Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
It Won't Rain Always Composer(s): Gloria Gaither; Bill Gaither; Aaron Wilburn Performer(s): Bill & Gloria Gaither and multiple other artists
Someone said that in each life some rain is bound to fall And each one sheds his share of tears And trouble troubles us all But the hurt can't hurt forever And the tears are sure to dry
And it won't rain always The clouds will soon be gone The sun that they've been hiding has been there all along
And it won't rain always God's promises are true The sun's gonna shine in His own good time And He will see you through
Be A Child At Christmas Time
Composer(s): Martin Broones - William A. Luce
Performer(s): Doris Day
Be a child at Christmas time with a merry heart aglow Through a frosty window pane you can see the falling snow Trim the tree with candy canes Listen to the church bell chime Say a little prayer at night Be a child at Christmas time
Only children understand what a merry heart can do Be a child and you'll agree everything is bright and new When the snow comes dancing down and you hear the church bell chime Let your heart be young again Be a child at Christmas time
It Won't Be Right Composer(s): Tom Johnston; Patrick Simmons The Doobie Brothers
Early in the mornin', when the sun come up you'll find me sittin' at the table drinkin' from a wooden cup The mortgage is a-comin', tryin' to take my home away I'm not gonna let it turn my head away
It won't be right, no matter what they say Won't be right, tryin' to take my home away Won't be right, if they do this thing to me I don't have to take it and I really don't wanna see
Early in the eve-in', long about supper time there's nothin' left here for me but a bottle of wine I'm gonna be evicted 'long about the hour of five Well, it's enough to make me wonder why I'm alive
It won't be right, no matter what they say Won't be right, tryin' to take my home away Won't be right, if they do this thing to me I don't have to take it and I really don't wanna see
It won't be right, no matter what they say Won't be right, tryin' to take my home away Won't be right, if they do this thing to me I don't have to take it and I really don't wanna see
It won't be right, no matter what they say Won't be right, tryin' to take my home away Won't be right, if they do this thing to me I don't have to take it and I really don't wanna see
Barnyard Christmas
Composer(s): Jack Stearn
Performer(s): The Bell Sisters
We're gonna have a Barnyard Christmas Barnyard Christmas, Barnyard Christmas We're gonna have a Barnyard Christmas On the farm this year
The saw's gonna cut the Christmas tree The stove's gonna bake plum puddin' for me The broom's gonna sweep the house so clean The cow's gonna give us rich ice cream
Rich ice cream, house so clean Puddin' for me, Christmas tree
We're gonna have a Barnyard Christmas Barnyard Christmas, Barnyard Christmas We're gonna have a Barnyard Christmas On the farm this year
The pig's gonna give us juicy ham We'll have the bestest duck what am The horse'll pull us through the snow We'll kiss beneath the mistletoe
Mistletoe, through the snow Duck what am, juicy ham Rich ice cream, house so clean Puddin' for me, Christmas tree
We're gonna have a Barnyard Christmas Barnyard Christmas, Barnyard Christmas We're gonna have a Barnyard Christmas On the farm this year
Now all you children gather `round `Cause Santa Clause is comin' to town He'll get a surprise that's really grand With a serenade from our animal band
(Barnyard animals "sing" Jingle Bells)
We're gonna have a Barnyard Christmas On the farm this year
The hammer will hang our stocking up We hope to get a brand new pup And when the sleigh bells ring out clear We'll know that jolly Santa's near
Santa's near, ring out clear Brand new pup, stocking up Mistletoe, through the snow Duck what am, juicy ham Rich ice cream, house so clean Puddin' for me, Christmas tree
We're gonna have a Barnyard Christmas Barnyard Christmas, Barnyard Christmas We want to wish you a Merry Christmas And a Happy New Year!
