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  • 19-10-2008
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Libre (Nino Bravo)
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    Composer(s): Jose Luis Armenteros - Pablo Herrera
    Performer(s): Nino Bravo

    Tiene casi 20 años
    y ya esta cansado de soñar
    pero tras la frontera está su hogar
    su mundo y su ciudad

    Piensa que la alambrada sólo es
    un trozo de metal
    algo que nunca puede detener
    sus ansias de volar


    como el sol cuando amanece
    yo soy libre, como el mar
    como el ave que escapó
    de su prisión
    y puede al fin volar
    como el viento que recoge
    mi lamento y mi pesar
    camino sin cesar
    detrás de la verdad
    y sabré lo que es al fin
    la libertad

    Con su amor por bandera
    se marchó
    cantando una canción
    Marchaba tan feliz que no escuchó
    la voz que le llamó

    Y tendido en suelo se quedó
    sonriendo y sin hablar
    sobre su pecho flores carmesí
    brotaban sin cesar


    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Buona Domenica
    Composer(s): Antonello Venditti
    Performer(s): Antonello Venditti; Enzo Belmonte

    Buona domenica, passata a casa ad aspettare
    tanto il telefono non squilla più
    e il tuo ragazzo ha preso il volo
    Buona domenica, tanto tua madre non capisce
    continua a dirti "Ma non esci mai?
    Perché non provi a divertirti"
    Buona domenica, quando misuri la tua stanza
    finestra, letto e la tua radio che
    continua a dirti che è domenica
    Ciao, ciao domenica, passata a piangere sui libri
    tanto lo sai che non t'interroga e poi è domani che ti frega
    Ciao, ciao buona domenica davanti alla televisione
    con quegli idioti che ti guardano e che continuano a giocare
    Ciao, ciao domenica, e tua sorella parla parla
    con quello sguardo da imbecille, poi apre la porta la domenica
    Ciao, ciao domenica, passata ad ascoltare dischi
    meno ti cerca e più ci stai a pensare
    e questo tu lo chiami amore
    Ciao, ciao domenica, madonna non finisce mai
    sono le sei c'è ancora il sole fuori, nessuno a cui telefonare
    Ciao, ciao domenica, il tuo ragazzo non ti chiama
    tristezza nera nello stomaco, e in testa voglia di morire
    Ma non morire di domenica, in questo giorno da buttare
    tutto va bene, guarda pure il sole aspetta ancora una domenica

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Liberté
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    Composer(s): Charles Aznavour - Maurice Vidalin
    Performer(s): Charles Aznavour

    Liberté, liberté
    Qu'as-tu fait liberté
    De ceux là qui voulaient te défendre
    Les voilà tes amis
    Ils étaient trop petits
    Et déjà le bourreau va les pendre
    Ils aimaient bien leurs enfants
    Ils aimaient bien leurs parents
    Et pas qu'un peu le vin rouge et l'amour
    Mais quelque chose manquait
    Qu'ils ne pouvaient expliquer
    Et c'était toi liberté des beaux jours
    Avec une rose au chapeau
    Bien plus jolie qu'un drapeau
    Droit devant eux un jour s'en sont allés
    Mais ils n'ont pas fait quatre pas
    Que les sergents étaient là
    Qui les tenaient au bout des pistolets
    N'as-tu pas de visage, liberté
    L'un joyeux l'autre grave?

    Liberté, liberté
    Qu'as-tu fait liberté
    De ceux-là qui t'ont crue sur parole
    Ils ne t'ont jamais vu
    Ils ne te verront plus
    Liberté fameux rêve des hommes
    Ils ne rêvaient que de toi
    Ils ne vivaient que par toi
    Et c'est pour toi qu'ils prieront dans le ciel
    Rien n'a changé dans leur cœur
    Ils n'ont pas froid, n'ont pas peur
    C'est toujours toi liberté leur soleil
    Et quand on les a condamnés
    Ils ont salué sans pleurer
    Et l'un l'autre ils se sont embrassés
    Ils ont crié: "Vive le roi
    Vive la reine et la loi
    Mais vive aussi, vive la liberté"

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Antoinette (Es Ist Ein Dufter Abend)
    Performer(s): Ray Miller

