Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Si Te Quiero Andalucia Composer(s): Roberto Livi; Bebu Silvetti Performer(s): Raphael
Si Te Quiero Andalucia Que Por Donde Yo Pase Pedazos De Ti Sembre Si Te Quiero Andalucia Si Te Quiero Andalucia
Si Te Quiero Andalucia Que Todo Lo Que Vivi Contigo Lo Dividi Y Te Di Las Alegrias Si Te Quiero Andalucia
Eres Mi Amor Y Contigo Yo Sigo Estando Comprometido Dios Lo Sabe Porque El Ha Sido Siempre Testigo Cuando Yo Soy Realmente Todo Lo Que Yo Soy Eres Mi Amor No Lo Juro Que No Se Juran Los Sentimientos Ni Lo Grito Porque Al Mirarme Ya Lo Estan Viendo Que No Puedo Callar La Voz De Mi Corazon
Corazon Que Palpita Cuando Yo Piso Sobre Tu Cuerpo Tu Seduccion Que Me Eriza Todo Cuando Te Pienso Cuando Te Pienso, Cuando Te Pienso
Si Te Quiero Andalucia Que Amores Tuve A Granel Y Solo A Ti Te Fui Fiel Si Te Quiero Andalucia Si Te Quiero Andalucia
Si Te Quiero Andalucia Que Siento Celos De Ti Celos Que Solo Senti Al Celar La Madre Mia Si Te Quiero Andalucia
Eres Mi Amor Y Contigo Yo Sigo Estando Comprometido Dios Lo Sabe Porque El Ha Sido Siempre Testigo Cuando Yo Soy Realmente Todo Lo Que Yo Soy Eres Mi Amor No Lo Juro Que No Se Juran Los Sentimientos Ni Lo Grito Porque Al Mirarme Ya Lo Estan Viendo Que No Puedo Callar La Voz De Mi Corazon
Corazon Que Obedece Tan Solo Al Mando De Tu Hermosura Puedo Decir Que En Tus Senos Fue Que Nacieron Mis Aventuras Mis Aventuras, Mis Aventuras
Si Te Quiero Andalucia Que Por Donde Yo Pase Pedazos De Ti Sembre Si Te Quiero Andalucia Si Te Quiero Andalucia
Si Te Quiero Andalucia Que Todo Lo Que Vivi Contigo Lo Dividi Y Te Di Las Alegrias Si Te Quiero Andalucia
Palabra De Hombre Composer(s): José Alfredo Jiménez Performer(s): José Alfredo Jiménez; and various other artists
Me estoy jugando la vida me estoy jugando la suerte la tengo casi perdida pero soy necio en quererte mientras que tu alma me olvida yo pienso volver a verte
Te di palabras de hombre que hasta la tumba te amaba el día que supe tu nombre supe que ya te adoraba aunque te extrañe y te asombre ya te tenía señalada
No sé ni donde ni cuando pero vendrás a buscarme te voy a estar esperando como a las seis de la tarde has de venirte volando antes que mi amor se acabe
Pal Of My Cradle Days Composer(s): Marshall Montgomery; Al Piantadosi Performer(s): Ann Breen; and various other artists
What a friend, what a pal, only now I can see How you dreamed and you planned all for me I never knew what a mother goes through There's nothing that you didn't do
Chorus: Pal of my cradle days, I've needed you always Since I was a baby upon your knee You sacrificed everything for me I stole the gold from your hair I put the silver threads there I don't know any way I could ever repay Pal of my cradle days
Greatest friend, dearest pal It was me who caused you Every sorrow and heartache you knew Your face so fair I have wrinkled with care I placed every line that is there
Si Supieras Composer(s): Manuel Alejandro; Ana Magdalena First release by: Gloria - 1972 Covered by: Raphael - 1992
Si supieras lo que he hecho Por venirte a ver Si supieras lo que he dicho Por verte otra vez No te enfadarías nunca Y no dudarías de mi amor por ti Si supieras que he mentido Por volverte a ver Si supieras lo que lucho Por poder salir Piensan que aún soy joven Para ser feliz Nadie en casa me comprende Todos me censuran mi forma de ser Si supieras lo que invento Por volverte a ver Cuando llegará ese día Que no me separe nunca más de ti Cuando llegará la hora Que salgamos juntos pero sin mentir Y verte y hablarte Cada vez que yo quiera Y verme y hablarme Cuando lo quieras tú
Si Superficielle Composer(s): Michel Berger Performer(s): France Gall
J'ai quelque chose qui gronde au fond de moi Quelque chose qui bat comme un cur Deux ou trois images auxquelles je crois Que j'envoie voler dans les haut-parleurs Si c'est pas pour vivre avec la musique À quoi ça sert d'être au générique Et les rêves, comme des bulles de savon Ne laissent rien d'eux quand ils s'en vont
Si superficielle Le dernier journal annonce les nouvelles Je vais me changer pour être belle Et pour être celle que les autres attendent Si superficielle Si superficielle Mon sourire fait des étincelles Les miroirs changent de chambre d'hôtel Sous les projecteurs la lumière est belle Mais si superficielle
