Lyrics/Songteksten: Oldies A-Z
Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd

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  • 14-09-1969
    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Massachusetts (Anita O'Day)
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    Composer(s): Andy Razaf; Luckey Roberts
    Performer(s): Anita O'Day
    and various other artists

    When the porter yells Massachusetts
    I'll be there with bells, Massachusetts
    Homesick as can be, Massachusetts
    Only place for me, Massachusetts
    Got a special date
    With that New England State

    How my heart will knock, Massachusetts
    To see Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts
    Want to roam around, Massachusetts
    In Nantucket town, Massachusetts
    I can hardly wait
    I hope the train ain't late

    You can't guess how much it means for me to be there
    Childhood friends and childhood scenes for me to see there

    `Neath blue skies above, Massachusetts
    With the one I love, Massachusetts
    Just like Jack and Jill, Massachusetts
    We'll climb Bunker Hill, Massachusetts
    Spread the news around
    I'm Massachusetts bound

    As you walk to Lexington, you think of glory
    When those minute men were done, they left a story

    Where they speak with ee's, Massachusetts
    Boston if you pleese, Massachusetts
    Where they can't say can't, Massachusetts
    And where Aunt meets Aunt, Massachusetts
    Spread the news around
    I'm Massachusetts, Massachusetts bound

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Old Days
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    Old Days
    Composer(s): James Pankow
    Performer(s): Chicago

    Old days
    Good times I remember
    Fun days
    Filled with simple pleasures
    Drive-in movies
    Comic books and blue jeans
    Howdy Doody
    Baseball cards and birthdays
    Please take me back
    To the world gone away
    Seem like yesterday

    Old days
    Good times I remember
    Gold days
    Days I'll always treasure
    Funny faces
    Full of love and laughter
    Funny places
    Summer nights and streetcars
    Take me back
    To the world gone away
    Our good memories
    Seem like yesterday

    Old days ...

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Masquerade
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    Composer(s): Charles Hart; Andrew Lloyd Webber;
    Richard Stilgoe; Mike Batt
    Performer(s): Andrew Lloyd Webber

    The Staircase Of The Opera House:
    (A gauze half conceals the tableau of guests at the opera ball
    The guests (whom we cannot yet see clearly) are in fancy dress
    A peacock, a lion, a dragon, Mephistopheles, a highwayman, a clown
    knights, ladies, an executioner
    M. André enters
    He is dressed as a skeleton in an opera cape
    Almost immediately M. Firmin arrives
    He is also dressed as a skeleton in an opera cape
    The two skeletons see each other and approach nervously)

    M'sieur Firmin?

    M'sieur André?
    (Each raises his mask to the other
    They recognise each other)

    Dear André, what a splendid party!

    The prologue to a bright new year!

    Quite a night!
    I'm impressed!

    Well, one does one's best ...

    André/Firmin: (raising their glasses)
    Here's to us!

    I must say, all the same, that it's a shame that 'Phantom' fellow isn't here!

    (The gauze lifts fully to reveal the staircase of the opera house
    The opera ball begins
    Among the guests are four carrying strange percussion instruments
    a monkey with cymbals, a toy soldier with a drum, a triangle, bells
    Together they play weirdly throughout)

    Paper faces on parade ...
    Hide your face, so the world will never find you!
    Every face a different shade ...
    Look around, there's another mask behind you!
    Flash of mauve ...
    Splash of puce ...
    Fool and king ...
    Ghoul and goose ...
    Green and black ...
    Queen and priest ...
    Trace of rouge ...
    Face of beast ...
    Faces ...
    Take your turn, take a ride on the merry-go-round ...
    in an inhuman race ...
    Eye of gold ...
    Thigh of blue ...
    True is false ...
    Who is who ...?
    Curl of lip ...
    Swirl of gown ...
    Ace of hearts ...
    Face of clown ...
    Faces ...
    Drink it in, drink it up, till you've drowned
    in the light ...
    in the sound ...

    But who can name the face ...?

    Grinning yellows, spinning reds ...
    Take your fill - let the spectacle astound you!
    Burning glances, turning heads ...
    Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you!
    Seething shadows
    breathing lies ...
    You can fool any friend who ever knew you!
    Leering satyrs, peering eyes ...
    Run and hide - but a face will still pursue you!

    (The ensemble activity becomes background, as André, Firmin,
    Meg, Giry, Piangi and Carlotta come to the fore, glasses in hand)

    What a night

    What a crowd!

