Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
I'll Make A Man Of You Performer(s): Original London Cast
The Army and the Navy need attention The outlook isn't healthy you'll admit But I've got a perfect dream of a new recruiting scheme Which I think is absolutely it If only other girls would do as I do I believe that we could manage it alone For I turn all suitors from me but the sailor and the Tommy I've an army and a navy of my own
On Sunday I walk out with a Soldier On Monday I'm taken by a Tar On Tuesday I'm out with a baby Boy Scout On Wednesday a Hussar On Thursday a gang oot wi' a Scottie On Friday, the Captain of the crew But on Saturday I'm willing, if you'll only take the shilling To make a man of any one of you
I teach the tenderfoot to face the powder That gives an added lustre to my skin And I show the raw recruit how to give a chaste salute So when I'm presenting arms he's falling in It makes you almost proud to be a woman When you make a strapping soldier of a kid And he says 'You put me through it and I didn't want to do it But you went and made me love you so I did'
On Sunday I walk out with a Bo'sun On Monday a Rifleman in green On Tuesday I choose a 'sub' in the 'Blues' On Wednesday a Marine On Thursday a Terrier from Tooting On Friday a Midshipman or two But on Saturday I'm willing, if you'll only take the shilling To make a man of any one of you
Esta lloviendo en Luján y los fieles van llegando algunos vienen rezando sonambulos otros van todos presos en su afan de ver la virgen amada la lluvia les cae y nada detiene el paso y la fe... ¡No hay agua para su sed sólo la virgen la apaga! Y caminan taciturnos Largas horas de martirio En el corazón un lirio Y en los pies cansancio y llagas Siente una filosa espada Atravesando su cuerpo Las arenas del desierto Sobre su piel calcinada ¡Por mas olas encrespadas han de llegar a buen puerto!
Y allí van bajo ha lluvia llevando luz en el alma Algunos pidiendo calma Para su alma atormentada otros, la fe destrozada por tanta desigualdad vienen buscando la paz rogando amor y trabajo ¡Que acabe con el destajo que aún sufre la humanidad! Ya se divisan las flores milagroso campanario aprisionando el rosario manos en profundo ruego alguien pide por un ciego otro por un mutilado madre que vuelva el soldado el que a Malvinas marchó otro por el que cayó y anda en la calle drogado Esta lloviendo en Luján las campanas repicando la virgen está esperando... esperando una vez mas!
I know about your reputation I know you've seen better days I've seen you turn the non believers Into slaves I just need some confirmation What they're saying is it true Believe in me and I'll believe in you Now I know that you can help me Turn this boy into a man I'll leave it in your hands I still have faith I'm not the only one From the cradle to the grave I know I'll never change till I'm sure this can't be done I still have faith You know I've just begun From the cradle to the grave I won't be happy till I know I've had enough
Esta historia es una historia Que ni yo mismo recuerdo Él se llamaba Rosendo Ella tenía ojos lentos Eran vecinos de calle Y yo me asomaba a verlos Pasan a distintas horas Bajo de los mismos sueños Pudieron haber vivido Azules ahí en el puerto Y dibujar en la arena Países de sol, recuerdos Pudieron haber tenido Una casa y un velero Una canción ignorada Y dos hijos junto al fuego Pudieron haber tenido Una casa y un velero Eran vecinos de calle Pero no se conocieron Él se llamaba Rosendo Ella ni llegó a saberlo Tenían un mismo rumbo Y por distintos se fueron Esta historia es una historia Que ni yo mismo recuerdo
I'll Keep You Satisfied Composer(s): John Lennon; Paul McCartney First release by: Billy J. Kramer & The Dakotas - 1963 Covered by multiple other artists
You don't need anybody to hold you here I stand with my arms open wide give me love and remember, what I told you I'll keep you satisfied You don't need anybody to kiss you ev'ry day I'll be here by your side don't go 'way, I'm afraid that I might miss you I'll keep you satisfied You can always get a simple thing like love anytime but it's diff'rent with a boy like me and a love like mine So believe ev'rything that I told you and agree that with me by your side you don't need anybody to hold you I'll keep you satisfied You can always get a simple thing like love anytime but it's diff'rent with a boy like me and a love like mine So believe ev'rything that I told you and agree that with me by your side you don't need anybody to hold you I'll keep you satisfied Give me love and remember, what I told you I'll keep you satisfied
Esta que canta si sale el duende y hace silencio donde ya no ésta es la vida que me sorprende ésta es la vida que me parió
