Lyrics/Songteksten: Oldies A-Z
Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd

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  • 28-08-1977
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Una Ragazza In Due
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    Una Ragazza In Due
    ((Adapted from: Down Came The Rain (Mister Murray) - 1965))
    ((French Version: Pan! V'la La Pluie! (Henri Salvador) - 1966))
    Composer(s): Mitch Murray - Peter Callander - Leo Chiosso
    Performer(s): I Giganti - 1965

    Ormai ama me, e se verrà
    le parlerò accarezzandola
    certo che il mio amor capirà
    e poi mi dirà che ci sta...
    Mai le dirò (le dirò le dirò)
    che muoio per lei, noooo
    la tratterò male
    e mi amerà

    Con lei io sarò dolcissimo
    perchè, il suo amor è un miracolo
    quindi qui da me lei verrà
    perchè solo a me amerà...
    Mai le dirò
    che credo in lei, noooo
    la tratterò male
    e mi amerà
    oh, e mi amerà
    e mi amerà
    e mi amerà

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Cowboys To Girls
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    Cowboys To Girls
    Composer(s): Kenny Gamble; Leon Huff
    First release by: The Intruders - 1968
    Covered by multiple other artists

    Cowboys to girls
    I remember when I used to play shoot em up
    (Shoot em up, bang, bang baby)
    I remember when I chased the girls and beat em up
    But I was young and didn't understand
    But now I'm a grown up man
    I know girls are made for kissing
    Never knew what I was missing
    Now my life is not the same
    My whole world has been rearranged
    I went from (cowboys to girls)
    Oh yes I did
    (Cowboys to girls)

    I remember when I used to see you jumping rope
    (Jumping rope up and down baby)
    And I remember when you got your first baby coach
    But you were young and didn't understand
    Now you're a woman and I'm a man
    And it's me that you're kissing
    Ain't it fun reminiscing
    Now our lives are not the same
    Our whole world has been rearranged
    You went from (Pretty dolls to boys)
    Oh yes you did
    And I went from (cowboys to girls)
    Oh yes I did
    Still it's me that you're kissing
    Ain't it fun reminiscing
    'Cause our life is not the same
    This whole world has been rearranged
    I went for (cowboys to girls)
    Oh yes I did
    You went from (pretty dolls to boys)

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.J'Ai Retrouvé Mon Chien
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    J'Ai Retrouvé Mon Chien
    Composer(s): Pierre Delanoë;
    Alain Goraguer; Maurice Tézé
    Performer(s): France Gall

    Quand j'ai vu chez nous
    La niche vide
    J'ai crié partout
    Où est mon toutou

    Mes parents m'ont dit
    "Ton petit caniche
    Ma pauvre chérie
    S'est enfui d'ici"

    Oh bon St. Antoine
    Retrouvez mon chien

    Il s'appelle Charlemagne
    Et il a un collier vert
    Il adore la campagne
    Il déteste les cockers

    Son museau est tout noir
    Et ses yeux sont chocolat
    Il n'est pas très bavard
    Et il a peur des gros chats

    S'il vous plaît
    St. Antoine
    Retrouvez mon chien

    J'ai couru partout
    Frappé aux portes
    Demandé partout
    Où est mon toutou

    Mais rentrant chez moi
    Devant ma porte
    Il m'attendait là
    Grelottant de froid

    Merci St. Antoine
    J'ai retrouvé mon chien

    Le voyant tout transit
    Plein de boue et de poussière
    Je me suis dit mais bon sang
    Mais bon sang qu'a-t-il pu faire

    Je l'ai pris dans mes bras
    Il m'a fait des yeux si bons
    Et ses yeux semblaient dire
    "Je te demande pardon"

    Grand merci St. Antoine
    De m'avoir rendu mon chien
    Grâce à vous St. Antoine
    J'ai retrouvé mon copain

    Grand merci St. Antoine
    De m'avoir rendu mon chien

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    This Is All I Ask
    Composer(s): Gordon Jenkins
    First release by: Nat King Cole - 1958
    Covered by multiple other artists

    As I approach the prime of my life
    I find I have the time of my life
    Learning to enjoy at my leisure
    All the simple pleasures
    And so I happily concede
    That this is all I ask
    This is all I need

