Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Ah! Sweet Mystery Of Life Composer(s): Victor Herbert - Rida Johnson Young Performer(s): Mario Lanza and multiple other artists
Ah! Sweet mystery of life At last I've found thee Ah! I know at last the secret of it all All the longing, seeking, striving, waiting, yearning The burning hopes, the joy and idle tears that fall! For 'tis love, and love alone, the world is seeking And 'tis love, and love alone, that can repay! 'Tis the answer, 'tis the end and all of living For it is love alone that rules for aye! Love, and love alone, the world is seeking For 'tis love, and love alone, that can repay! 'Tis the answer, 'tis the end and all of living For it is love alone that rules for aye!
When I Die Composer(s): William Smith; Steve Kennedy Performer(s): Motherlode
When I die, I hope to be a better man than you thought I´d be It´s been hard to make you see What kind of man I´m trying to be All I ask for you to try to understand what it means to me
It´s not hard to understand why You get discouraged all the time I keep trying not to worry But I can´t help feeling lost in you But I love you, want you and I need you
Time goes by and you´ll find that we´ll achieve a love sublime When I die I hope I´ll be the kind of man you thought I´d be
(Repeat Chorus)
Cause I love you and I want you Cause I gotta, gotta have you Cause, cause I need you When I die, I hope I´ll be the kind of man that you thought I´d be
Ah! Si Vous Connaissiez Ma Poule Composer(s): Charles Borel-Clerc - René Touche - Albert Willemetz Performer(s): Maurice Chevalier and multiple other artists
De Rochechouart jusqu'à Ménilmuche De la rue de Lappe à la rue de la Gaité Ya pas un seul même dans tout Pantruche Qui avec la mienne pourrait lutter De la tête aux pieds quand on l'épluche On ne trouve rien à lui reprocher C'est un oiseau rare Que Roi des veinards J'ai eu le bonheur de dénicher
Ah! si vous connaissiez ma poule Vous en perdriez tous la boule Ses petits seins pervers Qui pointent au travers De son pull-over Vous mettent la tête à l'envers! Elle a des jambes faites au moule Des cheveux fous, frisés partout Et tout et tout... Si vous la voyiez Vous en rêveriez! Ah! si vous connaissiez ma poule
Bien qu'elle s'habille aux prix unique Pas une ne saurait la dégotter Elle dame le pion, elle fait la nique Aux plus fameuses reines de beauté La miss France et la miss Amérique Sont de la crotte de bique à côté Sans diam' et sans clips Elle vous éclips' Toutes les stars les plus réputées
Ah! si vous connaissiez ma poule Vous en perdriez tous la boule Marlène et Darrieux N'arrivent qu'en deux La Greta Garbo Peut même retirer son chapeau! Ils n'en n'ont pas à Liverpoole À New-York, à Honolulu De mieux foutu... Si vous la voyiez Vous en rêveriez! Ah! si vous connaissiez ma poule
Marguerite de Bourgogne auprès d'elle N'avait que nib comme tempérament Il faut l'entendre quand elle appelle Son petit Momo au grand moment Son corps frissonne d'un façon telle Que le maison tremble également Et ça vous explique Les secousses sismiques Dont les journaux parlaient récemment
Ah! si vous connaissiez ma poule Vous en perdriez tous la boule Ses baisers moelleux Font dresser les cheveux Ses baisers profonds Vous font sauter jusqu'au plafond! Si vous saviez comme elle roucoule On l'entend jusqu'au fond de Passy Crier ... chéri! Si vous la voyiez Vous me la chiperiez! Mais... vous ne connaîtrez pas ma poule
Ah! Quelle Merveille Composer(s): Bob Merril - Eddy Marnay Performer(s): Dalida; Gloria Lasso
Oui mes amis c'est une merveille Oui mes amis c'est une merveille Dès que l'amour vient illuminer ce monde-là Monde-là Quand le printemps nous fait la vie belle Moi dans mon cur j'ai des étincelles C'est le bonheur s'il nous appelle on y va On y va
Dis-moi que tu m'aimes Dis-moi que tu m'aimes Dis-moi que tu m'aimes tant Dis-moi que ce monde Que ce monde est merveilleux Merveilleux Dis-moi que tu chantes Dis-moi que tu danses Dis-moi que tu es content
Tant que tu t'expliques Avec mon cur et le printemps
Oui mes amis c'est une merveille Oui mes amis c'est une merveille Dès qu'une fée vient se pencher sur ce monde-là Monde-là Au bout d'une baguette magique Sur une symphonie fantastique Elle vous met le cur en musique Mi, sol, fa, sol, mi, la
Dis-moi que tu m'aimes Dis-moi que tu m'aimes Dis-moi que tu m'aimes tant Dis-moi que ce monde Que ce monde est merveilleux Merveilleux Dis-moi que tu chantes Dis-moi que tu danses Dis-moi que tu es content Tant que tu t'expliques Avec mon cur et le printemps
