Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Le Gorille ((Italian Version: Il Gorilla (by Fabrizio De André) - 1968)) Composer(s): Georges Brassens First release by: Georges Brassens - 1952 Covered by multiple other artists
C'est à travers de larges grilles Que les femelles du canton Contemplaient un puissant gorille Sans souci du qu'en-dira-t-on Avec impudeur, ces commères Lorgnaient même un endroit précis Que, rigoureusement ma mère M'a défendu de nommer ici... Gare au gorille!...
Un jour la porte de la prison bien close Où vivait le bel animal S'ouvre, on n'sait pourquoi Je suppose Qu'on avait du la fermer mal Le singe, en sortant de sa cage Dit "C'est aujourd'hui que j'le perds!" Il parlait de son pucelage Vous aviez deviné, j'espère! Gare au gorille!...
L'patron de la ménagerie Criait, éperdu: "Nom de nom! C'est assommant car le gorille N'a jamais connu de guenon!" Dès que la féminine engeance Sut que le singe était puceau Au lieu de profiter de la chance Elle fit feu des deux fuseaux! Gare au gorille!...
Celles là même qui, naguère Le couvaient d'un il décidé Fuirent, prouvant qu'elles n'avaient guère De la suite dans les idées D'autant plus vaine était leur crainte Que le gorille est un luron Supérieur à l'homme dans l'étreinte Bien des femmes vous le diront! Gare au gorille!...
Tout le monde se précipite Hors d'atteinte du singe en rut Sauf une vielle décrépite Et un jeune juge en bois brut Voyant que toutes se dérobent Le quadrumane accéléra Son dandinement vers les robes De la vieille et du magistrat! Gare au gorille!...
"Bah ! soupirait la centenaire Qu'on puisse encore me désirer Ce serait extraordinaire Et, pour tout dire, inespéré!" Le juge pensait, impassible "Qu'on me prenne pour une guenon C'est complètement impossible..." La suite lui prouva que non! Gare au gorille!...
Supposez que l'un de vous puisse être Comme le singe, obligé de Violer un juge ou une ancêtre Lequel choisirait-il des deux? Qu'une alternative pareille Un de ces quatres jours, m'échoie C'est, j'en suis convaincu, la vieille Qui sera l'objet de mon choix! Gare au gorille!...
Mais, par malheur, si le gorille Aux jeux de l'amour vaut son prix On sait qu'en revanche il ne brille Ni par le goût, ni par l'esprit Lors, au lieu d'opter pour la vieille Comme l'aurait fait n'importe qui Il saisit le juge à l'oreille Et l'entraîna dans un maquis! Gare au gorille!...
La suite serait délectable Malheureusement, je ne peux Pas la dire, et c'est regrettable Ça nous aurait fait rire un peu Car le juge, au moment suprême Criait: "Maman!", pleurait beaucoup Comme l'homme auquel, le jour même Il avait fait trancher le cou Gare au gorille!...
Big Train (From Memphis) Composer(s): John C. Fogerty Performer(s): John C. Fogerty; The Lawmen; Jim Nunally; The Seldom Scene
When I was young, I spent my summer days playin on the track The sound of the wheels rollin on the steel took me out, took me back
Chorus: Big train from Memphis, big train from Memphis Now its gone gone gone, gone gone gone
Like no one before, he let out a roar, and I just had to tag along Each night I went to bed with the sound in my head, and the dream was a song
Well Ive rode em in and back out again - you know what they say about trains But Im tellin you when that Memphis train came through This ol world was not the same
Il Gorilla ((Adapted from: Le Gorille (by Georges Brassens) - 1952)) Composer(s): Georges Brassens - Fabrizio De André Performer(s): Fabrizio De André - 1968 and multiple other artists
Sulla piazza di una città la gente guardava con ammirazione un gorilla portato là dagli zingari d'un baraccone con poco senso del pudore le comari di quel rione contemplavano l'animale non dico come non dico dove
Attenti al gorilla
D'improvviso la grossa gabbia dove viveva l'animale s'aprì di schianto non so perchè forse l'avevano chiusa male la bestia uscendo fuori di là disse: "quest'oggi me la levo" parlava della verginità di cui ancora viveva schiavo