Dès le premier tour de manivelle L'héroïne a fait parler d'elle Sans qu'on ait pu en voir un portrait fidèle Son nom s'est envolé comme une hirondelle Qui veut vraiment savoir qui elle est Connaître son mystère, son secret Le jour du coup de rideau final On lira sans doute dans le journal
Si superficielle Dans mon univers de décibels Les légendes effacent le réel Quand la musique parle, la vie devient belle Mais si superficielle Si superficielle Mon sourire fait des étincelles Les miroirs changent de chambre d'hôtel Sous les projecteurs la lumière est belle Mais si superficielle Si superficielle
Pajarito Cantor Composer(s): Luis Martínez Serrano Performer(s): Javier Solís
Sólo estoy entre grillos y rejas condenado a morir en prisión y no brotan de mi alma
las quejas porque ahogadas quedan en mi corazón Fría está como mi alma la celda, entra apenas un rayo de sol sólo escucho que un ave muy cerca al trinar alegra mi triste canción
Pajarito cantor que llegaste hasta mí mitigando mi acerbo dolor no te alejes de aquí Pajarito cantor si pudiera volar yo quisiera ayudarte a formar tu nidito de amor
Mientras sufro la amarga condena que por ley la justicia dictó la avecilla mitiga mi pena como un alma buena con trinos de amor
Y en el fondo del alma se aviva la esperanza de la redención cuando el cuerpo cayendo sin vida a mi alma permita volar al perdón
Pajarito cantor que llegaste hasta mí mitigando mi acerbo dolor no te alejes de aquí Pajarito cantor si pudiera volar yo quisiera ayudarte a formar tu nidito de amor
Paisley Park Composer(s): Prince Performer(s): Prince
1, 2, 1, 2, 3
There is a park that is known 4 the face it attracts colorful people whose hair On 1 side is swept back The smile on their faces It speaks of profound inner peace Ask where they're going They'll tell U nowhere They've taken a lifetime lease On Paisley Park
chorus: The girl on the seesaw is laughing 4 love is the color This place imparts (Paisley Park) Admission is easy, just say U Believe and come 2 this Place in your heart Paisley Park is in your heart
There is a woman who sits All alone by the pier Her husband was naughty And caused his wife so many tears He died without knowing forgiveness And now she is sad, so sad Maybe she'll come 2 the park And forgive him And life won't be so bad In Paisley Park
See the man cry as the city Condemns where he lives Memories die but taxes He'll still have 2 give (who) Whoever said that elephants were stronger than mules? Come 2 the park And play with us There aren't any rules In Paisley Park
chorus 2x
your heart, your heart Paisley Park your heart, your heart, your heart (sing, sing it) Paisley Park Paisley Park Paisley Park
Si Sta Facendo Notte Composer(s): Maurizio Fabrizio; Claudio Guidetti; Renato Zero Performer(s): Renato Zero
Staccate la corrente Un po' di pace qui Fermiamoci un istante Voglio stringerti così È bello ritrovarsi Abbandonarsi e già Costretti in questa fabbrica alienante Chiamata città Non sentono ragioni I sentimenti no almeno per un po' ... mi apparterrai Ti apparterrò Inutili rumori Non è felicità Vorrebbero convincerci Che il Paradiso è qua È un mondo virtuale Padrone chiunque sei Smetti di spiarci, di sfruttarci Esistiamo anche noi In fondo a questa vita Talmente breve che Non è un delitto se ... Se la offro a te Di travagliati giorni Fantastiche tournée Io contro il mondo E tu a fianco a me ... quel coraggio dov'è Si sta facendo notte È il nostro cantiere che riparte Più efficiente che mai Guai se così non fosse Siamo ancora pieni di risorse, aspetta e vedrai ... La voglia di cantare È figlia dei miei guai Salvare quel sogno È tutto ciò che vorrei ... mi aiuterai ... Si sta facendo notte C'è gente che non dorme ma riflette Sul tempo che va ... Non è un problema l'età Aprite quelle porte e fate entrare amore in ogni cuore Finché ce ne sta Non fosse stata musica A guarire i silenzi miei Non starei qui a difenderla Non ti chiederei Di credere in lei ... lo sai ... Si sta facendo notte Se questa nostra stella non decolla Avrò sbagliato e anche tu Che ti aspettavi di più Son giochi disonesti Per tanti irresistibili idealisti Assoluzione non c'è Diamoci dentro affinché ... Non si faccia notte! Alziamoci fin lassù Mattone su mattone Seguiamo questa pallida illusione Qualcosa succederà Si sta facendo notte!