    Makes you glad!

    Makes you proud!
    All the creme de la creme!

    Watching us watching them!

    And all our fears are in the past!

    Six months ...

    Of relief!

    Of delight!

    Of Elysian peace!

    And we can breathe at last!

    No more notes!

    No more ghost!

    Here's a health!

    Here's a toast: to a prosperous year!

    To the new chandelier!

    And may its splendour never fade!

    Six months!

    What a joy!

    What a change!

    What a blessed release!

    And what a masquerade!

    (They clink glasses and move off
    Raoul and Christine emerge
    She is admiring a new acquisition: an engagement ring from Raoul
    which she has attached to a gold chain around her neck)

    Think of it!
    A secret engagement!
    Look - your future bride!
    Just think of it!

    But why is it secret?
    What have we to hide?

    Please, let's not fight ...

    Christine, you're free!

    Wait till the time is right ...

    When will that be?
    It's an engagement, not a crime!

    What are you afraid of?

    Let's not argue ...

    Let's not argue ...

    Please pretend ...

    I can only hope I'll ...

    You will ...

    ... understand
    in time ...

    (Dance section, in which Christine, almost coquettish almost jittery, goes from man to man
    But too many of her partners seem to be replicas of the Phantom
    and each spins her with increasing force
    Eventually Raoul rescues her and holds her tightly
    He whirls her back into the dance, as the music heads towards its climax)

    Paper faces on parade!
    Hide your face, so the world will never find you!
    Every face a different shade!
    Look around
    There's another mask behind you!
    Burning glances, turning heads ...
    Stop and stare at the sea of smiles around you!
    Grinning yellows, spinning reds ...
    Take your fill - let the spectacle astound you

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Old Dan's Records
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    Old Dan's Records
    Composer(s): Gordon Lightfoot
    Performer(s): Gordon Lightfoot; Mac Wiseman

    Get out old Dan's records
    Get out old Dan's records
    We will dance the whole night long
    It's fun to play the old time songs
    If old Dan could see us now
    I know he'd be so proud

    Bring out old Dan's records
    Bring out old Dan's records
    I remember my Aunt Bea
    She'd dance with Dan till two or three
    If old Dan could see her now
    I know he'd shout out loud

    Dig out old Dan's records
    Bring out old Dan's records
    We're all here, we've all got dates
    We'll dance all night to the seventy-eights
    If old Dan could see us now
    I know he'd be so proud
    If old Dan was with us still
    I know he'd come around

    Get out old Dan's records
    Dig out old Dan's records
    Back to nineteen thirty-five
    The foxtrot, jitterbug and jive
    If old Dan could see us now
    I know he'd be so proud

    Get out old Dan's records
    Bring out old Dan's records
    High above the fireplace
    There's a smile on old Dan's face
    If old Dan could see us now
    I know he'd be so proud
    If old Dan was with us still
    I know he'd come around

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    Composer(s): H.Å. Gäfvert; Lennart Hellsing
    Performer(s): Agnetha Fältskog & Christian

    Vi skulle gå och dansa
    På trädgårdsmaskerad
    Då skulle vi klä ut oss
    Men visste ej till vad
    Men visste ej till vad

    Och en var klädd som strömming
    Med fenor och med stjärt
    Men när han kom till trädgårn
    En katt åt upp en tvärt
    En katt åt upp en tvärt

    Och en var klädd som blomma
    Jag tror han hette Klas
    Men honom tog en gumma
    Och satte i en vas
    Och satte i en vas

    Och en var klädd som tavla
    Med ram som var antik
    Men honom tog en gubbe
    Och hängde på en spik
    Och hängde på en spik

    Och en hon var en femma
    Så hon var aldrig pank
    Men henne tog en farbror
    Och satte in på bank
    Och satte in på bank

    Och en var klädd till smultron
    Så runt och rött som så
    Men henne tog en pojke
    Och trädde på ett strå
    Och trädde på ett strå

    Själv var jag klädd som snigel
    Jag var bekymmersam
    För hur jag gick och gick där
    Så kom jag aldrig fram
    Så kom jag aldrig fram

    Categorie:Scand. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Old Dan Tucker
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    Old Dan Tucker
    Composer(s): Daniel Decatur Emmett
    Performer(s): Burl Ives; Hardtack & Harmony

    I came to town just the other night
    I heard the noise and saw the fight
    Watchman was a runnin' roun'
    Old Dan Tucker's come to town

    So get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    Get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    Get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    He's too late to come for supper