    Beautiful girls, walk a little slower when you walk by me
    Lingering sunsets, stay a little longer with the lonely sea
    Children everywhere, when you shoot at bad men, shoot at me
    Take me to that strange, enchanted land grown-ups seldom understand

    Wandering rainbows, leave a bit of color for my heart to own
    Stars in the sky, make my wish come true before the night has flown
    And let the music play as long as there's a song to sing
    And I will stay younger than Spring

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Cowboys Of The Sea
    Composer(s): Bruce Springsteen
    Performer(s): Bruce Springsteen

    They ride beneath the waves at 20,000 leagues
    On stallions stitched to seaweed strands
    So smiling, so smiling
    They herd the fishes of the deep
    They ride for you and me
    They ranch the rich and the sunken soil
    At the bottom of the sea

    In the dead of night, alive in sleep
    I hear them calling me
    Them deep sea desperadoes
    Them midnight maelstrom freaks
    The cowboy of the sea

    So on wings of sleep I pierce the deep
    And ride like a hurricane
    At midnight still I paid my bill
    And turned my back on the land
    With the help of Old Paint, that seaweed nag
    It's just Jesse James and me
    We ride the depths and rob the banks
    At the bottom of the sea

    With a seaman's grip on navigation
    And some fired, hired hands
    We set forth to confront the nation
    And lend a cowboy's hand

    We do the Dolphins' Dance duet
    My mermaid babe and me
    Then I ride off into the blue sunset
    At the bottom of the sea

    And with the seaman's grip on submarining
    And some aqualung outlaws
    Our guns are made of solid dreamin'
    And bullets from a broken cause
    And with hand held high to touch the sky
    A good Texas Ranger I'll be
    But sometimes I feel like a lone stranger
    'Midst the cowboys of the sea

    Oh and men above he cannot make love
    He's got to rape his mother the sea
    And because of his greed
    We're a vanishing breed
    We cowboys of the sea

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. J'Ai Retrouvé Le Pont Du Nord
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    J'Ai Retrouvé Le Pont Du Nord
    Performer(s): Guy Béart

    Un soir que le vent soufflait fort
    après des années d'aventures
    j'ai voulu r'voir le pont du Nord
    où Adèle perdit sa ceinture
    et quelque chose d'autre encore
    et quelque chose d'autre encore
    Hélas! fallait lâcher ses ronds
    pour contempler le paysage
    Sur les arches de l'ancien pont
    passait une route à péage
    avec couloir pour les piétons
    avec couloir pour les piétons

    A la place où le liseron
    grimpait jadis avec le lierre
    quand Adèle perdit son fleuron
    on a construit sur la rivière
    une sorte de bal en béton
    une sorte de bal en béton
    Je me suis dit: "Mon vieux, reprends
    tes gros souliers
    Adieu romances!
    Pour toi, je crois bien qu'il est temps
    d'aller apprendre d'autres danses
    loin des ces ponts d'acier-ciment"
    loin des ces ponts d'acier-ciment
    A la la ...

    Mais voilà qu'une fille me dit
    "J'attends quelqu'un qui vous ressemble
    et qui un jour m'avait promis
    que nous irions danser ensemble
    tout près du vieux pont démoli"
    tout près du vieux pont démoli
    Et quand sous une arche oubliée
    elle m'a fait de ses deux nattes
    le plus attachant des colliers
    j'ai confondu le noms, les dates
    et tous les ponts du monde entier
    et tous les ponts du monde entier
    A la la ...

    Nous nous sommes aimés si fort
    à la belle étoile pour auberge
    que là les yeux clos, sans effort
    rêvant contre ses dix-huit berges
    j'ai retrouvé le pont du Nord
    j'ai retrouvé le pont du Nord
    et que j'y suis peut-être encore
    et que j'y suis peut-être encore

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. This Is A Film
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    This Is A Film
    Composer(s): Emir Kusturica - Goran Bregovic
    Performer(s): Iggy Pop

    This is a film about a man and a fish
    This is a film about dramatic relationship between a man and a fish
    The man stands between life and death
    The man thinks
    The horse thinks
    The sheep thinks
    The cow thinks
    The dog thinks
    The fish doesn't think
    The fish is mute
    The fish doesn't think
    Because the fish knows

