Retro-Songteksten: Evergreens, Classics, Old-Time Favourites, Hits Uit Onze Jeugd
Dit blog (met dank aan seniorennet) is enkel voor NIET-commerciële doeleinden. Alle songteksten zijn uitsluitend eigendom van hun respectievelijke copyright eigenaars; dus ga de muziek kopen die je mooi vindt, zo steun je de artiest.
NON-profit, non-commercial blog, to help preserve the songs of our youth; hence for entertainment only. All lyrics are the copyright of their respective owners; you are encouraged to go buy their music.
Autant Chercher À Retenir Le Vent ((Adapted from: Catch The Wind (Donovan) - 1965)) Composer(s): Donovan - Richard Anthony Performer(s): Richard Anthony - 1965
Dans les moments sans espoir Où l'on ne sait plus qu'être perdu On a peur de la nuit qui descend Je voudrais, près de toi, attendre le matin Mais je sais bien Autant chercher à retenir le vent
Sur des plages mouillées Nous irions tous les deux et dans tes yeux Je verrais le feu du soleil se couchant Je voudrais te garder bien loin du monde entier Mais je le sais Autant chercher à retenir le vent
Mm-mm-mm, mm-mm-mm
Quand la pluie pend des larmes aux fleurs C'est dans ton coeur, dans sa chaleur, Que je voudrais pleurer comme un enfant Il faudrait que tu m'aimes au moins quelques instants Mais je le sens Autant chercher à retenir le vent
Moondreams Composer(s): Norman Petty Performer(s): Buddy Holly
Strange things take place in my moondreams as the lonely and loveless hours go by your face takes its place in every moonbeam moondreams bring thoughts gentle as a sigh Moondreams can be a sensation moondreams may be fascination love can be our destination you and I can share this dream Wishing for you in my moondreams as the lonely and loveless hours go by will do until you can share all my dreams moondreams - moondreams moondreams brought by moonbeams in the sky
L'uomo Che Si Gioca Il Cielo A Dadi Composer(s): Roberto Vecchioni Performer(s): Roberto Vecchioni
Chi guarda dalla strada non ci crederebbe mai io vado a letto adesso e tu sei in piedi dalle sei tu stai pescando ed io sta notte ho amato chissà chi ho la camicia fuori e sono qui
Ti leggo dentro gli occhi "Figlio mio come ti va?" E come vuoi che vada come sempre, siamo qua ti vedo così poco ma soltanto tu sei tu con quelli là non se la faccio più
Papà, lasciamo tutti e andiamo via Papà, lasciamo tutto e andiamo via
Tu li hai giocati tutti senza avere in mano i re pien e cavalli o niente tutto il resto che cos'è? Ti sei giocato donne che impazzivano per te eppure un giorno hai pianto in un caffè
Ci sono stati giorni da piantare tutto lì eppure li hai giocati sorridendomi così per te l'estate non comincia e non finisce mai è vivere la vita come fai
papà, lasciamo tutti e andiamo via papà, lasciamo tutto e andiamo via
E quando verrà l'ora di partire, vecchio mio scommetto che ti giochi il cielo a dadi anche con Dio e accetterà lo giuro purché in cielo, dove sta se non ti rassomiglia che ci fa?
Moondance Composer(s): Van Morrison Originally performed by: Van Morrison Covered by various other artists
Well it's a marvelous night for a moondance With the stars up above in your eyes A fantabulous night to make romance 'Neath the cover of October skies And all the leaves on the trees are falling To the sound of the breezes that blow And I'm trying to please to the calling Of your heart-strings that play soft and low You know the night's magic Seems to whisper and hush And all the soft moonlight Seems to shine in your blush...
Can I just have one a' more moondance with you, my love? Can I just make some more romance with a' you, my love?
Well I wanna make love to you tonight I can't wait till the morning has come And I know now the time is just right And straight into my arms you will run And when you come my heart will be waiting To make sure that you're never alone There and then all my dreams will come true dear There and then I will make you my own And every time I touch you, you just tremble inside And I know how much you want me that, you can't hide...