Esta es la vida ésta es la sal querida que goza, que sangra mi amor Este es mi polvo y mi flor y mi lluvia, rayo, golpe de viento ésta es mi cruz y el alimento de mi luz
Esta es la vida que me enamora ésta es la vida que me da voz la que regaña cuando se atora la que no excusa siquiera Dios
corazón que ha sabido amar llorando corazón que ha querido cantar verdad corazón que ha sabido morir andando corazón prisionero de libertad
Esta es la vida ésta es la sal querida que goza, que sangra mi amor Este es mi polvo y mi flor y mi lluvia, rayo, golpe de viento ésta es mi cruz y el alimento de mi luz
I'll Take The Dog Composer(s): Marge Barton; Fred McRae Performer(s): Jean Shepard & Ray Pillow
Well we just left the courthouse this morning And the judge said we could go our seperate ways And everything we own must be divided just like the separation papers say You can keep the curtains and the tables and the chairs And all those dirty dishes in the sink Well you can take that golf club and the television set And that lawnmower that's always on the blink You can keep all the records and the hi-fi set You can take that phoney fireplace and the log Now you keep the car you keep the boat and I'll take the dog No I'll take the dog oh no I'm gonna take the dog Well who's gonna bring me my paper who's gonna keep me company You'll just have to give him up no I ain't a partin' with the pupp
The dog belongs to me Now hold on Ray you ain't gonna take this dog away from me I'm the one that feeds him every day And who always takes care of him when he's sick Now wait just a minute Jeannie I guess that you forget Who it was that always took him to the bed Paid for all of them shots of seven bucks a lick You can just forget about him I ain't leaving you without him Then you'll just have to stay I guess that's the only way okay I'll give back the curtains and the tables and the chairs And I'll wash the dirty dishes in the sink And I won't take the golf clubs and the television set And I'll fix that mower that's always on the blink We'll both listen to the records on the hi-fi set By the fireplace with this gas burnin' log We'll go ridin' in our car and we'll go sailin' in our boat And we'll both take the dog yes we'll both take the dog Come on baby (huff huff)
Esta Duda Composer(s): Humberto Romero - C. Daniel
Performer(s): Javier Solís
Te quiere tanto el corazón que a veces pienso que puedes olvidarme en un momento pues mi alma es solo tuya tú lo sabes por eso mi pasión tiene esa duda
Tú me quieres, nos queremos con locura y mi amor te hace falta a ti también Yo no puedo pensar que tú me olvidas pues no quiero que sufra el corazón
Tú me quieres nos queremos con locura y mi amor te hace falta a ti también Yo no puedo pensar que tú me olvidas pues no quiero que sufra el corazón pues no quiero que sufra el corazón
I'll Keep It With Mine Composer(s): Bob Dylan First release by: Bob Dylan - 1991 Covered by multiple other artists
You will search, babe At any cost But how long, babe Can you search for what's not lost? Ev'rybody will help you Some people are very kind But if I can save you any time Come on, give it to me I'll keep it with mine
I can't help it If you might think I'm odd If I say I'm not loving you for what you are But for what you're not Everybody will help you Discover what you set out to find But if I can save you any time Come on, give it to me I'll keep it with mine
The train leaves At half past ten But it'll be back tomorrow Same time again The conductor he's weary He's still stuck on the line But if I can save you any time Come on, give it to me I'll keep it with mine
Esta Canción Composer(s): Silvio Rodríguez Performer(s): Silvio Rodríguez; Soledad Bravo
Me he dado cuenta de que miento Siempre he mentido siempre he mentido He escrito tanta inútil cosa sin descubrirme sin dar conmigo No amar en seco con tanto dolor es quizás la última verdad que quede en mi interior bajo mi corazón
No se si fue que malgasté mi fe en amores sin porvenir que no me queda ya ni un grano de sentir
(Yo se que a nadie le interesa lo de otra gente con sus tristezas)
Esta canción es más que una canción que un pretexto para sufrir y más que mi vivir y más que mi sentir
Esta canción es la necesidad de agarrarme a la tierra al fin de que te veas en mi de que me vea en ti
(Yo sé que hay gente que me quiere Yo sé que hay gente que no me quiere)
I'll Just Close My Eyes (And Make Believe It's You)
Ill Just Close My Eyes (And Make Believe It's You) Composer(s): Jimmy Kennedy Performer(s): Anne Shelton
If I should dance with someone else Dont let it make you blue Ill just close my eyes And make believe its you
