Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
La Banda ((Adapted from: A Banda (by Chico Buarque) - 1966)) Composer(s): Chico Buarque - Antonio Amurri Performer(s): Mina - 1967
Versions In Other Languages: 1967 - La Banda (by Dalida) 1969 - Når Det Bli'r Sommer Igen (by Bjørn Tidmand)
Una tristezza così non la sentivo da mai ma poi la banda arrivò e allora tutto passò volevo dire di no quando la banda passò ma il mio ragazzo era lì e allora dissi di si e una ragazza che era triste sorrise all'amor ed una rosa che era chiusa di colpo sbocciò ed una flotta di bambini festosi si mise a suonare come fa la banda e un uomo serio il suo cappello per aria lanciò fermò una donna che passava e poi la baciò dalle finestre quanta gente spuntò quando la banda passò cantando pace ed amor Quando la banda passò nel cielo il sole spuntò e il mio ragazzo era lì e io gli dissi di si La banda suona per noi La banda suona per voi E tanta gente dai portoni cantando sbucò e tanta gente in ogni vicolo si riversò e per la strada quella povera gente marcia felice dietro la sua banda Se c'era uomo che piangeva sorrise perché sembrava proprio che la banda suonasse per lui in ogni cuore la speranza spuntò quando la banda passò cantando cose d'amor La banda suona per noi La banda suona per voi La banda suona per noi La banda suona per voi
Don't Stop Now Composer(s): Harry Escola - L. Roberts Performer(s): Ralfi Pagan
Don't stop now Don't stop now It's not that I couldn't care for someone like you but when you fall in love you can win or lose so baby dont stop now (feeling the way that you do) don't stop now (give me some time) oh baby don't stop now you (now that you may be mine) when I first fell in love oh I didnt take my time but now I know before I give my heart to make sure she's really mine so baby don't stop now (feeling the way that you do) don't stop now (if you know you're mine) oh baby dont stop know (if you know you're really mine) oh I love you baby I love you baby I love you baby so fine so let's just wait and see I know it seems it could never be 'cause we're so far apart in your mind but not my heart so baby don't stop now (fe'ling the way that you do) don't stop know (give me some time) don't stop know (you know you're really mine)
La Banda ((Adapted from: A Banda (by Chico Buarque) - 1966)) Composer(s): Chico Buarque - D. Faure Dalida - 1967
Versions In Other Languages: 1967 - La Banda (by Mina) 1969 - Når Det Bli'r Sommer Igen (by Bjørn Tidmand)
Je n'faisais rien de ma vie Quand mon amour m'appela Lorsque la banda passa J'entends des chansons d'amour
Je voulais lui dire non Pourtant je lui ai dit oui Lorsque la banda passa J'entends des chansons d'amour
L'homme sérieux qui comptait son argent s'est arrêté Le ventard qui ne pensait qu'à bluffer s'est arrêté Des amoureux qui comptaient des étoiles par là Se sont écartés quand passa la banda La fille triste oublia son chagrin et puis sourit La rose triste qui vivait fermée bientôt s'ouvrit Et les enfants ont couru comme toujours Lorsque la banda passa J'entends des chansons d'amour
Je n'faisais rien de ma vie Quand mon amour m'appela Lorsque la banda passa J'entends des chansons d'amour La banda a joué pour moi La banda a joué pour toi La banda a joué toujours Toujours des chansons d'amour
L'homme âgé a oublié qu'il était très fatigué Il s'est senti des ailes et bientôt s'est mis à danser La fille vilaine est soudain devenue belle En pensant que la banda jouait pour elle
La marche gaie dans Coppacabana s'éparpilla La pleine lune qui vivait bien cachée se montra La ville entière dansait sur son carrefour Lorsque la banda passa J'entends des chansons d'amour
Pour mon désenchantement Bientôt se fut terminé Tout redevint comme avant Lorsque l'été fut passé La banda jouait pour moi La banda jouait pour toi la la la...
