Lyrics/Songteksten: Oldies A-Z
Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd

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  • 11-01-1984
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Runaround
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    Composer(s): Chuck Berry; Cirino Colacrai
    Performer(s): The Fleetwoods

    I'll never be the one to part
    Youve found a place here in my heart
    Go have your fun, runaround

    I'll never leave you, I'm forever bound
    The streets are noisy, I'm all alone
    I sit and wait, dear, for you to phone
    Go have your fun
    Go have your fun runaround

    I've waited too long it seems, you're running out of my Dreams
    (and waited and waited and waited) x12
    Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe a new love youve found
    Settle down, runaround

    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
    Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh

    Go have your fun
    I'll have my fun
    Go have your fun runaround

    I've waited too long it seems, you're running out of my Dreams
    (and waited and waited and waited) x12
    Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe a new love youve found
    Settle down, runaround

    I'll never be the one to part
    Youve found a place here in my heart
    Go have your fun
    Go have your fun runaround

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.O Corsário Do Rei
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    O Corsário Do Rei
    Performer(s): Chico Buarque

    É bonito ver passar o tempo
    Ele já foi meu
    Ele já foi meu
    Já usou meu corpo
    Ele abusou de mim
    Será que me esqueceu
    Será que me esqueceu

    Tive grandes planos
    Sonhos geniais
    Eu já tive vinte anos
    Pois agora eu tenho mais
    Tenho sete mares
    Mortes, mais de cem
    Já rendi uma cidade
    Agora eu quero bem
    Mil e um amores
    Cheiro de mulher
    Mamas de todas as cores
    Mamarei enquanto houver
    Garrafões de vinho
    Caldeirões de rum
    Se ficarem no caminho
    Não vai sobrar nenhum

    Nem um louco pra cantar as minhas glórias
    Nem um fraco, a minha perdição
    Nem as águas
    As memórias
    Da trajetória do meu galeão
    Galeões de Espanha
    Ide ao vosso rei
    Ele sabe a minha sanha
    Mencionai-lhe que eu voltei
    Preparar a tropa
    Almirante inglês
    Já montei vossa chalupa
    Desmonto dessa vez
    Quero bandalheira
    Esfregar os pés
    Já sujei vossa bandeira
    Mijarei vosso convés
    Destroçar os panos
    Quero bacanais
    Eu já tive vinte anos
    Agora eu quero mais

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin'
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    It Keeps Right On A-Hurtin'
    Composer(s): Johnny Tillotson
    First release by: Johnny Tillotson - 1962
    Covered by multiple other artists

    I cry myself to sleep each night
    Wishing I could hold you tight
    Life seems so empty since you went away
    And the pillow where you lay your head
    Now holds my empty dreams instead
    And it keeps right on a-hurtin'
    Since you're gone

    It keeps right on a-hurtin every minute of the day
    Every hour you're away I feel so lonely
    And I can't help it, I don't think I can go on
    And it keeps right on a-hurtin' since you're gone

    They say a man ain't s'posed to cry
    But when I see you passing by
    My heart breaks down and cries a million tears
    The pillow where you lay your head
    Now holds my empty dreams instead
    And it keeps right on a-hurtin' since you're gone

    It keeps right on a-hurtin every minute of the day
    Every hour you're away I feel so lonely
    And I can't help it, I don't think I can go on
    And it keeps right on a-hurtin' since you're gone

    Yes, it keeps right on a-hurtin' since you're gone

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    O Ciúme
    Composer(s): Caetano Veloso
    Performer(s): Caetano Veloso

    Dorme o sol à flor do Chico meio-dia
    Tudo esbarra embriagado de seu lume
    Dorme ponte, Pernambuco, o rio, Bahia
    Só vigia um ponto negro: o meu ciúme
    O ciúme lançou sua flecha preta
    E se viu ferido justo na garganta
    Quem nem alegre, nem triste nem poeta
    Entre Petrolina e Juazeiro canta
    Velho Chico vens de Minas
    De onde o oculto do mistério se escondeu
    Sei que o levas todo em ti
    Não me ensinas
    E eu sou só eu só eu
    Juazeiro, nem te lembras dessa tarde
    Petrolina, nem te chegaste a perceber
    Mas, na voz que canta tudo ainda arde
    Tu é perda, tudo quer buscar, cadê
    Tanta gente canta, tanta gente cala
    Tantas almas esticadas no curtume
    Sobre toda estrada, sobre toda sala
    Paira, monstruosa, a sombra do ciúme

