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  • 22-07-1984
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. It's Not My Cross To Bear
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    It's Not My Cross To Bear
    Composer(s): Gregg Allman
    Performer(s): The Allman Brothers Band
    and multiple other artists

    I have not come, yeah, to testify
    about our bad, bad misfortune and I ain't here a wond'rin' why
    But I'll live on and I'll be strong
    'cause it just ain't my cross to bear

    I sat down and wrote you a long letter, it was just the other day
    Said, sure as the sunrise, baby, tomorrow I'll be up and on my way
    But I'll live on and I'll be strong
    'cause it just ain't my cross to bear

    But in the end, baby, long towards the end of your road
    don't reach out for me, babe, 'cause I'm not gonna carry your load
    But I'll live on and I'll be strong
    'cause it just ain't my cross to bear

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Come On Christmas
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    Come On Christmas
    Composer(s): Dwight Yoakam
    Performer(s): Dwight Yoakam

    Come on Christmas
    Please take me away
    Keep me hidden safe
    'Til January's second day
    Come on Christmas
    Come on Noel

    I'll wrap myself
    Up in the cheer
    That's so abundant
    This time of year
    Come on Christmas
    Come on Noel

    Even though it's just September
    I can forget to remember
    All the empty nights
    Still in my way

    Come on Christmas
    Embrace me with some joy
    'Til the last few lonely moments
    Of this year have been destroyed
    Come on Christmas
    Come on Noel

    I'll just let visions of the season
    Blind these worn-out sights
    Still in my mind
    Come on Christmas
    Come on Noel
    Come on Christmas

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. It's Not For Me To Say
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    It's Not For Me To Say
    Composer(s): Al Stillman; Robert Allen
    First release by: Johnny Mathis - 1957
    Covered by multiple other artists

    It's not for me to say you love me
    It's not for me to say you'll always care
    Oh, but here for the moment I can hold you fast
    And press your lips to mine
    And dream that love will last

    As far as I can see this is heaven
    And speaking just for me, it's ours to share
    Perhaps the glow of love will grow with every passing day
    Or we may never meet again
    But then, it's not for me to say

    And speaking just for me, it's ours to share
    Perhaps the glow of love will grow with every passing day
    Or we may never meet again
    But then, it's not for me to say

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. The Gifts They Gave
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    The Gifts They Gave
    Composer(s): John R. Cash
    Performer(s): Johnny Cash

    Jesus our King, kind and good
    Was humbly born in a stable of wood
    And the lowly beasts around him stood
    Jesus our King, kind and good

    I, said the donkey, shaggy and brown
    I carried His mother up and down
    I carried His mother to Bethlehem town
    I, said the donkey, shaggy and brown

    I, said the ox, this was my hay
    I gave Him my manger, twas here that He lay
    I gave Him my manger, twas here that He lay
    I, said the ox, this was my hay

    I, said the sheep with curly horn
    I gave Him my wool for a blanket warm
    He wore my coat on Christmas morn
    I, said the sheep with curly horn

    I, said the dove, from the rafters high
    I sang Him to sleep that He would not cry
    We sang Him to sleep, my love and I
    I, said the dove from the rafters high

    And so every heart by some good spell
    In the stable dark was glad to tell
    Of the gift he gave to Emanuel
    Of the gift that he gave to Emanuel

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. It's Not Easy Being Green
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    It's Not Easy Being Green
    Composer(s): Joe Raposo
    Performer(s): Andy Hallett
    and multiple other artists

    It's not that easy bein' green
    Having to spend each day the color of the leaves
    When I think it could be nicer being red, or yellow or gold
    or something much more colorful like that

    It's not easy bein' green
    It seems you blend in with so many other ordinary things
    And people tend to pass you over 'cause you're
    not standing out like flashy sparkles in the water or stars in the sky

    But green's the color of Spring
    And green can be cool and friendly-like
    And green can be big like an ocean, or important
    like a mountain, or tall like a tree

    When green is all there is to be
    It could make you wonder why, but why wonder why?
    Wonder, I am green and it'll do fine
    it's beautiful!
    And I think it's what I want to be

