi aprivano tutte le frontiere mille lire mille lire avventuriere mille lire colorate rosso e paglia mille lire grandi come una tovaglia un lenzuolo da piegare in otto una coperta per stare caldi sopra e sotto mille lire mille lire un terno al lotto E volare felice in aeroplano con la tua squadra andare su a Milano in tribuna come un pascià e la Triestina militava in serie A mille lire almeno mille lire al mese era un sogno, il sogno piccolo borghese ma per chi ha sempre avuto il culo sul velluto era uno scherzo bruciarle in minuto mille lire mille lire e ti saluto
in tribuna come un pascià e la Triestina militava in serie A Ragazzina il ricordo si perde nella bagarre del semaforo verde per mille lire ti compro le rose mille lire di carta pidocchiose mille lire e sei già in bolletta compri il giornale e qualche sigaretta mille lire e poi che ci fai? oggi al cinema neanche ci vai mille lire e ci compravi anche luna belle donne e velociferi a motore ma non la gloria gli amici la fortuna non si compra con la borsa il primo amore mille lire mille lire traditore mille lire mille lire che bellezza ma si doveva cantare giovinezza a dire il vero io ero appena nato però mi basta quello che mi hanno raccontato mille lire mille lire e sei fregato
Our Lodger's Such A Nice Young Man Performer(s): Vesta Victoria
At our house not long ago a lodger came to stay At first I felt as if I'd like to drive him right away But soon he proved himself to be so very good and kind That, like my dear mamma, I quite made up my little mind
He made himself at home before he'd been with us a day He kissed mamma and all of us, 'cos papa was away Before he goes to work he lights the fires and scrubs the floor And puts a nice strong cup of tea outside ma's bedroom door
At night he makes the beds and does the other little jobs And if the baby hurts itself he really cries and sobs On Sunday when ma's cooking and papa is at the club He takes the kids and baths us all inside the washing tub
We usually go to Margate, in the sea to have a splash This year Pa said, "I'm busy!" but I think he had no cash The lodger took us down instead, mamma and baby too And never charged Pa anything- now there's a pal for you!
Our lodger's such a nice young man, such a good young man is he So good, so kind, to all our family! He's never going to leave us Oh dear, oh dear no! He's such a good, goody, goody man Mamma told me so
Mille Giorni Di Te E Di Me Composer(s): Claudio Baglioni Performer(s): Claudio Baglioni
Io mi nascosi in te poi ti ho nascosto da tutto e tutti per non farmi più trovare... e adesso che torniamo ognuno al proprio posto liberi finalmente e non saper che fare...
Non ti lascia un motivo, né una colpa ti ho fatto male per non farlo alla tua vita.... tu eri in piedi contro il cielo ed io così dolente mi levai "imputato alzatevi"...
Chi ci sarà dopo di te respirerà il tuo odore pensando che sia il e te.. che facemmo invidia al mondo
avremmo vinto mai contro miliardi di persone... e una storia va a puttane... sapessi andarci io...
Ci separammo un po' come ci unimmo senza far niente e niente poi c'era da fare se non che farlo lentamente noi fuggimmo lontano dove non ci si può più pensare...
Finimmo prima che lui ci finisse perché quel nostro amore non non avesse fine volevo averti e solo allora mi riuscì... quando mi accorsi che ero lì per perderti ...
Chi mi vorrà dopo di te.. si prenderà il tuo armadio e quel disordine...che tu hai lasciato nei miei fogli andando via così come la nostra prima...scena...
solo che andavamo via di schiena incontro a chi... insegneremo quello che...noi due imparammo insieme e non capire mai...cos'è c'è stato per davvero... quell'attimo di eterno che non c'è...
Mille giorni di te e di me....
Ti presento, un vecchio amico mio... il ricordo di me... per sempre e per tutto quanto il tempo, in quest'addio... io m'innamorerò...di te...