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Rosie The Riveter
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    Rosie The Riveter Composer(s): Redd Evans; John Jacob Loeb Performer(s): Four Vagabonds and multiple other artists

    All the day long Whether rain or shine She's a part of the assembly line She's making history Working for victory Rosie the Riveter Keeps a sharp lookout for sabatoge Sitting up there on the fuselage That little girl will do more than a male will do Rosie's got a boyfriend, Charlie Charlie, he's a Marine Rosie is protecting Charlie Working overtime on the riveting machine When they gave her a production "E" She was as proud as she could be There's something true about Red, white, and blue about Rosie the Riveter

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    O Circo Místico
    Performer(s): Chico Buarque

    Não sei se é um truque banal
    Se um invisível cordão
    Sustenta a vida real

    Cordas de uma orquestra
    Sombras de um artista
    Palcos de um planeta
    E as dançarinas no grande final

    Chove tanta flor
    Que, sem refletir
    Um ardoroso expectador
    Vira colibri

    Não sei se é nova ilusão
    Se após o salto mortal
    Existe outra encarnação

    Membro de um elenco
    Malas de um destino
    Partes de uma orquestra
    Duas meninas no imenso vagão

    Negro refletor
    Flores de organdi
    E o grito do homem voador
    Ao cair em si

    Não sei se é vida real
    Um invisível cordão
    Após o salto mortal

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.It Keeps Rainin'
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    It Keeps Rainin'
    Composer(s): Dave Bartholomew; Fats Domino; Robert Guidry
    Performer(s): Fats Domino; Keith Powell; Jerry Williams

    It keeps raining and raining
    Tears from my eyes
    Since you gone
    All I do is cry
    Won't somebody help
    Somebody help me
    Can't you see
    That my baby done left me
    She left me reeling and rocking
    Walking the floor
    She left a note last night
    She won't be back no more.

    It keeps raining and raining
    Tears from my eyes
    Since you gone
    All I do is cry
    Won't somebody help
    Somebody help me
    Can't you see
    That my baby done left me
    She left me reeling and rocking
    Walking the floor
    She left a note last night
    She won't be back no more

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.O Cio Da Terra
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    O Cio Da Terra
    Performer(s): Chico Buarque

    Debulhar o trigo
    Recolher cada bago do trigo
    Forjar no tirgo o milagre do pão
    E se fartar de pão

    Decepar a cana
    Recolher a garapa da cana
    Roubar da cana a doçura do mel
    Se lambuzar de mel

    Afagar a terra
    Conhecer os desejos da terra
    Cio da terra, a propícia estação
    E fecundar o chão

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Bing! Bang! Bong!
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    Bing! Bang! Bong!
    Composer(s): Jay Livingston; Ray Evans
    Performer(s): Sophia Loren

    Prego, prego, anywhere you may go
    make each day be a day full of fun
    if there's a game or a girl to be one
    do it with a bing, bang, bong (a bing bang bong) a bing, bang, bong

    Presto, presto, do your very besto
    don't hang back like a shy little kid
    You'll be surprised if you did what you did
    If you'll do it with a bing, bang, bong (a bing bang bong) a bing, bang, bong

    Be like Christopher Colombo, take a chance, take a chance
    Don't be a doppy or a gombo, going round, in a trance

    One step, two step, step into a new step
    Live your life with a zip and a zing
    You'll have the world on the end of a string
    if you'll do it with a bing, bang, bong ( a bing, bang, bong) a bing, bang, bong

    Prego, prego, anywhere you may go
    make each day be a day full of fun
    if there's a game or a girl to be one
    do it with a bing, bang, bong (a bing bang bong)a bing, bang, bong

    Be like Christopher Colombo, take a chance, take a chance
    Don't be a doppy or a gombo, going round, in a trance

    One step, two step, step into a new step
    Live your life with a zip and a zing
    You'll have the world on the end of a string
    if you'll do it with a bing, bang, bong, a bing, bang, bong

    A Bing, Bang, Bong!