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Come Behold The Virgin Mother

    Come Behold The Virgin Mother

    Come behold the Virgin Mother
    Fondly leaning on her child
    Nature shews not such another
    Glorious, holy, meek, and mild
    Bethlehem's antient walls enclose him
    Dwelling place of David once
    Now no friendly homesteed knows him
    Tho' the noblest of his sons

    Many a prophecy before him
    Publish'd his bright advent long
    Guardian Angels low adore him
    In a joyous heavenly song
    Eastern Sages see with wonder
    His bright Star illume the day
    O'er the volumes old they ponder
    Volumes of dark prophecy

    Royal Bethlehem how deserted
    All his pomp and splendor lost
    Is a stable, vile and dirty
    All the welcome you can boost?
    For they travel, of inquiring
    Where the wondrous babe is born?
    On they came with great desiring
    Although others treat with scorn

    See, a babe of days and weakness
    Heaven's Almighty now appears
    Liable to death and sickness
    Shame and agony and tears
    Sovereign he and great Creator
    He who form'd the heav'ns and earth
    Yet takes on him human nature
    Angels wonder at his birth

    Why, ah, why this condescension
    God with mortal man to dwell?
    Why lay by his grand pretension
    He who does all thrones excell?
    'Tis to be a man, a brother
    With us sinners of mankind
    Vain we search for such another
    Ne'er we love like this shall find

    'Tis to make himself an offering
    As a pure atoning lamb
    Souls redeeming by his suffering
    That in human flesh he came
    As a God he could not suffer
    He a body true must have
    As a man what he might offer
    Could not satisfy or save

    Tho' an infant now you view him
    He shall fill his Father's throne
    Gather all the Nations to him
    Every knee shall then bow down
    Foes shall at his presence tremble
    Great and small, and quick and dead
    None can fly, none dare dissemble
    None find where to hide his head

    Friends! Oh then in chearful voices
    They shall shout with glad acclaim
    While each rising saint rejoices
    Saints of high or lowest fame
    Then what different appearing
    We 'mong mortal tribes shall find
    Groaning those who now are sneering
    Triumphing the humble mind

    May we now, that day forestalling
    Hear the word, and read and pray
    Listen to the Gospel calling
    And with humble heart obey
    Give us hearty true repentance
    Life in faith and holiness
    then we need not fear thy sentence
    But may trust thy saving grace

    Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
    Praise the Lord

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. It's Not Easy
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    It's Not Easy
    Composer(s): Barry Mann; Cynthia Weil
    Performer(s): Normie Rowe
    and multiple other artists

    Hey girl, what can I do with you
    When you take this ol' heart and tear it in two
    Is it asking so much for you to be true
    I'm an easy going man who takes all that he can

    But I tell you
    It's not easy loving you, baby
    It's not easy wanting you so
    It's not easy loving you, baby
    But it's harder, girl, to let you go
    Harder, girl, to let you go

    Girl, I give everything I've got inside
    How much more do you need to keep you satisfied
    I put up with so much, Lord knows I've tried
    And in spite of all the pain, I try not to complain

    But I tell you
    It's not easy loving you, baby
    It's not easy wanting you so
    It's not easy loving you, baby
    But it's harder, girl, to let you go
    Harder, girl, to let you go

    It's not easy loving you, baby
    No, it's not easy
    It's not easy loving you so
    Loving you, baby
    It's not easy loving you, baby
    It's not easy
    Loving you so ...

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Come And See What's Happenin' In The Barn
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    Come And See What's Happenin' In The Barn
    Composer(s): Gloria Gaither; Bill Gaither
    Performer(s): Bill & Gloria Gaither

    Come and see what’s happenin’ in the barn!
    I’ve seen nothin’ like this since I’ve been on this farm!
    Those strangers that camped out there have a baby in their arms
    Come and see what’s happenin’ in the barn!

