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  • 05-04-2004
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Musique Est De Retour
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    La Musique Est De Retour
    Composer(s): Marcel Amont - Michel Jourdan - G. Gustin
    Performer(s): Marcel Amont

    La musique est de retour
    Quand tu es là et mes deux bras autour
    La musique est de retour
    La mélodie la maladie d'amour
    Tu vas tu viens tu chantes
    Tu ris tu sors tu rentres
    Tu mets la vie dans la maison
    Tu mets la folie tendre
    Tu mets partout tes cendres
    Et du désordre à ma raison
    Toute est simple comme bonjour
    Et la musique est de retour

    La musique est de retour
    Quand tu es là et mes deux bras autour
    La musique est de retour
    Te re-voilà, baisse un peu l'abat-jour
    Y a la radio qui hurle
    Y a le café qui brûle
    Et du rimmel sur l'oreiller
    Par-ci par-là des robes
    La baignoire qui déborde
    Plein de fou-rire et de bouquets
    Tout est simple comme bonjour
    Et la musique est de retour

    la la la la la......

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Baby (Little Richard)
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    Baby Composer(s): Richard Penniman Performer(s): Little Richard

    Baby, don't you need a man like me?
    Baby, don't you need a man like me?
    We could be so happy together
    Try to raise a family

    Baby, sorry I've gotta go
    Baby, sorry I've gotta go
    I'm gonna come back to see you, baby
    When you wanna love me some more

    Yes baby, don't you need a man around?
    Yes baby, don't you need a man around?
    We could be so happy together
    I'm the sweetest man in town

    Baby, sorry I've gotta go
    Baby, sorry I've gotta go
    I'm gonna come back to see you, baby
    When you wanna love me some more

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Música Me Ayuda
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    Música Me Ayuda
    Composer(s): Fabián Gallardo
    Performer(s): Juan Carlos Baglietto

    Un domingo en una esquina
    un tambor que desafina
    y unas luces que despiertan la ciudad
    Hay un bar, un diario, un loco
    una almohada en cada ojo
    pero hay algo que me ayuda a despertar

    Es la musica que corre en nuestras venas
    es un ritmo que contagia y es mejor
    porque así no estamos solos
    hoy la calle nos alcanza en un grito
    que es la música de hoy

    Hay un ritmo en cada calle
    en el sol de la mañana
    en un rio en la oficina o en un bar
    no perdamos más el tiempo
    no dejemos el momento
    ya es de noche y se despierta la ciudad

    Es un piano que nos llega desde el norte
    un tambór que nos inunda desde el mar
    las palabras nacen solas
    y la música me ayuda
    para que hoy esté cantando
    para que estemos cantando
    y se escuche para siempre nuestra voz

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Baby (Caetano Veloso)
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    Baby Composer(s): Caetano Veloso Performer(s): Caetano Veloso

    Você precisa saber da piscina
    Da margarina, da Carolina, da gasolina
    Você precisa saber de mim
    Baby, baby, eu sei que é assim
    Baby, baby, eu sei que é assim

    Você precisa tomar um sorvete
    Na lanchonete, andar com a gente, me ver de perto
    Ouvir aquela canção do Roberto
    Baby, baby, há quanto tempo
    Baby, baby, há quanto tempo

    Você precisa aprender inglês
    Precisa aprender o que eu sei
    E o que eu não sei mais, e o que eu não sei mais
    Não sei, comigo vai tudo azul
    Contigo vai tudo em paz
    Vivemos na melhor cidade da América do Sul, da América do Sul
    Você precisa, você precisa
    Não sei, leia na minha camisa

    Baby, baby, I love you
    Baby, baby, I love you

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Música Del Rio De La Plata
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    La Música Del Rio De La Plata
    Composer(s): Juan Carlos Baglietto - Fito Páez
    Performer(s): Juan Carlos Baglietto

    Te siento, no te escucho, donde estas
    te escondes en los puertos del sur
    en cada luna, en cada esquina en cada madrugada
    en conventillos rascacielos en alguna cancha
    sos el grito que no existe
    pero esta latente hilando su oportunidad

    Hay gente a la que el charco le hace mal
    se clavan los puñales
    por querer tener el ultimo traje europeo
    por querer vivir lo de ellos
    hace un mes vivieron
    gente que vive de espalda
    a lo que es su tierra
    sus ciudad y su sentir

    Candombe en Montevideo
    milonga en Buenos Aires
    los años te van cambiando
    fuelle y tambor
    la música del Rio de la Plata

