Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Kan beyti, po 'ani noladeti, ba-mishor 'asher 'al sfat ha-yam Kan ha-khaverim 'itam gadalti, ve-'en li shum makom 'akher ba-'olam 'En li shum makom 'akher ba-'olam
Kan beyti, po 'ani sikhakti, ba-shfela 'asher 'al gav ha-har Kan min ha-be'er shatiti mayim, ve-shatalti deshe ba-midbar Ve-shatalti deshe ba-midbar
Kan noladeti, kan noldu li yeladay Kan baniti 'et beyti bi-shtey yaday Kan gam 'ata 'iti ve-khan kol 'elef yediday Ve-'akhrey shanim alpayim, sof li-nduday
Kan 'et kol shiray 'ani niganti, ve-halakhti be-masa leyli Kan bi-ne'uray 'ani heganti 'al khelkat ha-'Elohim sheli 'Al khelkat ha-'Elohim sheli
Kan noladeti, kan noldu li yeladay Kan baniti 'et beyti bi-shtey yaday Kan gam 'ata 'iti ve-khan kol 'elef yediday Ve-'akhrey shanim alpayim, sof li-nduday
Kan... kan 'et shulkhani 'ani 'arakhti, pat shel lekhem, perakh ra'anan Delet la-shkhenim 'ani patakhti, u-mi she-ba, nomar lo " 'Ahalan " U-mi she-ba, nomar lo " 'Ahalan "
Kan noladeti, kan noldu li yeladay Kan baniti 'et beyti bi-shtey yaday Kan gam 'ata 'iti ve-khan kol 'elef yediday Ve-'akhrey shanim alpayim, sof li-nduday
Kan gam 'ata 'iti ve-khan kol 'elef yediday Ve-'akhrey shanim alpayim, 'akhrey shanim alpayim
Kan noladeti, kan noldu li yeladay Kan baniti 'et beyti bi-shtey yaday Kan gam 'ata 'iti ve-khan kol 'elef yediday Ve-'akhrey shanim alpayim, sof li-nduday
Kan gam 'ata 'iti ve-khan kol 'elef yediday Ve-'akhrey shanim alpayim, sof... sof li-nduday
You could show me all your photographs You could have me hanging high You could tell me about the mystery Hiding in your eyes There's one to many reasons Why I should be with you But I'll just be in season Just like you want me to You don't have to prove a thing Pretty girl pretty girl You could tell me secrets That I would only keep You can have your soup du jour When you're fast asleep When you turn me over I won't waste your time Put on your precious makeup You won't stand in line I'm standing in your doorway I know you never lock it I won't try to walk away With something in my pocket Everything you want to do It easily gets done Even on a rainy day You could pull the sun
Proud Mary Composer(s): John C. Fogerty Performer(s): Creedence Clearwater Revival; and various other artists
Left a good job in the city Working for the man every night and day And I never lost one minute of sleeping Worrying 'bout the way things might have been
Big wheel keeps on turnin' Proud Mary keeps on burning Rollin', rolling, rolling on the river
Cleaned a lot of plates in Memphis Pumped a lot of tain down in New Orleans But I never saw the good side of the city 'Til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen
Big wheel keeps on turning Proud Mary keeps on burning Rollin', rolling, rolling on the river (2x)
If you come down to the river Bet you gonna find some people who live You don't have to worry 'cause you have [if you got] no money People on the river are happy to give
Big wheel keeps on Turin' Proud Mary keeps on burning Rollin', rolling, rolling on the river (2x)
Mrs. Robinson ((Italian Version: Mrs. Robinson (by I Royals) - 1968)) Composer(s): Paul Simon First release by: Simon & Garfunkel - 1968 Covered by multiple other artists
And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo) God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson Heaven holds a place for those who pray (Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)
We'd like to know a little bit about you for our files We'd like to help you learn to help yourself Look around you, all you see are sympathetic eyes Stroll around the grounds until you feel at home
And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo) God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson Heaven holds a place for those who pray (Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)