Oui mes amis c'est une merveille Oui mes amis c'est une merveille De traverser la main dans la main ce monde-là Monde-là Oui mes amis c'est une merveille De voir un jour l'amour qui s'éveille Aucune joie n'est jamais pareille Croyez-moi, croyez-moi Quand je vous dis que ce monde est merveilleux
When He's Gone Composer(s): Barry Gibb; Maurice Gibb; Robin Gibb Performer(s): Bee Gees
Stormy nights, I've been waiting Satisfy you, oh yeah But his love is just a game And he's sellng you the same old lies
And I'm hangin' on the wire And no closer to the fire And you don't hear me when I cry
(Chorus) You may need someone to lean upon When he's gone, when he's gone And what is left is a love so strong When he's gone, when he's gone You wouldn't believe to what extent My mind is going to You wouldn't deny me in your dreams You couldn't belong to someone else If you could see me now And I'd be the only one When he's gone
My understanding that you remember For whom the bell tolls, oh yeah I swear to you I pray That you feel the battle rage For the saving of my soul
And it's a struggle to survive You know it's keepin' us alive And baby I don't wanna die
(Chorus) I will be someone you lean upon When he's gone, when he's gone And what is left is a love so strong When he's gone, when he's gone You wouldn't believe to what extent My mind is going to You wouldn't deny me in your dreams You couldn't belong to someone else If you could see me now And I'd be the only one When he's gone
I will be someone you lean upon When he's gone, when he's gone And what is left is a love so strong When he's gone, when he's gone I will be someone you lean upon When he's gone, when he's gone
Don't tell me it's too late And your love don't make me wait I can see the end of time With a love that makes you mine And tonight I let you know There's a love that won't let go
Ah Melody Tu m'en auras fait faire des conneries Hue hue et ho A dada sur mon dos Oh Melody L'amour tu ne sais pas ce que c'est Tu me l'as dit Mais tout ce que tu dis est-il vrai?
Ah Melody Tu m'en auras fait faire des conneries Hue hue et ho A dada sur mon dos Oh Melody Si tu m'as menti j'en ferai Une maladie Je n'sais pas ce que je ferai
When He's All Dolled Up (He's The Best Dressed Rube In Town)
When He's All Dolled Up (He's The Best Dressed Rube In Town) Composer(s): Walter Donaldson; Monty C. Brice
Talk about your Beau Brummels Talk about your city swells We've got one right in our town I mean Elmer Hatchway Brown Folks, I never like to swear But, by heck, I do declare He's the swellest guy I've seen He's like an actor on the movin' picture screen
When he's all dolled up you ought to see him When he's all dolled up He's got a funny little pinch back coat and bamboo cane; Has an umbrella if it's going to rain He's a gosh darn dude, there's no denying From his derby hat right down Always wears a flower in his buttonhole Wears a rubber band around his old bank role
When he's all dolled up you ought to see him He's the best dressed dude in town Down at this year's County Fair Elmer Hatchway Brown was there All dressed up to beat the band The ladies all thought he was grand Stepped right in the betting ring Bet a dime on some darn thing Lost and started in to sing It seemed he didn't give a good gol ding
Ah! Les P'tites Femmes (De Paris) Composer(s): Jean-Claude Carrière - Georges Delerue - Louis Malle Performer(s): Brigitte Bardot & Jeanne Moreau
De deux choses l'une Deux jambes ou deux yeux C'est toujours par deux Qu'on cherche fortune Mais blondes ou brunes À Paris font mieux Une égale deux Et deux n'en font qu'une
Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris
Au clair de la lune Deux curs capricieux Font à qui mieux mieux Maintes infortunes On en invite une Elles viennent à deux On invite les deux Il n'en vient aucune
Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris
J'en multiplie une J'en multiplie deux Ah comme c'est fâcheux Qu'elles sont importunes Dix fois cent fois une C'est trop périlleux Par pitié mon Dieu Qu'il n'en reste aucune
Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris
N'ayez pas d'rancune Vous serez heureux Dites leur adieu Car deux c'est trop d'une La tête y'en n'a qu'une Ah non y'en a deux Pour les amoureux Chacun sa chacune
Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris Ah les p'tites femmes les p'tites femmes de Paris
When he was young I held him on my knee Pressed him close to me kissed his tears away When he was young very young together we would ween Lands of make believe where we two could play
But how the time hurries by summers go winters fly Toys on the shelf he can reach by himself Time hurries on youth is here then it's gone Yes, that's the plan now my boy's a little man
But in my heart forever he will be As he was to me when he was young...