    The fish knows

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Cowboy's Dream No. 19
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    Cowboy's Dream No. 19
    Composer(s): Dan Hicks
    Performer(s): Dan Hicks

    I want to go back where the space is wider
    To ride on horseback and roll my own smokes
    Longing to go back where people seem politer
    I'm saying hello, and evening I'll go

    I've been away so long I think this is the right road
    But it's changed so much don't know for sure
    And the day will come when I'll be on the right road
    I'm saying hello, and evening I'll go

    I can send off a letter to 'em but that would leave no surprise
    No, I got to wait, wait for that look in their eyes
    And I'll sit by the creek where the water runs cool and I know I'll have such a good time
    I'm sayin' hello, and evening I'll go

    I can smell the coffee brewing
    I'll take mine black, you know it's good, it's good to be back
    Go on and tell me how you folks been doing
    I'm saying hello, and evening I'll go

    Hey Bill won't you tell me when that train does stop
    I want to get off and say hello to a couple of people I think I still know
    And I ain't one to mince my words, I'll take a piece of that cake that they make
    I can't be late, you got to get what's on the plate...
    Odle ladie oh!

    I can smell the coffee brewing
    I'll take mine black, you know it's good, it's good to be back
    Go on and tell me how you folks been doing
    I'm saying hello, and evening I'll go

    Hey Bill won't you tell me when that train does stop
    I want to get off and say hello to a couple of people I think I still know
    And I ain't one to mince my words, I'll take a piece of that cake that they make
    I can't be late, you got to get what's on the plate...
    Odle ladie oh!
    I'm saying hello, and evening I'll go

    Give me some room you can't do it too soon

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    J'Ai Rendez-Vous Avec Vous
    Spanish Title: Tengo Cita Con Usted
    Composer(s): Georges Brassens
    Performer(s): Georges Brassens;
    Angel Parra; Patachou

    Monseigneur l'astre solaire
    Comm' je n'l'admir' pas beaucoup
    M'enlèv' son feu, oui mais, d'son feu, moi j'm'en fous
    J'ai rendez-vous avec vous
    La lumièr' que je préfère
    C'est cell' de vos yeux jaloux
    Tout le restant m'indiffère
    J'ai rendez-vous avec vous!

    Monsieur mon propriétaire
    Comm' je lui dévaste tout
    M'chass' de son toit, oui mais, d'son toit, moi j'm'en fous
    J'ai rendez-vous avec vous
    La demeur' que je préfère
    C'est votre robe à froufrous
    Tout le restant m'indiffère
    J'ai rendez-vous avec vous!

    Madame ma gargotière
    Comm' je lui dois trop de sous
    M'chass' de sa tabl', oui mais, d'sa tabl', moi j'm'en fous
    J'ai rendez-vous avec vous
    Le menu que je préfère
    C'est la chair de votre cou
    Tout le restant m'indiffère
    J'ai rendez-vous avec vous!

    Sa Majesté financière
    Comm' je n'fais rien à son goût
    Garde son or, or, de son or, moi j'm'en fous
    J'ai rendez-vous avec vous
    La fortun' que je préfère
    C'est votre cœur d'amadou
    Tout le restant m'indiffère
    J'ai rendez-vous avec vous!

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    This I Swear
    Composer(s): Jimmy Beaumont - Joe Rock - Skyliners
    Performer(s): The Skyliners

    This I swear is true...
    My love for you will last...
    Till time itself is through...
    Oh my darling, Oh my darling...
    This I swear is true...

    My heart is your's my dear...
    There will be no one new...
    Oh my darling, oh my darling...
    This I swear is true...

    I promise you that I...
    Will never make you cry...
    This love will be eternally...
    Cross my heart and hope to die...

    My lips will kiss, I vow...
    Nobody else but you...
    Oh my darling, oh my darling...
    This I swear is true....

    This I swear is true...
    This I swear is true...
    This I swear is true...