Pais Tropical Composer(s): Jorge Ben Performer(s): Sergio Mendez; and various other artists
Moro num país tropical Abençoado por Deus E bonito por natureza,mas que beleza Em fevereiro, em fevereiro Tem carnaval, tem carnaval Tenho um fusca e um violão Sou flamengo e tem uma nega chamada Tereza Sam baby,sam baby Sou um menino de mentalidade mediana, pois é Mas assim mesmo feliz na vida Pois eu não devo nada a ninguem, pois é Pois eu sou feliz, muito feliz comigo mesmo
Sam baby,sam baby Eu posso não ser um band leader, pois é Mas assim mesmo lá em casa,todos meus amigos Meus camaradinha me respeitam, pois é Esta é a razão de simpatia Do poder do algo mais e da alegria
Moro num pa tropi Abençoá por de E boni por nature,mas quie bele Em fevere,em fevereiro Tem carnaval,tem carnaval Tenho um fusca e um violão Sou flamengo e tem uma nega chamada Tereza
Moro num país tropical Abençoado por Deus E bonito por natureza,mas que beleza Em fevereiro, em fevereiro Tem carnaval, tem carnaval Tenho um fusca e um violão Sou flamengo e tem uma nega chamada Tereza
And The Heavens Cried Composer(s): Gwynn Elias; Irving Reid Performer(s): Ronnie Savoy; Antony Newley
She was mine only yesterday Both our hearts beat as one But then I felt her slip away As a cloud stole the sun
And the he-e-e-avens cri-i-i-ied And the tears filled the stre-e-e-am And the stream filled the river The river filled the sea All because, she took her love Away from me-e-e-e-e
Though each dawn brings the sun again Yesterday will remain Every day I'll remember when All the clouds filled with rain
And the he-e-e-avens cri-i-i-ied And the tears filled the stre-e-e-am And the stream filled the river The river filled the sea All because, she took her love Away from me-e-e-e-e
Painting The Clouds With Sunshine Composer(s): Joe Burke; Al Dubin Performer(s): Jack Hylton; and various other artists
When I pretend I'm gay I never feel that way I'm only painting the clouds with sunshine When I hold back a tear To make a smile appear I'm only painting the clouds with sunshine Painting the blue, beautiful hues Coloured with gold and old rose Playing the clown Trying to drown all of my woes Though things may not look bright They all turn out alright If I keep painting the clouds with sunshine
Si Seulement Elle Était Jolie Composer(s): Georges Brassens Performer(s): Maxime le Forestier
Si seulement elle était jolie Je dirais: "tout n'est pas perdu Elle est folle, c'est entendu Mais quelle beauté accomplie!" Hélas elle est plus laide bientôt Que les sept péchés capitaux Que les sept péchés capitaux
Si seulement elle avait des formes Je dirais: "tout n'est pas perdu Elle est moche c'est entendu Mais c'est Venus copie conforme" Malheureusement, c'est désolant C'est le vrai squelette ambulant C'est le vrai squelette ambulant
Si seulement elle était gentille Je dirais: "tout n'est pas perdu Elle est plate c'est entendu mais c'est la meilleure des filles" Malheureusement c'est un chameau Un succube, tranchons le mot Un succube, tranchons le mot
Si elle était intelligente Je dirais: "tout n'est pas perdu Elle est vache, c'est entendu Mais c'est une femme savante" Malheureusement elle est très bête Et tout à fait analphabète Et tout à fait analphabète
Si seulement l'était cuisinière Je dirais: "tout n'est pas perdu Elle est sotte, c'est entendu Mais quelle artiste culinaire!" Malheureusement sa chère m'a Pour toujours gâté l'estomac Pour toujours gâté l'estomac
Si seulement elle était fidèle Je dirais :"tout n'est pas perdu Elle m'empoisonne, c'est entendu Mais c'est une épouse modèle" Malheureusement elle est, papa Folle d'un cul qu'elle n'a pas! Folle d'un cul qu'elle n'a pas!