    La la la la la la la ...
    Es ist ein dufter Abend
    bobolombom, bobolombom
    ich bin wild nach ihr
    Sie tanzt mit einem Andern
    bobolombom, bobolombom
    doch sie schaut zu mir

    Der And're will sie küssen
    bobolombom, bobolombom
    oh, es kocht in mir
    Sie lässt ihn einfach stehen
    bobolombom, bobolombom
    und lacht her zu mir

    Oh, Antoinette, oh, Antoinette
    dieser Augenblick war für uns beide sonderbar
    Oh, Antoinette, oh, Antoinette
    beim nächsten Tanz sind wir uns nah

    Oh, Antoinette, oh, Antoinette
    so ein Gefühl war bei mir lange nicht mehr da
    Oh, Antoinette, oh, Antoinette
    du bist einfach wunderbar

    Es ist gaaanz toll heut' Abend
    bobolombom, bobolombom
    sie tanzt nur mit mir
    Sie schwebt in meinen Armen
    bobolombom, bobolombom
    ich bin lieb zu ihr

    Als wir uns beide küssen
    bobolombom, bobolombom
    da ist alles klar
    Ich will sie nie mehr missen
    bobolombom, bobolombom
    bin für sie nur da

    Oh, Antoinette, oh, Antoinette
    in dem Moment war für und alles sonnenklar
    Oh, Antoinette, oh, Antoinette
    ein Zufall machte aus uns ein Paar

    Oh, Antoinette, oh, Antoinette
    ich bin für dich allein ein ganzes Leben da
    Oh, Antoinette, oh, Antoinette
    du bist einfach wunderbar

    Categorie:Duitse Songs

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    Performer(s): Luis Eduardo Aute

    Y van pasando los años
    Y al fin la vida no puede ser
    sólo un tiempo que hay que recorrer
    a través del dolor y el placer
    quién nos compuso el engaño
    de que existir es apostar a no perder
    Vivir es más que un derecho
    es el deber de no claudicar
    el mandato de reflexionar
    qué es nacer, qué es morir, qué es amar
    el hombre, por qué está hecho
    y qué eres tú, libertad
    libertad, libertad, libertad
    La idea no es razonable
    tampoco el verbo fundamental
    ¿es el alma principio o final
    o armonía del bien frente al mal?
    qué es el amor insondable
    que empuja al cuerpo a sea incógnita
    El siglo está agonizando
    y el testamento que va a dejar
    es un orden que quiere ocultar
    el preciso compás del azar
    a qué seguir respirando
    si no estás tú, libertad
    Libertad, libertad, libertad

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Buon Anniversario
    Titles In Other Languages: Happy Anniversary;
    Bon Anniversaire; Qué Buen Aniversario; Buen Aniversario;
    Performer(s): Charles Aznavour

    Nel mio vestito blu, sto portando pazienza
    Non sono stato mai piu' calmo di cosi'
    Sono pronto da un po', per questa ricorrenza
    Del tuo vestito bianco e del fatale si'
    Ma qualcosa non va' e sei cosi' nervosa
    Per questo me ne sto' tranquillo sul sofa'
    Col carattere tuo, se dicessi qualcosa
    Mi manderesti al limbo, e addio serenita'
    Sono le otto gia', la sarta non si vede
    Doveva stare qui, stamattina, mi pare
    Per colmo il tuo chignon, s'ingarbuglia e non cede
    Occasione di piu' per farci ritardar
    Se va avanti cosi', la serata a teatro
    E l'autore di moda te li salutero'
    Addio piu' d'anouilh, d'anouilh, forse di sartre
    Non mi ricordo piu', ma i biglietti li ho...
    Buon anniversario! Buon anniversario!

    Il tuo vestito e' qua, finalmente respiri
    Per solidarieta' ti aiuto come so'
    Tutto e' pronto, ma no, intanto che sospiri
    La tua cerniera lampo ti si ferma a meta'
    Ci innervosiamo un po' mentre spingo e tu tiri
    Cercando tutti e due di cavarci dai guai
    Ma per fatalita' in barba ai tuoi sospiri
    La stoffa si e' strappata e adesso che si fa?
    Verso le ventitre', infine tu sei pronta
    Da teatro oramai la gente se ne va'
    Andiamo a cena, via, la commedia non conta
    Ma adesso non vuoi piu' e chiedi di rientrare
    Per la strada noi due, camminiamo in silenzio
    Mi sorridi, ti bacio e poi sorrido a te
    La serata? Macche'! Non e' quella che conta
    Ma amarci come t'amo e come ami me
    Buon anniversario! Buon anniversario!
    Buon anniversario!