La banda s'en est allée J'entends des chansons d'amour La banda s'en est allée J'entends des chansons d'amour la la la...
Don't Stop Me Now Composer(s): Freddie Mercury First release by: Queen - 1978 Covered by multiple other artists
Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time I feel alive and the world it's turning inside out Yeah! And I'm floating around in ecstasy So don't stop me now don't stop me 'Cause I'm having a good time having a good time
I'm a shooting star leaping through the skies Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go go go There's no stopping me
I'm burning through the skies Yeah! Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I'm trav'ling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic woman of you
Don't stop me now I'm Having such a good time I'm having a ball don't stop me now If you wanna have a good time just give me a call Don't stop me now ('Cause I'm having a good time) Don't stop me now (Yes I'm having a good time) I don't want to stop at all
I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars On a collision course I am a satellite I'm out of control I am a sex machine ready to reload Like an atom bomb about to Oh oh oh oh oh explode
I'm burning through the skies Yeah! Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I'm trav'ling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic man out of you
Don't stop me don't stop me Don't stop me hey hey hey! Don't stop me don't stop me Don't stop me have a good time good time Don't stop me don't stop I'm burning through the skies Yeah! Two hundred degrees That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit I'm trav'ling at the speed of light I wanna make a supersonic woman of you
Don't stop me now I'm having such a good time I'm having a ball don't stop me now If you wanna have a good time Just give me a call Don't stop me now ('Cause I'm having a good time) Don't stop me now (Yes I'm having a good time) I don't wanna stop at all
La la la la laaaa La la la la La la laa laa laa laaa La la laa la la la la la laaa hey!!...
Don't Stop It Now
Composer(s): Errol Brown
Performer(s): Hot Chocolate
Your lips are warmer than a fire
Just on burning kiss fills me with desire
And it would drive me mad if you should stop it now
'Cause I never ever had a girl like this before
Keep on giving it to me
Crazy 'bout you baby (mad about you darling)
Keep on giving it to me
'Cause I'm mad about you darling
Don't stop it now
Give me give me all you can
'Cause I need you now much more than I ever had
And I want more and more if I can get it
Baby your sweet sweet kind of love I've got to have it
Keep on giving it to me...
Darling-mad about you darling don't stop it now
This night must last forever and if you leave me now
You'll only break my heart don't stop it now
La Bamba ((Adapted from: El Jarabe Veracruzano)) ((English Versions: La Bamba (by Ritchie Valens) - 1958; Lasagne (by "Weird Al" Yankovic) - 1988)) (Traditional) Performer(s): Trini Lopez and multiple other artists
Para bailar la bamba para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia una poca de gracia y otra cosita Y arriba y arriba y arriba y arriba y arriba ire Yo no soy marinero yo no soy marinero, por ti sere por ti sere, por ti sere Bamba, bamba, bamba, bamba bamba, bamba, bam-bam-ba
Para bailar la bamba para bailar la bamba se necesita una poca de gracia una poca de gracia pa mi pa ti Ay, y arriba y arriba, y arriba y arriba y arriba ire Yo no soy marinero yo no soy marinero, soy capitan soy capitan, soy capitan Bamba, bamba, bamba, bamba bamba, bamba ...