    Cantemos en la vereda
    que el canto también es fuerza
    gastemos nuestras gargantas
    para brindar
    borrachos de alegria y esperanza

    Cantemos hoy que es hora de cantar
    no vaya a ser que luego
    nos estalle el pecho de tanto sentir el ca
    nos asusten las tijeras que andan merod
    hoy es tiempo de canto y de mirarnos
    para adentro una vez más

    Tenemos una gran necesidad
    gritar lo que nos quema
    cada nota tiene alma, cada alma un cuerpo
    ese cuerpo que despierta todas las mañanas
    con ganas de recargardas
    plenas de caminos ilusión y sensatez

    Cantemos …

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Babs And Babs
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    Babs And Babs Composer(s): Daryl Hall Performer(s): Daryl Hall

    Babs and babs lay dreaming in a four poster bed
    Arm in arm, head to head, babs and babs
    Babs said, "whatcha thinking?"
    She said, "nothing
    But I never do ’cause I leave it up to you"
    Babs looked out the window
    Saw the moon and the sky
    She saw the clouds drifting by
    Voices crying and sighing and dying but she said nothing

    "look out on the lawn, there’s a moon out tonight
    There’s a moon out tonight, can’tcha see?"
    "silver dreams don’t move me or your talk of the stars
    And this isn’t the time or place to make a fool of me
    No one wants to hear you when you’re slipping away
    And the light of your day always shows up the strength of your vision"
    But she said nothing

    So babs said "don’t you worry, I’ll take good care of you
    You’re lack of feeling’s a rotten thing
    But I’ll show you what to do
    Girl, you’ve got to get away
    Girl, you’ve got to feel, oh, yeah"
    Babs said "don’t you patronize me, I’m fine the way I am
    At least I know what’s happening
    And I know just where I stand
    You live alone you die alone
    When your dreams all fade away, oh, yeah"

    Never compromising, never see eye to eye
    So they turn, with a sigh, babs and babs
    Have to be together like the night and the day
    So they might as well stay the best of friends
    Locked in love we leave them with the moon in the sky
    With the clouds drifting by
    Voices crying and sighing and dying and we say nothing
    She said nothing

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Mujer Más Bella Del Mundo
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    La Mujer Más Bella Del Mundo
    Composer(s): Pablo Pinilla
    Performer(s): Raphael

    Tan difícil como distinguir
    Un gato negro en la oscuridad
    Tan amargo como confesar
    El secreto de una infidelidad
    Tan humano como desear
    El regalo de un golpe de azar
    Tan peligroso como caminar
    Por la cornisa de mi propia vanidad
    Luchando contra el roce de tu piel
    Tratando de no enamorarme
    De la mujer más bella del mundo
    De la pasión que encierra mi orgullo
    Del corazón que late en mi corazón
    De la ansiedad que esconde mi soledad
    Con el alma rota en un bolsillo
    Y la sonrisa de un hombre vacío
    Desesperado como un animal
    Amenazado en su libertad
    Ya es inútil rabiar contra uno mismo
    Ni engañarse con mil copas de vino
    Cuando el amor que nunca juega limpio
    Te derriba como una enfermedad
    Luchando contra el roce de tu piel
    Tratando de no enamorarme
    De la mujer más bella del mundo
    De la pasión que encierra mi orgullo
    Del corazón que late en mi corazón
    De la ansiedad que esconde...
    El miedo a ver contigo amanecer
    El juego donde se prueba el querer
    El cruce del que un beso es una red
    Todo el tiempo malgastado
    Desde que me enamoré
    De la mujer más bella del mundo
    De la pasión que encierra mi orgullo
    Del corazón que late en mi corazón
    De la ansiedad que esconde...

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Babooshka Composer(s): Kate Bush First release by: Kate Bush - 1980 Covered by multiple other artists

    She wanted to test her husband She knew exactly what to do A pseudonym, to fool him She couldn't have made a worse move She sent him scented letters And he received them with a strange delight Just like his wife But how she was before the tears And how she was before the years flew by And how she was when she was beautiful She signed the letter "All yours Babooshka, Babooshka, Babooshka-ya-ya! All yours Babooshka, Babooshka, Babooshka-ya-ya!" She wanted to take it further So she arranged a place to go To see if he Would fall for her incognito And when he laid eyes on her He got the feeling they had met before Uncanny how she Reminds him of his little lady Capacity to give him all he needs Just like his wife before she freezed on him Just like his wife when she was beautiful He shouted out, "I'm All yours Babooshka, Babooshka, Babooshka-ya-ya! All yours Babooshka, Babooshka, Babooshka-ya-ya! All yours Babooshka, Babooshka, Babooshka-ya-ya!"