It Won't Be Long Composer(s): John Lennon; Paul McCartney First release by: The Beatles - 1963 Covered by multiple other artists
It won't be long yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) It won't be long yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) It won't be long yeah (yeah) 'til I belong to you
Every night when everybody has fun Here am I sitting all on my own
It won't be long yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) It won't be long yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) It won't be long yeah (yeah) 'til I belong to you
Since you left me I'm so alone (You left me alone) Now you're coming, you're coming on home I'll be good like I know should (Now like I should) You're coming home, you're coming home (Ah, ah, ah)
Every night the tears come down from my eyes Every day I've done nothing but cry
It won't be long yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) It won't be long yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) It won't be long yeah (yeah) 'til I belong to you
Since you left me I'm so alone (You left me alone) Now you're coming, you're coming on home I'll be good like I know should (Now like I should) You're coming home, you're coming home (Ah, ah, ah)
So every day we'll be happy I know Now I know that you won't leave me no more
It won't be long yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) It won't be long yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) yeah (yeah) It won't be long yeah (yeah) 'til I belong to you
Ballad Of The Harp Weaver
Composer(s): Thelma Matesky Moore - Edna St. Vincent Millay
Performer(s): Johnny Cash; Agnes Moorehead
Son said my mother when I was knee high You need of clothes to cover you and not a rag have I There's nothing in the house to make a boy's britches Nor shears to cut a cloth with, nor thread to take stitches There's nothing in the house but a leaf end of rye And the harp with a woman's head nobody will buy and she began to cry
That was in the early fall and when came the late fall Son she said the sight of you makes your mother's blood crawl Little skinny shoulder blades stickin' through your clothes And where you get a jacket from God above knows It's lucky for me lad, your daddy's in the ground And can't see the way I let his son go around and she made a queer sound
That was in the late fall when the winter came I'd not a pair of bridges nor a shirt to my name I couldn't go to school or out of doors to play And all the other little boys passed our way Son said my mother come climb into my lap And I'll chafe your little knees while you take a nap
And oh but we were silly for half an hour or more Me with my long legs draggin' on the floor I rocked, rocked, rocked to a mother goose rhyme Oh but we were happy for half an hour's time But there was I, a great boy and what would folks say To hear my mother singin' me to sleep all day in such a daft way
Men say the winter was bad that year Fuel was scarce and food was dear A wind with a wolf's head howled about our door And we burned up the chairs and sat upon the floor All that was left us was a chair we couldn't break And the harp with a woman's head nobody would take for song or pity sake
The night before Christmas I cried with the cold I cried myself to sleep like a two year old And in the deep night I felt my mother rise And stare down upon me with love in her eyes I saw my mother sitting on the one good chair A light falling on her face from I couldn't tell where
Looking nineteen and not a day older And the harp with a woman's head leaned against her shoulder Her thin fingers moving in the thin tall strings Were weave, weave, weaving wonderful things Many bright threads from where I couldn't see Were running through the harp strings rapidly
And gold threads whistlin' through my mother's hands I saw the web grow and the pattern expand She wove a child's jacket and when it was done She laid it on the floor and wove another one She wove a red cloak so regal to see She's made it for a king's son I said and not for me but I knew it was for me
She wove a pair of bridges and quicker than that She wove a pair of boots a little cocked hat She wove a pair of mittens she wove a little blouse She wove all night in the still cold house She sang as she worked and the harp strings spoke But her voice never faltered and the thread never broke
But when I awoke, there sat my mother With the harp against her shoulder lookin' nineteen and not a day older A smile about her lips and a light about her head And her hands in the harp strings frozen dead And piled up beside her, toppling to the skies Were the clothes of a king's son just my size
It Will Stand Composer(s): General Johnson First release by: The Showmen - 1961 Covered by multiple other artists
Rock Roll, Rock Roll
You take some music, music Sweet flowin' music Some movin' and groovin' Rock and roll will stand
Take some heart beats drum beats Finger poppin' and stompin' feet Little dances that look so neat You see why it will stand
Some folks don't understand it That's why they don't demand it They're out tryn' to end it Forgive them for they know not what theyre doin'
Don't nick name it You might as well claim it It swept this whole wide land Rock and roll forever will stand
Hear those sax blowin' Sharp as lightnin' Hear those drums beat Loud as thunder
Some folks don't understand it That's why they don't demand it They're out tryin' to end it Forgive them for they know not what they're doin'
Don't you rename it You might as well claim it It will be here for ever and ever Ain't gonna fade Never no never
It swept this whole wide land Sinking deep in the heart of man Come on boy join our clan Come on boy take my hand Come on boy be a man 'Cause rock and roll will stand
Let's do it all over again I feel good let's do it again It'll be here for ever and ever Ain't gonna fade Never, no never ...
Little Child (Daddy Dear) Composer(s): Wayne Shanklin Performer(s): Wes Montgomery and multiple other artists
Daddy dear, tell me please, is the world really round? Tell me where is the bluebird of happiness found? Tell me why is the sky up above so blue? And when you were a child did your daddy tell you What becomes of the sun when it falls into the sea And who lights it again bright as bright can be? Tell me why can't I fly without wings through the skies? Tell me why, Daddy dear, are there tears in your eyes?