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Cowboy Song
    Composer(s): Brian Downey; Phil Lynott
    First release by: Thin Lizzy - 1976
    and multiple other artists

    I am just a cowboy lonesome on the trail
    A starry night, a campfire light
    The coyote call, the howling winds wail
    So I ride out to the old sundown

    I am just a cowboy lonesome on the trail
    Lord, I’m just thinking about a certain female
    The nights we spent together riding on the range
    Looking back it seems so strange

    Roll me over and turn me around
    Let me keep spinning till I hit the ground
    Roll me over and let me go
    Running free with the buffalo

    I was took in Texas I did not know her name
    Lord, all these southern girls seem the same
    Down below the border in a town in Mexico
    I got my job busting broncs for the rodeo

    Roll me over and turn me around
    Let me keep spinning till I hit the ground
    Roll me over and let me go
    Riding in the rodeo

    Roll me over and set me free
    The cowboy’s life is the life for me

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. J'Ai Rencontré L'Homme De Ma Vie
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    J'Ai Rencontré L'Homme De Ma Vie
    Composer(s): Luc Plamondon; François Cousineau
    Performer(s): Diane Dufresne; Paul Mauriat

    Aujourd'hui j'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie
    Oh-oh-oh-oh aujourd'hui, au grand soleil, en plein midi

    On attendait le même feu vert
    Lui à pied et moi dans ma Corvair
    J'ai dit: "Veux-tu un lift?"

    Aujourd'hui j'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie
    Oh-oh-oh-oh aujourd'hui je l'ai conduit jusqu'à chez lui

    Je suis montée à son appartement
    Entre la terre et le firmament
    Il m'a offert un drink

    . Qu'est-ce que tu fais dans la vie?
    . Je fais mon possible
    . Prends-tu d' l'eau dans ton whisky?
    . Non, je le prends straight

    Aujourd'hui j'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie
    Oh-oh-oh-oh aujourd'hui un seul regard nous a suffi

    Mon horoscope me l'avait prédit
    Quand je l'ai vu j'ai su qu'c'était lui
    J'ai deviné son signe.....

    Aujourd'hui j'ai rencontré l'homme de ma vie
    Oh-oh-oh-oh aujourd'hui, au grand soleil, en plein midi

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. This Heart Of Mine
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    This Heart Of Mine
    Composer(s): Harry Warren - Arthur Freed
    Performer(s): Fred Astaire
    and multiple other artists

    Maybe it was the music
    Or the glamorous sky of blue
    Maybe it was the mood I was in
    Or maybe it was really you... really you

    This heart of mine was doing very well
    The world was fine as far as I could tell
    And then quite suddenly I saw you, and I dreamed of gay amours
    At dawn i wake up singing sentimental overtures

    This heart of mine is gaily dancing now
    I taste the wine of real romancing now
    Somehow this crazy world has taken on a wonderful design
    As long as life endures, it's yours, this heart of mine

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Cowboy From Brooklyn
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    Cowboy From Brooklyn
    Composer(s): Johnny Mercer; Harry Warren
    Performer(s): Jimmy Dorsey
    and multiple other artists

    When I was just a little shaver back in Brooklyn
    I always thought that I would like to be a cowboy
    Because I loved to see 'em in the movin' pictures
    A-ridin' and a-shootin' away
    And so as I grew up I saved a lotta money
    I bought a saddle and I bought a buckin' bronco
    I said goodbye to all the fellas back in Brooklyn
    And I went to Arizona one day
    But I'll tell you, Pard, I worked so hard
    And ev'rybody played so rough
    That they always had me waitin' on the table
    Sweepin' out the stable and stuff !
    And so I sold my saddle and my buckin' bronco
    And you won't ever catch me near another cowboy
    'Cause I can always see 'em in the movin' pictures
    A-ridin' and a-shootin' away
    Okay! But I belong in Brooklyn
    Hangin' 'round the drugstore
    'Roundin' up the sodas all day

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    J'Ai Raté Le Coche
    Composer(s): Salvatore Adamo
    Performer(s): Salvatore Adamo

    Quand est mort mon oncle Léon
    J'héritais d'son accordéon
    J'y ai mis toute mon ardeur
    Là j'étais plus au goût de l'heure

    J'ai raté le coche
    C'est ça qui est moche

    Ma fiancée était jolie
    Elle me dit 11 heures à la mairie
    Quand j'arrivai au train de midi
    Elle me présenta son mari

    J'ai raté le coche encore une fois
    J'ai raté le coche touchons du bois

    J'ai trouvé un gros portefeuille
    Au Grand Hôtel, Dieu quel accueil!
    Quand je me présentai pour payer
    Les billets étaient périmés