Ah! Leah! Composer(s): Dominic Lerace - Mark E. Avsec Performer(s): Donnie Iris; Bradley Gailey
Leah it's been a long long time You're such a site you're Looking better than a body has a right to Dontcha know we're playing with the fire But we can't stop this burning desire Leah
Ah! Leah! Here we go again Ah! Leah! Is it ever gonna end Ah! Leah! Here we go again
I see your lips and I wonder who's been kissing them I never knew how badly I was missing them We both know we're never gonna make it But when we touch we never have to fake it Leah
Ah! Leah! Here we go again Ah! Leah! Is it ever gonna end Ah! Leah! Here we go again We ain't learned our lesson yet
Baby it's no good We're just asking for trouble I can touch you but I don't know how to love you It ain't no use we're headed for disaster Our minds said no but our hearts were talking faster Leah
Ah! Leah! Here we go again Ah! Leah! Here we go again Leah Leah Leah
When Friends Fall Out Composer(s): Randy Bachman; Burton Cummings Performer(s): The Guess Who
The lone wolves howl On Moonlight Bay Dark moon is out When friends fall out When friends fall out
Birds aren't alone You've past all doubts Their world has grown When friends fall out When friends fall out
A journey is plastic for Someone who's walking on air He falls throught elastic and There is no net waiting there And it's so nice to be home again So nice to be home again Where I belong
No night, no day No in, no out No work, no play When friends fall out When friends fall out (listen to me talkin') When friends fall out (Baby, you got nothin') When friends fall out And it's so nice to be home again So nice to be ome again Where I belong
Ah! Ça Ira ((aka Le Ça Ira (by Edith Piaf)) Composer(s): Traditional - Bécourt - Francois Ladrezeau Performer(s): Giovanni Mirabassi
Ah! Ca ira (ter) Le peuple en ce jour sans cesse répète Ah! Ca ira (ter) Malgré les mutins tout réussira!
Nos ennemis confus en restent là Et nous allons chanter Alléluia Ah! Ca ira (ter) Quand Boileau jadis du clergé parla Comme un prophète Il a prédit cela En chantant ma chansonnette Avec plaisir on dira Ah! Ca ira (ter) Malgré les mutins tout réussira!
Ah Ca ira (ter) Suivant la maxime de l'Evangile Ah! Ca ira (ter) Du législateur tout s'accomplira
Celui qui s'élève, on l'abaissera Celui qui s'abaisse, on l'élèvera Ah! Ca ira (ter) Le vrai catéchisme nous instruira Et l'affreux fanatisme s'éteindra Pour être à la loi docile Tout Français s'exercera Ah! Ca ira (ter) Malgré les mutins tout réussira!