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Caffeine, Nicotine, Benzedrine (And Wish Me Luck)

    Caffeine, Nicotine, Benzedrine (And Wish Me Luck)
    Composer(s): Bill Hayes - Bill Howard - Betty Mackey
    Performer(s): Nat Stukey
    and multiple other artists

    Been pushin' that diesel since early dawn
    Ain't had no sleep, don't know how long
    Whole lotta trouble makin' them curves
    I gotta have a little somethin' to settle my nerves

    Well, hey little waitress, make my coffee strong
    A pack of king size filters and a country song
    Little box of whiteys help pick me up
    Caffeine, nicotine, benzedrine, wish me luck

    Rollin' down the highway with the heavy eyes
    I saw a lit up billboard that you advertised
    Everything for a trucker, lots o' parking space
    And the sign out front says this here is the place

    Well, hey little waitress, make my coffee strong
    A pack of king size filters and a country song
    Little box of whiteys help pick me up
    Caffeine, nicotine, benzedrine, wish me luck

    Well I got hungover, I left Chicago late
    And the big boss man he don't like to wait
    Memphis in the mornin', gotta burn the wind
    And I ain't gonna make it in the shape I'm in

    Well, hey little waitress, make my coffee strong
    A pack of king size filters and a country song
    Little box of whiteys help pick me up
    Caffeine, nicotine, benzedrine, wish me luck

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Bummin' Around
    Composer(s): Pete Graves
    Performer(s): Jimmy Dean
    and various other artists

    I got an ol' slouch hat
    got my roll on my shoulder
    I'm as free as a breeze
    an' do as I please
    just a bummin' around . . .

    Gotta million friends
    I don't feel any older
    I've got nothin' to lose
    not even the blues
    just a bummin' around . . .

    Whenever worries start
    to botherin' me (start botherin' me!)
    I grab my coat, my ol' slouch hat
    hit the trail again
    you see . . .

    I ain't got a dime
    don't care where I'm goin'
    I'm as free as a breeze
    an' do as I please
    just a bummin' around!

    I hit the trail again
    you see . . .

    I ain't got a dime
    don't care where I'm goin'
    I'm as free as a breeze
    an' do as I please
    just a bummin' around . . .

    just a bummin' around . . .
    just a bummin' around . . .
    just a bummin' around . . .

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Liberated Lady 1999
    Composer(s): Shel Silverstein
    Performer(s): Shel Silverstein

    She's a liberated lady and she's looking out for herself
    And she don't need your protection and she does not want your help
    And if you're lookin' for some pretty little flower
    You better go look somewhere else 'cause I warn you she's a liberated lady

    She got off work at the foundry, she was a feelin' kinda beat
    On the bus she had to stand and let some fellah have her seat
    And then she pinched the ass of a guy who passed her walkin' down the street
    When he called a cop she didn't quite understand

    Then she stopped off on the corner for her double shot of rye
    When some guy lit her cigarette she punched him in the eye
    And then he kicked her in the balls, it was enough to make her cry
    But she stood there and she took it like a man

    (She's a liberated lady and she smokes them big cigars
    You're gonna find her drinkin' boilermakers at the corner bar
    And in thirty seconds flat she'll change a flat tire on your car
    Look out she's a liberated lady)

    She come home to find her darlin' husband cryin' in distress
    She says why ain't supper ready and why is this house a mess
    He said the kids have drove me crazy and I need a brand new dress
    And how come you don't ever take me dancin'

    She sat down to smoke her pipe and she thought back to the time
    When she was satin silk and lace with nothin' on her mind
    But now she's gotta mow the lawn and gotta pay the bills on time
    And pray to Mrs God she don't get drafted

    Oh she got into bed that evenin' and she strapped her dildo on
    Climbed on top of him and said okay let's get it on
    He said you know I've got my period and my headache isn't gone
    And he fell asleep the chauvinistic bastard, oh

    (She's a liberated lady...
    I say look out she's a liberated lady and she smokes them big cigars
    You're gonna find her drinkin' boilermakers at the corner bar
    And in thirty seconds flat she'll change a flat tire on your car
    Look out she's a liberated lady)