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    O Casamento Dos Pequeno Burgueses
    Performer(s): Chico Buarque

    Ele faz o noivo correto
    E ela faz que quase desmaia
    Vão viver sob o mesmo teto
    Até que a casa caia
    Até que a casa caia

    Ele é o empregado discreto
    Ela engoma o seu colarinho
    Vão viver sob o mesmo teto
    Até explodir o ninho
    Até explodir o ninho

    Ele faz o macho irrequito
    E ela faz crianças de monte
    Vão viver sob o mesmo teto
    Até secar a fonte
    Até secar a fonte

    Ele é o funcionário completo
    E ela aprende a fazer suspiros
    Vão viver sob o mesmo teto
    Até trocarem tiros
    Até trocarem tiros

    Ele tem um caso secreto
    Ela diz que não sai dos trilhos
    Vão viver sob o mesmo teto
    Até casarem os filhos
    Até casarem os filhos

    Ele fala de cianureto
    E ela sonha com formicida
    Vão viver sob o mesmo teto
    Até que alguém decida
    Até que alguém decida

    Ele tem um velho projeto
    Ela tem um monte de estrias
    Vão viver sob o mesmo teto
    Até o fim dos dias
    Até o fim dos dias

    Ele às vezes cede um afeto
    Ela só se despe no escuro
    Vão viver sob o mesmo teto
    Até um breve futuro
    Até um breve futuro

    Ela esquenta a papa do neto
    E ele quase que fez fortuna
    Vão viver sob o mesmo teto
    Até que a morte os una
    Até que a morte os una

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    O Carole ((Adapted from: Carol (Chuck Berry) - 1958)) Composer(s): Chuck Berry - Manou Roblin Performer(s): Johnny Hallyday - 1964 Versions In Other Languages: 1977 - Oh Dearne (Normaal) 1977 - Karola Petersen (Torfrock)

    O Carole
    Ne me regarde pas comme ça
    Ce soir si je suis là
    C'est pour te dire
    Qu'il ne viendra pas
    Ça ne vaut pas la peine de pleurer pour ça
    Tu le remplaceras
    D'ici huit jours, tu l'oublieras
    Maintenant dans tes yeux
    Toute la joie s'est envolée
    Sèche tes larmes, oublie tout ça
    Avec moi, viens danser
    Et quand il saura que tu t'es consolée dans mes bras
    Ce jour-là, peut-être, il reviendra vers toi
    O Carole
    Ne me regarde pas comme ça
    Ce soir si je suis là
    C'est parc'que tu es tout pour moi
    O Carole
    Tu danses dans mes bras mais tu es loin de moi
    Ouais, tu penses à celui qui ne viendra pas
    Mais je crois bien que c'est lui que j'aperçois là-bas
    Il vient tout droit vers toi, tu lui souris déjà
    Il est trop tard pour moi, c'est bien fini
    Et oui, déjà, on dirait qu'il a changé d'avis
    O Carole
    Ne me regarde comme ça
    Il y a trop de joie dans tes yeux
    C'est bien fini pour moi
    O Carole
    Ne me regarde comme ça
    Il y a trop de joie dans tes yeux
    C'est bien fini pour moi

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Barefoot Baby
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    Barefoot Baby Composer(s): Carl Barefoot - Carl Stutz Performer(s): Janis Martin; Laura Jo DeWitt; Shorty Long

    The cat I love has got the blues 'Cause his feet won't fit in his blue suede shoes Oh, barefoot baby, barefoot baby He's my shoes, barefoot baby Barefoot baby, barefoot baby I love him so and I don't mean maybe Got no leather for his feet But my brefoot baby is oh, so sweet He can wiggle his hips and wiggle his nose But the gals go crazy when he wiggles his toes Oh, barefoot baby, barefoot baby He's my shoes, barefoot baby Barefoot baby, barefoot baby I love him so and I don't mean maybe Got no leather for his feet But my brefoot baby is oh, so sweet He's a real cool cat with his crewcut hair And the cat's meouw when his feet are bare Oh, barefoot baby, barefoot baby He's my shoes, barefoot baby Barefoot baby, barefoot baby I love him so and I don't mean maybe Got no leather for his feet But my brefoot baby is oh, so sweet Each time we dance, he says to me "Kick your shoes off, baby, let your feet fly free" Oh, barefoot baby, barefoot baby He's my shoes, barefoot baby Barefoot baby, barefoot baby I love him so and I don't mean maybe Got no leather for his feet But my barefoot baby is oh, so sweet

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.O' Captain, My Captain
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    O' Captain, My Captain
    From "American Song"
    Composer(s): John Leavitt; Walt Whitman
    Performer(s): David Broza

    O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done
    The ship has weathered every rack
    the prize we sought is won

    The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting
    While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring
    But O heart! heart! heart!
    O the bleeding drops of red
    Where on the deck my Captain lies
    Fallen cold and dead

