Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Under Paris Skies ((Adapted from: Sous Le Ciel De Paris (by Jean Bretonnière) - 1951)) Composer(s): Hubert Giraud - Jean Drejac - Kim Gannon Performer(s): Frank Chacksfield - 1952 and multiple other artists
Stranger beware There's love in the air Under Paris skies Try to be smart Don't let your heart Catch on fire! Love becomes king The moment it's Spring Under Paris skies Lonely hearts meet Somewhere on the street Of desire
Parisian love can bloom High in a skylight room Or in a gay cafe Where hundreds of people can see!
I wasn't smart And I lost my heart Under Paris skies Don't ever be A heartbroken stranger like me!
Oh, I fell in love Yes I was a fool For Paris can be So beautifully cruel Paris is just a gay coquette Who wants to love and then forget Stranger beware! There's love in the air!
Just look and see What happened to me Under Paris skies Watch what you do Same thing can happen to you! Watch what you do The same thing can happen to you!
Honte À Qui Peut Chanter Composer(s): Georges Brassens Performer(s): Maxime le Forestier
{Refrain:} Honte à cet effronté qui peut chanter pendant Que Rome brûle, ell' brûl' tout l' temps... Honte à qui malgré tout fredonne des chansons A Gavroche, à Mimi Pinson
En mil neuf cent trent'-sept que faisiez-vous mon cher? J'avais la fleur de l'âge et la tête légère Et l'Espagne flambait dans un grand feu grégeois Je chantais, et j'étais pas le seul: "Y a d' la joie"
Et dans l'année quarante mon cher que faisiez-vous? Les Teutons forçaient la frontière, et comme un fou Et comm' tout un chacun, vers le sud, je fonçais En chantant: "Tout ça, ça fait d'excellents Français"
À l'heure de Pétain, à l'heure de Laval Que faisiez-vous mon cher en plein dans la rafale? Je chantais, et les autres ne s'en privaient pas "Bel ami", "Seul ce soir", "J'ai pleuré sur tes pas"
Mon cher, un peu plus tard, que faisait votre glotte Quand en Asie ça tombait comme à Gravelotte? Je chantais, il me semble, ainsi que tout un tas De gens: "Le déserteur", "Les croix", "Quand un soldat"
Que faisiez-vous mon cher au temps de l'Algérie Quand Brel était vivant qu'il habitait Paris? Je chantais, quoique désolé par ces combats "La valse à mille temps" et "Ne me quitte pas"
Le feu de la ville éternelle est éternel Si Dieu veut l'incendie, il veut les ritournelles À qui fera-t-on croir' que le bon populo Quand il chante quand même, est un parfait salaud?
À La Varenne Composer(s): Marc Hélyà - J. Jekyll Performer(s): Georges Brassens; Emile Carrara
Les bourgeois rupins Ceux qu'ont les moyens S'en vont l'été s'fair' plumer à Deauville Quand on n'a pas l'sou On va n'importe où Où ça coûte pas des prix fous Car à mon avis C'est pas pour bibi Les endroits où l'on fait des chichis
Moi, j'ai mon golf et mon bateau Ma plage et mon casino À la Varenne Moi, je n'vais pas avec les gros À Dinard à Saint-Malo Fair' des fredaines Moi, dans un bar à gigolos Payer vingt balles un sirop Ça m'frait d'la peine Moi, j'préfèr' un p'tit caboulot Où qu'on boit du picolo Au bord de l'eau
On n'a pas d'négros Comme à Monaco Qui font du jazz à mille francs la séance Au son d'un phono Ou d'un vieux piano C'est quat' sous pour un tango Et comme on peut pas Se payer tout ça Y a des boîtes à deux ronds la java
Moi, j'ai mon golf et mon bateau Ma plage et mon casino À la Varenne Moi, j'y connais des dactylos Qui sont plus chouett's en maillot Qu'bien des mondaines Moi, dans un bar à gigolos Payer vingt balles un sirop Ça m'frait d'la peine Moi, j'préfèr' un p'tit caboulot Où qu'on boit du picolo Au bord de l'eau
Honolulu Lulu Composer(s): Lou Adler; Jan Berry; Roger "Hot Dog Rog" Christian Performer(s): Jan & Dean; and various other artists
Queen of the surfer girls
She's got stars in her eyes and knobs on her knees now Her crazy grass shift really sways in the breeze now Ridin' down a-heavy you're lyin' in the sand She's the hippest surfer girl in the land
And she's my Honolulu Lulu She's my Honolulu Lulu Queen of the surfer girls
Well, she handles all the big ones every year in Macaja And all the surfers know her from Ricaud to Baja When the beach is quiet and you know we're out of luck We pray for surf while making out in our truck
Just me and Honolulu Lulu Me and Honolulu Lulu Queen of the surfer girls