    J'ai raté le coche, c'est ça qu'est moche
    J'ai raté le coche, c'est ça qu'est moche

    Comme un voleur je fus jugé
    Au fond je ne plaignais de rien
    Un prisonnier ça mange bien
    C'était complet j'suis acquitté

    On m'attribue quelques talents
    Je suis allé trouver Paris
    Pour lui communiquer mes prix
    Hélas Paris était absent

    J'ai raté le coche, c'est ça qu'est moche
    J'ai raté le coche, c'est ça qu'est moche

    J'avais les poches pleines d'espoir
    Maintenant c'est moche je vois tout noir
    Laisse à Gavroche toute sa gloire
    T'es qu'un fantoche, t'es qu'une bonne poire

    Comme je me connais je pense bien
    Que ça va durer toute ma vie
    C'est ma nature, j'y suis pour rien
    Je rate le coche, ça vient de Fam
    Je rate le coche c'est ça qu'est moche
    Je rate le coche c'est ça qu'est moche
    Je rate le coche c'est ça qu'est moche
    Je rate le coche c'est ça qu'est moche
    Je rate le coche c'est ça qu'est moche

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    This Guy's In Love With You
    Composer(s): Hal David - Burt Bacharach
    First release by: Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass - 1968
    Covered by multiple other artists

    Versions In Other Languages:
    1994 - Aozora No Kakera (Shoko Suzuki)
    2002 - Innamorata (Ornella Vanoni)

    You see this guy, this guy's in love with you
    Yes I'm in love who looks at you the way I do
    When you smile I can tell it know each other very well

    How can I show you I'm glad I got to know you 'cause
    I've heard some talk they say you think I'm fine
    This guy's in love and what I'd do to make you mine
    Tell me now is it so don't let me be the last to know

    My hands are shakin' don't let my heart keep breaking 'cause
    I need your love, I want your love
    Say you're in love and you'll be my guy, if not I'll just die

    Tell me now is it so don't let me be the last to know
    My hands are shakin' don't let my heart keep breaking 'cause
    I need your love, I want your love
    Say you're in love and you'll be my girl, if not I'll just die

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Cowboy Convention
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    Cowboy Convention Composer(s): Peter Barnfather - John Carter Performer(s): Ohio Express; Buddy Alan; Don Rich

    I was riding the prairie, when out of the blue I could see
    There were two dozen indians starting to close up on me
    There was no place I could run, and I never carry a gun
    So I cried for help

    And along came Hopalong Cassidy, Maverick and Billy the Kid
    I'd have been lost if they hadn't shown up as they did
    And there was even Doc Holliday, Buffalo Bill, Jesse James
    And three hundred cavalry, but I can't remember their names

    I was safe in my cabin and thinking of going to bed
    When an Indian tomahawk stuck in the wall by my head
    I looked through the window and saw there were three thousand Indians or more
    So I cried for help

    And along came Hopalong Cassidy, Maverick and Billy the Kid
    I'd have been lost if they hadn't shown up as they did
    And there was even Doc Holliday, Buffalo Bill, Jesse James
    And three hundred cavalry, but I can't remember their names

    One day I was caught and was taken to see Running Bear
    But we got on so well that he told me that I could stay there
    And according to Indian law, I could have me a choice of a squaw
    I needed no help!

    And along came Hopalong Cassidy, Maverick and Billy the Kid
    I'd have been fine if they hadn't shown up as they did
    And there was even Doc Holliday, Buffalo Bill, Jesse James
    And three hundred cavalry, but I can't remember their names

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.J'Ai Qu'à L'Regarder
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    J'Ai Qu'à L'Regarder
    Composer(s): Edith Piaf; Alec Siniavine
    Performer(s): Edith Piaf

    Il a plutôt la gueule gentille
    Y s'laisse aimer tout comm' les filles
    Puis y vous r'garde en rigolant
    Alors, bien sûr, c'est désarmant
    Y vous donne rendez-vous un jour
    S'il y v'nait, ça s'rait trop facile
    On attend comme un imbécile
    Il est vraiment fait pour l'amour

    J'ai qu'à l'regarder
    J'ai envie d'chanter
    D'courir dans les champs
    Avec le printemps
    De chanter pour moi
    De crier ma joie
    Dès que j'l'aperçois
    Y m'regard' comm' ça
    Puis y m'dit tout bas
    "Viens, on va s'aimer"
    J'ose plus respirer
    C'que c'est bon d'l'aimer
    Tra la la la ...