    Must have been sometime ‘bout close to midnight
    A big ole’ guy came knockin’ at my door
    He said his wife was ‘bout to have a baby
    And she just couldn’t travel anymore
    I said the rooms had all been rented out
    But they’d find shelter out there in the barn
    They could throw some blankets in the stable
    At least, they would be dry and safe from harm

    Sometime before dawn I was awakened
    Light was floodin’ through the windowpane
    A star as bright as moonlight was a shinin’
    And pretty music I could not explain
    I ran downstairs to have a look around
    I tell you I could not believe my eyes
    A crowd had gathered all around the manger
    And they were talkin’ ‘bout God’s big surprise

    The shepherds said that they’d been on the hillside
    Tellin’ stories just to stay awake
    The baby lambs were sleepin’ near the campfire
    The ewes were huddled by the stone fence gate
    And then the sky just seemed to open wide
    With light and sound that they could hardly bear
    And what they swore were angels sang in chorus
    “You’ll find the new Messiah over there.”

    “Go and see what’s happening in the barn”
    There’s been nothin’ like it ever happened on this farm!
    The strangers that camped out there have a baby in their arms
    Go and see what’s happenin’ in the barn!

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. It's No Secret
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    It's No Secret
    Composer(s): Marty Balin
    Performer(s): Jefferson Airplane

    It's no secret
    how strong my love is for you
    It's no secret
    when I tell you what I'm gonna do
    'cause I love you, yes I love you

    It's no secret
    everybody knows how I feel
    It's no secret
    when I say my love is real
    'cause I love you, yes I love you

    It's no secret
    when you got me jumping up and down
    It's no secret
    'cause my heart is chained and bound
    I love you, yes I love you, Yeah

    It's no secret
    everybody knows how I feel

    As I get older
    the year sake get's heavy for you
    It isn't any young girl
    I feel like my whole life is through
    yearh, when I stop
    feeling how strong my
    love is for you
    I know I'll be empty
    watching your love
    like I do

    It's no secret (no)
    when you got me jumping up and down
    It's no secret
    'cause my heart is chained and bound
    I love you, yes I love you, Yeah

    It's no secret
    everybody knows how I feel
    It's no secret
    everybody knows how I feel
    It's no secret

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Christy Christmas
    Composer(s): Tony Starr - Marty Symes
    Performer(s): Brenda Lee

    Santa's got a brand new helper
    You're the first one to be told
    He wears a hat that's trimmed with fur
    And his boots are made of gold

    His name is Christy Christmas
    He's cute as he can be
    He's made of wood
    `Cause Santa carved him from a Christmas Tree

    Christy Christmas
    Is loading Santa's Sleigh
    He'll hook up all the reindeer
    And they'll soon be on their way

    Christy Christmas
    Is Santa's pride and joy
    He picks out all the presents
    For each little girl and boy

    Perhaps you'll get a toyland playground
    Full of skates and kiddie car
    It has a great big slide bar you can ride
    And swing that hanging star

    Christy Christmas
    Will make your dreams come true
    And you'll love Christy Christmas
    Just as much as he loves you

    Christy Christmas
    Will bring you pretty toys
    Like talking dolls for little girls
    And choo choo trains for boys

    Christy Christmas
    Will serve good things to eat
    He'll give your little tummy tum
    A cake and candy treat

    Before you go to bed this Christmas
    Better leave a snack or two
    They'll be someone else with Santa
    When he comes to visit you

    Christy Christmas
    They'll make into a toy
    And all you children soon can play
    With Santa's little boy

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    It's No Game
    Composer(s): David Bowie
    Performer(s): David Bowie

    Part 1:


    Shiruetto ya kage ga kakumei o miteiru
    Mo tengoku no giyu no kaidan wa nai2

    Silhouettes and shadows
    watch the revolution
    No more free steps to heaven
    It's no game

    Ore genjitsu kara shime dasare
    Nani ga okkote irunoka wakara nai
    Doko ni kyokun wa arunoka
    Hitobito wa yubi o orareteiru
    Konna dokusaisha ni iyashime rareru nowa kanashii

    I am barred from the event
    I really don't understand the situation
    And it's no game