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Bumble Bee
    Performer(s): LaVerne Baker

    I'm gonna have to put you down
    You've been treatin' me like a clown
    You know you've hurt me once before
    You'll never hurt me anymore

    Shoo-wee, you hurt me like a bee
    A bumble bee, an evil bumble bee

    I gave you love as sweet as honey
    My life, my soul and all my money
    You didn't seem to realize
    You had a home in paradise

    Shoo-wee, you hurt me like a bee
    A bumble bee, an evil bumble bee

    Don't you know I cry
    Night after night
    Just one kiss before you go
    Don't ever come back no more

    Now baby there's no need of cryin'
    I'm sick and tired of all your lyin'
    You know you've hurt my heart again
    I'm sorry baby it's the end

    Shoo-wee, you hurt me like a bee
    A bumble bee, an evil bumble bee

    Don't you know I cry
    Night after night
    Just one kiss before you go
    Don't ever come back no more

    Now baby there's no need of cryin'
    I'm sick and tired of all your lyin'
    You know you've hurt my heart again
    I'm sorry baby it's the end

    Shoo-wee, you hurt me like a bee
    A bumble bee, an evil bumble bee

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Sono Qui Con Voi
    ((Adapted from: Baby Please Don't Go (by Joe Williams) - 1935))
    Composer(s): Big Joe Williams - Luciano Beretta
    Performer(s): Caterina Caselli - 1965

    Sono qui con voi, alleluya-ya
    Sono qui con voi
    che felicità
    io sono qui con voi, alleluya-ya
    siete qui con me, alleluya-ya
    siete qui con me, tutti amici qui
    cantate insieme a me alleluya-ya
    siamo amici noi, alleluya-ya
    siamo amici noi
    tutto il mondo lo sa

    Cos'è la gioventù, alleluya-ya
    siete qui con me
    siete qui con me, alleluya-ya
    tutti amici qui
    cantate assieme a me
    siamo amici noi, alleluya-ya
    siamo amici noi
    tutto il mondo lo sa

    Cos'è la gioventù, alleluya-ya
    se qualcuno c'è
    che non canta con noi
    per i fatti suoi
    può anche andar

    Sono qui con voi, alleluya-ya
    sono qui con voi che felicità
    io sono qui con voi alleluya-ya
    siete qui con me, alleluya-ya
    siete qui con me, tutti amici qui
    cantate insieme a me alleluya-ya

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Composer(s): Bobby Darin
    Performer(s): Bobby Darin and various other artists

    Did you hear the story ‘bout old Bullmoose?
    He played piano, really tore it loose
    Whenever his heart was filled with gloom
    He'd beat out a song in the old lunchroom
    All the guys and gals would gather 'round
    Just to hear that Bullmoose sound
    Sayin’ …
    Go Bullmoose!
    Go Bullmoose!
    Go Bullmoose!
    Go Bullmoose!

    Bullmoose playin’ on a Friday night
    Two bad boys got up to fight
    One old man yelled, "Hey, keep quiet!"
    The next thing you know they started a riot
    While everybody was-a jumpin’ around
    All you could hear was that Bullmoose sound
    Sayin’ …
    Go Bullmoose!
    Go Bullmoose!
    Go Bullmoose!
    Go Bullmoose, a-turn 'em loose!

    Bullmoose goin’ to a party one day
    Everybody asked him, "Won't you sit down and play?"
    When all of a sudden the room began to shake
    "Whoops!" he cried, "It's a real earthquake"
    While the people were fallin’ into holes in the ground
    All you could hear was that Bullmoose sound
    Sayin’ …
    Go Bullmoose!
    Go Bullmoose!
    Go Bullmoose!
    Go Bullmoose, come on Bullmoose!
    Let me hear it like it is, Bullmo …

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Composer(s): Maurice Vidalin
    Performer(s): Gilbert Bécaud


    Fini le temps de la prison
    J'ai fait dix ans dans la maison

    Ils m'ont rendu mon pardessus
    Et merde et salut

    Je ne savais plus marcher
    Sans avoir devant moi un mur pour m'arrêter comme ça
    Ce soir, je peux danser... danser comm' ça

    Je ne savais plus parler
    J'avais trop murmuré, trop longtemps chuchoté comme ça
    Ce soir je peux chanter... chanter comm' ça


    Comme on chantait dans ma prison...