Yeah she's my Honolulu Lulu Yeah my Honolulu Lulu Queen of the surfer girls
I tell you once upon a time, you know she got a little bold When she tried to hook a spinner but her wax wouldn't hold Over the falls 'stead of hangin' 10 But then she'd paddle out and try it again
But she's my Honolulu Lulu She's my Honolulu Lulu Queen of the surfer girls
À La Une Composer(s): Jean Ferrat Performer(s): Jean Ferrat
C'est une émission formidable Sur les problèmes de société Où des héros et des minables Vous parlent en toute liberté Sont-ils victimes sont-ils coupables Ce soir voici pour commencer Quelques racketteurs redoutables Qui font la sortie des lycées Ils vont pour vous se mettre à table A condition d'être masqués Un témoignage inoubliable Un grand moment de vérité
Ce soir ce soir Après la roue de la fortune Les racketteurs les racketteurs Sont à la une
C'est une émission fantastique Où vous avez un rôle à jouer Un rôle moral un rôle civique Pour nous aider à retrouver Tous ceux dont on est sans nouvelles Disparus volatilisés Ce soir je vous lance un appel Vous seuls pouvez nous renseigner Dans quels bas-fonds la malheureuse A-t-elle un jour pu s'égarer A quelles manoeuvres très douteuses A-t-elle fini par se livrer
Ce soir ce soir Après la roue de la fortune La main d'ma soeur la main d'ma soeur Est à la une
C'est une émission fracassante Sur les tréfonds d'la société Une tranche de vie saignante Que vous ne pouvez pas manquer Un homme qui a payé sa dette Vingt ans de prison mérités Reconstituera en direct Le crime qu'il a perpétré Tout ce qui s'passait dans sa tête Combien de fric il a touché En appuyant sur la gâchette Pour refroidir un député
Ce soir ce soir Après la roue de la fortune Les assassins les assassins Sont à la une
C'est une série faramineuse De grands débats télévisés De controverses fabuleuses De face à face sans pitié Entre qui saigne et qui charcute Entre bourreaux et torturés Entre un ripou et une pute Un délateur un dénoncé Entre un para et un fellouze Entre un violeur et des violées Et puis comme une apothéose Entre SS et déportés
Ce soir ce soir Après la roue de la fortune Un Paf Obscène Un Paf Obscène Est à la une
People Are Crazy Composer(s): Bobby Braddock; Troy Jones Performer(s): Billy Currington
This old man and me, were at the bar and we Were having us some beers and swaping I don't cares Talking politics, blonde and red-head chicks Old dogs and new tricks and habits we ain't kicked
We talked about God's grace and all the hell we raised Then I heard the ol' man say God is great, beer is good and People Are Crazy
He said "I fought two wars Been married and divorced" What brings you to Ohio? He said "Damned if I know" We talked an hour or two about every girl we knew What all we put them through Like two old boys will do
We pondered life and death He light a cigarette He said "These damn things will kill me yet But God is great, beer is good and people are crazy"
Last call it's 2am, I said goodbye to him I never talk to him again Then one sunny day, I saw the old man's face Front page Obituary, he was a millionaree he left his fortune to some guy he barely knew, his kids were mad as hell But me, Im doing well And I drop by today, to just say thanks and pray I left a six-pack right there on his grave and I said God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy
À La Santé D'hier ((Dutch Version: Die Goeie Ouwe Tijd (Gerard Cox) - 1974)) Composer(s): Joe Dassin - Pierre Delanoë First release by: Joe Dassin - 1971
J'ai connu tant de villes Qui n'étaient jamais les miennes J'ai connu tant de filles Qui ne me connaissaient pas Et ma maison, et mes amis Vous êtes loin, loin, loin J'ai envie de vous revoir Et je reviens
Buvons un verre à la santé d'hier À la santé du temps, du bon temps Quand il ne manquait pas un De tous nos vieux copains Buvons un verre à la santé d'hier Et oublions demain...
Je sais bien que tout change Et que les photos vieillissent Que ma mère sera blanche Que ma maison sera grise Et que le temps de mes dix ans Est déjà loin, loin, loin J'ai envie de le revoir Et je reviens
Buvons un verre à la santé d'hier À la santé du temps, du bon temps Quand il ne manquait pas un De tous nos vieux copains Buvons un verre à la santé d'hier Et oublions demain...