If someone new should hold my hand Dont think that Im untrue Ill just close my eyes And make believe its you
Though other arms may for a while enfold me Ill remember all you told me Only your arms will hold me
If other lips are close to mine Youll still be smiling through Ill just close my eyes And make believe its you
Were parting, my darling And youre worried I know Dont worry, my darling Now that I have to go I know Ill meet lots of people Make some friends that are new But I dont want a lot of people All I love and want is you
Though other arms may for a while enfold me Ill remember all you told me Only your arms will hold me
If other lips are close to mine Youll still be smiling through Ill just close my eyes And make believe its you
Essere ((French Version: Être (Charles Aznavour)) Composer(s): Raggi - Charles Aznavour - Georges Garvarentz Performer(s): Charles Aznavour
Essere Rinascere la vita In un'alba di creta Sotto lune infuocate Quando l'inverno cade giù Essere Emergere dal vuoto Veder brillare al sole Le corde del mio cuore Presagio di un'estate in più Essere Un seme abbandonato In un suolo spossato E fiorire laggiù Soffio lieve di gioventù Essere Conoscere di esistere Guardare fino a Dio E vivere per essere io Per amare fino alla morte E forse dopo ancora Per capire quale sia la sorte Per amare fino alla morte E certo dopo ancora Essere La voce senza fretta Letì dei miei naufragi Che stempera i disagi Con tracce brevi di poesia Essere Fuggire dal ricatto Dei luoghi più comuni Aprire i miei vulcani Domare il tempo e andare via Essere Il gesto che rispetta Ripensato avvenire Artigiano d'amore Nei riti antichi di magia Essere Conoscere di esister Guardare fino a Dio E vivere per essere io Per amare fino alla morte E forse dopo ancora Per capire quale sia la sorte Per amare fino alla morte E certo dopo ancora
I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song Composer(s): Jim Croce Performer(s): Jim Croce
Well I know it's kind of late I hope I didn't wake you But what I've got to say can't wait I know you'd understand Every time I tried to tell you the words just came out wrong So I'll have to say I love you in a song
You know it's kind of strange But every time I'm near you I just run out of things to say I know you'd understand Every time I tried to tell you the words just came out wrong So I'll have to say I love you in a song
Every time the time was right all the words just came out wrong So I'll have to say I love you in a song
You know it's kind of late I hope I didn't wake you But there's something that I've just gotta say I know you'd understand Every time I tried to tell you the words just came out wrong So I'll have to say I love you in a song
Essayez Composer(s): Tommy Brown - Micky Jones - Philippe Labro Performer(s): Johnny Hallyday
Quand vos parents vous quitteront Ils vous diront Faut essayer de vous aimer A votre tour de réussir Tout ce que nous Avons gachés, avons ratés Essayer!
Tous les grands mots Amour et Paix et Liberté Essayez-les! Et même si ça ne marche pas Encore une fois Essayez-les!
Marchands de guerre, doivent être fiers Notre univers, ils l'ont gâché Encore une fois, tendez les bras Encore une fois Faut essayer de vous aimer Si malgré tout, bien avant vous Tout a raté, faut essayer!
La vérité, la Liberté L'amour et la Paix Faut essayer!
Tous les grands mots Amour et Paix et Liberté Essayez-les!
I'll Have To Let Him Go Composer(s): Mickey Stevenson Performer(s): Martha Reeves & The Vandellas
I saw him kiss another and watched him hold her tight And I made up in my mind that very night I've got to let him go, I've got to set him free Even though I let him go, he's still a part of me Oh now I know, yes I know there's someone he's thinkin' of I'll have to let him go with all my love
I saw him (I saw him) but he didn't see me (but he didn't see me) The tears just filled my eyes when he kissed her tonight Oh it hurt me so inside, so much he'll never know I'll simply hide my pride and I'll have to let him go (let him go) Mmm I've got to let him go (let him go)
(Let him go) Move on, move on! my heart cries (Let him go) Find yourself another; let him be Oh (let him go) he's better off without me (Let him go) This I know My only wish is to make him happy, oh
I've got to say goodbye (got to say goodbye) I've got to say so long (got to say so long) Even though the years roll by, my love will carry on Oh I must not tear his soul; surely he must know That it's gonna hurt me so But I'll have to let him go (let him go) Yeah, it's gonna hurt me so But I'll have to let him go (let him go) I've got to say so long (let him go) It's gonna hurt me so (say goodbye) But I've got to say goodbye ...