Attenti al gorilla
Il padrone si mise a urlare "il mio gorilla fate attenzione non ha veduto mai una scimmia potrebbe fare confusione" tutti i presenti a questo punto fuggirono in ogni direzione anche le donne dimostrando la differenza tra idee e azione
Attenti al gorilla
Tutta la gente corre di fretta di qua e di là con grande foga si attardano solo una vecchietta e un giovane giudice con la toga visto che gli altri avevan squagliato il quadrumane accellerò e sulla vecchia e sul magistrato con quattro salti si portò
Attenti al gorilla
"Beh" sospirò pensando la vecchia "che io fossi ancora desiderata sarebbe cosa alquanto strana e più che altro non sperata" "che mi si prenda per una scimmia" pensava il giudice col fiato corto "non è possibile, questo è sicuro" il seguito prova che aveva torto
Attenti al gorilla
Se qualcuno di voi dovesse costretto con le spalle al muro violare un giudice od una vecchia della sua scelta sarei sicuro ma si dà il caso che il gorilla considerato un grandioso fusto da chi la provato però non brilla nè per lo spirito nè per il gusto
Attenti al gorilla
Infatti lui sdegnata la vecchia si dirige sul magistrato lo acchiappa forte per un'orecchia e lo trascina in mezzo a un prato quello che avvenne tra l'erba alta non posso dirlo per intero ma lo spettacolo fu avvincente e la suspance ci fu davvero
Attenti al gorilla
Dirò soltanto che sul più bello dello spiacevole e cupo dramma piangeva il giudice come un vitello negli intervalli gridava "mamma" gridava "mamma" come quel tale cui il giorno prima come ad un pollo con una sentenza un po' originale aveva fatto tagliare il collo
Big Town Composer(s): Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark Performer(s): Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark
I discovered a big town On the crest of a wave Throwing money at strangers Taking candy from babes
Shaking hands in a big top As the rain came down I though it would not stop Sending letters to paris From the empire state Taking pictures from the top
Theres alot of things For you to do Theres alot of dreams That wont come true
I grew up in a big town The lessons were not hard to learn If you want them to love you Then you must not love them in return
Spent the night at a party Where I drank so much I fell under your spell
Eight oclock in the morning And the daylight makes me Look and feel like hell
Theres alot of things For you to do Theres alot of dreams That wont come true
Theres alot of things For you to do Theres alot of dreams That wont come true
When you live in a big town There are sights and sounds That make you want to cry
When you live in a big town There are sights and sounds That make you want to cry
When you live in a big town There are sights and sounds That make you want to cry
When you live in a big town There are sights and sounds That make you want to cry
Le Gitan Et La Fille Composer(s): Georges Moustaki Performer(s): Edith Piaf
Le gitan dit à la fille
"Qu'importe le prix de l'amour Pour toi, j'irai finir mes jours Derrière les grilles J'irai piller les gens de la ville Pour t'offrir une robe de satin Tu n'diras plus que j'suis un vaurien Un inutile... Mes mains, tout à l'heure si fortes Seront plus douces que le bois De la guitare qui joue pour toi Devant ta porte..."
Le gitan dit à la fille
"Qu'importe le prix de l'amour Pour toi, j'irai finir mes jours Derrière le grilles J'irai tuer ceux qui te regardent Quand le doux soleil du matin Se glisse dans le creux de tes reins Et s'y attarde... Et là, je te dirai "Je t'aime" Comme on dit le nom de Jésus Je le crierai dans la rue Comme un blasphème..."
Le gitan a dit à la fille
"Qu'importe le prix de l'amour Pour toi, j'irai finir mes jours Derrière les grilles Autour de toi, je ferai l'ombre Pour être le seul à te voir Pour être seul sous ton regard Et m'y confondre... Et quand la mort viendra défaire Les chaînes forgées par l'amour Pour toi, j'irai finir mes jours Au fond de la terre..."