    Documentaries on refugees
    Couples 'gainst the target
    You throw a rock against the road
    And it breaks into pieces
    Draw the blinds on yesterday
    and it's all so much scarier
    Put a bullet in my brain
    and it makes all the papers 2

    Nammin no kiroku eiga
    Hyoteki o se ni shita koibito tachi
    Michi ni ishi o nage reba
    Kona gona ni kudake
    Kino ni huta o sureba
    Kyohu wa masu
    Ore no atama ni tama o buchi kome ba
    Shinbun wa kaki tateru

    So where's the moral
    when people have their fingers broken2
    To be insulted by these fascists
    it's so degrading
    And it's no game

    Shut up! Shutu...

    Part 2:

    Silhouettes and shadows
    watch the revolution
    No more free steps to heaven
    Just walkie-talkie - heaven or hearth
    Just big heads and drums - full speed and pagan
    And it's no game

    I am barred from the event
    I really don't understand the situation
    So where's the moral
    People have their fingers broken
    To be insulted by these fascists it's so degrading
    And it's no game

    Documentaries on refugees
    couples 'gainst the target
    Throw a rock against the road
    and it breaks into pieces
    Draw the blinds on yesterday
    and it's all so much scarier
    Put a bullet in my brain
    and it makes all the papers

    And it's no game

    Children round the world
    put camel shit on the walls

    They're making carpets on treadmills
    or garbage sorting

    And it's no game

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Christmas Without You
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    Christmas Without You Composer(s): Dolly Parton - Steve Goldstein First release by: Dolly Parton & Kenny Rogers - 1984

    Christmas without you
    White Christmas and I'm blue
    Like fireworks with no fuse
    Christmas without you
    The fireplace keeps burning and my thoughts keep turning
    The pages of memories of time spent with you
    Old Christmas songs we knew and used to make love to
    Make it hard to get used to
    Christmas without you

    Christmas without you
    White Christmas and I'm blue
    I love you I miss you
    So sad but so true
    Christmas without you
    Like a mystery with no clues
    Like fireworks with no fuse
    Christmas without you

    The sweetest gift I know would be if the new snow
    Could fall on your footsteps on this Christmas Eve
    The most joyous Christmas if luck could be with us
    Would be if Saint Nicholas brought you home to me

    Christmas without you
    White Christmas and I'm blue
    I love you I miss you I need you
    So sad but so true
    Like a mystery with no clues
    Like fireworks with no fuse
    Christmas without you

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. It's Nice To Go Trav'ling
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    It's Nice To Go Trav'ling
    Composer(s): Sammy Cahn; Jimmy Van Heusen
    Frank Sinatra; David Newton; Si Zentner & His Orch.

    It's very nice to go trav'lin'
    To Paris, London, and Rome
    It's oh, so nice to go trav'lin'
    But it's so much nicer
    Yes, it's so much nicer to come home

    It's very nice to just wander
    The camel route to Iraq
    It's oh, so nice to just wander
    But it's so much nicer
    Yes it's oh, so nice to wander back

    The mam'selles and frauleins
    And the senoritas are sweet
    But they can't compete
    'Cause they just don't have
    What the models have on Madison Ave.

    It's very nice to be footloose
    With just a toothbrush and comb
    It's oh, so nice to be footloose
    But your heart starts singin'
    When you're homeward wingin' 'cross the foam

    And you know your fate is
    Where the Empire State is
    All you contemplate is the view
    From Miss Liberty's dome
    It's very nice to go trav'lin'
    But it's oh, so nice to come home

    You will find the maedchen
    And the gay muchachas are rare
    But they can't compare with that sexy line
    That parades each day at Sunset and Vine

    It's quite the life to play gypsy
    And roam as Gypsies will roam
    It's quite the life to play gypsy
    But your heart starts singin'
    When you're homeward wingin' 'cross the foam

    And the Hudson River
    Makes you start to quiver
    Like the latest flivver
    That's simply drippin' with chrome
    It's very nice to go trav'ling
    But it's oh, so nice to come home