Can I just have one more moondance with you, my love? Can I just make some more romance with you, my love?
Well it's a marvelous night for a moondance With the stars up above in your eyes A fantabulous night to make romance 'Neath the cover of October skies And all the leaves on the trees are falling To the sound of the breezes that blow And I'm trying to please to the calling Of your heart-strings that play soft and low You know the night's magic Seems to whisper and hush And all the soft moonlight Seems to shine in your blush...
One more moondance with you In the moonlight On a magic night la, la, la, la, there's a moonlight On a magic night Can't I just have one more dance With you my love?
Senza l'ultima parola frase saggia da citarsi piegò il capo sul cuscino quasi per addormentarsi senza un grido, senza un nome senza motti, senza un suono né rumori di battaglie era morto un altro uomo Restò solo qualcosa che volò nell'aria calma e poi svanì per dove non sapremo mai C'era buio nella stanza di malato un greve odore e una lieve pazza danza di mosconi in amore Lievi ronzan le preghiere poi qualcuno se n'è accorto si alzò atroce nella sera solo un chiaro grido "E' morto!" Restò solo qualcosa che volò nell'aria calma e poi svanì per dove non sapremo mai Svelti accorrono gli astanti "Com'è morto? Com'è andata?" sfrigolava ormai sui pianti la candela già bruciata Gli composero le braccia si riavviò la rada chioma ondeggiava sulla faccia del rosario la corona Restò solo qualcosa che volò nell'aria calma e poi svanì per dove non sapremo mai Si frugò dentro ai ricordi di una vita ormai finita si guardò dentro ai cassetti colmi di carta ingiallita Questa foto è per la figlia l'orologio qui a chi tocca? meglio gli chiudiate gli occhi meglio chiudergli la bocca Restò solo qualcosa che volò nell'aria calma e poi svanì per dove non sapremo mai Si riuniscono i parenti si rincorrono i ricordi già si parla delle spese già si senton pianti sordi Qualche spicciolo lasciato provocò parole accese che volarono sul letto e copriron le candele Restò solo qualcosa che volò nell'aria calma e poi svanì per dove non sapremo mai Uno schiaffo fa tacere anche i giochi dei bambini sono calate le serrande neri sfilano i vicini Le ghirlande hanno gettato la tristezza sulle scale fra i parenti addolorati se ne scende il funerale Restò ... Una vita, quante cose dice il prete in due parole Lo ringraziano gli astanti via l'inverno, c'è già il sole Chiacchiere, risate lievi vanno per il cimitero restan fiori con le scritte resta al vento un drappo nero Restò ...
Moonchild Composer(s): Robert Fripp; Michael Giles; Greg Lake; Ian McDonald; Peter Sinfield Performer(s): King Crimson
Call her moonchild Dancing in the shallows of a river Lonely moonchild Dreaming in the shadow of the willow
Talking to the trees of the cobweb strange Sleeping on the steps of a fountain Waving silver wands to the night-birds song Waiting for the sun on the mountain
She's a moonchild Gathering the flowers in a garden Lovely moonchild Drifting on the echoes of the hours
Sailling on the wind in a milk white gown Dropping circle stones on a sun dial Playing hide and seek with the ghosts of dawn Waiting for a smile from a sun child
Lune Rouge Composer(s): J.P. Blanc - H. Grant Performer(s): Nicoletta
Dans ton ventre arrondi, tu m'as appris À ne pas m'effrayer dans le noir Tu murmurais des mélodies Des berceuses prémonitoires Plus personne ne venait sur tes genoux À la maison, même les chats filaient doux Avec mon père, vous dormiez serrés ensemble Afin que je grandisse et que je lui ressemble
Tu mangeais du poisson de rivière Pour que je puisse me glisser Avec vivacité De l'eau vers la lumière
Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge Ma naissance a eu lieu à la pointe du jour Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge Petits pieds nus langés d'argile, langés d'amour
Mes frères ont attendu chez les voisins Mon père caressait doucement ton ventre Mammie conjurait l'incertain La sage femme était patiente Aussi tendue qu'un cheval sauvage Des mains tentaient de te maintenir sage Comme un rubis qui, de sa gangue, jaillit Je suis venue au monde en poussant un long cri