Si le temps fait des siennes Si le monde nous sépare Que toujours nous revienne Le visage du passé De ceux qu'on aime, et peu importe Si c'est loin, loin, loin, Quand on peut encore se dire "Je me souviens."
Buvons un verre à la santé d'hier À la santé du temps, du bon temps Quand il ne manquait pas un De tous nos vieux copains Buvons un verre à la santé d'hier Et oublions demain...
Honolulu City Lights Composer(s): Keola Beamer Performer(s): The Carpenters; and various other artists
Looking out upon the city lights and the stars above the ocean Got my ticket for the midnight plane and its not easy to leave again Took my clothes and put them in the bag; try not to think just yet of leaving Looking out into the city night and it's not easy to leave again
(Chorus) Each time Honolulu city lights stir up memories in me Each night Honolulu city lights bring me back again You are my island sunset; you are my island dream
Put on my shoes and light a cigarette Wonderin' which of my friends will be here Standin' with their leis around my neck It's not easy to leave again
(Chorus) Each time Honolulu city lights stir up memories in me Each night Honolulu city lights bring me back again Bring me back again
Die Goeie Ouwe Tijd ((Adapted from: À La Santé D'hier (Joe Dassin) - 1971)) Composer(s): Joe Dassin - Pierre Delanoë - Gerard Cox Performer(s): Gerard Cox - 1974
Ach, hoelang is 't geleden? Met de diligence naar Gouda Onze grootvaders reden
Zeer voornaam en zeer bedaard Krakend en wiegend door 't land Het duurde lang, lang, lang Er veranderde niet veel van jaar tot jaar
Drink nog een glas op alles wat ooit was De goeie ouwe tijd, mooie tijd Nou die tijd die krijgt toch mooi van mij de zegen na Na na na na na, na na na na na
Drink nog een glas op alles wat ooit was De goeie ouwe tijd
Was je rijk dan geen hinder Niemand die je iets kon maken Was je arm, had je 't minder
Voor wie rijk was moest je werken Heel de dag, en o, zo'n dag Die duurde lang, lang, lang Er veranderde niet veel van jaar tot jaar
Drink nog een glas op alles wat ooit was De goeie ouwe tijd, mooie tijd Nou die tijd die krijgt toch mooi van mij de zegen na Na na na na na, na na na na na
Drink nog een glas op alles wat ooit was De goeie ouwe tijd
En vandaag, moet je kijken (Moet je nou 's even kijken) Sta je uren in een file (Uren sta je in een file) En 't gaat goed met de rijken
En de armen op de wereld worden armer Alles duurt nog altijd lang, lang, lang Er verandererde niet veel in honderd jaar
Drink nog een glas op alles wat ooit was De goeie ouwe tijd, mooie tijd Nou die tijd die krijgt toch mooi van mij de zegen na Na na na na na, na na na na na
Drink nog een glas op alles wat ooit was De goeie ouwe tijd
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy Composer(s): Arthur Resnick; Joey Levine Performer(s): Ohio Express; and various other artists
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I got love in my tummy And I feel like a-lovin you Love, you're such a sweet thing Good enough to eat thing And it's just a-what I'm gonna do
Ooh love to hold ya Ooh love to kiss ya Ooh love I love it so Ooh love you're sweeter Sweeter than sugar Ooh love I wont let you go
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I got love in my tummy And as silly as it may seem The lovin' that you re giving Is what keeps me livin' And your love is like peaches and cream
Kind-a like sugar Kind-a like spices Kind-a like, like what you do Kind-a sounds funny But your love honey And honey, I love you
Ba, da, ba, da, da, da, da Ba, da, da, da, da, da ...
Yummy, Yummy, Yummy, I got love in my tummy That your love can satisfy Love, you're such a sweet thing Good enough to eat thing And sweet thing, that ain't no lie
I love to hold ya I love to kiss ya Ooh love, I love it so Ooh love, you're sweeter Sweeter than sugar Ooh love, I wont let you go
Ba, da, ba, da, da, da, da Ba, da, da, da, da, da ...