Little one, little one, yes, the world's really round And the bluebird you search for will surely be found And the sky up above is so blue and clear so that You'll see the bluebird if it should come near And the sun doesn't fall when it slips out of sight All it does is make way for the moon's pretty light And if children could fly there'd be no need for birds And I cry, little one, 'cause I'm touched by your words
Don't be sad, Daddy dear, if it's true the world's round I will search 'round the world till the bluebird is found Little one, there's no need to wander too far For what you really seek is right here where you are Show me where, Daddy dear, and here's what I will do I will take the dear bluebird and give it to you Dear, the bluebird's the love in your heart pure and true And I found it the day heaven blessed me with you!"
It Will Be My Day (French Version: Je M'Voyais Déjà) Composer(s): Charles Aznavour; Robert E. Morrison Performer(s): Charles Aznavour
At eighteen I grew restless for the city I'd see its lights that beckoned from afar I packed my dreams, assured I'd be successful I'd sing my songs, I'd soon become a star
I needed clothes to make the right impression I bought a suit, the finest tailor-made Had an act, then designed, with the ladies in mind Endure the debt I felt would be repaid
I dreamed I would be emblazoned in neon The biggest, the best, above all the rest, wherever I'd play I dreamed I would be acknowledged the greatest The cream of the crop, it's good at the top, I was there to stay
The loveliest girls would gather around me With photos to sign, they all would be mine for less than a smile My curtain would cue, resounding ovations Their deafening roar would ring out for more, I'd go off in style"
The older that I become, my features are ageing My voice is still there, my gesture's precise, my talent would glow At times I've had bitterness, for nothing has happened I've struggled and strived, but never arrived, and I'm still unknown
And yet, yet I believe that my time is coming If given the breaks, I've got what it takes to go all the way Then under my feet the stage would be pulsing Finally I'd be there in the spotlights glare, it would be my day
For thirty years it's been an endless circle I've made the rounds, they always look the same I sing my songs, but people seldom listen They never care, for they don't know my name
To keep alive, I've played the third-rate bookings I have no choice, I take what I can find Sleazy clubs, little pay, easy girls, sleep all day But in my dreams, I leave it far behind
I dreamed that I'll be relating the story Of how I prevailed when I should have failed, in my quest for fame I dreamed I would be enjoying my leisure Taking life in stride, ladies at my side, wild from the game
On opening night, I'll calmly be reading The thousands of words from those who admire my standing alone The stage light would dim, the moment would quicken My heart in my throat, hearing the first note, I'd be on my own
I tried to find a gimmick, to lift me from darkness I've sung about love, I've ?????? songs, a stale joke or two If everything fails and I'm left in the shadows The fault isn't mine, I asked for a chance, but nothing came through
I have no one to thank, for no one has offered To give me a hand, or take any stand, that's out of their way But deep in my heart, I know, I know that I have it And I'll get my due life and start anew, it will be my day
Baby's First Christmas
Composer(s): Benny Davis - Ted Murray
Performer(s): Connie Francis
Baby's First Christmas It's baby's first Christmas It's somethin' to see Mommy and Daddy Trimmin' baby's Christmas tree Baby's big brother Is busy with his toys He's shinin' up the chimney For Santa Claus!
It's baby's first Christmas And oh, what a joy Shopping all around For every pretty toy It's a very special Christmas A blessing from above It's baby's first Christmas A Christmas full of love!
It's baby's first Christmas And oh, what a joy Shopping all around For every pretty toy It's a very special Christmas A blessing from above It's baby's first Christmas A Christmas full of love!
It Wasn't God Who Made Honky Tonk Angels Composer(s): J.D. Miller Performer(s): Kitty Wells and multiple other artists
As I sit here tonight, the jukebox playing The tune about the wild side of life As I listen to the words you are saying It brings memories when I was a trusting wife
It wasn't God who made honky tonk angels As you said in the words of your song Too many times married men think they're still single That has caused many a good girl to go wrong
It's a shame that all the blame is on us women It's not true that only you men feel the same >From the start most every heart that's ever broken Was because there always was a man to blame
It wasn't God who made honky tonk angels As you said in the words of your song Too many times married men think they're still single That has caused many a good girl to go wrong
It Was Only The Wind Composer(s): Tom T. Hall; Louise Scruggs Performer(s): Lester Flatt; John Tomlin
She would sit by her window and gaze out Down the road where her children had gone One by one they left seeking their fortune And left their old mother alone
Sometime late at night she would call me Sir did I here a knock at the door I would say it was only the wind man Just as I had told her before
It's only the wind Your children are not at the door It's only the wind The wind restless wind, nothing more
Sometime she would talk of her children Of her son and her doughter so fair She said they were much like the wild wind They sometime neglected to care
One night I heard somebady knocking But I saw as I went to the door She was there in her chair by the window Her eyes closesd in rest forever more
It's only the wind Your children are not at the door It's only the wind The wind restless wind, nothing more
Away In A Manger
(French Version: Si Grande Est La Terre) Composer(s): James Murray; John McFarland - 1887 Performer(s): Ken Griffin - 1959 and multiple other artists
Away in a manger, no crib for his bed the little Lord Jesus laid down his Sweet head The stars in the bright sky looked down where he lay The little Lord Jesus asleep on the hay
The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes But little Lord Jesus no crying he makes I love thee, Lord Jesus! Look down from the sky And stay by my side until morning is nigh
Be near me, Lord Jesus; I ask thee to stay Close by me forever, and love me, I pray Bless all the dear children in thy tender care And fit us for heaven, to live with thee there
It Was Only A Sun Shower Composer(s): Irving Kahal; Ted Snyder; Francis Wheeler Performer(s): Annette Hanshaw and multiple other artists
My lonesome clock'll Tick-tick-tock all through the day When you're away I'm blue, so blue! We quarreled, dear, but don't you fear I'll soon return You know you're yearning I know you're yearning, too!