Si seulement l'était moribonde Je dirais: "tout n'est pas perdu Elle me trompe c'est entendu Mais elle va quitter le monde" Malheureusement jamais elle tousse Elle nous enterrera tous Elle nous enterrera tous
Painting Box Composer(s): Mike Heron Performer(s): The Incredible String Band
When the morning of your eyes
comes waking through my shadows Leaving just a trace of twilight sleep I whisper to the baby raindrops playing on my window And tell them gently this is not the time that they should weep
For somewhere in my mind there is a painting box I have every color there it's true Just lately when I look inside my painting box I seem to pick the colors of you
My Friday evening's foot-steps plodding dully through this black town Are far away now from the world that I'm in My eyes are listening to some sounds that I think just might be springtime With daffodils between my toes I'm laughing at their whim
And somewhere in my mind there is a painting box I have every color there it's true Just lately when I look inside my painting box I seem to pick the colors of you
Oh somewhere in my mind there is a painting box I have every color there it's true Just lately when I look inside my painting box I seem to pick the colors of you
The purple sail above me catches all the strength of summer Fishes stop and ask me where I am bound I smile and shake my head and say my little ship is sinking But I kind of like the sea that I'm on, and I don't mind if I do drown
For somewhere in my mind there is a painting box I have every color there it's true Just lately when I look inside my painting box I seem to pick the colors of you
Angel In Disguise Composer(s): Earl Thomas Conley; Randy Scruggs Performer(s): Earl Thomas Conley
You were just another pretty face in the crowd I was just hangin' out I wasn't ready for love when I looked in your eyes You took me by surprise You weren't supposed to say that you loved me You were just gonna stay for the night I never held a hand that could touch me And leave me with stars in my eyes
Oh angel in disguise You're just an angel in disguise
Almost made it too easy for me to believe That love could happen to me But you're not afraid to show me how much you care And prove your heart is there You weren't supposed to say that you loved me You were just gonna spend the night I never held a hand that could touch me And leave me with stars in my eyes
Oh angel in disguise You're just an angel in disguise
Oh angel in disguise You're just an angel in disguise
Painted, Tainted Rose Composer(s): Jean Sawyer; Peter DeAngelis Performer(s): Al Martino
She was a wild and lovely rose Oh, how I loved her, heaven knows But though my heart was true, it would never do Party life was what she chose
Last night I saw my lovely rose All painted up in fancy clothes Her eyes have lost their spark, the years have left their mark She's just a painted, tainted rose
She was a wild and lovely rose come on
She was a wild and lovely rose
Oh, how I loved her, heaven knows
Oh, how I loved her, heaven knows But though my heart was true, it would never do Party life was what she chose
Last night I saw my lovely Rose
Last night I saw my lovely Rose
All painted up in fancy clothes
All painted up in fancy clothes Her eyes have lost their spark, the years have left their mark She's just a
She's just a
Si Seco Un Llanto Composer(s): Silvio Rodríguez Performer(s): Silvio Rodríguez
Un día, junto al mar la más triste canción oyó llorar a un alma su dolor y a por el alma fue vibrando la tonada conmovida y gentil maravillada
¿Qué pena lloras tú -le dijo la canción- que me has trocado en gracia el corazón?
¿De qué me sirve a mí -le respondió un sollozo- la virtud, si no tengo un canto hermoso?
Sospecho que hoy empiezo a ser canción Y tengo la impresión de que seré tu sol si logro ser tu canto Sospecho que hoy empiezo a ser canción si seco un llanto
Un día, junto al mar un alma halló su voz y una tonada hallaba su razón Fue el día en que nació la verdad hechizada la melodía y el alma enamoradas
El alma con canción iluminó su hogar y la canción con alma echó a volar Desde entonces las dos vivieron más despacio a pesar de su tiempo y de su espacio
Sospecho que hoy empiezo a ser canción Y tengo la impresión de que seré tu sol si logro ser tu canto Sospecho que hoy empiezo a ser canción si seco un llanto
Painted From Memory Composer(s): Burt Bacharach; Elvis Costello Performer(s): Elvis Costello; and various other artists
Such a picture of loveliness Didn't you notice the resemblance? Doesn't it look like she could speak? Those eyes I tried to capture They are lost to me now forever They smile for someone else
Funny, how looks can be deceiving But she's not easily Painted from memory
You'd think that I would know by now Those eyes I trIed to capture They are lost to me now forever They smile for someone else
And so this had to be Painted from memory
She is gone, and I must accept it She is lost to me now But I can't look away just yet though She smiles for someone else