Avec un canif à faire les flûtes T'as coupé, en ancienne Pour que je sois musicienne Le cordon d'un coup brut
Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge Ma naissance a eu lieu à la pointe du jour Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge Petits pieds nus langés d'argile, langés d'amour
Quoiqu'il arrive, enroulé dans mon cur Un grand chemin d'amertume, en douceur M'amènera toujours vers la même maison Où le ciel et la terre sont le sang de ton nom
Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge Ma naissance a eu lieu à la pointe du jour Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge Petits pieds nus langés d'argile, langés d'amour
Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge Ma naissance a eu lieu à la pointe du jour Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge, Lune Rouge Petits pieds nus langés d'argile, langés d'amour
Moonburn Composer(s): Hoagy Carmichael; Edward Heyman Performer(s): Bing Crosby and various other artists
Now, if you're thinkin' that I'm lookin' somewhat tanner Don't go blamin' it on the sun It's the moonlight and the sweetness in your manner That's makin' me the healthy one When the moon hangs low, I begin to glow And my day has just begun
I'm gonna get a moonburn when I'm with you tonight So very soon, I'll moonburn when you hold me tight I'll ask the glowing stars up above me What your lips will impart And when they flash the word that you love me You know it's gonna warm my heart I'll get a brand new moonburn with every kiss from you And if I have my way, get my say, you'll get a moonburn, too
Oh, I'm catchin' me some moonburn, when I getcha alone with me tonight So very soon, I'll moonburn when you hold me tight I'll ask the glowing stars up above me Tell, me what your lips will impart And when they flash the word that you love me Ooh, it'll warm my heart
I'm get me a brand new kind of a moonburn With ev'ry kiss I get from you And if I get my way, get my say, you'll get a moonburn, too Keep under cover, you'll get a moonburn, too
Lunch Break: Peak Hour Composer(s): John Lodge - Peter Knight Performer(s): The Moody Blues; London Festival Orch.; Peter Knight
I see it all through my window it seems Never failing, like millions of bees Pull out the drawer, no time to be won Only to do, what can be done?
Peak hour, peak hour, peak hour
Minds are subject to what should be done Problem solved, time cannot be won One hour a day, one hour a night She's trying to be, ooh Home, in full flight
Peak hour, peak hour, peak hour
It makes me want to run out And tell them, they've got time Take a step back out and look in I've found out, I've got time
Minds are subject to what should be done Problem solved, time cannot be won One hour a day, one hour a night She's trying to be, ooh Home, in full flight
Le petit lapin de Playboy ronge mon crâne végétal Shoe shine boy Oh Marilou petit chou Qui me roulait entre ses doigts comme du caporal Me suçotait comme un cachou Et savait le dialecte chou Poupoupidou Tu sais ma Lou Dans cette blanche clinique Neuropsychiatrique A force de patience et d'inaction J'ai pu dresser un hanneton Sur ma tête héliport L'hélicoléoptère De ses élytres d'or Refermant l'habitacle Incline ses antennes Porteuses d'sos Mais merde les phalènes Frémissantes de stress Interceptent en vol ... Mes signaux de détresse Manque de bol Les parasites de Radio Pou On brouillé mes messages fou Que j'étais de toi Marilou
Colazione Da Tiffany English Title: Moon River Performer(s): Nico Fidenco (Originally performed by: Henry Mancini)
Moon river Quando mi vedrai Tu forse chiederai Di le...i E tu...luna potrai Dirmi che il tempo Trascorre veloce Per noi Moon river Forse piangerai Le notti passerai Con me E tu...luna sai Che per lei Io torno sempre qui' Nel posto dove noi Sco...primmo l'amor. E tu luna potrai Dirmi che il tempo Trascorse Veloce per noi Moon river Forse piangerai Le notti passerai Con me E tu...luna sai Che per lei Io torno sempre qui' Nel posto dove noi Sco...primmo l'amor