Honey, don't you cry Clouds are rolling by The rainbow's in the sky It was only a sun shower
In the shelter of Sunny skies above We will live and love It was only a sun shower
Now, why do we complain? We should be cheerful and gay Tomorrow sun will shine again Although it's cloudy today Love finds a way
So, honey don't be blue We'll go smiling through Forever It was only a sun shower, sweetheart!
Honey, don't you cry Clouds are rolling by The rainbow's in the sky It was only a little sun shower
In the shelter of Sunny skies above We will live and love It was only a little sun shower
Now, why do we complain? We should be cheerful and gay Tomorrow sun will shine again Although it's cloudy today Love finds a way
So, honey don't be blue We'll go smiling through Forever It was only a sun shower, sweetheart!
Awake Before Sunrise
Performer(s): CW 'Bill' Bennett & David Dell
Awake before sunrise, before heat of day
Get ready for Christmas, we must be away
Come worship the Christ child, our shepherd, our head
The woolshed his dwelling, the wool bale his bed
The shepherds go muster, the dogs hunt away
With dust and the barking, it's shearing all day
A breather for smoko, a time to give pride
To Jesus our shepherd, our saviour and guide
On horseback, on hill top, creation below
God's beauty, our freedom, in Christ we may know
It Was Only A Gypsy Composer(s): Jake Thackray Performer(s): Jake Thackray
I am a handsome policeman I am bold and versatile My wife is white and beautiful, with breasts of alabaster When I hurry home to her, she whispers with a smile "What did you do today, my big blue hero?"
"There was only a gypsy A ragged, shaggy blackguard of a didicoy Up to no good. I did what I should A little physical persuasion and he passed on by"
But now I grow impatient to enjoy her juicy beauty I surge to the rising rhythms of those breasts of alabaster "No," she cries, "pray tell me what you did today on duty Tell me more about this hairy gypsy!"
"It was only a gypsy A ragged, shaggy blackguard of a didicoy Up to no good I did what I should A little physical persuasion and he passed on by"
"But tell me, pretty darling, will you tell me, in your turn Who placed those fresh wild flowers in your breasts of alabaster? And when you smile, between your teeth, still wedged, do I discern A sprig of whisker from another's moustache?"