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Mort Douce
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    La Mort Douce
    Composer(s): Michel Berger
    Performer(s): France Gall

    Je me souviens j'étais
    Le souffle du vent le matin
    Et le sable et la terre et leur parfum
    Et le bruit du soleil qui connaît son chemin
    Et j'étais bien

    Je me souviens j'étais
    Dans une autre vie j'étais
    Un peu de ce monde qui m'entoure
    Que j'aime comme une fille aime sa mère d'amour
    Et j'étais bien

    Et j'étais bien

    Je me souviens j'étais
    L'arbre qui s'ouvre au printemps
    La reine des abeilles qui attend
    Que lui reviennent les fleuves et leur miel transparent
    Et j'étais bien

    Je me souviens j'étais
    Un autre maillon de la chaîne
    Un autre regard mais c'est le même
    Une autre façon de savoir dire je t'aime
    Et j'étais bien

    Et j'étais bien

    Et j'étais bien

    Et j'y retourne demain


    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Babies
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    Babies Composer(s): Nick Banks - Jarvis Cocker - Candida Doyle - Steve Mackey - Russell Sr. Performer(s): Pulp

    Well it happened years ago when you lived on Stanhope Road
    We listened to your sister when she came home from school
    'cos she was two years older and she had boys in her room
    We listened outside and heard her
    Well that was alright for a while but soon I wanted more
    I want to see as well as hear and so I hid inside her wardrobe
    And she came round four and she was with some kid called David
    from the garage up the road
    I listened outside I heard her
    Oh I want to take you home
    I want to give you children
    You might be my girlfriend, yeah
    When I saw you next day I really couldn't tell
    'cos you might go and tell your mother
    And so you went with Neve and Neve was coming on
    And I thought I heard you laughing when his Mum and Dad were gone
    I listened outside, I heard you
    Oh I want to take you home ...
    Well I guess it couldn't last too long
    I came home one day and all her things were gone, I fell asleep inside
    I never heard her come
    And then she opened up her wardrobe and I had to get it on
    Oh, listen we were on the bed when you came home
    I heard you stop outside the door
    I know you won't believe it's true
    I only went with her 'cos she looks like you
    Oh I want to take you home ...

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Lamas Fayre
    Composer(s): Chris Difford
    Performer(s): Chris Difford

    We caught the ferry from Stranraer to Larne
    over the great waves out under the stars
    to sleep in a cabin and look for the shore
    at six in the morning when I was a boy
    mother would lead me and take me in her hand
    combing my parting while back on dry land
    we caught the showers that fell on the beech
    sunshine we dreamt of was so out of reach
    on Irish mountains the coaches would climb
    we¹d write out postcards as the drivers unwind
    and mother was drinking with her friends at the bar
    and I¹d run them around but I wouldn¹t go far

    We caught the Ocean that flew on the wind
    we sat together and we let the day in
    she prayed in her silence for all who she knew
    this beautiful landscape was all for my view
    and mother would take me to see Lamas Fair
    gypsies would see me and they¹d play with my hair
    I heard my fortune told so simply there

    The rain was falling on the heather and gorse
    I had my ice cream with the chocolate sauce
    father was frowning a bag on his back
    the happier he got the more that he drank
    fiddles were playing in the opposite bar
    I had my crisps and lemonade in the car
    down to the causeway where giants once roamed
    id chase the crabs just before they got stoned
    my father my mother my brothers and me
    so young and simple in my memory

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Mort D'Ophélie
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    La Mort D'Ophélie
    Performer(s): Johnny Hallyday

    Un saule penché sur le ruisseau
    Pleure dans le cristal des eaux
    Ses feuilles blanches

    Ophélie tressant des guirlandes
    Vient présenter comme une offrande
    Des fleurs, des branches

    Pour caresser ses boutons d'or
    Pour respirer son jeune corps
    Le saule se penche

    Mais sous elle un rameau se brise
    Le saule en pleurs la retient prise
    De part sa manche

    Ophélie lui dit "qu'il est bon"
    Quand le ruisseau dans un frisson
    Casse la branche

    Ophélie file au fil de l'eau
    Qui vient gonfler son blanc manteau
    Contre ses hanches

    Son cri s'éteint comme une joie
    La boue immonde où elle se noie
    Prend sa revanche

    Un saule penché sur le ruisseau
    Pleure dans le cristal des eaux
    Ses feuilles blanches

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Babes On Broadway
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    Babes On Broadway Composer(s): Burton Lane - Ralph Freed Performer(s): Mickey Rooney & Judy Garland and multiple other artists

    We're babes on Broadway
    we're going places, when our new faces appear
    It's wonderful street for babes like us to be on
    we're here because we want to see our names in neon
    We left Topeka, we left Eureka and came to seek a career
    Oh, we're milking applause instead of milking a cow
    'cause we're babes on Broadway now!