    Dan, he went down to the mill
    to get some meal to put in the swill
    The miller swore by the point of his knife
    He never seen such a man in his life

    So get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    Get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    Get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    He's too late to come for supper

    Old Dan Tucker was a fine old man
    Washed his face in a fryin' pan
    Combed his hair with a wagon wheel
    Died with a toothache in his heel

    So get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    Get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    Get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    He's too late to come for supper

    So get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    Get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    Get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    He's too late to come for supper

    So get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    Get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    Get out the way for Old Dan Tucker
    He's too late to come for supper

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Mashed Potato Time
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    Mashed Potato Time
    Composer(s): Robert Bateman; Georgia Dobbins;
    William Garrett; Freddy Gorman; Eddie Holland
    Performer(s): Dee Dee Sharp
    and various other artists

    (It's the latest)
    (It's the greatest)
    (Mashed Potato)

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    (Ooo) a-Mashed Potato started long time ago
    (Wah-ooo) With a guy named Sloppy Joe
    (Wah-ooo) You'll find this dance is a-cool to do
    (Wah-ooo) Come on baby, gonna teach it to you

    (Mashed Potato) Hear that groovy beat, now
    (Mashed Potato) Come on and twist your feet now
    Baby (It's the latest)
    Come on, honey (It's the greatest)
    Come on, baby (Mashed Potato)
    Yeah, yeah yeah yeah

    (Ooo) And then they dance just grew and grew
    (Wah-ooo) They looked for records they could do it to
    (Wah-ooo) They found this dance was a-outta sight
    (Wah-ooo) To, "When the Lion Sleeps Tonight"

    (Mashed Potato) Yeah, a-wimoweht, a-wimoweht-a
    (Mashed Potato) Mmmm
    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
    (It's the latest) Ah-hahh, baby
    (It's the greatest) Come on, honey
    (Mashed Potato) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    (Ooo) Now everybody is a-doin' fine
    (Wah-ooo) They dance alone or in a big boss line
    (Wah-ooo) Then they discovered it's the most, man
    (Wah-ooo) The day they did it to, "Please Mr. Postman"

    (Mashed Potato) A-wait a minute, wait a minute
    (Mashed Potato) Deliver de letter
    (It's the latest) Come on, baby
    (It's the greatest) Ah-hahh, honey
    (Mashed Potato) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    (Ooo) Well, they got with it more and more,
    (Wah-ooo) You ought to see 'em 'round the floor
    (Wah-ooo) The Mashed Potato took a long, long list
    (Wah-ooo) They even do it to, "Dear Lady Twist"

    (Mashed Potato) Get up from your chair, now
    (Mashed Potato) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-eh
    (It's the latest) Come on, baby
    (It's the greatest) Ah-hahh, honey
    (Mashed Potato) Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    (Mashed Potato) Aggggrrr, feel that groovy beat, now...

    Categorie:Eng. Songs

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Old Coat
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    Old Coat
    Composer(s): Elena Mezzetti;
    Gerald Sears; Noel Paul Stookey; Mary Travers
    Performer(s): Peter, Paul & Mary; Kayle Brecher

    Take off your old coat and roll up your sleeves
    Life is a hard road to travel, I believe

    I look to the east, I look to the west
    A youth asking fate to be rewardin'
    But fortune is a blind god, flying through the clouds
    and forgettin' me on this side of Jordan

    Take off your old coat and roll up your sleeves
    Life is a hard road to travel, I believe

    Silver spoons to some mouths, golden spoons to others
    Dare a man to change the given order
    Though they smile and tell us all of us are brothers
    never was it true this side of Jordan

    Take off your old coat and roll up your sleeves
    Life is a hard road to travel, I believe

    Like some ragged owlet with its wings expanded
    Nailed to some garden gate or boardin'
    Thus will I by some men all my life be branded
    Never hurted none this side of Jordan

    Take off your old coat and roll up your sleeves
    Life is a hard road to travel, I believe

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen. Máscaras
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    Composer(s): Luis Eduardo Aute
    Performer(s): Luis Eduardo Aute

    Luce el rostro inhumano
    mil máscaras y farsas
    máscaras de sano amor
    máscaras de elegidos
    por dioses y por pueblos

    Luce el rostro inhumano
    mil máscaras y farsas
    máscaras de doble faz
    máscaras de arrepentidos
    mortales vestiduras
    que van asesinando
    en la miseria larga
    la débil voz que brotó
    del hombre que nunca quiso
    ser máscara del hombre