    Ma ville est là, me tend les bras
    On s'reconnaîtra

    Je suis pauvre et mal rasé
    Mais je vais m'bichonner, je vais me pomponner... comme ça
    Et puis j'irai aimer... aimer comm ' ça

    Tu me fais peur, liberté
    J'ai la gorge serrée et les gens me regardent... comme ça...
    Ils ne comprennent pas... n'comprennent pas


    Pleurer de joie, bon Dieu, qu' c'est bon!

    Me v'là un homme comm' tous les hommes
    De la créaçao

    Liberaçao, liberaçao ...

    Categorie:Franse Songs

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    Bull Dog
    Composer(s): Miguel Mateos
    Performer(s): Miguel Mateos

    Nunca leí un libro de sexo
    Nunca vendí marihuana
    Nunca disparé un arma de fuego (cuando)
    Nunca estafé al Gobierno

    Yo nunca imaginé que esto
    podía suceder
    estoy encadenado a un hueso
    y ladro sin morder
    como un pobre bulldog
    No más bombas, no más bombas, no más bombas...

    -Papá, estoy enamorado!
    -Callate nene, no hablés estupiddeces

    Ya lo ves, que no ves, ya lo ves, que no ves
    cuando el mundo está parado
    el que da vueltas soy yo

    -Mamá, tengo hambre
    -Hay sopa de pollo en la heladera
    -Odio la sopa de pollo
    -¡Comé esa sopa o llamo a la pollicía!

    Ya lo ves, que no ves, ya lo ves, que no ves
    cuando el mundo está parado
    el que da vueltas soy yo
    Yo, el que da vueltas soy yo
    siempre yo
    Yo y vos

    Y nunca imaginé que esto, oh no
    podía suceder
    estoy encadenado a un hueso, oh no
    encadenado, encadenado, encadenado
    y ladro, ladro sin morder
    como un pobre bulldog

    Yo nunca hice nada
    yo nunca hice nada
    yo nunca hice nada
    y tengo cara de bulldog

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Liar's Roses
    Composer(s): Bill Rice - Mary Sharon Rice
    Performer(s): Tammy Wynette

    The doorbell rings, it's flowers for me
    Roses again, it's the third time this week
    What kind of fool must he picture me to be?
    To be blinded by a dozen liar's roses

    Guilt-stained words, on beautiful cards
    But not a single one that comes from the heart
    He's seein' her again 'cause that's when he starts
    Sendin' me these lovely, liar's roses

    Oh, I'm sleepin' in a bed of liar's roses
    While he dreams of somebody else
    He lies to me and thinks that I don't know it
    But we're sleepin' in a bed of liar's roses

    Why do I stay, I don't know
    I guess it's easier than lettin' him go
    I do the best I can to not let it show
    What am I gonna do with all these roses?

    Oh, I'm sleepin' in a bed of liar's roses
    While he dreams of somebody else
    He lies to me and thinks that I don't know it
    But we're sleepin' in a bed of liar's roses

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Composer(s): Van Morrison
    Performer(s): Van Morrison

    I'm kicking off from centre field
    A question of being down for the game
    The one shot deal don't matter
    And the other one's the same

    Oh! My friend I see you
    Want you to come through (alright)
    And she's standing in the shadows
    Where the street lights all turn blue

    She leaving for an American (uhuh)
    Suitcase in her hand
    I said her brothers and her sisters
    Are all on Atlantic sand

    She's screaming through the alley way
    I hear the lonely cry, why can't you?
    And her batteries are corroded
    And her hundred watt bulb just blew

    Lallallal.. alright...huhuhhuh

    She used to hang out at Miss Lucy's
    Every weekend they would get loose
    And it was a straight clear case of
    Having taken in too much juice

    It was outside, and it was outside
    Just the nature of the person
    Now all you got to remember
    After all, it's just show biz


    We're just screaming through the alley way
    I hear her lonely cry, ah why can't you?
    And she's standing in the shadows
    Canal street lights all turn blue
    And she's standing in the shadows
    Where the street lights all turn blue
    And she's standing in the shadows
    Down where the street lights all turn blue
    Hey, hey, yeah

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Liar Liar
    Composer(s): Jim Donna
    Performer(s): The Castaways