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Mort D'Hamlet Et Le Rideau Tombe

    La Mort D'Hamlet Et Le Rideau Tombe
    Performer(s): Johnny Hallyday

    Je l'aimais, je l'aimais, je l'aimais

    Quelques vérités
    Un peu de passion
    Un fil de l'épée
    Un peu de poison
    Et le rideau tombe
    C'est la fin du monde
    Un peu de colère
    Un peu de souffrance
    Un peu de prière
    Si peu d'importance
    Et le rideau tombe
    C'est la fin du monde

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Toys In The Attic
    >Composer(s): George W. Duning - George David Weiss - Joe Sherman
    Performer(s): Jack Jones

    A time for mem'ries returning
    A time for longing and yearning
    Shades of blue crowding through
    As I sit here remembering you

    A time for wond'ring what happened
    For wond'ring why did it happen
    No goodbye, not a sigh
    How could love slip away and just die

    I thought that you, the night, the summertime
    Were out of sight and out of mind
    Yet here you are, the night, the summertime
    Still in my heart, I was blind

    A time for mem'ries returning
    With too much heartache and yearning
    So I'd better store those dreams away
    Like broken toys in the attic
    The mem'ries of my yesterday

    Like broken toys in the attic
    The mem'ries of my yesterday

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Mort
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    La Mort
    Composer(s): Jacques Brel
    First release by: Jacques Brel - 1959
    Covered by multiple other artists

    Versions In Other Languages:
    1967 - My Death (by Scott Walker)
    1986 - Kuolema (by Jarkko Rantanen)

    La mort m'attend comme une vieille fille
    Au rendez-vous de la faucille
    Pour mieux cueillir le temps qui passe
    La mort m'attend comme une princesse
    À l'enterrement de ma jeunesse
    Pour mieux pleurer le temps qui passe
    La mort m'attend comme Carabosse
    À l'incendie de nos noces
    Pour mieux rire du temps qui passe

    Mais qu'y a-t-il derrière la porte
    Et qui m'attend déjà
    Ange ou démon qu'importe
    Au devant de la porte il y a toi

    La mort attend sous l'oreiller
    Que j'oublie de me réveiller
    Pour mieux glacer le temps qui passe
    La mort attend que mes amis
    Me viennent voir en pleine nuit
    Pour mieux se dire que le temps passe
    La mort m'attend dans tes mains claires
    Qui devront fermer mes paupières
    Pour mieux quitter le temps qui passe

    Mais qu'y a-t-il derrière la porte
    Et qui m'attend déjà
    Ange ou démon qu'importe
    Au devant de la porte il y a toi

    La mort m'attend aux dernières feuilles
    De l'arbre qui fera mon cercueil
    Pour mieux clouer le temps qui passe
    La mort m'attend dans les lilas
    Qu'un fossoyeur lancera sur moi
    Pour mieux fleurir le temps qui passe
    La mort m'attend dans un grand lit
    Tendu aux toiles de l'oubli
    Pour mieux fermer le temps qui passe

    Mais qu'y a-t-il derrière la porte
    Et qui m'attend déjà
    Ange ou démon qu'importe
    Au devant de la porte il y a toi

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Babes In Arms Composer(s): Lorenz Hart - Richard Rodgers Performer(s): Mickey Rooney & Judy Garland and multiple other artists

    They call us babes in arms
    But we are babes in armour
    They laugh at babes in arms
    But we'll be laughing far more
    On city street and farms
    They'll hear a rising was cry
    Youth will arrive
    Let them know you are alive
    Make it your cry!
    They call us babes in arms
    They think they must direct us
    But if we're babes in arms
    We'll make them all respect us
    Why have we got our arms
    What have we got our sight for?
    Play day is done
    We have a place in the sun
    We must fight for
    So babes in arms to arms!