Big Time For Love Composer(s): R. Nowels; John Waite Performer(s): John Waite
These days I feel I'm fightin' Everything in sight I'm fighting for my freedom For my life Some bigshot with the money Puts my back against the wall The red brick's waiting For another bullet hole There's a blitzkreig on the border It's a sexual pleasure/pain I'm staring down an empty glass Til the violence starts again It's the big time for love It's the big time It's the right time for love It's the big time for your love The queen is in the palace But my sister's in the rain Neon girls and gunshots Tickin' through my brain They give you some detection Bread and circus in your bed A calculated showdown It's very graphic bloodshed Better put your house in order There's a fireball in the sky Kiss the wife and kids so long Kiss your ass goodbye It's the big time for love It's the big time It's the right time for love It's the big time for love This time it is It's the big time It's the right time for love It's the big time for your love We feel overdue Cause we know what it feels like There's no more No white flag And communication too It's the big time for love It's the right time It's the time for love It's the big time for love This time it is It's the big time It's the right time for love Call a truce or forget it Big time for love
Le Ghetto Composer(s): Jacques Revaux Performer(s): Johnny Hallyday
Pour moi le monde est un ghetto Une prison dès le berceau Où les hommes comme des chiens Se tuent pour des mots, pour du pain L'enfer est sûrement plus beau Que le ruisseau d'un ghetto D'un ghetto
Du ghetto un jour je le sais Du ghetto je m'évaderai Et j'oublierai les barreaux Du ghetto
Si mon visage n'est pas d'ici Tout est privé ou interdit Les barbelés sont le décors De mes amours et de ma mort L'enfer est sûrement plus beau Que les buildings bien trop haut du ghetto
Du ghetto un jour je le sais Du ghetto je m'évaderai Et j'oublierai les barreaux Du ghetto
Du ghetto moi je vous le dis Du ghetto avec mes amis Nous sauverons notre peau Du ghetto
Big Time Composer(s): Peter Gabriel Performer(s): Peter Gabriel
Im on my way, Im making it Ive giot to make it show, yeah So much larger than life Im going to watch it growing
The place where I come from is a small town They think so small They use small words but not me Im smarter than that I worked it out Ive been stretching my mouth To let those big words come right out
Ive had enough, Im getting out To the city, the big big city Ill be a big noise with all the big boys Theres so much stuff I will own And I will pray to a big god As I kneel in the big church
Big time Im on my way-Im making it Big time big time Ive got to make it show yeah Big time big time So much larger than life Big time Im going to watch it growing Big time
My parties all have big names And I greet them with the widest smile Tell them how my life is one big adventure^ And always theyre amazed When I show them round my house, to my bed I had it made like a mountain range With a snow-white pillow for my big fat head And my heaven will be a big heaven And I will walk through the front door
Big time Im on my way-Im making it Big time big time Ive got to make it show-yeah Big time big time So much larger than life Im going to watch it growing Big time big time My car is getting bigger Big time My house is getting bigger Big time My eyes are getting bigger Big time And my mouth Big time My belly is getting bigger Big time And my bank account Big time Look at my circumstance Big time And the bulge in my big big big big big big big
Le Général A Dit Composer(s): Claude Lemesle Performer(s): Joe Dassin
Le géniral a dit: "Fermier Toi qui n'as pas de quoi manger Prends ta machette, viens, suis moi" Et je le suis depuis des mois
Chante l'ami plus fort que moi Sois plus ivre si tu peux Danse l'ami, ne pense pas Cette nuit on est heureux Viens me parler de ton pays De ta femme et de ton champ Chante l'ami, car tout s'oublie En chantant
Le général a dit qu'il faut Prendre la ville de Tampico Quand viendra l'aube elle brûlera Et j'ai mon père qui vit là-bas
Chante l'ami plus fort que moi Sois plus ivre si tu peux Danse l'ami, ne pense pas Cette nuit on est heureux Viens me parler de ton pays De ta femme et de ton champ Chante l'ami, car tout s'oublie En chantant
Vous, mes parents, vous m'attendez Dans la maison où je suis né Mais je n'ai plus de ville natale C'est ce que dit le général
Chante l'ami plus fort que moi Sois plus ivre si tu peux Danse l'ami, ne pense pas Cette nuit on est heureux Viens me parler de ton pays De ta femme et de ton champ Chante l'ami, car tout s'oublie En chantant
Si j'ai tué, si j'ai volé J'en ai encore le cur serré Tu me pardonneras le mal C'est ce que dit le général
Chante l'ami plus fort que moi Sois plus ivre si tu peux Danse l'ami, ne pense pas Cette nuit on est heureux Viens me parler de ton pays De ta femme et de ton champ Chante l'ami, car tout s'oublie En chantant
Le général nous a promis De l'argent et du pain blanc Et des troupeaux et l'eau des pluies Et la terre aux paysans Et dans les rues de Mexico On nous fera un carnaval Chante l'ami, danse l'ami Et longue vie au général
Big Spender Composer(s): Cy Coleman; Dorothy Fields Originally performed by: Peggy Lee Covered by various other artists