Hide it in a hiding place where no one ever goes Put it in your pantry with your cupcakes It's a little secret, just the Robinsons' affair Most of all, you've got to hide it from the kids
Coo, coo, ca-choo, Mrs Robinson Jesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo) God bless you please, Mrs. Robinson Heaven holds a place for those who pray (Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)
Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon Going to the candidates debate Laugh about it, shout about it When you've got to choose Ev'ry way you look at it, you lose
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio A nation turns its lonely eyes to you (Woo, woo, woo) What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson Joltin' Joe has left and gone away (Hey, hey, hey...hey, hey, hey)
Protégez-Moi Seigneur Composer(s): Severiano Alvarez; A. Hossein; Lucien Morisse; Andre Michel Salvet Performer(s): Dalida
Voici venir le jour et je rêve encore À mon nouvel amour chaque instant plus fort Il est en moi, il est en nous Toujours présent Plus doux, plus grand chaque jour Vous connaissez Seigneur tout mon secret Epargnez-moi les pleures que je pourrais plus tard verser Je vous confie mon avenir Faites qu'il soit Seigneur suivant vos désirs Mais cet amour nouveau faites qu'il soit De jour en jour Plus beau pour lui et moi
Du profond de mon cur Monte en moi une voix Je vous en prie Seigneur Ecoutez-la C'est la voix de l'amour C'est l'appel déchirant Qui nuit et jour Part du cur des amants Donnez-nous le bonheur Car pour nous il est tout Le parfum d'une fleur N'est pas plus doux
Protégez-moi Seigneur Je vous prie Donnez-nous le bonheur Pour toute la vie
Mrs. Thompson Composer(s): Dag Kolsrud - P.G. Roness - Karre Slevik Jr. First performance by: Just 4 Fun - 1991
Undergrunn' er alltid sen og toget ute av rute Men jobben må du rekke likevel Sjefen tror på overtid, hvis ikke er du ute Men klokka er blitt fem, så det er kveld
Og på toget hjem igjen Når du sovner, kommer drømmen av seg selv
For livet kaller, hjertet slår Og kan du høre, Mrs. Thompson? Og tiden bare går og går Men hva gjør du, Mrs. Thompson? Kom igjen
Foreldremøte mandag Og tirsdag foran TV'n Og onsdag gjør hun yoga for seg selv Torsdag kommer jentene På fredag er det huset Talglys og rødvin lørdag kveld
Hele søndagen i seng Når hun sover, kommer drømmen om igjen
For livet kaller, hjertet slår Og kan du høre, Mrs. Thompson? Og tiden bare går og går Men hva gjør du, Mrs. Thompson? Kom igjen
For livet kaller, hjertet slår Og kan du høre, Mrs. Thompson? Og tiden bare går og går Men hva gjør du, Mrs. Thompson?
La meg presentere deg for alle tiders Mrs. Thompson En hverdagshelt som viser vei Trå til og gjør det, Mrs. Thompson Kom igjen
For livet kaller, hjertet slår Og kan du høre, Mrs. Thompson? Og tiden bare går og går Men hva gjør du, Mrs. Thompson?
Prostíbulo Composer(s): Fernando Ubiergo Performer(s): Fernando Ubiergo
Hay una casa en el barrio que tiene loco a nuestro vecindario Duerme de día y abre por las noches su balcón
Y una lamparita roja que mueve el viento sobre la ventana está anunciando que aún quedan camas por ocupar
Todos sonríen en el gran salón La de cincuenta y la de veintidós
Bueno, bueno, bueno, bueno... todos sonríen porque esto va en serio Al Almirante alguien el ha ocupado su sillón
Tengo una de catorce ojitos negros con la piel de bronce No sabe mucho pero es una buena adquisición
Todos sonríen en el gran salón La de catorce su puerta cerró...
Y sube la cerveza de los pies a la cabeza La tristeza que se aleja en un vaso de licor Y en el baño alguien se queja y vomita su calor Cañerías bajo tierra que se llevan su dolor
Sube la cerveza del salón hacia las piezas Y en el piano toca y toca un antiguo profesor Sólo queda una pareja en un cómodo sillón y un borracho que ahora pide "un café para Platón".