I'll Go To My Grave Loving You Composer(s): Don Reid The Statler Brothers; Grandstaff; Kelly Hogan
I'll go, I'll go to my grave To my grave lovin' you (lovin' you) lovin' you I'd give, I'd give all I've saved I've saved lovin' you (lovin' you) lovin' you And should, and should I live again Even then, it won't end For I'll go, I'll go to my grave To my grave lovin' you (lovin' you) lovin' you
Oh to take his place forever There's nothin' I wouldn't give I'd prove to you daily what a man really is
I'll lay, I'll lay down my life Down my life lovin' you (lovin' you) lovin' you I'd work, I'd work day and night Day and night lovin' you (lovin' you) lovin' you, lovin' you And when, and when life calls us both above Honey you'll know that you'd been loved For I'll go, I'll go to my grave To my grave lovin' you (lovin' you) lovin' you
I'll lay, I'll lay down my life Down my life lovin' you (lovin' you) lovin' you I'd work, I'd work day and night Day and night lovin' you (lovin' you) lovin' you, lovin' you And when, and when life calls us both above Honey you'll know that you'd been loved For I'll go, I'll go to my grave To my grave lovin' you (lovin' you) lovin' you
Essa Passou Composer(s): Carlos Lyra - Chico Buarque
Performer(s): Carlos Lyra
Foi ela que me convidou Fui eu que não soube chegar Foi ela que me maltratou Fui eu que não soube chorar Andei sete léguas de amor Chorei sete litros de mar Mas ela não se saciou Mas ela não soube esperar Foi ela que me condenou Sou eu que vou lhe perdoar Foi ela que tanto pecou Sou eu que vou me confessar Foi ela que se ajoelhou Sou eu que vou rezar Foi ela que me arruinou Sou eu que vou ter que pagar Foi ela que me incendiou É fogo na roupa contar É mais um história de amor Que outro me tome o lugar Não está mais aqui quem chorou Um outro que venha chorar É mais um história de amor Mas se ela chamar diz que eu não vou Correr sete léguas de amor Beber sete litros de mar Pra ela dizer que acabou Pra ela dizer que acabou Pra ela dizer que não está Pra ela dizer que não está
I'll Go On Alone Composer(s): Marty Robbins First release by: Marty Robbins - 1952 Covered by multiple other artists
We're travelin' down two diff'rent roads In worlds so far apart You want me yet there's somethin' else Before me in your heart You're wantin' me to change my life The way you're livin' yours But I can't change, I see no way You wanted me before
If you don't want me like I am Then please don't pity me If you can't change a little bit Then why not set me free If we can't live together, then It's best we live apart You go your way and I'll go mine We'll both make brand new starts
There's nothin' we can do it seems We'll never get along With you believin' like you do You say I live so wrong But I can't change my way of life I've lived it much too long You'll either take me like I am Or I'll go on alone
So, either say you want my love Or take the way you live Remember though before you get You've gotta learn to give So, if its change my life, or go Then go, it's gonna be 'Cause I change my life, when you Want somethin' more than me
Essa Moça Tá Diferente Composer(s): Chico Buarque Performer(s): Chico Buarque and multiple other artists
Essa moça tá diferente Já não me conhece mais Está pra lá de pra frente Está me passando pra trás Essa moça tá decidida A se supermodernizar Ela só samba escondida Que é pra ninguém reparar Eu cultivo rosas e rimas Achando que é muito bom Ela me olha de cima E vai desinventar o som Faço-lhe um concerto de flauta E não lhe desperto emoção Ela quer ve o astronauta Descer na televisão Mas o tempo vai Mas o tempo vem Ela me desfaz Mas o que é que tem Que ela só me guarda despeito Que ela só me guarda desdém Mas o tempo vai Mas o tempo vem Ela me desfaz Mas o que é que tem Se do lado esquerdo do peito No fundo, ela ainda me quer bem
Essa moça tá diferente...
Essa moça é a tal da janela Que eu me cansei de cantar E agora está só na dela Botando só pra quebrar