    No more Customs
    Burn the passport
    No more packin'
    And unpackin'
    Light the home fires
    Get my slippers
    Make a pizza

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Christmas Without Daddy
    Composer(s): Jay Lee Webb
    Performer(s): Loretta Lynn

    Christmas Day is getting closer
    But there's sadness mixed with joy
    Every day a few more questions
    From our little girl and boy
    Not alone, but they'll be lonely
    For their Daddy won't be here
    And just like the air at Christmas
    There'll be a chill upon the chill

    Christmas without Daddy
    Will be such a lonesome day
    We'll send a prayer and
    All our love to you so far away
    Your son just wrote to Santa
    Asked him to send you home
    Yes Christmas without Daddy
    We'll be blue and all alone

    Christmas without Daddy
    I don't know what we're gonna do
    On the present from your baby
    She wrote, "Daddy, I love you"
    Your son just wrote to Santa
    Asked him to send you home
    Yes Christmas without daddy
    We'll be blue and all alone

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. It's Never Too Late To Be Sorry
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    It's Never Too Late To Be Sorry
    Composer(s): James E. Dempsey; Joseph A. Burke

    I watched a sweet rose droop and die
    for want of rain and wondered why
    the rain drops, when at last, they came
    could not restore its bloom again
    you're like the rose, I'm like the rain
    you wanted me and called in vain
    perhaps you wondered why I'm here
    I've come to say I'm sorry dear

    I know on God's unerring slate the charge against me must be great
    and every sinful move I've made is entered as a debt unpaid
    but in the book we all know of I've found these tender words of love
    "When tears of sweet contrition flow then scarlet sins are made as snow"

    It's never too late to be sorry
    I'm sorry I taught you to care
    I wish I could lift from your shoulders the cross I have made you bear
    I can't mend a heart I have broken there isn't a thing I can do
    but its never too late to be sorry and God knows I'm for you

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Christmas Will Be Just Another Lonely Day
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    Christmas Will Be Just Another Lonely Day Composer(s): Lee Jackson - Pat Seymour Performer(s): Brenda Lee

    It's Christmas Eve, and snow is on the ground
    Mistletoe and holly all around
    Yes, all the world is happy, but since you went away
    My Christmas will be just another lonely day
    Yeah, another lonely day, yeah

    My tree is trimmed with pretty colored lights
    And at the top, the Christmas star shines bright
    Yes, everything around me is very bright and gay
    But Christmas will be just another lonely day
    Yeah, another lonely day, yeah

    I had a lonely September, October, November, too
    But December is twice as lonely without you

    For soon it will be time for Santa Claus
    And surely he will bring you back, because
    Without you here beside me, my world will be so gray
    And Christmas will be just another lonely day
    Yeah, another lonely day, yeah
    Another lonely day, yeah
    Another lonely day, yeah

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.It's My Party
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    It's My Party
    Composer(s): John Gluck - Seymour Gottlieb - Herbert Wiener - Wally Gold
    First recording/First release by: Helen Shapiro - 1963/Lesley Gore - 1963
    Covered by multiple other artists

    Versions In Other Languages:
    1963 - C'est Ma Fête (Richard Anthony)
    1989 - Oon Su Auto (Punainen Alfa Romeo) (Clifters)

    Nobody knows where my Johnny has gone
    Judy left the same time
    Why was he holding her hand
    When he's supposed to be mine

    It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
    Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
    You would cry too if it happened to you

    Playing my records, keep dancing all night
    Leave me alone for a while
    'Till Johnny's dancing with me
    I've got no reason to smile

    It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
    Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
    You would cry too if it happened to you

    Judy and Johnny just walked through the door
    Like a queen with her king
    Oh what a birthday surprise
    Judy's wearing his ring

    It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
    Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
    You would cry too if it happened to you

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.C'est Ma Fête
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    C'est Ma Fête ((Adapted from: It's My Party (Helen Shapiro) - 1963)) ((Finnish Version: Oon Su Auto (Punainen Alfa Romeo) (Clifters) - 1989)) Composer(s): John Gluck - Seymour Gottlieb - Herbert Wiener - Wally Gold - Richard Anthony Performer(s): Richard Anthony - 1963