Luna Tucumana Composer(s): Atahualpa Yupanqui Performer(s): Mercedes Sosa and multiple other artists
Yo no le canto a la luna porque alumbra y nada más le canto porque ella sabe de mi largo caminar Ay lunita tucumana! tamborcito calchaquí compañera de los gauchos en las sendas de Tafí
Perdido en las cerrazones ¿quién sabe, vidita, por dónde andaré? Mas cuando salga la luna cantaré, cantaré a mi Tucumán querido cantaré, cantaré, cantaré
Con esperanza o con pena en los campos de Acheral yo he visto a la luna buena besando el cañaveral
En algo nos parecemos luna de la soledad yo voy andando y cantando que es mi modo de alumbrar
Moon River Italian Title: Colazione Da Tiffany Composer(s): Johnny Mercer; Henry Mancini Originally performed by: Henry Mancini Covered by various other artists
Moon River, wider than a mile I'm crossin' you in style someday Old dream maker, you heartbreaker Wherever you're goin', I'm goin' your way Two drifters, off to see the world There's such a lot of world to see We're after the same rainbow's end Waitin' round the bend My huckleberry friend Moon River and me
Luna Rossa (Blushing Moon) Composer(s): Kermit Goell Performer(s): Frank Sinatra
Oh luna rossa, you're out tonight A moon of red in a sky of white Because I'm selling a lie tonight And blushing moon, you know of it Oh luna rossa, you're smart at love You know I'm playing the part of love I try my hand in the art of love Just for the thrill and glow of it Luna rossa, forgive me, luna rossa For the vows I made tonight that are untrue What else am I to do? But blushing moon, there's a reason why The love I longed for has passed me by And so I play at the game but I I am lonely, luna rossa Luna rossa, forgive me, luna rossa For the vows I made tonight that are untrue What else am I to do? But blushing moon, there's a reason why The love I longed for has passed me by And so I play at the game but I I am lonely, luna rossa I am lonely, luna rossa
Luna Rossa Composer(s): V. De Crescenzo - Nino Rota - A. Vian Performer(s): Caetano Veloso
Vaco distrattamente abbandunato ... Ll'uocchie sott''o cappiello annascunnute mane 'int''a sacca e bávero aizato ... Vaco siscanno ê stelle ca só' asciute ...
Fischio ...
E 'a luna rossa mme parla 'e te Io lle domando si aspiette a me e mme risponne: "Si 'o vvuó' sapé ccá nun ce sta nisciuna ..." E i' chiammo 'o nomme pe' te vedé ma, tutt''a gente ca parla 'e te risponne: "E' tarde che vuó' sapé?! Ccá nun ce sta nisciuna! ..."
Luna rossa chi mme sarrá sincera? Luna rossa se n'è ghiuta ll'ata sera senza mme vedé ...
E io dico ancora ch'aspetta a me for''o barcone stanott'ê ttre e prega 'e Sante pe' mme vedé ... Ma nun ce sta nisciuna ...
Mille e cchiù appuntamente aggio tenuto ... Tante e cchiù sigarette aggio appicciato ... Tanta tazze 'e café mme só' bevuto ... Mille vucchelle amare aggio vasato ...
Moon Over Bourbon Street Composer(s): Sting Performer(s): Sting and various other artists
There's a moon over Bourbon Street tonight I see faces as they pass beneath the pale lamplight I've no choice but to follow that call The bright lights, the people, and the moon and all I pray everyday to be strong For I know what I do must be wrong Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over Bourbon Street
It was many years ago that I became what I am I was trapped in this life like an innocent lamb Now I can never show my face at noon And you'll only see me walking by the light of the moon The brim of my hat hides the eye of a beast I've the face of a sinner but the hands of a priest Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over Bourbon Street
She walks everyday through the streets of New Orleans She's innocent and young from a family of means I have stood many times outside her window at night To struggle with my instinct in the pale moonlight How could I be this way when I pray to god above I must love what I destroy and destroy the thing I love Oh you'll never see my shade or hear the sound of my feet While there's a moon over Bourbon Street