Ah! Ca ira (ter) Pierre et Margot chantent à la guinguette Ah! Ca ira (ter) Réjouissons-nous, le bon temps viendra
Le peuple français jadis "à quia" L'aristocratie dit: "mea culpa" Ah! Ca ira (ter) Le clergé regrette le bien qu'il a Par justice la nation l'aura Par le prudent La Fayette Tout trouble s'apaisera Ah! Ca ira (ter) Malgré les mutins tout réussira
Ah! Ca ira (ter) Par les flambeaux de l'auguste asemblée Ah! Ca ira (ter) Le peuple armé toujours se gardera
Le vrai d'avec le faux l'on connaîtra Le citoyen pour le bien soutiendra Ah! Ca ira (ter) Quand l'aristocrate protestera Le bon citoyen, au nez lui rira Sans avoir l'âme troublée Toujours le plus fort sera Ah ! Ca ira (ter) Malgré les mutins tout réussira
Ah! Ca ira (ter) Petits comme grands sont soldats dans l'âme Ah! Ca ira (ter) Pendant la guerre aucun ne trahira
Avec cur tout bon Français combattra S'il voit du louche hardiment parlera Ah! Ca ira (ter) La Fayette dit: "Vienne qui voudra" Le patriotisme leur répondra sans craindre ni feu ni flamme Le Français toujours vaincra Ah! Ca ira (ter) Malgré les mutins tout réussira
Simon Smith And The Amazing Dancing Bear Composer(s): Randy Newman Performer(s): Randy Newman and multiple other artists
I may go out tomorrow if I can borrow a coat to wear Oh, I'd step out in style with my sincere smile and my dancing bear Outrageous, alarming, courageous, charming Oh, who would think a boy and bear Could be well accepted everywhere It's just amazing how fair people can be
Seen at the nicest places where well-fed faces all stop to stare Making the grandest entrance is Simon Smith and his dancing bear They'll love us, won't they? They feed us, don't they? Oh, who would think a boy and bear Could be well accepted everywhere It's just amazing how fair people can be
Who needs money when you're funny? The big attraction everywhere Will be Simon Smith and his dancing bear It's Simon Smith and the amazing dancing bear
Ah! Composer(s): Charles Aznavour - Roger Lucchesi Performer(s): Charles Aznavour
Ah! lorsque ma poule Roucoule Je croule Dans un monde étrange encore inexploré Ah! elle m'enlace M'embrasse J'en passe Car il y a des choses qu'on ne peux expliquer Elle a son secret D'où le tient-elle, qui le sait? Mais la donzelle s'y connaît Si bien que j'en suis stupéfait Ah! car ce bolide Avide Me vide Lorsque je la prend Entre mes bras puissants
Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! J'ai connu par elle une quantité d'exclamations Des ah! admiratifs Puis des ah! négatifs Des ah! idiots et des ah! expressifs Des ah! contemplatifs Des ah! longs et plaintifs Qui tous me menèrent aux ah! explosifs
Ah! lorsque ma poule Me couve J'éprouve Un plaisir immense qui me prend cent pour cent Ah! ses yeux proposent J'explose Et j'ose Lui dire des phrases qui lui remuent le sang C'est un vrai volcan Elle bouillonne Constamment Et me passionne Follement Bien qu'elle ait l'air d'une enfant Ah! lorsque farouches, Nos bouches Se touchent J'en perds la raison Tellement que c'est bon
Ah! quand ma tigresse Me presse L'ivresse Me tourne la tête et je suis envoûté Ah! elle m'attaque Et quoique Je craque De toutes ses forces elle me tiens serré Je ne vois plus rien Une seconde Tout s'éteint J'oublie le monde Je l'étreins Pour que son coeur se fonde au mien Ah! c'est l'hécatombe La bombe Qui tombe Si c'est ça l'amour Ah! qu'on m'en donne Donne donne Nuit et jour
When Doves Cry Composer(s): Prince Performer(s): Prince
Dig if you will the picture Of you and I engaged in a kiss The sweat of your body covers me Can you my darling Can you picture this?
Dream if you can a courtyard An ocean of violets in bloom Animals strike curious poses They feel the heat The heat between me and you
How can you just leave me standing? Alone in a world that's so cold (So cold) Maybe I'm just too demanding Maybe I'm just like my father too bold Maybe you're just like my mother She's never satisfied (She's never satisfied) Why do we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like When doves cry
Touch if you will my stomach Feel how it trembles inside You've got the butterflies all tied up Don't make me chase you Even doves have pride
How can you just leave me standing? Alone in a world so cold (World so cold) Maybe I'm just too demanding Maybe I'm just like my father too bold Maybe you're just like my mother She's never satisfied (She's never satisfied) Why do we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like When doves cry
How can you just leave me standing? Alone in a world that's so cold (A world that's so cold) Maybe I'm just too demanding (Maybe, maybe I'm like my father) Maybe I'm just like my father too bold (Ya, know he's to bold) Maybe you're just like my mother (Maybe you're just like my mother) She's never satisfied (She's never, never satisfied) Why do we scream at each other (Why do we scream, why?) This is what it sounds like
When doves cry When doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry) When doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)