"It was only a gypsy", she sighed "A ragged, shaggy blackguard of a didicoy Up to no good I did what I could A little physical persuasion and he passed on by
It was only a gypsy boy A ragged, shaggy blackguard of a didicoy-oy-oy Up to no good I did what I could A little physical persuasion and he passed on by"
Between her breasts a hedgerow nosegay In between her teeth a tell-tale whisker The house is full of clothes-pegs
Auld Lang Syne
Composer(s): Robert Burns (Traditional) - 1797
Performer(s): Guy Lombardo and His Royal Canadians - 1939
and multiple other artists
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should auld acquaintaince be forgot
And auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
And surely you'll be your pint stowp
And surely I'll be mine
And we'll drink a richt guid willy waught
For auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
We twa hae run aboot the braes
And pu'd the gowans fine
But we've wandered monie a wearie fit'
Since auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
We twa hae paidled in the burn
Frae morning sun till dine
But seas a'tween us braid hae roared
Since auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
And here's a hand my trusty fere
And gie's a hand o' thine
And we'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet
For auld lang syne
It Was On A Fine Summer's Morning (aka Pretty Maid Milking A Cow) Composer(s): Caelin Deas; Thomas Moore
It was on a fine summer's morning When the birds sweetly tuned on each bough I heard a fair maid sing most charming As she sat a-milking her cow Her voice, it was chanting melodious She left me scarce able to go My heart it is soothed in solace My Cailín deas crúite na mbó
With courtesy I did salute her "Good-morrow, most amiable maid I'm your captive slave for the future" "Kind sir, do not banter," she said "I'm not such a precious rare jewel That I should enamour you so I am but a plain country girl" Says Cailín deas crúite na mbó
"The Indies afford no such jewel So precious and transparently fair Oh! do not to my flame add fuel But consent for to love me, my dear Take pity and grant my desire And leave me no longer in woe Oh! love me or else I'll expire Sweet Cailín deas crúite na mbó"
"Or had I the wealth of great Damer Or all on the African shore Or had I great Devonshire treasure Or had I ten thousand times more Or had I the lamp of Alladin Or had I his genie also I'd rather live poor on a mountain With Cailín deas crúite na mbó"
"I beg you'll withdraw and don't tease me I cannot consent unto thee I like to live single and airy Till more of the world I do see New cares they would me embarrass Besides, sir, my fortune is low Until I get rich I'll not marry" Says Cailín deas crúite na mbó
"An old maid is like an old almanack Quite useless when once out of date If her ware is not sold in the morning At noon it must fall to low rate The fragrance of May is soon over The rose loses its beauty, you know All bloom is consumed in October Sweet Cailín deas crúite na mbó"
"A young maid is like a ship sailing There's no knowing how long she may steer For with every blast she's in danger Oh! consent, love, and banish all care For riches I care not a farthing Your affection I want and no more In comfort I'd wish to enjoy you My Cailín deas crúite na mbó.."
Augustus Caesar having brought
The world to quiet peace
That all the noise of bloody wars
In every land did cease
Just Joseph, with his Mary mild
To Bethlehem did come
Which blessed place appointed was
To ease her burden'd womb
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
Then, all the town being full of guests
Such was their helpless case
That not a bed for them was left
Nor any lodging place
But in a poor and simple inn
Even an ox's stall
Appointed was to entertain
The Saviour of us all
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
No mantle, nor no rich attire
No swaddling bands, nor linen rare
No costly robes, nor golden treasure
Could Jesus Christ our Lord have there
No other nurse nor lullaby
But blessed Mary's arms
To rock this blessed babe to sleep
With heavenly hymns and charms
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
Thus was the Son of God not born
In majesty and state
As Princes of the Nations be
Tho' he a Prince most great
Yet at his blessed birth the choirs
Of heavenly Angels sing
And every thing for Jury's King
Rejoiced with thanksgiving
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
O Holy, Holy, Lord of Hosts
This was their joy and mirth
Which sounded out on every coast
For Jesus Christ his birth
Both Cherubim, and Seraphim
With all the Hosts of Heaven
With joyful voice sang praises forth
To glorify this even
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
And when that blessed morning came
That God's dear Son was born
A glorious Star with blazing beams
Did all the skies adorn
Which unto Shepherds in the fields
The first of all appear'd
A voice likewise came down from Heaven
And thus the Shepherds cheer'd
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
This tide is born in Bethlehem
A Saviour, and a King
Whose merits shall redeem the world
And man's salvation bring
All glory be to God on high
And peace on Earth to all
And goodwill still be unto men
This was the Angel's call
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
This Star did not alone appear
Unto the Shepherds poor
But to the sages of the world
To make their glory more
Who came conducted by the Star
From countries far from thence
And there presented at his feet
Gold, myrrh, and frankincense
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
The which when cruel Herod heard
Of this great homage done
By the three Wise Men of the East
To Mary's blessed Son
He sent throughout all Jury land
To have this infant slain
With every one of two years old
And none did there remain
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
Then Bethlehem grew red with blood
And white with infants' bones
That nought was heard in Jury's land
But childless mothers' moans
Yet Mary's babe, by Heaven preserv'd
Escaped their bloody rage
And liv'd in Egypt, till he came
To the term of twelve years of age
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
Even as the Angel did appoint
His parents did back return
And with their Son in Jury's land
In safety did sojourn
But Herod's death by judgment strange
Before the time befell
Whose bowells brake and did burst out
As ancient stories tell
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace
Then Jesus Christ, at twelve years old
In Jury began to preach
And to the sages of the land
Of Moses' laws did teach
And afterwards for twenty years
He oft did fast and pray
Till cursed Judas with a kiss
Sweet Jesus did betray
O sing we all, with heart and voice
Let Christian love increase
For unto us this day is born
The only Prince of Peace