    Liar, liar, pants on fire
    Your nose is longer than a telephone wire

    Ask me, baby, why I'm sad
    You been out all night, know you been bad
    Don't tell me different, know it's a lie
    Come kill me, honey, see how I cry

    Why must you hurt me, do what you do
    Listen here, girl, can't you see I love you
    Make a little effort, try to be true
    I'll be happy, not so blue

    If you keep on tellin' me those lies
    Still goin' out with other guys
    There'll come a day I'll be gone
    Take my advice, won't be long

    When that day comes, won't be mad
    Be free of you, but I'll still be sad
    In spite of your cheatin', still love you so
    I'll be unhappy if I let you go

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Oh, Luister Toch
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    Oh, Luister Toch
    Performer(s): Bobby Prins

    Jij praat al dagen niet
    en je hebt verdriet
    Je kijkt mij niet meer aan
    Als ik wat zeggen wil, is je blik zo kil
    Je ziet mij niet meer staan
    ’t Kan zo niet verder gaan, ‘k heb een fout gedaan
    Nee, ik draai er niet omheen
    Oh, het spijt me, toe begrijp me
    Laat me nu niet alleen

    Oh luister toch naar wat ik jou vertel
    Die ander was geen liefde maar een spel
    Ik voelde niets voor haar, alleen voor jou
    Ik liet mij even gaan maar toon nu toch berouw
    Oh luister toch naar wat ik jou vertel
    Die ander was geen liefde maar een spel
    Ik voelde niets voor haar, alleen voor jou
    Ik liet mij even gaan maar toon nu toch berouw

    Je keert je om, ik zie je huilen
    Ja, ik weet wat je voelt
    Dat ik zo stom was, oh, vergeef me
    Ik heb dat zo niet bedoeld
    Kom laten wij het weer proberen
    Heus, ik weet dat het gaat
    Ik beloof je, toe geloof me
    ’t Is nog niet te laat

    Oh luister toch naar wat ik jou vertel
    Die ander was geen liefde maar een spel
    Ik voelde niets voor haar, alleen voor jou
    Ik liet mij even gaan maar toon nu toch berouw
    Oh luister toch naar wat ik jou vertel
    Die ander was geen liefde maar een spel
    Ik voelde niets voor haar, alleen voor jou
    Ik liet mij even gaan maar toon nu toch berouw

    Categorie:Nederl. Songs

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    Composer(s): Russ Ballard
    Performer(s): Three Dog Night

    I won't ever leave while you want me to stay
    Nothing you could do that would turn me away
    Hanging on every word
    Believing the things I heard
    Being a fool
    You've taken my life, so take my soul
    That's what you said and I believed it all
    I want to be with you as long
    As you want me to
    I won't move away
    Ain't that what you said?
    Ain't that what you said?
    Ain't that what you said?
    Liar, liar, liar
    May I see no night
    May I see no day
    If I ever leave while you want me to stay
    You can believe in me
    I won't be leaving
    I won't let you go
    Ain't that what you said?
    Ain't that what you said?
    Ain't that what you said?
    Liar, liar, liar

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Buitres Y Tiburones
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    Buitres Y Tiburones
    Performer(s): Luis Eduardo Aute

    Cuando despierto
    y me encuentran las noches
    lejos del sueño
    entregado, al abrazo
    que me da el lecho
    voy librando combates
    contra mi cuerpo
    Levanto el peso
    de mi carne abrasada
    por mil infiernos
    la conduzco a la calle
    a que te dé el fresco
    y me enciendo una nube
    contra los nervios
    Y el humo se retuerce
    y luego dibuja figuraciones
    los transeúntes se transforman
    en buitres y tiburones...
    buitres y tiburones
    Siento acercarse
    monstruosas presencias
    por todas partes
    buitres con rostro humano
    y ojos de nadie
    tiburones con manos
    llenas de hambre
    El día nace
    se recogen las sombras
    tras los portales
    y la boca del lobo
    esconde sus fauces...
    un olor a derrota
    perfuma el aire
    Y el humo se retuerce...

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    We zoeken deze teksten (we're looking for):
    --> De Trein Naar Schellebelle
    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
    --> Ela-Ela/Popcorn/Ding Dong Bell (Medley)
    --> Mirror
    --> My Song, My Love
    --> Semester I Rom

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