All My Heroes Are Dead Composer(s): Dar Williams Performer(s): Dar Williams
You gotta admit Life magazine made 1968 look great My father said it sucked, everybody died All the troops you couldn't save, no one knew how to be brave He said sometimes you were afraid to turn your radio on It was enough to make you quit that peacenick scene Well I heard about leaders, yeah I heard they're no longer around Cause peace was abandoned, and bravery hanged in his town And they passed down a sentence for building on the beauty of some dream
All my heroes are dead, I got them in my head, saying Never again, never a war, no more fighting So I'll stay true to them, and they'll come home again I'll carry the light, follow the dream, I'll remember
The '68 convention was a singing the times they are a-changing Well I guess they a-changed back Oh I miss those peaceful folk, love and humor when they spoke, hey Phil Ochs you still sound great, should've stuck around to hear it They say that compact disc makes songs come true But Phil I never expected that I'd miss you like a friend Cause I never expected that we'd be marching again And the soldiers of peace would tumble from this life as in a war
All my heroes are dead, and all the books I read Said "This is greed, this is wrong, fight your war at home" So I'll stay true to them, and they'll come home again I'll carry the light, follow the dream, I'll remember
So back to the present passion, romance, love, or simply put a lack thereof Shall we go on? I don't take it personally, it's our post-modern history You know since Nixon was impeached it's just been hard to commit So we cast our allegance left and right But I always believed that our souls would come through So I never expected that you'd take her home with you And I never detected, how hardened and not sorry you could be Don't you know? All our heroes are dead, we got ourselves instead And oh my friend, all your lies, they won't do you You gotta stay true to them, and they'll come home again I miss them too, I miss them too, you know I miss them more than I love you
Ah Still Suits Me Composer(s): Oscar Hammerstein II - Jerome Kern Performer(s): Paul Robeson & Hattie McDaniel and multiple other artists
(The kitchen Joe is shelling peas The show boat is rocking violently on the swollen river A lurch of the boat sends the boat of shelled peas to the floor Joe looks down at them dubiously Queenie enters)
Queenie: Joe! Dere you go again! Look at dem peas all over de floor!
Joe: River done it...
Queenie: De river done it?!?
Joe: Ol' river can do mos' anything, Queenie Look out dere what it's doin' now - won't be letting us give no show tonight (Queenie gets on her knees and proceeds to put the peas back in the bowl)
Queenie; Show? Dat don't worry me none Dere's somethin' else on dis ol' boat worries me mo'
Joe: Miss Nola?
Queenie: Dat's what...
Joe She be all right
Queenie: Dat's what you say 'bout ev'rythin' You don't get excited Why? 'Cause you don't do nuthin' You don' cook like me You don' act like the show folk You don' work on the tow boat What do you do?
Joe: Well, I jes' shelled dem peas
Queenie: (snorting) You ain't pickin' dem up
Joe: No, but I could've ef you didn't do it I could do a lot of things ef it wuz necessary
Queenie: Den why don'cha?
Joe: It ain't necessary... (He starts to sing, extemporaneously rhyming, stating his mood of the moment He sings as Queenie goes about her work)
Joe: Keep on a-naggin' 'n bullyraggin' 'n criticizin' 'n call me pizen Ah ain't apologizin', no siree! No matter what you say Ah still suits me De rag you're chewin' Mus' be a ruin Keep right on knockin' Keep right on mockin' Mah rockin' chair ain't rockin' No siree! No matter what you say Ah still suits me
Queenie: (coming over to him, belligerently) Does you ever wash the dishes? Does you do the things I wishes? Does you do dem? No, you don't! Will you do dem? No, you won't! When dere's any workin' to it I'm de one dat's gotta do it! When it's rainin' who's the feller Uses up the whole umbreller? Selfish as a man can be!
Joe: (looking up blandly) No matter what you say Ah still suits me
Queenie: You don' make money!
Joe: Ah know dat, honey!
Queenie: I never see none!
Joe: Ain't gonna be none But dat don' worry me none No siree!
Queenie: Shif'less! Lifeless! No good!
Joe: No matter what you say Ah still suits me
I may be no good No good fo' yo' good I may be lifeless But wid one wife less Mah life would be mo' strifeless Yes siree! No matter what you say Ah still suits me
(imitating Queenie with falsetto exaggeration) Does you ever wash de dishes? Does you do de things ah wishes? Does you do dem? No you don't! Will you do dem? No, you won't!
Queenie: (interrupting) Always imitatin' me An' always aggravation' me! Den in spite of ev'rything 'Spite of all de grief you bring 'Xpectin' me to love you true!
Joe: No matter what you say Ah thinks you do (He reaches out and pulls her to him affectionately She roars with glee)