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Old Cheyenne
    Composer(s): Ian Tyson
    Performer(s): Ian Tyson; Tom Russell

    The band would play the anthem
    And the clowns fell down in jest
    All the people saw again
    The winning of the west
    Our stomachs full of nothing
    And our hearts were full of hopes
    As we buckled on our leggings
    And we rosined up our ropes

    And we started going down the road
    In the spring of '74
    If I had me another trade
    I wouldn't ride them bulls no more
    Since Charlie died I tried to forget
    That day in old Cheyenne
    Betty leave your lights on darlin'
    I'm going to make it if I can

    Cause it gets inside your blood
    It gets inside your mind
    The only way of life
    There ain't no other kind
    All my thoughts roll back to you
    I hope you'll understand
    Betty leave your lights on darlin'
    Going to make it if I can

    The place that's known as Cheyenne
    Is called the daddy of them all
    The one our fathers sang about
    At the round-ups in the fall
    When Charlie drew that spinning bull
    Lord everything went wrong
    Got him in an ambulance
    Left me here to sing this song

    And I've kept right on a going
    But I drink before I ride
    That bottle brings me courage
    I believe I'm damn near out of pride
    I think I'd get me a factory job
    If you'd help me make my stand
    Betty leave your lights on darlin'
    Going to make it if I can

    Cause it gets inside your blood
    It gets inside your mind
    The only way of life
    There ain't no other kind
    All my thoughts roll back to you
    I hope you'll understand
    Betty leave your lights on darlin'
    Going to make it if I can

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Mas, Que Nada!
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    Mas, Que Nada!
    Composer(s): Jorge Ben
    Originally performed by: Jorge Ben
    Covered by various other artists

    Mas que na--da
    sai da minha frente
    Eu quero pas---sar
    Pois o samba es-tá a-ni-ma--do
    O que eu que-ro é sambar

    Es--se sam--ba
    Que é mis-to de ma-ra-ca-tú
    É samba de preto vel-ho
    Sam--ba de pre-to tú
    Mas que na---da
    Um sam-ba como esse tão le-gal
    Vo-cê não vai que--rer que eu chegue no fi-nal

    Categorie:Latin Songs
    Tags:Jorge Ben

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Old Cape Cod
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    Old Cape Cod
    Composer(s): Allan Jeffrey; Claire Rothrock; Milton Yakus
    Performer(s): Patti Page;
    and various other artists

    If you're fond of sand dunes and salty air
    Quaint little villages here and there
    You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod

    If you like the taste of a lobster stew
    Served by a window with an ocean view
    You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod

    Winding roads that seem to beckon you
    Miles of green beneath a sky of blue
    Churchbells chiming on a Sunday morn
    Remind you of the town where you were born

    If you spend an evening you'll want to stay
    Watching the moonlight on Cape Cod Bay
    You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod

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    Mas Tequila
    Composer(s): Gary Glitter; Sammy Hagar; Mike Leander
    Originally performed by: Sammy Hagar
    Covered by: Full Tilt; Shane Volk

    All right now, here we go ...
    Now we're gonna tell you a little story
    About the way we like to party - take ya on a trip!
    Hit it!
    That's right
    I'm goin' way down south where the big blue agave grow
    Takin' a weekend trip down to Baja, Mexico!
    Where you can drink the water, but don't ya eat the ice
    Take your vitamin "T" with salt 'n lemon slice ...
    I say
    One shot...Hey! Mas Tequila
    Two shots...Hey! que veneno
    Three shots...Arriba! Mas Tequila!
    Hey! Hey!
    She did a mean macarena to the funky cold medina
    Behind a body shot and three margaritas
    She'll drink it straight from the bottle, terra cotta jug
    From a boda bag coppin' a major buzz
    I say
    One shot...Hey! Mas Tequila
    Two shots...Hey! que veneno
    Three shots...Arriba! Mas Tequila!
    Hey! Hey!
    Uno mas, more...mas tequila!
    Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!
    Yo can drink the water, but don't ya eat the ice
    Take your vitamin "T" with salt 'n lemon slice!
    I say
    One shot...Hey! Mas Tequila
    Two shots...Hey! que veneno
    Three shots...Arriba! Mas Tequila!
    Hey! Hey!
    One shot...Hey! more tequila!
    Two shots...Hey! que veneno!
    Three shots...Ay yi yi yi yi ...
    Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
    Mas Tequila!
    No mas, no mas ....