Don't Stop Believin'
Composer(s): Jonathan Cain - Steve Perry - Neal Schon
First release by: Journey - 1981
Covered by multiple other artists
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to that feeling
Streetlight people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlight people
Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train
Goin' anywhere
A singer in a smokey room
A smell of wine and cheap perfume
For a smile they can share the night
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching
In the night
Streetlights, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin', somewhere in the night
Workin' hard to get my fill
Everybody wants a thrill
Payin' anything to roll the dice
Just one more time
Some will win
Some will lose
Some were born to sing the blues
Oh, the movie never ends
It goes on and on and on and on
Strangers waiting
Up and down the boulevard
Their shadows searching
In the night
Streetlights, people
Livin' just to find emotion
Hidin', somewhere in the night
Don't stop believin'
Hold on to the feelin'
Streetlights, people
Don't stop believin'
Hold on
Streetlights, people
I'm losing you I know your heart is miles away There's a whisper there where once there was a storm And all that's left is that image that I'll find a way And some memories have tattered as they've torn
Don't stop Don't stop Baby don't stop Baby don't stop Honey Honey (don't stop) Baby don't stop Baby don't stop Come on honey don't stop Play on baby Don't stop Baby baby don't stop Ah honey don't stop Don't ya stop
I know I got ya some picture that I filed away Honey don't stop Don't you stop
La Ballata Dell'eroe Composer(s): Fabrizio de André First release by: Fabrizio de André - 1961 Covered by multiple other artists
Era partito per fare la guerra per dare il suo aiuto alla sua terra gli avevano dato le mostrine e le stelle e il consiglio di vender cara la pelle e quando gli dissero di andare avanti troppo lontano si spinsero a cercare la verità ora che è morto la patria si gloria d'un altro eroe alla memoria era partito per fare la guerra per dare il suo aiuto alla sua terra gli avevano dato le mostrine e le stelle e il consiglio di vender cara la pelle ma lei che lo amava aspettava il ritorno d'un soldato vivo, d'un eroe morto che ne farà se accanto nel letto le è rimasta la gloria d'una medaglia alla memoria
La Ballata Del Michè Composer(s): Fabrizio De André - Clelia Petracchi First release by: Fabrizio - 1961 Covered by multiple other artists
Quando hanno aperto la cella era già tardi perché con una corda al collo freddo pendeva Michè tutte le volte che un gallo sento cantar penserò a quella notte in prigione quando Michè s'impiccò stanotte Michè s'è impiccato a un chiodo perché non voleva restare vent'anni in prigione lontano da te nel buio Michè se n'è andato sapendo che a te non poteva mai dire che aveva ammazzato soltanto per te io so che Michè ha voluto morire perché ti restasse il ricordo del bene profondo che aveva per te vent'anni gli avevano dato la corte decise così perché un giorno aveva ammazzato chi voleva rubargli Marì l'avevan perciò condannato vent'anni in prigione a marcir però adesso che lui s'è impiccato la porta gli devono aprir se pure Michè non ti ha scritto spiegando perché se n'è andato dal mondo tu sai che l' ha fatto soltanto per te domani alle tre nella fossa comune sarà senza il prete e la messa perché d'un suicida non hanno pietà domani Michè nella terra bagnata sarà e qualcuno una croce col nome la data su lui pianterà e qualcuno una croce col nome e la data su lui pianterà
Don't Stay Too Long Composer(s): Ernest Tubb - Don Whitney Performer(s): Ernest Tubb
Dont Stay too Long cause Im too lonesome Dont Stay too Long cause Im too blue When youre away Im so down hearted Dont Stay too Long cause I love you
When you are here Im so contented Each minute is a joy for me But when you go my heart starts crying My darling wont you heed my plea
(Ah Billy Byrd now)
Your letters come but Im still so lonely Cause letters cant erase my tears In dreams I have my arms around you The days and nights now seem like years
I walked the floor and think about you I just cant think a thing to do But when youre near my lifes a pleasure I cant get by if I cant have you
Dont Stay too Long cause Im too lonesome Dont Stay too Long cause Im too blue When youre away Im so down hearted Dont Stay too Long 'cause I love you
La Ballade Des Gens Qui Sont Nés Quelque Part Composer(s): Georges Brassens Performer(s): Georges Brassens; Tarmac