Cuando llega la mañana El sol no trepa por las escaleras La lavandera baja ropa ajena para limpiar
Y la lamparita roja sigue encendida aunque acabó la cosa La de catorce salió con bufanda a comprar el pan
Ya nadie ríe en el gran salón "cambia ese espejo que alguien lo quebró"
Y sube la cerveza de los pies a la cabeza La tristeza que se aleja en un vaso de licor Y en el baño alguien se queja y vomita su calor Cañerías bajo tierra que se llevan su dolor
Y sube la cerveza del salón hacia las piezas y en el piano toca y toca el antiguo profesor Sólo queda una pareja en el cómodo sillón El gatito de la casa se ha comido su ratón
Somethin' Goin' On Composer(s): Al Kooper Performer(s): Blood, Sweat & Tears; Al Kooper
You know I woke up this mornin' people the first thing I did was to look into your eyes in that space where I used to find so much truthfulness there was a stone cold pack of lies
You know that somethin' goin' on Somethin' goin' on and I don't know what it is Somethin's goin' on people All right
I went on down to the mailbox seems I got the phone bill yesterday charging me for some hour conversations from someone in L.A.!
I know that somethin' goin' on Somethin' goin' on, what is it Somethin' goin' on, how about that I better get to the bottom of that
Now wait a minute! I wanna hear you blow now
Go ahead, go ahead I want you to blow for all the men whose women don't keep a true love now I want you to blow for all the people who have to face an empty bed now Go ahead, blow one for yourself Blow one for me too Yeah, listen You got to love your woman in the morning You got to love your woman in the night You got to love your woman all the time, to make her feel all right You got to give her what she wants When she wants it, how she wants it, anytime she might think she wants it ahhhhhhhhhhh When you're lovin' your woman people And both of you know the score You know it makes a long-time man suspicious To come home, to an unlocked door Bound to know, somethin' goin' on Somethin' goin' on, but you don't know what it is Somethin' goin' on people I better get to the bottom of this, look out! ...
Prospettiva Nevski Composer(s): Franco Battiato; Giusto Pio Performer(s): Franco Battiato; Alice
Un vento a trenta gradi sotto zero incontrastato sulle piazze vuote e contro i campanili a tratti come raffiche di mitra disintegrava i cumuli di neve
E intorno i fuochi delle guardie rosse accesi per scacciare i lupi e vecchie coi rosari E intorno i fuochi delle guardie rosse accesi per scacciare i lupi e vecchie coi rosari
Seduti sui gradini di una chiesa aspettavamo che finisse messa e uscissero le donne poi guardavamo con le facce assenti la grazia innaturale di Nijinsky
E poi di lui si innamorò perdutamente il suo impresario e dei balletti russi E poi di lui si innamorò perdutamente il suo impresario e dei balletti russi
L'inverno con la mia generazione le donne curve sui telai vicine alle finestre un giorno sulla prospettiva Nevskij per caso vi incontrai Igor Stravinsky
E gli orinali messi sotto i letti per la notte e un film di Ejzenstejn sulla rivoluzione E gli orinali messi sotto i letti per la notte e un film di Ejzenstejn sulla rivoluzione
E studiavamo chiusi in una stanza la luce fioca di candele e lampade a petrolio e quando si trattava di parlare aspettavamo sempre con piacere
E il mio maestro mi insegnò com'è difficile trovare l'alba dentro l'imbrunire E il mio maestro mi insegnò com'è difficile trovare l'alba dentro l'imbrunire
Lige Der Hvor Hjertet Slår Composer(s): Michael Elo First performance by: Anders Frandsen - 1991
Som en drøm fløj du rundt i mig, listed' dig ind i mit sind Vendte rundt på min virk'lighed Fanged' mine tanker, leged' med min selvtillid Mmm... tvivl og håb og længsel farer ud og ind Har du det mon li'som jeg? Så hør på mig
Mød mig lige der hvor hjertet slår, hvor kærligheden foregår Der hvor verden ender, der hvor tanken vender rundt Ta' mig læng're ud end lyset når og hold om mig i tusind år Ved du at jeg venter? Vil du gerne vide hvor? Lige der hvor hjertet slår
Denne nat blev du virk'lighed, smelted' dig ind i min krop Fløj af sted i det tomme rum Svimmel og beruset drak jeg af din kærlighed Mmm... verden er forandret, ska' vi samme vej? Oh... har du det mon li'som jeg? Så ta' med mig
Mød mig lige der hvor hjertet slår, hvor kærligheden foregår Der hvor verden ender, der hvor tanken vender rundt Ta' mig læng're ud end lyset når og hold om mig i tusind år Ved du at jeg venter? Vil du gerne vide hvor? Lige der hvor hjertet slår
Oh... lige der hvor hjertet slår, hvor kærligheden foregår Der hvor verden ender, der hvor tanken vender rundt Oh... ta' mig læng're ud end lyset når og hold om mig i tusind år Ved du at jeg venter? Vil du gerne vide hvor? Lige der hvor hjertet slår Lige der hvor hjertet slår
Prosper Composer(s): Vincent Scotto; Géo Koger; Vincent Telly Performer(s): Maurice Chevalier; and various other artists
Quand on voit passer le grand Prosper Sur la place Pigalle Avec son beau petit chapeau vert et sa martingale A son air malabar et sa démarche en canard Faut pas être bachelier pour deviner son métier