    C'est ma fête
    Je fais ce qui me plaît
    Ce qui me plaît
    Ce qui me plaît
    J'ai décidé
    Ce soir de m'amuser

    Il y a juste une année aujourd'hui
    Que nous nous sommes quittés
    Je vais passer cette nuit
    À boire et à danser

    C'est ma fête
    Je fais ce qui me plaît
    Ce qui me plaît
    Ce qui me plaît
    J'ai décidé
    Ce soir de m'amuser

    Sur le passé j'ai tracé une croix
    J'ai déchiré tes photos
    J'ai l'intention d'être heureux malgré toi
    Et cela au plus tôt

    C'est ma fête
    Je fais ce qui me plaît
    Ce qui me plaît
    Ce qui me plaît
    J'ai décidé
    Ce soir de m'amuser

    Eh les amis allons-y tous en chœur
    Car tout va pour le mieux
    Ne croyez pas que je pleure
    Ou que je sois malheureux

    C'est ma fête
    Je fais ce qui me plaît
    Ce qui me plaît
    Ce qui me plaît
    J'ai décidé
    Ce soir de t'oublier

    C'est ma fête
    Je fais ce qui me plaît
    Ce qui me plaît
    Ce qui me plaît
    J'ai décidé
    Ce soir de m'amuser

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Christmas To Christmas
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    Christmas To Christmas Composer(s): Ron Hellard - Alan Rhody Performer(s): Toby Keith; Lee Greenwood; Tanya Tucker

    Seems like only yesterday
    We put our Christmas things away
    Now here's another Christmas Day with you
    When you're in love, how time does fly
    And this year that's just flown by
    Had been one happy holiday for two

    Christmas to Christmas
    Wrapped in your arms
    Love's always in season
    And always so warm
    Till my days on Earth are through
    I will spend Christmas to Christmas lovin' you

    Yes, the givin' season's here again
    Time to love your fellow man
    Yuletide smiles are in demand, it's true
    The love we share is for all time
    We'll feel its glow right through July
    To melt the cold when winter flies anew

    Christmas to Christmas
    Wrapped in your arms
    Love's always in season
    And always so warm
    Till my days on earth are through
    I will spend Christmas to Christmas lovin' you

    Till my days on earth are through
    I will spend Christmas to Christmas lovin' you

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. It's My Life
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    It's My Life
    (Danish Version: Se Nu Ham Der - 1991)
    Composer(s): Carl D'Errico; Roger Atkins
    First release by: The Animals - 1965
    Covered by multiple other artists

    It's a hard world to get a break in
    All the good things have been taken
    But girl there are ways
    To make certain things pay
    Though I'm dressed in these rags
    I'll wear sable some day
    Hear what I say
    I'm gonna ride the serpent
    No more time spent sweatin' rent
    Hear my command
    I'm breakin' loose, it ain't no use
    Holdin' me down, stick around

    And baby, baby
    Remember, remember
    It's my life and I'll do what I want
    It's my mind and I'll think like I want
    Show me I'm wrong, hurt me sometime
    But some day I'll treat you real fine

    There'll be women and their fortunes
    Who just want to mother orphans
    Are you gonna cry
    While I'm squeezin' them dry
    Takin' all I can get, no regrets
    When I, openly lie
    And live on their money
    Believe me honey, that money
    Can you believe, I ain't no saint
    No complaints
    So girl throw out
    Any doubt

    And baby (baby)
    Remember (remember)
    It's my life and I'll do what I want
    It's my mind and I'll think like I want
    Show me I'm wrong, hurt me sometime
    But some day I'll treat you real fine

    (It's my life and I'll do what I want) Don't push me
    (It's my mind and I'll think like I want) It's my life
    (It's my life and I'll do what I want) And I can do what I want
    (It's my mind and I'll think like I want) You can't tell me
    (It's my life and I'll do what I want)

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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