    Categorie:Eng. Songs
    Tags:Sammy Hagar

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    Klik hier om een link te hebben waarmee u dit artikel later terug kunt lezen.Old Brown Shoe
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    Old Brown Shoe
    Composer(s): George Harrison
    Performer(s): The Beatles; Gary Brooker;
    Dani; Marlowes; Stackridge; Leslie West

    I want a love that's right
    Right is only half of what's wrong
    I want a short-haired girl
    Who sometimes wears it twice as long

    Now I'm steppin' out this old brown shoe
    Baby I'm in love with you
    I'm so glad you came here, it won't be the same
    Now I'm telling you

    Though you pick me up
    From where some try to drag me down
    And when I see your smile
    Replacing ev'ry thoughtless frown

    So escaping from a zoo
    Baby I'm in love with you
    I'm so glad you came here, it won't be the same
    When I'm with you

    If I'll grow up I'll be a singer
    Wearing rings on ev'ry finger
    Not worrying about what they or you'll say
    I'll live and love and maybe someday, who knows baby
    You may comfort me (hey!)

    I may appear to be imperfect
    My love is something you can't reject
    I'm changing faster than the weather
    If you and me should get together who knows baby
    You may comfort me

    I know my love is yours
    To miss that love is something I'd hate
    I'll make an early start
    I'm making sure that I'm not late

    For your sweet lip I'm in the queue
    Baby I'm in love with you
    I'm so glad you came here, it won't be the same
    When I'm with you

    I'm so glad you came here
    It won't be the same now when I'm with you

    (Yeah yeah yeah)
    (Tu-la, tu-la-tu) (repeat and fade)

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    Mas Que Nada
    Composer(s): Loryn Deane
    Performer(s): Ella Fitzgerald

    Oariá raiô
    Obá Obá Obá
    Mas que nada
    Sai da minha frente
    Eu quero passar
    Pois o samba está animado
    O que eu quero é sambar
    Este samba
    Que é misto de maracatu
    É samba de preto velho
    Samba de preto tu
    Mas que nada
    Um samba como esse tão legal
    Você não vai querer
    Que eu chegue no final

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Old Bones
    Composer(s): John Hadley
    Performer(s): George Burns;
    and various other artists

    Old bones inside an old raincoat
    Old bones inside of old shoes
    Old friends at the hotel
    Come by to wish me well
    And keep me up to date on all the old news

    Sometimes I have an old whiskey
    And I fall asleep in my chair
    And I dream that I'm a man
    Much younger than I am
    I bet you'd think by now that I wouldn't care

    But I love life, I'd like to do it again
    Though I might not be much more than I've ever been
    Just to have the chance to turn back the hands
    And let my life begin
    Oh yeah, I'd like to do it again

    It's time for takin' it easy
    It's time for takin' it slow
    Old bones don't move so fast
    As they did once in the past
    Now if I have to run, I simply don't go

    But I love life, I'd like to live it again
    Though I might not be much more than I've ever been
    Just to have the chance to turn back the hands
    And let my life begin
    Oh yeah, I'd like to do it again

    Oh yeah, I'd like to do it again

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    Más De Una Vez
    Composer(s): Silvio Rodríguez
    Performer(s): Silvio Rodríguez

    Más de una vez me han echado a la calle
    por reír donde debo estar llorando
    por llorar donde debo estar riendo
    por callar donde debo estar hablando
    por hablar donde debo estar callado
    por hablar en voz baja de la fe
    por hablar en voz alta del amor

    Más de una vez al año hago
    algo que no se puede hacer
    pateo una piedra, levanto polvo
    que da deseos de toser
    Me lleno entonces de optimismo
    algo solamente quiero hablar
    pero la piedra me cae encima
    y nunca puedo terminar

    Más de una vez me han echado a la calle
    por no sentir respeto por las flores
    por derramar comida en los manteles
    por darle de mi alcohol a algunos niños
    por desnudar de prisa a mis mujeres
    Más de una vez no tengo diversión
    más de una vez no tengo invitación

    Más de una vez al año hago
    algo que no se puede hacer
    pateo una piedra, levanto polvo
    que da deseos de toser
    Me lleno entonces de optimismo
    algo solamente quiero hablar
    pero la piedra me cae encima
    y nunca puedo terminar