    Ça s'ra ma dernière aventure
    Oh! mon Dieu, pourvu qu'elle dure
    Si j'devais plus l'revoir un jour
    Je serais dégoûtée d'l'amour
    Il a tant d'femm's autour de lui
    Qui rôd'nt autour des ses épaules...
    Alors j'suis là, j'm'accroche à lui
    Y a vraiment qu'lui qui trouv' ça drôle


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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Innamorata
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    ((Adapted from: This Guy's In Love With You (Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass) - 1968))
    ((Japanese Version: Aozora No Kakera (Shoko Suzuki) - 1994))
    Composer(s): Hal David - Burt Bacharach - Sergio Bardotti
    Performer(s): Ornella Vanoni - 2002

    L'averti o no
    Ci pensa dietro a te
    Non mangia piú
    E beve quel che dici tu
    Tutta piú
    Fa un sospiro
    Sbatte gli occhi
    Tira il petto in sú
    Ma non to ammetterá
    Che é innamorata di...

    Di te che sei
    Piú timido di lei
    L'averti o no
    C'é poco da nascondere
    Molto da accarezzare
    Lei é rossa
    Rossa come te

    Ma chi sei perché
    Ha in corpo un diavolo
    E cerca te
    E vuole te

    Lei é innamorata
    É un fiore che fai
    Sbocciare se vuoi

    L'averti o no
    Che cerca te
    E vuole te

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Cowboy Camp Meetin'
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    Cowboy Camp Meetin'
    Composer(s): Tim Spencer
    Performer(s): The Sons Of The Pioneers; Riders in the Sky

    I saw the light
    (and I got the word)
    I know that it's right
    (and have you heard)
    I'm gonna Ride (cowboy camp meeting)
    Ride (cowboy camp meeting)
    Ride (cowboy camp meeting)
    Ride on the golden range
    (up in the sky)
    way up in the sky
    (up in the sky)
    way up in the sky
    (yes I'll have a cowboy camp meeting)
    Hallelujah brother yes sir ree yes sir ree
    way up in the sky

    Well the Brother Buffalo Bill and Sister Lou's
    gonna be there brother
    Like me and you.
    And Old Kit Carson he will too
    way up in the sky
    They're gonna Ride (cowboy camp meeting)
    Ride (cowboy camp meeting)
    Ride (cowboy camp meeting)
    Ride on the golden range
    (up in the sky)
    way up in the sky
    (up in the sky)
    way up in the sky
    (Yes we'll have a cowboy camp meeting)
    Hallelujah brother yes sir ree yes sir ree
    Yes way up in the sky
    (up in the sky)

    Gather 'round me children, get your bibles out
    Get your prayer bones ready, gonna tell ya about
    How to love one another til you almost shout
    Start the livin' by the book of life

    I mean it
    (tell me brother)
    lujah, brother
    Tell me about the Book of Life...

    There's a Matthew, A Timothy, A Jude and A John
    And a Zephaniah, A Zachariah and A Philemon
    They all got the word, but you must read on
    'bout Goliath and the Book of Life,
    Yes siree...hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
    hallelujah lujah brother
    Tell me about Goliath too...

    Little David slew that giant so tall
    prove right less might for big and small
    he'll play his harp as i recall
    way up in the sky
    he's gonna play
    (cowboy camp meeting)
    (cowboy camp meeting)
    (cowboy camp meeting))
    Play on the golden harp

    Up in the sky
    Way up in the sky
    (up in the sky)
    Way up in the sky
    Yes he'll play (Cowboy camp meeting)
    Hallelujah brother yes sir ree yes sir ree

    Way up in the sky
    Way up in the sky
    Way up in the sky
    (cowboy camp meeting)
    way up in the sky
    Away up in the sky
    Away up in the sky

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    --> De Trein Naar Schellebelle
    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
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    --> Mirror
    --> My Song, My Love
    --> Semester I Rom

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