A La Orilla Del Mar Composer(s): Ernesto Cortázar - Manuel Esperón Performer(s): Bienvenido Granda and multiple other artists
Vengo a cantar para ti la canción que aprendí a la orilla del mar La llevo en el corazón como el último adiós que me diste al partir Enamorado de ti, es mi faro tu amor y mi luz tu mirar muero de pena al partir pues yo quisiera vivir a tu lado no más
Me voy esta noche tibia y sensual llena de calor tropical muy solo con mi triste pena
Si tú quieres nuestro amor recordar busca por la orilla del mar tu nombre que grabé en la arena
Me voy pues sin ti no puedo vivir si ya no es posible sufrir la angustia de mi soledad adiós a la que dejó el corazón, al amor que fue mi ilusión aquella noche tropical: adiós
Yo-Yo Composer(s): Joe South Performer(s): The Osmonds; and various other artists
Ho, ho ho, just like a yo yo Ho, ho, ho, just like a yo yo Well it's hard for me to see how you got such a hold on me
First I'm up, and then I'm down Then my heart goes around and around Well, I'll bet you five dollars I'm the only fool who'll climb up a string for you
And need I say I can't break away you control every little thing I do I used to be a swinger until you wrapped me 'round your finger....
Just like a yo yo just like a yo yo Ho, ho, ho, just like a yo yo Ho, ho, ho, just like a yo yo Turnin', turnin' love keeps a-burnin' like a fire in my heart when we're apart, but when we're back together you keep changin' like the weather Whoops! Now up and down like a yo yo Just like a yo yo
Ho, ho, ho, just like a yo yo Ho, ho, ho, just like a yo yo Where I go, and what I do well it all just depends on you You build me up just to let me down But I dare not to make a sound
'Cause I'm so afraid you will cast me away like a beat up, worn out toy So I hold on tight with all my might just to be your lovin' boy No matter what you say or do I'm gonna bounce right back to you now just like a yo yo Just like a yo yo
Ho, ho, ho, just like a yo yo Ho, ho, ho, just like a yo yo
A La Molina No Voy Màs (Traditional) Performer(s): Victor Jara
Yuca de San Borja samorengue sa para ir a saña hay que rico esta Yuca de San Borja samorengue sa para ir a saña hay que rico esta
A la molina no voy mas porque echan azote sin cesar A la molina no voy mas porque echan azote sin cesar
La comai Tomaza y el compai Pascual tuvieron treinta hijos jesu que barbaridad que fueron esclavos sin su voluntad por temor quel amo los fuera a azota
A la molina no voy mas porque echan azote sin cesar A la molina no voy mas porque echan azote sin cesar
Anda burritito anda es demonio de borrico que no quiere caminar por culpa deste borrico el patron me va a azota
Y sufrieron tanto los pobres negritos porque al poco comen y al mucho trabajar hasta que del cielo vino pa toitos don Ramon Castilla santa libertad
A la molina no voy mas porque echan azote sin cesar A la molina no voy mas porque echan azote sin cesar
You've Really Got A Hold On Me Composer(s): William Robinson Performer(s): The Miracles; and various other artists
I don't like you But I love you See that I'm always Thinking of you Oh, oh, oh, You treat me badly I love you madly You've really got a hold on me You've really got a hold on me, baby
I don't want you, But I need you Don't want to kiss you But I need you Oh, oh, oh You do me wrong now My love is strong now You've really got a hold on me You've really got a hold on me, baby
I love you and all I want you to do Is just hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
I want to leave you Don't want to stay here Don't want to spend Another day here Oh, oh, oh, I want to split now I just can quit now You've really got a hold on me You've really got a hold on me, baby
I love you and all I want you to do Is just hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me
You've really got a hold on me You've really got a hold on me
À La Moitié De La Distance Composer(s): Claude Lemesle - Maxime LeForestier Performer(s): Mireille Mathieu
À la moitié de la distance au beau milieu de cette vie qui danse et recommence comme elle peut à la moitié de ma chanson qui m'a le mieux suivie la passion ou la mélancolie?
J'ai la mémoire qui me fait des histoires et se déforme à l'ombre du passé un rire énorme quelquefois vient effacer le reflet sage et bien classé
À la moitié de la distance au beau milieu d'un fado qui balance entre une avance et un aveu à cet entracte de la pièce Faut-il changer de peau de lumière d'auteur ou de rideaux?
À la moitié de mes dimanches qui m'interdit de prendre ma revanche sur la farce des lundis à mi-chemin de mes vacances au pays de la vie parenthèse entre deux paradis
J'ai des soupirs qui m'ont fait des sourires des éphémères que je croyais des dieux et des délits et des délires moins délicieux qu'un soir tendresse au coin du feu
à la moitié de la distance au beau milieu de cette vie qui danse et manigance mes adieux à la moitié de ma chanson va-t-il venir enfin, le prénom qui manque à mon refrain?