    O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells
    Rise up -- for you the flag is flung -- for you the bugle trills
    For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths -- for you the shores accrowding
    For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning
    Here Captain! dear father!
    This arm beneath your head!
    It is some dream that on the deck
    You've fallen cold and dead

    My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still
    My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will
    The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done
    From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won
    Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
    But I, with mournful tread
    Walk the deck my Captain lies
    Fallen cold and dead

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.It Isn't Fair

    It Isn't Fair
    Composer(s): Richard Himber; Sylvester Sprigato; Frank Warshauer
    Performer(s): Rita Smith
    and multiple other artists

    It isn't fair for you to taunt me
    How can you make me care this way
    It isn't fair for you to want me
    If it's just for a day

    It isn't fair for you to thrill me
    Why do you do the things you do
    It isn't fair for you to fill me
    With those dreams that can't come true, Dear

    Why is it you came into my life
    And made it complete
    You gave me just a taste of high life
    If this is love then I repeat

    It isn't fair for you to taunt me
    How can you make me care this way
    It isn't fair for you to want me
    If it's just for today

    My Darling, it isn't fair

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Cantador
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    ((Adapted from: Like A Lover (by Sergio Mendes & Brasil '66) - 1968))
    Composer(s): Dorival Caymmi - Nelson Motta
    Performer(s): Patti Cathcart & Tuck Andress - 1989

    Amanhece, preciso ir
    Meu caminho é sem volta e sem ninguém
    Eu vou prá onde a estrada levar
    Cantador só sei cantar
    Ah! eu canto a dor
    Canto a vida e a morte, canto o amor
    Cantador não escolhe o seu cantar
    Canta o mundo que vê
    E pro mundo que vi meu canto é dor
    Mas é forte prá espantar a morte
    Prá todos ouvirem minha voz
    Mesmo longe
    De que servem meu canto e eu
    Se em meu peito há um amor que não morreu
    Ah! se eu soubesse ao menos chorar
    Cantador só sei cantar
    Ah! Eu canto a dor
    De uma vida perdida sem amor

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Bangers And Mash Composer(s): David Lee - Herbert Kretzmer Performer(s): Peter Sellers & Sophia Loren

    Him: I met her down in Napoli and didn't she look great?
    And so I brought her back to Blighty just to show me mates
    And though we're married happily I'll tell you furthermore
    I haven't had a decent meal since 1944

    Her: Eat your minestrone, Joe
    Him: That's all you ever say
    Her: Eat your macaroni, Joe
    Him: Ever blinking day
    Her: No wonder you're so bony, Joe, and skinny as a rake
    Him: Well then, give us a bash at the bangers and mash me mother used to make

    Him: Bangers and mash
    Her: Minestrone
    Him: Bangers and mash
    Her: Macaroni
    Him: Give us a bash at the bangers and mash me mother used to make

    Her: Eat your tagliatelle, Joe
    Him: That's all I've heard for years
    Her: Eat your vermicelli, Joe
    Him: It's coming out me ears!
    Her: You've got to fill your belly, Joe, Joe for heaven's sake!
    Him: Well then, give us a bash at the bangers and mash me mother used to make

    Her: Well alright!
    Him: Bangers and mash
    Her: Tagliatelle
    Him: Bangers and mash
    Her: Vermicelli
    Him: Give us a bash at the bangers and mash me mother used to make

    Reporter: 1943: Allied forces land in Italy
    Him: There's a smashing-looking bird over there, Bert
    I think she's showing out there
    Bert: [Camp] Well why don't you chat her up, then?
    Him: Right
    Bon-giorno, sig-noreena there
    Here, are you married?
    Her: Drop-a dead-a
    Him: There you are, you can't have a fairer answer than that, can you?

    Her: I met him back in Italy, so dashing and good-looking
    He wined me and he dined me every night
    He said I smiled so prettily and how he loved my cooking
    But since he's married me it seems he's lost his appetite

    Him: Eat-a your tagliatelle, Soph
    Her: That's all you ever say
    Him: Eat-a your vermicelli, Soph
    Her: Ooh! Every blooming day
    Him: You've-a got to fill your belly, Soph, Soph for heaven's sake!
    Her: Well then, give us a bash at the bangers and mash your mother used to make

    Him: Bangers and-a mash
    Her: Minestrone
    Him: Bangers and-a mash
    Her: Macaroni
    Him: Give me a bash with the banger and the mash like the same one that your mother was — what are you laughing at now?
    Now, this is miserable, please!