C'est vrai qu'ils sont plaisants tous ces petits villages Tous ces bourgs, ces hameaux, ces lieux-dits, ces cités Avec leurs châteaux forts, leurs églises, leurs plages Ils n'ont qu'un seul point faible et c'est être habités Et c'est être habités par des gens qui regardent Le reste avec mépris du haut de leurs remparts La race des chauvins, des porteurs de cocardes Les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part Les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part
Maudits soient ces enfants de leur mère patrie Empalés une fois pour toutes sur leur clocher Qui vous montrent leurs tours leurs musées leur mairie Vous font voir du pays natal jusqu'à loucher Qu'ils sortent de Paris ou de Rome ou de Sète Ou du diable vauvert ou bien de Zanzibar Ou même de Montcuq il s'en flattent mazette Les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part Les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part
Le sable dans lequel douillettes leurs autruches Enfouissent la tête on trouve pas plus fin Quand à l'air qu'ils emploient pour gonfler leurs baudruches Leurs bulles de savon c'est du souffle divin Et petit à petit les voilà qui se montent Le cou jusqu'à penser que le crottin fait par Leurs chevaux même en bois rend jaloux tout le monde Les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part Les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part
C'est pas un lieu commun celui de leur connaissance Ils plaignent de tout cur les petits malchanceux Les petits maladroits qui n'eurent pas la présence La présence d'esprit de voir le jour chez eux Quand sonne le tocsin sur leur bonheur précaire Contre les étrangers tous plus ou moins barbares Ils sortent de leur trou pour mourir à la guerre Les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part Les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part
Mon dieu qu'il ferait bon sur la terre des hommes Si on y rencontrait cette race incongrue Cette race importune et qui partout foisonne La race des gens du terroir des gens du cru Que la vie serait belle en toutes circonstances Si vous n'aviez tiré du néant tous ces jobards Preuve peut-être bien de votre inexistence Les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part Les imbéciles heureux qui sont nés quelque part
Don't Stay Away Too Long Performer(s): Peters & Lee
Its time that you were going And theres no way of knowing How long well be apart Wherever life may lead you Remember how I need you Keep our love locked in your heart, wo-oh, wo-oh
Jet plane flying high above me Dont stay away too long Come back darling, say you love me Dont stay away too long Tell me youll be thinking of me Each time you hear this song
Well love again, some other day Dont stay away too long
I miss you every minute My world without you in it Is such an empty place When days bring rainy weather As long as were together There is nothing we cant face
wo-oh, wo-oh
Jet plane flying high above me Dont stay away too long Come back darling, say you love me Dont stay away too long Tell me youll be thinking of me Each time you hear this song
Well love again, some other day Dont stay away too long
wo-oh, wo-oh
Jet plane flying high above me Dont stay away too long Come back darling, say you love me Dont stay away too long Tell me youll be thinking of me Each time you hear this song
Well love again, some other day Dont stay away too long
La Ballade Des Gens Heureux Composer(s): Gérard Lenorman - Pierre Delanoë First release by: Gérard Lenorman - 1975
Versions In Other Languages: 1995 - Ga Je Met Me Mee (Mieke) 1999 - De Ballade Van Het Geluk (Erik Van Neygen & Sanne)
Notre vieille Terre est une étoile Où toi aussi et tu brilles un peu Je viens te chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux Je viens te chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux
Tu n'a pas de titre ni de grade Mais tu dis "tu" quand tu parles à dieu Je viens te chanter le ballade La ballade des gens heureux Je viens te chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux
Journaliste pour ta première page Tu peux écrire tout ce que tu veux Je t'offre un titre formidable La ballade des gens heureux Je t'offre un titre formidable La ballade des gens heureux
Toi qui a planté un arbre Dans ton petit jardin de banlieue Je viens te chanter le ballade La ballade des gens heureux Je viens te chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux
Il s'endort et tu le regardes C'est ton enfant il te ressemble un peu On vient lui chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux On vient lui chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux
Toi la star du haut de ta vague Descends vers nous, tu verras mieux On vient te chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux On vient te chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux
Roi de la drague et de la rigolade Rouleur flambeur ou gentil petit vieux On vient te chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux On vient te chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux
Comme un choeur dans une cathédrale Comme un oiseau qui fait ce qu'il peut Tu viens de chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux Tu viens de chanter la ballade La ballade des gens heureux
Don't Start Crying Now Composer(s): James Moore - Jerry West Performer(s): Them and multiple other artists
You ain't never had to cry baby Don't start cryin' now You ain't never had to cry baby Don't start cryin' now You never did it before Don't do you no good no how
Cry cry baby, cry cry, all night long Cry cry baby, cry cry, all night long You're gonna wake up in the mornin' And find your good man gone
Well you brag 'bout your woman Take one look at mine Well you brag 'bout your woman A take one look at mine She's as sweet as any angel Make-a love most all the time
Cry cry baby, cry cry all night long Cry cry baby, cry cry all night long You might wake up in the morning And find your good man gone
Well I sent for you yesterday Here you come walkin' today Well I sent for you yesterday Here you come walkin' today Got you all fired up And don't know what I said
Cry cry baby, cry cry all night long Cry cry baby, cry cry all night long Gonna wake up in the mornin' Find your good man gone
Well cry cry baby, cry cry all night long (Well) cry cry baby, cry cry all night long You're gonna wake up in the mornin' And find your good man gone
De Ballade Van Het Geluk ((aka Ga Je Met Me Mee (Mieke) - 1995)) ((Adapted from: La Ballade Des Gens Heureux (Gérard Lenorman) - 1975)) Composer(s): Gérard Lenorman - Pierre Delanoë - Erik Van Neygen Performer(s): Erik Van Neygen & Sanne - 1999
Aan alle mensen hier op deze aarde Geniet een lach, kijk niet zo bedrukt Ik zing voor jullie de ballade De ballade van het geluk Ik zing voor jullie de ballade De ballade van het geluk
Jij hoeft geen hoge titel of geen graden Maar praat met God, zelfs vanuit je truck Ik zing voor jou ook de ballade De ballade van het geluk Ik zing voor jou ook de ballade De ballade van het geluk
Journalisten van het leukste blaadje Dit is tot nog toe je beste stuk Ik vind je titel formidabel Zangeresje bezingt geluk Ik vind je titel formidabel Zangeresje bezingt geluk
Jij dit alles zo mooi gezaaid hebt Je hebt het altijd veel te druk Ik zing voor jou dus de ballade De ballade van het geluk Ik zing voor jou dus de ballade De ballade van het geluk
Ze is ons kind en ze lijkt op ons samen Mijn kleine meid, mijn kapoen, mijn uk Ik zing voor haar ook de ballade De ballade van het geluk Ik zing voor haar ook de ballade De ballade van het geluk
Superstar stop je serenade Onder de tol van de roem gebukt En zing met ons mee de ballade De ballade van het geluk En zing met ons mee de ballade De ballade van het geluk
Koning clown met je lach en je tranen Charmeur, acteur, ik wens jou good luck En zing voor jou ook de ballade De ballade van het geluk En zing voor jou ook de ballade De ballade van het geluk
Ik hou van koren en kathedralen Van chansonniers, zittend op een kruk Ik zing met hen graag de ballade De ballade van het geluk Ik zing met hen graag de ballade De ballade van het geluk...
Don't Stand So Close To Me Composer(s): Sting First release by: The Police - 1980 Covered by multiple other artists
Young teacher the subject of schoolgirl fantasy She wants him so badly, knows what she wants to be Inside her there's longing This girl is an open page Book marking she's so close now This girl is half his age Don't stand, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me Her friends are so jealous You know how bad girls get Sometimes its not so easy To be the teachers pet Temptation, frustration so bad it makes him cry Wet bus stop she's waiting His car is warm and dry Don't stand, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me Loose, talk, in the classroom To hurt they try and try Strong words in the staff room The accusations fly It's no use he sees her He starts to shake and cough Just like the old man in that book by Nabakov Don't stand, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me Don't stand, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me