    Más de una vez me han echado a la calle
    por correr donde duermen los enfermos
    por fumar en los palcos del teatro
    por hacerle una mueca a mi maestro
    por llevar la cicuta en el bolsillo
    desde que iba al colegio con un perro
    desde que me rompían la cabeza
    por hablar demasiado del horror
    y decirle asesino a un pescador

    Más de una vez al año hago
    algo que no se puede hacer
    pateo una piedra, levanto polvo
    que da deseos de toser
    Me lleno entonces de optimismo
    algo solamente quiero hablar
    pero la piedra me cae encima
    y nunca puedo terminar

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Old Black Joe
    Composer(s): Stephen Foster
    Performer(s): Van Morrison;
    and various other artists

    Gone are the days
    When my heart was young and gay
    Gone are toils
    Of the cotton fields away
    Gone to the fields
    Of a better land, I know
    I hear those gentle voices callin' me
    Old black Joe

    I'm comin', I'm comin'
    Though my head is bendin' low
    I hear those gentle voices calling
    Old black Joe

    I'm comin' home (I'm comin' home)
    Well, I'm comin' home (I'm comin' home)
    Though my head (my head, my head is bendin' low)
    I hear those gentle voices calling
    Old black Joe

    Gone are the days
    When my heart was young and gay

    Gone are the toils of the cotton fields, away
    Gone to the fields of a better land I know
    I hear those gentle voices calling
    Old black Joe

    I'm comin' home (I'm comin' home)
    Oh, an' I'm comin' home (I'm comin' home)
    Well oh well, my head (my head) is bendin' low
    I hear those gentle voices calling
    Old black Joe

    I'm comin' home (I'm comin' home)
    Oh, an' I'm comin' home (I'm comin' home)
    Can ya see my head (my head) is bendin' low
    I hear those gentle voices calling
    Old black Joe

    Old black Joe

    Old black Joe

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    Más Allá Del Amor
    Performer(s): Luis Eduardo Aute

    Todo lo que se me ocurre
    es decirte que lo siento
    que no sé lo que me pasa
    que es ridículo todo esto
    que me muero de vergüenza
    que quisiera estar muy lejos
    para no ver esa calma
    resignada de tu gesto

    Te deseo de tal forma
    y desde hace tanto tiempo
    que al tocarte con mis manos
    atravieso por un sueño
    que me traba la cabeza
    como un nudo, como un freno
    como un muro transparente
    que me impide amar tu cuerpo

    Más que un deseo
    eres una obsesión
    un espejismo
    más allá del amor

    Tantas veces he soñado
    el instante de este encuentro
    tantas veces me deshice
    ocupándote por dentro
    tantas veces he sentido
    la marea de tu sexo
    que esta vez que no es mentira
    me parece que no es cierto

    No contento con el fracaso
    me permito aún el exceso
    de aburrirte hasta el hastío
    con mis tópicos pretextos
    Para qué tanta teoría
    si está claro como el fuego...
    Aquí estás, desnuda, abierta
    esperando y... despierto

    Más que un deseo
    eres una obsesión
    un espejismo
    más allá del amor

    Categorie:Latin Songs

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    Composer(s): Paul Simon
    Performer(s): Paul Simon

    The first time I heard "Peggy Sue"
    I was 12 years old
    Russians up in rocket ships
    and the war was cold
    now many wars have come and gone
    Genocide still goes on
    Buddy Holly still goes on
    but his catalog was sold

    First time I smoked
    guess what - paranoid
    First time I heard "Satisfaction"
    I was young and unemployed
    Down the decades every year
    Summer leaves and my birthday's here
    And all my friends stand up and cheer
    And say man you're old
    Getting old
    Getting old

    We celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas day
    And Buddah found Nirvana along the Lotus Way
    About 1,500 years ago the messenger Mohammed spoke
    And his wisdome like a river flowed
    Through hills of gold
    Wisdom is old
    The Koran is old
    The Bible's
    Greatest story ever told

    Work 'em out

    The human race walked the Earth for 2.7 million
    And we estimate the universe about 13-14 billion
    When all these numbers tumble into your imagination
    Consider that the Lord was there beefore creation
    God is old
    We're not old
    God is old
    He made the mold

    Take your clothes off
    Adam and Eve

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    The lyrics in this collection are mostly by longtime established artists and/or authors from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's.
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    --> De Trein Naar Schellebelle
    --> Der Weg Ins Land Der Liebe
    --> Ela-Ela/Popcorn/Ding Dong Bell (Medley)
    --> Mirror
    --> My Song, My Love
    --> Semester I Rom

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