The minute you walked in the joint I could see you were a man of distinction, a real big spender Good looking, so refined Say, wouldn't you like to know what's going on in my mind? So let me get right to the point I don't pop my cork for every man I see Hey big spender! Spend a little time with me Wouldn't you like to have fun, fun, fun? How's about a few laughs, laughs? I could show you a good time Let me show you a good time
The minute you walked in the joint I could see you were a man of distinction, a real big spender Good looking, so refined Say, wouldn't you like to know what's going on in my mind? So let me get right to the point I don't pop my cork for every man I see Hey big spender! Hey big spender! Hey big spender! Spend a little time with me Yes
Le Gaz Composer(s): Gérard Jouannest - Jacques Brel Performer(s): Jacques Brel
Tu habites rue de la Madone Une maison qui se déhanche Une maison qui se tire-bouchone Et qui pleure à grosses planches L'escalier colimaçone C'est pas grand non Mais y a d'la place
Tu habites rue de la Madone Et moi je viens pour le gaz Tu as un boudoir plein de boudhas Les bougies dansent dans leurs bougeoirs Ça sent bon c'est sans histoire Ça ruiselle de tafetas C'est rempli de photos d'toi Qui sommeillent devant la glace Tu as un boudoir plein d'boudhas Et moi et moi et moi Je viens pour le gaz
Tu as un vrai divan de roi Un vrai divan de diva Du porto qu'tu rapportas De la Porte des Lilas T'as un p'tit chien et un grand chat Un phono qui joue du jazz Tu as un vrai divan de roi Et moi et moi et moi Je viens pour le gaz
Tu as des seins comme des soleils Comme des fruits comme des reposoirs Tu as des seins comme des miroirs Comme des fruits comme du miel Tu les recouvres tout devient noir Tu les découvres et je deviens Pégase Tu as des seins comme des trottoirs Et moi et moi et moi Je viens pour le gaz
Et puis chez toi ya l'plombier Et y l'bedeauet y a l'facteur Le docteur qui fait le café Le notaire qui sert les liqueurs Ya la moitié d'un artilleur Y a un poète de Carpentras Il y a quelques flics oui Et puis y a même ma sur Et tout ça est là pour le gaz
Allez allez-y donc tous rue de la Madone C'est pas grand non Mais y a d'la place Allez allez-y donc tous rue de la Madone Et dites bien que c'est pour le gaz
Big Socks Composer(s): Chuckii Booker Performer(s): Bette Midler
Mmmmmm, you talk about you and only you and the things that you do for you You say you're not a lean cuisine So I wanna see whatcha got on the menu
Now, if you think you're the man the only man with an exterior you feel is superior just give Miss B a little peek and see if you really can deliver
Your tendencies are short, my expectations are long And as I see it now, there's not much to go on It seems you dug a hole that you can't crawl out Now I truly see what you're all about
Don't brag about the diamond rings or the expensive clothes you wear 'cause I could care less for what you possess and your attitude needs repair Don't brag about your body, baby and say that you're packin' a lot 'cause all I see besides your big feet is that you got big socks
Let's just say that there's something lackin' A flea shouldn't have the nerve to be braggin' So pack up your little gift and get to steppin' Return it back and put it in the kiddie section
Full figured in a place that can deliver? Ha ha, not from what I've seen I can't trace what's below your waist There's too much space to be inside those jeans
Don't brag about the diamond rings or the expensive clothes you wear 'cause I could care less for what you possess and your attitude needs repair Don't brag about your body, baby and say that you're packin' a lot 'cause all I see besides your big feet is that you got big socks
Bye bye, baby, bye bye It's time to wave the white flag now that the kitten has been let out the bag
Don't brag about the diamond rings or the expensive clothes you wear 'cause I could care less for what you possess and your attitude needs repair Don't brag about your body, baby and say that you're packin' a lot 'cause all I see besides your big feet is that you got big socks
Don't brag about the diamond rings or the expensive clothes you wear 'cause I could care less for what you possess and your attitude needs repair Don't brag about your body, baby and say that you're packin' a lot 'cause all I see besides your big feet is that you got big socks
Le Garçon Que J'aimais Composer(s): André Popp - Eddy Marnay Performer(s): Ann Christy
Le garçon que j'aimais Ne reviendra plus jamais Et ses lèvres jamais plus n'auront les mots que j'ai connu
Le garçon que j'aimais On aurait cru quand il parlait Que du fond de sa jeunesse Des siècles de tendresse Vous arrivaient dessus
Le garçon que j'aimais Avait l'air quand il marchait En regardant devant lui D'ouvrir les portes de la vie Mais voilà je ne le verrai plus Voilà je n'entendrai plus chanter son coeur Car un jour on m'a volé
Le garçon que j'aimais On l'a pris au mois de mai Et sans qu'il n'aie rien compri On lui a donné un fusil Pas besoin de vous raconter Je sais que vous comprendrez pourquoi je dis Que je ne le reverrai jamais
Big Shot Composer(s): Billy Joel Performer(s): Billy Joel
You went uptown riding in your limousine In your fine Park Avenue clothes You had the Dom Perignon in your hand And the spoon up your nose And when you wake up in the morning With your head on fire And your eyes too bloody to see Go on and cry in your coffee But don't come bitchin' to me!