Our Lips Are Sealed Composer(s): Jane Wiedlin; Terry Hall Performer(s): The Go-Go's; and various other artists
Can you hear them They talk about us Telling lies Well that's no surprise
Can you see them See right through them They have no shield No secrets to reveal
It doesn't matter what they say In the jealous games people play Our lips are sealed
Careless talk Through paper walls We can't stop them Only laugh at them
Spreading rumors So far from true Dragged up from the underworld Just like some precious pearl
It doesn't matter what they say In the jealous games people play Our lips are sealed Pay no mind to what they say It doesn't matter anyway Our lips are sealed
There's a weapon We must use In our defense Silence
When you look at them Look right through them That's when they'll disappear That's when you'll be feared
Hush, my darling Don't you cry Quiet, angel Forget their lies
Our Last Summer Composer(s): Benny Andersson; Björn Ulvaeus Performer(s): ABBA; and various other artists
The summer air was soft and warm The feeling right, the Paris night Did its best to please us And strolling down the Elysee We had a drink in each cafe And you You talked of politics, philosophy and I Smiled like Mona Lisa We had our chance It was a fine and true romance
I can still recall our last summer I still see it all Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain Our last summer Memories that remain
We made our way along the river And we sat down in the grass By the Eiffel tower I was so happy we had met It was the age of no regret Oh yes Those crazy years, that was the time Of the flower-power But underneath we had a fear of flying Of getting old, a fear of slowly dying We took the chance Like we were dancing our last dance
I can still recall our last summer I still see it all In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame Our last summer Walking hand in hand
Paris restaurants Our last summer Morning croissants Living for the day, worries far away Our last summer We could laugh and play
And now you're working in a bank The family man, a football fan And your name is Harry How dull it seems Yet you're the hero of my dreams
I can still recall our last summer I still see it all Walks along the Seine, laughing in the rain Our last summer Memories that remain I can still recall our last summer I still see it all In the tourist jam, round the Notre Dame Our last summer Walking hand in hand Paris restaurants Our last summer Morning croissants We were living for the day, worries far away
Mille Colombes Composer(s): Ch. Bruhn; Eddy Marnay Performer(s): Mireille Mathieu
L'hiver est là sur les toits du village Le ciel est blanc, et j'entends La chorale des enfants Dans la vieille église, sur un orgue Aux couleurs du temps
Que la paix soit sur le monde Pour les cent mille ans qui viennent Donnez-nous mille colombes A tous les soleils levants Donnez-nous mille colombes Et des millions d'hirondelles Faites un jour que tous les hommes Redeviennent des enfants
Demain c'est vous, et demain plus de guerre Demain partout, les canons Dormiront sous les fleurs Un monde joli est un monde Où l'on vit sans peur
Que la paix soit sur le monde Pour les cent mille ans qui viennent Donnez-nous mille colombes A tous les soleils levants Donnez-nous mille colombes Et des millions d'hirondelles Faites un jour que tous les hommes Redeviennent des enfants
Our Last Song Together Swedish Title: Vi Har Hunnit Fram Till Refrängen Composer(s): Neil Sedaka; Howard Greenfield) Performer(s): Neil Sedaka; Bo Donaldson & The Heywoods; Bobby Sherman; Glenn Yarbrough
Days of devils, kings and clowns Angel songs and birthday tunes Valentines and wishing wells Magic stairways, moods, and Junes Silly rhymes and monkeyshines Pictures on a stage Round and round the records go Time to turn the page This will be our last song together Words will only make us cry This will be our last song together There's no other way to say good-bye Misty faces, far off places Came and danced across the stage Sha na na's and Doo be down's The sounds that chased away the blues Yesterday is yesterday The past is dead and gone Nostalgia just gets in the way Let's stop hanging on This will be our last song together Words will only make us cry This will be our last song together There's no other way to say good-bye Now we go our separate ways And the world we used to know Scratchy worn out 45's An echo on the radio Tra la days are over now Those days of you and me Now we know that breaking up is Really hard to do This will be our last song together Words will only make us cry This will be our last song together There's no other way to say good-bye
Milkshake Composer(s): Henri Belolo; Jacques Morali; Victor Willis Performer(s): Village People
My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard And they're like "It's better than yours" Damn right, It's better than yours I can teach you, but I have to charge I can teach you, but I have to charge
I know you want it... The thing that makes me What the guys go crazy for They lose their minds The way I whind
I think it's time
(La-La-La-La-la) Warm it up (La-La-La-La-la) The boys are waiting The boys are waiting
La-La: Boys wanna know how my milkshake taste Damn, fantasize when they look in my face Want a slice of my ice cream cake Cream in the middle (How many licks will it take?)
How you want it? My flavor last hours Once you had mine your girl will seem sour Let me feel that candy cane See if you can make my candy rain
Throw it back and your girl won't budge All over me like a cup of hot fudge I'm your pepermint patty, want a scoop? Boy, let me satisfy your sweet tooth
I can see you're on it... You want me to teach the Techniques that freaks these boys It can't be bought Just the thieves get caught
Watch if you're smart
(La-La-La-La-la) Warm it up (La-La-La-La-la) The boys are waiting The boys are waiting
My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard And they're like "It's better than yours" Damn right, It's better than yours I can teach you, but I have to charge I can teach you, but I have to charge
Oh, Once you get involved Everyone will look this way so You must maintain your charm Same time, maintain your halo Just get the perfect blend Plus what you have within
Then next his eyes are squint Then he's picked up your scent
(La-La-La-La-la) Warm it up (La-La-La-La-la) The boys are waiting The boys are waiting
My Milkshake brings all the boys to the yard And they're like "It's better than yours" Damn right, It's better than yours I can teach you, but I have to charge I can teach you, but I have to charge