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    My Death
    ((Adapted from: La Mort (by Jacques Brel) - 1959))
    ((Finnish Version: Kuolema (by Jarkko Rantanen) - 1986))
    Composer(s): Jacques Brel - Mort Shuman
    Performer(s): Scott Walker - 1967
    and multiple other artists

    My death is like
    a swinging door
    a patient girl who knows the score
    whistle for her
    and the passing time

    My death waits like
    a bible truth
    at the funeral of my youth
    weep loud for that
    and the passing time

    My death waits like
    a witch at night
    and surely as our love is bright
    let's laugh for us
    and the passing time

    But whatever is behind the door
    there is nothing much to do
    angel or devil I don't care
    for in front of that door
    there is you

    My death waits like
    a beggar blind
    who sees the world with an unlit mind
    throw him a dime
    for the passing time

    My death waits
    to allow my friends
    a few good times before it ends
    let's drink to that
    and the passing time

    My death waits in
    your arms, your thighs
    your cool fingers will close my eyes
    let's not talk about
    the passing time

    But whatever is behind the door
    there is nothing much to do
    angel or devil I don't care
    for in front of that door
    there is you

    My death waits
    among the falling leaves
    in magicians, mysterious sleeves
    rabbits, dogs
    and the passing times

    My death waits
    among the flowers
    where the blackish shadow cowers
    let's pick lilacs
    for the passing time

    My death waits in
    a double bed
    sails of oblivion at my head
    pull up the sheets
    against the passing time

    But whatever is behind the door
    there is nothing much to do
    angel or devil I don't care
    for in front of that door
    there is you

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Let's Make Love
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    Let's Make Love
    Composer(s): Stanley J. Damerell - Tolchard Evans
    Performer(s): Jack Payne & Charlie Asplin

    Love's a thing no one can decide
    You and young potatoes make eyes
    And the beetroots, they all turn red
    When they start thinking of what Father said

    Let's make love
    In spring, summer, autumn, and winter
    Let's make love
    In spring when the dickie birds sing

    In summer make love by the silvery sea
    In autumn make love by the old apple tree
    In winter just cuddle up closer to me
    And let's make love

    Let's make love
    In spring, summer, autumn, and winter
    Let's make love
    In spring when of tripe we all sing

    In summer, at Blackpool, well you can't beat that
    In autumn on old Ilkley moor 'baht 'at
    In winter stay in by the fire with the cat
    And Blah, Blah, Blah (Trumpet sounds)

    Let's make love
    In spring, summer, autumn, and winter
    Let's make love
    in spring when the old Bow bells ring

    In summer make love 'neath the trees Epping way
    In autumn the old Bull and Bush is OK
    In winter down good Old Kent Road we'll go gay
    And let's make love

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. La Montagne (Jean Ferrat)
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    La Montagne
    ((Dutch Version: Het Dorp (by Wim Sonneveld) - 1969))
    Composer(s): Jean Ferrat
    First release by: Jean Ferrat - 1964
    Covered by multiple other artists

    Ils quittent un à un le pays
    Pour s'en aller gagner leur vie
    Loin de la terre où ils sont nés
    Depuis longtemps ils en rêvaient
    De la ville et de ses secrets
    Du formica et du ciné
    Les vieux, ça n'était pas original
    Quand ils s'essuyaient machinal
    D'un revers de manche les lèvres
    Mais ils savaient tous à propos
    Tuer la caille ou le perdreau
    Et manger la tome de chèvre

    Pourtant que la montagne est belle
    Comment peut-on s'imaginer
    En voyant un vol d'hirondelles
    Que l'automne vient d'arriver?

    Avec leurs mains dessus leurs têtes
    Ils avaient monté des murettes
    Jusqu'au sommet de la colline
    Qu'importent les jours, les années
    Ils avaient tous l'âme bien née
    Noueuse comme un pied de vigne
    Les vignes, elles courent dans la forêt
    Le vin ne sera plus tiré
    C'était une horrible piquette
    Mais il faisait des centenaires
    À ne plus savoir qu'en faire
    S'il ne vous tournait pas la tête

    Pourtant que la montagne est belle
    Comment peut-on s'imaginer
    En voyant un vol d'hirondelles
    Que l'automne vient d'arriver?

    Deux chèvres et puis quelques moutons
    Une année bonne et l'autre non
    Et sans vacances et sans sorties
    Les filles veulent aller au bal
    Il n'y a rien de plus normal
    Que de vouloir vivre sa vie
    Leur vie, ils seront flics ou fonctionnaires
    De quoi attendre sans s'en faire
    Que l'heure de la retraite sonne
    Il faut savoir ce que l'on aime
    Et rentrer dans son H.L.M.
    Manger du poulet aux hormones

    Pourtant que la montagne est belle
    Comment peut-on s'imaginer
    En voyant un vol d'hirondelles
    Que l'automne vient d'arriver?

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
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    --> Mirror
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    --> Semester I Rom

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