Because you had to be a big shot, didn't you?! You had to open up your mouth! You had to be a big shot, didn't you?! All your friends were so knocked out! You had to have the last word, last night You know what everything's about! You had to have a white hot spotlight You had to be a big shot last night!
They were all impressed with your Halston dress And the people you knew at Elaine's And the story of your latest success Kept 'em so entertained But now you jsut can't remember All the things you said And you're not sure you want to know! I'll give you one hint, honey You sure did put on a show!
Yes, yes, you had to be a big shot, didn't you?! You had to prove it to the crowd! You had to be a big shot, didn't you?! All your friends were so knocked out! You had to have the last word, last night You're so much fun to be around! You had to have the front page, bold type You had to be a big shot last night!
Well, it's no big sin to stick your two cents in If you know when to leave it alone But you went over the line! You couldn't see it was time to go home! No, no, no, no, no, no, you had to be a big shot, didn't you?! You had to open up your mouth! You had to be a big shot, didn't you?! All your friends were so knocked out! You had to have the last word, last night! So much fun to be around! You had to have a white hot spotlight! You had to be a big shot last night!
Le Galérien Composer(s): Leo Poll - Maurice Druon Performer(s): Yves Montand and multiple other artists
Je m'souviens, ma mèr' m'aimait Et je suis aux galères Je m'souviens ma mèr' disait Mais je n'ai pas cru ma mère Ne traîn' pas dans les ruisseaux T'bats pas comme un sauvage T'amuses pas comm' les oiseaux Ell' me disait d'être sage
J'ai pas tué, j'ai pas volé J'voulais courir la chance J'ai pas tué, j'ai pas volé J'voulais qu'chaqu' jour soit dimanche Je m'souviens ma mèr' pleurait Dès qu'je passais la porte Je m'souviens comme ell'pleurait Ell' voulait pas que je sorte
Toujours, toujours ell' disait T'en vas pas chez les filles Fais donc pas toujours c'qui t'plait Dans les prisons y a des grilles J'ai pas tué, j'ai pas volé Mais j'ai cru Madeleine J'ai pas tué, j'ai pas volé J'voulais pas lui fair'de peine
Un jour les soldats du roi T'emmen'ront aux galères Tu t'en iras trois par trois Comme ils ont emmn'nés ton père Tu auras la têt' rasée On te mettra des chaînes T'en auras les reins brisés Et moi j'en mourrai de peine
J'ai pas tué, j'ai pas volé Mais j'ai pas cru ma mère Et je m'souviens qu'ell' m'aimait Pendant qu'je rame aux galères
Big Ship Composer(s): Raymond Froggatt Performer(s): Cliff Richard; Herman's Hermits
I do believe my eyes are telling me lies I saw a ship ashore, a baked apple pie Hiding in corners and climbing up trees Love is a big ship, following me
Big ship, following me Love is a big ship, following me
Some like it cool, some like it hot You see me cool, like a fool, with all the loving I got Passing the world and the world's passing me Love is a big ship, following me
Big ship, following me Love is a big ship, following me
Just like, just like a big ship, just like, just like a big ship Just like, just like a big ship, following me, following me
Make me feel good, while you're shaking me down Singers sing dooby-doo all over town Dooby-dooby-doo-dah, singing dooby-doo-dee Love is a big ship, following me
Make me feel good, while you're shaking me down Singers are singing dooby-doo all over town Dooby-dooby-doo-dah, singing dooby-doo-dee Love is a big ship, following me
Big ship, following me Love is a big ship, following me
Just like, just like a big ship, just like, just like a big ship Just like, just like a big ship, following me, following me Following me, following me
Le Freak Composer(s): Bernard Edwards - Nile Rodgers First release by: Chic - 1979 Covered by multiple other artists
Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out!