Maintenant je ne recommence pas à moitié mon cur est en partance, tout enfance, tout entier à la moitié de ma romance je lance un grand défi à la plage blanche de ma vie
You've Made Me So Very Happy Composer(s): Berry Gordy Jr.; Brenda Holloway; Frank Wilson Performer(s): Blood, Sweat & Tears; and various other artists
I lost at love before Got mad and closed the door But you said "try, just once more" I chose you for the one Now we're having so much fun You treated me so kind I'm about to lose my mind You made me so very happy
The others were untrue But when it came to loving you I'd spend my whole life with you Cause you came and you took control You touched my very soul You always showed me that Loving you was where it's at You made me so very happy I'm so glad you came into my life yeah
I love you so much you see You're even in my dreams I can hear you, I can hear you calling me I'm so in love with you All I ever want to do is Thank you baby, thank you baby
You made me so very happy I'm so glad you came into my life You made me so very happy You made me so, so very happy baby I'm so glad you came Into my life I want to thank you girl Every day of my life I want to thank you You made me so very happy
A la luz del día le hace falta un guardian muchas cosas ocurren sin ser vistas vagabundo tambaleante maniaticos en los parques manchas que quedan para siempre y la vieja que durmio anoche en el umbral de mi puerta
A la luz del día le hace falta un guardian muchas cosas ocurren sin ser vistas corazon adormecido de sentir siempre lo mismo mucha gente que se la pasa esperando a alguien para regresar acompañado a su casa
You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin' Composer(s): Phil Spector; Barry Mann; Cynthia Weil Performer(s): Cilla Black; and various other artists
You never close your eyes any more when I kiss your lips And there's no tenderness like before in your fingertips Mmm, you're trying hard not to show it, baby But baby, baby I know it
You've lost that loving feeling Ohh that loving feeling You've lost that loving feeling, Now its gone, gone, gone whoaohoh
Now there's no welcome look in your eyes when I reach for you Baby you've started to criticise every every every little thing that I do It makes me just feel like crying, baby Cause baby, something beautiful is dying
You've lost that loving feeling Ohh that loving feeling. You've lost that loving feeling Now its gone, gone , gone, whoaohoh Baby baby, I'd get down on my knees for you If you would only love me, love me like you used to do You know that, We had a love , a love, a love you don't find every day, No no, no no, no no no no no no no So don't, don't, don't, don't, baby don't throw it away Na na, don't throw it away, don't throw it away Now baby, oh baby, I beg you baby, oh baby I beg you please, I need your love So bring it on back, bring it back Bring it back, bring it, bring it, bring it back
Bring back that loving feeling, o-o-oh that loving feeling Bring back that loving feeling Cause its gone, gone, gone And I can't go on no more
Oh baby, yeah baby Oh bring it on back now, hey baby I beg you baby, oh baby Bring it on back, bring it on back Bring it, bring it, bring it back
Bring back that loving feeling Ohh that loving feeling......
A La Huella, A La Huella Composer(s): A. Ramírez - F. Luna Performer(s): Raphael
A La Huella, A La Huella, Jose Y Maria Por Los Campos Helados Cardos Y Ortigas A La Huella , A La Huella, Por Tanto Campo No Hay Cobijo Ni Fonda, Siguen Andando
Florecitas Del Campo, Flores Del Aire Si Ninguno Te Aloja, Adonde Naces Donde Naces Florcita Que Estas Creciendo Palomita Asustada, Grillo Sin Sueño
Y A La Huella, A La Huella, Los Pelegrinos Prestarme Una Tapera Para Mi Niño Y A La Huella, A La Huella, Soles Y Lunas Los Ojitos De Almenda, Piel De Aceituna Hay Un Rico Del Campo, Un Buen Parsino Mi Niño Esta Viniendo, Por Favor Haganle Sitio Un Ranchito Que Quincha Solo Me Ampara Dos Alientos Amigos Y La Luna Clara
A La Huella, A La Huella, Jose Y Maria Con Un Dios Escondido Nadie Sabia
You've Let Yourself Go ((Adapted from: Tu T'laisses Aller (Charles Aznavour) - 1960))
Composer(s): Charles Aznavour - Marcel Stellman)
Performer(s): Charles Aznavour - 1965
and multiple other artists
Versions In Other Languages:
1962 - Mijn Ideaal (Corry Brokken)
1970 - Ti Lasci Andare (Charles Aznavour)
1982 - Du Lässt Dich Geh'n (Charles Aznavour)
2004 - Je Laat Je Gaan (Koen Crucke)
It's funny, when I look at you While not a single word is said I know, I had a drink or two But that's not what's gone to my head I laugh and I recall our youth Perhaps you'll say that I'm uncouth But it's high time you knew the truth About the way you make me feel And what the future holds in store For I can't stand it anymore
Why should I even try and hide Whatever I may feel inside You lie, you curse and you provoke And then you treat it as a joke You know, at times you go too far Even in front of all my friends How could we hope to make amends You know that you've let yourself go