Prosper yop la boum C'est le chéri de ces dames Prosper yop la boum C'est le roi du macadam Comme il a toujours la flemme Y n'fait jamais rien lui-même Il a son "Harem" Qui de Clichy à Barbés Le jour et la nuit sans cesse Fait son petit business Et le soir, tous les soirs Dans un coin d'ombre propice Faut le voir, faut bien l'voir Encaisser les bénéfices Il ramasse les billets Et leur laisse la monnaie Ah quel sacrifice En somme c'est leur manager Et yop la boum, Prosper! Avec sa belle gueule d'affranchi Là-haut sur la butte Ah ! toutes les gonzesses sont folles de lui Et se le disputent Y en a qui s'flanquent des gnons Mais oui ! et se crêpent le chignon Pendant c'temps voyez-vous Tranquillement il compte les coups
Prosper yop la boum C'est le chéri de ces dames Prosper yop la boum C'est le roi du macadam Quand une femme se fait coincer Par les roussins du quartier Il la laisse tomber Et il s'en va carrément Vers son réassortiment Dans l'arrondissement Et quand sur le champ Elles ne sont pas à la page Voulant faire comment Faire leur apprentissage Dans une ville de garnison Il les envoie en saison Faire un petit stage Il a de la classe et du flair Et yop la boum, Prosper
Et yop la boum... Yop la boum... Dans une ville de garnison Il les envoie en saison Faire un petit stage Il a de la classe et du flair Et yop la boum, Prosper
Something's Wrong Composer(s): James Taylor Performer(s): James Taylor
Something's wrong, that restless feeling's been preying on your mind Road maps in a well-cracked ceiling, the signs aren't hard to find Now I'm not saying that you've been mistreated no one's hurt you, nothing's wrong. A moment's rest was all you needed So pack your things and kindly move along
Like dust in the wind you're gone forever You're wind-blown leaves, you're a change in the weather Just a town like any other, a second brand new start A third or fourth hand, wife or lover, no, you won't break her heart Take some bacon, go on and leave your watch chain She won't count on nothing more Wrap your hands around that small change and tiptoe barefoot out the door
Yes, something's wrong, that restless feeling's been preying on my mind When things get bad I'm bound to pack my bags and just leave them all behind
Proposta Composer(s): Roberto Carlos; Erasmo Carlos Performer(s): Roberto Carlos
Eu te proponho Nós nos amarmos Nos entregarmos Neste momento Tudo lá fora deixar ficar Eu te proponho Te dar meu corpo Depois do amor o meu conforto E além de tudo Depois de tudo Te dar a minha paz Eu te proponho Na madrugada Você cansada Te dar meu braço No meu abraço Fazer você dormir Eu te proponho Não dizer nada Seguirmos juntos a mesma estrada Que continua Depois do amor No amanhecer
Lusitana Paixão Composer(s): José Da Ponte - Fred Micaelo - Jorge Quintela First performance by: Dulce Pontes - 1991
Fado Chorar a tristeza bem Fado adormecer com a dor Fado só quando a saudade vem Arrancar do meu passado Um grande amor
Mas Não condeno essa paixão Essa mágoa das palavras Que a guitarra vai gemendo também Eu não, eu não pedirei perdão Quando gozar o pecado E voltar a dar a mim Porque eu quero ser feliz E a desdita não se diz Não quero o que o fado quer dizer
Fado Soluçar recordações Fado Reviver uma tal dor Fado Só quando a saudade vem Arrancar do meu passado um grande amor
Mas não conceno essa paixão Essa mágoa das palavras Que a guitarra vai gemendo também Eu não, eu não pedirei perdão Quando gozar o pecado E voltar a dar a mim Eu sei desse lado que há em nós Cheio de alma lusitana Como a lenda da Severa Porque eu quero ser feliz E a desdita não se diz O fado Não me faz arrepender Porque eu quero ser feliz E a desdita não se diz O fado Não me faz arrepender
Proper Stranger Composer(s): Randy Bachman; Burton Cummings Performer(s): The Guess Who
Dark day, windy city Raincoat on my shoulder So take my hand and show me where to go 'Cause don't you know I'm the proper stranger
Traffic lights, dusty sidewalks Freeway people on the move So take my hand and show me where to go 'Cause don't you know I'm the proper stranger
I'm the proper stranger Nobody knows my face or Knows my name Nobody knows where I'm goin' or How I came
Lost and found, no one claimed me All alone with a milllion others So take my hand and show me where to go 'Cause don't you know I'm the proper stranger
Something's Gotta Give Composer(s): Johnny Mercer First performance by: Fred Astaire - 1955 Covered by multiple other artists
Something's got to give Something's got to give Something's got to give
When an irresistible force such as you Meets an old immovable object like me You can bet just as sure as you live
Something's got to give Something's got to give Something's got to give
When an irrepressible smile such as yours Warms an old implacable heart such as mine Don't say no, because I insist Somewhere, somehow, someone's got to be kissed
So, en garde, who knows what the fates might have in store? From their vast mysterious sky? I'll try hard ignoring those lips that I adore But how long can anyone try?
Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight it with all of our might Chances are some heavenly star-spangled night We'll find out just as sure as we live
Something's got to give Something's got to give Something's got to give
Fight fight fight it with all of your might Chances are that some heavenly star-spangled night We'll find out just as sure as we live
Something's got to give Something's got to give Something's got to give
Proper Cup Of Coffee Composer(s): Aaron Gershunoff; Emanuele Pellegrini Performer(s): The Andrews Sisters
A Sultan sat on his oriental mat in his harem in downtown Persia He took a sip of his coffee just a drip, and he said to his servant Kersia Ah, curse ya, curse ya, curse ya Thats the worst cup of coffee in Persia!
Cause... All I want is a proper cup of coffee made from a proper copper coffee pot I may be off my nut but I want a proper cup of coffee from a proper copper pot Iron coffee pots and tin coffee pots theyre no good to me! If I can't have a proper cup of coffee from a proper copper coffee pot I'll Throw you in the sea
In old Baghdad in old Baghdad, in old Baghdad Very often I have had cups of coffee by the dozen And you all should make my coffee just as good and without my blasted cussing
Ah, curse ya, curse ya, curse ya Thats the worst cup of coffee in Persia! Oh All I want is a proper cup of coffee made from a proper copper coffee pot I may be off my nut but I want a proper cup of coffee from a proper copper pot Brass coffee pots, glass coffee pots Theyre no good to me
If I can't have a proper cup of coffee >From a proper copper coffee pot I'll have a cup of tea!
Could It Be That I'm In Love Composer(s): Liam O'Reilly First performance by: Kim Jackson - 1991
I don't know why I want you The way that I want you And I don't know why I miss you The way that I miss you
But when I'm in your arms It makes me feel so good And I don't know the reason why I don't know the reason why
And I don't understand Why I feel the way I do And I don't understand What I feel when I'm with you And anyway now, it's no use worrying Until I find out what it is
Could it be that when I'm with you My fears all go away? Could it be that when I'm with you It's like the start of a brand new day? Or is it just that when I hold you I can't hold you enough? Or could it be that I'm in love?
Somebody once told me: "You've gotta trust your heart" (Gotta trust your heart) And this I have tried to do Right from the very start And when I'm close to you It makes me feel so good And I don't know the reason why
Could it be that when I'm with you My fears all go away? Could it be that when I'm with you It's like the start of a brand new day? Or is it just that when I hold you I can't hold you enough? Or could it be that I'm in love?
Could it be that I'm in love? Could it be that I'm in love?
Temptations callin' it's an uptown girl No kid from the neighborhood could ever be any good For an uptown girl uptown girl uptown girl You better face it she's an uptown girl Your kiss is wasted on an uptown girl She'll leave you to wonder why - love is only an easy lie To an uptown girl uptown girl uptown girl
Her style's a cool sophistication
Her smile's a dangerous persuasion She's fascinating she's an uptown girl She'll keep you waiting she's an uptown girl You'll never get near enough to ever get serious With an uptown girl uptown girl uptown girl No chance she means a thing she's saying
Romance is just a game she's playing you better face it she's an uptown girl ... Uptown girl uptown girl