Have you heard about the new dance craze? Listen to us, I'm sure you'll be amazed Big fun to be had by everyone It's up to you, It surely can be done Young and old are doing it, I'm told Just one try, and you too will be sold It's called Le Freak! They're doing it night and day Allow us, we'll show you the way
Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out!
All that pressure got you down Has your head spinning all around Feel the rhythm, check the ride Come on along and have a real good time Like the days of stopping at the Savoy Now we freak, oh what a joy Just come on down, two fifty four Find a spot out on the floor
Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out!
Now Freak! I said Freak! Now Freak!
All that pressure got you down Has your head spinning all around Feel the rhythm, check the ride Come on along and have a real good time Like the days of stopping at the Savoy Now we freak, oh what a joy Just come on down, two fifty four Find a spot out on the floor
Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out! Aaahh Freak out! Le Freak, C'est Chic Freak out!
Hey Pal! How do I get to town from here? And he said: Well just take a right where they're going to build that new shopping mall go straight past where they're going to put in the freeway take a left at what's going to be the new sports center and keep going until you hit the place where they're thinking of building that drive-in bank You can't miss it And I said: This must be the place
Ooo coo coo Golden cities Golden towns Golden cities Golden towns And long cars in long lines and great big signs and they all say: Hallelujah Yodellayheehoo Every man for himself Ooo coo coo Golden cities Golden towns Thanks for the ride
Big Science Hallelujah.. Yodellayheehoo
You know I think we should put some mountains here Otherwise, what are all the characters going to fall off of? And what about stairs? Yodellayheehoo Ooo coo coo
Here's a man who lives a life of danger Everywhere he goes he stays - a stranger Howdy stranger Mind if I smoke? And he said Every man, every man for himself Every man, every man for himself All in favor say aye
Big Science Hallelujah.. Yodellayheehoo
Hey Professor! Could you turn out the lights? Let's roll the film
Big Science Hallelujah Every man, every man for himself Big Science Hallelujah Yodellayheehoo
Le Fou Sur La Colline ((Adapted from: The Fool On The Hill (by The Beatles) - 1967)) ((Icelandic Version: Álfur Út Úr Hól (by Björk Guðmundsdóttir) - 1977)) Composer(s): Paul McCartney - John Lennon - Claude Moine Performer(s): Eddy Mitchell - 1968
Jour après jour Seul sur la colline Un homme vit retiré du monde comme s'il s'agissait d'une île Et personne ne vient lui parler On le surnomme le fou Non, personne ne veut s'approcher De ce fou sur la colline Qui regarde les nuages Caresser ses cheveux L'horizon dans les yeux
Jour après jour Seul sur la colline Un homme vit retiré du monde comme s'il s'agissait d'une île Et personne ne vient lui parler On le surnomme le fou Non, personne ne veut s'approcher De ce fou sur la colline Qui regarde les nuages Caresser ses cheveux L'horizon dans les yeux
Même moi qui suis attiré Par celui que l'on nomme fou Je suis toujours intimidé Par ce fou sur la colline Qui contemple les nuages Caresser ses cheveux L'horizon dans les yeux
Personne ne vient lui parler On le surnomme le fou Non, personne ne veut s'approcher De ce fou sur la colline Qui regarde les nuages Caresser ses cheveux L'horizon dans les yeux
Big Rock Candy Mountain Composer(s): Harry McClintock Originally performed by: Harry McClintock Covered by various other artists
One evening as the sun went down and the jungle fire was burning Down the track came a hobo hiking and he said boys I'm not turning I'm headin for a land that's far away beside the crystal fountains So come with me we'll go and see the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains there's a land that's fair and bright Where the handouts grow on bushes and you sleep out every night Where the boxcars are all empty and the sun shines every day On the birds and the bees and the cigarette trees Where the lemonade springs where the bluebird sings In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains all the cops have wooden legs And the bulldogs all have rubber teeth and the hens lay soft boiled eggs The farmer's trees are full of fruit and the barns are full of hay Oh, I'm bound to go where there ain't no snow Where the rain don't fall and the wind don't blow In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains you never change your socks And the little streams of alcohol come a-tricklin' down the rocks The brakemen have to tip their hats and the railroad bulls are blind There's a lake of stew and of whiskey too You can paddle all around 'em in a big canoe In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains the jails are made of tin And you can walk right out again as soon as you are in There ain't no short handled shovels, no axes saws or picks I'm a goin to stay where you sleep all day Where they hung the jerk that invented work In the Big Rock Candy Mountains
I'll see you all this coming fall in the Big Rock Candy Mountains