You look a sight, sure you look great Your stocking seams, not even straight And that old faded dressing gown Your hair in curlers hanging down What could I have been thinking of Was it with you I fell in love Are you the girl that could inspire A heart with passion and desire I gaze at you in sheer despair And see your Mother standing there
In front of strangers you're the same You don't mind putting me to shame You contradict each word I say Why, you would turn night into day You like to hurt me when you can I'm just a rug and not your man I hit the jackpot, yes, I know You've let yourself go
At times you're cruel, beyond control Have you no heart, have you no soul And as I take a look at life I realise that you're my Wife A little effort, not much more And things could be just as before You know, you'ld lose a little weight If you would watch all that you ate A little style, a little grace And try to show a smiling face
I couldn't hate you if I tried I really want you by my side So try, try and be the girl I knew Let's really start our love anew I want to hold you in my arms And then surrender to your charms Let there be fire, not just a glow Come close to me, let yourself go
Alternate Version:
It's funny, when I look at you And see that sour and solemn face `Cause you're a very special case Who's driven me to drink a few A couple more, and I feel strong Enough to have the guts to say That I can't stand your spiteful tongue Nor suffer all your nasty ways Your body, though somehow still young Throws all my dreams and hopes away
It grabs me here, now hear me right I'm tired of being the underdog Tired of being pushed and shoved With all the love-lust in my heart I had it all, you know it now At times I'd like to wring your neck You've changed, you really look a wreck Let's face it, you've let yourself go
You're such a let-down to your sex Your stockings twisted `round your legs That same old faded dressing gown Your hair in curlers, hanging down What could I have been thinking of Was it with you I fell in love Are you the girl that could inspire A heart with passion and desire I gaze at you in sheer despair And see your Mother standing there
In front of strangers you're the same You don't mind putting me to shame You contradict each word I say Ah, you can turn night into day I hit the jackpot, what a blow The first time that I took you out If you had learned to shut your mouth But God knows, you've let yourself go
At times you're cruel beyond control You have no heart, you have no soul But as I take a look at life I realise that, you're my Wife A little effort, not much more And things could be, just as before You know, you'd lose a little weight If you cut out the junk you ate A little style, a little grace And try to show a smiling face
I couldn't hate you if I tried If I could just have by my side The little girl that once I knew To make me start our love anew I want to hold you in my arms And then surrender to your charms Let there be fire, not just a glow Come close to me, let yourself go Come close to me, let yourself go
As sung by Liza Minnelli:
So we're alone again tonight I read a book, you watch the fight A stifled yawn, a can of beer What an enthralling atmosphere And yet the sight of us this way Helps me to say what I must say It helps me to think a thought or two And pass it right along to you And just for starters you should know I think you've let yourself go
Down through the years each sage repeats Grass never grows on busy streets Which might explain that balding spot Where you would think, or wish, or not And where's that slender youth I knew I fear he's grown an inch or two Not up and down my joy and pride But more precisely side to side
When at a party, now and then You tell the same old jokes again Or wear a lampshade for a hat Who could be wittier than that With one too many you just might Pick some unnecessary fight Though in the morning with the Sun You can't remember what you've done If there's regret, it doesn't show You know, you've let yourself go
You never care the way you dress You stay unshaven, you look a mess The smallest thing is too much to do I even hold the door for you And every rose upon the shelf Is one that I've supplied myself It's not the same, I'm well aware Yet I need to see them there
I don't know why I say it now Why I don't hold my tongue somehow But I've this need to tell it all No matter where the chips may fall For as I sit and reminisce There are so many things I miss The reassurance of your touch The gentle smile that said so much You were my tender, thoughtful beau, and now
I couldn't hate you if I tried And I still want you by my side We'll lay things on the line Perhaps the fault is really mine And if it is, please tell me so A seed replanted still can grow Maybe that's all we need to know Come close to me and let yourself go