    Her: Joe?
    Him: Yes?
    Her: Why don't you belt up, or I'll give you a punch up the throat!
    Him: Now she's-a tells me
    Ha! Mamma mia!

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    (Our Love) Don't Throw It All Away
    Performer(s): Andy Gibb

    Maybe I don't wanna know the reason why
    But lately you don't talk to me
    Darling I can't see me in your eyes
    I hold you near but you're so far away
    And it's losing you I can't believe
    To watch you leave and let this feeling die
    You alone are the living thing that keeps me alive
    And tomorrow if I'm here without your love
    You know I can't survive
    Only my love can raise you high above it all

    Don't throw it all away, our love, our love
    Don't throw it all away, our love
    Don't throw it all away, our love, our love
    Don't throw it all away, our love


    We can take the darkness and make if full of light
    But let your love flow back to me
    How can you leave and let this feeling die
    This happy room will be a lonely place when you are gone
    And I won't even have your shoulders for the crying on
    No other women's love could be as true, I'm begging you

    We changed the world we made it ours to hold
    But dreams are made for those who really try
    This losing you is real
    But I still feel you here inside

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. It Is Obvious
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    It Is Obvious
    Composer(s): Syd Barrett
    Performer(s): Syd Barrett

    It is obvious, may I say oh baby
    That it is found on another plane
    Yes I can creep into cupboards, sleep in the hall
    Your stars, my stars, a simple cock bars
    Only an impulse -- pie in the sky

    Mumma listen dolly drift over your mind holly
    Creep into bed when your head's on the ground
    She held the torch on the porch and she winked an eye

    The reason it is written on the brambles
    Stranded on the spikes, my blood red, oh listen
    Remember those times I could call through the clear day time
    and you'd be there?
    And braver and braver, a handkerchief waver

    Growing together, the good of each other
    Wandering, stumbling, fumbling, rumbling
    Minds shot together, our minds shot together

    So equally over a valley, a hill wood,
    on quarry stood each of us crying
    A velvet curtain of gray
    marked the blanket where sparrows play
    And the trees by the waving corn, stranded
    My legs moved the last empty inches to you
    The softness, the warmth and the weather in suspense
    Mog to a grog, the scar of white chalk
    Minds shot together, our minds shot together

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.(Open Up The Door) Let The Good Times In
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    (Open Up The Door) Let The Good Times In
    Composer(s): Mitch Torok; Ramona Redd
    Performer(s): Dean Martin

    I woke up this mornin'
    Toes out of my shoes
    Cold north wind's ahowlin'
    Bringin' me the blues
    I said, "blues, good mornin'
    I don't wanna fight
    'Scuse me while I have a smoke
    If I can find a light"
    Open up the door and let the good times in
    Don't let nothin' stand in your way
    Just open up the door and let the good times in
    Tomorrow's gonna be better than today

    I went to that cupboard
    Found the cupboard bare
    What happened to that sip of wine
    I had hidden there
    Over in the corner
    A little mouse laid on its side
    He was wearin' such a grin
    I thought the mouse had died
    Open up the door and let the good times in
    Don't let nothin' stand in your way
    Just open up the door and let the good times in
    Tomorrow's gonna be a better than today

    I went called my baby
    When she got to the phone
    I kinda had a little feelin'
    My baby was not alone
    She said, "daddy, I'm busy
    Call some other time"
    I don't need that woman, but I sure could use the dime
    Open up the door and let the good times in
    Don't let nothin' stand in your way
    Just open up the door and let the good times in
    Tomorrow's gonna be a better than today
    Tomorrow's gonna be a better than today
    Tomorrow's gonna be a better than today

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Toys For Tots
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    Toys For Tots
    Composer(s): Sammy Fain; Paul Francis Webster
    Performer(s): Peggy Lee

    The joy of living
    Is in the giving
    So let's give lots of toys for tots
    Toys, toys, toys for tots
    You can be a Santa
    If you will lend a hand
    Yessirree, there never will be an empty stocking in the land

    "Some have too many
    some haven't any
    If those who have
    give those who haven't
    Oh, what a Christmas Day!
    The Marine Reserve will help you
    Will help you fill your sleigh
    With lots and lots of toys for tots
    So give a little toy today"

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    --> De Trein Naar Schellebelle
    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
    --> Ela-Ela/Popcorn/Ding Dong Bell (Medley)
    --> Mirror
    --> My Song, My Love
    --> Semester I Rom

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